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International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Mirosław Matosek 1), Dariusz Prokopowicz 2), Jan Grzegorek 3)
1) Dr, Institute of Social Sciences
University of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author: e-mail:
2) Dr, Institute of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Social and Economics
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw,
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author: e-mail:
3) Dr inż., Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author:
Article history:
Received: 10.09.2022 Accepted: 21.12.2022 Published: 30.12.2022
JEL Classification: E 32, E 63, H 12, O 14, O 31
This article describes the key determinants of the importance and need for the activation of entre-
preneurship and innovation for the effective development of economic entities in Poland and the
improvement of market efficiency. The process of activating economic activity and creating inno-
vation is possible primarily through the use of specific systemic solutions that improve the operation
of economic entities, as well as various institutions functioning in their environment. In the context
of effective development of economic entities, the issue of activation of innovativeness and entre-
preneurship is a particularly important determinant, as in this way it is possible to significantly
increase the economic effectiveness of a given entity, improve its financial situation and, as a con-
sequence, also increase tax revenues to the state and municipal budgets. On the other hand, it is
also important to improve business-social relations between enterprises and state and local gov-
ernment bodies. Efficient implementation of programmes activating entrepreneurship and innova-
tiveness is determined by the process of developing correlations and feedback in the area of coop-
eration between enterprises, local government units and other institutions of closer and further
business environment, including state authorities. Economic growth in Poland is to a large extent
determined by innovativeness and entrepreneurship of local and national economic entities. Apart
from that, in this article a diagnosis of contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
education has been conducted on the example of characteristics of applied didactic methods at the
Academy of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw. The aim of the didactic methods used at the university
described in this article is, among others, shaping entrepreneurial and pro-innovative attitudes of
Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, innovation, business entities, SME companies, business
activity, economy, students.
Statement of the problem in general outlook and its connection with important sci-
entific and practical tasks
Economic entities operating in modern market economies play a particularly important
role in meeting the needs of civil society. Decision-making processes in the area of finan-
cial management of enterprises, financial and public institutions indirectly influence the
pace of socio-economic development of the country. Besides, the decisions made in these
entities and institutions also affect the quality of life of citizens. In connection with the
systemic transformation that took place in 1989, the issue of rationalisation of the con-
ducted financial management has been growing in importance since the 1990s in Poland,
as these actions are supposed to induce an increase in the economic efficiency of the
process of managing monetary resources, which are supposed to stimulate the local econ-
omy and thus contribute to reducing unemployment in a given region[72].
Since 1989 there has been a progressing process of the institutionalisation of the economic
structures in Poland. Since 1995 a major part of the economic value generated in the
national economy, measured by the GDP, has been generated in economic entities char-
acterised by a private owner capital. In connection with this, since the beginning of the
90s the importance of enterprises and financial institutions operating under market con-
ditions has been gradually increasing. These processes have been correlated with changes
in the dominant models of management of entities and institutions, involving increased
decentralisation and increased consideration of issues of economic efficiency in the con-
text of decision-making in developing entities in the increasingly urbane economy of the
1990s. These processes were also correlated with the growing importance of the imple-
mentation of modern technologies in production processes, the increasing involvement of
information systems in analytical and management processes, the increasing importance
of entrepreneurship and innovation in economic processes.
The basic attributes of an innovative economy include a high share of innovation as one
of the key production factors, i.e. determinants necessary for the production of specific
products and services by many economic entities operating in different sectors and
branches of the economy. Innovation as an important manufacturing factor occurs in a
particular national economy when a significant part of the generated GDP is the result of
the application of innovations in manufacturing processes[69]. In addition to the manu-
facturing sectors, production, etc., an important sphere of high innovation in the
knowledge-based economy is the sector of science, research, education, media, infor-
mation systems, health, public security and other spheres of public goods and social se-
curity included in the standard functions of providing public goods and ensuring various
categories of security from the state institutions.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
In recent years, the importance of innovation in various spheres and branches of the
modern economy has been growing. In order to improve their economic efficiency,
enterprises and companies create and implement technological innovations, product
innovations, innovations in logistics and organisation of the distribution process of
manufactured products or services. The growth of innovations in the enterprise sector
significantly influences the development of entrepreneurship in market economies.
Unfortunately, in terms of innovation in production and economy, Polish enterprises are
among the least active in the European Union[79].
On the basis of expert opinions of the former Ministry of Economy, the greatest barrier
for the development of innovativeness of Polish enterprises are high costs of scientific
research and the unwillingness of entrepreneurs to take risks connected with the
introduction of new solutions and products[28]. In order to increase the competitiveness
of the Polish economy, activities supporting the development of new technologies are
carried out, mainly in the field of co-financing research with EU funds. In the previous
financial perspective this was the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-
2013. Innovations are to a significant extent created in research financing programmes
both by enterprises interested in creating innovations and in research and development
centres co-financed from public sources. In terms of the importance of innovation, a
particularly important issue is how the role of research and development activity is
interpreted by entrepreneurs in Poland.
Chart 1. Change in the rate of economic growth, the level of Gross Domestic Product
in Poland (y/y) in the period: January 1996 - June 2022.
Source: Internet financial portal (accessed 18.6.2022).
A particularly important issue that should be taken into account when shaping the eco-
nomic policy in Poland for the coming years is the activation of enterprises and the im-
provement of procedures for financing investment projects with the use of financial re-
sources, European Union subsidies. In view of the forecast decline in economic growth
in 2023, a key issue is the activation of entrepreneurship and innovation. The expected
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
effect of the activation of innovativeness should be stimulation of economic growth, im-
provement of the situation on the labour market and improvement of the state's public
finances. The effective use of available EU funds from the previous financial perspective
was determined by the innovativeness and entrepreneurship of enterprises in Poland that
were already operating effectively in market conditions.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are a key segment of every developed economy. In
Poland they constitute as much as 99.8% of all Polish companies, and their number is
constantly growing. The fact that the number of business entities in our country is equal
to that of Great Britain testifies well to the entrepreneurship of Poles. The results of re-
search carried out by independent centres show that the main motive for establishing a
company is not profit, but the need for self-fulfilment, the desire for independence, flex-
ible working hours and independence in making decisions[4]. Achieving professional
success is also the dream of every student and having your own business will allow you
to fulfil your professional ambitions and satisfy your family needs. But are graduates pre-
pared for such challenges, are they entrepreneurial enough and have heads full of inno-
vative ideas? When considering the above issue, one should take into account such factors
as e.g., regional variation of the level of innovativeness in Poland.
Chart 2. Ranking of innovation of Polish Voivodeships. Innovation Index by Bank
Millennium 2020.
Source: W. Kaźmierczak, Ranking of innovation of voivodships - from Mazowieckie to Lubuskie
(in:) internet portal "Serwis Samorządowy PAP", 5.11.2020 (
tualnosci/ranking-innowacyjnosci-wojewodztw-od-mazowieckiego-po-lubuskie) after: Bank Mil-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
In order to obtain an answer to the above question, the authors of this article conducted a
survey of female students of the Academy of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw on the issues
of entrepreneurship and innovation of the studied social group. The results of the survey
are described in the last chapter of this article. Therefore, this article also concerns the
formation of entrepreneurial and pro-innovative attitudes of female students of the War-
saw Academy of Entrepreneurship. The concepts of entrepreneurship and innovativeness,
individual and group training techniques, students' business ideas and methodology of
creating a business plan - the key to starting a business - are presented.
This paper assumes that innovation strategy can be one of the important areas of strategic
planning and development of a firm. For example, in technological firms in which
knowledge and technology are important factors of production, innovation can be a key
determinant of competitiveness in a knowledge-based economy. The innovation strategy
should be based on an innovation risk management system that is built up within the
company and improved. The innovation strategy should be based on the pursuit of an
optimal level of innovation in the context of technological risk, investment risk, credit
risk, etc. The optimum level should lie between the acceptance of a high level of innova-
tion and a low level of investment risk.
