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Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome: An Update on Current Knowledge



Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is a term that has been used since 1999, initially being used to describe all gastric mucosal disease in horses. Since this time, the identification of two distinct main disease entities of the equine gastric mucosa have been described under the umbrella of EGUS; these are Equine Squamous Gastric Disease (ESGD) and Equine Glandular Gastric Disease (EGGD). In 2015 the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM) released a consensus statement defining these disease entities. This document highlighted the lack of evidence surrounding EGGD compared to ESGD, and identified knowledge gaps for further research to be directed. Subsequently, many studies on EGGD have been published, especially on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. This article updates current knowledge on both ESGD and EGGD as understanding has evolved since the last large-scale review.
Citation: Vokes, J.; Lovett, A.; Sykes,
B. Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome:
An Update on Current Knowledge.
Animals 2023,13, 1261. https://
Academic Editors: Carlos Eduardo
Medina-Torres and Francisco Javier
Received: 16 February 2023
Revised: 14 March 2023
Accepted: 29 March 2023
Published: 5 April 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome: An Update on Current Knowledge
Jessica Vokes * , Amy Lovett and Benjamin Sykes
Equine Veterinary Clinic, School of Veterinary Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North 4474, New Zealand
Simple Summary:
The term Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome has been used to describe mucosal
diseases of the equine stomach since the 1990s. More recently, specific nomenclature has been
used to differentiate diseases affecting the squamous and glandular mucosa, as the diseases of
these anatomic regions vary widely. Over the past 20 years, a large amount of research has been
performed to understand both diseases and their management. Significant progress has been made
in their pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention. This review aims to look at previously and
recently published literature to define these diseases, as well as their prevalence, diagnosis, and
long-term management.
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is a term that has been used since 1999, initially
being used to describe all gastric mucosal disease in horses. Since this time, the identification of
two distinct main disease entities of the equine gastric mucosa have been described under the
umbrella of EGUS; these are Equine Squamous Gastric Disease (ESGD) and Equine Glandular Gastric
Disease (EGGD). In 2015 the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM) released a
consensus statement defining these disease entities. This document highlighted the lack of evidence
surrounding EGGD compared to ESGD, and identified knowledge gaps for further research to be
directed. Subsequently, many studies on EGGD have been published, especially on pathophysiology,
diagnosis, and treatment. This article updates current knowledge on both ESGD and EGGD as
understanding has evolved since the last large-scale review.
Equine Squamous Gastric Disease; Equine Glandular Gastric Disease; horse; stomach;
omeprazole; misoprostol; sucralfate
1. Terminology
Equine Squamous Gastric Disease (ESGD) describes lesions involving the squamous
mucosa encompassing the margo plicatus, greater and lesser curvatures and the dorsal
squamous fundus [
]. This can then be further classified into primary or secondary based
on the known pathophysiology of disease. Primary ESGD occurs in an otherwise healthy
gastrointestinal tract and is the most common form of this disease. Secondary ESGD is
due to delayed gastric outflow as sequela to other diseases, such as pyloric stenosis, severe
EGGD or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [14].
Equine Glandular Gastric Disease (EGGD) describes lesions of the glandular mucosa
involving the cardia, ventral glandular fundus, antrum, pylorus and proximal duode-
num [
]. The pylorus or antrum, often referred to as the ‘pyloric antrum’ appears to
be the most frequently affected region of the glandular mucosa, as described by several
gastroscopic studies [58].
2. Prevalence
The prevalence of ESGD and EGGD has been reported extensively elsewhere [
Prevalences for ESGD vary by group sampled and exercise program. Prevalences of 37–52%,
38–56% and 48% in Thoroughbred, Standardbred and endurance racehorses, respectively,
Animals 2023,13, 1261.
Animals 2023,13, 1261 2 of 25
while out of training have been reported. These increase up to 100%, 72–88% and 57–93%
respectively when these same populations are in training [
]. The prevalence ranges
greatly in other populations of horses, including 11% in university teaching horses [
of adult horses at Thoroughbred stud-farms [
], 79% in Western pleasure
horses [
] and 51% in Italian donkeys [
]. More recently, the prevalence of ESGD at
post-mortem has been described as 61% in feral horses in the UK [
] and 64% of equids in
a safari park [
]. It is worth noting that many of the prevalence studies were performed
some time ago, and therefore may not be entirely relevant to current management practices.
The prevalence of EGGD is less well documented and more variable between pop-
ulations. Reports include 25–65% in Thoroughbred racehorses [
], 47% in a mixed
population of Standardbred and Thoroughbred racehorses [
], 16–33% in endurance
horses [
], 72% in Canadian showjumpers [
], 69% in Canadian polo ponies [
], 59%
in American Quarter Horses [
], 6% in Brasileiro de Hipismo military horses [
], 15% in
Italian horses [
] and 3% in Italian donkeys [
]. An abattoir survey in the UK found a
prevalence of 71% in domesticated horses compared to 30% in feral horses [26].
3. Risk Factors
Since the 2015 ECEIM consensus statement, few large-scale epidemiological studies
have been performed to investigate populations at risk of EGUS. Of the studies that
have been performed, many have been of limited sample size, leading to an increased
risk of both type one and type two errors [
]. Therefore, results from single studies
should be considered with caution and the literature looked at collectively. On this basis,
several conclusions have been drawn about the risks of ESGD and EGGD for certain
signalments such as breed and sex, but less so for others, such as age. The Thoroughbred
and Standardbred breeds are associated with an increased risk of ESGD [
] although
whether these are true breed predilections or simply reflective of exposure to management
risk factors is unclear. Similarly, limited evidence suggests that the Warmblood breed is
associated with an increased risk of EGGD; however, this is described in countries with
limited breed variety [
] and is likely multifactorial. A small amount of evidence
finds ponies at a reduced risk of EGUS when ESGD and EGGD are not differentiated [
There is conflicting evidence of the effect of sex on EGUS, with many studies finding
geldings to be at higher risk than mares [
] meanwhile others finding no
. Within the adult population, age does not appear to be a significant
risk factor for either ESGD or EGGD when other factors, such as exercise, are accounted
for [8,18,28,30].
Investigation of ESGD and EGGD risk by management factors has been described
in several publications. One recent study found a number of factors protective against
undifferentiated gastric disease, including open front stabling year-round, feeding hay from
a hay net (vs. unspecified), keeping retired horses as companions, and using omeprazole
therapy during periods of stress [
]. A small sample of American Quarter Horses found
city dwelling and use in performance disciplines to increase the risk of undifferentiated
gastric disease [
]. Interestingly, this study also found the classification of horses as ‘friend’,
referring to the use solely as a pet, as a risk for disease and found increasing time spent in
contact with humans to be associated with higher ulcer grade [9].
