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Gain or loss: A conceptual framework of employee well-being during change



PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Organisational change is inevitable within the increasingly volatile and complex world of work; this is a reality that no organisation or employee can escape. It is well known that change failure may have a profoundly negative impact on employees' well-being. Many previous studies exploring the impact of organisational change on employee well-being adopted a quantitative approach - hence the need for a qualitative study that focuses on the lived experiences of change recipients DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This qualitative, hermeneutic phenomenological study explored employees' lived experiences of organisational change and its impact on their well-being. This qualitative study used purposive sampling, where semi-structured interviews yielded rich data FINDINGS: Organisational change comprises both personal and professional ill-being and well-being descriptors. Those affected by restructuring and system change - and who 'survive' it - deal with mixed emotions, as they not only have to cope with its burden on themselves, but also on those working with them RECOMMENDATIONS/VALUE: The subsequent negative impact this has on employee well-being can, however, be moderated by creating an inclusive, safe organisational support environment in which effective communication channels allow the voices of employees and management to influence the change management process, as well as its outcomes for organisational strategy and goals MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: Management should understand the social context within which change occurs and how it impacts on employee well-being. Organisational change should be informed contextually to ensure a systematic and inclusive approach, emphasising the importance of communication JEL CLASSIFICATION: M12, M50
Journal of Contemporary Management
Volume 20 Issue 1
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 1
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. Open access under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license
Gain or loss: A conceptual framework of
employee well-being during change
Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, University of South Africa,
South Africa
Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, University of South Africa,
South Africa
*corresponding author
Purpose of the study: Organisational change is inevitable within the increasingly volatile and complex world
of work; this is a reality that no organisation or employee can escape. It is well known that change failure may
have a profoundly negative impact on employees’ well-being. Many previous studies exploring the impact of
organisational change on employee well-being adopted a quantitative approach
hence the need for a
qualitative study that focuses on the lived experiences of change recipients.
Design/methodology/approach: This qualitative, hermeneutic phenomenological study explored employees’
lived experiences of organisational change and its impact on their well-being. This qualitative study used
purposive sampling, where semi-structured interviews yielded rich data.
Findings: Organisational change comprises both personal and professional ill-being and well-being descriptors.
Those affected by restructuring and system change and who ‘survive’ it deal with mixed emotions, as they
not only have to cope with its burden on themselves, but also on those working with them.
Recommendations/value: The subsequent negative impact this has on employee well-being can, however, be
moderated by creating an inclusive, safe organisational support environment in which effective communication
channels allow the voices of employees and management to influence the change management process, as
well as its outcomes for organisational strategy and goals
Managerial implications: Management should understand the social context within which change occurs and
how it impacts on employee well-being. Organisational change should be informed contextually to ensure a
systematic and inclusive approach, emphasising the importance of communication.
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 2
Communication; Content analysis; Employee well-being; Ill-being; Interpretivist paradigm; Multidimensional;
Organisational change; Qualitative study; Semi-structured interviews; Survivor syndrome
JEL Classification: M12, M50
The world of work is shaped by trends such as technological advances, environmental
emergencies and the global economy (Simuth, 2017). With continuous volatility, uncertainty,
complexity and ambiguity in the world of work (Malatjie, 2019), organisations must adapt
quickly to survive (Crosina & Pratt, 2019). Consequently, organisational change is inevitable
(Malatjie, 2019), a reality that not one organisation or employee can escape (Hay et al., 2020).
Yet, it is well known that organisational change, if not managed effectively, can have a
profoundly negative impact on employees’ well-being (Nielsen et al., 2020), leading to
insecurity and uncertainty, increased anxiety and stress levels, all of which result in reduced
organisational growth and productivity and, ultimately, change failure.
Many previous studies focused on the impact of organisational change on objective measures
of organisational change initiatives by means of productivity and result indicators (Franco et
al., 2015; De Jong et al., 2016; Rafferty & Jimmieson, 2017; Jacobs & Keegan, 2018).
However, over the last few years, numerous researchers have expressed the urgent need to
explore further the subjective lived experiences of employees and the impact of change on
their well-being (Franco et al., 2015; De Jong et al., 2016; Rafferty & Jimmieson, 2017; Jacobs
& Keegan, 2018). While organisational change clearly has an impact on employee well-being,
the subjective perceptions of employees in this respect are still unclear (Rafferty & Jimmieson,
2017). This raises the following question: What are employees’ lived experiences of
organisational change and its impact on their well-being? Hence the need for this qualitative
study to gain an in-depth understanding of employees’ lived experiences of the impact of
organisational change on their well-being. Another objective of the study was to develop a
conceptual framework (Figure 1) outlining these experiences, which will contribute to the
literature and provide a better understanding ofthe active roles that change recipients play in
organisational change events(Oreg et al., 2018:65) towards assisting organisations in better
managing change initiatives directed at enhancing employee well-being.
