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Expected goals in football: Improving model performance and demonstrating value


Abstract and Figures

Recently, football has seen the creation of various novel, ubiquitous metrics used throughout clubs’ analytics departments. These can influence many of their day-to-day operations ranging from financial decisions on player transfers, to evaluation of team performance. At the forefront of this scientific movement is the metric expected goals, a measure which allows analysts to quantify how likely a given shot is to result in a goal however, xG models have not until this point considered using important features, e.g., player/team ability and psychological effects, and is not widely trusted by everyone in the wider football community. This study aims to solve both these issues through the implementation of machine learning techniques by, modelling expected goals values using previously untested features and comparing the predictive ability of traditional statistics against this newly developed metric. Error values from the expected goals models built in this work were shown to be competitive with optimal values from other papers, and some of the features added in this study were revealed to have a significant impact on expected goals model outputs. Secondly, not only was expected goals found to be a superior predictor of a football team’s future success when compared to traditional statistics, but also our results outperformed those collected from an industry leader in the same area.
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Expected goals in football: Improving model
performance and demonstrating value
James MeadID
, Anthony O’HareID
*, Paul McMenemyID
Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Stirling, United Kindom
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Recently, football has seen the creation of various novel, ubiquitous metrics used through-
out clubs’ analytics departments. These can influence many of their day-to-day operations
ranging from financial decisions on player transfers, to evaluation of team performance. At
the forefront of this scientific movement is the metric expected goals, a measure which
allows analysts to quantify how likely a given shot is to result in a goal however, xG models
have not until this point considered using important features, e.g., player/team ability and
psychological effects, and is not widely trusted by everyone in the wider football community.
This study aims to solve both these issues through the implementation of machine learning
techniques by, modelling expected goals values using previously untested features and
comparing the predictive ability of traditional statistics against this newly developed metric.
Error values from the expected goals models built in this work were shown to be competitive
with optimal values from other papers, and some of the features added in this study were
revealed to have a significant impact on expected goals model outputs. Secondly, not only
was expected goals found to be a superior predictor of a football team’s future success
when compared to traditional statistics, but also our results outperformed those collected
from an industry leader in the same area.
Uncertainty plays a role in all sports and is a key reason why people enjoy interacting with it.
The knowledge that luck (alongside performance) can determine who wins and loses is what
draws many people in. This factor is arguably most prevalent in football. Due to its low-scoring
nature when compared to other sports, uncertainty often highly influences the result of a
match [15]. This is the ultimate motivation behind novel metrics such as expected goals
(commonly shortened to ‘xG’). Put simply, expected goals assigns a probability between 0 and
1 to each shot taken by a team in a game (0 indicating no possibility of the shot being a goal
and 1 indicating a definite goal). This is a better way of dealing with the randomness in football
than, for example, a traditional goal-based metric since a shot is a much more common event
than a goal [4,5]. Producing a probability value, indicating how likely the shot is to result in a
PLOS ONE | April 5, 2023 1 / 29
Citation: Mead J, O’Hare A, McMenemy P (2023)
Expected goals in football: Improving model
performance and demonstrating value. PLoS ONE
18(4): e0282295.
Editor: Rabiu Muazu Musa, Universiti Malaysia
Terengganu, MALAYSIA
Received: April 5, 2022
Accepted: February 11, 2023
Published: April 5, 2023
Copyright: ©2023 Mead et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: - The main source of
data was from Wyscout, (available https://www. and can
be found at
Soccer_match_event_dataset/4415000/5 - Data on
player value was taken from a dataset published on
Kaggle, which included data scraped from
Transfermarkt. The dataset can be found at https://
players-values-and-their-statistics - Data on both
match attendance and xG values used to compare
models with other sources of xG data were taken
from Fbref ( - Data on
goal, helps to give analysts an unbiased view of what occurred in the game—more specifically,
how many goals both teams ‘should have’ scored given the chances they created.
In 2018, FIFA reported that the most recent World Cup tournament in Russia amassed a
viewership of 3.572 billion [6]. This figure dwarfs those reached in cricket—widely believed to
be the second most popular sport, with audience estimates for the ICC Men’s Cricket World
Cup in 2019 standing at 1.6 billion [7]. Naturally, this immense following means there is con-
siderable economic value inherent within football. Therefore, discovering ways in which clubs
are able to predict future outcomes with greater confidence and thus gain an advantage, can
prove to be extremely financially beneficial. Expected goals provides analysts with this advan-
tage, one which can aid in decision-making at both the sport-level and business-level of foot-
ball. Not only can it help to improve the fortunes of football clubs on the pitch through tactical
analysis of player and team performance, but it can also assist in financial situations such as
player acquisition and contract negotiation. This is where xG’s true power lies.
Since xG’s inception, the metric has become ubiquitous within football. The majority of
top-level football teams and betting companies make use of the statistic (and related concepts
of expected assists and post-shot expected goals), with it aiding the development or acquisition
of players in clubs and refinement of betting odds modelling for gambling sites [4,8,9].
Despite analytics teams at football clubs and statisticians at betting companies championing
the idea of expected goals and even incorporating it into the work they do, the concept isn’t so
widely regarded by fans and pundits. This paper will also aim to prove the value that expected
goals can bring in football analytics, through comparing its predictability of match outcome
against traditional methods.
It is not clear when the expected goals statistic was first developed and who conceived it,
with most [1,9,10] stating that Macdonald’s [11] study into shot outcome in ice hockey origi-
nated the term, whilst others [3] have attributed it to Green’s [12] article. At its core, the con-
cept of expected goals can be thought of as a classification problem (due to it being a
probability of a shot being on target) this is why, in order to calculate these probabilities,
machine learning and statistical methods are applied. Different approaches to modelling xG
include logistic regression, gradient boosting, neural networks, support vector machines and
tree-based classification algorithms [1,2,13]. Most of the features incorporated into these
models are engineered from in-game data, split into two sections—event and positional. Event
data comprises detailed information about all events which occur on the pitch during a match
such as passes, duels, fouls, shots, etc. Each data point usually includes where the event took
place on the pitch (xand ycoordinates), where the event finished on the pitch (for shots,
passes, etc.), which player was involved in the event, which match the event occurred in,
whether the action was successful or not, and many other variables. These data points are man-
ually tagged by a team of people watching the game. Positional data provides information on
the location of every player, the referee and the ball with a frequency of up to 25 Hz [2]. This is
compiled using either vision-based systems, GPS technology or radio wave-based tracking sys-
tems [14]. Unfortunately, both football event and positional data are rarely publicly available
[1,15,16], with companies such as Opta, Wyscout and StatsBomb collecting the data them-
selves and selling it to football teams, betting firms or websites directly. This has therefore neg-
atively impacted the depth of research surrounding the topic of expected goals due to the fact
that both positional and event data (a combination which is incredibly rare to find) help create
robust models with powerful features. Consequently, one objective of this paper is to add to
the limited pool of literature on the subject of expected goals.
Since the purpose of expected goals models is to predict the likelihood that a given shot will
result in a goal the predominant features are distance, angle and shot type. One flaw with mod-
els which incorporate only these features (or similar ones) is that they tend to be poor
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ELO ratings was taken from Clubelo (http://clubelo.
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
predictors for both above- and below-average teams [17]. Therefore, integrating important
factors such as player/team ability and psychological effects into expected goals models is key
to enhancing their performance. However, since it is difficult to create proxies which capture
the impact of these factors, their inclusion is complicated. Hence, another area this paper aims
to explore is the lack of certain factors which could influence the outcome of a shot, through
engineering features representing player ability, team quality and psychological pressure,
alongside more common features. Additionally, since separate models for separate leagues will
be built, this will allow for evaluation of how the importance of certain features can vary
between competitions and therefore determine the reasons as to why national leagues are sub-
tly different to each other.
Expected goals models are primarily characterised by what features they include in order to
ascertain the probability of a shot resulting in a goal. Shot location is the most common of
such features and forms the basis of most models. This is usually incorporated through two
variables the distance from and angle to the goal when the shot was taken. Rathke’s [17]
study integrated these variables into his model using data from the 2012/13 Premier League
and Bundesliga seasons. He achieved this by splitting the football pitch into eight zones and
analysing goal probability from shots in each one. Rathke found that both distance and angle
significantly impact the likelihood of a goal being scored. Similarly, Spearman [3] examined
the effect of distance and angle on shooting outcome. The model that Spearman built, using
event data from a 14-team professional football league during the 2017/18 season, differed
slightly from the norm due to the fact that he used a probabilistic approach to quantify what he
calls ‘off-ball scoring opportunities’, or OBSO for short. As the name suggests, this tackled the
issue of rewarding clever movement from players who never receive the ball, something which
traditional expected goals models do not address. In spite of this difference, Spearman also
found that location is an important feature to include in his model. Naturally, due to its
salience when explaining the randomness of goal probability, shot location is discussed in
almost all studies surrounding the topic of expected goals [2,4,13,15,1820].
Another prevalent feature discussed in the literature is shot type. This feature provides con-
textual information about the shot and can be divided into two separate subfeatures. The first
examines which part of the body is used when taking the shot ((left/right) foot, head, other).
The second looks at what game situation the shot occurred in. This can include open play,
counter attack, free kick and even penalty kick, depending on the model. As part of the model
Brechot and Flepp [4] built in their work, they included these features and determined that
both influence shot outcome. In particular, they found that a shot deriving from a free kick is
more likely to be a goal, from a penalty kick even more so and from a header significantly less
so, when compared to a shot taken in open play with either foot. Lucey et al.’s [19] study also
incorporated match context into their expected goals model. They used data from an anony-
mous 20-team league comprising almost 10,000 shots and examined spatiotemporal patterns
within the ten-second window before each shot event. When estimating goal likelihood of
each shot, by implementing logistic regression, they found that including match context low-
ered the model’s average error from 0.1745 to 0.1662, indicating that it is a useful variable to
add to expected goals. Shot type is therefore another very common feature discussed in the lit-
erature surrounding expected goals, included as at least one of the two variables mentioned
above [2,13,15,18,20].