A large-scale investigation of Thoroughbred racehorses in Australia found individual
trainer, metropolitan yard location, lack of contact with other horses, solid partitions and
playing talk radio to all increase the risk of ESGD [
]. Other risk factors specific for
ESGD include being owned for a shorter period [
], an increased time in work, travel-
, current training [
] or recent racing [
]. Interestingly, Standardbred
trotters are at a higher risk of ESGD when directly compared to Standardbred pacers [
although it is unknown if the difference in gaits, or other management factors contribute to
this finding.
Crib biting is associated with an increased risk of ESGD, as are other stereotyp-
ies [
]. The relationship between these factors is not well studied; however, it is
Animals 2023,13, 1261 3 of 25
proposed that horses with ESGD display stereotypies subsequently to their disease [
Alternatively, it has been proposed that crib biting mimics the effects of exercise increasing
the duration of acid exposure to the squamous mucosa. Thoroughbred racehorses that
display aggression towards humans have been demonstrated to have a reduced risk of
]. Factors found to be protective against ESGD in polo ponies include housing in
a paddock and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use [30].
Risk factors specifically for EGGD are less well documented. Exercising
5 days
per week, racing below expectation, and trainer are risk factors for EGGD in Thorough-
bred racehorses [
]. Increased days in work and actively competing are risk factors in
Warmblood showjumpers [
]. Housing in single pens has also been associated with an
increased risk of EGGD [
]. Although not statistically significant, an increased number of
caretakers and riders showed a tendency towards an increased risk of EGGD in a mixed
Finnish population [
]. The prevalence of EGGD doubles in endurance horses during
the competition season, when compared to the inter-season period [
]. Collectively with
the increased prevalence observed in domesticated horses, when compared with feral
horses [
], this suggests that intensive management plays a role in increased EGGD risk,
although via different mechanisms than for ESGD. Time in work did not affect EGGD risk in
Thoroughbred racehorses [
] but increased years of experience reduces the risk of EGGD
in Canadian polo ponies [
] and show jumpers [
]. This suggests an element of adaptation,
management changes over time, or that the selection of healthy horses might occur.
The nutritional risk factors associated with ESGD have remained consistent since
2015. Specific risk factors include lower hay provision and consumption, lower meal
number per day and higher grain and starch feeding [
]. Horses that had
access to some pasture turnout were less likely to have ESGD, with horses turned out
with other horses having a further decreased risk, in one study [
]. Conversely, pasture
turnout was not found to be protective against ESGD in other populations [
]. Pasture
provision likely plays a multifactorial role in disease pathophysiology that will be discussed
later. Oral hypertonic electrolyte administration increases lesion number and severity of
ESGD [48].
Most studies have failed to find a relationship between nutritional risk factors and
]. A study following foals through weaning found the feeding of molasses-
coated alfalfa chaff to increase the incidence of pyloric lesions when compared with hay [
Similarly, a recent study found alfalfa feeding to be a risk factor for EGGD [
]. The
significance of these findings is unclear at this point in time and the authors caution against
overinterpreting the findings pending further studies.
4. Clinical Signs
Many clinical signs have been ascribed to gastric mucosal disease over the years,
but surprisingly few studies have investigated these on a large scale. Proposed clini-
cal signs, discussed below, include colic [
], weight loss or poor body condi-
tion [
], poor coat condition [
], reduced appetite [
], diar-
rhea [
], bruxism [
], flehmen response [
], behavioral changes [
] and
poor performance [
]. In interpreting the above, it is important to
distinguish between ESGD and EGGD as the majority of literature is weighted towards
ESGD, and a recent study found no associations between owner-reported clinical signs
and EGGD [
]. Similarly, there is other evidence to show that horses with gastric disease
can show no signs at all [
] and some horses with signs do not display
improvement of these signs with the resolution of gastric disease [56].
4.1. Colic
There is evidence to suggest an increased incidence of colic and post-prandial dis-
comfort exists in horses with both ESGD [
] and EGGD [
Supporting this, many cases show a positive response to acid suppressive therapy on
follow-up, both in the literature [53,62], and anecdotally.
Animals 2023,13, 1261 4 of 25
4.2. Inappetence and Weight Loss
Reports linking ‘picky’ eating, change in appetite or inappetence and EGUS exist
in the literature [
]. Supporting this, a relationship between gastric disease
and low body condition was found in Standardbred racehorses mostly diagnosed with
] and horses with severe EGGD [
]. However, other studies failed to demonstrate
a relationship between either ESGD or EGGD and poor body condition [
]. Interestingly,
a small study in Thoroughbreds found horses with EGGD ate faster than controls [23].
It warrants note that not all cases of ESGD are primary. In cases of ESGD occurring
secondary to diseases of delayed gastric emptying, such as pyloric stenosis, severe EGGD
or IBD [
], it might be the primary disease process, not ESGD, that has greater
influence on body condition. Association between gastritis and more distal small intestinal
inflammation, suggestive of IBD [
], might explain a relationship between EGGD and
weight loss.
4.3. Poor Coat Quality
An early cross-sectional study identified an association between a rough hair coat
and gastric disease [
] but several studies have failed to demonstrate this relationship
since [
]. The significance of poor coat quality or rough hair coat is questionable in
its relationship with EGUS.
4.4. Diarrhea
In early gastric disease research, diarrhea was reported as a clinical sign in adults [
and a more recent study found a reported increase in free fecal water to be associated with
] supporting this finding. Other than these examples, diarrhea has not been
reported as a clinical sign of gastric disease.
4.5. Behavior
Changes in behavior are often attributed to gastric disease in practice, although reports
in the literature supporting this are variable [
]. A cross-sectional study of
50 show horses identified that horses with nervous behavior more likely to have ESGD [
Multiple studies have shown a relationship between ESGD and crib biting [
] or
other stereotypies [28,40].
One of the common behaviors attributed to gastric disease by owners is ‘girthiness’,
i.e., signs of pain and negative behavior during girthing [
]; however, studies have
failed to show a relationship between girthing behavior and ESGD or EGGD [35,63,70].
It is hypothesized that stress plays a role in the pathophysiology of EGGD [
], and
if so, this might have an association with behavior. Supporting this, horses with EGGD
have increased cortisol responses to novel stimuli [
] and exogenous adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) stimulation [
], as well as higher fecal cortisol metabolites after
exposure to novel stimuli [
]. The relationship between stress and ESGD is less well-
defined; one study showed an inverse correlation between hair cortisol and ESGD grade,
suggesting that long-term stress is associated with ESGD [73].
These non-specific behavioral complaints are likely to have a complex, multifactorial
relationship with ESGD and EGGD, where these downstream effects of pain and stress
response are closely intertwined. The authors propose that gastric pain in horses could play
a role in the development of stereotypical, undesired or anticipatory behaviors, and that
these behaviors might continue beyond the course of disease. It is also possible that some
horses are ‘predisposed’ to both gastric disease and behavioral anomalies concurrently.
As there is little evidence proving causation in this area, certain conclusions cannot be
made at this stage. Moreover, the behaviors attributed to ESGD and EGGD are not specific
for gastric disease, thus, other gastrointestinal diseases, such as sand enteropathy [
or IBD [
], and non-gastrointestinal (e.g., musculoskeletal) diseases should remain as
differentials [36,68,69].