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 3
This section presents a review of literature conceptualising organisational change and well-
being. It will conclude with a review of how organisational change impacts employee well-
2.1 Organisational change
Generally, change refers to creating something different (Brijball-Parumasur, 2013). Similarly,
in the organisational context, change refers to changing the prevailing conditions in an
organisation from one state to another and it often relates to structural and/or process-related
changes (Fløvik et al., 2019). Over the years, numerous change theories have been
developed and these have informed change initiatives in organisations. Such theories include
Kurt Lewin’s (1947) classic change model, Mintzberg’s (2003) change model, the system
learning concept of Senge (1990), Kotter’s (1996) model of change and the transformational
versus transactional models of Hargrove (2003). In organisations, the aim of the change agent
is to change the current status quo by communicating the newly required state and ensuring
it is implemented successfully. This requires taking employees out of their comfort zones and
getting them to embrace the change (Maharaj & Pooe, 2021).
Inevitably, change results in considerable uncertainty, fear and anxiety among employees for
numerous reasons, which could include change agentspoorly executing their roles, flawed
change management plans and employees possibly losing their employment (Kazmi &
Naaranoja, 2013; Maharaj & Pooe, 2021). This necessitates a better understanding of the
interaction between the organisational change context, the change process and the impact of
organisational change on employee well-being (Biron & Karanika-Murray, 2015; Nikolova et
al., 2016; Harney et al., 2018).
2.2 Well-being
Early perspectives on well-being are well represented in the works of scholars, such as
Maslow’s self-actualisation, Rogers’s optimally functional person, Frankl’s will to meaning,
Antonovsky’s salutogenic characteristics, Diener’s subjective well-being and Veenhoven’s
equation of well-being with happiness and quality of life, to name but a few (Wissing, 2020).
Research distinguishes between general well-being and employee well-being since the work
context can be quite different from general life situations (Zheng et al., 2015; Jarden et al.,
2021) all of which are important to employees. “Employee well-beingis defined as “the
entire quality of an employee’s experience and functioning at the workplace” (Grant et al.,
2007:52). Similarly, Kaplan et al. (2017:4) defined employee well-being as “the sum of a
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 4
person’s emotional experiences and the subjective evaluations of their work and life
situations”. According to Grant et al. (2007), employee well-being may be best understood in
terms of the three core dimensions of happiness, health and relationships. However, to create
a flourishing positive institution in which employee well-being is key, Rothmann (2020) focuses
on the importance of emotional well-being and social well-being. Emotional well-being
includes cognitive components, which indicate the degree to which we perceive our wants to
be met, and affective components, which consider the extent to which our needs are
satisfied” (Rothmann, 2020:272). Social well-being is aligned with relationships (Grant et al.,
2007), which include our experience of social integration, social acceptance, social
contribution, social actualisation and social coherence (Keyes, 2005; Rothmann, 2020).
2.3 Impact of organisational change on employee well-being
Change recipients may experience organisational change as an opportunity to gain or as a
potential risk of loss, with either good or bad outcomes (McKinley & Scherer, 2000 & Fløvik et
al., 2019). Many previous studies indicate that organisational change has a predominantly
negative impact on employees’ well-being (Westgaard & Winkel, 2011; Burke et al., 2015; De
Jong et al., 2016; Koukoulaki et al., 2017; Harney et al., 2018; Otto et al., 2018). Such
experiences are mostly due to an overpowering sense of uncertainty, which subsequently
results in employees' viewing organisational change initiatives in a negative light (Armstrong-
Stassen & Schlosser, 2008; Köper & Richter, 2014; Pahkin et al., 2014; Gupta, 2016; Nikolova
et al., 2016; Fløvik et al., 2019; Malatjie, 2019). While organisational change generally has an
adverse impact on employees, Fløvik et al. (2019) found that the adverse impact decreased
as time passed. Loretto et al. (2010) found that change will not necessarily have a negative
impact on change recipients and, occasionally, a positive impact might be expected. Wiezer
et al. (2011) agree with Loretto et al. (2010) that organisational change does not adversely
impact all employees and that some employees may regard organisational change as positive,
as it has the potential to improve chances of securing better positions in the organisation and
enables employees to influence the future state of the organisation positively (Wiezer et al.,
2011). Thus, although organisational change is generally experienced as negative, employees
also retain a sense of hope and expectation that the outcome of a change process and/or
initiative may lead to increased organisational success (Hay et al., 2020).
The literature also indicates that all employees are either directly or indirectly affected by
change initiatives such as restructuring, thus leaving no one exempt (Burke et al., 2015;
Koukoulaki et al., 2017). Notably, organisational change poses a threat to employeeswell-
being (Kaltianen et al., 2020), with significant consequences for all employees (Winslow et al.,
2017), the organisation in question and the broader economy (Kaplan et al., 2017). An
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 5
example would be how employees of organisational change experience a form of
organisational trauma that manifests as reduced organisational commitment, poor job
satisfaction, low morale and a lack of trust (Vermeulen & Wiesner, 2000; Nielsen et al., 2020).
As such, it is of the utmost importance that organisations pay attention to promoting employee
well-being to ensure employees are capable of performing their roles in line with organisational
strategy (Diener et al., 2017).
