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Study on the main parameters of an air ionizer for fruit storage
Abdugani Rakhmatov1*, Jafar Shamshiev2, Kamila Shipilova3, and Orif Alimov2
1Department of Power Supply and Renewable Energy Sources, National Research University TIIAME, Tashkent 100000,
2Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, 130100 Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
3“Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University, 100000 Tashkent,
Abstract. This article reveals the results of studying various technological schemes of ionization of the
fruit storage. The key factors influencing the quality of product processing are determined. The main
requi rement s for ionizers for fruit storages and the mechanism of the ionize d air bl owing on the stored
product are consider ed, and t he operating modes of ionization of the ionizer for fr uit stor ages are
1. Introduction
Coron a-discharge electric ionizers are used in various technological processes. Positive results have been obtained
with the use of electric ionizers in the technology of long-term storage of fruits and grapes [1, 2]. When applying
electric ionizers in the technology of long-term storage of fruits and grapes, must be taken into account the
requirements of technology for electrical equipment that undergoing long-term artificial cooling inside the room. Air
ionizers must provide optimal values for the volume concentration of air ions, air ions must have the appropriate
polarity and mobility, electrical processing modes must be stable, ions must be evenly distributed in the volume of the
room, and cooling processes, ventilation and air ionization must be performed fully automatically without operator
intervention . The air of the storage chamber is ionized in various ways and means [3]:
1. The air of the storage chamber is ionized by uniformly distributed coron a-discharge ionizers in the form of antennas.
2. The air of the storage chamber is ionized by corona-discharge ionizers installed in the ventilation and cooling
system of the fruit store.
3. The air of the storage chamber is ionized by individual corona discharge ionizers for individual stacks of the stored
Corona discharge electr odes can be in the form of a needle or thin filament, and come in a variety of shapes and
configurations. For the industrial use of fruit storage air ionization technology is accepted fir st and second air
ionization system. During the ionization of air by uniformly distributed coronary-function ionizers in the form of
antennas, the system is simplified, hence, it makes it possible to obtain a sufficient degree of air ionization intensity.
However, as the distance from the discharge electrodes increases, the volume concentration of ions decreases rapidly,
and the uneven distribution of ions increases. Discharge electrodes, which located in a sufficiently close distance,
interfere with the placement, sorting, inspection and transportation of the product.When air ionization occurs by
corona-discharge ionizers installed in the ventilation and cooling system, the fruit storages cover a more uniform
volume of air of ions, the ionizers enter the air ducts of the cooling and ventilation system and do not interfere with
loading and unloading operations in the food storage system. The air ions are carried by the ventilation forces and with
the dissipation of th e density charge of the air ions, the ionic uniformity in the room is reached up to 85% at the same
There are certain requirements for Air ionizers: -not create noise during operation;
-not emit various electromagnetic radiation;
- not form harmful chemical compounds and should not pollute the air.
*Corresponding author:
Abdugani Rakhmatov1,*, Jafar Shamshiev2, Kamila Shipilova3, and Orif Alimov2
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (
E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
Furthermore, the stored product has to be protected against light rays. The operation of the electric ionizer must be
reliable and safe at low temperatures and high temperatures. The device needs to have a remote contr ol system and
consume a minimum amount of energy. In addition, the electric ionizer must be inexpensive and consumable during
operation. Therefore, electrical ionizers for fruit storage must comply with the following requirements [4, 5, 6]:
1) t o gen erate air ions of high concentration and mobility in conditions of high humidity and low temperatures;
2) to not create noise, various electromagnetic radiation, not form various harmful physical and chemical compounds,
not pollute the air that adversely affects the stored product and maintenance personnel neither;
3) electric ionizers for fruit storage should hold a compact design, small dimensions, and weight, also be easy to install
and operate, reliable in operation, and safe to maintain.
4) the operation of the electrical ionizer must not affect the microclimate and the gas composition of the fruit storage
air. In particular, the air temperature is expected to be constant because the temperature change, even 1°C, can affect
the quality of the stored product.
2. Research Methodology
The air was ionized by ionizers installed in the ventilation and cooling system of the fruit store for uniform ionization
of the air envir onment and for efficien t processing of the pr oduct durin g storage (Figure 1). At the same time,
the ionizer is at a height and does not interfere with loading and unloading operations and does not pose a danger to
the growth of service personnel. Air ions are transported by ventilation forces and space charge dissipation [7, 8].