Animals 2023,13, 1261 5 of 25
4.6. Poor Performance
Owner-reported poor performance is often reported as a clinical sign of ESGD [
] or both [
]. Poor performance is one of the most common reported
, despite its lack of specificity for gastric disease. Racing below expectation
was a risk factor for EGGD in another study [
]. The mechanism of this effect is cur-
rently unknown, although might be due to gastric pain limiting stride-length and oxygen
consumption in racehorses [
] or reducing behavioral compliance in other disciplines.
Conversely, other studies failed to demonstrate this effect [
], possibly due to the wide
scope of interpretation of performance level.
5. Pathophysiology
5.1. Equine Squamous Gastric Disease
The understanding of primary ESGD pathophysiology has not changed significantly
in the years since the ECEIM consensus [
]. Management factors that increase the acid
exposure of the squamous mucosa predispose to the development of ESGD [
]. The suscep-
tibility of the squamous mucosa to hydrochloric acid and volatile fatty acids is pH, time and
dose dependent [
]. Following initial damage by the acid, diffusion into the stratum
spinosum causes ulceration [
]. By-products of bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates,
such as lactic acid and volatile fatty acids, perpetuate the damage caused by hydrochloric
acid, when fed in large volumes that are unlikely to be seen clinically
. It should
be remembered that pasture can be a significant source of Non-Structural Carbohydrates
(NSCs) [78].
The effect of pasture in the pathophysiology of ESGD is likely multifactorial, which
might explain the variability of study results with some showing pasture turnout as
protective [
] and others finding no effect [
]. Measurement of intragastric pH in
horses fed hay and grain found no effect of pasture turnout in one study [
]. Specific
factors in the relationship between ESGD and pasture are not defined in equids at this
time. Likely factors include the NSC content, fiber quantity and fiber composition of the
pasture provided. The importance of fiber in the pathogenesis of ESGD is likely two-fold;
by increasing the saliva produced by chewing, which has a buffering effect on stomach acid,
and its ability to create a ‘roughage ball’ in the stomach to limit acid splashing. Therefore, it
follows that not all fiber will have the same effect, with fiber size likely being an important
factor, as it is in creating a ruminal mat and increasing time masticating in cattle [
]. Other
effects of diet on the microbiota of the stomach, and its relationship to disease are not
yet fully understood. It is also possible that other factors associated with pasture turnout
are associated with risk reduction, such as increased socialization [
], display of natural
behaviors and stress reduction.
Exercise increases the exposure of the squamous mucosa to acid due to increased
abdominal pressure and stomach contraction [
]. In fitting with this, prevalence and ESGD
score is associated with the intensity of long-duration exercise in Thoroughbreds [
and distance of ride in endurance horses [13].
Secondary ESGD can occur due to delayed gastric outflow from other diseases, includ-
ing pyloric stenosis and severe EGGD [
]. The possibility of severe EGGD causing delay
in gastric emptying, and subsequently ESGD, has been proposed by several authors in
recent years [
]. Diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying is difficult in horses [
], which
makes confirmation of this hypothesis scant despite its theoretical validity [84].
5.2. Equine Glandular Gastric Disease
Conversely, the pathophysiology of EGGD remains poorly understood. It has been
hypothesized that the damage to the glandular mucosa in cases of EGGD is due to a loss of
normal defense mechanisms to physiologic acid [
]. In humans, this is most often caused
by infection with Helicobacter pylori and NSAID use [
]. In horses, there is evidence to
suggest that EGGD is a form of gastritis, identified by histopathology [
]. One
study even showed a correlation between histopathological gastric glandular inflammation
Animals 2023,13, 1261 6 of 25
to duodenal inflammation, including lymphoplasmacytic inflammation and eosinophilic
infiltrate, but not to more distal segments of the GI tract [
]. This evidence of EGGD as a
form of gastritis is supported by evidence of immune upregulation in EGGD, demonstrated
by altered protein composition of serum and saliva of horses with EGGD compared to
controls [
]. Further work is needed to deepen the understanding of inflammation in
EGGD pathophysiology.
5.3. Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Research into NSAIDs as a common cause of ESGD or EGGD at the population level is
lacking. Furthermore, several population-based studies have failed to find NSAID use as-
sociated with increased risk of EGGD [
]. At an experimental level, multiple studies
have shown the ulcerogenic capacity of NSAIDs at high doses in horses [
]. Most
of these studies, however, use NSAID doses in excess of what is typically recommended
for clinical use [
]. The ability for fed-fasted NSAID models to cause both ESGD and
EGGD at normal therapeutic doses has also been demonstrated [
]. These models
are worth considering when assessing the risk of EGUS in hospitalized horses that often
undergo periods of fasting with concurrent NSAID administration. A study investigating
phenylbutazone given at 4.4 mg/kg daily for 10 days showed an increased risk of EGGD
compared to firocoxib at 0.1 mg/kg daily, which was itself increased compared to the
control [
]. Conversely, another study looking at label dosing of phenylbutazone and
suxibuzone for up to 15 days failed to cause increased risk of EGGD [
]. The mechanism
of NSAID-associated EGGD is not fully understood at this time, with prostaglandin con-
centrations in the stomach and glandular mucosa not changing when NSAID-associated
disease was induced in a single study [
]. The authors believe that the ability for NSAIDs
to cause EGGD is over-estimated in the clinical setting and that the use of high-dose NSAID
models for induction of EGGD for treatment trials is not justified; instead, these trials
should focus on naturally occurring disease.
5.4. Helicobacter spp.
Helicobacter species have been implicated in gastric and duodenal ulceration in humans
since the 1980s [
]. Helicobacter-like species have been identified in the stomachs of horses
with EGUS; however, studies fail to associate these bacteria with gastric disease
Other studies have failed to detect Helicobacter-like species from horses with gastric dis-
ease [
]. As such, the authors believe that at present there is no evidence to support
that Helicobacter species play a role in EGGD pathogenesis.
5.5. Microbiota
Recent research has shown that horses with unclassified gastric disease have lower
gastric and fecal microbial diversity compared to healthy controls [
]. One study looking
at microbial communities from gastric fluid and mucosal biopsies found differences in the
microbiome between horses with gross EGGD and controls [
]. Another study comparing
diseased and non-diseased areas of glandular mucosa within horses showed significant
differences in Firmicutes and Proteobacteria [
]. Stomach bacterial diversity was shown
to cluster by bedding type, water access and feeding frequency in one study [
], and by
management involving stabling compared to pasture turnout in another [
]. A recent
study showed glandular mucosal microbiota to differ with multiple management factors
including offering hay, type of hay, provisions of ‘sweet feed’, turnout and stalling [
]. In
humans, an increase in the Firmicutes phylum, specifically the Streptococcus genus, is associ-
ated with non-H. pylori, non-NSAID associated gastritis [
]. Increasingly, the relationship
between microbiota and EGGD pathophysiology appears to be relevant, although unclear,
and the definition of a ‘healthy’ microbiota is not established at this time. Importantly, al-
though microbial differences exist between diseased and non-diseased animals, the authors
do not believe that this supports the use of antimicrobials for the treatment of EGGD at this
Animals 2023,13, 1261 7 of 25
point in time. Consistent with this, one study showed no improvement in gastric disease
with an oral antimicrobial in combination with omeprazole [114].
