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Abstract and Figures

Protecting wildlife movement corridors is critical for species conservation. Urban planning often aims to create corridors for animal movement through conservation initiatives. However, research on connectivity for urban wildlife is limited. Here, we assessed connectivity for coyotes (Canis latrans) dynamically across temporal scales and demographic traits, parametrized using the habitat selection of 27 global positioning system (GPS)‐collared coyotes in the city of Toronto, Canada. The habitat selection models accounted for human population density, impervious area, vegetation density, and distance to different linear features. Results indicated that (1) vegetation‐dense areas were key for connectivity in urban areas; (2) riverbanks, railways, and areas below power lines were predicted as movement corridors; and (3) commercial and industrial clusters strongly disrupted connectivity. Spatiotemporal differences in connectivity were associated with time of day and coyote social status but not with climate and biological seasonality or coyote age and sex. Residential roads were pivotal in the temporal dynamism of connectivity. The maintenance and enhancement of plant structural complexity along key infrastructure (for example, highways, waterways, and parking lots) should be considered when managing connectivity corridors in cities.
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© 2024 e Authors. Frontiers in Ecolog y and the Environment published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of e Ecolog ical Society of America.
Dynamic connectivity assessment for a terrestrial
predator in a metropolitan region
Tiziana A Gelmi- Candusso1*, Andrew TM Chin2, Connor A Thompson3, Ashley AD McLaren4,5, Tyler J Wheeldon4,
Brent R Patterson3,4, and Marie- Josée Fortin1
Protecting wildlife movement corridors is critical for species conservation. Urban planning often aims to create corridors for ani-
mal movement through conservation initiatives. However, research on connectivity for urban wildlife is limited. Here, we assessed
connectivity for coyotes (Canis latrans) dynamically across temporal scales and demographic traits, parametrized using the habi-
tat selection of 27 global positioning system (GPS)- collared coyotes in the city of Toronto, Canada. The habitat selection models
accounted for human population density, impervious area, vegetation density, and distance to different linear features. Results
indicated that (1) vegetation- dense areas were key for connectivity in urban areas; (2) riverbanks, railways, and areas below power
lines were predicted as movement corridors; and (3) commercial and industrial clusters strongly disrupted connectivity.
Spatiotemporal differences in connectivity were associated with time of day and coyote social status but not with climate and bio-
logical seasonality or coyote age and sex. Residential roads were pivotal in the temporal dynamism of connectivity. The mainte-
nance and enhancement of plant structural complexity along key infrastructure (for example, highways, waterways, and parking
lots) should be considered when managing connectivity corridors in cities.
Front Ecol Environ 2024; 22(4): e2633, doi:10.1002/fee.2633
Maintaining animal movement between habitat patches is
essential to preserving animal population fitness, by
facilitating dispersal throughout the course of a species’ life
cycle, such as seasonal migrations and colonization of new
habitat patches (McGuire et al.2016), as well as to preserving
their ecological contribution to plant communities, by facili-
tating pollination and seed dispersal. Understanding how ani-
mals navigate the landscape is therefore key to the development
of effective wildlife conservation strategies, especially across
fragmented landscapes, where heterogeneity constrains animal
movement. The degree to which the landscape facilitates ani-
mal movement is described as connectivity (Singleton and
McRae2013). Connectivity assessments can therefore identify
potential areas where animal movement is more likely (move-
ment corridors) or where animal movement is obstructed
(movement barriers).
In urbanized landscapes, habitats are reduced, fragmented,
and disturbed by anthropogenic factors, leading to behavioral
adaptations in animals, including changes in movement pat-
terns (Ritzel and Gallo2020). In addition, varying configura-
tion patterns of the built environment and habitable areas,
fencing practices, and dense road networks further restrict the
movement of terrestrial mammals, which are constrained to
the available space in between urban infrastructure. Identifying
which features promote or hinder animal movement within
urban areas will also provide valuable knowledge for managing
human–wildlife conflict, the spread of zoonotic diseases, and
the seed dispersal of native and non- native plant species (Kays
et al.2015).
Fine- scale research on functional connectivity within urban
areas has been limited, especially for terrestrial mammals
(LaPoint et al.2015). To date, fine- scale functional connectiv-
ity has been assessed for the white- footed mouse (Peromyscus
leucopus), European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), fisher
(Martes pennanti), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) (Munshi-
South 2012; LaPoint et al. 2015; Kimmig et al. 2020; App
et al.2022). Important urban features include roadsides, ceme-
teries, and residential areas with high tree canopy cover for
white- footed mice in New York City (Munshi- South 2012);
backyard vegetation structure for hedgehogs in Zürich,
Switzerland (App et al.2022); forested wetlands and highway
verges for fishers in suburban Albany, New York (LaPoint
et al.2013); and longitudinal movement along motorways and
railways for red foxes in Berlin, Germany (Kimmig et al.2020).
In this study, we analyzed functional connectivity for coy-
otes (Canis latrans) in Toronto, Canada, given that they are
wide- ranging terrestrial mesopredators and have the potential
to be an umbrella species (Breckheimer et al.2014). Coyotes
can thrive in highly developed landscapes by displaying strong
selection for urban parks and natural fragments, spending as
much as 75% of their time in these areas (Gehrt et al.2009;
Mitchell et al.2015; Thompson et al.2021). With home ranges
between 3 and 26 km2 and the capacity to move at rates of up
to 30 km per day (Gehrt et al.2009; Mueller et al.2018), urban
coyotes exploit both natural and anthropogenic resources
1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada *(;2Toronto and
Region Conservation Authority, Vaughan, Canada;3Department of
Environmental and Life Sciences,Trent University, Peterborough,
Canada;4Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry,
Peterborough, Canada;5Government of Northwest Territories, Fort Smith,
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
TA Gelmi- Candusso et al.
(Bateman and Fleming2012), adjust their behavior in response
to landscape fragmentation and human presence through tem-
poral and spatial avoidance (Tigas et al. 2002), and differen-
tially select between urban zones (Mitchell et al. 2015). In
addition, coyotes are socially complex, forming territorial
packs with offspring dispersing yearly to form new packs or
join existing packs (Gese et al.1996). Therefore, factors such as
diel cycles, biological seasons, and social status influence coy-
ote habitat selection and how they travel through the urban
matrix (Mitchell et al.2015; Ellington et al.2020), potentially
affecting the degree of connectivity in urban areas, as reported
for other species (Zeller et al.2020).
