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Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness:
A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021
Fahad Nawaz1, Wisal Ahmed2, Muhammad Khushnood3
By examining the overall success of managerial training concerning Kirkpatrick’s training
effectiveness paradigm, this work seeks to contribute to the substantial contributions of prior
40-year research in the area. Additionally, this study seeks to assess the overall findings regarding
its renowned levels, reaction, learning, behavior, and results of Kirkpatrick’s training model and
associations among these levels. Through a meta-analytic process, this study statistically extends
and unifies the management training literature. The Kirkpatrick model was the subject of a
meta-analysis that covered 41 papers (n=41) between 1982 and 2021. Although accommodating
literary study regarding Kirkpatrick’s four levels of the training assessing model recommended
positive association among its distinct levels, the results do not indicate a significant devel-
opment in the usefulness of managerial training from 1982 through 2021. The implications
have a direct bearing on the choice of evaluation techniques for upcoming research on the
effectiveness of management training programs. The academic world and practitioners both
value this implication. The potential exclusion of prior research and the variety of assessment
techniques employed in earlier studies—beyond the simple categories of objective and subjective
assessment—are among the study’s limitations. The fact that this study spans a significant
amount of time is its key contribution. The approach thus provides a wider perspective on
managerial training throughout time.
Keywords: Kirkpatrick Model, Meta-Analysis, Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results
1. Introduction
Human resource development efforts concentrate on skill and knowledge enhance-
ment of their workforce. The training and individual capacity building activities im-
prove the workers’ innate abilities, knowledge, and performance outcomes (Dachner,
1 PhD Scholar, Institute of Business Studies, Kohat University of Science & Technology.
2 Professor, Institute of Business Studies, Kohat University of Science & Technology.
3 Associate Professor, Institute of Business Studies, Kohat University of Science & Technology.
Business & Economic Review: Vol. 14, No.2 2022 pp. 35-56
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY)
07 May, 2022 Submission Received 16 Jun, 2022 First Review
02 Aug, 2022 Second Review 05 Oct, 2022 Accepted
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
Ellingson, Noe & Saxton, 2021). Therefore, without having well trained employees
the organization will not be able to accomplish organizational goals (Samwel, 2018).
Consequently, the companies spend thousands of dollars on training activities (Patki,
Sankhe, Jawwad & Mulla, 2021). According to the United States Industrial training
report (2020), global firms invest $696.7 billion on training activities. Similarly, Asian
countries are also spending a significant sum on training and education technical
education. The existing training evaluating models are assessing the training effec-
tiveness without an appropriate mechanism (Hazan-Liran, & Miller, 2020; Velada
& Caetano, 2007). Kirkpatrick introduced a training evaluation model in 1960.
According to Cahapay (2021), the Kirkpatrick’s paradigm was designed through an
effective and productive technique to assess learning outcomes among individuals
and organizational structures concerning training.
There are four levels in the Kirkpatrick Training Evaluation Model (KTEM);
namely, trainee reaction, learning, behavior, and result (Ho, Arendt, Zheng &
Hanisch, 2016). The Kirkpatrick model revealed substantial correlations between the
four stages of training effectiveness. However, only a small number of research studies
have strongly validated these linkages (Alsalamah & Callinan, 2021; Manzoor & Din,
2019). Research scholars reported that the organizations frequently neglect to assess
the behavior and result of the training effectiveness paradigm due to the challenges
involved in its assessment (Alliger & Janak, 1989; Clement, 1982; Homklin, 2014).
Moreover, it was also reported that during assessing the behavior, and result, the
participants’ responses were quite biased (Abdelhakim et al., 2018).
In spite of the fact that Kirkpatrick model has established the significant intercon-
nections among the four levels of training effectiveness, but very limited studies have
substantiated these relationships empirically (Alsalamah & Callinan, 2021; Baluku,
Matagi & Otto, 2020; Costabella, 2017). The Kirkpatrick approach is also mentioned
in numerous literatures, including research articles, novels, conference papers, and
gray literature, as per the literature review conducted for this study. Additionally, it
was shown that there aren’t enough studies worldwide that use the Kirkpatrick model
in this domain of social sciences.