Various other features which might influence the likelihood of a shot being a goal were
examined in Kharrat et al.’s [20] study, on the topic of ‘plus-minus’ ratings in football (a con-
cept which addresses the challenging issue of determining the impact a specific player has on a
target metric.) They included distance and angle variables, alongside rarer features such as ‘big
chance’ and ‘goal value’ added by the data provider, Opta in this case, who introduced a
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boolean variable ‘big chance’ as a situation in which there is a good chance to score and ‘goal
value’ as a measure which quantifies how important a goal would be in affecting the probability
of the player’s team winning the match. This incorporated both the goal differential at the time
of the shot and the amount of time remaining in the match. Kharrat et al. found that both vari-
ables were beneficial additions to their models.
Some researchers have attempted to integrate player ability when building their expected
goals models. Eggels et al. [13] explored the predictability of match outcomes in football
through the use of expected goals in their work. The overall ratings of the player taking the
shot and the goalkeeper attempting to save it, from the EA Sports video game FIFA, were used
as proxies for player ability. Whilst Eggels et al. did not examine the influence player ability
had on the model they built, they did employ feature selection before training the model and
neither the shot-taker’s nor the goalkeeper’s ability ratings were removed. This implies that
both these variables had a positive impact on the model’s performance, and thus that player
ability is a useful addition to expected goals. Research carried out by Madrero et al. [15] and
Kharrat et al. [20] took a similar approach to incorporating player ability into expected goals
models (i.e., through features engineered using data from the FIFA video game). They also
both deemed the factor’s inclusion to have a positive impact on the performance of their mod-
els. Having found that most of the shot location and shot type features placed higher for
importance, Madrero et al. did, however, point out that “being a talented player will help you
score more goals, but other positional and contextual factors are more determinant” [15].
Another key area within football analytics, and one which will be addressed in this research,
is match outcome prediction. Unlike expected goals, this is a topic which has been researched
extensively in previous works. Undoubtedly, the most common feature included when predict-
ing the result of a match is home advantage, a phenomenon which is prevalent in many sports.
Falter and Perignon [21] incorporated home advantage, through a home/away categorical var-
iable. All three of the models they built showed that teams were statistically more likely to win
playing at home, when compared to playing away. Joseph et al. [22] also examined the effect
that home advantage has on match outcome. Their paper focused on the performance of
Bayesian networks (BNs) in the prediction of Tottenham Hotspur football results over the
period 1995–1997. The model which gave the highest percentage of correct predictions, with
59.21%, was the only one to include a venue variable, implying in part that playing at home
does have a significant impact on the match outcome. Since home advantage is a phenomenon
which has been proven to occur in most sports, including rugby [23] and cricket [24], it is dis-
cussed in one form or another in many studies written on the topic of match outcome predic-
tion [9,2529].
Another intuitive feature to examine when exploring match outcome prediction is the form
the football club is in. Goddard [26] analysed this factor through the inclusion of a variable
representing a team’s form, explicitly defined the average result (1 = win, 0.5 = draw and
0 = loss) over the most recent ngames. Out of the 24 form variables (split evenly between the
home and away team (12 each)) tested with varying values of n, 20 coefficients were found to
be significant and in the expected sign direction (i.e. positive for the home team and negative
for the away team). Baboota and Kaur [25] also addressed form in their work. They aimed to
manipulate data in order to produce a feature set which could accurately predict the results of
football matches during the 2014–15 and 2015–16 Premier League seasons. They engineered a
variable, labelled ‘weighted streak’, which was calculated by averaging a team’s points over k
games but, in addition, assigned greater weight to points gained from more recent matches
within the period. Baboota and Kaur analysed feature importance within their best model and
found that the differential between the ‘weighted streak’ values of teams facing each other was
the 11th most important variable in the model. Given that their models consisted of 33
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variables in total, this demonstrates that form is a relevant inclusion when predicting match
outcome in football. It is for this reason form is discussed frequently in the literature [21,27,
Elo ratings can be used as a proxy for team quality in match outcome prediction. The term,
coined by Arpad Elo, originates from chess and was created to rank players, with changes in
the rating being scaled according to the level of opposition faced. Since its inception, it has
been adapted to other sports, including football. In their work, Hvattum and Arntzen [30]
compared the match outcome predictability of Elo ratings against several benchmark predic-
tion methods, employing two loss functions (quadratic and informational) in order to evaluate
the performance of each prediction method. They found that, on 15,181 matches played
between 1993 and 2008 within the English league pyramid, the average values for the Elo rat-
ing’s loss functions were bettered only by two other approaches utilising odd predictions from
betting sites. This is unsurprising since gambling companies tend to build much more complex
models and include more variables than Elo ratings. These findings prove that Elo ratings pro-
vide some important information when modelling match outcome in football and is why simi-
lar features have been included in other works [25,27].
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: the Material and methods section
describes the features used when modelling xG, the Results section examines the distribution
of the features and discuss the findings produced from modelling expected goals across multi-
ple leagues, and also explores the results obtained from comparing the predictive ability of tra-
ditional metrics within football against xG.
Materials and methods
The data required to build any expectation model in football (event and/or positional informa-
tion) is hard to obtain as the companies who collect the data usually use it to build their own
models. Fortunately, as part of the Soccer Data Challenge initiative (a football analytics event
held in Italy [16]) the organisers provided what they believe to be the largest collection of event
data ever released to the public. The data, which was collected by Wyscout (another leading
football analytics company), comprises all match events from the top 5 leagues’ (English Pre-
mier League, Spanish La Liga, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A and French Ligue 1) 2017–18
seasons. Despite the fact that there is no positional data (so some influential features examined
in other works [2] cannot be included in the models), this dataset was the most complete, pub-
licly-available source that was found, and crucially, contains the necessary information
required to fulfill the objectives of this study.
Wyscout data
Event and match data for each league as well as information on all the players, teams, PlayeR-
ank [31] values, competitions, coaches and referees is contained in the Wyscout dataset. The
following common xG modelling features were manipulated using these datasets:
Distance: the Euclidean distance from the coordinates of the shot (x,y) to the centre of the
Angle: the angle the location of the shot makes with the centre of the goal.
Body Part: this includes head/body, strong foot and weak foot.
Match Situation: this includes open play, counter, free kick and penalty. If any information
relating to the latter three values was absent, the shot was assumed to be from open play.
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The following rarer xG modelling features were also available in the Wyscout data. Since
these variables are either not common or previously untested, a brief description on the moti-
vation behind their inclusion is given.
Side: whether club involved was playing at home or away. Home advantage can play an
influential role in the match outcome. This feature was therefore included to determine
whether this phenomenon exists in an intra-match setting.
Position: the general position the players plays on the pitch, taking the values defender, mid-
fielder or forward. Since shot-taking ranks high amongst the roles of some positions on the
field (e.g., forwards) and ranks low amongst others (e.g., defenders), it is natural to assume
this feature is influential.
Gameweek: which gameweek the match was played in. This variable was included to exam-
ine whether goal probability could differ depending on the period of the season the game is
played in (e.g., it may be lower earlier on in the season due to lack of focus and may be higher
later on in the season due to greater pressure to score).
Time of shot: the time (in seconds) the given shot occurred in the match. Similar to the
gameweek variable, this feature was included to determine whether time was a factor in goal
Goal Difference: the number of goals the shot-taker’s team is leading or losing by at the time
of shot. This feature examines whether players may be more likely to score if they are leading
in a match (since they could be more relaxed with the knowledge that scoring a goal is not a
necessity) or more likely to score if they are losing.
Length of Possession: the length of time (in seconds) that the team had been in possession
of the ball before the shot occurred. This feature was included to investigate whether getting
the ball into a shooting position quickly or more slowly might affect the probability of a goal.
Age: the age of the shot-taker on the date of the match. This variable explores whether expe-
rience can influence the likelihood of scoring a goal.
Current Rank: the position the shot-taker’s team occupies in the league table on the date of
the match.
Previous Season Ranking: the position the shot-taker’s team placed at the end of the previ-
ous season. Due to the relegation/promotion system, some teams did not have a previous
season ranking. Teams that had been promoted were assigned the previous season ranking
of the teams that had been relegated the season before, according to the order they were pro-
moted.This was included to examine the effect of team quality on goal likelihood.
In addition to the Wyscout data, information from Fbref was sourced in order to create the
variable Match Attendance. FBref [32] is a site which provides football statistics and history
for over 100 men’s and women’s club and national team competitions, with data freely shared
in csv format. The reasoning behind the integration the Match Attendance variable is that
higher figures could create an atmosphere in which all actions are more pressurised, this possi-
bly influencing goal probability of a given shot. Fbref also share data on the expected goals val-
ues in games, calculated by StatsBomb, a leading football analytics firm and competitor to
Wyscout. This information will be used when comparing the predictive ability of expected
goals against traditional metrics, examined later on.
A variety of more complex features were further added at the xG modelling stage. These
will be discussed separately in the following subsections.
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Wyscout data includes details on match PlayeRank scores for players. This metric, first devel-
oped by Pappalardo et al. [31], aims to assess player performance. Whilst expected goals can
aid player performance evaluation, due to the fact that it is based around shots, it is not so eas-
ily applied to defenders and some midfielders, whose roles usually do not involve shot-taking.
This is why a statistic which can be assigned to all outfield players is valuable (goalkeepers
require a separate analysis [31]).