Ultimately, although change may be unavoidable, the adverse impact of change on employee
well-being can be moderated (Day et al., 2017). Researchers have considered the importance
of communication, employee participation and organisational support in organisational change
contexts (Westgaard & Winkel, 2011; Wiezer et al., 2011; Van Den Heuvel et al., 2013;
Erciyes, 2019). Franco et al. (2015) suggested that the presence of trust, transparency and
care may positively affect employee well-being. Dimitrova (2019) found that trust is a key
requirement for the successful implementation of change initiatives and according to Rahman
et al. (2020), both organisational support and organisational empowerment are positively
associated with employee well-being. However, existing research seems to have largely
overlooked the impact of organisational change on the lived experiences of employees with
the aim of providing a framework that could assist in the process of managing change
initiatives to enhance employee well-being.
3.1 Research approach
The researchers in this study followed a qualitative approach (Salkind, 2018) underpinned by
the interpretive research paradigm (O’Neil & Koekemoer, 2016). They used an inductive
research approach (Newman et al., 1998) by providing rich information (Featherston, 2008)
about the descriptions of employees’ lived experiences. Furthermore, they adopted a
hermeneutic phenomenological strategy to gain an in-depth understanding of the
organisational change context and the impact it has on employee well-being by using rich and
descriptive language (Kafle, 2011).
The research was conducted within the South African workplace context with the primary focus
on employees involved in organisations that implemented restructuring and system change
processes. The restructuring involved changes to the existing structure of the organisation
(McKinley & Scherer, 2000), and the system change processes included the updating and
renewing of systems (Werner, 2016).
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 6
3.2 Selection of participants
The study included participants from numerous organisations who have been exposed to and
experienced organisational change initiatives, such as leadership changes, policy and
strategic changes, retrenchments and/or restructuring in the South African workplace context.
Therefore, it was not possible to determine the population size. The researchers used
purposive sampling to identify information-rich cases (Kafle, 2011). This involved the
identification and selection of six participants who were well-versed in the phenomenon being
studied, namely organisational change settings, which included restructuring and system
change processes (Etikan et al., 2016) to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon
and to enable the development of a framework (Benoot et al., 2016). A brief demographic
overview of the participants is provided in Table 1. Most (67%) of the participants were female,
and 33 percent were male. While 67 percent reported having a university degree, 34 percent
had a high school certificate or college diploma. One-third of the participants reported their
roles were best described as support, another third as professional or technical, and the last
third as managerial. All the participants were exposed to a combination of change initiatives.
All participants were exposed to policy and strategic changes, while 67 percent of the
participants were exposed specifically to leadership changes and 33 percent to system and
process changes. Eighty-three percent were part of the restructuring, and 83 percent of the
participants reported having been exposed to a retrenchment process. The sample size of six
participants was deemed sufficient when a point of data saturation was achieved (Guest et al.,
2006) and no new information, codes and themes emerged (Guest et al., 2006; Fusch & Ness,
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 7
Table 1: Sample demographics
Demographics %
Female 67%
Male 33%
High school certificate 17%
Some college diploma 17%
BCom, BSc, or other university degree 50%
Graduate degree 17%
Nature of position
Support 33%
Professional/Technical 33%
Manager 33%
Nature of change exposed to
Leadership changes 67%
Policy and strategic changes 100%
System and process changes 33%
Restructuring 83%
Retrenchments 83%
Source: Authors compilation.
3.3 Data collection
The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, which enabled the researchers to
gain an in-depth understanding of employees’ lived experiences of organisational change and
the impact on their well-being (Kafle, 2011). An interview guide was prepared and used to
guide the interviews (Bryman & Bell, 2014). The following questions were asked. What is your
understanding of what constitutes well-being in the workplace? What is your understanding of
organisational change? Describe how organisational change has impacted or is currently
impacting your well-being in the workplace. What recommendations would you make to the
organisation as to how the organisation may improve your experience of organisational
change so that it impacts more positively on your well-being? By applying techniques such as
reflection, paraphrasing, summarising and clarifying, the researchers were able to encourage
the participants to elaborate on their lived experiences (Bryman & Bell, 2014).
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 8
Informed consent was obtained from all the participants and the interviews were digitally
recorded and transcribed verbatim by the researchers. The reliability was checked by reading
the transcriptions while listening to the recordings (Terre Blanche & Kelly, 1999). These
transcriptions were anonymised by allocating pseudonyms to each participant.
3.4 Data analysis
The process included collecting suitable data, whereafter the researchers engaged in the
process of making sense of the data (Elo et al., 2014). Engaging with the data in this way
familiarised the researchers with the body of material while classifying the data into smaller,
more manageable items for analysis (words or themes) (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008). These words
or themes were added to the text as notes and headings while the researchers read the
interview transcripts. The headings were then transferred onto a coding sheet. Categories
were generated to describe the research phenomenon by grouping the headings together
based on their similarity and relatedness. The researchers used a colour-coding system by
assigning different colours to different groups. This process was followed repeatedly to make
the necessary adjustments and refinements that led to the emergence of overarching themes.
Each of the themes was represented by several words and short phrases that served as sub-
themes. This process enabled the researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the
participants’ perspective regarding the impact of organisational change on their well-being and
to report on these by using content-related categories to describe the phenomenon.
3.5 Measures of trustworthiness
Gaya and Smith (2016) propose that credibility, transferability and dependability are
analogous to the concepts of reliability and validity used in quantitative approaches. In this
study, credibility was ensured by transcribing the audio recordings verbatim and using
representative verbatim quotations to report the findings (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004).
