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Is the blue-spotted phenotype more widespread in the eastern slow worm Anguis colchica (Nordmann, 1840) than the western slow worm Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 and does it correlate with the male body size? A case study from Central Europe


Abstract and Figures

The blue-spotted phenotype in a slow worm can be considered as an alternative colour morph or a secondary sexual characteristic. This phenotype is known to entail an elevated predation risk; thus, its continuous presence in a population must be balanced by additional and positive fitness consequences. In this study, we show that blue-spotted males are characterised by a greater snout-vent length (SVL) than typical specimens. Importantly, the SVL of blue-spotted males reaches the magnitude of the average female size. This indicates that the presence of blue spots may involve a correlated positive effect on growth and body size. The greater body size of the blue-spotted males could enhance their survival and mating success, and thus facilitate the continued presence of a high fraction of this morph within the population. In addition, we found that the blue-spotted phenotype is more common in the eastern than the western slow worm, and the proposed fitness consequences of the blue-spotted phenotype might enhance its tendency to spread in the eastern Anguis lineage.
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Folia Biologica (Kraków), vol. 71 (2023), No 1
e-ISSN 1734-9168
Is the blue-spotted phenotype more widespread in the eastern slow worm
Anguis colchica (Nordmann, 1840) than the western slow worm Anguis fragilis
Linnaeus, 1758 and does it correlate with the male body size?
A case study from Central Europe
, Aleksandra , Grzegorz , Katarzyna ,
  , and Bartosz 
Accepted March 02, 2023 Published online March 30, 2023 Issue online March 30, 2023
B S., K A., S G., K K., Z B., N B., B B. 2023. Is the blue-
spotted phenotype more widespread in the eastern slow worm Anguis colchica (Nordmann, 1840) than the
western slow worm Anguis fragilis Linnaeus 1758 and does it correlate with the male body size? A case
study from Central Europe. Folia Biologica (Kraków) 71: 45-51.
The blue-spotted phenotype in a slow worm can be considered as an alternative colour morph or a second-
ary sexual characteristic. This phenotype is known to entail an elevated predation risk; thus, its continuous
we show that blue-spotted males are characterised by a greater snout-vent length (SVL) than typical speci-
mens. Importantly, the SVL of blue-spotted males reaches the magnitude of the average female size. This
indicates that the presence of blue spots may involve a correlated positive effect on growth and body size.
The greater body size of the blue-spotted males could enhance their survival and mating success, and thus
facilitate the continued presence of a high fraction of this morph within the population. In addition, we
found that the blue-spotted phenotype is more common in the eastern than the western slow worm, and
the eastern Anguis lineage.
Key words: colour polymorphism, condition, divergence, sexual dimorphism.
, Aleksandra K
Aleksandra K-
The maintenance of co-occurring discontinuous
colour phenotypes results from an interplay of vari-
ous evolutionary processes (Forsman et al. 2008).
In general, the maintenance of such a polymorphic
     Andren &
Nilson 1981). In reptiles, the costs of an alternative
colour phenotypes are commonly discussed in terms
of alterations in the protective properties of the co-
louration (Madsen & Stille 1988; Wüster et al. 2004;
Farallo & Forstner 2012). These negative conse-
   
colour phenotype, which can be related to improved
thermoregulation (melanism; Forsman 1995) and/
or sexual signalling (Ballinger & McKinney 1967;
Martin & Forsman 1999; Bastiaans et al. 2014).
Less commonly, the maintenance of a polymorphic
colouration may be driven by relaxed, instead of in-
creased, predation (Losey et al. 1997; Lancaster et al.
2014); or by non-selective factors, such as genetic
© Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, PAS, Kraków, 2023
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)
Short communication
pression of sexual characteristics in males is tightly
coupled to the testosterone level (e.g. Garstka et al.
1991; Sinervo et al. 2000; Ducrest et al. 2008; Sacchi
et al. 2017), while the testosterone level also impacts
the animal’s growth. In some species it may inhibit
growth; whereas in other, even closely-related spe-
cies, it enhances growth and can lead to a greater
achievable body size (Cox & John-Alder 2005).
  