5.6. Management
Increased days of work per week is a risk factor for EGGD in both Thoroughbred
racehorse and Warmblood showjumper populations [
]. The prevalence of EGGD
doubles in endurance horses during the competition season [
]. These findings suggest
that exercise plays a role in the pathophysiology of disease. A proposed hypothesis for this
is the disruption of normal blood flow to the stomach during exercise, with exercise acting
as a physiological stressor for the glandular mucosa [115].
Several studies have found an association between trainers and EGGD risk [
The reason for this is unclear.
One proposed mechanism is through environmental stressors with the domestication
and management of horses potentially playing a role in the pathophysiology of disease [
The findings of pet horses being at increased risk of disease, as well as increased time
spent with humans associated with increased ulcer grade in one study [
] support this
theory and fit with the higher prevalence of EGGD in domesticated horses compared to a
feral population seen in another [
]. Horses diagnosed with EGGD have higher cortisol
responses to novel stimuli [
] and exogenous ACTH [
], as well as higher fecal cortisol
metabolites after exposure to novel stimuli [
], further supporting a role for behavioral
stress in the pathogenesis of disease.
6. Diagnosis
Gastroscopy is consistent and reliable in the diagnosis of squamous disease [
However, there are growing concerns regarding the significance of gross glandular lesions
to their presenting complaints [
] and histological findings [
]. Gastroscopy has been
shown to have moderate inter- and intra-individual agreement for ESGD [
], but con-
siderable variability for descriptors of EGGD [
]. Further, there is also increasing
evidence of the lack of association between gross glandular lesions and histological evi-
dence of inflammation [
]. Therefore, the use of gastroscopy alone to determine clinical
significance of lesions should be avoided, especially with regards to EGGD. Instead, other
factors, such as owner or trainer reported complaints and clinical signs and response to
therapy, should be considered alongside gastroscopy to assess the potential relevance of
gross mucosal changes.
The use of histopathology to assess disease, especially of the glandular mucosa, is
becoming increasingly described [
]. One study directly comparing gross
EGGD to histopathological disease showed poor correlation, with 71% of grossly normal
stomachs having mild gastritis, and all EGGD lesions demonstrating various degrees of
gastritis histologically, regardless of gross severity [
]. Another study demonstrated both
glandular gastric lymphoplasmacytic inflammation and eosinophilic infiltrate in a relatively
small sample population [
]. The comparison of biopsy techniques feasible via endoscopy
to full thickness samples post-mortem found the ‘double bite’ technique to yield the best
samples for assessment [
]. Larger samples for histopathology are described using a snare
when lesions are sufficiently raised, such as glandular polyps (Figure 1) [121].
Alternative means of diagnosis aside from gastroscopy are appealing. The use of
fecal occult blood testing for ESGD and EGGD was first described over a decade and
a half ago, initially showing average performance in diagnostic ability [
]. Further
independent studies have been performed, indicating that fecal occult blood testing is
unreliable for the diagnosis of EGUS [
]. Similarly, studies show that hematology
and biochemistry or inflammatory markers, such as serum amyloid A (SAA), have little
clinical use in the diagnosis of, or screening for either ESGD or EGGD [126,127]. Research
into novel serum and salivary testing for detecting ESGD and EGGD has been undertaken
with some differences demonstrated between diseased and control populations, although a
Animals 2023,13, 1261 8 of 25
large degree of overlap exists between populations [
]. The clinical utility
of these tests is very limited at this point in time.
Animals 2023, 13, x 8 of 27
the best samples for assessment [88]. Larger samples for histopathology are described us-
ing a snare when lesions are sufficiently raised, such as glandular polyps (Figure 1) [121].
Figure 1. An adenomatous polyp in the pyloric region.
Alternative means of diagnosis aside from gastroscopy are appealing. The use of fecal
occult blood testing for ESGD and EGGD was first described over a decade and a half ago,
initially showing average performance in diagnostic ability [122]. Further independent
studies have been performed, indicating that fecal occult blood testing is unreliable for
the diagnosis of EGUS [123125]. Similarly, studies show that hematology and biochem-
istry or inflammatory markers, such as serum amyloid A (SAA), have little clinical use in
the diagnosis of, or screening for either ESGD or EGGD [126,127]. Research into novel
serum and salivary testing for detecting ESGD and EGGD has been undertaken with some
differences demonstrated between diseased and control populations, although a large de-
gree of overlap exists between populations [50,89,126,128,129]. The clinical utility of these
tests is very limited at this point in time.
Initial investigation into sucrose permeability testing in a feed deprivation model of
disease found a correlation of urinary sucrose with ESGD with 83% sensitivity and 90%
specificity [130]. Further research into sucrose permeability testing by serial blood sam-
pling initially showed a difference between moderate or marked ESGD compared to the
baseline [131]. The same author then applied sucrose permeability testing to weanling
foals with gastric disease, finding a sensitivity of 8197% with a poor specificity [132]. In
contrast, the same protocol in a wider sample of adults showed poor sensitivity and spec-
ificity for the detection of ESGD or EGGD compared to healthy controls [6]. Another
showed no association of sucrose permeability testing with ESGD or EGGD [133].
7. Grading
The continued use of the 04 scale described by the EGUS council [134] for the de-
scription of ESGD remains an effective way to classify and monitor disease and allows
easy assessment of large populations and comparison between studies. Anecdotally, the
authors note that some horses with grade 1/4 ESGD and clinical signs respond to therapy,
while other horses with grade 4/4 disease show no change in clinical signs with treatment.
Therefore, the usefulness of a numerical scale can be limited when applied at the individ-
ual patient level and the authors propose that it might be more appropriate to consider
disease on a dichotomous present or absent basis, consistent with the ECEIM consensus
statement recommendations [1].
Grading lesions of the squamous mucosa as described by Sykes et al [1], adapted
from Andrews et al [134]:
Figure 1. An adenomatous polyp in the pyloric region.
Initial investigation into sucrose permeability testing in a feed deprivation model
of disease found a correlation of urinary sucrose with ESGD with 83% sensitivity and
90% specificity [
]. Further research into sucrose permeability testing by serial blood
sampling initially showed a difference between moderate or marked ESGD compared to
the baseline [
]. The same author then applied sucrose permeability testing to weanling
foals with gastric disease, finding a sensitivity of 81–97% with a poor specificity [
In contrast, the same protocol in a wider sample of adults showed poor sensitivity and
specificity for the detection of ESGD or EGGD compared to healthy controls [
]. Another
showed no association of sucrose permeability testing with ESGD or EGGD [133].