With the aim of identifying urban features promoting or hin-
dering connectivity for coyotes and of assessing the dynamism of
that connectivity across temporal scales and demographic traits,
we analyzed functional connectivity within the metropolitan
Toronto region using an omnidirectional connectivity approach
(McRae et al. 2016) at a 30- m resolution. We described the urban
landscape using satellite data, census data, and the continuous
distance to various linear features as covariates, and assessed coy-
ote selection for these covariates using location data from 27
coyotes. Subsequently, we generated a resistance map for the
study area following the differential selection of the urban land-
scape covariates. To assess the spatiotemporal dynamism of con-
nectivity, we integrated into the analysis the selection of the
urban landscape in interaction with temporal and demographic
factors: namely, diel cycles, biological seasons, climate seasons,
social status, and age/sex of individuals. Ultimately, we identified
key features and areas where animal movement should be man-
aged to reduce the fragmenting effect of urban infrastructure,
and how connectivity may change in response to temporal and
demographic dynamics.
Study area
We conducted our study in the densely populated Greater
Toronto Area (GTA; 4334 people per km2, according to the
2016 census (Statistics Canada 2017) and the urban portion
of the Regional Municipality of Peel (2348 people per km2,
2016 census) in Ontario, Canada (Figure1). e study area
contained >1500 urban landscaped- green areas (eg cemeteries,
orchards, golf courses, parks, residential yards) scattered
throughout a diversely developed landscape. A distinctive feature
of the study area was the presence of multiple power line
corridors that travel transversely across the region and pass
through open green areas. In addition, the area was charac-
terized by ve river valleys with forested riverbanks running
longitudinally through areas of high human population density,
intersecting the study area. e region surrounding the study
area was characterized by a comparatively low- density human
population (<300 people per km2), protected natural areas,
and agricultural land.
Figure 1. Global positioning system (GPS)- collar location data of coyotes (n = 27) sampled between 2012 and 2021 (black circles) superimposed on a
land- cover map of the study area within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) (gray border) and its surroundings, reclassified from the Southern Ontario Land
Resource Information System (v3.0). Online visualizations of maps are available at https:// story maps. arcgis. com/ stori es/ 92fe4 ecaf4 8e41f 69022 09fe5
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
Dynamic urban functional connectivity analysis
Coyote movements
Coyotes (n = 27; Figure1) were monitored between 2012 and
2021 for 245 ± 136 days (mean ± standard deviation)
(AppendixS1: TableS1). Coyotes were live- trapped with padded
foothold traps by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
and Forestry following methods approved by their Wildlife
Animal Care Committee (protocols 75- 12, 75- 13, 75- 14) or
captured with nets by the Toronto Wildlife Centre; coyotes were
then tted with self- releasing GPS- collars (Lotek Wildcell SG,
Newmarket, Canada) that recorded location data, which were
resampled following the median sampling frequency in order
to maintain a constant sampling frequency for each individual
(1–3 hours; AppendixS1: TableS1). e data were well balanced
in terms of demographic traits (12 females/15 males, 19 adults/
eight subadults, 22 residents/15 transients; Appendix S1:
Table S1). Residents and transients were distinguished based on
movement characteristics following ompson et al. (2021).
Habitat selection model
We analyzed habitat selection by coyotes in the urban land-
scape using the step- selection function (SSF) method developed
by Fortin et al. (2005). We then estimated the relative selec-
tion strength (RSS; Avgar et al. 2017) for each covariate
included in the habitat selection model (Figure2). Four urban
landscape covariates were included as xed factors: vegetation
density (normalized dierence vegetation index or NDVI),
human population density, impervious surface, and linear fea-
tures (AppendixS1: Table S2a; Figures S1 and S2). To measure
the spatiotemporal dynamic responses of coyotes, we included
the interaction of the xed variables with three temporal
scales (diel cycles, biological seasons, and climate seasons)
and three demographic traits (coyote age, sex, and social
status) (Appendix S1: Table S2b). All data processing and
analysis for the habitat selection models were conducted in
R (v4.1.0; R Core Team 2021).
Step- selection function
From consecutive GPS- collar locations, we calculated the
turning angle and step length with the steps_by_burst()
function from the R package amt (Signer et al. 2019). Aer
tting the distributions to observed step lengths and turning
angles, we generated nine random available steps for each
Figure 2. (a) Relative selection strength (RSS) of the environmental attributes (ie vegetation density, human population, impervious surface, and linear
features: low- , medium- , and high- traffic roads; hiking paths; and public service lines) in interaction with coyote social status (SS), diel cycles (DC), biolog-
ical seasons (BS), and climate seasons (CS). (b) Habitat suitability map from the habitat selection analysis. (c) Workflow for estimating connectivity from
GPS- collar location data and satellite images using the RSS to estimate resistance values and the habitat suitability map to define source nodes. Online
visualizations of maps are available at https:// story maps. arcgis. com/ stori es/ 92fe4 ecaf4 8e41f 69022 09fe5 ae5abcc.
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
TA Gelmi- Candusso et al.
observed step using the random_steps() function from the
R package amt (Signer et al. 2019). We standardized the
xed variables included in the model and extracted their
values at the endpoint of each step. We checked for col-
linearity between covariates using the vif() function from
the R package DAAG (Maindonald and Braun 2020). To
t the SSF, we used the glmmTMB() function from the R
package glmmTMB (Magnusson et al.2021) to run a Poisson
generalized linear mixed model with random intercepts for
individual ID and step ID, and random slopes for individ-
uals, which is the likelihood equivalent of a conditional
logistic regression (Mu et al. 2020).
Model specification
We conducted model selection using a combination of
Akaike’s information criteria (AIC) and null hypotheses
testing, comparing the models to a null model including
only random intercepts for individual ID and step ID. e
model containing only the xed variables describing the
urban landscape with the lowest AIC score was used as the
base model for selecting from the models containing inter-
action eects with temporal scales and demographic traits.
Subsequently, we selected the models including interaction
eects that had an AIC ≤ 2 as compared to the base model
and at least one signicant interaction eect (P < 0.05).
Relative selection strength
Our habitat selection analysis estimated the relative prob-
ability of an animal occurring in a unit of space (hereaer,
space unit). Each covariate included in the model inuenced
this probability dierently along the animal’s path. erefore,
the RSS function was applied to account for the fact that
individual coyotes encounter dierent values of these covar-
iates on each space unit within their path (Avgar et al.2017).
e RSS used the coecient estimate of each covariate,
given by the habitat selection model, to assess the probability
of an animal being present in a space unit as the covariate’s
value changed, with all other covariates held constant.
Consequently, to measure the RSS, we generated a dataset
of 200 equally spaced values within the covariate’s scaled
range. When interaction eects were included in the habitat
selection model, the RSS was given by:
where Δhi is the dierence between the mock value at loca-
tion x1 and the reference value (ie the average attribute
value across the landscape), βi is the coecient estimate of
the attribute under analysis, βij is the estimate of the inter-
action eect, and hj is the value of the interaction component
at location x1 (1 or 0, as the interaction components were
in binary form). e regression between the RSS values was
estimated across each scaled covariate using a relative selec-
tion curve (Figure2a), which was used to predict the
resistance of each cell in the study area across temporal
scales and demographic traits (Appendix S1: Figure S3).