The meta-analysis review has found that there are currently 298 research articles,
20 case studies, 48 conference papers, nine books, 49 reviews, one short survey, and
48 books associated with the Kirkpatrick paradigm in general (all fields). On the other
hand, there is only a single case study, sixteen conference papers, three books, twen-
ty-six reviews, no brief survey, and 123 research articles published up to this point in
the social sciences. The illustration shows how few papers linked to the Kirkpatrick
model were between 2011 and 2021. To sum up the discussion, up till now three gaps
are identified. First, mix findings discovered pertaining to the association between
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 37
four levels of Kirkpatrick model (Alsalamah & Callinan, 2021; Baluku, Matagi &
Otto, 2020; Costabella, 2017). Second, ignorance in measuring the level three, i.e.,
behavior and level four, i.e. result (Alliger & Janak, 1989; Clement, 1982; Homklin,
2014) and lastly, the existence of little studies pertaining to the Kirkpatrick model
particularly, in the social sciences domain.
Therefore, to bridge the current research gap, it is necessary to do a systematic
review (meta-analysis) of the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model. Here the focus
on evaluating the association between reaction towards learning, learning towards
behavior, and behavior towards the result. Therefore, the study objective is to do sys-
tematic review of the relationship among four levels of the Kirkpatrick model. This
study offers the accommodative literary work regarding Kirkpatrick’s four levels of
the training effectiveness. The study is focused to see the causal association between
KTEM; in the prior literature. Particularly, the study enhances the understanding
of causal association among four levels. The study assessments might be fruitful to
enhance the literature of the training modules and will propose the suitable human
resource development (HRD) strategies for companies. Moreover, the study may deliver
valuable knowledge of training effectiveness and the baseline for training evaluation
to academia and industry.
Figure 1: Published Studies (2011-2021)
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
2. Kirkpatrick Model-Meta-Analysis
The author performed a meta-analysis of studies on training effectiveness using
the Kirkpatrick model to examine the paradigm thoroughly. To conduct a systematic
review in the framework of the Kirkpatrick training, assessing model from 1982 to
2021, a total of 41 studies (n=41) was considered through a total sample (n=8825).
Thirty-three studies (n=33) had been associated with the trainee reaction (level-one)
and trainee learning (level-two), twenty-nine studies (n=29) were associated with
trainee learning (level-two) and trainee behavior (level-three), and just three studies
(n=3) were related to trainee behavior (level-three) and trainee result (level-four). The
following table provides a detailed breakdown of the journals, authors, and countries
used as the research and a systematic review foundation.
Figure:2 Kirkpatrick Literature in all Fields
Table 1: Studies Selected for Meta-Analysis
S# Authors Journal N Country
1 Clement (1982) Public Personnel Management 50 USA
2 Wexley & Baldwin (1986) Academy of Management Journal 120 USA
3 Baldwin (1992) Journal of Applied Psychology 72 USA
4 Warr & Bunce (1995) Personnel Psychology 106 USA
5 Cannon-Bowers et al. (1995) Military Psychology 1037 USA
6 McEvoy (1997) Society of Human Resources Mgt 140 USA
7 Fisher & Ford (1998) Personnel Psychology 121 USA
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 39
8 Warr, Allan & Birdi (1999) Journal of Occup’l & Org’l
163 UK
9 Bates et al. (2000) Human Resource Development
150 USA
10 Frayne & Geringer (2000) Journal of Applied Psychology 30 USA
11 Tracey et al. (2001) Human Resource Development
420 USA
12 Richman-Hisrich (2001) Human Resource Development
1335 USA
13 Gully et al. (2002) Journal of Applied Psychology 181 USA
14 Tan, Hall & Boyce (2003) Human Resource Development
283 USA
15 Liao & Tai (2006) Social Behavior Personality 132 USA
16 Savoldelli et al. (2006) Anesthe-
17 Lim, Lee & Nam (2007) Int’l Journal of Information Mgt 170 Japan
18 Sulsky & Kline (2007) Int’l Journal of Training & Devel-
65 Canada
19 Bell & Ford (2007) Human Resource Development
113 USA
20 Liebermann & Hoffman (2008) Int’l Journal of Training & Devel-
213 Germany
21 Sitzmann et al. (2009) Academy of Management Pro-
125 USA
22 Orvis et al. (2009) Journal of Applied Psychology 274 USA
23 Welke et al. (2009) Anesthesia and Analgesia 30 Canada
24 Grant et al. (2010) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 40 USA
25 Fisher et al. (2010) Journal of Applied Psychology 237 USA
26 Van Heukelom et al. (2010) Simulation in Healthcare 161 USA
27 Lin, Chen & Chuang (2011) Int’l Journal of Management 494 Japan
28 Boet et al. (2011) Critical Care Medicine 50 Canada