to be characterised by a larger size compared to typi-
cal non-spotted males. Such a positive effect of the
blue-spotted morph on the male size could represent
a potential mechanism that maintains this colour
       -
cial effects of size on male survival (Civantos et al.
1999), combat success and/or female choice (Capula
et al. 1998).
In this study, we investigated whether this col-
our phenotype correlates with the male body size
in a free-living slow worms. As outlined above,
a greater body size can be predicted for blue-spot-
presence of blue spots could be linked to growth and
eventual size through the positive impact of a high
testosterone level; and alternatively, the blue-spotted
pattern could be restricted to older, and therefore
larger, individuals. These two scenarios may not be
fully distinguishable as they lead to a similar pre-
diction, but two additional observations can hint
at which effect contributes to the male size. If the
blue-spotted phenotype is associated with growth,
then it should result in a body size that exceeds the
size achievable by a typical male. Given that the
biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD), such an effect
could be expected to reduce or even entirely mask
the SSD. Secondly, if the presence of a blue-spotted
pattern is solely age-dependent, then it might not be
observable in younger (smaller) individuals. As an
outcome, the range of body size variation in typical
and blue-spotted males would overlap only partially.
To gain an insight into whether the phenotype-size
relationship and the occurrence of blue-spotted in-
    
two slow worm populations, – one population of
 and one of  (Nordmann 1840)
– and scanned multiple populations of both species
for the presence of the blue-spotted phenotype.
We collected data on 13 populations of 
and 18 populations of  (Fig. 2, Table 1).
Two of the populations,   from the San
River Valley and     
densely sampled (n=104 and n=115, respectively);
whereas the samples from other populations were
& King1996
colour polymorphism is highly context dependent,
and each example of such a polymorphism may pro-
vide a novel insight into the evolutionary processes
shaping such colour variations.
A commonly observed example of polymorphic
colouration occurs in European slow worms (genus
Anguis) – a phenotype with blue spots on the dor-
sal and lateral side of the body is widespread within
the Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 complex (Völkl
& Alfermann 2007; Terhivuo 1990; Figure 1). How-
    
spotted morph are poorly understood. As has been
shown experimentally, blue-spotted slow worms
are more visible to avian predators, which elevates
the predation costs (Capula et al. 1997). In females,
these costs may be balanced by positive association
between the presence of blue spots and the body size
(Sos 2011), which correlates with both improved sur-
vival (Civantos et al. 1999) and fecundity (Ferreiro
& Galán 2004). On the other hand, a greater size of
blue-spotted females can merely represent a side-
effect of the age-related expression of the blue-spot-
ted pattern, with no additive effects on growth (Sos
2011    
males are unknown, but they are conceivable given
the more common occurrence of the blue-spotted
phenotype in this sex (Capula et al. 1997; Sos 2011).
     