Connectivity analysis
Despite their generalist and highly adaptive nature, coyotes
still use natural areas more than other areas within cities
(Gehrt et al. 2009; ompson et al. 2021), meaning that they
likely tend to stay within highly suitable areas. erefore, to
dene the habitat patches acting as source nodes in our con-
nectivity analysis, we estimated the habitat suitability index
(HSI) across our study area. To do so, we followed the pro-
portional hazard model described by Manly et al.(2002), using
the SSF output (Figure2b). We considered habitat patches
(ie source nodes) as cells (30 m × 30 m) within our study
area that had HSI values in the top 1%. ese habitat patches
were used in the connectivity model as sources and targets
for the current ow traveling through the resistance matrix.
To generate the resistance matrices, we estimated the resist-
ance value for each cell within our study area as the sum of the
inverse RSS value of each environmental attribute at each cell
(30 m × 30 m; AppendixS1: FigureS3). We incorporated the
resistance contribution of each environmental attribute sepa-
rately, using the RSS instead of the HSI, to be able to incorpo-
rate the dynamism attributed by the coyote response to each
environmental attribute and their spatiotemporal changes in
value across the study area, as well as for each temporal and
demographic factor.
To estimate the resistance value R at each cell i, we used the
intercept and slope of the log- RSS curve of each covariate to
estimate the RSS value of each environmental covariate given
its value at each cell i, following:
where b0 is the intercept of the log- RSS curve reflecting the
variation in selection strength with respect to the scale of the
covariate (Figure2a), bx is the effect size of the covariates on
the log- RSS curve, Xi is the value of the covariate at cell i, by is
the effect size of the temporal scale or demographic trait added
as an interaction effect to the model (eg social status), Yi is the
binary value of the interaction covariate (eg resident = 0, tran-
sient = 1), and bx:y is the interaction effect of the non-
environmental covariate.
We assessed connectivity between the source nodes and
across the resistance values of our study area (Figure2c) using
the Omniscape package in Julia (Landau et al.2021). Omniscape
applies circuit theory omnidirectionally, evaluating connectiv-
ity, in terms of current flow, between every possible source
patch within a moving window (Landau et al.2021). The mov-
ing window radius was set to 15 km, which represented the
maximum daily net displacement of coyotes we monitored
(unpublished data). The normalized output was calculated by
dividing the cumulative current flow by the flow potential of
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
Dynamic urban functional connectivity analysis
the cell. Areas with high normalized current flow values repre-
sent areas where current flow is channeled (ie predicted move-
ment corridors), whereas areas with low values identify areas
acting as barriers to movement.
Habitat selection
e model with the lowest AIC score included all of the
urban landscape covariates included in the analysis, and revealed
that coyotes signicantly selected areas with higher vegetation
index values and lower human population density values, as
well as areas with less impervious surface and areas closer to
hiking trails and public service roads, while avoiding low- and
medium- trac roads and to a lesser extent high- trac roads
(Figure2a; Appendix S1: Table S3). Including the interaction
with diel cycles, social status, biological seasons, and climate
seasons improved the explanation of model variability, but
including age or sex did not. However, interactions with bio-
logical seasons and climate seasons were not signicant
(Figure2a; AppendixS1: Table S3), and therefore these inter-
action factors were excluded from the connectivity analysis.
In contrast, diel cycles and social status both had a signicant
inuence on selection. During daytime, coyotes selected areas
with denser vegetation and areas farther away from low- trac
roads or hiking trails. Social status also inuenced habitat
selection by coyotes, given that transient individuals exhibited
a weaker avoidance of areas with a greater proportion of
impervious surfaces than resident individuals (Figure2a).
Across all models, the most suitable habitat areas were
located at the intersection of rivers along river valleys, as well
as smaller patches in golf courses and large urban parks (green
areas in Figure2b). The least suitable areas were located in
large commercial and industrial clusters (dark blue areas in
Connectivity analysis
e connectivity assessment showed river valleys, smaller
streams with protected vegetation, linear parks or cemeteries,
golf courses, power line corridors, vegetation strips along
highways, and railways to be key for connectivity (Figure3a
[i, ii, iv]). In addition, the model output identied a dis-
tinction between nature- rich and nature- poor residential
areas (Figure3a [iii, iv]), with dense vegetation along res-
idential roads and in yards being key features for connec-
tivity. Connectivity values were lowest in large commercial
and industrial clusters (Figure3a [iii]).
Connectivity across the landscape and the predicted move-
ment corridors changed in the two models when diel cycles
(Figure3b) and coyote social status (Figure3c) were included.
In the diel cycle model, our results showed that residential
areas, especially nature- rich ones, became more permeable to
coyote movement during nighttime, with some predicted
movement corridors shifting to shorter but less sheltered
paths. Similarly, in the social status model, nature- rich residen-
tial areas were more permeable for transient coyotes than for
resident coyotes, thereby predicting movement corridors for
transient coyotes through less suitable areas.
Urban features important for connectivity
Our ndings suggest that vegetation cover was the key factor
for coyote connectivity in our study area, as connectivity
values were highest when urban features included more
dense vegetation (ie higher NDVI values). For example, three
area types—residential areas composed of yards with diverse
vegetation (Figure3a [iv]); forested riverbanks (Figure3a
[ii]); and open green areas with patches of complex vege-
tation structure, such as golf courses (Figure3a [ii])—all
had higher connectivity values. erefore, common practices
(such as lawn maintenance), or common applications across
cities (such as wetland removal and river canalization), reduce
the number of sheltered paths available for coyotes to move
around a city. Because vegetation structural complexity is
key for the connectivity of urban small mammals (Munshi-
South 2012; LaPoint et al. 2013; App et al. 2022), we can
expect such practices to be detrimental to the connectivity
of local smaller mammals as well.