29 Shinnick et al. (2011) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 168 USA
30 Saks & Burke (2012) Int’l Journal of Training & Devel-
150 Canada
31 Dreifuerst (2012) Journal of Nursing Education 238 USA
32 Chronister & Brown (2012) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 60 USA
33 Reed et al. (2013) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 64 USA
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
34 Mariani et al. (2013) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 86 USA
35 Homklin (2014) Int’l Journal of Training & Devel-
228 Thailand
36 Grant et al. (2014) Nurse Education in Practice 48 USA
37 Reed (2015) Nurse Education in Practice 58 USA
38 Weaver (2015) Clinical Simulation in Nursing 96 USA
39 Liao & Hsu (2019) Int’l Journal of Mgt, Economics
& SS
393 Japan
40 Manzoor & Din (2019) Journal of Managerial Sciences 732 Pakistan
41 Zielińska-Tomczak et al. (2021) Nutrients 150 Switzer-
Note. Meta-Analysis Studies
2.1 PRISMA Model
The PRISMA (preferred reporting item systematic review and meta-analysis)
was used to carry out the systematic review (Moher et al., 2015). Page et al.(2021)
suggested PRISMA model for meta analytical review. The model is used for several
reasons a) PRISMA model aims to help authors improve the reporting of systematic
reviews, b) The PRISMA flow diagram visually summarizes the screening process,
and c) The PRISMA model is relevant for mixed-methods systematic reviews which
include quantitative and qualitative studies (Moher et al., 2015). The PRISMA con-
sisted of four parts, i.e., identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of studies.
The PRISMA is recognized as standard for reporting evidence in systematic reviews
and meta-analyses. The PRISMA a) demonstrate quality of review, b) allows readers
to assess weakness and strengths, c) allow replications of review and d) structure and
format the review (Moher et al., 2015).
2.1.1 Rational of Using PRISMA Model
In this study the researchers have used the PRISMA model for several reasons.
First, PRISMA model describe the contemporary state of knowledge, understand-
ing and relevant uncertainties (Sampson, Tetzlaff & Urquhart, 2011). Second, the
PRISMA model coherence the significance of the review (Deeks, 2002). Third,
PRISMA model assist the scholar to enhance the meta-analytical review (Hoffmann
et al., 2017). Fourth, PRISMA may also be useful for critical appraisal of published
systematic reviews, although it is not a quality assessment instrument to gauge the
quality of a systematic review (Sampson, Tetzlaff & Urquhart, 2011). Lastly, PRISMA
allows and reports the effort of intervention about the variables in prior literature
(Moher et al., 2015).
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 41
3. Selection Criteria (Study)
The studies were selected from the year 1982–2021. In the identification phase
a sum of (n=883) studies were found, i.e., (n=774) studies from database search, and
(n=109) extra records through other means. Out of (n=883) studies, (n=316) studies
were removed due to replica and (n=567) studies were screened out. In screening
phase, out of (n=567) studies about (n=443) articles had been left out due to record
replications and (n=124) studies were screened out and found eligible. During the
eligibility phase, (n=33) studies were eliminated because abstract not matched with
the study variables. In the inclusion phase out of (n=91) studies (n=50) studies were
not included because the studies were based on qualitative viewpoints. Finally, (n=41)
quantitative studies were included to conduct the meta-analysis. The PRISMA model
figurative representation is then described.
Figure 3: PRISMA Flow Diagram for Meta-Analysis
4. Methodology
The research philosophy was positivism and the systematic review was analyzed
via meta-analysis based on the studies related to the quantitative nature. The PRISMA
(preferred reporting item systematic review and meta-analysis) model was used to carry
out the systematic review (Moher et al., 2015). The Web of Science (WoS), Scopus,
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
and Science Direct are the search engines (Balstad & Berg, 2020) which were selected
as sources for searching the papers. The exclusion of Google Scholar was due to sev-
eral factors. First, compared to many other archives like WoS or Scopus, its indexing
practices are less stringent, often resulting in a less effective search results (Shareefa
& Moosa, 2020). Furthermore, the findings cannot be extracted, in contrast to the
majority of other resources like Science Direct and WoS (Moral-Munoz et al., 2020).
So, WoS, Scopus, and Science Direct were the sole three search resources used by
the investigator.
The research adopted three strategies to locate pertinent research
publications. To start, the investigator accessed three internet database systems: WoS,
Scopus, and Science Direct.