morph might suggest that this colouration represents
a secondary sexual characteristic of males, which
is additionally indicated by the highest intensity of
the blue-spot expression during the mating season
(Capula   1997; Sacchi et al. 2017). The ex-
46 S. B et al.
Fig. 1. Unspotted (top) and blue-spotted (bottom) phenotypes of
anguid lizards. Photographs by Aleksandra Kolanek.
Anguis fragilis:
Prague population: NMP6V 32388, 35089/3,
74407, 74543, 74990, 75517;
Šumava population: NMP6V 31747, 32640,
34275, 35100.
populations, the slow worms, except newborns and
yearlings, were collected throughout the active sea-
son from spring to autumn. For each specimen, the
snout-vent length (SVL), sex, tail condition (intact
or broken) and colour phenotype (blue-spotted or
typical) were assessed. Because the brightness of
the blue spots can depend on the shedding cycle and
season, we encoded this variable as a categorical one
[presence/absence of spots] instead of a continuous
one. Body mass was excluded from the dataset, be-
cause it can vary considerably, e.g. in relation to the
absorptive state, and therefore it cannot be reliably
For the additional sites, the number of sampled
specimens per population was lower than the num-
smaller (from 3 to 16 specimens; see Table 1). Most
of the data for the San River Valley population was
extracted from a published source ( )
and supplemented by our original measurements
from the same locality collected in the years 2008-
2020, while morphometric data on  from
2018. Data on 12 additional populations of 
and 17 populations of  was gathered most-
ly in 2014-2017 during earlier studies (Bury et al.
2020), as well as from museum collections (Fig. 2,
Table 1). The museum collections used in the study
are listed below.
Anguis colchica:
San River Valley population: Museum of Natural
tilia-0247 (5 specimens);
Štramberk population: National Museum in Prague
(NMP6V) 7415-1-3, 70591, 72822, 74103-1,2,
74119-1,2, 74121-1,2, 74132, 74132-1,2, 74153.
The blue-spotted phenotype in slow worms 47
Fig. 2. Map of the localities of the populations sampled in this study. Anguis colchica  
Anguis fragilis
Data on the SVL was analysed using the General
Mixed Model that compared three groups: typical
males (N=29), blue-spotted males (N=27) and typi-
cal females (N=48). Only one blue-spotted female
was found in the analysed population of ,
which precluded it from a formal analysis and it was
urements of  originated from two sourc-
comparable among both species (mean: 8.42 for
 and 5.82 for , t=1.87, p=0.07).
We did not include these specimens in the morpho-
metric analysis due to their low number and a po-
tentially high interpopulation variability. Moreover,
morphometric measurements were not gathered for
all of the specimens from these populations.
48 S. B et al.
Table 1
List of the sampled populations of the eastern slow worm (Anguis colchica) and the western slow
worm (Anguis fragilis). N – number of specimens from the sampled population. ‘Blue-spotted’
refers to the presence (+) or absence (–) of the blue-spotted phenotype in the sample; ‘Site ID’ is
the number of the population in Figure 2.
Population N Geographic coordinates Blue-spotted Site ID
Latitude (N) Longitude (E)
Anguis colchica
 4  + 1
 13   + 2
Bóbrka 6  + 3
Myczkowce 12   + 4
Ustrzyki Górne 5  + 5
Czudec 15   + 6
Štramberk 15   +10
Lutcza 8  +17
 6  +20
Baligród 3  +24
 4  25
 10   +29
San River Valley 104   +30
Anguis fragilis
 5  + 7
Šumava 4  8
Sulistrowiczki 6  + 9
Pszczew 6  11
Prague 6  12
 3  13
Piotrków Trybunalski 3  14
 7  +15
Milicz 6  16
Lubliniec 5  18
Ligota 5  19
 3  21
Byków 4  +22
Bartniki 5  +23
 9  +26
 16   27
 6  28
 115   +31
spotted phenotype in the  vs  
      -
type reached 26% in   (27 blue-spotted
per 104 individuals), while it only reached less than
1% in  (1 blue-spotted per 115 individuals)
(Chi2=30.84, df=1, p<0.001). We further observed
that, at the multi-population level, the blue-spotted
phenotype occurs more commonly in  
(12 per 13 populations) than in  (6 per 18
populations) (Chi2=10.78; df=1, p=0.001). Finally,
  