To address this issue of complexity, PlayeRank follows a procedure that consists of three
phases: rating, ranking and learning. The rating phase is split into two parts—individual per-
formance extraction and player rating. Individual performance extraction concerns the build-
ing of a 76-dimensional feature vector for each player in each match. During the player rating
stage, the scalar product between this vector and the feature weights (computed as part of the
learning phase) is calculated and then this figure is then normalised so the resulting value is
between 0 and 1. The process is defined in [31] as:
rðu;mÞ ¼ 1
where r(u,m) is the base PlayeRank value for player uand match m,Ris a normalisation con-
stant, w
are the feature weights and x
are the feature values. The ranking phase involves apply-
ing a role detector—an algorithm, trained during the learning phase which assigns a player to
one or more roles based on their average position on the pitch during a match. This helps to
produce a set of role-based rankings. A player is then categorised into one of the roles if they
have at least 40% of the matches assigned to that role, a value Pappalardo et al. found to opti-
mal after testing for different percentages. Finally, the learning phase consists of two sections
—role detector training and feature weighting. Role detection applys a k-means clustering
algorithm (with hyperparameter kset to 8) on the average x,ycoordinates the player has over
a specific match.
For each player and before each match, PlayeRank values from all previous matches the
player was involved in were summed to produce the cumulative PlayeRank score variable.
This feature was included in order to account for player ability, with the assumption that play-
ers with frequently high PlayeRank scores usually have a higher chance of scoring a goal when
taking a shot.
Match importance
The importance of a match is difficult to quantify and depends on factors including the loca-
tion and history of both clubs, past results between the teams and where they are placed in the
table on the day of the match. An attempt to create a statistic for match significance was first
attempted by [33] for sport Australian Rules Football and later adapted for association football
by [34].
The process for calculating match importance assigns a reward to each position in a league,
e.g. qualification for the UEFA champions league involves the first 3 places of the Premier Lea-
gue and La Liga, definite survival is the position immediate above the the highest ranked team
in danger of relegation.
Before each gameweek, the expected number of points required to finish the season in each
of the corresponding positions, given the number of points attained up to that gameweek, is
then computed. We do this by following the approach in [34] which takes the number of
points the team occupying the position in question in Table 1 has before the gameweek in
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question and multiplying it by inverse of the proportion of season that has been played so far,
then subtracting the number of points a team has at that time. We take into account scenarios
in which it is deemed impossible for the team to finish the season lower than the designated
position, by taking the maximum value between this figure and 0.
RPiðgÞ ¼ max TP1stðgÞ M
where RP
is the required points for the team in position i,TP
is the number of points the
team in position ihas, gis the number of gameweeks played so far in the season, and Mis the
number of matches each team plays in their league season.
Next, for each position, the probabilities that a team will earn the required points within the
remainder of the season, given that they win or lose their upcoming match are sampled from
the cumulative binomial distribution function. This function computes the likelihood that a
given number of successes will be observed out of a given number of trials, based on a given
probability of success.
For use creating the match importance feature in football, the number of trials is given as
the maximum possible points available in the remainder of the season and the no. of successes
is given as the required points for the team in question (as computed above). The probability
of success is chosen to be 0.5 since Bedford and Schembri find it to be the optimal value in
their study.
Match importance was then defined as the difference between these two probabilities. In
this way, it represents the significance to the team of winning their next match given their posi-
tion in the table.
This feature was included to assess the influence that psychological pressure can have on
players when shooting. Players may tend to perform better, or possibly worse, if their team’s
future success rides heavily on the outcome of the match.
Team form
Team form has been addressed in multiple papers on the topic of football match outcome.
One method is to assign 1 to a win, 0.5 to a draw, 0 to a loss, and then take the average of these
values over a predetermined set of matches [26]. The approach taken in this study originates
from a previous work on modelling football results in the Premier League [25].
A team’s form before the jth match, ω
, is defined in [25] as a weighted version of team
form by
2ðp ðjk1ÞÞrp
Table 1. League positions resulting in specific consequences for teams in each league.
Premier League La Liga Bundesliga Serie A Ligue 1
Champions 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st
Automatic UCL Qual. 3rd 4th 4th 4th 3rd
UCL Play-Off 4th - - - -
Automatic UEL Qual. 6th 7th 6th 7th 6th
UEL Play-Off 7th - - - -
Definite Survival 17th 17th 16th 17th 17th
Possible Survival - - 17th - 18th
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where kis the number of matches included in the form variable and r
is the result (3 for win,
1 for draw, 0 for loss) of the pth match in the sum.
The numerator, (p(jk1))r
, expresses how many points the team has gained within
the given window k, with each points value weighted from 1 to k. That is, for the first match in
the window examined, p(jk1) = 1, for the second, p(jk1) = 2, and so on, up until
k. The denominator, 3kðkþ1Þ
2, expresses the maximum number of weighted points a team can
attain within the given window with k= 6 found to produce the best predictions [25].
This feature included to assess differences in team quality when modelling expected goals,
the better a team has been performing over recent matches, possibly the more likely they will
be clinical in their next match.
Elo rating
The Elo metric, first proposed by Hungarian-American physics professor Arpad Elo for use in
chess, aims to evaluate player/team skill by taking into account previous rating and match
results. The original methodology has been adapted to football [30].
Elo ratings were taken from Clubelo [35]. Each team’s Elo rating is modified after each
game according to
where ris a quantified version of team i’s result against team j(1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw and 0
for a loss) and kis a hyperparameter which can be tuned to determine the scale at which the
teams’ ratings are altered (the higher the value of k, the more weight each result has on teams’
future scores), here k= 20 [30]. P
is team i’s pre-match win probability
and β
is team’s,opposition’s pre-match Elo rating.
If a higher-quality team (i.e., one with a much larger Elo rating) faces a lower-quality team
and the former defeats the latter (the expected score), both the former’s reward and the latter’s
punishment are not overestimated.
This feature was included in order to incorporate team quality into the expected goals mod-
els. It is hypothesised that the higher a team’s Elo score, the more likely a shot from one of
their players will result in a goal.
Elo as a metric has some important shortcomings though, it may be inflated by beating the
same opponent on several occasions as may happen over several seasons in a football league
and may pose a problem when used in optimisation models, see [36] for an interesting discus-
sion. In this research, we restrict the dataset to a limited number of seasons to avoid much of
these issues.
Player value and average transfer spend
Player transfer values were obtained from Transfermarkt [37], a site which specialises in foot-
ball player transfers with details on general news, rumours and player market value. This data-
set was joined to the Wyscout dataset using the python library, fuzzymatcher [38], which
allows datasets to be combined without common identifiers, based on one or more shared
The Transfermarkt and Wyscout datasets were merged on player name, team, birth year,
height, position and strong foot. Matches with equivalent birth year and a score above 5 were
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assumed to be correct. All other matches were inspected to either verify or reject the prediction
made. Rejected matches were replaced with the correct player value by manually inputting the
data from Transfermarkt directly.
Transfermarkt estimate players’ values based on a multitude of factors, ranging from their
age and reputation of the league the play in to their susceptibility to injuries and market
demand. Figures for player values can additionally be altered by any transfer fees they are
involved in and the circumstances surrounding said transfer. This feature was included at the
modelling stage with the aim of incorporating player ability, since, naturally, the better the
player, the more valuable they are.
A team’s average transfer spend was calculated by simply summing the cost of each incom-
ing transfer (including loan fees) in the summer window (i.e., before the season starts) and
dividing this total by the number of transfers the club made during the same window. The
motivation behind the inclusion of this factor is to integrate team quality into models, due to
the reasoning that the teams with better players tend to sign more valuable players.
The aim of this section is to describe the machine learning models used. It is not a primer on
machine learning, for explanations of machine learning and boosting algorithms see, for
example, [3942]. For all models assessed, a standard train and test data split of 70% to 30%
was chosen. Since goals are relatively rare (with roughly one goal scored every tenth shot
taken), training and test data were stratified for expected goals modelling so that the propor-
tions of goals were equivalent in both datasets. We scaled the features in the model to avoid
larger weights being assigned to variables with larger values and vice versa, regardless of the
feature’s true impact on the model’s output. The values of features are altered according to
(Min-max scaling)
maxðxÞ minðxÞ
We used cross validation with 10 folds to examine how our model captured trends in the
data. k-fold cross validation is a process in which the training dataset is first split into ksample
groups (or ‘folds’). Next, the model is trained on k1 folds and evaluated on the remaining
one. This action is repeated for each of the folds created, giving kscores which are then aver-
aged to produce an overall value.
For each of the algorithms applied to expected goals modelling, hyperparameter tuning is
carried out through a grid search to perform better on the data provided. For a particular
model, various values of the hyperparameters are chosen and an exhaustive search of all com-
binations of the entries provided is executed. At each of these combinations, the algorithm is
trained and 10-fold cross validation is used to evaluate its performance. Once all of these com-
binations have been searched through, the one which produced the optimal evaluation score is
chosen as the tuned model.
For classification algorithms, the standard cost function used is log loss. For models with
binary outputs, such as is the case with expected goals models, the log loss function is given by
l¼ 1
yilogðpiÞ þ 1yi
ð Þlog 1pi
ð Þ
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where nis the number of data points, y
is the i
numerical value of the dependent variable (0
if negative outcome, 1 if positive) and p
is the probability of a positive outcome from the i
value of the dependent variable. This function is minimised during the training process.
For multi-class classification problems this is simplified to
l¼ 1
yijlogðpij Þ
where mis the number of classes, y
is the binary value of the j
class (i.e. 1 if it is a member of
the class, 0 if it is not) and p
is the probability that the i
data point belongs to the j
Another cost function used in this research is the Gini index [39]. The Gini Index gives an
idea of how varied a resulting node is by calculating the density of each class in the sample pro-
duced from the split.
where mis the number of classes in the output variable and p
is the proportion of values in
the k
class out of the number of data points left in a given split.