There are no date constraints because the date was set
to default. Title, Abstract, and Phrases were prioritized in the search parameters for
many indexing sources.
The investigator looked through the records up until 31st December 2021. Second,
the review searches internet resources for ancestors-related existing publications and
studies to find forebears. Third, the researcher assessed the descendancy of journals
that cited publications using the Kirkpatrick Model. N was the number of the sample
group for this inquiry. The development of this encoded framework is a component
of a more thorough meta-analysis and its relationships. By using Fisher z (hyperbolic
arctangent) transformation (z tanh-1 (r)) to analyze a Pearson correlation, the re-
searcher then used Steiger (1980) methods to compute the variance and covariance of
z-transformed values by using Hedges and Olkin (1985) meta-analysis procedure. The
investigator acquired and transformed the data sequentially into Pearson correlation
(r) (Schulze, 2004).
Researchers used random-effects test to analyze data as either a subset of a het-
erogeneous population from which they meant to draw inferences or even as a whole
group from which they hoped to draw generalizations (Borenstein et al., 2010). The
researcher fitted a random-effects model using the maximum-likelihood method
and the JASP software. The author analyzed the variety of direct population results
and provided reliability and accuracy ranges since they anticipated heterogeneity in
effect magnitude. The accuracy of the parameters calculated is reflected in the field
of possibilities within which researchers can be confident that the underlying mean
of the responses lies. The range in which the majority of path coefficients lie, or the
confidence intervals, show the variety of influence sizes for a population (Whitener,
1990). To achieve the highest level of precision in search queries, the terms used
across the question were selected and determined by several characteristics. This
study focuses on the Kirkpatrick model and how it could be used as an evaluation
system. These terms were part of the investigation since the Kirkpatrick model is “a
paradigm, structure, framework, typology, approach, and typographic (Holton, 1996,
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 43
p. 50). The investigator used a database, keyword search, tools, coding, or analysis
procedures to do a meta-analysis, as stated in Table 2.
Table 2: Method (Meta-Analysis)
S# Description Instrument Used
1 Analysis Correlation Pearson
Random Effects Method
Reaction (A)
Learning (B)
2 Coding Behavior (C)
3 Software Result (D)
4 Databases Used Scopus
Science Direct
Web of Knowledge
Note. Meta-Analysis Methods
4.1 Reaction to Learning
Thirty-three investigations (n=33) in total were calculated using a forest plot to
determine the association between trainee reaction (level-1) and learning (level-2).
The forest plot is a visual depiction of results from various research investigations
focusing on the same topic and their combined estimate (Lalkhen & McCluskey,
2008). Two columns display the forest plot. The studies’ names are listed in the left
column, usually in chronological sequence from top to bottom. Confidence intervals
are shown as horizontal lines in the figure in the right column that displays the odds
ratio measurement for each of these investigations. A vertical line that denotes no
effects also was evident. This line will be parallel to a range for independent research
if there is no influence at the point estimate. The same would be true for such an
influence gauge that was the subject of the meta-analysis. If the diamond’s vertices
cross the lines of no effects, the conclusion of the meta-analysis cannot be deemed
to differ from no product at the specified confidence level. Out of 33 investigations
(n=33), 30 (n=30) studies confirmed an excellent relationship between trainee reaction
(level-1) and learning (level-2), according to the forest plot data. However, only three
(n=3) investigations found a negative correlation between level-one trainee reaction
and learning (level-2). Due to the random effect estimation, the total value represents
the actual observed outcome of all studies, which is on the right and somewhat more
than zero (r=.23, CI [.07,.39]). The diamond at the bottom shows this. This suggests
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
that trainee reaction (level one) and learning have a good relationship (level two).
Additionally, the overall observed result across all investigations is on the right-hand
side and slightly above zero, indicating a positive correlation between trainee reaction
and learning (level-1) (level-2).
4.2 Learning to Behavior
The link between trainee learning (level 2) and behavior (level 3) was assessed
using a forest plot over a total of 29 experiments (n=29). Out of twenty-nine research
(n=29), according to forest plot data, it is discovered that twenty-six (n=26) studies
verified a good correlation between trainee learning (level-2) and behavior (level-3).
Only three researches (n=3) revealed a negative correlation between trainee learning
(level 2) and behavior (level 3). Based on the random effect estimation, the total value
shows the actual observed outcome of all studies, which is on the right and somewhat
more than zero (r=.28, CI [.17,.38]). The diamond at the bottom shows this. This
suggests that trainee learning (level-2) and behavior (level-3) positively correlated.