   
(Chi2=0.22; df=1, p=0.643), but the whole-popula-
than in (Chi2=8.54; df=1, p=0.004).
  -
tween the blue-spotted phenotype in eastern slow
worms and the male body size – as expected, the blue-
spotted males appeared on average to be larger than
typical males. The data we were able to obtain did
not allow us to exclude or corroborate the contribu-
tion of the ontogenetic colour change to the observed
pattern, but it is probable that at individual’s age at
least partially explains the larger size of blue-spotted
males. However, in our study the ranges of body size
variation in both of the phenotypes in males largely
overlapped, meaning that both fully grown and old-
er individuals are present among the males without
spots. Furthermore, blue-spotted males appeared to
be not only larger than typical males, but also to ex-
ceed the size of typical males to a level comparable
to the female size (Figure 3). It is therefore conceiv-
able that additional non-age-related factors contrib-
ute to the greater SVL of the blue-spotted males. The
blue colouration in lizards often results from a high
concentration of steroid hormones (Garstka et al.
1991; Ducrest et al. 2008), including testosterone in
tosterone have even been shown to enhance the ex-
pression of the bluish colouration, while at the same
time, the testosterone may accelerate growth (Uller
et al. 2007; Cox et al. 2008). To fully resolve what
mechanisms underlie the observed association be-
tween colour phenotype and male body size, further
studies that are designed to assess the growth rates,
individual’s age and testosterone levels in different
colour morphs are necessary.
in  can be maintained due to the positive
       
body size and colouration in male mating success.
        
es ( and our survey), we included the
source of the data as a random factor in the model,
   
analysed the morphometric data only for the -
chica population, because the number of blue-spot-
ted individuals in  appeared to be too low
for a statistical comparison (see below). The normal-
ity of the SVL data distribution was assessed prior to
the analysis and no data transformation turned out
to be necessary. The occurrence of the blue-spotted
phenotype in both species (all populations) was ana-
lysed by comparing the number of populations for
which the blue-spotted phenotype was or was not re-
corded with a 4x4 Chi2 test. In addition, we analysed
the blues-spotted vs typical males of  as
between  and  with a 4x4 Chi2
test. All analyses were conducted using the Statistica
software (ver. 13.3, StatSoft Poland).
      
among the tested groups (females, typical males and
blue-spotted males) (F2,100=9.33; p=0.002). A post-
cantly smaller than the females (p<0.001) and blue-
spotted males (p=0.015), but there were no detect-
able differences between the blue-spotted males and
the females (p=0.613). Furthermore, the range of the
body size variation overlapped largely between the
blue-spotted and typical males (Figure 3). Although it
was not possible to test the effects of the colour phe-
notype on the SVL in  due to an extremely
low number of blue-spotted individuals (N=1), we
The blue-spotted phenotype in slow worms 49
Fig. 3. Body size of normally-coloured males, blue-spotted males
and typical females of Anguis colchica. Lines with an asterisk
    
– mean.
B.Z., B.N., B.B.; Data analysis and interpretation:
S.B., B.B.; Writing the article: S.B., B.B.; Critical
revision of the article: S.B., A,K., G.S., K.K., B.Z.,
B.N., B.B.; Final approval of article: S.B., A,K.,
G.S., K.K., B.Z., B.N., B.B.
Conict of Interest
We thank four anonymous reviewers for their val-
uable comments on an earlier version of the manu-
Prague) for permission to study specimens under his
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positively associated with the likelihood of win-
ning combats during the mating period (Capula et
al. 1998). Therefore, larger-bodied blue-spotted
males could be more likely to attain higher combat
success and more chances for copulation. In addi-
tion, a conspicuous male colouration is known to at-
tract females in many lizard species (e.g. Baird et al.
1997; Hamilton & Sullivan 2005); thus, one cannot
exclude the positive role of blue spots on the choice
of mate in the slow worm. We suggested that similar
mechanisms underlie the maintenance of the blue-
spotted phenotype in females. For example, a larger
body size in females with the blue-spotted pheno-
type could also be related to reproductive success,
i.e. by the additive effect of an increased size on fe-
cundity (Ferreiro & Galán 2004).
tion in the multi-population scale occurrence and
phenotype (Figure 2), with both being higher in 
colchica compared to . Such a spread of
the blue-spotted phenotype in the eastern slow worm
could have been driven by the relaxed costs or en-
   