Fig. 1. Ionizers are installed in the ventilation and cooling system of the fruit storage: 1-stora ge room, 2-st acks wit h products, 3 - air
duct of the vent ilati on and cool ing s ystem with ionizers
Where air is ionized by ionizers installed in the fruit storage ventilation and cooling system, there may be two possible
options. In the first variant, one ionizer with reasonable capacity is installed at the beginning of the air duct next to the
fan. As a result, the ionization and cooling system will be compact.
Fig. 2. The cross -sectional sha pe of the ventilation openings of the fru it storage duct: 1-quadrangular, 2-square, 3-round
Within the room, ionized air is blown by ventilation ducts. The ionization system will work safely and rationally. Only
negatively charged air ions that are partly deposited on the inside surface of the duct are lost, the density of the ions
may decrease significantly at the end of the duct. To avoid this process, the metal duct is disconnected from the ground
and connected to a multiple volt power supply. In this case, the potential for the energy source is determined by the
volume concentration of the air ions.
In the second version, the ionizers have smaller dimensions and are mounted on the ventilation openings of the air
duct, from where air is pumped into the room. Air duct vents can have various shapes: quadrilateral, square, round
section (2-fig.). In our studies, we have manufactured ionizers of various configurations and installed them in the air
vents of the fruit storage duct. [9].
The ionizer consists of a power source, a voltage regulator and instrumentation. The discharge electrodes are attached
to a metal frame and at a certain distance from them there is a grounded electrode made of aluminum sheet with
cutouts in the form of a circle, the points are located along the axial line of the circles. The distance between the
discharge and ground electrodes is modified by replacing the textolite insulators in different thicknesses. The
electrodes are easy to install and remove, r esulting in a variety of options. The voltage on the electrodes is regulated at
the input of the step-up transformer by an autotransformer. A step-up transformer increases the voltage from 220 V to
6000 V, then, using a multiplier, the voltage is multiplied up to 10,000 V [10, 11]. The onset of discharge and ion was
also controlled by an oscilloscope.
When fruits are stored in an ionised environment, electromagnetic forces directly affect living biological objects
without converting to another type of energy, so that the technological process requires low energy costs. The ionizers
of such a system are energy-saving, the implementation of the technology is simple, cheaper and easy to use and
When ionising the air of large parts, in order to increase the efficiency of the treatment of the product, a uniform
treatment of the stored product is required [12]. Here, the ions from the ioniser to the product pass through three
characteristic areas: the ionization area, the dissipation field of the spatial charge and the coverage area of the fruit
surface. In the ionization zone, water molecules are ionized under the action of the corona field with a high intensity
and are carried out into the volume of the room by the action of the electric wind and ventilation. In this area, the
momentum of ion movement will be highly volatile [13]. The intensity of ionization and the dynamics of ion scattering
depend on the voltage of the discharge electrodes and the speed of air movement.
Ionization parameters are also determined by an analytical way. In this case, the primary data are the potential of the
electrodes, the dimensions of the electr odes, and the length of the discharge gap. The parameters of the external
discharge field are determined by the joint solution of the Differential Form of Gauss, the continuity of the current, and
the dependences of the potential and field strength and current density and space charge density [14]. It is assumed that
the potential of the discharge electrode is equal to the voltage of th e dischar ge electrode, and the potential of the
grounded electrode is zero:
The method of equivalent charges is often used in calculating the field of the electric field of point electrodes [15]. The
discharge gap is formed between the tip and the ring, moreover, the tips are perpendicular to the plane of the rings. Th e
length of the electrode L, the distance between the electrodes l_(1,), the curvature of the surface of the tip r_3.
The potential distribution in the discharge gap is represented as the sum of the potentials of point charges (q) located
along the tip and the potentials of linear charges located along the ring (τ) [15]. The potential equivalent of point
charges has the following form:
Here: f/m – dielectric constant
qi - the value of point charges
- radius of circles inscribed in the profile of the tip
h - distance from the tip of the point to the ring plane
х,у- coordinates of the target point of the electric field
E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
and connected to a multiple volt power supply. In this case, the potential for the energy source is determined by the
volume concentration of the air ions.