Similar to other carnivores (Kimmig et al.2020) and smaller
mammals (Munshi- South 2012; LaPoint et al. 2013; App
et al.2022) in other cities, linear features were also key for coy-
ote connectivity. The presence of linear features within green
areas, such as hiking trails or public service lines, further made
these green areas more permeable to animal movement. Public
service lines (such as railways and power lines) were key for
facilitating coyote movement across the landscape and across
all spatiotemporal sets of models. Our analysis suggests that
railways, by running uninterrupted across the urban matrix,
can be used by coyotes for longitudinal movement, especially
when vegetation shelter is present along the tracks and within
the protective fencing (Figure3a [i, iv]), but different types of
fencing will create species- specific degrees of barriers to trans-
versal movement. Similarly, power lines (Figure3a [i]), posi-
tioned in prescribed regulated open areas, create corridors of
green areas potentially important for longitudinal movement
of coyotes, as has been observed for other mammals, reptiles,
and birds preferring open habitat (Richardson et al.2017). Yet
power line corridors are frequently intersected by roads, which
diminishes their effectiveness for animal movement because of
the increased mortality risk associated with roadways (Gunson
et al.2011). Thus, these urban features offer great potential for
enhancing urban connectivity, provided that the segmentation
of these components is reduced, for example, by the installa-
tion of road underpasses and the creation of linear parks or
trails beneath power lines.
The key features hindering connectivity in our study area
were medium- and high- traffic roads and industrial/
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
TA Gelmi- Candusso et al.
commercial areas. For high- traffic roads, our model did not
consider the presence of underpasses and overpasses, which
certainly attenuate their fragmenting effect (Denneboom
et al.2021). Nonetheless, even in the absence of underpasses
and overpasses, our model shows that maintaining dense
green areas along highways (Figure3a [ii]) would promote
longitudinal movement of coyotes, as was found for shorter-
ranging predators in other cities (Kimmig et al. 2020).
Clusters of commercial/industrial infrastructure strongly
reduced connectivity across large areas (Figure3a [iii]). Such
clusters should be specifically addressed by management pol-
icies across cities, because they are existing areas where
movement paths can be created with only a few small
changes. For example, most commercial and industrial clus-
ters already contain large open spaces such as parking lots,
unused during times of closure and available for animal
movement, but these sites lack the necessary vegetation struc-
tural complexity to provide shelter and resource availability.
Interspersing green areas within parking lots, in the form of
hedgerows, or allowing public service features to cross
through, such as open corridors beneath power lines or linear
parks, would enhance functional connectivity.
Temporal changes in connectivity
During nighttime, coyotes’ overall selection of more vegetated
and less populated areas decreased. e largest temporal
dierence was found for low- trac roads, as these were
avoided during daytime but preferentially used during night-
time, a result that further explains the nighttime selection
of residential areas by coyotes in Toronto (ompson
et al. 2021) and in Denver, Colorado (Poessel et al. 2016).
Figure 3. Connectivity shown as normalized current density (NCD) between source nodes (ie areas within the top 1% of habitat suitability index [HSI] values).
Higher connectivity values predict movement corridors and lower connectivity values predict movement barriers. (a) Connectivity according to the
base model (only environmental attributes). Examples with corresponding orthophotos (City of Toronto2019): (i) power line and railway over a high-
density residential area; (ii) highway over a residential area between a ravine and a golf course; (iii) commercial area and nature- poor residential area;
(iv) nature- rich residential area, railway, and beach. Basemap credit: City of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph,
FAO, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, NRCan, and Parks Canada. (b and c) Difference in connectivity (normalized current density difference [NCDd])
between (b) night and day (diel cycle) and (c) transient and resident coyotes (social status). Online visualizations of maps are available at https:// story
maps. arcgis. com/ stori es/ 92fe4 ecaf4 8e41f 69022 09fe5 ae5abcc.
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
Dynamic urban functional connectivity analysis
In our connectivity model, this temporal difference in
selection translated into residential roads acting as key
movement paths at night for coyotes. This finding may be
applicable to other urban wildlife that tend to be more active
at night, especially those, such as opossums, raccoons, and
skunks, that use nocturnality to access areas with higher
human population density and greater impervious surface
cover (Gallo et al.2022). As residential roads are key move-
ment paths during the temporal peak of urban wildlife activ-
ity, increasing residential road permeability to animal
movement should be addressed, especially when residential
areas are located between remnant natural areas. To improve
animal movement across residential areas, our results sug-
gest that increasing vegetation complexity along roadsides or
introducing linearly shaped green areas, such as those shown
in Figure3a (i), would be beneficial. This finding may be
applicable to other urban predators as well, given that habi-
tat structural complexity affects the occurrence of both wild
felids and canids (Stobo- Wilson et al.2020). Furthermore,
speed limits and strategic maze- like one- way streets, as seen
in the downtown residential areas of our study area, may
help reduce traffic and mortality risk within these crucial
nighttime paths.
Our results support the incorporation of temporal scales,
such as diel cycles, into assessments of landscape connectivity.
This temporal effect was strongest in areas with a higher den-
sity of low- traffic roads, where humans are usually most pres-
ent, likely due to an avoidance of human daily activity patterns
(Tigas et al. 2002). Avoidance of human- associated landscape
features has been found for coyotes in Chicago (Magle
et al.2014) and, as shown in the present study and previously
for red foxes in Berlin (Kimmig et al. 2020), avoidance of
humans can also influence the movement paths selected by
animals to travel through the urban matrix. Therefore, given
the strong temporal patterns in human presence and abun-
dance in urban areas, future studies on urban connectivity
should consider the potential resolution lost and bias intro-
duced when data are pooled from different temporal periods,
especially for predominantly nocturnal animal species (Gallo
et al.2022).
Seasonality scales were not relevant for the connectivity
of coyotes, despite having an important effect on habitat
selection, as reported in previous work on urban systems
(Ellington et al. 2020; Thompson et al. 2021). Although
including biological seasons and climate seasons explained
variability in coyote habitat selection better than the base
model, the strength of the interaction effect was insufficient
to translate into changes in landscape connectivity. Having
year- round water/resource availability and diet adaptability
likely reduced the effect of seasonality for coyotes in our
study area. However, these factors may be important for
other urban wildlife more sensitive to seasonality, such as
those relying on foliage cover as shelter from predators
(Fullman et al. 2021), those strongly dependent on fruit
availability (Ciudad et al. 2021), or those in cities where
water availability is seasonal, as seen in non- urban environ-
ments (Osipova et al.2019).
Demographic effects on connectivity
Coyote age and sex had no eect on habitat selection or
landscape connectivity, but an individual coyote’s social status
inuenced both habitat selection and connectivity. Transient
coyotes exhibited weaker avoidance of impervious surfaces
than resident coyotes, further explaining the dierence in
the degree of avoidance of residential areas observed by
ompson et al. (2021).