Analysis of latest research where the solution of the problem was initiated
The issues described in this paper concerning the importance of entrepreneurship activa-
tion and innovation of economic entities functioning in the economy as well as contem-
porary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher education have been taken up in few
scientific publications by scientists functioning mainly in the scientific discipline of eco-
nomics, management and sociology. In recent years, this scientifically researched prob-
lematic is gaining an international character, as it is studied by researchers and scientists
functioning in different countries of the world. The growth of scientists' interest in this
issue is due to its topicality and high level of relevance of the issue of the importance of
innovativeness of enterprises in the economy in the context of variability of economic
processes. D. Prokopowicz, A. Gołębiowska, S. Gwoździewicz and J. Rakowski pointed
out the growing importance of activating entrepreneurship and innovativeness of eco-
nomic entities functioning in the economy in the context of cyclicality of economic pro-
cesses, including in the context of periods of economic downturn, economic crises and/or
recession of the economy appearing from time to time [46, 50, 52]. P. Soroka, A.
Karpiński, W. Bojarski, D. Prokopowicz, K. Golczak pointed to the growing importance
of innovation and entrepreneurship activation in industrial sectors of the economy [56].
Therefore, the improvement of systemic instruments for the activation of innovation and
entrepreneurship and the creation of facilities and public assistance contribute to the cre-
ation of new innovative companies and enterprises. This issue is particularly important
during periods of economic downturn, i.e., during periods of economic crises and periodic
decline in economic activity, decline in the rate of economic growth as part of the imple-
mentation of countercyclical socio-economic policy. This issue was particularly relevant
during the anti-crisis, interventionist socio-economic policy applied during the economic
crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in 2020. This issue
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
is described by K. Golczak, K. Golinowski, J. Kamycki, K. J. Lewandowski, K. Pająk, J.
Płaczek, D. Prokopowicz, Z. Wesołowski in the monograph titled Report containing a
diagnosis and forecast of the global financial and economic crisis determined by the
coronavirus pandemic in the economic, social, political and geopolitical area [13]. W.
Jakubczak, A. Gołębiowska, D. Prokopowicz, R. Jakubczak pointed to the growing im-
portance of green entrepreneurship and the development of business ventures imple-
mented as part of the pro-environmental transformation of the economy in recent years
[30, 47]. The growing importance of green entrepreneurship and pro-environmental trans-
formation of the economy is confirmed by the data on the deepening scale of the loss of
the level of biodiversity of natural ecosystems, the rapid rate of deforestation, the still
high level of greenhouse gas emissions and the progressing process of global warming.
Map 1. Share of global annual deforestation, 2015-2020.
The UN FAO publish forest data as the annual average on 5-year timescales.
Source: Portal (, for: UN Food and Agriculture Or-
ganization (FAO). Forest Resources Assessment, 2015-2020 (accessed on 10.06.2022).
A. Gołębiowska, D. Prokopowicz, R. Jakubczak, W. Jakubczak also pointed to the grow-
ing importance of information technology and cyber security in the context of business
development [29]. J. Grzegorek, D. Prokopowicz, S. Gwoździewicz drew attention to the
growing importance of Internet technologies and Industry 4.0, within which entrepreneur-
ship and innovation have been developing in recent years [23]. Besides, D. Prokopowicz
and P. Komorowski reported the key determinants of the impact of the SARS-CoV-2
(Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic on the economy and financial markets in Poland [32].
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
M. Matosek, D. Prokopowicz and A. Gołębiowska reported key determinants of the in-
crease in digitalization during coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) [40]. M. Matosek
gave arguments in support of the thesis according to which innovation culture is an im-
portant factor for the implementation of sustainable development strategies in an enter-
prise [38]. The conducted research has confirmed the thesis according to which the pan-
demic-induced acceleration of the processes of digitisation of the economy determines
the increase in the importance of technological innovations developed within the frame-
work of information technologies, Internet technologies and Industry 4.0. The technolog-
ical revolution currently taking place, referred to as Industry 4. 0 is motivated by the
development of the following technologies: Big Data Analytics, Data Science, cloud
computing, machine learning, personal and industrial Internet of Things, artificial intelli-
gence, Business Intelligence, autonomous robots, horizontal and vertical integration of
data system, multi-criteria simulation models, additive manufacturing, Blockchain, smart
technologies, cyber security instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other tech-
nologies of advanced data processing Data Miting[48]. The growing importance of infor-
mation technologies, Internet technologies and Industry 4.0, among others, is informed
by the figure below.
Figure 1. What happens on the internet in 1 minute according to 2016 data.
Źródło: A. Banafa, The Future of Big Data and Analytics, Conference Paper, November 2015,
(, access: 10.06.2022, p. 14.
J. Grzegorek, D. Prokopowicz and M. Matosek also pointed to the changes taking place
in the processes of economic globalization [20]. A. Gołębiowska and D. Prokopowicz
characterized the main determinants of the increase in the importance of new online me-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
dia as an important factor of effective economic development of the country and the in-
fluence of new information technologies on the development of entrepreneurship and in-
novation in Poland [17]. A. Dmowski and D. Prokopowicz described financial innova-
tions [6] and J. Sarnowski described marketing innovations in the context of effective
enterprise functioning [54]. J. Rakowski and D. Prokopowicz described the importance
of chambers of commerce on the development of entrepreneurship in Poland [51, 52]. D.
Prokopowicz also described the development of innovations in Big Data technologies and
social media portals [48], the role of local governments in the process of activating entre-
preneurship and improving the situation on the labour market [49] and the importance of
effective cooperation between enterprises and financial institutions [50]. The results of
many studies confirm the thesis that the level of financing of new R&D projects, imple-
mentation of innovations and activation of entrepreneurship is of great importance. This
issue is also confirmed by data included in reports of scientific institutes and other re-
search institutions conducting studies aimed at defining key determinants of entrepre-
neurship and innovation development. For example, data included in the reports of the
Polish Development Fund confirm the thesis of the relatively low level of external financ-
ing of innovation and entrepreneurship in Poland.
Chart 3. Financial outlays on research and development in EU countries as a per-
centage of GDP.
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovation of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A. Analysis
Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 5, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after Eurostat.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
From the verification of opinions, considerations, conclusions and research theses con-
tained in the cited publications, the main research aspects and the image of the problem-
atic of the importance of activating entrepreneurship and innovation of economic entities
functioning in the economy and contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in
higher education were formulated first. The formulated main research aspects and the
image of the analysed topic served as the basis for determining the research objectives
and methods applied in this study. The research objectives and methods are presented in
the next subsection of this article. The basis for these main components of the research
process carried out in this study was the determination of a synthetic picture of the issue
of entrepreneurship activation and innovation of economic entities functioning in the
economy in the context of the variability of economic processes after the collection of
analytical data and verification of conclusions contained in the cited publications. A syn-
thetic picture of the issues of the role and importance of entrepreneurship activation and
innovativeness of economic entities functioning in the economy in the context of the cy-
clicality of economic processes, including periods of economic downturns, economic cri-
ses and/or recessions appearing from time to time, has been presented in the first chapter
of this paper.
Before embarking on the research, collecting and elaborating the research results con-
cerning various aspects of the issues of the importance of entrepreneurship activation and
innovativeness of economic entities functioning in the economy and contemporary trends
in entrepreneurship teaching in higher education, the authors of the present paper re-
viewed the literature on the above-mentioned issues. The definition and specification of
the research problem, which was then characterised and analysed in this paper, was pre-
ceded by a review of literature publications and available source materials, in which the
key issues of the importance of entrepreneurship activation and innovativeness of enter-
prises in the context of the variability of economic processes and contemporary trends in
teaching entrepreneurship in higher education had already been considered. The literature
review shows that the particular issues of the role and significance of entrepreneurship
activation and innovativeness of enterprises in the economy in the context of the cycli-
cality of economic processes, including periods of economic downturns, economic crises
and/or recessions appearing from time to time, as well as contemporary trends in teaching
entrepreneurship in higher education, which have been described in various publications,
have been examined only in selected issues, while no attempt has been made before to
make a synthetic approach to this problematic, i.e. one which would include in an inte-
grated way the key issues of entrepreneurship activation and innovativeness. However,
there has not been any attempt to make a synthetic approach to this issue, i.e. one that
would integrate various key aspects of the researched problematic, the considerations un-
dertaken would have an attribute of interdisciplinarity and the conclusions from the re-
search would also be derived from a fully synthetic approach. This is the type of research
approach used in this study. One of the key methodological premises undertaken in this
article was the use of a synthetic research approach in order to achieve an interdisciplinary
combination of various aspects of the described and researched issues of the role and
importance of entrepreneurship activation and innovation of enterprises in the economy
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
and contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher education. The key con-
clusions, which are formulated in the concluding section, are derived from the aforemen-
tioned synthetic research approach applied.