7. Grading
The continued use of the 0–4 scale described by the EGUS council [
] for the de-
scription of ESGD remains an effective way to classify and monitor disease and allows
easy assessment of large populations and comparison between studies. Anecdotally, the
authors note that some horses with grade 1/4 ESGD and clinical signs respond to therapy,
while other horses with grade 4/4 disease show no change in clinical signs with treatment.
Therefore, the usefulness of a numerical scale can be limited when applied at the individual
patient level and the authors propose that it might be more appropriate to consider disease
on a dichotomous present or absent basis, consistent with the ECEIM consensus statement
recommendations [1].
Grading lesions of the squamous mucosa as described by Sykes et al. [
], adapted
from Andrews et al. [134]:
1. Grade 0 Epithelium intact, no appearance of hyperkeratosis
2. Grade 1 Mucosa intact, areas of hyperkeratosis
3. Grade 2 Small, single or multifocal lesions (Figure 2)
4. Grade 3 Large single or extensive superficial lesions
5. Grade 4 Extensive lesions with areas of deep lesions
For EGGD, the recommendation at this time remains not to assign a grade to these
lesions, but instead, that lesions be described by anatomical location, distribution, severity
and appearance [
]. Appearance is described as hyperemic/hemorrhagic (Figures 2and 3),
erosive/ulcerated or fibrinosuppurative, and by contour; depressed, flat or raised [
]. The
existence of glandular gastric polyps is also considered as a form of EGGD [120,121].
Animals 2023,13, 1261 9 of 25
Animals 2023, 13, x 9 of 27
1. Grade 0 Epithelium intact, no appearance of hyperkeratosis
2. Grade 1 Mucosa intact, areas of hyperkeratosis
3. Grade 2 Small, single or multifocal lesions (figure 2)
4. Grade 3 Large single or extensive superficial lesions
5. Grade 4 Extensive lesions with areas of deep lesions
For EGGD, the recommendation at this time remains not to assign a grade to these
lesions, but instead, that lesions be described by anatomical location, distribution, severity
and appearance [1]. Appearance is described as hyperemic/hemorrhagic (Figures 2 and
3), erosive/ulcerated or fibrinosuppurative, and by contour; depressed, flat or raised [1].
The existence of glandular gastric polyps is also considered as a form of EGGD [120,121].
Figure 2. Multifocal, hyperemic lesions of the lesser curvature; grade 2/4 ESGD lesions.
Figure 3. Multiple, linear, flat, hemorrhagic lesions of the pyloric mucosa.
8. Treatment
The pathophysiology of ESGD is sufficiently well understood and studied to support
acid-suppression therapy as the basis of pharmaceutical therapy [1]. Conversely, the treat-
ment of EGGD is not as well understood. Without fully understanding the pathophysiol-
ogy of EGGD, it is difficult to create treatment recommendations based on the primary
Figure 2. Multifocal, hyperemic lesions of the lesser curvature; grade 2/4 ESGD lesions.
Animals 2023, 13, x 9 of 27
1. Grade 0 Epithelium intact, no appearance of hyperkeratosis
2. Grade 1 Mucosa intact, areas of hyperkeratosis
3. Grade 2 Small, single or multifocal lesions (figure 2)
4. Grade 3 Large single or extensive superficial lesions
5. Grade 4 Extensive lesions with areas of deep lesions
For EGGD, the recommendation at this time remains not to assign a grade to these
lesions, but instead, that lesions be described by anatomical location, distribution, severity
and appearance [1]. Appearance is described as hyperemic/hemorrhagic (Figures 2 and
3), erosive/ulcerated or fibrinosuppurative, and by contour; depressed, flat or raised [1].
The existence of glandular gastric polyps is also considered as a form of EGGD [120,121].
Figure 2. Multifocal, hyperemic lesions of the lesser curvature; grade 2/4 ESGD lesions.
Figure 3. Multiple, linear, flat, hemorrhagic lesions of the pyloric mucosa.
8. Treatment
The pathophysiology of ESGD is sufficiently well understood and studied to support
acid-suppression therapy as the basis of pharmaceutical therapy [1]. Conversely, the treat-
ment of EGGD is not as well understood. Without fully understanding the pathophysiol-
ogy of EGGD, it is difficult to create treatment recommendations based on the primary
Figure 3. Multiple, linear, flat, hemorrhagic lesions of the pyloric mucosa.
8. Treatment
The pathophysiology of ESGD is sufficiently well understood and studied to support
acid-suppression therapy as the basis of pharmaceutical therapy [
]. Conversely, the treat-
ment of EGGD is not as well understood. Without fully understanding the pathophysiology
of EGGD, it is difficult to create treatment recommendations based on the primary cause.
There is a body of evidence showing that acid-suppression therapy, in combination with
mucosal protection, is efficacious in the treatment of EGGD, albeit with less success when
compared to the treatment of ESGD [29,123,135,136].
Healing rates for oral omeprazole monotherapy range from 67–100% for ESGD
and up to 100% using long-acting injectable omeprazole [
] over a 2–4 week period.
Treatment for ESGD remains as previously recommended [
] with proton pump inhibitors
(PPIs), such as omeprazole, as the cornerstone of therapy and other agents, such as H2
pump blockers, used if resolution is not seen.
In contrast to ESGD, oral omeprazole monotherapy has lower rates of EGGD healing,
at 14–25% [
]. However, up to 93% EGGD healing has been reported for a long-
acting injectable formulation [
]. It has long been recognized that, no matter the
cause of EGGD, reducing the acidity of the stomach can allow for healing of the glandular
mucosa [
]. The efficacy of treatment for EGGD with oral omeprazole is improved by
adjunctive mucosal protection such as oral sucralfate [70].
Animals 2023,13, 1261 10 of 25
8.1. Omeprazole
The main changes to acid suppression therapy in recent years is the licensing of more
omeprazole formulations for horses. Different formulations of omeprazole paste have
differing pharmacokinetic profiles, and thus, different dosing recommendations [
]. Lit-
erature on the relative pharmacokinetics of different formulations of oral omeprazole in
horses is growing. A study comparing the pharmacokinetics between five oral omeprazole
concentrations found a buffered formulation and two enteric coated granule formulations
to have no differences to the reference enteric coated granule formulation [
]. Another
study directly compared the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an enteric coated
granule-in-paste formulation with a buffered formulation at 4mg/kg and found no dif-
ferences [
]. In contrast, an enteric coated formulation was found to have a 26% higher
bioavailability in a further study [140].