In our connectivity model, weaker avoidance of impervious
surfaces by transient coyotes resulted in higher connectivity val-
ues for residential, industrial, and commercial areas. Analogous
to the pressure that human presence exerts on coyotes during the
daytime, the presence of territorial resident coyotes likely rele-
gates non- territorial transient coyotes to suboptimal habitat
(Mitchell et al.2015). Our results suggest that spatial partitioning
of the landscape by coyotes and their territory- defending behav-
ior (Gese2001) may be strong enough to alter landscape connec-
tivity for transient coyotes, which could increase their exposure
to humans and the potential for human–wildlife conflict. These
results highlight the importance of incorporating the demo-
graphic dimension into connectivity assessments (Drake
et al. 2022), especially for territorial animals such as coyotes,
foxes, and raccoons, for which spatial partitioning of the land-
scape and intraspecific avoidance are strong. For example, for
coyotes in our study area, residential areas were less important
for connectivity when social status was excluded as an interaction
effect. Instead, when social status was included in the assessment,
the results showed that residential areas were important for the
most mobile and exposed portion of the coyote population (ie
transient coyotes; Mitchell et al. 2015). Therefore, addressing
connectivity across residential, industrial, and commercial areas,
for example by promoting sheltered paths such as linear parks or
increasing vegetation density along other linear features, becomes
important because such changes may help mitigate human–wild-
life conflict as transient coyotes move through suboptimal, highly
urbanized habitat.
We identied the factors inuencing landscape connectivity
for coyotes at a ne- scale resolution (30 m × 30 m) over
an 80- km- wide metropolitan region, taking into account the
spatiotemporal dynamics of coyote habitat selection, in a
landscape characterized by a network of dierently permeable
linear features, and the combined presence of humans,
buildings, and vegetation at dierent scales. While linear,
densely vegetated areas across the urban matrix were con-
sistently important across spatiotemporal scales, habitat
selection shied as coyotes avoided human daily activity
and the territorial pressure of conspecics, creating spatio-
temporal patterns in the predicted movement corridors.
Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2633
TA Gelmi- Candusso et al.
Overall, our findings suggest that, to improve connectivity,
cities can enhance existing potential movement corridors by
increasing plant structural complexity in key infrastructure,
including along public service lines and highways, in urban
parks, and within parking lots of extensively impervious areas
(such as industrial and commercial clusters).
We acknowledge the contribution of all employees of the Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Toronto
Wildlife Centre involved in collaring and tracking coyotes in
the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including A Wight. We ac-
knowledge the German Research Foundation (DFG) for sup-
porting this project through a research fellowship and the
University of Toronto for hosting. Funding was provided by
the Canada Research Chair in Spatial Ecology (to M- JF) and
DFG Research Fellowship GE 3103/1- 1 (to TAG- C). Author
contributions: TAG- C and M- JF conceived the study; TAG- C,
ATMC, and CAT contributed to the computational framework;
TAG- C implemented the computational framework, analyzed
the data, designed the gures, and draed and edited the man-
uscript; CAT, AADM, TJW, and BRP collected and curated
the coyote tracking data, and provided comments and edits to
the manuscript; M- JF supervised the development and ndings
of the work, and contributed to the writing and editing of the
manuscript and gures. All authors provided critical feedback
and helped shape the research, analysis, and manuscript.
Data Availability Statement
e data and code that support the ndings of this study
are openly available in Zenodo, at http:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/
zenodo. 10419385, reference number 10419385.
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tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is
non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Supporting Information
Additional material can be found online at http://online-
... As such, we overlaid human land use classes with green cover classes, and infrastructure classes were overlaid above all. Within the infrastructure layers, we overlaid buffered roads over buildings, roads were layered by road type (and characterizing traffic load), optimizing for overpasses and underpasses available to animal movement, and finally above all features, we overlaid hiking paths, railways, and fences, which generally run uninterrupted across the landscape, being potentially important features for animal movement within the city, acting as corridors or barriers (Gelmi-Candusso et al. 2024;Kimmig et al. 2020). We compiled the code needed for this step into the function merge_ OSM_LULC_layers() (Figure 1). ...
... Furthermore, artificial lights might not fully represent human presence perceived as a threat by well-adapted urban wildlife during nighttime, as terrestrial mammals with good movement capabilities might also be responsive to noise as a signal of imminent threat (Collins, Vickers, and Shilling 2022;Duarte et al. 2011;Willems, Phillips, and Francis 2022). Residential population density explains where the population resides but underestimates other areas of human activity such as commercial and industrial areas, which may also influence wildlife presence (Gelmi-Candusso et al. 2024). In contrast, the numerical variability of our urbanization index mainly depends on the availability and typology of green areas and building footprint density, which our results suggest as a better representation of the landscape from a wildlife perspective, in terms of both human avoidance and resource/shelter availability. ...
... As seen in our case study, fine-resolution landscape heterogeneity provides key information to better understand species distributions and has the potential to increase the explanatory power of spatial models. This is particularly useful for models predicting animal movement patterns (Braaker et al. 2014;Gelmi-Candusso et al. 2024;Kimmig et al. 2020;Semeniuk et al. 2012;Watkins et al. 2015), habitat use (Thompson, Malcolm, and Patterson 2021), disease transmission (Dimitrov 2022), biodiversity patterns (Savage et al. 2015), and ecosystem services (Grafius et al. 2016). The availability of high-resolution land cover maps also allows for the finetuning of environmental variables, by generating better-scaled metrics, such as the urbanization index we generated, the extraction of specific urban features relevant to a given research question, or simply in the form of a detailed land cover map. ...
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Wildlife abundance and movement are strongly impacted by landscape heterogeneity, especially in cities which are among the world's most heterogeneous landscapes. Nonetheless, current global land cover maps, which are used as a basis for large‐scale spatial ecological modeling, represent urban areas as a single, homogeneous, class. This often requires urban ecologists to rely on geographic resources from local governments, which are not comparable between cities and are not available in underserved countries, limiting the spatial scale at which urban conservation issues can be tackled. The recent expansion of community‐based geographic databases, for example, OpenStreetMap (OSM), represents an opportunity for ecologists to generate large‐scale maps geared toward their specific research needs. However, computational differences in language and format, and the high diversity of information within, limit the access to these data. We provide a framework, using R, to extract geographic features from the OSM database, classify, and integrate them into global land cover maps. The framework includes an exhaustive list of OSM features describing urban and peri‐urban landscapes and is validated by quantifying the completeness of the OSM features characterized, and the accuracy of its final output in 34 cities in North America. We portray its application as the basis for generating landscape variables for ecological analysis by using the OSM‐enhanced map to generate an urbanization index, and subsequently analyze the spatial occupancy of six mammals throughout Chicago, Illinois, USA. The OSM features characterized had high completeness values for impervious land cover classes (50%–100%). The final output, the OSM‐enhance map, provided an 89% accurate representation of the landscape at 30m resolution. The OSM‐derived urbanization index outperformed other global spatial data layers in the spatial occupancy analysis and concurred with previously seen local response trends, whereby lagomorphs and squirrels responded positively to urbanization, while skunks, raccoons, opossums, and deer responded negatively. This study provides a roadmap for ecologists to leverage the fine resolution of open‐source geographic databases and apply it to spatial modeling by generating research‐specific landscape variables. As our occupancy results show, using context‐specific maps can improve modeling outputs and reduce uncertainty, especially when trying to understand anthropogenic impacts on wildlife populations.