Based on the content of the studied source materials and expert publications, it has been
shown that in recent years, the importance of the issue of activating entrepreneurship and
innovation of economic entities operating in the economy is growing in the context of the
cyclicality of economic processes, including periods of economic downturns, economic
crises and/or recessions appearing from time to time. There is also a growing importance
of implementing new information technologies and didactic methods in the process of
teaching entrepreneurship in higher education. Conclusions and suggestions resulting
from the previously conducted research described in the content of the studied literature
were used to formulate key research theses and objectives of the undertaken research.
An important factor confirming the validity of continuing research on entrepreneurship
and innovation is the identification of key determinants of the low level of innovativeness
of economic entities in Poland against the background of the global economy. Poland
performs poorly in innovation rankings. For example, in the Global Innovation Index
2021 Poland was ranked 40th with a score of 39.9. The top ten countries in this ranking
were as follows[39]:
1. Switzerland (65.5), 2. Sweden (63.1), 3. USA (61,3), 4. United Kingdom (59,8),
5. South Korea (59,3), 6. the Netherlands (58,6), 7. Finland (58,4), 8. Singapore (57,8),
9. Denmark (57,3), 10. Germany (57,3).
Chart 4. Global Innovation Index 2021 - a ranking by the World Intellectual Prop-
erty Organisation.
The range of the scoring scale in 2021 was: 15.4-65.5. The darker the red colour the better the
country achieved in the innovation ranking.
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovation of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR Analysis Office
S.A., Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 41, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after: Global Innovation Index website
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Aims of paper. Methods
Prior to writing this article, a literature review was conducted, which addressed the issue
of the importance of entrepreneurship activation and innovativeness of enterprises in the
economy as well as contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher educa-
tion. The conducted literature review was also preceded by the specification of key issues
of this problematic, which were analysed, the definition of objectives of the undertaken
research and the formulation of key research questions and theses. The topic of this paper
initially defined conceptually and axiomatically was also clarified after the mentioned
review of publications of other researchers of the issues concerning the role and im-
portance of entrepreneurship and innovativeness of enterprises in the economy in the con-
text of cyclicality of economic processes, including also in the context of periods of eco-
nomic downturns, economic crises and/or recessions appearing from time to time, as well
as contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher education. In view of the
above, this article analyses, in a synthetic approach, the issue of entrepreneurship and
innovativeness of economic entities functioning in the modern economy with particular
emphasis on the Polish economy of the last few years and contemporary trends in teaching
entrepreneurship in higher education.
Analysing the issue of the importance of entrepreneurship activation and innovativeness
of economic entities functioning in the economy and contemporary trends in teaching
entrepreneurship in higher education, the authors of the present study verified theses and
conclusions formulated by the authors of the cited publications. The verified theses and
conclusions, which often represented a diverse view, heterogeneous assessment of key
aspects of the topic in terms of their level of significance and identified correlations were
used to formulate key research questions and theses for this study. Based on the verifica-
tion, conclusions were also formulated and are included in the conclusion section. In for-
mulating these conclusions from the conducted research, the principle of scientific objec-
tivity, impartiality and synthesising the research approach was followed.
A variety of research methods were employed during the course of the study, which are
listed below. Various research methods were used in this study including descriptive and
comparative method, inductive inference, deductive reasoning, descriptive-vector method
and media observation method.
The choice of methods was determined by the type of research materials in which various
aspects of the researched issues of activation of entrepreneurship and innovativeness of
enterprises were described. In order to present the key issues of the subject undertaken,
to explain the particularly important dependencies, connections, correlations occurring
between the components of the problematic of the role and importance of activation of
entrepreneurship and innovativeness of economic entities functioning in the economy, as
well as contemporary trends in the teaching of entrepreneurship in higher education,
mainly the descriptive method was used. The comparative method was used mainly in
comparisons of key determinants of entrepreneurship and innovativeness development of
economic entities functioning in the economy. Inductive reasoning was used to select
unambiguous facts and aspects of the issues of entrepreneurship activation and innova-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
tiveness of enterprises meeting the condition of indisputability in their experimental ver-
ification. Deductive reasoning was commonly used through rationalistic formulation, se-
lection and ordering of axioms, which did not have to be certainties. However, they had
to fulfil the condition of being able to represent complex problems in the form of models
and schemes. The axioms formulated by this method were built and developed in the
process of logical linking of facts. The descriptive-vectorial method was applied in this
article by highlighting important factors of the problematic of contemporary trends in
teaching entrepreneurship in higher education with an indication of the appropriate direc-
tion of influence for them. The literature review was also carried out with the use of the
media observation method, consisting in the observation of selected issues of the re-
searched problems described by publicists specialising in specific areas of economic is-
Therefore, following the principle of scientific objectivity, impartiality and synthesis of
the research approach, the following main research thesis was formulated on the basis of
the verification of the content of the quoted publications for the purposes of this study: In
recent years, the importance of entrepreneurship activation and innovation of economic
entities functioning in the economy has increased in the context of cyclicality of economic
processes, including in the context of periods of economic downturn, economic crises
and/or recession of the national economy appearing from time to time.
Exposition of main material of research with complete substantiation of obtained
scientific results. Discussion
Outline of views on entrepreneurship and innovation
The process of economic activity activation and its positive impact on the macroeconomy
of the national economy is possible thanks to various systemic solutions, which include
the growing importance of economic entities of the SME sector and growing capital, co-
operative, cluster and other relations between efficiently operating enterprises. There is
also a growing importance of enterprises, including the issue of economic patriotism in
regional or local markets. The burden of local taxes should be determined in such a way
as to create the development of the technical and social infrastructure of local govern-
ments and to motivate enterprises to increase their activity on local markets. Another par-
ticularly important issue is the development of innovation in the enterprise sector and the
improvement of relations and cooperation between enterprises, the local community and
local governments[60]. The issue of economic activity, effectiveness of economic pro-
cesses carried out in enterprises and companies, work efficiency is connected with the
issue of innovativeness of economic entities. Unfortunately, the level of innovativeness
in Poland is not high. One of the commonly used types of indicators of the level of inno-
vativeness is the level of employment in research and development centres, research in-
stitutes involved in creating and implementing innovations, etc.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Chart 5. Employment level in research and development activities of economic op-
erators and scientific institutions at the end of 2019 (relative to 10,000 citizens per
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovativeness of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A. Anal-
ysis Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 6, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after Eurostat.
Economic entities operating in market conditions should improve their functioning and
adapt to the changing socio-economic environment. A significant number of companies
operating in Poland have been severely affected by the negative effects of the slowdown
in the growth of the domestic economy that followed the emergence of the global finan-
cial crisis in the autumn of 2018[56]. This problem has increased its scale in the situation
of an increase in debt generated by currency options, which before the autumn of 2008
were bought out by enterprises in some commercial banks operating in Poland. A factor
which may significantly improve this situation and contribute to an increase in the invest-
ment rate in the enterprise sector are subsidies from the European Union funds, offered
to economic entities for development purposes, implementation of modern technological
solutions and innovations[11]. In connection with new investment projects undertaken by
enterprises and co-financed from European Union funds, a significant increase in entre-
preneurship and innovativeness of many economic entities operating in Poland is ex-
pected. Thus, it is one of the key factors that should generate investment growth in the
coming quarters and years. In connection with this, the issue of effective financial man-
agement of enterprises and the investment policy shaped by the Ministry of Development,
which is an important segment of the state's economic policy, also acquires new im-
portance in connection with Poland's membership in the European Union. For companies
benefiting from EU subsidies, an innovative approach and improvement of skills related
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
to obtaining subsidies from EU fund programmes, developing entrepreneurship and acti-
vating innovation become necessary[52].