Additionally, the overall observed result across all studies is on the right-hand side
and slightly above zero, indicating a positive correlation between trainee learning
and behavior (level-2) (level-3).
4.3 Behavior to Result
In three studies, a total of n = 3 was calculated using a forest plot to determine
the association between trainee behavior (level-3) and result (level-4). According to
forest plot results, all three (n=3) investigations indicated a strong correlation between
trainee behavior (level-3) and result (level-4). Based on the random effect estimation,
the total value shows the actual observed outcome of all studies, which is on the right
and somewhat more than zero (r=.44, CI [.27,.1.15]). The diamond at the bottom
shows this. This indicates that there is generally a good correlation between trainee
behavior (level 3) and result (level 4). Additionally, the overall observed outcome of
the result is slightly above zero on the right-hand side, indicating a positive connection
between trainee behavior (level-3) and result (level-4).
4.4 Summary of Meta-Analysis
A comprehensive sample (n=8825) of papers (n=41) about the Kirkpatrick model
from 1982 to 2021 was considered in the meta-analytical review. Thirty-three (n=33) of
the forty-one studies had been concerned with trainee reaction (level-1) and learning
(level-2), whereas twenty-nine (n=29) were concerned with trainee learning (level-2)
and behavior (level-3), and just three had been involved with trainee behavior (level-3)
and result (level-4). The standard procedure, known as PRISMA, was used to conduct
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 45
the systematic review. The identification, selection, eligibility, and inclusion of stud-
ies were all parts of this procedure. As of 1982–2021, approximately n=774 studies
were found overall through evaluation and database searches, and an extra (n=109)
record were found from other sources (the Kirkpatrick model). The Web of Science,
Scopus, and Science Direct were selected as repositories for articles pertinent to the
study’s topic. The researcher fitted the random-effects model using the maximum
likelihood estimation and the JASP software. According to forest plot data, thirty
(n=30) research out of thirty-three papers (n=33) confirmed a connection between
trainee reaction (level-1) and learning (level-2). Comparatively, only three research
(n=3) found a negative correlation between trainee reaction (level-1) and learning
(level-2). Second, 26 studies out of the twenty-nine papers (n=29) indicated that there
is a positive correlation between trainee learning (level-2) and behavior (level-3). Com-
paratively, only three research (n=3) revealed a negative correlation between trainee
learning (level-2) and behavior (level-3). Third, it is discovered that all three (n=3)
investigations from the three papers (n=3) confirmed a positive correlation between
trainee behavior (level-3) and trainee result (level-4). The Figure (4, 5 and 6) shows
the association between level-1, i.e., a) reaction to learning, level-2, i.e., b) learning to
behavior and level-3, i.e., c) behavior to result. The meta-analysis review’s summary
is shown in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4: Summary (Meta-Analytic Review)
S# Variables Relationship Positive Relationship Negative Relationship
1 Reaction (Level-1) and Learning
30 3
2 Learning (Level-2) and Behavior
26 3
3 Behavior (Level-3) and Result
3 0
4 Total Relationships Identified 56 6
5. Discussion
Numerous training, assessment studies have failed to identify obvious causal cor-
relations among four levels of training evaluating model (Alliger et al., 1997; Alliger
& Janak, 1989). The sequential ordering of training effectiveness has, though, rarely
been studied in training and assessment (Alliger et al., 1997). On the other hand,
only a small number of training investigations have shown some evidence in favor of
the hierarchical order correlation of all four stages (Liao & Hsu, 2019; Manzoor &
Din, 2019; Homklin, 2014; Saks & Burke, 2012; Alliger & Janak, 1989). According
to literature, there exist a mixed-findings pertaining to the Kirkpatrick four level re-
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
Figure 4: Forest Plot Outcome (Reaction to Learning)
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 47
Figure 5: Forest Plot Outcome (Learning to Behavior)
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
lationships (Alsalamah & Callinan, 2021; Baluku, Matagi & Otto, 2020; Costabella,
2017; Manzoor & Din, 2019). Therefore, the study meta-analytically analyzed the
relationships among Kirkpatrick’s four levels.
The PRISMA model was used to conduct the systematic review. The researcher
fitted the random-effects model using the maximum likelihood estimation. Initially,
the relationship between reaction and learning was identified via prior literature.
Based on the estimation, about thirty studies confirmed that there exist a positive
association exist between two initial levels, i.e., trainee reaction and learning. Second-
ly, the association between learning and behavior was identified via prior literature.