... Although critical for individuals and populations, dispersal is often risky as animals must navigate unfamiliar habitat and may face increased mortality risk from a variety of factors, including reduced foraging success and increased predation risk (Yoder et al., 2004;Johnson et al., 2009). Avoidance of residents can push dispersing individuals into suboptimal habitats, which can lead to selection of resources or landscape features that may increase the probability of animals encountering humans (Mitchell et al., 2015;Gelmi-Candusso et al., 2024). Dispersal can be particularly challenging in landscapes shared with humans due to anthropogenic landscape alteration and heightened risk from unintentional (e.g., vehicles) and intentional (e.g., harvest) human-caused mortality (Benson et al., 2024). ...
... We used both the 'sf' package (Pebesma, 2018) in R 4.0.3 (R Core Team, 2020) and ArcGIS 10.3.1 (ESRI, 2011) to visually identify resident and non-resident animals based on patterns of space use and net squared displacement (Börger and Fryxell, 2012) by looking for departures from home ranging behavior using an approach similar to Gelmi-Candusso et al. (2024). Resident canids restricted their movements to a well-defined home range for >3 months and displayed minimal overlap with neighboring residents. ...
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Dispersal is important for connectivity and persistence of small, disjunct wildlife populations. However, in human-altered landscapes dispersing animals are often more likely than residents to use anthropogenic features that increase mortality risk. As such, quantifying spatial and temporal responses of dispersing animals to anthropogenic features will improve our understanding of the potential for small, isolated populations to expand in human-altered landscapes. The distribution of eastern wolves (Canis c.f. lycaon; a threatened species in Canada) is limited to portions of eastern Canada within and adjacent to the population core in Algonquin Park. Recently, it was found that non-resident eastern wolves dispersing outside of Algonquin Park survive poorly, primarily due to high rates of human-caused mortality. We deployed Global Positioning System collars on 26 non-resident eastern wolves. We evaluated resource selection of dispersing individuals during different movement states to better understand their behavioral responses to anthropogenic landscape features during this critical, but risky period of their life history. Eastern wolves avoided areas with high building density during the day. However, during directed movements outside the winter period, eastern wolves selected areas closer to unpaved roads and areas with higher building densities at night. During winter, eastern wolves selected areas with high building densities at night while displaying tortuous movements. We demonstrate that harvested species may increase and relax avoidance of anthropogenic features at both daily and seasonal timescales. Failing to account for temporal and state-specific variation in resource selection patterns of dispersing animals may underestimate their ability to move through human-altered landscapes.
... Habitat resistance is represented by 1-RSS, thus we first calculated RSS for our top model. Following the method of [69,70], we generated a dataset of 200 equally spaced values within each covariate's scaled range. We generated separate ranges for covariates that varied between wet and dry seasons and calculated resistance separately for each season. ...
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Diminishing wild space and population fragmentation are key drivers of large carnivore declines worldwide. The persistence of large carnivores in fragmented landscapes often depends on the ability of individuals to move between separated subpopulations for genetic exchange and recovery from stochastic events. Where separated by anthropogenic landscapes, subpopulations’ connectivity hinges on the area’s socio-ecological conditions for coexistence and dispersing individuals’ behavioral choices. Using GPS-collars and resource- and step-selection functions, we explored African lion (Panthera leo) habitat selection and movement patterns to better understand lions’ behavioral adjustments in a landscape shared with pastoralists. We conducted our study in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), Tanzania, a multiuse rangeland, that connects the small, high density lion subpopulation of the Ngorongoro Crater with the extensive Serengeti lion population. Landscape use by pastoralists and their livestock in the NCA varies seasonally, driven by the availability of pasture, water, and disease avoidance. The most important factor for lion habitat selection was the amount of vegetation cover, but its importance varied with the distance to human settlements, season and time of day. Although we noted high levels of individual variation in tolerance for humans, in general lions avoided humans on the landscape and used more cover when closer to humans. Females showed more consistent avoidance of humans and stronger use of cover when near humans than did males. Connectivity of lion subpopulations does not appear to be blocked by sparse pastoralist settlements, and nomadic males, key to subpopulation connectivity, significantly avoided humans during the day, suggesting a behavioral strategy for conflict mitigation. These results are consistent with lions balancing risk from humans with exploitation of livestock by altering their behaviors to reduce potential conflict. Our study lends some optimism for the adaptive capacity of lions to promote coexistence with humans in shared landscapes.
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Coyotes (Canis latrans) may be important seed dispersal vectors in urban areas, given their omnivorous diet and wide-ranging movement patterns potentially able to bypass fragmentation. Yet, fragmentation itself, anthropogenic food sources, and human activity can limit their natural movement patterns. Previous research has found urbanization limits movement range across mammals; however, it remains unclear the degree to which this may cascade into seed dispersal as seed retention time also plays an important role in seed dispersal distance. Additionally, social and temporal changes in behavior influence coyote movement patterns, likely interacting with the effect of urbanization on net displacement and, consequently, seed dispersal. We used GPS telemetry data to analyze the effect of urbanization on coyote net displacement (n = 94 individuals), in interaction with social and temporal factors, for a series of seed retention timeframes. We found that urbanization led to overall shorter net displacement in comparison to rural areas. The effect of urbanization increased with increasing seed retention timeframe and disproportionately affected long-distance seed dispersal. Seasonality influenced the effect of urbanization to a smaller extent than social status. Social status had a strong interaction effect, as urbanization negatively impacted the net displacement of transient and dispersing coyotes but had a negligible influence on resident coyotes. Territoriality was likely the main limiting factor for the latter, whereas the former, which were wider ranging, were likely most affected by landscape configuration. In terms of seasonality, climate seasons explained variability in the data better than biological seasons, where net displacement remained more stable across climate seasons in urban areas, as opposed to rural areas, where net displacement increased during winter and decreased during summer. Interestingly, despite the urban effect, coyote net displacement varied across social statuses and seasons in both landscape types, suggesting coyotes can provide a heterogenous seed dispersal contribution within and across plant species. Future research on fine-scale movement patterns and scat analysis is needed to better understand the cascading effects of decreased long-distance net displacements on urban plant populations.