Before the first symptoms of the economic crisis appeared in the real economy in Poland
at the end of 2008, the economy had been booming for several years since Poland joined
the European Union in 2004. One indicator of this improvement was the fall in unem-
ployment, which immediately before the crisis fell to an exceptionally low level of 8.9%
in the third quarter of 2008. This was a big drop, since as recently as 2005, recorded
unemployment stood at 19%. This was largely due to economic emigration, but many
new jobs were also created in the country during those years, and new foreign direct in-
vestments and EU subsidies were flowing into Poland. Average wages grew even faster
than labour productivity. Despite this, Poland was still regarded as an attractive place to
invest. Important factors for the improvement of the economic situation in Poland include
the increased importance of the issue of entrepreneurship activation on the part of the
clients of financial institutions and innovation generated in enterprises and commercial
banks, which has occurred since the beginning of the systemic transformation period, i.e.,
since 1989.
Graph 6. Evolution of unemployment rate in Poland in the period January 1990 –
June 2022.
Source: Internet financial portal (accessed 18.6.2022).
Over the last quarter of a century there have been significant changes in the Polish
economy, including companies and business environment institutions, including closer
and further environment, financial and public institutions. The economic globalisation of
the Polish economy, i.e. a process which accelerated significantly in 2004, i.e. at the time
of Poland's accession to the market structures of the European Union, is gradually gaining
importance[24]. These processes are based on the liberalisation of capital flows supported
by the harmonisation of legal regulations. On the other hand, the development of modern
technologies generates innovation and simplifies the distribution channels for products
and services, and contributes to economic growth. In the entities of the financial system
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
operating in the environment of trade, production, service and other enterprises, an
increase in the standardisation of procedures applied, sales techniques developed and
financial transactions carried out is being realised[29]. These processes are mainly
determined by the growing competition and the associated pressure to reduce operating
costs of business. The processes of merging and unifying market structures from the top
and dissemination of information technology standards from the bottom are the basis of
the transnational process of integration of market structures and economic globalisation
of the Polish economy[78]. In connection with the above, particular importance is
attributed to the development of instruments for activation of entrepreneurship and
innovativeness in various spheres and branches of the contemporary economy, including
first of all the growth of importance of technological and product innovations in the field
of logistics and organisation of the enterprise distribution process. The growth of
innovativeness in economic entities and in business environment institutions significantly
influences the development of entrepreneurship in market economies. Unfortunately, in
terms of innovation in production and economy, Polish enterprises are among the least
active in the European Union[79]. Another important issue in the context of activating
entrepreneurship is the liberalisation of legal regulations on employing foreigners[25].
The need for systemic activation of innovation and entrepreneurship in Poland is
confirmed by numerous data indicating a significantly lower level of innovativeness
among enterprises operating in Poland in the context of the average level of
innovativeness in the EU and on a global scale. The low level of innovation in economic
entities also determines the low level of labour productivity.
Chart 7. Labour productivity in manufacturing. Gross value added per person em-
ployed in 2019. (in thousands of euros).
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovativeness of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A.
Analysis Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 18, accessed on 20.06.2022
(, after: Eurostat.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
In the literature there are many definitions of what entrepreneurship and innovation are.
Starting from social cognition theory and methodological constructivism, "entrepreneur-
ship can be defined as an organised, social process of creating and exploiting opportuni-
ties"[7]. Two definitions most often quoted in the literature fall within this stream. The
first one is the definition by J. A. Timmons, stating that "entrepreneurship is the pursuit
of opportunities without taking into account the limitations created by resources currently
controlled"[74]. The author stresses the importance of a market opportunity and the pos-
sibility of its exploitation by a man manifesting his abilities in this activity.
In turn, S. Shane and S. Venkataraman define entrepreneurship as "activities involving
the identification, evaluation and exploitation of opportunities to introduce new products
and services, ways of organising markets, processes and raw materials by organising ef-
forts in ways that have not occurred before"[68].
The founder and rector of the Warsaw School of Management, Stanisław Dawidziuk,
points out the ambiguity of the term entrepreneurship, which "has an economic, psycho-
logical, pedagogical, sociological and praxeological dimension. It is understood as a fea-
ture, attitude, ability, talent, behaviour, economic action, innovation, creativity"[7]. And
this ambiguity affects the formulation of tasks related to it.
Every generation has its entrepreneurial achievements - argues Dawidziuk - and repre-
sentatives of many scientific disciplines, dealing with not limiting human capabilities.
"Economists want to know how to succeed in the economic field, criminologists are in-
terested in the entrepreneurial background of the crimes committed, educators strive to
learn about the entrepreneurial behaviour of their pupils (...) in every field entrepreneurial
activities can be distinguished and it can be said that the term has already entered perma-
nently into everyday language"[7]. The term innovation (innovatio in Greek means re-
newal) is also understood very broadly. It refers to all areas of life: economic, social,
scientific, technical and cultural. It is commonly associated with a change for the better.
[A dictionary of Polish language defines innovation as "introduction of something new,
something newly introduced, novelty, innovation, reform"[73].
Among the contemporary definitions created in the conditions of market economy, it is
worth mentioning the ones presented by the scientists of the Warsaw University of Tech-
nology. According to Stefan Marciniak, innovations are creative changes in the social
system, economic structure, technology and nature"[44]. Technical progress and the in-
troduction of innovations is fostered by free competition. In turn, Irena Hejduk and
Wiesław Maria Grudzewski define innovation as "any thought, behaviour or thing that is
new, i.e. qualitatively different from existing forms"[23].
Numerous studies show that while there is a high level of awareness about the need for
innovation in organisations, there is a low appreciation of how to put it into practice.
"Innovation is a confusing process, it is difficult to measure and manage," Fernando Trias
de Bes and Philip Kotler explain this fact, "when revenues and profits decline during a
recession, many managers come to the conclusion that their innovative activities are not
worth the effort they put into them. They think that maybe innovation is not that im-
portant"[75]. The innovation management and marketing experts quoted above say that
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
"innovation does not have to involve a complete breakthrough. Gradual, step-by-step in-
novations are just as necessary, if not more so, than the radical version. It is this kind of
innovation that makes a business survive'. Kotler and Trias de Bes understand by innova-
tion the creation of an organisational culture that "allows a continuous stream of smaller,
evolutionary (marginal) innovations to be created and directed to the market"[75].
At the enterprise level, two approaches to innovation can be distinguished. The first one,
emphasising the tangible character of innovation, is applied to products, services, organ-
isation, manufacturing processes based on new or so far unused knowledge, accepted and
implemented by the entity. This is innovation in the material sense, positive and progres-
sive novelty. The second approach emphasises the functional significance of innovation,
covering the entire process from idea to implementation and adaptation, as well as re-
search and development activities completed with implementation[33].
"To be entrepreneurial means to be innovative, active and resourceful in every field of
activity in order to earn as much income as possible and to fulfil life aspirations and needs
of one's own and the immediate family"[51] - argues economist Mieczysław Nasiłowski.
Learning about entrepreneurship is not only about enabling trainees to learn about the
functioning of a company, the environment and the market economy. It should also shape
entrepreneurial and innovative attitudes and behaviour, trigger initiative, faith in one's
own abilities to overcome limitations.
Robert B. Mellor of the University of London, an expert on entrepreneurship and innova-
tion who holds doctorates in various fields of knowledge, claims that "without mastering
the basic expertise specific to a given business, there can be no success". In his view,
"every budding entrepreneur needs to be well versed in what the business will do". Prac-
tice shows that entrepreneurship courses taught at universities on faculties other than eco-
nomics bring the best results if they are placed during the last semester (or year) of studies.
Lecturers can conduct classes in such a way that it will be easier for graduates to identify
and assess possible career paths upon receiving their diploma. This approach is referred
to by Mellor as "embedded entrepreneurship"[50].
In the context of "embedded entrepreneurship", classes are being implemented in the cos-
metology major at the Warsaw School of Entrepreneurship.