The importance of minor variations in bioavailability are unclear in the clinical setting
but care should be taken in extrapolating the results of one formulation to another. In-
stead, the authors propose that clinical endpoints are likely a better marker for comparing
potential differences between formulations. A clinical study in Thoroughbred racehorses
found enteric coated omeprazole granules-in-paste formulation at 1, 2 and 4 mg/kg per os
(PO—orally) semel in die (SID—once a day) to not differ in their improvement and healing
rates for both ESGD and EGGD [
]. This is in contrast to an earlier study that found dosing
of a buffered formulation of omeprazole at 4 mg/kg PO SID to be superior to a 1.6 mg/kg
PO SID dose in ESGD, but not EGGD, healing [
]. These findings support the use of
formulations at their registered dose, regardless of formulation type, as the registration
process typically accounts for the interaction between variations in dose and bioavailability
between formulations.
Oral omeprazole has superior bioavailability when fed to fasted animals [
]. It is
also a pro-drug that is absorbed into systemic circulation and requires activation in response
to feeding before reversibly binding and inhibiting proton pumps in the stomach [
As such, it is preferred that omeprazole is given after a period of fasting and prior to a
. Due to the normal circadian rhythm of feed intake in horses, remov-
ing feed to enforce an overnight fast has minimal effect on gastric pH [
]. Therefore, it is
recommended to give omeprazole early in the morning after a period of overnight fasting,
a minimum of 30 min before the re-introduction of feed (see Figures 4and 5) [20,115].
Animals 2023, 13, x 11 of 27
Figure 4. Proposed timing of omeprazole administration and feeding.
Figure 5. Proposed timing of omeprazole and sucralfate administration and feeding.
Given the role of exercise-associated gastric contraction and acid splash in the path-
ophysiology of ESGD [81], as well as the duration of acid suppression not spanning a full
24 hours [143,145], it is logical that timing the omeprazole treatment pre-exercise would
be superior for the healing of ESGD lesions [29]. A single study comparing treatment tim-
ing found a trend for the timing of feeding to affect the outcome; however, this was not
statistically significant, likely due to an inadequate population size [135]. Considering
this, the effect of omeprazole timing should not be dismissed at this time and the authors
recommend administering omeprazole followed by a small feed prior to exercise to opti-
mize acid suppression at the time of peak injury to the squamous mucosa.
Earlier investigations into long-acting intramuscular omeprazole at 7-day intervals
for 2 weeks found the resolution of 52100% and 5475% of ESGD and EGGD, respectively
[5,146]. A further 2 weeks of treatment increased resolution rates to 86% and 58% of ESGD
and EGGD, respectively [146]. Two small parallel retrospective studies comparing 4
mg/kg IM long-acting injectable omeprazole weekly to conventional oral omeprazole
found the injectable formulation to be non-inferior for the treatment of ESGD and EGGD
[57]. A recent study showed superior results using a compounded, long-acting intramus-
cular formulation (currently available in Australia, the UK and Canada) at 5-day intervals
compared to 7-day intervals, with 97% and 93% resolution of ESGD and EGGD, respec-
tively, over 4 treatments [66]. In contrast, a study comparing the compounded formulation
of long-acting injectable omeprazole available in the Unites States, given weekly, found
no difference to conventional oral omeprazole treatment [147]. This formulation is also
responsible for a higher rate of injection site reactions at 8% after the first injection, in-
creasing to 48% at the 4th injection [147], compared to 1.26.5% over the treatment course
for the Australian/UK/Canadian formulation [56,57,66,146].
The duration of acid-suppressive therapy should also be considered. Evidence sup-
ports that 3 weeks of treatment is sufficient for ESGD treatment [137] and that if healing
has not occurred in that time, then the benefit of prolonged treatment is unclear. Similarly,
recent reports suggest that 34 weeks of treatment might be sufficient for EGGD if ade-
quate acid suppression can be achieved [66].
8.2. Sucralfate
Sucralfate is a complex polyammonium hydroxide salt that adheres to the glandular
mucosa. Proposed benefits of this treatment, additional to acting as a physical barrier to
acid diffusion, includes the stimulation of mucus secretion, inhibition of pepsin and bile-
acid release, prevention of fibroblast degradation, stimulation of growth factors and in-
creased production of prostaglandin E [115]. With the uncertain and likely complicated
pathophysiology of EGGD, the addition of a mucosal protectant to acid suppression ther-
apy for this disease is logical, consistent with the current Consensus Statement recommen-
dations [1]. Supporting this, a combined omeprazole and sucralfate therapy for the treat-
ment of EGGD is superior to omeprazole alone [148]. The recommended dose is currently
Figure 4. Proposed timing of omeprazole administration and feeding.
Animals 2023, 13, x 11 of 27
Figure 4. Proposed timing of omeprazole administration and feeding.
Figure 5. Proposed timing of omeprazole and sucralfate administration and feeding.
Given the role of exercise-associated gastric contraction and acid splash in the path-
ophysiology of ESGD [81], as well as the duration of acid suppression not spanning a full
24 hours [143,145], it is logical that timing the omeprazole treatment pre-exercise would
be superior for the healing of ESGD lesions [29]. A single study comparing treatment tim-
ing found a trend for the timing of feeding to affect the outcome; however, this was not
statistically significant, likely due to an inadequate population size [135]. Considering
this, the effect of omeprazole timing should not be dismissed at this time and the authors
recommend administering omeprazole followed by a small feed prior to exercise to opti-
mize acid suppression at the time of peak injury to the squamous mucosa.
Earlier investigations into long-acting intramuscular omeprazole at 7-day intervals
for 2 weeks found the resolution of 52100% and 5475% of ESGD and EGGD, respectively
[5,146]. A further 2 weeks of treatment increased resolution rates to 86% and 58% of ESGD
and EGGD, respectively [146]. Two small parallel retrospective studies comparing 4
mg/kg IM long-acting injectable omeprazole weekly to conventional oral omeprazole
found the injectable formulation to be non-inferior for the treatment of ESGD and EGGD
[57]. A recent study showed superior results using a compounded, long-acting intramus-
cular formulation (currently available in Australia, the UK and Canada) at 5-day intervals
compared to 7-day intervals, with 97% and 93% resolution of ESGD and EGGD, respec-
tively, over 4 treatments [66]. In contrast, a study comparing the compounded formulation
of long-acting injectable omeprazole available in the Unites States, given weekly, found
no difference to conventional oral omeprazole treatment [147]. This formulation is also
responsible for a higher rate of injection site reactions at 8% after the first injection, in-
creasing to 48% at the 4th injection [147], compared to 1.26.5% over the treatment course
for the Australian/UK/Canadian formulation [56,57,66,146].
The duration of acid-suppressive therapy should also be considered. Evidence sup-
ports that 3 weeks of treatment is sufficient for ESGD treatment [137] and that if healing
has not occurred in that time, then the benefit of prolonged treatment is unclear. Similarly,
recent reports suggest that 34 weeks of treatment might be sufficient for EGGD if ade-
quate acid suppression can be achieved [66].