In the second version, the ionizers have smaller dimensions and are mounted on the ventilation openings of the air
duct, from where air is pumped into the room. Air duct vents can have various shapes: quadrilateral, square, round
section (2-fig.). In our studies, we have manufactured ionizers of various configurations and installed them in the air
vents of the fruit storage duct. [9].
The ionizer consists of a power source, a voltage regulator and instrumentation. The discharge electrodes are attached
to a metal frame and at a certain distance from them there is a grounded electrode made of aluminum sheet with
cutouts in the form of a circle, the points are located along the axial line of the circles. The distance between the
discharge and ground electrodes is modified by replacing the textolite insulators in different thicknesses. The
electrodes are easy to install and remove, r esulting in a variety of options. The voltage on the electrodes is regulated at
the input of the step-up transformer by an autotransformer. A step-up transformer increases the voltage from 220 V to
6000 V, then, using a multiplier, the voltage is multiplied up to 10,000 V [10, 11]. The onset of discharge and ion was
also controlled by an oscilloscope.
When fruits are stored in an ionised environment, electromagnetic forces directly affect living biological objects
without converting to another type of energy, so that the technological process requires low energy costs. The ionizers
of such a system are energy-saving, the implementation of the technology is simple, cheaper and easy to use and
hen ionising the air of large parts, in order to increase the efficiency of the treatment of the product, a uniform
treatment of the stored product is required [12]. Here, the ions from the ioniser to the product pass through three
characteristic areas: the ionization area, the dissipation field of the spatial charge and the coverage area of the fruit
surface. In the ionization zone, water molecules are ionized under the action of the corona field with a high intensity
and are carried out into the volume of the room by the action of the electric wind and ventilation. In this area, the
momentum of ion movement will be highly volatile [13]. The intensity of ionization and the dynamics of ion scattering
depend on the voltage of the discharge electrodes and the speed of air movement.
Ionization parameters are also determined by an analytical way. In this case, the primary data are the potential of the
electrodes, the dimensions of the electr odes, and the length of the discharge gap. The parameters of the external
discharge field are determined by the joint solution of the Differential Form of Gauss, the continuity of the current, and
the dependences of the potential and field strength and current density and space charge density [14]. It is assumed that
the potential of the discharge electrode is equal to the voltage of th e dischar ge electrode, and the potential of the
grounded electrode is zero:
The method of equivalent charges is often used in calculating the field of the electric field of point electrodes [15]. The
discharge gap is formed between the tip and the ring, moreover, the tips are perpendicular to the plane of the rings. Th e
length of the electrode L, the distance between the electrodes l_(1,), the curvature of the surface of the tip r_3.
The potential distribution in the discharge gap is represented as the sum of the potentials of point charges (q) located
along the tip and the potentials of linear charges located along the ring (τ) [15]. The potential equivalent of point
charges has the following form:
Here: f/m – dielectric constant
qi - the value of point charges
- radius of circles inscribed in the profile of the tip
h - distance from the tip of the point to the ring plane
х,у- coordinates of the target point of the electric field
E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
Considering that the and by the use of Maxwell's formulas, a system of equations of the first order can be
Т Solving the system, we obtain the distribution of point charges along the tip.
Then by placing equivalent linear charges along the ring and we equate their potential to zero.
The potential of any point of the field will be equal to the sum of points and linear charges: Given that the radius of the
ring R is many times greater than the thickness of the ring (R>>δ), thus we take the rings as a toroid. In this case, the
potential of the linear charges of the ring is considered to be the potential of the char ged axis and we obtain the
following expression
here: τ- the value of the linear char ge located along the ring
Potential of several concentric linear charges with radius Rк:
The potential of an arbitrary point of the discharge gap is defined as the sum of the potentials of point and linear
The electric field strength in the discharge gap can be determined from the following relationship:
The distribution of the electric field strength in the discharge gap along the axial line of the tip has the form:
The space charge distribution in the outer zone of th e electric field of the corona discharge is found using the
differential form of the Gauss equation:
Also, taking into account the expression in the final form, we can write the expression for the concentration of the
space charge of the room in the following form:
Here: е-electron charge.