Training techniques in shaping entrepreneurial and pro-innovative attitudes of fe-
male students of the WSP
In the current era of the fourth technological revolution Industry 4.0[26] a particularly
important issue in the teaching processes conducted in universities is to improve these
processes so that it is possible to effectively combine education with entrepreneurship
and in various aspects, i.e. both in terms of teaching entrepreneurship but also in planning,
developing and implementing innovative research concepts and conducting scientific re-
search using technological, conceptual, systemic and other innovations. Higher education
should play an important role in developing entrepreneurship among students. However,
there are different didactic methods through which entrepreneurship among students is
awakened and improved. What didactic methods are used to arouse and develop entre-
preneurship among students is determined by many factors related to the type, specificity
of organisation and functioning of a particular higher education institution, dominant
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
standards of the teaching and higher education system in the country, developed and im-
plemented educational programmes and financial resources, as well as the system of fi-
nancial support for the development of innovative start-ups and other business ventures
established by students, specificity of functioning and development of university incuba-
tors and accelerators of entrepreneurship and innovation. On the other hand, currently,
due to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic[40], en-
trepreneurship teaching processes have been significantly modified and hindered. The
aforementioned hindrance has appeared especially in those schools and universities where
the entire teaching process is now carried out remotely, via the Internet in the form of e-
learning. The ongoing fourth technological revolution called Industry 4.0 constantly cre-
ates new innovative solutions that can support the processes of improving entrepreneur-
ship teaching[21]. However, the finances that universities can allocate for new innovative
technological solutions and costly research are often a serious limitation. The current
SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in accelerated digitisation[48] of vari-
ous spheres of people's lives, economic and other processes[18]. Perhaps, then, this cur-
rent unusual situation will become another impulse to create new innovative solutions,
including in the issue of teaching entrepreneurship in universities and in the field of sci-
entific research and scientific development. The necessity of including the issues of en-
trepreneurship and innovativeness in the processes of education in higher education is
related, among others, to the low level of innovativeness of economic entities in Poland.
Chart 8. European Innovation Ranking in 2021.
The range of the score scale in 2021 was: 0.16-0.76. The darker the red colour, the better the
country's score in the innovation ranking.
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovation of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR Analysis Office
S.A., Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 39, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after: European Commission.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Entrepreneurship teaching should be implemented at almost every level of education and
should include, in addition to issues related to the basics of economics, also practical
issues related to setting up a business, taking into account the current economic situation,
conditions of the economic environment, applicable regulations of economic law, applied
marketing instruments and strategies, determinants of startups' activity, importance of in-
novation in terms of business activity, etc. Within the framework of the anti-crisis, inter-
ventionist social and economic policy applied in 2020, entrepreneurship was activated in
order to limit the scale of economic growth and stop the development of economic reces-
sion. Within the framework of the anti-crisis, interventionist socio-economic policy, se-
lected interventionist instruments of fiscal, budgetary, sectoral and social policy as well
as monetary policy conducted by central banking were applied at that time. Within the
framework of the applied public financial aid, a large amount of additional anti-crisis
money was introduced to the economy. The public financial aid consisted mainly of wage
subsidies for employees within the framework of maintained employment. In addition,
commercially operating companies and enterprises received financial public aid in the
form of non-refundable targeted subsidies, deferment of contributions to the social secu-
rity system, reduction of certain taxes, granting loans on preferential terms, etc. This has
significantly reduced the scale of the rise in unemployment in 2020 and reduced the scale
of the development of the economic crisis. On the other hand, a negative side effect is a
large increase in inflation from mid-2021. However, thanks to the anti-crisis, interven-
tionist socio-economic policy of financial public assistance applied, it was also possible
to significantly reduce the decline in the level of entrepreneurship and innovation during
the downturn of the economy in 2020.
Chart 9. Inflation in Poland in the period January 1992 - June 2022.
Source: Internet financial portal (accessed 18.6.2022).
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Entrepreneurial and pro-innovative attitudes of WSP students are shaped mainly during
entrepreneurship classes, and - to a lesser extent - during economics and marketing of
cosmetic services. During full-time studies, 15 hours of lectures and 10 hours of classes
in entrepreneurship are conducted, while during part-time studies - 10 hours of lectures
and 5 hours of classes. These classes are held in the fifth semester.
All students declare that they chose the cosmetology major because of their interests.
Working in this profession is or should be a way of life. More than 60 percent of them
have dreams of running their own business, pursuing the so-called passionate entrepre-
neurship. For the last five years, mini surveys have been carried out, which show that
although three quarters of female students consider themselves to be entrepreneurial, not
all of them plan to set up their own business.
There are a few cases (confirming the rule) that cosmetology studies:
a) busineswomen running a pancake house in Wilanów - a full-time student,
b) owner of a security company,
c) president of a medical clinic.
Individual and group training techniques are used in shaping students' entrepreneurial
attitudes. The content of lectures concerns the concept, essence and importance of entre-
preneurship, innovation and determinants and ways of small business development. Much
space is given to external determinants of entrepreneurship such as:
a) legal forms of doing business,
b) commencement, suspension and liquidation of business activity,
c) concessions, licenses, permits,
d) obligations towards the state and relations with other entities,
e) economic conditions of entrepreneurship,
f) sources of financing business ventures.
Entrepreneurship exercises are used to consolidate knowledge, among other things:
a) from knowledge of banking products,
b) types of insurance products,
c) analysis of the company and its environment; SWOT analysis, PEST analysis,
d) business start-up procedures.
Exercises - tests concern, among others, checking one's own professional predispositions,
a) the study of personal style according to Craig Hogen and David Champagne,
b) situational leader according to Hersey and Blanchard,
c) types of decision-making styles according to Vrom and Yetton,
d) conflict resolution style (Kilman and Thomas' tool)[43],
e) "What kind of saboteur are you?" test[1].
This seemingly fun exercise is the basis for developing rules of business conduct to reduce
organizational pathologies. Personal traits of entrepreneurs emerge during the discussion.
Well, according to female WSP students, such traits include:
a) strong achievement motivation,
b) passion, energy and persistence in performance,
c) clarity of thought,
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
d) responsibility and ethical behaviour,
e) positive thinking and openness to the truth,
f) ability to analyze situations and draw conclusions,
g) optimism and eternal restlessness.
It turns out that these and other characteristics can be found in numerous publications on
Discussions include the myths of entrepreneurship, formed as a result of cursory obser-
vations of opinions presented in the mass media and in feature films, associations and
stereotypes fueled by spectacular successes. Examples of myths[15]:
a) an entrepreneur has to be born,
b) entrepreneurs are completely independent,
c) raising finance is the most important factor in the success of a new venture,
d) there is a profile of the ideal entrepreneur,
e) innovations should be based on the latest technologies and have a breakthrough
f) entrepreneurs are young people,
g) entrepreneurs strive alone to achieve their goals,
h) in entrepreneurship one has to be lucky,
i) being successful means getting on the list of the 100 richest people in the country.
Discussions also include myths and stereotypes about innovation that are often hurtful
and may cause entrepreneurs to give up trying to create innovative projects, considering
them out of reach. WSP students discuss myths about innovation[17]:
a) innovation is only about technology,
b) innovations originate in the R&D departments of large companies,
c) all innovations are expensive,
d) innovations cannot be managed,
e) creativity cannot be learned,
f) good innovative ideas are easily adopted and people love them,
g) creative ideas come by surprise and are the result of dazzle,
h) innovation is always good and promotes development.
The relationship between creative ability and innovation is discussed and debated, as well
as ways - how, for example, a manager can foster innovation. Students agree that an in-
novation culture has the following characteristics[65]:
a) tolerating ambiguity,
b) tolerating what at first glance appears impractical (because it may lead to innova-
tive solutions),
c) limiting external control instruments,
d) tolerating risk,
e) tolerating functional conflicts - disagreements are encouraged,
f) focusing attention on ends rather than means,
g) focus on open systems - the organization monitors the environment and reacts
quickly to changes.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Case studies are of great interest to the students. Specific problems are formulated on the
example of concrete situations from different areas of company operation. The analysis
starts with the presentation of a certain amount of information about the discussed prob-
lem. The students are asked to analyse the presented material and to propose solutions.
These solutions are discussed.
The cases come from various sources and the most interesting materials and problems are
provided by students running their own businesses. The staging technique, which shapes
business behaviour, consists of certain organisational role plays. Real situations which
may occur in the work environment are simulated. For example, negotiation skills are
practised with the division into roles: entrepreneur and clerk, business owner and dissat-
isfied customer, employer and employee.
After the division into role-players and observers, descriptions of the situation are distrib-
uted with problems highlighted. During the role play the observers take notes. This is
followed by a discussion to determine appropriate and correct incorrect behaviour.