Therefore, the data reported in the findings were representative of the participants’ true voices.
Transferability was addressed with purposive sampling, providing a detailed description of the
research context and using appropriate quotations (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004).
Dependability was ensured by providing a detailed account and description of the research
process, including the data collection, data analysis and data interpretation, and by reporting
on the findings using appropriate quotations (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004).
3.6 Ethical considerations
Ethical clearance was obtained from the appropriate research ethics review committee. All
participants were required to sign an informed consent before the interviews commenced. The
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 9
researchers also took the necessary steps to ensure all participants’ anonymity and
confidentiality, for example, by using pseudonyms and ensuring all data were securely stored.
The findings of this study are based on the sample material, that is, verbatim transcripts of the
interviews that were conducted with six participants to gain a deeper understanding of their
subjectively lived experiences of how their well-being is influenced within organisational
change contexts. A further objective of this study was to develop a basic framework (see figure
1 below) that can act as a guide to enable organisations to manage change initiatives so that
suitable consideration is given to how employee well-being can be better protected. Four
prominent themes emerged from the interview data, namely (1) well-being descriptors, (2) ill-
being descriptors, (3) employee expectations and (4) survival. The comments from the
participants (noted as Participant 1, Participant 2, etc.) are interspersed with the reporting of
the findings.
Theme 1: Well-being descriptors
As illustrated below, well-being played a significant role in the way that the participants
experienced organisational change and it remained a central concept throughout the
interviews. Well-being was found to be a multidimensional concept (Marsh et al., 2020;
Ruggeri et al., 2020) that considers the “whole person” (Butler et al., 2019; Lee, 2022). For
instance, the participants stated that well-being included physical, mental and emotional well-
I think there are lots of elements to well-beingthere is your physical well-being
mental well-being (Participant 3).
well-being in the workplace would be like a healthy working environment like
emotional and like mental(Participant 4).
The participants perceived that a genuine sense of belonging enables them to overcome
obstacles, grow and excel in their work and engage with organisations. These experiences
closely resemble eudaimonic well-being, that is, practising and acting with virtue (Athota,
2017) to realise optimum human potential (Ryan & Deci, 2001). The specific responses
included the following:
as a human being, of where I belong and why I can add value (Participant 1).
that you feel valued by your employer. That there is space for you to grow
(Participant 2).
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 10
Feeling as if there are resources available (Participant 3).
It was found that happiness underpins well-being in the workplace and that employees who
feel happy in the workplace tend to feel more energetic, more productive, more engaged and,
ultimately, more committed to the objectives, such as the change initiative. These positive
feelings are then an incentive to increase work performance (Kidd, 2008; Zito et al., 2019)
and, hence, organisational profitability (Awada & Ismail, 2019). Such experiences are closely
aligned with hedonic well-being, which has a strong pleasure orientation (Athota, 2017). The
participants expressed the following views:
I think it is massively important, um, because I think if you are in an environment where
you feel happy and healthy and your well-being is taken seriously, then you are likely
to want to spend time there (Participant 3).
I think if people, uhm, are happy and it's a good environment, then it'll reflect in their
work. Um, people would go above and beyond (Participant 4).
you'll be very positive and, uh, give much more inputs (Participant 5).
everyone participates ... It makes everyone happier (Participant 5).
That you can just give your best for the company, you will walk the extra mile for the
company (Participant 6).
Theme 2: Ill-being descriptors
The findings of the study support the literature, which indicates that organisational change has
a generally negative impact on employee well-being (Day et al., 2017; Rafferty & Jimmieson,
2017), which manifests as ill-being. The experiences of ill-being manifested in the participants’
personal and professional lives and affected them financially, emotionally and psychologically
(Schiro & Baker, 2009; Lee, 2022).
The participants specifically referred to the impact of organisational change and how their
experiences had manifested in their personal lives as a major concern, especially the
concomitant inability to plan for the future. The uncertainty associated with the organisational
change was a major contributing factor to ill-being, flamed by feelings of nervousness
perhaps even anxiety – as a result of the lack of security and, to some extent, the urge to flee
(Smollan, 2017). This had a negative impact on employee well-being (Burke et al., 2015;
Harney et al., 2018). The participants’ responses included the following:
I'm very uncertain about future prospects (Participant 1).
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 11
It kind of leaves you, you know, like on shifting ground, you're not really sure of what
to do, how to do your job. You know, it messes a little bit with the security of the
employees (Participant 2).
There was so much insecurity and so that makes you really nervous (Participant 3).
I think it just it impacts on you emotionally and mentally because you never know what's
going to happen (Participant 4).
But, not knowing, I mean you just can't run away (Participant 5).
The participants also perceived professional ill-being as a dimension of subjective well-being,
which combines the properties of physical, mental and emotional ill-being and alludes to
resistance to change. The participants stated that they tended to disengage from their work,
and productivity appeared to have stagnated or decreased. The specific responses included
the following:
You don't work as hard as you used to and it's not because you don't want to, it kind
of just happens? (Participant 2).
In that negative space you feel like you only want to do what your contract says.
Nothing more, nothing less (Participant 2).
just very uninterested in the work you feel like you just have no interest in your
work (Participant 4).