to the predation pressure was inconsistent. A compa-
rable share of males with broken vs intact tails within
both phenotypes suggests that the blue-spotted slow
worms do not suffer a higher predation risk, con-
trary to previous reports (Capula et al. 1997). On the
was found to be higher in the population of -
chica compared to that of . Nonetheless,
the predation pressure (J 984), so
a further and more precise assessment of the preda-
tion risks in eastern and western slow worm clades is
necessary. Instead of relaxed predation, we suggest
       -
ted phenotype associated with reproductive success
could contribute to the more common occurrence of
the blue-spotted morph in the eastern slow worm.
This could indicate an asymmetric sexual selection
among both species, which in turn could accelerate
the divergence of the slow worm clades (Benkovský
et al. 2021).
Author Contributions
Research concept and design: S.B., B.B.; Collec-
tion and/or assembly of data: S.B., A,K., G.S., K.K.,
50 S. B et al.
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The blue-spotted phenotype in slow worms 51
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Background The application of molecular-phylogenetic approaches to taxonomy has had a dramatic effect on our understanding of the diversity of reptiles. These approaches have allowed researchers to reveal previously hidden lineages as well as taxonomic overestimation in morphologically plastic taxa. Slow worms, legless lizards of the genus Anguis (Squamata: Anguidae), were previously considered to comprise either one or two species, and morphology-based intraspecific taxonomy of Anguis fragilis remained controversial throughout the 20th century. After the discovery of deep genetic divergences within the genus, its taxonomy was reconsidered, and as a result, five extant species have been recognized. In order to better understand the patterns of their interspecific differentiation, here we studied phenotypic differences between the two most widespread of them— A. fragilis and A. colchica , and their putative hybrids across the contact zone of both species in Central Europe. Methods We used multivariate and univariate statistics and analyzed ten metric, eleven meristic, and six categorical phenotypic variables in material comprising a total of 326 individuals. We also genotyped individuals from the contact zone for one mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA fragments in order to delineate the distribution of individuals of hybrid and non-hybrid origin. The clines in morphological traits were studied using HZAR. Results We show that the two species are morphologically differentiated. Anguis fragilis has a less robust head, fewer scales covering the body, lower frequency of the external ear opening presence, lower frequency of separated prefrontal scales, higher frequency of prefrontal scales in contact with each other, and body coloration more similar to the juvenile coloration than A. colchica. Slow worms from the contact/hybrid zone are characterized by an intermediate morphology, with more similarities to A. fragilis than to A. colchica. Discussion None of the analyzed characters alone proved to be fully diagnostic, although more than 90% of all individuals could be successfully assigned to one or another species based on numbers of scales around the body. Our results indicate concordant, coincident, and steep clines in character states change. We present several hypotheses on the origin and evolutionary maintenance of the morphological divergence between both species and suggest that different evolutionary histories of the taxa rather than recently acting selection explain the observed morphological variation.
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High spot polymorphism and a high frequency of blue spotted morph is reported from an Anguis colchica population in Romania (Rupea, Braşov County). Although the blue-spotted morph is mostly exhibited in males, the morph was recorded in females also - feature characteristic to the eastern clades. The blue-spotted morph in females here seems to be size-related. The blue-spotted females are larger, thus older females. The appearance of the blue spots is considered connected to the maturation process in the lizard.
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We examined the widespread assumption that tail loss frequency in lizards is positively correlated with predation intensity. Empirical data from a California locality show that no correlation exists. We suggest that tail loss frequencies are more likely to reflect the inefficiency of predators rather than the intensity of predation. Previous conclusions based on tail loss data regarding the effect of predators on behavioral, population, and community phenomena in lizards are consequently suspect.
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From 1983 to 1986 we studied, by capture-mark-recapture, male adders in a population on Hallands Väderö, an island in the Kattegat sea. About 50% of the males were melanistic. The mean length of the melanistic males was higher than of the normally coloured males suggesting a faster growth rate of the former. Most large males captured in spring 1985 were emaciated, most likely a result of shortage of prey in 1984. Between 1985-86 the population size decreased by half, and between these years the recaptured males were significantly smaller than those not recaptured, which indicates that the larger males suffered a higher mortality in 1985. We therefore propose that temporal variation in prey abundance could be an important factor in determining the frequency of melanism in adder populations.