Prospective thinking, wealth of ideas and opportunities for implementation
The state should support entrepreneurship especially during periods of slowing economic
growth, rising unemployment and declining business activity. Activating entrepreneur-
ship and innovation was particularly important during the economic crisis triggered indi-
rectly by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) in 2020[20]. With eco-
nomic activity projected to decline from Q3 2022 and to an even greater extent a decline
in economic growth in 2023 so activating entrepreneurship and innovation is still im-
portant. However, it is important that this is done in a safe way, without over-indebtedness
of the system of state finances, so that inflation does not rise strongly and liquidity risk
in the system of state finances does not increase strongly. A key issue is, inter alia, the
choice of Treasury debt instruments appropriate for a given economic situation of the
country, i.e. the type of these financial instruments, their periods of functioning, profita-
bility, the markets on which these debt instruments will be offered, as well as the type of
undertakings to be financed through the issue of these debt securities. On the other hand,
when the current economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic
(Covid-19) began, one of the first anti-crisis measures in some countries was a significant
reduction in interest rates by central banks. This is a significant pro-development instru-
ment if for entrepreneurs credit prices play a key role when making investment decisions.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Chart 10. Development of the level of the Purchasing Managers' Index in Poland in
the period: May 2017 - June 2022.
Source: Internet financial portal (accessed 18.6.2022).
The purpose of activating entrepreneurship during the economic crisis caused by the
SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and the introduced lockdowns was
mainly to activate economic processes, limit the scale of increasing unemployment and
decreasing consumption. In individual developed and developing countries, within the
framework of activating entrepreneurship, systemic instruments and programmes of in-
terventionist financial public aid offered to enterprises were launched, which are an im-
portant element of active, anti-crisis, interventionist economic policies. Apart from that,
other interventionist, anti-crisis instruments of the fiscal policy of the Ministry of Finance,
the budgetary policy of the Ministry of the Treasury, the monetary policy of central bank-
ing, etc. were also launched. At present, an important research problem is the analysis of
the effectiveness of the applied entrepreneurship activation instruments and programmes,
taking into account the costs incurred by the public finance system, the increase in public
debt, the budget deficit in relation to the achieved improvement in the entrepreneurship
issue, i.e. the number of business entities which, thanks to the use of certain systemic
instruments of public aid, did not declare bankruptcy, maintained employment and began
to recover from financial problems and increase turnover in their basic activity. This type
of analysis can be carried out in the microeconomic perspective on the example of se-
lected business entities, financial institutions, SMEs and/or corporations, in the sectoral
perspective, i.e. in the mesoeconomic perspective, and in the perspective of the whole
national economy, i.e. on the macroeconomic scale.
The key issue of activating the innovativeness of economic entities and public institutions
is the level of financial resources allocated for these purposes. Many studies show that in
developed economies effective activation of innovation is based on financing the devel-
opment of innovative business ventures, innovation creation and their implementation
coming both from the system of state finances and from financial surpluses generated by
commercially operating economic entities. Unfortunately, in Poland the level of financing
for the development of innovativeness in recent years has not been high. This issue is
presented in the chart below.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Chart 11. R&D expenditures of the business sector as a % of GDP in selected coun-
Source: Entrepreneurship in Poland, Report, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, War-
saw, September 2018 p. 42, after: DAG MPiT based on Eurostat data.
The next graph shows the financial outlays on research and development in Poland in
terms of absolute amounts of funds expressed in billion euro. Taking inflation into ac-
count, the increase shown in the following graph is therefore not impressive.
Chart 12. Financial outlays on research and development in Poland in terms of ab-
solute amounts of funds expressed in billion euro.
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovation of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A. Analysis
Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 5, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
The basis of the entrepreneurial process with the use of innovation, the impulse to act, is
an opportunity, the analysis of which allows to estimate the development possibilities of
the enterprise. A good business idea should not be equated with an opportunity, because
it often happens that an excellent product or service cannot find its place on the market
for various reasons[62].
Students at the Entrepreneurship College analyse their business ideas in the context of
market opportunity because they know that the two elements of the entrepreneurial pro-
cess complement each other.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
They are not pioneering solutions, rather "creative imitation", which has made most com-
panies successful and gained market dominance. In this strategy, the 'imitator' does what
the 'pioneer' did before him. But "what he does is creative because he understands the
essence of the innovation better than those who developed and implemented it"[54].
As part of their own work, students prepare presentations or papers on one of the assigned
topics, individually or in teams of 2 to 3 persons:
a) my business idea,
b) a business venture based on innovation,
c) the company's marketing plan.
The creative inventiveness, richness of ideas and their rational evaluation are evident in
these works. Some examples of business concepts developed by students are described
Ms Dudnik presented her work entitled "My business idea - a family restaurant". "My
idea for a business - a family restaurant" presented a description of the business planned
to be launched as part of the catering services provided. The description stated as follows:
"The restaurant will be a family business. Its main advantages are a nice, family atmos-
phere, high quality of meals and reasonable prices. The clientele is mainly middle class.
We have our own premises of 700 sqm in the city centre, close to the railway and bus
stations. Equity amounts to 300 thousand PLN, another 100 thousand PLN. We will bor-
row against a pledge from the bank. Bank credit is the most popular form of external
financing of business ventures in Poland[67]. The specific décor of the premises, creating
an atmosphere of privacy, friendly service and a menu with dishes both typical of Poland
(bigos, stuffed cabbage, goulash) and of abroad, as well as a large room for special events,
such as weddings, christening parties, proms, discos - should be an incentive for cli-
Ms Jarzyło described her business idea in the work entitled "My idea for business - a
design office": "We would like to set up a design office which could create traditional
designs as well as elements of new, futuristic architecture. When we observe today's sim-
ple buildings, we find this to be a very banal and not very elegant way of organising the
environment. We would like to promote a new style of architecture in our city of 50,000
inhabitants. The only option to realise this idea is to set up a design office."[37].
Ms Lębryk, in her paper entitled "My business idea - an agrotourism farm", presented a
plan for setting up and running an agrotourism farm. "The agrotourism farm 'Azyl' will
offer customers various types of services. The company was founded with the accommo-
dation base in mind, but the idea has been greatly expanded. In addition to full board,
comfortable rooms with bathrooms, TV and Internet[31] - we can offer an interesting
leisure offer. There is a 7 m x 4 m x 3 m swimming pool, which can also be used in winter.
We have prepared a tennis court and a volleyball and basketball court. We run a stud
farm, where you can ride horses or take riding lessons with an instructor. In summer we
organise evenings by the bonfire, while in winter we offer sleigh rides and two ski tracks.
We are open to new ideas and suggestions from our guests"[41].
Ms. Chilimoniuk, describing the importance and functions of a business plan in her study,
referred to the example of a business planned to be launched, stating that: "our county
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
lacks qualified bartending staff, but there are many places where people passionate about
bartending could develop in this field. We want to provide opportunities to develop such
passions and skills and make them a profitable way of life. By graduating from our school,
bartenders will be able to find well-paid jobs in Poland and abroad"[5].
In the study "Business venture based on innovation", the students of the Higher School
of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw presented their plans to start a business as follows: "Be-
fore we decide to set up an online shop, we will carefully learn about the industry in which
we will operate, what the competition is like, what the assortment and prices are in whole-
salers, stationary shops and online shops. We will consider whether we have sufficient
background and interesting contacts"[6].
Most of the ideas of the cosmetology students obviously concern cosmetology - a field
that develops dynamically and can ensure financial liquidity after a year of operation. The
following are examples of proposals to set up and run businesses and offer specific ser-
vices by female students of the Higher School of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw.
"The idea for a professional cosmetics salon came from observation of the surroundings.
In the city where I live, there is no such beauty salon which would offer, apart from basic
cosmetic treatments, micropigmentation (also known as permanent make-up) - a para-
medical treatment which is an excellent solution for all those who would like to make a
permanent correction to their natural beauty. Moreover, the offer would include treat-
ments based entirely on organic products and on elements of aromatherapy"[8].