He’ll just sit in a meeting and listen to everything and he won't give any input at the
meeting (Participant 5).
Theme 3: Employee expectations
Employees’ well-being is affected by organisational changes and is informed by not only the
organisations expectations of the employee (Lee, 2022) but also the employees’
expectations. Disregarding employees’ expectations may have an adverse impact on their
well-being (Lundmark et al., 2022). Communication is often a key expectation of employees
and is crucial during change processes. As illustrated below, poor communication was cited
by participants as a significant contributor towards understanding how ill-being manifests for
employees in organisational change contexts (Smollan, 2017). The findings relating to
employee expectations indicated that the participants had not received any communication
from the organisation in some instances or that communication was perceived to be
inadequate in other cases; in certain instances, employees even believed that the organisation
was not being transparent or open in what was communicated. Consequently, participants
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 12
alluded to the fact that the communication failed to meet their expectations. They stated the
If they can be open and transparent about the plans for the future (Participant 1).
I feel a lot more comfortable going to my manager and asking him because he's being
open to us. What you give is what you get (Participant 2).
they could have handled their communication a lot better (Participant 2).
some line of communication would have been nice (Participant 4).
open the lines of communication. Uhm, give us more information as to why they
were restructuring or what was this process was in aid of (Participant 4).
The participants also saw consultation as a key consideration. It was clearly important for the
participants to feel included and heard before decisions were taken. For instance, the
participants stated the following:
If there's an issue, let them know about it, deal with it and get on with life (Participant
... it's so frustrating when you've got questions and they're not being addressed ...
Instead of someone actually looking to listening to you (Participant 3).
more open communication and maybe ask us for our input into the whole process
or if you have any ideas or you know things that they could have done differently in in
how they carried out the process (Participant 4).
I think it's very important that you get input of everyone involved (Participant 5).
Just speak to them before you take that decision (Participant 6).
Theme 4: Survival
It was clear that all the participantsboth those who survived the change or those who saw
themselves as victims of it felt that their mental health had been affected by the
organisational change context (Schiro & Baker, 2009; Simuth, 2017; Fløvik et al., 2019). The
participants’ expressions indicated that they were/had been carrying the burden of the impact
of organisational change on their well-being, as well as the burden they experienced on behalf
of the victims who had not survived the organisational change initiatives. The participants
found it exceedingly difficult to cope with organisational change and to survive, even long after
the aftermath of the change (Kidd, 2008; Dlouhy & Casper, 2020). Some participants made
these observations:
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 13
It’s still impacting me. It’s now been two years since we've lost the majority of the team
members we had (Participant 1).
There's no ways to be unaffected when they're such big change happening around you
(Participant 3).
That's really hard. Cause you get used to the people you get very used to your
management. You get used to everything (Participant 6).
The participants reported mixed emotions following the organisational change event. Mixed
emotions refer to the intense and relatively enduring positive and negative feelings that
employees experience in relation to the change event (Zoogah & Beurgre, 2013). Participant
3 stated the following:
But in my team there were only two of us, so we were watching this change almost
from the outside. Um, and it was, uh, it was. I don't know if it. I don't know. It was very
confusing position to be in because you're incredibly grateful that you your job is
secure. Where's all your colleagues are facing massive employment insecurity, but in
the same breath you your feeling for your colleagues and your heart is breaking for
them and the trauma that they’re going through (Participant 3).
The four themes that emerged from the empirical part of the study (i.e. well-being descriptors,
ill-being descriptors, employee expectations and survival), together with the literature
reviewed, provide a better understanding of the participants’ lived experiences of
organisational change and its impact on employee well-being. Figure 1 depicts these findings
as a conceptual framework.
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 14
Figure 1: Conceptual framework for managing change initiatives directed at enhancing
employee well-being
Source: Compiled by authors
Organisational change is a constant in the world of work, stretching employees and taking
them out of their comfort zone as it changes the status quo, often resulting in feelings of
uncertainty, fear and anxiety, all of which directly affect an employee’s well-being (Harney et
al., 2018; Maharaj & Pooe, 2021). The changes may assume the form of structural and/or
process-related changes within an organisation (Fløvik et al., 2019).
The results of this study illustrate the significant role that well-being plays in how the
participants experienced organisational change and interacted with it. Well-being was found
to be a multidimensional concept (Marsh et al., 2020; Ruggeri et al., 2020) that considers the
“whole person” and includes physical, mental and emotional well-being (Grant et al., 2007;
Butler et al., 2019; Lee, 2022). Aligned with the work on the emotional and social well-being
of Rothmann (2020), participants emphasised the important role that a sense of belonging
plays in enabling employees to deal with the challenges arising from the change initiatives
through positive experiences of social integration, social acceptance, social contribution,
social actualisation and social coherence. These findings also align well with eudaimonic well-
being, that is, practising and acting with virtue to function optimally (Athota, 2017; Wissing,
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 15
2020). Also, in line with the hedonic well-being perspective, it was evident from the findings
how happiness (pleasure orientation) results in increased work engagement, employee
commitment to meet the objectives of the change initiative and overall better performance,
productivity and organisational profitability (Awada & Ismail, 2019; Zito et al., 2019; Wissing,
On the other hand, ill-being also seems to play a vital role, considering the longstanding
perception that organisational change is always negative and affects an employee’s life both
personally (emotionally, economically and psychologically) and professionally (lack of job
security, uncertainty, disengagement and poor performance) (Rafferty & Jimmieson, 2017;
Harney et al., 2018; Lee, 2022). Ill-being can therefore prove to be a major source of
resistance to change, resulting in the change initiative’s failing or not meeting its set objectives
(Smollan, 2017).
