... Studies on fire's impacts have traditionally focused on plants but during the last decade there is increasing research exploring fire's impact on animals (Engstrom 2010;Beale et al., 2018;Nimmo et al., 2018Nimmo et al., , 2021Pausas and Parr 2018;Jolly et al., 2022) and especially on insects (New 2014). Regarding ants, most studies of fire effects analysed taxonomic richness and abundance (Farji-Brener et al., 2002;Parr et al., 2004;Moretti et al., 2004;Arnan et al., 2006;Sackmann and Farji-Brener 2006;Kwon 2015;Anjos et al., 2015Anjos et al., , 2017Vasconcelos et al., 2017;Adams et al., 2018;Rosa et al., 2021;Bonoan and McCarthy 2022;Staff et al., 2023), sometimes combined with functional diversity Bishop et al., 2021;Vidal-Cordero et al., 2022, 2023, or focusing on some after-fire specific ecological responses such as ant-seed dispersal Beaumont et al., 2013Beaumont et al., , 2018, female production (Caut et al., 2014), diet shifts (Lázaro-González et al., 2013), or cavity use by arboreal ants (Arruda et al., 2020). Finally, recent behavioural studies show how fire can have an effect on ant behaviour, specifically relationships of dominance between species (Sensenig et al., 2017;Tavella and Cagnolo, 2018). ...