The conducted research shows that the students of the Academy of Entrepreneurship in
Warsaw are aware of the high importance of the issue of innovation in the context of
effectively run business. The students stated that "an innovation in our salon will be care
and beauty treatments based on ultrasound waves and carboxytherapy, which will be a
complete novelty in the area of Wołomin and its surroundings. I hope that the discounts
and favourable package offers will attract many customers."[42] Surveys conducted
among students indicate a high level of awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship
and innovativeness of applied technological and other solutions in the context of business
activities. Also important are positively developed relations with entities from closer and
further surroundings, including local government institutions[59], business partners, re-
cipients of the manufactured assortment, suppliers of raw materials, financial institutions
and other entities, including the public sector[63].
Students who developed business plans for their future planned business ventures stated
as follows: "We are thinking of setting up a beauty shop near an existing beauty studio
and fitness club. The shop will offer only natural cosmetics, much sought after by people
with skin diseases"[49]. In the course of research conducted at the Academy of Entrepre-
neurship in Warsaw, it appears that according to female students of the Academy, "an
idea for a business that can be profitable is an aesthetic medicine and cosmetology salon
for men. The innovation in this area will be the cooperation of a medical doctor with a
cosmetologist, who will jointly select a therapy"[34].
Ms Wołos indicates that a profitable business entity should be "a beauty salon with per-
manent make-up and cosmetic medicine for everyone: women, men, young and old. I
will rent a 200-square-metre premises, where, apart from offices, cloakroom, reception
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
desk and bathroom, there will be a coffee corner. At the beginning there will be only
two of us working together - me and the other partner"[77].
Another person stated that she would like to "set up a mobile beauty salon. The advantage
of the idea is the low cost of opening such a salon. You buy portable equipment, which is
cheaper than standard equipment. The head office is at home, so there are no costs for
renting premises, paying for utilities. Thanks to this, it is possible to attract more custom-
ers by offering lower prices of services"[45].
The research conducted at the Academy of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw shows that fe-
male students planning to set up a business or running a company attribute a special role
to employees. Thus, future entrepreneurs know the role of the staff engaged in a given
activity. Consequently, students planning to start a particular business indicate the high
importance of such factors related to the staff employed as: "excellent qualifications, in-
dividual approach to customers, for its commitment, for long working hours (because
such is the demand in Mieroszów and surrounding towns). The staff will of course be
appropriately remunerated"[70]. In recent years, effective running of a business has been
determined by the entrepreneurship and innovativeness of people running a given busi-
ness[60]. In the context of the business being run and developed, marketing is a key issue.
As part of marketing activities in recent years, particular importance is attributed to mar-
keting campaigns and strategies carried out on the Internet[66]. Advertising campaigns
conducted on the Internet are increasingly based on innovative solutions developed in
social networks using cloud computing techniques, Big Data platforms[58] and Business
Intelligence analyses. According to the above, the business success of a company is de-
termined by a number of factors, including both internal factors, resulting from the activ-
ity conducted by a given entity, its specificity, the entrepreneurship of the management
and the innovation of individual employee teams. On the other hand, particularly im-
portant are also factors of the environment closer and further to a given company. These
factors include, among others, technological conditions, competitive environment, spec-
ificity of markets, preferences of the target segment of recipients of products and services,
political factors, legislative changes in the tax system and also factors of cyclical volatility
occurring in individual markets. This volatility is described by such macroeconomic de-
terminants as changes in the country's economic growth rate, changes in the level of con-
sumption, consumer income, the situation on the labour market, including changes in the
level of unemployment, etc., which are examined on a long-term basis[11].
Due to the fact that the majority of economic entities operating in Poland use the credit
offer of commercial banks for external financing, significant factors of the environment
also include the level of interest rates, which indirectly affect the cost of borrowed money,
and credit policies of banks applied to enterprises and companies operating in Poland[10].
Moreover, determinants of the further environment also include supranational factors,
cross-border flows of production factors and the nature of globalisation processes taking
place. This issue particularly concerns larger companies operating on foreign mar-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Business plan - the key to starting a business
A key and, at the same time, summing up the shaping of entrepreneurial attitudes of the
cosmetology students is project work on creating a business plan - i.e. a formal document
constituting a set of structured objectives and the resulting tasks, together with the deter-
mination of the means of their implementation. Although the exercise is a simulation of
reality, the students know that the ability to create a business plan is very important for a
person starting their own business. This is because the business plan brings together many
of the areas of knowledge needed by the entrepreneur: it is a document that describes the
business, its product or service, how it will enter the market, and how the whole operation
will be financed.[76] The business plan is also a document that illustrates the level of
entrepreneurship and culture of innovation of a given business entity[46]. The business
plan can also present in its content the process of building and developing a pro-innova-
tive corporate culture within the company, the importance of which is gradually increas-
ing in the context of the business operation. The level of awareness of these determinants
of the effectiveness of the company among entrepreneurs is also growing [15].
The methodology for creating business plans has been the subject of many scientific and
consultancy studies. These studies indicate the objectives, structures and outline of anal-
yses that should be included in the business plan. The content of the business plan should
be tailored to the needs of the institution to which it is to be submitted[71].
Before starting the exercise, the lecture section discusses the typical layout of a business
plan, also known as a "roadmap for a successful business"[17], which includes:
− A one- to two-page executive summary focused on, what is most important and
interesting about the project,
− description of the venture with the name, subject of activity, location and legal form,
− description of the offer - the characteristics of the services provided, the manner of
their provision, enumeration of materials and equipment and methods of obtaining
them, necessary legal actions (e.g. obtaining approvals, patents, permits), physical
planning of the plant area,
− Analysis of competitive environment and target market using SWOT analysis, PEST
model, Porter's five forces model, portfolio analysis, primary data and available
secondary data[32],
− sales forecasts,
− the company's strategy, i.e. the long-term concept of activity; the basic elements of
strategy are discussed, i.e. the domain of activity, strategic advantage, strategic goals
and functional action programs[53], which are closely related to the mission of the
− marketing activities by describing the elements of the marketing mix, namely product,
price, distribution and promotion. Determining the forms of promotion is one of the
most important aspects of this part of the business plan, and students have at their
disposal and propose diverse activities of classical advertising in the media, sales
promotion, direct marketing, "whisper" marketing, personal selling and public
relations, and calculate the costs of planned activities.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Students decide how to inform customers about their products and services. They also
identify target groups whose members are willing to buy. They calculate advertising ex-
penses, determine the price of the service in comparison to competitors' prices and the
level of sales that must be achieved to reach the equalizing point from which they start to
make a profit. The cost of guarantees and repairs must be included in the calculations.
Management - in this part of the business plan, students provide information on how the
business will be organised, how activities will be coordinated and how staff will be man-
aged. In the case of a sole proprietorship, they detail the owners' responsibilities related
to the day-to-day management of the service or production facility. As the complexity of
the project increases, they solve more organisational problems related to the organisa-
tional structure (number of employees, their qualifications, scopes of duties on different
positions, service hierarchy, scopes of decision-making authority, procedures and ways
of co-ordination of activities, motivation and remuneration, methods of employee evalu-
ation). The most difficult part for students is preparing a financial analysis, one of the
most important parts of the business plan, which is to show the profitability of the planned
undertaking. Every bank will want to know the nature and amount of funds necessary for
the business of its potential customer, investor, and the value of the amount it will want
to obtain from them. Such elements of financial analysis as basic assumptions regarding
capital and its source, balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow, as well as break-
even analysis, ratio analysis, investment profitability - contain for the uninitiated a con-
siderable degree of difficulty[9]. Their correct preparation requires great concentration of
attention by the authors of the business plan and support from the lecturers.
Financial forecasts and funding requirements must be in line with market expectations of
investors, realistic and reasonable. The students therefore start with a sales forecast to
determine how much cash they will be able to mobilise from their business and over what
period. Guidance from tutors, sample tables and case studies are provided to help over-
come difficulties. An important organising function in the business plan is the timetable,
which shows the time frame of the venture. Bankers and other audiences can judge: does
the author have a realistic vision of the business she has designed? A well-developed
schedule allows better preparation for activities and their efficient coordination, increases
the probability of success. The students find that it is very helpful to use the so-called
Gantt charts, where the rows list the activities, and the columns list the deadlines for their
implementation. When preparing a business plan, the students of the Department of Edu-
cation at the Pedagogical University of Warsaw identify areas of risk, which may disrupt
the implementation of plans - which in turn affects the modification of assumptions. By
identifying risks, they can be reduced or protected by taking out an insurance policy. The
development of a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the
environment) is not difficult for the students. In the vast majority of business plan authors
lack previous experience in entrepreneurial activities, they discover new areas of reality.