We evaluate each machine learning algorithm after the training phase in order to decide on
which model to use. Whilst most evaluation metrics for classification problems involve analy-
sis of the model’s predictive ability in various situations (e.g. predicting negative outcomes
accurately), this approach does not suit expected goals modelling. This is because the only
result from the model which is of use is the probability that a specific shot is part of the ‘goal’
class, and not a prediction of whether a shot is a goal (i.e. a binary output). Here we used the
log loss, the lower this score, the better the classification algorithm is at accurately estimating
goal probability.
We compared the following machine learning algorithms when building our expected goals
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) We used the logistic equation as the MLP’s activation
function [44] and using the log-loss as the cost function. The hyperparameters and their val-
ues, included as entries into the grid search algorithm to help fine-tune the MLP are:
Solver lbfgs,sgd and adam: This hyperparameter decides on which approach to changing the
MLP’s weights is taken
Hidden Layer Sizes—100, 250 and 500: the number of nodes included in each hidden layer
of the MLP.
Alpha (α)—0.0001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10: The parameter which decides the influence the penalty
argument has on the model.
Maximum Iterations -100,300,500: how many times before the model stops performing the
back propagation.
Boosting algorithms attempt to strengthen the performance of weak learners to create a
strong learner by iteratively fitting a new weak learner (in this study, decision trees) based on
the predictions that were made by the previous one. In this study, two boosting algorithms
have been chosen to model expected goals—AdaBoost and XGBoost.
AdaBoost(short for ‘adaptive boosting’) builds a collection of what are termed ‘stumps’ at
each iteration. The following hyperparameters and their values were included in the grid
search algorithm:
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Number of estimators 25, 50, 100 and 200: This decides how many stumps are added to the
AdaBoost’s forest.
Learning rate—0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100: value which affects how large stump’s error rate becomes
at each iteration.
Algorithm—SAMME,SAMME.R: different approaches to updating the weight values of data
XgBoost (short for ‘extreme gradient boosting’) takes a different approach to ensembles of
weak learners, by employing gradient descent methods. At each iteration of the algorithm,
XGBoost builds decision trees (with a depth specified before training the model) using the
residual errors of predictions made by the previous tree. The values of the hyperparameters
used to fine-tune the performance of XGBoost were:
Eta (η)—0.01, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5: The learning rate for the calculation of updated probabilities.
Objective—binary:logistic,binary:logitraw and binary:hinge: the method for producing prob-
ability estimates.
Maximum Depth—3, 5, 7 and 10: the depth of each decision tree built, with higher values
creating more complex trees (and therefore possibly leading to over-fitting).
For AdaBoost, the normalised total decrease in the Gini Index score generated by a feature
is taken as the feature’s influence on the model’s output. XGBoost includes several metrics to
assign feature importance to its input variables. Gain, which is the most relevant measure to
indicate relative feature importance in a model, is the improvement in predictability attained
by the variable to the splits it makes. The reasoning behind the metric is that adding a certain
split from the variable in question led to some wrongly classified outputs being correctly
Before building expected goals models using these features, it is important to examine their
distributions in order to both observe whether the theorised effect they have on goal probabil-
ity is valid in practice and gauge the extent of their influence.
Distance and angle
The two most common features included in expected goals models are distance and angle. Figs
1and 2show the distance and angle that result in a goal or no-goal.
What is immediately noticeable is that, whilst many shots are taken from a relatively long
distance, only the much closer attempts tend to result in a goal with goals become less likely to
occur than saved and off-target shots at a distance of around 20 metres. When comparing this
with the hexbin plots, it is clear that many shots which do not result in a goal are taken within
this range (>20m). This is just one of the many reasons why expected goals models are so use-
ful for managers and coaches.
The hexbin plots also reveal information about the influence angle has on shot outcome.
Figs 3and 4show that the majority of unsuccessful shots occur within the range *40˚ to
*140˚, whilst successful shots (i.e., goals) tend to appear within a narrower set of values
(between *60˚ to *120˚). This is also evident from inspection of the angle kernel density
curves, with three visible peaks, two of which more likely to contain unsuccessful shots.
One other prominent aspect of the angle feature, exhibited in Figs 2and 4, is that shots tend
to originate more from positions slightly left to the centre, than right of the centre. This
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phenomenon implies that there are three scenarios attempts on goal usually occur in: one in
the middle of the pitch and two taken just either side of the centre in order to create a better
angle to shoot from, usually with a player’s strong foot. Since right-footed players are more
common than left-footed players, this explains the slight difference in shot/goal density
between both these sides.
Time of shot
The kernel density plot for the shot time feature, Fig 5, indicates that shots which occur later
on in matches have a slightly higher chance of being successful. More specifically, teams tend
to not start games with high levels of shot proficiency, with shots more likely to be unsuccessful
than successful in the first 20 minutes. This does change briefly midway through the first half,
suggesting that teams have greater knowledge of how the opposition wants to play and have
therefore found ways to create clearer goal-scoring opportunities. It then immediately dips
Fig 1. Kernel density estimate of the distance a shot is taken from for those that result in a goal or miss/save.
Fig 2. Kernel density estimate of the angle a shot is taken from for those that result in a goal or miss/save.
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before half-time (*2700 seconds), maybe because teams recognise the value in maintaining a
scoreline until half-time, when they can reevaluate and gain feedback, instead of risking losing
their lead or conceding more if they increase attacking efforts, thus weakening their defensive
structure. After half-time, perhaps as teams have changed tactically, or simply as both teams
take greater risks with less time left to affect the scoreline, the likelihood of a shot resulting in a
goal increases significantly to where there is more chance of a shot being goal than it being
saved, off-target or blocked.
Fig 3. Heatmap of the where shots are taken from that do no result in a goal.
Fig 4. Heatmap of the location of successful shots.
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Player value
The majority of each player’s Transfermarkt evaluation, Fig 6, are close to zero, with few play-
ers reaching the highest values. This matches with what is expected for a distribution repre-
senting player ability. Most players produce low values and those that do not become members
of an exclusive minority. Disparities between goal and unsuccessful shot densities also reflect
this distinct separation. Players with low values have almost a 2 to 1 ratio (saved/off-target
shots to goals), whilst the higher-valued footballers achieve a ratio closer to 1 to 1. When com-
pared with the other variables featured in this exploratory analysis, these trends much less
prominent, perhaps indicating that player value may not be deemed an influential inclusion in
the expected goals models built in this paper. Although, these findings could simply be due to
the fact that, whilst player position will be accounted for when estimating xG values, the kernel
density plot does not take into consideration this dependence. After all, it is logical to imagine
Fig 5. Kernel density estimate for the time a shot is taken (in seconds from the start of the match).
Fig 6. Kernel density estimate of the player value.
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that, in general, a more expensive player is better at fulfilling their role within the team than a
cheaper alternative. However, with different roles comprising sometimes vastly different
responsibilities, it is unnatural to presume that value and shot proficiency are positively corre-
lated for all players.
Elo rating
From the Elo ranking, Fig 7, it is clear from its distribution that the better the team’s ranking,
the more likely they are to score a goal from a given shot. Teams with a relatively low score
(*14501650) tend to be most frequently unsuccessful with their shooting. For mid-range
teams (*16501850) in the dataset, this trend changes. This gap then widens for the highest
rated teams (*18502050).
One additional interesting conclusion that can be drawn from this plot is that, much like
with player value, there appears to be a distinct separation (in terms of Elo ratings) between
most teams and a smaller group of elite teams, due to the two prominent peaks in the graph.
This split is emphasised by the fact that, out of all of the five seasons prior to the 2017/18 sea-
son (which is examined in this study), in all of the top five leagues (English, Spanish, German,
Italian and French), only one team to win their league does not appear in this upper Elo rating
range—Leicester City (Premier League champions in 2015/16).
Expected goals modelling results. A set of 20 features, detailed in the Materials and
methods section, was engineered for each of the top five football leagues (English Premier Lea-
gue, Spanish La Liga, German Bundesliga, Italian Serie A and French Ligue 1) and one for all
leagues combined, using data from the 2017–18 season. In order to prepare these features for
modelling, categorical variables were either encoded 0 and 1 for values if binary or one-hot
encoded if non-binary. Variables were then min-max scaled and a training and test data split
of 70% to 30% was applied, with stratification to ensure that both groups contained a similar
ratio of positive to negative outcomes (i.e. goals to unsuccessful shots). For each of these lea-
gues, these features were used as inputs into machine learning and statistical models; logistic
regression, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), random forest, AdaBoost and XGBoost. Unlike
conventional classification problems, where the target variable is binary (i.e., a prediction of 0
or 1), expected goals models output probabilities that a specific shot is a goal. Hence, the metric
employed for evaluation of the xG models built was chosen to be log loss. Naturally, the lower
Fig 7. Kernel density estimate of the ELO rating.
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this score, the better the classification algorithm is at accurately estimating goal probability.
10-fold cross validation was used to determine each model’s performance on the training sets,
with log loss scores calculated on test sets only after these values were analysed to verify
whether alterations to the models needed to be made, each model was further tuned by select-
ing a variety of its algorithm’s hyperparameters and executing an exhaustive search over each
combination of their chosen values (i.e. a grid search approach). Once this was complete, the
combination which produced the optimal evaluation score became the algorithm’s tuned
model. The above procedure was then repeated for this model, thus producing training and
test log loss scores, both before and after hyperparameter tuning, for each classification
Test data log loss scores. Since test scores help to decide which model generally performs
best, these are the values shown in Table 2.