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Coyotes (Canis latrans) may be important seed dispersal vectors in urban areas, given their omnivorous diet and wide-ranging movement patterns potentially able to bypass fragmentation. Yet, fragmentation itself, anthropogenic food sources, and human activity can limit their natural movement patterns. Previous research has found urbanization limits movement range across mammals; however, it remains unclear the degree to which this may cascade into seed dispersal as seed retention time also plays an important role in seed dispersal distance. Additionally, social and temporal changes in behavior influence coyote movement patterns, likely interacting with the effect of urbanization on net displacement and, consequently, seed dispersal. We used GPS telemetry data to analyze the effect of urbanization on coyote net displacement (n=94 individuals), in interaction with social and temporal factors, for a series of seed retention timeframes. We found that urbanization led to shorter net displacement in comparison to rural areas. The effect of urbanization increased with increasing seed retention timeframe and disproportionately affected long-distance seed dispersal. Seasonality influenced the effect of urbanization to a smaller extent than social status. Social status had a strong interaction effect, as urbanization negatively impacted the net displacement of transient and dispersing coyotes but had a negligible influence on resident coyotes. Territoriality was likely the main limiting factor for the latter, whereas the former, which were wider ranging, were likely most affected by the landscape configuration. In terms of seasonality, climate seasons explained variability in the data better than biological seasons, where net displacement remained more stable across climate seasons in urban areas, as opposed to rural areas, where net displacement increased during winter and decreased during summer. Interestingly, despite the urban effect, coyote net displacement varied across social statuses and seasons in both landscape types, suggesting coyotes can provide a heterogenous seed dispersal contribution within and across plant species. Future research on fine-scale movement patterns and scat analysis is needed to better understand the cascading effects of decreased long-distance net displacements on urban plant populations.
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Time is a fundamental component of ecological processes. How animal behavior changes over time has been explored through well-known ecological theories like niche partitioning and predator-prey dynamics. Yet, changes in animal behavior within the shorter 24-hour light-dark cycle have largely gone unstudied. Understanding if an animal can adjust their temporal activity to mitigate or adapt to environmental change has become a recent topic of discussion and is important for effective wildlife management and conservation. While spatial habitat is a fundamental consideration in wildlife management and conservation, temporal habitat is often ignored. We formulated a temporal resource selection model to quantify the diel behavior of eight mammal species across ten U.S. cities. We found high variability in diel activity patterns within and among species and species-specific correlations between diel activity and human population density, impervious land cover, available greenspace, vegetation cover, and mean daily temperature. We also found that some species may modulate temporal behaviors to manage both natural and anthropogenic risks. Our results highlight the complexity with which temporal activity patterns interact with local environmental characteristics, and suggest that urban mammals may use time along the 24-hour cycle to reduce risk, adapt, and therefore persist, and in some cases thrive, in human-dominated ecosystems.
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Connectivity is a central concept in ecology, wildlife management, and conservation science. Understanding the role of connectivity in determining species persistence is increasingly important in the face of escalating anthropogenic impacts on climate and habitat. These connectivity augmenting processes can severely impact species distributions and community and ecosystem functioning. One general definition of connectivity is that it is an emergent process arising from a set of spatial interdependencies between individuals or populations, and increasingly realistic representations of connectivity are being sought. Generally, connectivity consists of a structural component, relating to the distribution of suitable and unsuitable habitat, and a functional component, relating to movement behavior, yet the interaction of both components often better describes ecological processes. Additionally, although implied by ‘movement', demographic measures such as the occurrence or abundance of organisms are regularly overlooked when quantifying connectivity. Integrating such demographic contributions based on the knowledge of species distribution patterns is critical to understanding the dynamics of spatially structured populations. Demographically‐informed connectivity draws from fundamental concepts in metapopulation ecology while maintaining important conceptual developments from landscape ecology, and the methodological development of spatially‐explicit hierarchical statistical models that have the potential to overcome modeling and data challenges. Together, this offers a promising framework for developing ecologically realistic connectivity metrics. This review synthesizes existing approaches for quantifying connectivity and advocates for demographically‐informed connectivity as a general framework for addressing current problems across ecological fields reliant on connectivity‐driven processes such as population ecology, conservation biology and landscape ecology. Using supporting simulations to highlight the consequences of commonly made assumptions that overlook important demographic contributions, we show that even small amounts of demographic information can greatly improve model performance. Ultimately, we argue demographic measures are central to extending the concept of connectivity and resolves long‐standing challenges associated with accurately quantifying the influence of connectivity on fundamental ecological processes.
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Coyotes (Canis latrans) have established populations in most major urban centers across North America. While the risk of attacks on humans or their pets is low, the presence of carnivores in areas with high human use has resulted in increased public concern. Having a clearer understanding of which animals are more likely to interact with humans and when interactions are more likely to occur will help mitigate human-carnivore conflicts. Despite clear broad-scale patterns of human avoidance, human-coyote interactions occur most frequently in residential areas. Our purpose was to determine if use of residential areas varied consistently across individuals or time. We used locations from GPS collars deployed on 14 coyotes in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada from 2012 to 2017 to fit a step selection function. Average (±SE) home range size estimates were 17.3 ± 4.6 km² for resident coyotes and 102.8 ± 32.9 km² for non-residents. We found that coyotes used natural areas more (β = 0.07, SE = 0.02, p < 0.0001), and roads (β = −0.50, SE = 0.13, p < 0.0001) and residential areas (β = −0.79, SE = 0.21, p = 0.0001) less during the day than at night. We also found that coyotes were more likely to use residential areas in the breeding season from January to April (β = 0.69, SE = 0.20, p = 0.0007) and the pup rearing season from May to August (β = 0.54, SE = 0.13, p < 0.0001) than in the dispersal season from September to December. Lastly, we found that resident coyotes were less likely to use residential areas than non-resident coyotes (β = −1.13, SE = 0.26, p < 0.0001). As far as we are aware, our study is the first to identify the seasons when coyotes are more likely to use residential areas. The seasonal patterns in habitat use that we observed reflect patterns that have been previously reported for human-coyote conflicts. Our results demonstrate that reducing the availability of anthropogenic food sources in residential areas, particularly in the winter and spring, should be a priority for managers aiming to reduce human-coyote conflict in urban areas.