The task of the teachers is to make the students aware of typical problems such as adapting
the document to the requirements of the recipient, realistic estimation of demand and
sales, avoiding wishful thinking, reliable analysis of the competition, wrongly formulated
objectives. All in all, working on a business plan is not easy, requires close attention and
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
frequent support from the tutors, but the students find that "the devil is not so terrible" to
start pursuing their passions in their own business. The research conducted at the Acad-
emy of Entrepreneurship in Warsaw shows that female students planning to set up a busi-
ness or running a company attribute a special role to the growing role of the Internet in
the context of the effective functioning of economic entities in today's developed econo-
mies, widespread access to the global network and digitisation[27] of both businesses and
public sector entities[47]. In connection with the development of the digitalisation of the
economy, one of the important areas within which entrepreneurship and innovation can
be developed is the issue of improving cyber security systems. The importance of this
issue increased during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19)[35]. During
the coronavirus pandemic, an opportunity arose to accelerate the processes of pro-envi-
ronmental transformation of the economy, including the pro-environmental restructuring
of state-owned companies operating in the sector of the fossil fuel extraction industry and
the energy industry based on the combustion of these fuels. Unfortunately, the current
government in Poland has slowed down these processes instead of accelerating the devel-
opment of renewable and zero-emission energy sources. The graph and map below show
the low level of electricity production from low-emission sources. Related to this issue is
the low level of innovation and entrepreneurship developing within the renewable energy
sector. The key reason for the low scale of development of renewable and emission-free
energy sources was the legal regulations introduced in recent years (2016-2022), the pro-
visions of which slowed down the development of wind energy (2016) and solar energy
(2022) in Poland.
Chart 13. Electricity generation from low-carbon sources.
Low-carbon electricity is the sum of electricity generation from nuclear and renewable sources.
Renewable sources include hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy, wave and tidal.
Source: Portal internetowy „Our Word In Data” based on BP Statistical Review of Word Energy
and Ember, (www.ourworldindata/energy), access: 10.06.2022.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Map 2. Electricity generation from low-carbon sources in 2021.
Low-carbon electricity is the sum of electricity generation from nuclear and renewable sources.
Renewable sources include hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy, wave and tidal.
Source: Portal internetowy „Our Word In Data” based on BP Statistical Review of Word Energy
and Ember, (www.ourworldindata/energy), access: 10.06.2022.
On the basis of the research carried out, it was shown that the technological transfor-
mation of finance, the development of the digital economy, the digitalization of open
knowledge resources, the development of cryptocurrencies, online microfinance, the in-
crease in the importance of pro-environmental policies, the pro-environmental transfor-
mation of the economy, the development of renewable energy sources, the development
of green economics, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, activities aimed at slow-
ing down the processes of climate change, the process of global warming, reducing the
level of environmental pollution, the development of sustainable organic agriculture, the
development of global environmental policy, the application of Industry 4.0 technology
in improving production logistics processes, etc.[56]. These will be important determi-
nants of globalisation processes in the years to come. Therefore, within the scope of the
mentioned fields of economics and environmental issues, entrepreneurship and innova-
tion will develop in many countries in the following years. On the other hand, the rate of
economic development of a country, determined by the level of innovativeness and en-
trepreneurship, is correlated, inter alia, also with the level of investments aimed at in-
creasing the scale of objectification of work and automation of production processes
through the application of new innovative technologies in the economic processes carried
out by companies and enterprises. The level of investment per person employed in the
European Union in 2019 in thousand euros is shown in the chart below.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
Chart 14. Level of investment per person employed in the European Union in 2019
(in thousand euros).
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovativeness of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A. Anal-
ysis Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 22, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
spertyzy-ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after: Eurostat.
The growing importance of innovation in the field of development and implementation
of new information technologies, Internet technologies and Industry 4.0 in economic pro-
cesses is confirmed by data from annual rankings of the most innovative companies and
enterprises prepared by various research institutions. Both on a global scale and in Poland,
leading missions in these rankings in recent years have been occupied by economic enti-
ties that develop and implement the above-mentioned technologies. According to one of
the rankings of the most innovative companies in Poland at the beginning of this year
2020, these companies included manufacturers of medicines, communication systems,
games and 3D printers[64]. On the global scale, on the other hand, corporations that base
their development on improving information and Internet technologies and creating new
technological product gadgets have been leading the way for several years, setting new
trends and creating new standards in the field of the mentioned technologies. For exam-
ple, in mid-2020, i.e. at the beginning of the pandemic's development, Apple topped the
Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) list of the world's 50 most innovative companies. The
winner, however, was not the next iPhone, but the ability to leverage its position, tech-
nology and organisational capabilities to systematically expand its business and launch
new services that provide additional, uninterrupted revenue streams. The following year,
2021, Apple also ranked at the top of such rankings of global business innovation. Com-
panies such as Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, and Huawei[64] were next in these rank-
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
ings. One of the indicators of the economic development of a country, the impact of tech-
nological progress on this development, the implementation of innovations in economic
processes is the productivity factor.
Chart 15. Total Factor Productivity level in Poland compared to other Central and
Eastern European countries, 1992-2018. Total Factor Productivity (PPS, USA=1).
Source: M. Kolasa, Innovation of Poland. Chartbook, June 2022, PFR Report, PFR S.A. Analysis
Office, Polish Development Fund S.A., p. 18, accessed on 20.06.2022 (
ekonomiczne/innowacyjnosc-polski-czerwiec-2022.html), after: Macrobond.
This article confirms the thesis that innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of eco-
nomic activity are important factors in the development of knowledge-based economies.
In knowledge-based economies, creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship in the
field of implementation of information technologies ICT, Industry 4.0[19], biotechnol-
ogy, etc. into the processes of various spheres of economic activity carried out in compa-
nies and enterprises[55] are particularly important. In view of the above, efficiently car-
ried out implementation of programmes activating entrepreneurship and innovativeness
is determined by the process of developing correlations and feedback in the area of coop-
eration between enterprises and local government units. Economic growth in Poland is to
a large extent determined by innovativeness and entrepreneurship of enterprises operating
locally and nationally, as well as public sector entities, including self-governments. On
the other hand, the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship of enterprises may be
an important factor in improving the finances of local government units[16] and increas-
ing tax revenues to the state budget. The effective development of enterprises will con-
tribute to the improvement of local tax revenues in the budgets of local government units
and tax revenues to the state budget. The article describes the methodology of shaping
entrepreneurial and pro-innovative behaviour of female students of the Academy of En-
trepreneurship in Warsaw. There was presented an outline of views on entrepreneurship
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences № 2(16)2022
ISSN 2450-2146 / E-ISSN 2451-1064
____________________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________
© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
and innovation as well as applied training techniques during entrepreneurship classes,
students' ideas for business in the context of market opportunities and methodology of
creating a business plan - a key to start their own business. It is worth remembering the
view of the doyen of Polish economics that "entrepreneurship is not an end in itself, but
is a means through which it is possible to achieve various individual human goals and
common goals of the whole society"[51]. In many countries, during the SARS-CoV-2
(Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, large-scale anti-crisis, interventionist programs of
public financial assistance offered to commercially operating businesses were applied.
This raises the following question: why, within the framework of these interventionist,
anti-crisis programmes for stimulating economic activity, has the activation of entrepre-
neurship and innovation not been taken into account, mainly in the field of pro-environ-
mental, green business ventures[22], thanks to which the processes of pro-environmental
transformation of the economy could be significantly accelerated and the scale of achiev-
ing the goals of sustainable development increased? The basis of this kind of question is
the issue of the necessity of developing green entrepreneurship in order to reduce the scale
of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and to protect the climate and the bio-
sphere of the planet[36]. The authors are currently conducting research on this issue and
will soon publish another article in which they will attempt to answer this question.
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© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
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© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
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© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
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© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3406
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© 2022 /Published by: Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Polska / Academy of Justice in Warsaw, Poland
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Matosek M., Prokopowicz D., Grzegorek J., (2022) The Importance of Activating Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Economic
Agents Functioning in the Economy and Contemporary Trends in Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences 2 (16) 2022: 43 - 81
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