In general, most of the models (with the exception of AdaBoost) performed relatively well
on data from the Premier League. Surprisingly, despite the complexity of artificial neural net-
works and thus greater ability to capture significant trends in the data, this was the only league
for which the MLP produced the best results. Tuning the Premier League’s optimal model fur-
ther actually led to a decrease in predictability, indicating that this updated model suffered
from over-fitting.
Values from La Liga data indicate that capturing trends which affect shot outcome, and
thus explaining the randomness inherent within goals, was difficult to achieve for the Spanish
league. Results for this competition tended to be worse than other, with none of its test data
scores below 0.3. This was not the case for the rest of the top five leagues (and all leagues), with
3 of the 5 algorithms assessed producing optimal values lower than this number.
What is first noticeable from Bundesliga results is that most models produced very competi-
tive scores after tuning hyperparameters (when omitting AdaBoost), with the remaining four
algorithms yielding scores all within 0.01308 of each other. The scores generated are slightly
more impressive when considering that the event dataset for the Bundesliga was the smallest of
any leagues, due to the fact that fewer teams are involved in the competition.
For Serie A data, all algorithms produced very low optimal scores on test data, with most
generating values below 0.3. Moreover, the AdaBoost models do not give better scores on the
data for any other league, despite it not surpassing the 0.3 threshold. Strangely, whilst all
ensemble methods show strong results (relative to other leagues), both the logistic regression
and MLP algorithms perform poorly when making the same comparison. This somewhat
strays from the norm, indicating that decision tree-based models were able to capture the
trends within Serie A with greater ease than their counterparts.
Findings from modelling Ligue 1 data show that the features engineered as part of the analy-
sis into expected goals are reasonably adept at explaining much of the randomness within goal
Table 2. Log loss test set scores for each league and model, before and after tuning (LR = logisitic regression, RF = random forest, AB = AdaBoost,
XGB = XGBoost). The best score for each league is highlighted in bold.
League Before Tuning After Tuning
Premier Leaguex 0.28554 0.28315 0.36957 0.66474 0.38324 0.28364 0.28337 0.30365 0.31471 0.29268
La Liga 0.30629 0.31796 0.34123 0.66277 0.41489 0.32109 0.31975 0.31128 0.32538 0.31397
Bundesliga 0.29629 0.28814 0.33268 0.66909 0.34123 0.28685 0.2883 0.29733 0.31481 0.28425
Serie A 0.28907 0.2841 0.29934 0.67201 0.32746 0.28945 0.28922 0.29233 0.30801 0.28295
Ligue 1 0.29118 0.29171 0.34387 0.66371 0.36942 0.29366 0.29873 0.30114 0.32408 0.29752
All Leagues 0.28614 0.285 0.30698 0.671 0.30594 0.28563 0.28286 0.2897 0.31368 0.28184
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probability for the French league. Most values (apart from those for AdaBoost and random
forest) are consistent for both training and test scores after tuning, with a lowest value of
0.28456 and highest of 0.29873. The non-tuned logistic regression model is once again shown
to be the best performing algorithm (similar to La Liga).
Finally, scores from data on all leagues combined are the most impressive out of all the lea-
gues’ optimal models. Results from each of three best performing models are at most 0.28563
for logistic regression, a significantly strong value in of itself, and 0.28184 for XGBoost. These
findings included the only set of values within which each model produced a better log loss
score after alterations were made to their configuration. This is most likely due to the wealth of
data the all leagues models had as inputs, meaning that trends were easier to capture for each
algorithm, when compared to the other optimal models built.
Differences between results for each league’s AdaBoost models before and after tuning were
the largest for all algorithms assessed. Each competition’s log loss values for AdaBoost
decreased from around 0.66 to around 0.31. These differences were due to both reducing the
number of stumps added to AdaBoost’s forest and lowering the extent to which weights for
correctly and incorrectly classified data points are altered. Most interestingly, however, is the
effect of these changes on the importance of the features within the model. For each league,
before tuning of the model, the AdaBoost algorithm used a mixture of features in order to
make its predictions. However, after the model has been tuned, the only feature the AdaBoost
took into account when making predictions was distance. The fact that these changes resulted
in the AdaBoost models more than halving their log loss scores indicates just how influential
distance is when developing expected goals models.
In order to gauge how impressive these results are, the best performing model from this
study (tuned XGBoost for all leagues data combined) was compared to the optimal models
built in various other papers on the topic of expected goals and summarised in Table 3. Since
some of these studies employ other techniques to evaluate model performance, calculations
were carried out on the predictions from the all leagues model to produce equivalent metrics.
These included the Brier score and AUC ROC. Noordman’s [5] study into improving match
outcome prediction using in-game information involved the development of an expected goals
model. The optimal model built, which included data on players’ FIFA ratings as a proxy for
player ability, produced a Brier score of 0.0799. When using the optimal model in this paper to
predict goal probabilities from test data, it gave a superior score of 0.07908. This being said,
Noordman did achieve a better log loss value (0.2787 vs. 0.28184). Since log loss punishes poor
predictions more strongly than the Brier score does, this indicates that the optimal model built
in Noordman’s study was slightly more consistent with its predictions. However, in Noord-
man’s study, when the model’s prediction for a given data point was close to the true value, the
prediction output from the optimal model in this study tended to be closer. Additionally,
works by both Eggels [13] and Anzer and Bauer [2] involved the formulation of different
expected goals models, in part evaluated by AUC ROC. The optimal model built in both papers
produced AUC ROC scores of 0.823 and 0.814, respectively. The AUC ROC score on test data
Table 3. Summary of the results of our model compared to published models. The AUC ROC for the optimal
model in this research used test data, and used players’ FIFA ratings as a proxy for player ability.
Model Brier score AUC ROC Log-loss value
This model 0.0799 0.8 0.28184
Noordman [5] 0.0799 0.2787
Eggels [13] 0.823
Anzer and Bauer [2] 0.814
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for the optimal model in this study was 0.8. Whilst this result is obviously marginally worse
than those reported by Noordman, both Eggels, and Anzer and Bauer used positional data, in
addition to event data, in their models. This means that some influential features, which were
incorporated into the research carried out by these authors, were not able to be engineered for
use in this study (since, as described in Materials and methods section, the necessary data was
not available). Thus, within this context, the results reported above can be deemed impressive.
Feature importance. One of the primary aims of this paper is to analyse the influence that
previously untested features could have on improving xG performance. Whilst this influence
is somewhat evident in the positive results discussed above, these findings neither show which
features were most and least important in making predictions, nor do they reveal how these
new additions vary in impact within each of the top five leagues. It is for these reasons that a
measure quantifying feature importance was computed for each classification algorithm tested.
For the majority of the models built, this was a simple task. Both the size of coefficients and
odds ratios were chosen for logistic regression, the former to simply compare influence and
the latter to examine how different values within each feature impacted model outputs. For
random forest and AdaBoost, the normalised total decrease in the Gini Index score generated
by the feature in question was chosen. The Gini Index gives an idea of how varied resulting
node is by calculating the density of each class in the sample produced from the split. Gain was
selected as XGBoost’s feature importance measure. This is the improvement in predictability
attained by the variable to the splits it makes. The reasoning behind the metric is that adding a
certain split from the variable in question led to some wrongly classified outputs being cor-
rectly categorised. However, due to the fact that neural networks are so-called ‘black boxes’, it
is impossible (through any value the model outputs) to explain how the network makes its pre-
dictions. Thus, Shapley values [45] (shortened to SHAP from SHapley Additive exPlanations)
were chosen to combat this issue of interpretability and compare feature importance in MLP
models. They help quantify how much each variable adds to the model’s outputs, ultimately
aiding in deciding which features are, and are not, necessary. It is a common approach used
when attempting to draw out explainability from complex machine learning techniques, such
as neural networks. Much like odds ratios, how much more likely a positive outcome is to
occur than a negative outcome when the variable in question increases in value, for regression
models, plots using these values can help to visualise how different values within variables
influence predictions (as shown by the key in Fig 8), as well as ordering the impact features
have on the model’s outputs. Feature importance plots from the optimal Premier League and
Bundesliga models (MLP and XGBoost, respectively) are displayed below.
For Premier League features (Fig 8), distance naturally dominates the graph, with low values
significantly increasing probability predictions and high values decreasing them. Player value
is deemed to be the 3rd most important feature, more influential than common xG model
additions such as most shot types (head/body and weak foot) and all shot situation variables.
In addition, many proxies for team quality are included amongst the most important features.
Team’s average spend, team’s Elo score and previous season’s ranking placed 4th, 5th and 8th,
respectively. This is most likely because, whilst it is widely considered to be an incredibly com-
petitive competition, the majority of its titles have been won by teams from the so-called ‘Big
Six’ (Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham Hot-
spur). Despite other team quality proxies showing expected trends in the impact its values
have on the model’s outputs, the previous season’s ranking variable followed the opposite
trend to what was predicted, with the implication that goal probability is increased the higher
the ranking number (i.e., the lower they finished in the previous season’s table). This could be
due to the fact that the order the ‘Big Six’ finish in can change significantly from season to sea-
son. Outside of this group, the positions of each team changed considerably within the same
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period. Also notable in Fig 8 is the disparity in effect on xG predictions between penalties and
non-penalties. Whilst shots which do not occur from these situations naturally not altering
model outputs, those taken from the penalty spot tend to add around 0.4 to estimates. How-
ever, its position can be explained by the fact that, in comparison to other match situations,
shots originating from penalties are very rare.