Employee expectations emerged as an important point of consideration for organisations
during any organisational change initiative, yet it is often ignored or dealt with as an
afterthought (Smollan, 2017; Lee, 2022). It is clear how change agents seem to focus
predominantly on the organisations expectations and, as a result, decisions are made that
affect not only the employees’ well-being but also the success of the change initiative
(Lundmark et al., 2022). Management of effective communication is key as it will provide
employees with the opportunity to consult with management so that the employees have a
platform to express their concerns, share their knowledge and give inputs before important
decisions are made that will affect them directly. It also imparts feelings of trust in the
employees when such communication occurs promptly, comprehensively and transparently
(Zwikael & Smyrk, 2015; Van Niekerk, 2017).
Living through a change initiative seems to be a fight for survival that coincides with many
mixed emotions, both positive and negative (Zoogah & Beugre, 2013). No person’s well-being
is left unscathed by the burden that they are required to carry, whether it is because they feel
guilty that they survived the restructuring/change while their colleagues did not or merely from
witnessing the impact of the change on the well-being of others or on themselves (Kidd, 2008;
Schiro & Baker, 2009; Simuth, 2017; Fløvik et al., 2019; Dlouhy & Casper, 2020).
Organisational support becomes an important enabler for organisational change initiatives to
succeed as it is key to ensuring healthy, engaged employees who are vital in executing the
change initiative and thus having a positive influence on the potentially adverse impact of the
change initiative on the employees’ well-being (Day et al., 2017; Van Niekerk, 2017; Alfes et
al., 2019). Ensuring a successful change initiative while simultaneously ensuring the well-
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 16
being of the employees is mainly driven by three factors, namely communication, participation
and support (Ryan & Deci, 2001; Erciyes, 2019; Marsh et al., 2020; Ruggeri et al., 2020).
Employees should be afforded the opportunity to participate throughout the change process
and have their voices heard through a process of consultation (Van Niekerk, 2017). A well-
structured communication strategy should be developed to ensure transparent, prompt and
comprehensive communication that inspires trust in the employees. Finally, change agents
should acknowledge employees’ potential fears, anxieties and uncertainties and create a work
environment that empowers employees and makes them feel safe to share their lived
experiences and how these affect their well-being (Franco et al., 2015; Rahman et al., 2020).
The objective of this study was to understand the impact of organisational change on
employee well-being. Although the participants’ experiences of organisational change differed,
they generally emphasised the negative impacts of organisational change. Four themes
emerged from the data, namely well-being descriptors, ill-being descriptors, employee
expectations and survival. The participants highlighted the extent to which the implementation
of inadequate communication strategies appeared to be problematic. However, Figure 1
illustrates that the adverse impact of organisational change could be overcome by recognising
and meeting employees’ expectations, ensuring effective communication and providing the
appropriate organisational support.
Essentially, organisations and facilitators of change management should understand that
communication is a point of immense concern for employees and that the implementation of
effective communication strategies is key in determining how employees’ well-being is
affected by organisational change. Cultivating a sense of belonging through consultation and
considering employee inputs before making key decisions will enhance employees’
engagement in and commitment to the change process. Change agents, leaders and industrial
and organisational psychologists should attune themselves to the moderating factors that will
alleviate the negative impact of change and enhance employee well-being by creating a more
humane organisational change context. It is proposed that this be done by creating forums in
which employees’ voices can be heard during the planning, implementation and concluding
phases of the change process.
Since organisational change is both dynamic and complex in nature and, given the limited
focus on participants’ experiences, longitudinal studies could be undertaken to gain a better
understanding of the impact of organisational change on employee well-being over time.
well-being during change
Journal of Contemporary Management
DHET accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 20 Issue 1
Pages 83-103
Page 17
Future research could also explore the differences between the experiences of the victims and
the survivors of change. Future research could focus on the managers who must enact the
change to gain insights into their experiences and the competencies that they need to steer
organisations and employees successfully through the change initiatives.
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... A qualitative approach was adopted to explore the sensemaking and coping practices amidst managerial dissonance and disruption (Belschak et al., 2020;van Niekerk and van Rensburg, 2022;Xaba et al., 2023). We responded to calls for qualitative approaches that delve into the richness of lived experiences of middle managers and change agents during organisational change (Kieran et al., 2020;Hay et al., 2020;van Niekerk and van Rensburg, 2022;Nel and van Niekerk, 2023). ...
... In the contemporary fast-paced business environment, organisational survival, and middle manager well-being, hinge on adaptability and change. There is a clear moral imperative to address employee well-being and coping practices when change is implemented (Rafferty, 2021;Nel and van Niekerk, 2023). The restructuring was found to have significantly affected the well-being of middle managers, highlighting that any organisational change efforts should be approached carefully (Nel and van Niekerk, 2023). ...