3. Results and Discussion
The density of the tip electrodes is one of the factors of air ionization intensity. The most efficient ionization regime is
obtained at their density of 150–474 pieces/m2 [16]. The length of the tip also depends on the distan ce between them.
In turn, the distance between the needles depends on the length of the discharge gap. The density of the point
electrodes is limited by the effect of mutual screening of the electric fields of the points.besides to weakening the
ionization intensity, a mutual screening of the electric fields of the tips, also affects the ionical flux in the volume.
At our university, Sh. Muzafarov dealt with the issues of determining the design parameters of point discharge
electrodes and their arrangement. He used ionizers for air purification and for ozonation [17]. Accordingly, It has
been proven that the electric corona charge effectively cleans the air from pollution, especially from fine dust. For this,
In the research the various power sources were used: a positive and negative direct curr ent source, a pulsed industrial,
and an increased alternating current source, optimal parameters were determined for each case. Based on the results of
the analysis, we studied the features of the technology for long -term storage of fruits, the processes occurring in the
storage products, the sources of product losses, the effect of air ions on fruits, the optimal modes of air ionization, the
main parameters of the corona-discharge ionizer that meet the requirements of the air ionization technology of fruit
storages. The results of theoretical and experimental studies have been verified directly in production conditions.
The analytically obtained results p , E, φ were verified experimentally, which are shown in Figure 3. Thu s,
at a voltage on the discharge electrodes of 2.8 -6 kV, with a length of the discharge gap of 25-40 mm in the volume of
the room, we obtain the density of the volume charge within k/, and the volume concen tration ions within
ion/[18, 19].
Fig. 3. Experi mental distribution curve s of th e electric fie ld potential of the corona di schar ge (φ) and space char ge d ensity (ρ) in the
disch arge gap
According to the research results, the optimal design parameters of the ionizer and their placement along the room
were determined. If the ionizers are at a distance of 2–2.5 meters from each other and the ionization process is
performed together with ventilation, the uniformity of the distribution of ions in the volume is within 85–87% [20]. In
the ionization system, negatively charged air ions partially settling to the inner surface of the air duct are lost, as a
result, th e volume concentration of ions can significantly decrease at the end of the air duct. To prevent this process,
the metal duct is disconnected from the ground and connected to a power source of several volts. In this case, the
E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
Considering that the and by the use of Maxwell's formulas, a system of equations of the first order can be
Т Solving the system, we obtain the distribution of point charges along the tip.
Then by placing equivalent linear charges along the ring and we equate their potential to zero.
The potential of any point of the field will be equal to the sum of points and linear charges: Given that the radius of the
ring R is many times greater than the thickness of the ring (R>>δ), thus we take the rings as a toroid. In this case, the
potential of the linear charges of the ring is considered to be the potential of the char ged axis and we obtain the
following expression
here: τ- the value of the linear char ge located along the ring
Potential of several concentric linear charges with radius Rк:
The potential of an arbitrary point of the discharge gap is defined as the sum of the potentials of point and linear
The electric field strength in the discharge gap can be determined from the following relationship:
The distribution of the electric field strength in the discharge gap along the axial line of the tip has the form:
The space charge distribution in the outer zone of th e electric field of the corona discharge is found using the
differential form of the Gauss equation:
Also, taking into account the expression in the final form, we can write the expression for the concentration of the
space charge of the room in the following form:
Here: е-electron charge.
3. Results and Discussion
The density of the tip electrodes is one of the factors of air ionization intensity. The most efficient ionization regime is
obtained at their density of 150–474 pieces/m2 [16]. The length of the tip also depends on the distan ce between them.
In turn, the distance between the needles depends on the length of the discharge gap. The density of the point
electrodes is limited by the effect of mutual screening of the electric fields of the points.besides to weakening the
ionization intensity, a mutual screening of the electric fields of the tips, also affects the ionical flux in the volume.
At our university, Sh. Muzafarov dealt with the issues of determining the design parameters of point discharge
electrodes and their arrangement. He used ionizers for air purification and for ozonation [17]. Accordingly, It has
been proven that the electric corona charge effectively cleans the air from pollution, especially from fine dust. For this,
In the research the various power sources were used: a positive and negative direct curr ent source, a pulsed industrial,
and an increased alternating current source, optimal parameters were determined for each case. Based on the results of
the analysis, we studied the features of the technology for long -term storage of fruits, the processes occurring in the
storage products, the sources of product losses, the effect of air ions on fruits, the optimal modes of air ionization, the
main parameters of the corona-discharge ionizer that meet the requirements of the air ionization technology of fruit
storages. The results of theoretical and experimental studies have been verified directly in production conditions.