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Connectivity assessments and corridor delineation are key contributions to landscape management and biodiversity conservation. We examined the influence of three potentially crucial factors on the results of connectivity analyses, using the two subpopulations of the endangered brown bear in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain) as a case study. First, we evaluated the spatial resolution of vegetation data, using three types of datasets ranging from coarse resolution land-cover maps to high-resolution LiDAR data. Second, the seasonal variation in the distribution of habitat resources and in the species use of the landscape. Third, multi-annual periods with different population status. The estimates of subpopulation isolation (effective distances) and the trajectory of the identified corridors were substantially influenced by (i) the spatial resolution of vegetation data; the more robust results were obtained when incorporating fine-scale LiDAR data; (ii) the season over which species occurrence data and landscape characteristics were considered; the spring mating season yielded higher connectivity estimates than any other season; (iii) the status of the populations, with higher landscape connectivity estimated for expanding populations. Our study reveals that the use of coarse-resolution data may underestimate the resistance of the non-habitat landscape matrix to species movements. The use of year-round estimates of habitat connectivity may miss the key seasonal temporal windows for species movements. Landscape resistance may be overestimated when data from periods with declining or restricted populations are used. We recommend carefully disentangling the effects of demography and landscape heterogeneity on realized species dispersal movements for improving the insights from connectivity modelling.
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As cities expand to accommodate a growing human population, their impacts to natural ecosystems and the wildlife residing within them increase. Some animals that persist in urban environments demonstrate behaviors distinct from their non-urban counterparts. These potential behavioral changes are the subject of a growing body of research in the areas of wildlife ecology, biology, and conservation. In spite of increasing urban wildlife research, studies focused specifically on changing behavior in urban mammals is limited. We conducted a systematic literature review to synthesize current research on behavior changes in wild urban mammals. We included 83 papers published between 1987 and March 2020. Omnivores were the leading subject of study, closely followed by carnivores and the specific behaviors most widely studied were home range and vigilance. Among the reviewed studies, there were 166 observations of 44 distinct behaviors with 155 occurrences of behavior change relative to conspecifics in non-urban areas. The most commonly studied and observed type of behavior change was alert behavior. Results indicate urban environments drive adaptive responses in behavior including changes in home range and diet preference, shifts in activity budget and vigilance, decreased flight initiation distance, and increased nocturnal activity. Some urban mammal species even demonstrated the ability to modulate behaviors based on environmental cues. Our results highlight the need for long-term wildlife behavior studies across a variety of urban settings to promote successful urban wildlife management and conservation.
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The dynamic environmental conditions in highly seasonal systems likely have a strong influence on how species use the landscape. Animals must balance seasonal and daily changes to landscape risk with the underlying resources provided by that landscape. One way to balance the seasonal and daily changes in the costs and benefits of a landscape is through behaviorally-explicit resource selection and temporal partitioning. Here, we test whether resource selection of coyotes (Canis latrans) in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada is behaviorally-explicit and responsive to the daily and seasonal variation to presumed costs and benefits of moving on the landscape. We used GPS data and local convex hulls to estimate space use and Hidden Markov Models to estimate three types of movement behavior: encamped, foraging, and traveling. We then used integrated step-selection analysis to investigate behaviorally explicit resource selection across times of day (diurnal, crepuscular, and nocturnal) and season (snow-free and snow). We found that throughout the day and seasonally coyotes shifted foraging behavior and altered behavior and resource choices to avoid moving across what we could be a challenging landscape. These changes in behavior suggest that coyotes have a complex response to land cover, terrain, and linear corridors that are not only scale dependent but also vary by behavior, diel period, and season. By examining the resource selection across three axes (behavior, time of day, and season), we have a more nuanced understanding of how a predator balances the cost and benefits of a stochastic environment.
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Landscape connectivity is increasingly promoted as a conservation tool to combat the negative effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, and climate change. Given its importance as a key conservation strategy, connectivity science is a rapidly growing discipline. However, most landscape connectivity models consider connectivity for only a single snapshot in time, despite the widespread recognition that landscapes and ecological processes are dynamic. In this paper, we discuss the emergence of dynamic connectivity and the importance of including dynamism in connectivity models and assessments. We outline dynamic processes for both structural and functional connectivity at multiple spatiotemporal scales and provide examples of modeling approaches at each of these scales. We highlight the unique challenges that accompany the adoption of dynamic connectivity for conservation management and planning in the context of traditional conservation prioritization approaches. With the increased availability of time series and species movement data, computational capacity, and an expanding number of empirical examples in the literature, incorporating dynamic processes into connectivity models is more feasible than ever. Here, we articulate how dynamism is an intrinsic component of connectivity and integral to the future of connectivity science.
Preserving and expanding green infrastructure (GI) is key to biodiversity conservation in cities, but a significant share of urban land is commonly underutilized in GI plans: gardens. This is despite the fact that gardens can support diverse wildlife communities by providing habitat and by functioning as corridors. In this article, we apply circuit theory-based modeling, in order to quantify the contribution of two types of gardens to connectivity in the city of Braunschweig, Germany: private gardens and allotment gardens. We ran four permeability scenarios: 1.) all green spaces including private and allotment gardens are permeable; 2.) private gardens are non-permeable; 3.) allotment gardens are non-permeable; 4.) only public green spaces but no gardens are permeable. We based our modeling on the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), a common, relatively well-understood and well-liked urban species. Observations by citizen scientists were used for a plausibility analysis and interpreting the results. Our results confirm the importance of gardens for providing habitat and connectivity. The overall landscape permeability to the movement of hedgehogs would decrease by 75% and the area of core habitats would decline by 63% without private and allotment gardens. While private gardens contribute most to landscape connectivity, some allotment gardens occupy key areas for the overall connectivity in the city. In conclusion, circuit theory-based modeling is a promising tool for urban GI planning and the output of those models can inform decision makers and gardeners.
Wildlife crossing structures (WCS) are widely used to allow for safe animal movement across roads, promoting both human safety and wildlife conservation. These structures are expensive to build and maintain, and therefore cost-effective design is essential. Although there has been much research to date on the factors affecting the usage of WCS by wildlife, no attempt has been made to synthesize these results and assess the current state of knowledge. We conducted a systematic review of the scientific and professional literature to assess the state of empirical evidence on WCS and a meta-analysis to explore the factors that influence their effectiveness. We identified a total of 270 studies that reported empirical results spanning four decades of research. Most studies (161) measured the number of crossing events without monitoring approaches to the structure, thus limiting the ability to assess WCS effectiveness. Only 77 studies measured the proportion of successful crossings to approaches, which was the type of data used for meta-analysis. Our meta-analysis results show that viaducts are the most effective type of WCS for large mammals. For example, the odds of ungulates crossing through a viaduct are 2.9 times that of an overpass, and 3.6 times that of an underpass. WCS built specifically for wildlife are used significantly more than those built for dual use by humans and wildlife. For large carnivores, the odds of using a dedicated WCS are 15.9 times that of a structure used concurrently by humans. We additionally found that natural materials and round shapes are preferable in the design of effective WCS. Altogether, these results highlight the importance of adopting large-scale monitoring of wildlife crossing structures. More broadly, we conclude that further research focusing on under-studied species and structure characteristics is needed to facilitate cost-effective mitigation efforts that reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and promote wildlife conservation.