Feature importance for the German Bundesliga is displayed in Fig 9. The usual inclusions
in expected goals models populate most of the places within the top ten, with the binary vari-
able indicating whether the shot was taken with the body/head or not surprisingly deemed
more influential than distance. In fact, all shot types were shown to be impactful in determin-
ing xG values, more so than in other leagues. In addition to this, when analysing the odds
ratios across all leagues, it was revealed that the value associated with forwards in the Bunde-
sliga was by far the highest in any competition (1.2935). This could imply there are subtle tacti-
cal phenomena, such as an increased reliance on heading and/or greater onus on strikers to
score goals, within this competition that either do not exist or are at least not as prevalent in
others. Delving deeper into these odds ratio findings shows that the Bundesliga contains the
two closest values for shots from a player’s strong (1.1797) and weak (1.1214) foot (a difference
of just 0.0583), possibly meaning that two-footedness is more of a requirement, or at least
more sought after, in this league compared to others. This plot also shows that some features
not previously incorporated into expected goals models examined within the literature do
Fig 8. Important features for premier league, ordered by importance. In general, most of the models (with the
exception of AdaBoost) performed relatively well on both training and test data, however, the MLP produced the best
results on unseen data.
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rank relatively highly in importance. These include goal differential (4th), player value (6th)
and team’s average spend (7th), further demonstrating the value of their inclusion.
Following results from other leagues, inferences can be made about their differing charac-
teristics. Firstly, what is clear within the results from Ligue 1 is that team quality in general has
a strong impact on goal probability predictions (Elo Score 3rd, Current Rank 7th and Previous
Season’s Ranking 8th). This is most likely the case due to the predictable nature of the competi-
tion in recent years. In four of the five seasons previous to the 2017–18 campaign, Paris Saint-
Germain won the title and, within the same period, twelve out of the fifteen top three finishing
positions have been occupied by either PSG, Monaco or Lyon. In Spain’s La Liga, PlayeRank
scores placed surprisingly high (when compared to other competitions) due to the high vari-
ability in its entries resulting from the performances of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi
(widely considered the two best players in the world), alongside other players (e.g., Suarez,
Griezmann and Benzema) who also had stellar seasons. This was why the La Liga’s odds ratio
value for PlayeRank was the only one within the top five leagues to indicate that the higher the
score, the more likely a shot is to be successful. Finally, in Serie A, the free kick situation and
defender position variables place the highest out of all leagues. Furthermore, their odds ratio
values were not surpassed by any of the other competitions’ counterparts (1.4062 and 0.92475,
Fig 9. Important features for the German Bundesliga using the optimal model (in this case a tuned XGBoost
model). We order the features in terms of Gain, the improvement in predictability attained by the variable from
splitting the dataset.
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respectively), implying that free kicks and shots by defenders are most likely to result in a goal
in the Italian league. This could be explained by a possible reliance on set pieces (direct/indi-
rect free kicks and corners) in order to score goals within Serie A, in part, because it is usually
in these situations that defenders are positioned close to the opposition’s goal and are therefore
given the chance to shoot. The lowest odds ratio values for open play (0.41467) and counter-
attack situations (0.58595) were found in this league, and that the latter variable was shown to
add no benefit to the model’s xG predictions (with 0 gain).
One of the most intuitive factors which influences shot outcome but has not previously
extensively been researched within the scope of expected goals is player ability. Two proxies
were incorporated into the models built in order to test whether the factor had a significant
impact on probability predictions: player value and cumulative PlayeRank score. Whilst cumu-
lative PlayeRank score can be largely considered an unsuccessful addition to xG models, player
value can certainly be deemed a successful one. Even though cumulative PlayeRank score
ranked 4th for La Liga’s optimal model, it only ranked as high as 13th in all other leagues. Fur-
thermore, inspection of the SHAP plots and odds ratios revealed that, for the most part, lower
values of the feature resulted in an increase in goal probability estimation (the only exception
is the odds ratio for La Liga, explaining its high ranking for the league’s optimal model). This
is probably due to the fact that, since it accumulates values over a season, a large proportion of
its entries will be close to zero (for matches earlier on in the season), regardless of the player’s
quality. On the other hand, player value was shown to have a big impact on model outputs. It
placed within the top ten feature importance plots for five out of the six leagues (and combina-
tion of leagues), placing 11th in the only other competition. Additionally, all SHAP plot and
odds ratio results indicate that likelihood of scoring from a shot increases the more valuable
the player is. This is in line with both what was expected and what was discussed in the Materi-
als and methods section..
Another factor examined, similar to player ability but at a more macro-level, was team qual-
ity. Many proxies for differences in the success of football clubs were included at the modelling
stage. These were form, team’s average transfer spend, team’s ELO rating, previous season’s
ranking and current rank (ranking at time of match). These features had varying impact from
league to league, making it difficult to judge whether they were valuable additions. This being
said, form and current rank can be considered poor inclusions, with both placing below 20th
(out of 27) in four out of the six model types. For current rank, this was also reflected in the
SHAP and odds ratio values. For some leagues, they indicated the expected trend: an increase
in goal probability if the entry is lower, for others, the opposite trend was observed. Despite
the fact that previous season’s ranking performed better in terms of feature importance, it too
suffered from the same problem (i.e., unclear trend) as current rank. Both team’s average
transfer spend and team’s ELO rating generally ranked relatively high in feature importance.
Form and current rank both indicate how a team is performing in recent matches, something
which previous season’s ranking extends to the start of the given season. However, team’s aver-
age spend and team’s ELO rating are more so determinants of a club’s success over a long
period of time. The differences in how much these variables help to predict goal probability
suggests that the long term state of a given team matters more than the short term when it
comes to quantifying team quality.
The proxies used to quantify psychological effect were match attendance, match importance
and goal differential. Attendance can be considered unimportant (or at least less important
than most other features), match importance can be considered medium-to-low in terms of
impact on the models and goal differential can be considered an influential variable. Atten-
dance places relatively low for the majority of leagues, whilst match importance ranks some-
where in the mid-range. SHAP plots and odds ratio results showed that, in general, goal
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probability increased both when there were fewer fans present at matches and when the conse-
quences of match outcome were less crucial to the fortunes of a team. These findings possibly
imply that psychological pressure can affect goal likelihood. However, this would require fur-
ther research to determine whether the features were either of comparatively low importance
or of low importance in general. Finally, goal differential was one of the most influential vari-
ables included in the expected goals models. Whilst it did place 11th and 13th for the Premier
League and Ligue 1 respectively, which implies it is somewhat effective, it placed within the
top ten for all other leagues (as high as 3rd). Furthermore, the SHAP plots and odds ratio
results indicated that the less a team is losing by and the more a team is winning by, the more
likely they are to score from a given shot.
Predictive comparison results
To assess the predictive ability of expected goals statistics and traditional metrics, information
on teams’ performances from the previous xmatches (with x>1). The reason for this is
because, in order to attempt to predict future success or failure of teams with confidence, mea-
sure of how well the team has been doing in recent matches needs to be used as an input. For
each of the top five leagues (and all leagues combined), outputs for goal probability of each
shot from the optimal model were attributed to the matches and teams that they corresponded
to. Additionally, xG values calculated by StatsBomb, an industry leader within football analyt-
ics, were assigned to their respective matches and teams. For each team within each league,
data on their shots, goals, xG values computed in this study and xG values computed by Stats-
Bomb from the previous six matches were summed and used as inputs (with some manipula-
tion) into two separate models. A value of x= 6 was chosen following research from Baboota
and Kaur [25] into the optimal value for their form variable.
The two models this information was used for involved predicting the team’s next match
result (i.e., loss, draw or win) and estimating the team’s future goal ratio (goals per match)
averaged over their subsequent six matches. For the latter, all inputs were altered to their mean
over the previous six matches, rather than their sum. Since this was not a classification task,
but instead concerned the prediction of a statistic’s value, linear regression was used to model
outputs. A neural network (MLP) approach was chosen for loss/draw/win prediction. Evalua-
tion metrics for classification tasks (accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score) and mean squared
error (for regression) were employed to determine how well each statistic performed. Findings
from these analyses are shown in Table 4.
In addition to mean squared error, differences between each metric’s ability to predict
future goal ratio were examined both visually and numerically. This was achieved by plotting
the best line of fit through each statistic’s values (from all leagues combined) against average
goals over the subsequent six matches and calculating Pearson’s r, in order to quantify how
strongly correlated two variables are. These results are displayed in Fig 10.
Results from comparing the xG values estimated in this study and those supplied by Stats-
Bomb against traditional metrics (shots and goals) in terms of predictive ability show that the
expected goals statistic is the superior indicator of a team performance. For all leagues ana-
lysed, expected goals is bettered in only one evaluation metric for one competition (precision
in Serie A), with xG outperforming the other statistics in every other league and for every mea-
sure considered. Examination into differences between both expected goals statistics reveal
that the xG values calculated as part of this study were generally better at predicting next
match results, with those supplied by StatsBomb having higher accuracy scores for just two out
of the six leagues. Additionally, at the more granular level, when analysing future goal ratio
estimates, it is clear that the all leagues xG model in this study far outperforms any of the other
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metrics included, with it an average of 0.0235 away from the next best performing statistic in
terms of mean squared error. This is also reflected in the plots in Fig 10. Whilst values for both
shots and goals vary considerably from the best line of fit and therefore produce lower rcoeffi-
cients (0.456 and 0.47), the all leagues xG model and StatsBomb model tend to cluster much
closer to the curve, resulting in higher rcoefficients (0.574 and 0.502). When comparing the
plots for the latter two, it is evident that the StatsBomb model over-predicts medium-to-high
past average values to a greater extent than the all leagues xG model in this study, perhaps lead-
ing to a much higher rcoefficient for the latter.