... There is a clear moral imperative to address employee well-being and coping practices when change is implemented (Rafferty, 2021;Nel and van Niekerk, 2023). The restructuring was found to have significantly affected the well-being of middle managers, highlighting that any organisational change efforts should be approached carefully (Nel and van Niekerk, 2023). Our research delved into the lived experiences of middle managers during organisational restructuring by offering insights into how middle managers cope with organisational restructuring within a selected case company in the financial services sector. ...
... The discussion so far has focused on the first part of Radwan's statement, and we now move to discuss how employees were treated and received the wide-ranging changes that occurred during the pandemic. Clear and effective communication from leaders about organisational change to employees, directly impacts how successful the proposed changes will be (Shulga, 2020;Nel, & Van Niekerk, 2023;Qureshi et al., 2024). Belias et al. (2023) report that the levels of employee motivation significantly impact how employees engage and implement change management in the hospitality sector; this suggests that making large scale changes during times of crisis such as the pandemic, will likely lead to less employee commitment to the process, as the effects of the crisis itself may be overwhelming already. ...
... A people centred organisation will ensure that its employees are treated as the most vital of the enterprise. Appreciating and emphasising employee well-being during change management can result in more seamless transitions, enhanced creativity, and greater results (Nel, & Van Niekerk, 2023;Qureshi et al., 2024). Our findings also support what Malinen et al. (2020) report how for New Zealand employees were treated during the pandemic, where the authors highlighted the importance of transparent communications and a personalised approach to wellbeing. ...
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The hospitality industry comprises a broad array of service offerings such as accommodation, restaurants, bars, and entertainment (cinemas, concerts, theatres, casinos, amusement parks), among others. As a significant contributor to the tourism GDP of the South African economy, this once thriving sector experienced an unprecedented and devastating impact in 2020 due to the onset of the global pandemic (COVID-19). This paper explores a major South African gaming, hotels, and entertainment group's (Sun International) organisational performance, with specific emphasis on its Gauteng based properties. The purpose of the research was to understand the organisational shifts in business strategies, financial planning, marketing realignments, and employee behaviour among other changes to the operational environment in enduring the effects of the pandemic. The paper adopted a qualitative research approach using a non-probability sampling technique. Data was collected from a sample of ten participants using semi-structured one-on-one interviews. The participants were chosen from various departments and comprised permanent senior management employees of Sun International. The findings showed that Sun International changed its business strategy in response to the pandemic with respect to how it treated internal staff and external guests. The group also adapted its cost management, marketing, and communication strategy. Finally, Sun International has restructured its business with resilience and sustainability in mind, to be in a better position to weather future crises.
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This study draws upon conservation of resources theory to investigate if laissez-faire leadership influences employees’ perceptions of role clarity, and two forms of well-being (job satisfaction and work-related burnout), in the context of organizational restructuring. Moreover, role clarity is studied as a mechanism linking laissez-faire leadership to employee well-being. These relationships were tested using a three-wave time-lagged investigation conducted over a two-year period with a sample of 601 employees working in the Swedish process industry. The results of the structural equation modelling analyses showed that laissez-faire leadership was negatively related to role clarity 9 months later. In turn, role clarity mediated the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being. This study contributes to the understanding of how laissez-faire leadership in the context of organizational restructuring may affect employee outcomes. We discuss implications for theories and practices, as well as directions for future research. MAD statement The majority of research on leadership during organizational restructuring has focused on positive outcomes of constructive forms of change leadership. However, other forms of leadership, such as laissez-faire leadership, may also play a crucial role for employee outcomes when implementing change. This study is to our knowledge the first to focus on the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being in the context of organizational restructuring. We suggest that organizations work actively to include knowledge on this form of leadership in change-leadership training. We also suggest monitoring work-groups’ perceptions of role clarity (as a mechanism directly affected by laissez-fair leadership) during restructuring so that measures can be taken to facilitate transitions when needed.
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Downsizing is widely assumed to detrimentally affect surviving employees' engagement and health through increased demands and decreased resources. Building on job demands-resources theory, we assess whether these effects occur and whether job demands and resources moderate the detrimental effects of downsizing on employee health and engagement. We conceptualize downsizing as a stressor event, and we explain its relationship with employee health through the job demands work overload and job insecurity are (two) job demands, as well as its relationship with employee engagement through the job resources supervisor support and opportunities for development are job resources. Using data from two large representative samples of German employees, we show that job demands mediate the negative relationship between downsizing and employees' psychological and physical health and that job resources mediate the negative relationship between downsizing and engagement. We find little support for the assumption that job resources alleviate the indirect effects of downsizing on surviving employees' health, or that job demands strengthen the indirect effects of downsizing on surviving employees' engagement. We discuss how these findings expand our understanding of down-sizing and outline practical implications for human resource practitioners.
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This paper aims to explore the effects of a service provider’s organizational support and organizational empowerment on employee well-being in the healthcare service context. It also investigates if employee engagement has an effect on employee well-being. An empirical study among the employees (n = 153) of a therapeutic and rehabilitation service provider in Dhaka, Bangladesh reveals that both organizational support and organizational empowerment have positive influences on employee well-being. Although organizational support has the largest effect on employee engagement, the influence of organizational empowerment on employee engagement is not a significant factor. However, employee engagement influences their well-being. The study findings provide insights by explaining the roles that a service provider can play to enhance employee well-being and the strategies that managers can take to realize the positive effects of organizational support and empowerment on well-being.