The analytically obtained results p , E, φ were verified experimentally, which are shown in Figure 3. Thu s,
at a voltage on the discharge electrodes of 2.8 -6 kV, with a length of the discharge gap of 25-40 mm in the volume of
the room, we obtain the density of the volume charge within k/, and the volume concen tration ions within
ion/[18, 19].
Fig. 3. Experimental distribution curve s of the electric fie ld potential of the corona di scharge (φ) and space char ge d ensity (ρ) in the
disch arge gap
According to the research results, the optimal design parameters of the ionizer and their placement along the room
were determined. If the ionizers are at a distance of 2–2.5 meters from each oth er and the ionization process is
performed together with ventilation, the uniformity of the distribution of ions in the volume is within 85–87% [20]. In
the ionization system, negatively charged air ions partially settling to the inner surface of the air duct are lost, as a
result, th e volume concentration of ions can significantly decrease at the end of the air duct. To prevent this process,
the metal duct is disconnected from the ground and connected to a power source of several volts. In this case, the
E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
potential of the air delivery pipe is determined by the value of the volume concentration of air ions. In the studies, the
values of the air duct potential obtained as a result of the deposition of charged particles to the inner wall of the air
duct were determined. The electrical circuit of the research is shown in Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Electric circuit of studies to determine the potential of the fruit storage duct during air ionization
Directly proportion al dependence of these parameter s is obtained. When the volume concentr ation of air ions changed
from ions/to ions/, the potential value chan ged from 1 to 5.5 V. To pr event loss of ions in the inner
walls of the duct, the duct was disconnected from the ground and turned on the power supply with a voltage of 1-5 V.
The results of the research are presented in Figure 5
n, ion/m3
Fig. 5. The dependence of the potential of ventilation ducts as a result of the deposition of air ions on the volume concentration of
air ions movi ng thr ough the ventil ation duct
Thus, when air is ionized with a volume concentration of 1012 ions/m3, the air duct potential should be within 3–5 V.
The results obtained are the basis for the development of indoor air ionizers.
4. Conclusions
a) The most effective fruit storage ion system is obtained when ionizers are installed in the fruit storage cooling and
ventilation system. At the same time, the technology is at the ceiling and does not interfere with the loading and
unloading operations of the storage room.
b) In this case, the ionizer and the ventilation and cooling system will be in one set, a compact microclimate system is
formed. The air ions are pumped through the ventilation ducts and during this, the ions are partly deposited into the
walls of the air duct and discharged. As a result, the volume concentration of air ions may decrease. To prevent this
process, a power source with a voltage of several volts can be connected to the duct. In this case, the potential of the
power source is determin ed by the volume concentration of air ions.
c) The regime parameters of air ionization depend on the design parameters of the ionizer and the features of the
power source. In the analytical and experimental determination of the parameters of the electric field of the corona
discharge and the ionization of air in the volume, the errors in the results do not exceed 3÷5%. When the volume
charge density in the outer zone is K /, the volume concentration of ions is within ion/.
d) Ionized air in an enclosed space, moving from the ionizer to the surface of the processed product, passes through
three characteristic zones: the ionization zone, the dissipation of the volume charge in the volume, and the zone of
product surface coverage with an ion layer. The parameters of these zones differ sharply from each other and require
separate consideration. In the technological process of ionization, air ions are affected by the electr ic field strength of
the corona discharge, the own weight of the ionized particle, the electric field str ength of the space charge, the
resistance force of the medium and the electric field strength of the ionic layer of the product surface.