Based on the forest plot estimation, almost twenty six studies confirmed the positive
association between trainee learning and behavior. Lastly, association between behavior
and result was estimated based on the correlation values of the prior studies. It was
discovered that about three studies confirmed a positive correlation between trainee
behavior and trainee result. The study revealed majority of studies revealed that a
positive association exists between Kirkpatrick four levels of training evaluating model.
Figure 6: Forest Plot Outcome Behavior to Result
Kirkpatrick Model and Training Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis 1982 To 2021 49
5.1 Theoretical Contribution
The authors have reported the several gaps in the current study. These gaps are
comprised of, first, mix findings revealed in the literary work pertaining to the link-
ages among four levels of Kirkpatrick model (Alsalamah & Callinan, 2021; Baluku,
Matagi & Otto, 2020; Costabella, 2017; Manzoor & Din, 2019). Second, neglecting
to efficacy of measuring the level three, i.e., behavior and level four, i.e. result (Alliger
& Janak, 1989; Clement, 1982; Homklin, 2014). Lastly, the existence of little studies
pertaining to the Kirkpatrick training evaluating model in the social sciences domain.
This research aimed to bridge gaps in the literature by first, taking the last thirty years
literary data pertaining to the Kirkpatrick model, i.e. year (1981-2021). Secondly,
by representing, incorporating and reporting the literary data via PRISMA model.
Thirdly, by evaluating the collected data via forest plot and estimating the correlation
values of the factors by random-fixed effect. Additionally, the investigator tried to
fill the empirical gaps by connecting Kirkpatrick four levels of training effectiveness.
The study mitigates the gaps of the mixed findings pertaining to the linkages among
four levels of Kirkpatrick model. This study offers the accommodative literary work
regarding Kirkpatrick’s four levels of the training effectiveness. Moreover, the study
may deliver valuable knowledge of training effectiveness and the baseline for training
evaluation to academia and industry.
6. Conclusion
The study’s goal was to undertake a systematic review (meta-analysis) of the
KTEM. The PRISMA model was used to carry out a systematic review to meet the
research goal. A complete sample (n=8825) considered 41 studies (n=41) about the
Kirkpatrick model from 1982 to 2021. The Web of Science, Scopus, and Science
Direct were selected as repositories for articles pertinent to the study’s variables. The
researcher fitted the random-effects framework using the maximum likelihood esti-
mation. According to the forest plot findings, most studies have established a positive
relationship between trainee reaction and learning. Secondly, many research studies
revealed that there is a strong relationship between trainee learning and behavior.
Third, a clear correlation between trainee behavior and trainee result was seen in
all three studies. The study results significantly impact practical investigations and
the HRD practitioners. The study evaluations can help the training programs and
suggest the best HRD tactics for advancing and strengthening its trainees. The study
findings have provided important data on training efficacy and essential standards for
assessing upcoming capacity-building strategies for training. The KTEM model may
provide substantial evidence that increases the transparency about training benchmark
selection and assessments. The four-level framework of evaluating training may be
Fahad Nawaz, Wisal Ahmed, Muhammad Khushnood
used by experienced trainers, decision-makers, and relevant training administrators.
To ensure acceptance and successful training transfer, there must be a sufficient level
of perceived practical relevance. It is suggested that when undertaking or delivering
training courses, the training administrators should take into account and gauge the
training effectiveness using the Kirkpatrick framework, which measures trainees’ re-
action, learning, behavior, and result. To increase the efficiency of training, it is also
necessary to carefully assess the standards of social and professional assistance. The
research offers the accommodative literary work regarding Kirkpatrick’s four levels
of the training, evaluating model, including trainees’ reaction, trainees’ learning,
trainees’ behavior, and trainees’ result.
6.1 Limitations and Future Area
This study has few shortcomings that urge to be highlighted for studies in this
area. The meta-analysis was only conducted for the period of (1982-2021) by taking
only 41 quantitative based studies. This figure would slightly generalize the research
findings because the qualitative based studies are ignored due to the statistical na-
ture of systematic review. In future, the qualitative based study findings may also be
incorporated for investigation. Furthermore, researchers must consider employing a
mixed-method in the future to gain a thorough grasp of the Kirkpatrick model simul-
taneously. Additionally, a vast and varied sample in conjunction with sophisticated
data processing techniques might increase the possibility that the study’s findings
will be more generalizable.
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