One other notable finding from the next match result predictions was the inability for any
of the leagues’ models to predict draws. This is a common problem in match outcome predic-
tion [2528], and is most likely being due to the fact that, whilst they are the least prevalent
result, draws occur at a relatively high incidence rate (around 25%). Additionally, this result is
interdependent on the performance of both teams playing, whereas wins and losses can fre-
quently solely depend on the performance of one team (either playing well or poorly). No
draws were predicted for the each and all leagues analysed. This then meant the values for
recall and accuracy were the same within each model.
Table 4. Test data results for comparison between expected goals statistic and traditional metrics.
League Statistic Next Match Result Future Goal Ratio
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score MSE
Premier League Shots 0.4635 0.3809 0.4635 0.4035 0.2669
Goals 0.4948 0.3916 0.4948 0.4296 0.2925
Our xG model 0.5208 0.4404 0.5208 0.4538 0.2013
StatsBomb xG 0.53645 0.4173 0.5365 0.4689 0.2207
La Liga Shots 0.4635 0.3809 0.4635 0.4035 0.2669
Goals 0.4948 0.3916 0.4948 0.4296 0.2925
Our xG model 0.5208 0.4404 0.5208 0.4538 0.2013
StatsBomb xG 0.53645 0.4173 0.5365 0.4689 0.2207
Bundesliga Shots 0.4079 0.2978 0.4079 0.3365 0.2823
Goals 0.375 0.2737 0.375 0.3164 0.2943
Our xG model 0.4737 0.3462 0.4737 0.3989 0.2310
StatsBomb xG 0.4079 0.2997 0.4079 0.3445 0.2843
Serie A Shots 0.4079 0.2978 0.4079 0.3365 0.2823
Goals 0.375 0.2737 0.375 0.3164 0.2943
Our xG model 0.4737 0.3462 0.4737 0.3989 0.2310
StatsBomb xG 0.4079 0.2997 0.4079 0.3445 0.2843
Ligue 1 Shots 0.474 0.3738 0.474 0.4172 0.3462
Goals 0.4375 0.3518 0.4375 0.3826 0.3311
Our xG model 0.5104 0.4032 0.5104 0.4486 0.2757
StatsBomb xG 0.474 0.3737 0.474 0.4125 0.3605
All Leagues Shots 0.474 0.3738 0.474 0.4172 0.3462
Goals 0.4375 0.3518 0.4375 0.3826 0.3311
Our xG model 0.5104 0.4032 0.5104 0.4486 0.2757
StatsBomb xG 0.474 0.3737 0.474 0.4125 0.3605
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The main motivations behind this project were to add to the limited pool of research into
expected goals, to further improve the performance of xG through the addition of influential
features to model goal probability and to consolidate the prevailing yet not unanimous view
that the metric is of significant value to everyone within the football community.
The optimal model built in this project was shown to be competitive when compared to
results from other studies within the existing literature. In addition to this, variables previously
rarely considered or untested were examined at the modelling stage, providing new insights
into factors which can influence goal probability. The application of these features onto sepa-
rate football leagues has allowed for examination of the varying levels of impact they have on
different competitions for the first time.
Results from building xG models incorporating these previously untested features showed
that some proxies were deemed to be impactful within each league, some others had varying
effects on probability predictions and some were found to be of little use in explaining the ran-
domness in goals. The most important variables were player value (as calculated by the website
Transfermarkt), representing differences in player ability, and goal differential, representing
Fig 10. Statistics from all leagues data plotted against future average goals. The differences between each metric’s ability to predict future goal ratio
are examined by plotting the best fit line through each statistic’s values (from all leagues combined) against average goals over the subsequent six
matches and calculating Pearson’s rto deteermine their level of correlation.
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psychological effects during matches. Both of these indicated that the higher the value of the
given feature, the more likely a shot is to result in a goal. Proxies for team quality (ELO ratings,
average summer transfer spend, form, previous season’s final ranking and position in table at
time of match) had differing influence on goal probability across leagues. For example, many
of the above features placed highly in France’s Ligue 1, this most likely due to predictable
nature of the competition, with Paris Saint-Germain winning the title in four of the five sea-
sons previous to the 2017–18 campaign. Rankings of features in other leagues allowed for
inferences to be made about their structure and these are detailed in the expected goals model-
ling results section. Despite the fact that some variables (length of possession, shot time, player
age and gameweek) added to the models did not appear to significantly influence predictions,
the multitude of findings described above demonstrate that this objective has been successfully
Finally, analysis into the predictive ability of traditional metrics against expected goals con-
cluded with the latter outperforming the former in all areas of next match prediction (except
for Serie A’s precision score on test data) and future goal ratio forecasting. This puts into num-
bers the true power within xG and demonstrates why it is ubiquitously referenced by analysts
in football clubs and betting companies. In addition to this result, when looking into discrep-
ancies between both xG sources, it was found that, in the majority of cases, the values gener-
ated as part of research into expected goals in this study were superior predictors to those
collected from StatsBomb. This is visualised (and indeed further quantified) by both their cor-
relation plots (and their rcoefficients), which implies that future goal ratio best fits predictions
made by the former xG model. These findings serve to explain why it is no wonder experts
consider xG to be of such use in a variety of situations at football clubs, encompassing player
development, team performance evaluation and player acquisition, amongst other key areas.
Whilst this study has produced impressive results and been rigorous throughout, it does
have some limitations that could be tackled in further work.
The structure of some features included in expected goals models could have been
improved. Firstly, a frequent drawback to calculating PlayeRank scores cumulatively was the
large proportion of lower values within the variable. This was due to the simple fact that a foot-
baller’s playing time was not taken into consideration. For example, a shot taken by a footballer
playing incredibly well at the midpoint of the season would have a similar cumulative PlayeR-
ank score to a shot taken by a footballer playing at an average level at the end of the season.
This then led to most models predicting higher goal probabilities the lower this feature’s value.
This variable was included as such to produce a feature whose values change throughout the
season, according to how well the player it is attributed to is performing. This issue could be
fixed by contextualising the PlayeRank score for a match within the gameweek is occurred in,
possibly by dividing the value by its associated gameweek. Similarly, the approach to engineer-
ing the angle variable was not optimal. As the kernel density plot in Fig 2 shows, the distribu-
tion of angle values is bell-shaped. This is not a problem for neural networks and decision
tree-based algorithms, both of which can capture non-linear trends within its features. How-
ever, one assumption of logistic regression is that the relationship between an independent
variable’s log odds and the dependent variable must be linear. The structure of the angle fea-
ture within this study could violate this assumption, perhaps explaining why it surprisingly
places relatively low in terms of feature importance. In order to change this, its values could be
taken to be the angle between its nearest side of the goal line and the position the shot was
taken, instead of the left side of the goal (when facing the goal) and the shots, x,ycoordinates.
Furthermore, since newly considered factors had to be incorporated into the models in the
form of proxies, some of what these factors represent could have been lost when these proxies
were determined. For example, one of the most influential features within all models was goal
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differential. Whilst this variable was included at the modelling stage as a proxy for psychologi-
cal effects during a match, it could have aspects within it which more strongly point it out to
be a proxy for team quality. This feature was deemed to increase goal probability estimates, the
higher its values were. However, due to the intuitive fact that more successful teams tend to be
in front in matches more often than less successful teams, the extent to which goal differential
represents psychological effects can be put into question. To accommodate for this, other
proxies for the same factor possibly affecting goal probability can instead be examined further
or the goal differential values could be adjusted for changes in team quality.
We have included several overlooked variables in calculation of expected goals to produce a
better prediction. It is however, not a complete measure of the predictability of a game’s out-
come. We have not explicitly modelling expected shots on target. In spite of these limitations,
the results produced in this study, alongside the statistic’s growing propagation within football,
prove that expected goals can bring great value to analysts, pundits and fans alike. This goes to
show why xG plays a key role in managing financial and tactical risk within a sport which is
heavily influenced by randomness, allowing clubs to better forecast what is to come and safe-
guard their future.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Overview of features included in expected goals models. The first 4 features are
categorical features taking the values listed, the rest are numerical values in the ranges shown.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: James Mead.
Data curation: James Mead.
Formal analysis: James Mead.
Investigation: James Mead.
Methodology: James Mead, Paul McMenemy.
Project administration: Anthony O’Hare, Paul McMenemy.
Writing original draft: Anthony O’Hare.
Writing review & editing: Anthony O’Hare.
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... First, to confirm their importance in soccer, selected technical performance variables were correlated with team expected goals (xG). As described previously Mead et al., 2023), xG estimates the likelihood of a team scoring goals based on the quality of their goal-scoring opportunities during a match, with higher values meaning that the team created numerous or high-quality goal-scoring opportunities. Secondly, the influence of winning second balls in the (i) whole pitch, (ii) first third of the pitch, (iii) second third of the pitch and (iv) final third of the pitch on technical performance was evaluated. ...
... It is particularly important to emphasise the influence of winning second balls on the total shots from the penalty box, ball receives in the final third, ball receives in the penalty box, and dribbles. Results showed that these performances were highly correlated to xG, a metric that estimates the likelihood of a team scoring goals based on the quality of their attacking actions (Gabriel Anzer, 2021;Mead et al., 2023). However, an in-depth analysis, aiming to determine specific pitch areas where winning second balls would be worthwhile, revealed that technical performance was influenced by winning more second balls in the first and final but not in the second third of the pitch. ...
... It is possible that teams aim to get closer to the goal by maintaining possession with not many dribbles (i.e. due to increased passing rates) to maximise their scoring chances, since shots taken from further distances may be inefficient (Gabriel Anzer, 2021;Mead et al., 2023). For this, a new attack should be created after the second ball (i.e. ...