e) Thus, when air is ionized with a volume concentration of 1012 ions/m3, the air duct potential should be within 3–5
V. The results obtained are the basis for the development of indoor air ionizers.
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large storage rooms, Int. J. Energy for a Clean Environment 20, 321-338 (2019)
2. N. Toshpulatov, Theoretical basis for the movement of a pulsed current discharge through a plant organism IOP
Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 614, 012009 (2020)
3. A.D. Rahmatov, Cost-effectiveness of air ionization device in fruit storage warehouses, Agro Economy 2019,
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Energy 3, 51-67 (2008)
5. A.D. Rakhmatov, To study the effect of air humidity on the operating modes of the ionizer, J. Irrigation and
Land Reclamation 2, 52-55 (2018)
6. A.D. Isakov, A.D. Rakhmatov, Modelin g the pr ocess of air ionization in fruit storage, J. Agro Ilm 82, 42-47
7. A. Rakhmatov, M. Ibragimov, D. Ximmatilaev, Study on Ion gen erators for fruit and veget able storehouses,
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8. A. Isakov, A. Rakhmatov, Z. Ismailova, Study the effect of the discharge electr odes on the characteristics of the
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9. A. Rakhmatov, Methods of experimental study of crown discharge area indicators, J Irrigation and Land
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10. V. Chiabran do, G. Giacalone, Cluster ions to preserve ready-to-eat table grape during cold storage, Food
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11. S.M. Muzafar ov, O. Tursun ov, D. Kodirov, B.K. Togaev, V.E. Balitskiy, A.G. Babayev, O.G. Kilichov, B.R.
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E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)
discharge and the ionization of air in the volume, the errors in the results do not exceed 3÷5%. When the volume
charge density in the outer zone is K /, the volume concentration of ions is within ion/.
d) Ionized air in an enclosed space, moving from the ionizer to the surface of the processed product, passes through
three characteristic zones: the ionization zone, the dissipation of the volume charge in the volume, and the zone of
product surface coverage with an ion layer. The parameters of these zones differ sharply from each other and require
separate consideration. In the technological process of ionization, air ions are affected by the electr ic field strength of
the corona discharge, the own weight of the ionized particle, the electric field str ength of the space charge, the
resistance force of the medium and the electric field strength of the ionic layer of the product surface.
e) Thus, when air is ionized with a volume concentration of 1012 ions/m3, the air duct potential should be within 3–5
V. The results obtained are the basis for the development of indoor air ionizers.
1. A. Rakhmatov, O. Tursunov, D. Kodirov, Studying the dynamics and optimization of air ions movement in
large storage rooms, Int. J. Energy for a Clean Environment 20, 321-338 (2019)
2. N. Toshpulatov, Theoretical basis for the movement of a pulsed current discharge through a plant organism IOP
Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 614, 012009 (2020)
3. A.D. Rahmatov, Cost-effectiveness of air ionization device in fruit storage warehouses, Agro Economy 2019,
185-188 (2019)
4. I.P. Vereshchagin, Calculation of the field of a unipolar corona discharge for a needle-plane electrode system,
Energy 3, 51-67 (2008)
5. A.D. Rakhmatov, To study the effect of air humidity on the operating modes of the ionizer, J. Irrigation and
Land Reclamation 2, 52-55 (2018)
6. A.D. Isakov, A.D. Rakhmatov, Modelin g the pr ocess of air ionization in fruit storage, J. Agro Ilm 82, 42-47
7. A. Rakhmatov, M. Ibragimov, D. Ximmatilaev, Study on Ion gen erators for fruit and vegetable storehouses,
IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 614, 012033 (2020)
8. A. Isakov, A. Rakhmatov, Z. Ismailova, Study the effect of the discharge electr odes on the characteristics of the
corona discharge, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 614, 012011 (2020)
9. A. Rakhmatov, Methods of experimental study of crown discharge area indicators, J Irrigation and Land
Reclamation 1, 53-56 (2017)
10. V. Chiabran do, G. Giacalone, Cluster ions to preserve ready-to-eat table grape during cold storage, Food
Research 4, 49-56 (2020)
11. S.M. Muzafar ov, O. Tursun ov, D. Kodirov, B.K. Togaev, V.E. Balitskiy, A.G. Babayev, O.G. Kilichov, B.R.
Nasibov, I.V. Allenova, Features of streamer form of corona discharge in respect to electric gas purification ,
IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 614, 012050 (2020)
12. N. Troost, A new approach to the theory and operation of electrostatic precipitators for use on pulverized-fuel –
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E3S Web of Conferences 377, 03011 (2023)