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Background Recent trends on measurement of well-being have elevated the scientific standards and rigor associated with approaches for national and international comparisons of well-being. One major theme in this has been the shift toward multidimensional approaches over reliance on traditional metrics such as single measures (e.g. happiness, life satisfaction) or economic proxies (e.g. GDP). Methods To produce a cohesive, multidimensional measure of well-being useful for providing meaningful insights for policy, we use data from 2006 and 2012 from the European Social Survey (ESS) to analyze well-being for 21 countries, involving approximately 40,000 individuals for each year. We refer collectively to the items used in the survey as multidimensional psychological well-being (MPWB). Results The ten dimensions assessed are used to compute a single value standardized to the population, which supports broad assessment and comparison. It also increases the possibility of exploring individual dimensions of well-being useful for targeting interventions. Insights demonstrate what may be masked when limiting to single dimensions, which can create a failure to identify levers for policy interventions. Conclusions We conclude that the both the composite score and individual dimensions from this approach used constitute valuable levels of analyses for developing appropriate policies to protect and improve well-being.
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This study investigates how employees craft narratives of organisational change failure through the lens of their work identity. We analysed change recipients’ retrospective sensemaking accounts of an organisational re-structuring in a university, finding these accounts to be filled with widely varying descriptions of failure – of errors, dysfunction, and loss. We explored how employees’ organisational, professional, and work-group identities were intertwined with, and fundamentally challenged by, their sensemaking about the change and its failure. Our inductive analysis revealed four distinct narrative trajectories – Identity Loss, Identity Revision, Identity Affirmation, and Identity Resilience – each characterised by distinct cognitive, affective, and behavioural patterns. We discuss the unique contributions that this study makes to the literatures on organisational change failure, sensemaking, and identity.
Background The contribution of work to positive mental health is increasingly apparent. Transition into the workplace causes a range of stressors for new graduate nurses who experience both psychological wellbeing and illbeing in their first year of practice. Objective To determine published prevalence, predictors, barriers and enablers of new graduate registered nurse wellbeing, work wellbeing and mental health. Design Systematic review of quantitative research. Data sources Databases included Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Excerpta Medica database, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online and Psychological Information. Quantitative and mixed-methods studies were considered for inclusion if published in English from 2009 to 2019 reporting primary data analysis including new graduate nurses’ wellbeing, work wellbeing and mental health. Review methods Quantitative studies were systematically identified then screened and appraised against pre-determined inclusion criteria. Analysis was conducted by grouping according to analytical methods and results reported as a narrative synthesis. Results Thirty-four studies were included. The quality of the evidence was variable with just a quarter of the studies being assessed as meeting the quality criteria on all nine measures. For the new graduate nurses prevalence of wellbeing, levels of resilience, optimism, and hope were found to be high. For work wellbeing, most reported higher job satisfaction by 12-months. For work illbeing, levels of burnout were moderately high, predominantly in terms of emotional exhaustion, and stress was initially high, particularly in terms of workload, but decreased over time. For the predictors, job satisfaction was positively predicted by structural empowerment and career satisfaction, and negatively predicted by co-worker incivility, supervisor incivility and emotional exhaustion. For work illbeing, stress was a positive predictor for intent to leave. Stress reductions were associated with momentary levels of high task mastery, social acceptance and role clarity. Conclusions For new graduate nurses, levels of emotional exhaustion, workload and stress were moderately high to high initially, decreasing over time as the graduate nurses’ job satisfaction increased. Most studies focused on the nurses’ intent to resign or stay and both psychological capital and work engagement positively predicted intent to stay whereas work stress positively predicted intent to resign. Resilience and group cohesion moderated the negative effects of some variables, thus may be potential enablers of work wellbeing. The standards of research reporting or design were generally sub-optimal according to quality indicators. Systematic review registration number: (blinded) What is already known about the topic? • Work contributes to positive mental health, which in turn contributes to enhanced organisational outcomes. • Transition into the nursing workplace causes a range of stressors for new graduate nurses. What this paper adds • We found that for new graduate nurses, levels of emotional exhaustion, workload and stress were moderately high to high initially, decreasing over time as the graduate nurses’ job satisfaction increased. • Psychological capital and work engagement positively predicted intent to stay whereas work stress positively predicted intent to resign. • Stress reductions were associated with momentary levels of high task mastery, social acceptance and role clarity.
This chapter begins by exploring subjective well-being and its origins dating back to ancient thinkers such as Aristotle. It discusses two main forms of subjective well-being; eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. The chapter then delves into the roles of personality, emotional intelligence, positive emotions, economics and religion in influencing subjective well-being. Measures of well-being are discussed as well as the notion of the Hedonic Treadmill and how it operates with the Set-point Theory of happiness. In addition, this chapter also presents the latest research from neuroscience and discusses how neuroscience potentially challenges personality and set-point theories. A few practical steps for subjective well-being are also discussed. Overall, this chapter covers the historical and contemporary theories of subjective well-being and explores a new positive direction on the association of personality, health and subjective well-being.