This study aimed to determine the influence of winning second balls on technical performance separately by each pitch third. Data was obtained from all matches played in two recent FIFA World Cups held in 2018 and 2022. Employing linear mixed models, results revealed that winning second balls in the (i) first area of the pitch was positively associated with the total number of shots and shots inside the box, ball receives in the final third and in the box, total and forward passes, dribbles, and corners (Cohen’s d = 0.30–0.70); (ii) second third of the pitch was not associated with any of the technical performance variables; (iii) final area of the pitch was positively associated with ball receives in the final third and in the box, total and forward passes, and corners (Cohen’s = 0.39–0.59). These findings indicated that winning more second balls in the first and final third may enhance teams’ key offensive technical performance. This study provided soccer practitioners with applicable solutions regarding zone occupation strategies during duels and emphasised the importance of using training scenarios that improve their ability to win second balls.
... Clubs began to accumulate vast amounts of data, not just from matches but also from training sessions. Simultaneously, the introduction of advanced statistical models revolutionized how performance was measured, as they highlighted the role of the shot, specifically the characteristics before and after the shot [6][7][8][9][10]. These included expected goals (xG) [11,12] or expected goals on target (xGOT) [13]. ...
... The value of this metric assigned to a shot represents its "goal probability" and is determined by various factors such as the distance of the shot, the shooting angle, the type of shot (e.g., header or strike), the positioning of defenders, and the play sequence leading up to the attempt [14]. xG quantifies the likelihood of a shot resulting in a goal on a scale from 0 to 1, where a higher xG value indicates a greater probability of scoring [9,10]. In contrast, the expected goals on target (xGOT) metric offers a more detailed analysis by incorporating not only the quality of the scoring opportunity but also the execution of the shot itself. ...
... To date, the scientific literature on xG and xGOT metrics is limited [9,11,[16][17][18], and this remains the only article on the chain on goals model in football. More studies applying this model to aspects of football are needed to assess its broader potential. ...
Full-text available
Introduction: Football analysis has experienced significant growth in recent years as an applied research field. This study aims to contribute to this area by applying the chain on goals model to analyze both the attacking and defensive phases of football matches. Additionally, it introduces four practical concepts to better understand player and team performance in Spain’s professional football leagues. Method: Data for the 2023/24 season were collected from Football Reference, covering both men’s (LaLiga) and women’s (LigaF) leagues. Variables analyzed included team performance, attack and defensive performance, goals saved above average (GSAA), goals and possession value (PV), expected goals (xG), and xG on target (xGOT) for attack and defensive phases. Four practical concepts analyzed were off-ball movement (PV-xG), player’s offensive quality (xG-xGOT), team’s positioning (PVA-xGA), and player’s defensive quality (xGA-xGOTA). Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses were performed to compare all variables between the two leagues using an Independent Student’s test. Additionally, correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the relationships between the four concepts. Results: Significant differences were observed between leagues in defensive performance (p = 0.03) and GSAA (p < 0.001). Practical concepts revealed disparities in off-ball movement and team’s positioning (p < 0.001 in both). No correlations were found between off-ball movement and player’s offensive quality or between team’s positioning and player’s defensive quality. Conclusions: The Spanish women’s league exhibited defensive weaknesses, conceding more goals and showing lower goalkeeper performance. PV was the most influential variable in the women’s league, while xG was critical in the men’s league.
... Statistical measures of human performance have become integral to modern sports analysis [1]. In football (soccer), one of the most widely recognized metrics is the expected goals (xG) model [2]. Indeed, the concept of "expected goals" (xG) in football (soccer) has roots that trace back to early video game culture, where player and game performance metrics were popularized. ...
... Simply put, xG is a measure of the quality of a shot and the likelihood of it resulting in a goal [2,6,7]. For instance, a shot with an xG value of 0.65 has a 65% chance of being converted into a goal. ...
... The final input feature, commonly used in traditional pre-shot xG models, is the angle between the shooter and the center of the goal. Shots taken from tighter angles have less of the goal to aim at and are typically a key factor in xG models [2,12,14]. In our case, a weak negative correlation was observed between the shot angle and goal proportion, indicating that as the angle becomes tighter, the likelihood of scoring decreases. ...
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As virtual reality (VR) sports training apps start to become more mainstream, it is important that human performance is measured from VR gameplay interaction data in a more meaningful way. CleanSheet is a VR training app that is played by over 100,000 users around the world. Many of those players are aspiring goalkeepers who want to use the app as a new way to train and improve their general goalkeeping performance. Whilst the leaderboards display how many shots players saved, these data do not take into account the difficulty of the shot faced. This study presents a regression model developed from a combination of existing expected goals (xG) models, goalkeeper performance metrics, and psychological research to produce a new shot difficulty metric called CSxG. Utilizing user save rate data as the target variable, a model was developed that incorporated three input variables relating to ball flight and in-goal positioning. Our analysis showed that the required rate of closure (RROC), adapted from Tau theory, was the most significant predictor of the proportion of goals conceded. A validation process evaluated the new xG model for CleanSheet by comparing its difficulty predictions against user performance data across players of varying skill levels. CSxG effectively predicted shot difficulty at the extremes but showed less accuracy for mid-range scores (0.4 to 0.8). Additional variables influencing shot difficulty, such as build-up play and goalpost size, were identified for future model enhancements. This research contributes to the advancement of predictive modeling in sports performance analysis, highlighting the potential for improved goalkeeper training and strategy development using VR technology.
... The metric assigns a value between 0 and 1 to each shot, with higher values indicating greater scoring probability [3]. This probability is calculated by analyzing thousands of historical shots with similar characteristics, including distance to goal, angle, body part used, and contextual factors such as preceding pass type and defensive positioning [1], [4]. While different providers like Opta and Understat employ varying algorithms, they analyze similar core features while continuously refining contextual elements to improve accuracy [5], [6], [7]. ...
... By focusing on key features like goal exposure angle, shooting angle, and shot distance, our study highlights the strengths and limitations of each model in capturing goal probabilities [7]. This comparison is valuable for optimizing xG model selection based on league-specific characteristics, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making in soccer analytics [4]. ...
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Expected Goals (xG) is a widely used metric in soccer analytics that estimates the probability of a shot resulting in a goal based on various characteristics of the shot. This study compares the predictive accuracy and feature importance of two prominent xG models: Opta and Understat. Using data from the top five European leagues from the 2017-2018 to the 2023-2024 seasons, we evaluate the predictive accuracy of each model using L1 and L2 loss metrics. Our findings indicate that Understat outperforms Opta in terms of lower prediction errors in the Bundesliga, Premier League, and Serie A, while Opta yields more stable predictions in La Liga and Ligue 1. We further analyze the factors influencing xG predictions through feature importance techniques using Random Forest and XGBoost models, complemented by SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) analysis. Results reveal that goal exposure angle, shooting angle, and shot distance are key features in predicting goal probability, with differences in how categorical variables are weighted between the models. The study concludes with a discussion of the strengths, limitations, and league-specific applications of both models, highlighting the need for standardized data collection practices and expanded contextual features to enhance xG model utility and accuracy.
... 2 Advanced statistics provide deeper performance insights and exhibit superior predictive capabilities compared with traditional statistics. 2,21,23 Corsi and expected goals are designed to mitigate the influence of randomness by using scoring opportunities as proxies for performance. 2,21 These metrics can be further refined with Regularized Adjusted Plus Minus (RAPM), which accounts for the impact of teammates and opponents on performance by regressing Corsi and expected goals by all players on ice at any given time, and can be included in models that incorporate additional variables such as zone starts, hits, giveaways, takeaways, faceoffs, and blocked shots to quantify a player's contribution in offensive and defensive scenarios and their overall value to the team expressed as goals above replacement and wins above replacement, respectively. ...
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Background Few studies assess rates of return to play and postinjury performance in National Hockey League (NHL) players who sustain Achilles tendon ruptures. Our objective was to determine the rate of return to play and performance impact among NHL players who undergo surgical repair of Achilles tendon tears. Methods NHL players who sustained an Achilles tendon rupture between 2001 and 2021 were identified using a publicly available injury database. Demographic and outcome data were collected for the 1-year period preceding and the 2-year period following surgery. Our primary outcome was expected wins above replacement per 60 minutes played. A position, draft year, and index season performance matched cohort was created. Pre- and postinjury outcomes were compared between cases and controls with a paired t test. Results We identified 15 cases (9 forwards, 5 defencemen, 1 goaltender). Fourteen of 15 (93%) players returned to play. Preinjury, postinjury year 1, and postinjury year 2 expected wins above replacement were 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 respectively ( P > .05). There was no significant difference in performance between cases and controls at any time point. Conclusion Achilles tendon tears are associated with a high rate of return to play in the NHL and are not associated with a significant change in offensive, defensive, or overall performance-based metrics. Level of Evidence Level III, case-control study.
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Soccer is evolving into a science rather than just a sport, driven by intense competition between professional teams. This transformation requires efforts beyond physical training, including strategic planning, data analysis, and advanced metrics. Coaches and teams increasingly use sophisticated methods and data-driven insights to enhance decision-making. Analyzing team performance is crucial to prepare players and coaches, enabling targeted training and strategic adjustments. Expected goals (xG) analysis plays a key role in assessing team and individual player performance, providing nuanced insights into on-field actions and opportunities. This approach allows coaches to optimize tactics and lineup choices beyond traditional scorelines. However, relying solely on xG might not provide a full picture of player performance, as a higher xG does not always translate into more goals due to the intricacies and variabilities of in-game situations. This paper seeks to refine performance assessments by incorporating predictions for both expected goals (xG) and actual goals (aG). Using this new model, we consider a wider variety of factors to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of players and teams. Another major focus of our study is to present a method for selecting and categorizing players based on their predicted xG and aG performance. Additionally, this paper discusses expected goals and actual goals for each individual game; consequently, we use expected goals per game (xGg) and actual goals per game (aGg) to reflect them. Moreover, we employ regression machine learning model