8.2. Sucralfate
Sucralfate is a complex polyammonium hydroxide salt that adheres to the glandular
mucosa. Proposed benefits of this treatment, additional to acting as a physical barrier to
acid diffusion, includes the stimulation of mucus secretion, inhibition of pepsin and bile-
acid release, prevention of fibroblast degradation, stimulation of growth factors and in-
creased production of prostaglandin E [115]. With the uncertain and likely complicated
pathophysiology of EGGD, the addition of a mucosal protectant to acid suppression ther-
apy for this disease is logical, consistent with the current Consensus Statement recommen-
dations [1]. Supporting this, a combined omeprazole and sucralfate therapy for the treat-
ment of EGGD is superior to omeprazole alone [148]. The recommended dose is currently
Figure 5. Proposed timing of omeprazole and sucralfate administration and feeding.
Given the role of exercise-associated gastric contraction and acid splash in the patho-
physiology of ESGD [
], as well as the duration of acid suppression not spanning a full
24 h [
], it is logical that timing the omeprazole treatment pre-exercise would be supe-
rior for the healing of ESGD lesions [
]. A single study comparing treatment timing found
a trend for the timing of feeding to affect the outcome; however, this was not statistically
Animals 2023,13, 1261 11 of 25
significant, likely due to an inadequate population size [
]. Considering this, the effect
of omeprazole timing should not be dismissed at this time and the authors recommend
administering omeprazole followed by a small feed prior to exercise to optimize acid
suppression at the time of peak injury to the squamous mucosa.
Earlier investigations into long-acting intramuscular omeprazole at 7-day intervals
for 2 weeks found the resolution of 52–100% and 54–75% of ESGD and EGGD, respec-
. A further 2 weeks of treatment increased resolution rates to 86% and 58%
of ESGD and EGGD, respectively [
]. Two small parallel retrospective studies compar-
ing 4 mg/kg IM long-acting injectable omeprazole weekly to conventional oral omepra-
zole found the injectable formulation to be non-inferior for the treatment of ESGD and
]. A recent study showed superior results using a compounded, long-acting
intramuscular formulation (currently available in Australia, the UK and Canada) at 5-day
intervals compared to 7-day intervals, with 97% and 93% resolution of ESGD and EGGD,
respectively, over 4 treatments [
]. In contrast, a study comparing the compounded for-
mulation of long-acting injectable omeprazole available in the Unites States, given weekly,
found no difference to conventional oral omeprazole treatment [
]. This formulation is
also responsible for a higher rate of injection site reactions at 8% after the first injection,
increasing to 48% at the 4th injection [
], compared to 1.2–6.5% over the treatment course
for the Australian/UK/Canadian formulation [56,57,66,146].
The duration of acid-suppressive therapy should also be considered. Evidence sup-
ports that 3 weeks of treatment is sufficient for ESGD treatment [
] and that if healing
has not occurred in that time, then the benefit of prolonged treatment is unclear. Similarly,
recent reports suggest that 3–4 weeks of treatment might be sufficient for EGGD if adequate
acid suppression can be achieved [66].
8.2. Sucralfate
Sucralfate is a complex polyammonium hydroxide salt that adheres to the glandular
mucosa. Proposed benefits of this treatment, additional to acting as a physical barrier to acid
diffusion, includes the stimulation of mucus secretion, inhibition of pepsin and bile-acid
release, prevention of fibroblast degradation, stimulation of growth factors and increased
production of prostaglandin E [
]. With the uncertain and likely complicated pathophys-
iology of EGGD, the addition of a mucosal protectant to acid suppression therapy for this
disease is logical, consistent with the current Consensus Statement recommendations [
Supporting this, a combined omeprazole and sucralfate therapy for the treatment of EGGD
is superior to omeprazole alone [
]. The recommended dose is currently 12 mg/kg PO
bis in die (BID—twice a day) [
], although many authors report doses up to 20 or 30 mg/kg
three to four times per day [
]. Comparisons of the clinical efficacy of different doses
and frequency on naturally occurring disease have not been reported.8.3. Alternatives
to Omeprazole
Limited alternatives to omeprazole therapy have been investigated, with sparse pub-
lished efficacy data available. The three best studied alternatives include a prostaglandin
E analogue (misoprostol), another PPI (esomeprazole) and drugs belonging to the H2
receptor antagonist class, such as ranitidine.
8.3. Esomeprazole
In recent years, the proton pump inhibitor esomeprazole has been further investigated
both in models and naturally occurring disease. A pharmacodynamic study comparing
two doses of esomeprazole and two diets found that doses of 2 mg/kg PO SID when fed
ad lib hay or 0.5 mg/kg PO SID when fed a high-grain, low-fiber diet sufficiently increased
gastric pH to above the threshold for mucosal healing [
]. Two small clinical reports
exist describing esomeprazole use for the treatment of EGGD in clinical practice [
The first found a healing rate of 80% in five horses previously refractory to omeprazole
treatment, when given at 0.5 mg/kg PO SID [
], and the second found 67% healing
in three horses treated for 14 days and 75% in four different horses treated for 28 days,
Animals 2023,13, 1261 12 of 25
when given at 2 mg/kg PO SID [
]. These findings suggest the potential application of
esomeprazole, at a suitable dose, as a second line treatment if failure occurs with first line
therapy; however, its efficacy in direct comparison to omeprazole in clinical cases is not
reported. Another small study showed doses of 40 mg and 80 mg per horse to increase
gastric fluid pH above 4 over a 6–hour period [
]. Although a brief clinical response
might be seen at these doses, they are not recommended for treatment based on a more
comprehensive study [150].
8.4. H2 Receptor Antagonists
The H2 receptor antagonists ranitidine and famotidine have been shown to suppress
stomach acid in horses experimentally [
]. However, this effect is variable between
horses, doses and in its duration of acid suppression [
]. Studies show ranitidine to
reduce ESGD prevalence in racehorses over 4 weeks; however, this effect is inferior to
omeprazole [
] and EGGD scores did not differ [
]. Furthermore, ranitidine is
not commercially available in many places, and the published efficacy for other H2 receptor
antagonists is lacking. Thus, omeprazole remains the drug of choice for acid suppression
in horses.
8.5. Misoprostol
The mechanism of action of misoprostol in EGGD is not fully understood [
]. Prostaglandin
E is thought to have various roles in the normal protection of the glandular mucosa as
demonstrated in other species, including enhancing mucosal blood flow, increasing bicar-
bonate and mucus secretion and reducing acid production [
]. It has also been shown
to have anti-inflammatory effects on equine leukocytes [
in vitro
. Misoprostol is
protective against NSAID toxicity and is currently a treatment of choice for NSAID induced
colitis [
]. There is limited evidence of the efficacy for prostaglandin analogues in
the treatment of EGGD, especially in comparison to the more common omeprazole and
sucralfate regimens. A single non-randomized study found misoprostol to be superior to
omeprazole-sucralfate therapy for the treatment of EGGD in a modestly sized population
without strict controls such as dosing omeprazole to non-fasted animals [
]. The authors
consider that misoprostol is a promising treatment option for EGGD; however, more evi-
dence needs to be gathered before considering it as a first line therapy. It warrants note that
it can cause adverse effects to humans including fetal loss [
] and that care should be
taken in its handling by both veterinarians and clients.