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Abstract Genetically determined polymorphisms incorporating multiple traits can persist in nature under chronic, fluctuating, and sometimes conflicting selection pressures. Balancing selection among morphs preserves equilibrium frequencies, while correlational selection maintains favorable trait combinations within each morph. Under negative frequency-dependent selection, females should mate (often disassortatively) with rare male morphotypes to produce conditionally fit offspring. Conversely, under correlational selection, females should mate assortatively to preserve coadapted gene complexes and avoid ontogenetic conflict. Using controlled breeding designs, we evaluated consequences of assortative mating patterns in color-polymorphic side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana), to identify conflict between these sources of selection. Females who mated disassortatively, and to conditionally high-quality males in the context of frequency-dependent selection, experienced highest fertility rates. In contrast, assortatively mated females experienced higher fetal viability rates. The trade-off between fertility and egg viability resulted in no overall fitness benefit to either assortative or disassortative mating patterns. These results suggest that ongoing conflict between correlational and frequency dependent selection in polymorphic populations may generate a trade-off between rare-morph advantage and phenotypic integration and between assortative and disassortative mating decisions. More generally, interactions among multiple sources of diversity-promoting selection can alter adaptations and dynamics predicted to arise under any of these regimes alone.
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Color polymorphic sexual signals are often associated with alternative reproductive behaviors within populations, and the number, frequency, or type of morphs present often vary among populations. When these differences lead to assortative mating by population, the study of such polymorphic taxa may shed light on speciation mechanisms. We studied two populations of a lizard with polymorphic throat color, an important sexual signal. Males in one population exhibit orange, yellow, or blue throats; whereas males in the other exhibit orange, yellow, or white throats. We assessed female behavior when choosing between allopatric and sympatric males. We asked whether females discriminated more when the allopatric male was of an unfamiliar morph than when the allopatric male was similar in coloration to the sympatric male. We found that female rejection of allopatric males relative to sympatric males was more pronounced when males in a pair were more different in throat color. Our findings may help illuminate how behavioral responses to color morph differences between populations with polymorphic sexual signals contribute to reproductive isolation.
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Previous studies have shown that in three Oklahoma populations of collared lizards, Wichita Mountains (WM), class Mountains (GM), and Arcadia Lake (AL), sexual dimorphism in body size varies as WM>AL>GM, whereas dorsal color dimorphism varies as GM>WM>AL. Social organization at these sites also differs such that the environmental potential for sexual selection varies as AL>WM>GM, We conducted female choice and male competition laboratory trials to assess whether advantages to large or bright males correlate best with the interpopulation pattern of sexual dimorphism or with that of the environmental potential for sexual selection. Between-population trials involved bright-colored WM males and dull-colored AL males that were matched for size. AL females preferred bright WM males, but WM females did not. WM males had higher agonistic scores in intrasexual contests when aggression was low, but AL males consistently had higher scores when aggression escalated. Within-population trials involved males that were disparate in color but size matched and disparate in size but color matched. Size was important in male contests in all populations. Color brightness was a factor in male trials only at AL. Also, only AL females preferred brighter males, and larger males were not preferred in any population. The importance of intra- and intersexual selection in these populations cannot be inferred from the observed pattern of size and color dimorphism. Rather, interpopulation differences in the environmental potential for females to assess and choose from among multiple males, and for males to interact, are most consistent with the observed outcomes.
The dorsal color pattern of Uta stansburiana stejnegeri can be classified as striped, barbed, chevron, or patternless. This variation may be an example of genetic polymorphism. The pattern types occur in both sexes and there appears to be only slight ontogenetic change in any individual's pattern type. Although temperature and sexual maturity in males tend to obscure the color pattern, the basic pattern type is unchanged. Dorsal pattern types were found to vary significantly between the Palo Duro and Kermit populations in Texas. No seasonal variation was detected in the Kermit population.