8.6. Risks of Omeprazole
The use of omeprazole in humans is associated with complications, including rebound
gastric hyperacidity [
], increase in antimicrobial-associated and non-specific diar-
rhea risk [
] and increased fracture risk in humans [
]. The mechanism described
for rebound gastric hyperacidity in humans is through increases in serum gastrin during
PPI treatment. This effect has been demonstrated in horses with as little as a 7-day treat-
ment [
]. Similarly to humans, an increased risk of non-specific diarrhea is seen in foals
treated with omeprazole [170].
A recent study looking into the concurrent administration of phenylbutazone and
omeprazole found a significant increased risk of GI complications, affecting 75% of horses
in the concurrent treatment group [
]. These complications included a death and a eu-
thanasia due to complications of entero- and typhlo-colitis, a case of undiagnosed colic,
two impactions and a case of diarrhea [
]. Alterations in intestinal motility, exacerba-
tion of NSAID-associated dysbiosis, inflammation or ulceration have been proposed as
mechanisms [
]. This is consistent with findings in dogs showing increased intestinal
inflammation when omeprazole is given concurrently with carprofen [
]. Conversely,
limited studies performed to date show no effect on the fecal microbiota following 7 and
28 days of omeprazole treatment [
]. Collectively, these findings highlight the im-
Animals 2023,13, 1261 13 of 25
portance of ongoing research into the concurrent use of NSAIDs and PPIs in horses, a
common practice.
Concerns have also been raised about the potential for omeprazole to increase fracture
risk in horses [
] and omeprazole has been demonstrated to reduce calcium absorption
in horses [
]. In one study, 8 weeks of omeprazole treatment at 1 mg/kg PO SID in a
group of horses showed no difference in fecal and urine mineral balance, radiographic
bone aluminum equivalence, markers of bone formation or other skeletal health markers
compared to healthy controls [
]. This study was performed on adult horses that were
not undergoing forced exercise programs, so extrapolation to the young racing population
cannot be made at this stage.
The use and risks of omeprazole use have recently reviewed elsewhere [
]. Further
research is needed to further understand the potential complications surrounding both
short- and long-term omeprazole use in horses and consideration should be made before
making treatment recommendations.
9. Discontinuation of Acid Suppressive Therapy
One concern with omeprazole therapy is the recurrence of disease following the dis-
continuation of treatment, and a recent study has demonstrated that ESGD prevalence
can return to pre-treatment levels in as little as 3 days following discontinuation of treat-
ment [
]. Rebound Gastric Hyperacidity (RGH) has been proposed to play a key role in
the rapid recurrence of disease in human medicine [
]. The mechanism for RGH by the
increase in intragastric pH causes a loss of negative feedback on D-cells, causing hypergas-
trinemia [
]. Gastrin acts on the Enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the stomach, causing
histamine release, as well as having a trophic effect on the ECL cell population [
]. It
is hypothesized that both increased ECL cell density and hypergastrinemia contribute to
increased acid secretion, termed RGH [
]. Previously, it has been shown that serum gas-
trin doubles over a 14-day course of omeprazole [
], further supporting this hypothesis
in horses.
Recent work by the authors [
] showed that omeprazole causes a >2-fold increase
in serum gastrin concentrations within 7 days of treatment. No further increase was seen
over an 8-week treatment period and gastrin concentrations returned to baseline within
days of discontinuation. The same study also looked at serum Chromogranin A (CgA)
as a proxy for ECL cell populations, as is used in human medicine [
]. Omeprazole
treatment and discontinuation did not influence CgA concentration [
]. Collectively, the
findings of the recent work suggest that a brief period of RGH might occur within a 48–hour
window following the administration of the last dose of omeprazole, but that the effect is
not prolonged. As such, the authors currently do not recommend tapering of omeprazole
for treatment durations of
8-weeks. Instead, the authors focus on the 24–48-h period
following the administration of the last dose of omeprazole, making sure that horses are
provided with appropriate roughage during this time, and that they are not exercised nor
transported during the expected, albeit brief, RGH event that might occur in this window.
Further studies are needed to evaluate the impact of longer duration treatment on serum
gastrin and CgA concentrations with tapering recommendations adjusted accordingly.
10. Prevention
Prevention of both ESGD and EGGD requires the management of multiple factors.
These can be split into broad categories of management, supplementation with nutraceu-
ticals and pharmaceutical use. Management changes can have the largest impact on
prevention of both ESGD and EGGD, and as such should be the foundation of any preven-
tative strategy, with nutraceuticals, then pharmaceuticals reached for sequentially. It is also
noted that few recommendations for the prevention of ESGD and EGGD have been well
studied in real-world populations with most derived from proposed pathophysiology and
risk factors.
Animals 2023,13, 1261 14 of 25
10.1. Management
The management factors that have the most impact in the prevention of ESGD are
roughage, exercise and the NSC content of the diet. Providing ad libitum roughage has
been a longstanding recommendation for the prevention of ESGD [
]; however, horses
have been shown to have a circadian rhythm of foraging [
] and pasture turnout
has been shown to have inconsistent effects on ESGD [
]. These variables are likely
to limit the effectiveness of simply providing ad libitum forage, especially if pasture based,
and more nuanced strategies are required for optimal efficacy. The authors recommend
that at least 2% BWT/per day of good quality roughage should be consumed. Importantly,
the simple provision of ad libitum roughage does not ensure adequate intake, and one
simple, early step in investigating unexplained ESGD is to measure the actual roughage
intake to ensure that this threshold is being met.
Both timing and duration of exercise play an important role in ESGD risk. The timing
of exercise should be considered when implementing a preventative strategy for ESGD and
it is logical that horses should be exercised when there is maximal intra-gastric buffering.
Due to the tendency of horses to consume most of their roughage intake during daylight
hours [
], the most logical time to exercise is in the afternoon when normal protective
mechanisms will be at their peak. Other strategies to reduce ESGD risk include the use
of multiple hay nets [
] or feeding highly palatable hay prior to exercise, with as little
as 300g appearing to have a significant buffering effect [
]. Limiting the cumulative
duration of exercise at or above a trot to an average of less than 40 min per day [
] is also
recommended for ESGD prevention. In contrast, duration of exercise is not a risk factor
for EGGD. Instead, the number of exercising days per week has been demonstrated as a
risk factor [
]. To address this the authors currently recommend ensuring that horses
predisposed to EGGD get at least two, and ideally three full rest days per week.
Although high NSC diets are a well-documented risk factor for ESGD, several studies
suggest a limited effect of low NSC diets in preventing ESGD in real-world environ-
ments [
]. This suggests that the impact of NSC on ESGD risk is relatively low
compared to the impact of roughage intake and exercise. Regardless, minimalization
of NSC intake is considered a principle of good equine nutrition [