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Theropod dinosaur facial reconstruction and the importance of soft tissues in paleobiology


Abstract and Figures

Large theropod dinosaurs are often reconstructed with their marginal dentition exposed because of the enormous size of their teeth and their phylogenetic association to crocodylians. We tested this hypothesis using a multiproxy approach. Regressions of skull length and tooth size for a range of theropods and extant varanid lizards confirm that complete coverage of theropod dinosaur teeth with extraoral tissues (gingiva and labial scales) is both plausible and consistent with patterns observed in living ziphodont amniotes. Analyses of dental histology from crocodylians and theropod dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex, further indicate that the most likely condition was complete coverage of the marginal dentition with extraoral tissue when the mouth was closed. This changes our perceptions about the appearance and oral configuration of these iconic predators and has broad implications for our interpretations of other terrestrial animals with large teeth.
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Theropod dinosaur facial reconstruction and the
importance of soft tissues in paleobiology
Thomas M. Cullen
, Derek W. Larson
, Mark P. Witton
, Diane Scott
, Tea Maho
Kirstin S. Brink
, David C. Evans
, Robert Reisz
Large theropod dinosaurs are often reconstructed with their marginal dentition exposed because of the
enormous size of their teeth and their phylogenetic association to crocodylians. We tested this hypothesis using
a multiproxy approach. Regressions of skull length and tooth size for a range of theropods and extant varanid
lizards confirm that complete coverage of theropod dinosaurteethwithextraoraltissues (gingiva and labial
scales) is both plausible and consistent with patterns observed in living ziphodont amniotes. Analyses of dental
histology from crocodylians and theropod dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex, further indicate that the
most likely condition was complete coverage of the marginal dentition with extraoral tissue when the mouth
wasclosed.Thischangesourperceptionsabouttheappearance and oral configuration of these iconic
predators and has broad implications for our interpretations of other terrestrial animals with large teeth.
The antorbital region of the cranium plays
a number of important roles in the biology
of terrestrial vertebrates, including res-
piration, olfaction, and food capture and
manipulation. Most known dinosaurs are
herbivorous, and some (ornithischians) show
evidence for an expanded rictus that formed a
superficially cheek-like structure that covered
their relatively small dentition externally, with
this being particularly relevant for hadrosaurs
and ceratopsians (13). By contrast, many non-
avian theropod dinosaurs are renowned for
possessing very large teeth, which has led to
reconstructions in both scientific and popular
literature since the 1980s that show m axil lary
dentition protruding from their closed mouths
rather than covered by extraoral tissues, as
in most terrestrial vertebrates (Fig. 1 and fig.
S2) (4,5). Among the arguments in favor of
this interpretation are the relatively large
sizes of some theropod teeth and evidence
from the dinosaur phylogenetic bracket, where
crocodylians, the closest extant dentigerous
relatives of dinosaurs, lack extensive extra-
oral tissues (68). Some recent research on
theropod rostral neurovasculature has ar-
gued that direct data and evidence are lack-
ing for extraoral tissue reconstructions (9), but
rigorous reconstructions of these tissues are
important for biological inferences for dino-
saurs. Theropod dinosaur teeth have relatively
thin enamel, and large theropods retained
their dentition for prolonged periods of time
(10,11), potentially exposing them to dam-
aging desiccation and wear (12). Here, we
use multiple lines of evidence, including
dental histology, skull and tooth size regres-
sions, and morphological comparisons, to
test alternate hypotheses of theropod facial
In extant reptiles, two major anatomical
patterns occur with respect to dentition and
extraoral tissues. In crocodylians, about one-
quarter of the tooth crown height that extends
beyond the labial edge of the maxillary bone
is covered by a fleshy gingiva, and the enamel-
covered crowns are not covered by labial scales
(lips) (Fig. 2). In extant lepidosaurs, which
are more distant reptilian relatives to dino-
saurs than crocodiles, the base of the teeth is
similarly covered in gingiva; however, the
enamel-covered crowns of the teeth are cov-
ered externally by labial scales when the mouth
Cullen et al., Science 379, 13481351 (2023) 31 March 2023 1of4
Fig. 1. Comparisons of the reconstructions of
T. rex. (A) Skull, based on Field Museum of Natural
History specimen FMNH PR 2081. (Bto E) Two
hypothetical flesh reconstructions, one with exposed
teeth (B) and an associated cross section of the
snout (C) and one with extraoral tissues covering
the teeth (D) and an associated cross section
of the snout (E).
Downloaded from at Auburn University on March 30, 2023
is closed (Fig. 2). This applies even in large-
toothed taxa such as predatory varanid lizards.
Notably, in both these lizards and theropod
dinosaurs, the teeth are parasagital ly ali gn ed
with the vertical plane of the skull and do not
lean outward as in extant crocodiles (13).
Phylogenetic bracketing, in the absence of
evidence from birds and fossils, could support
the hypothesis that the large teeth of thero-
as that of extant crocodiles, with the upper
marginal dentition being exposed when the
mouth is closed (8). However, such narrow
applications of extant phylogenetic bracket-
ing can be problematic when considering
dinosaur facial tissues (3,14,15), especially
given recent studies into the derived facial
integument of crocodylians and its relation to
their aquatic lifestyles and sensory adapta-
tions (1618). The foramina that are present
along the jaw margins of reptiles facilitate the
passage of blood vessels and branches of the
trigeminal nerve to the extraoral tissues and,
in derived crocodylians, house sensory organs
that were more widely distributed across the
snout (9). Extinct terrestrial crocodylomorphs
(e.g., the Late Triassic taxon Hesperosuchus;
Fig. 2) possess a more theropod-like pattern
of linearly arranged jaw foramina, as well
as ziphodont dentition (Fig. 2) (7). Indeed, a
broader extant comparison (Fig. 2) demon-
strates that the lower-density, linear pattern
of foramina on the face and jaws of theropods,
such as tyrannosaurids, is as or more similar
in structure to that of many extant squamates,
such as Varanus or Amblyrhynchus,thanto
the pattern observed in extant crocodylians
such as Alligator. This is concordant with
other work suggesting that similarly low den-
sities of linearly arranged facial foramina are
a widespread feature in tetrapods that pos-
sess extraoral soft tissues (1,9).
Dentition in reptiles, including dinosaurs,
is characterized by the presence of a relatively
thin enamel layer that covers the crown of the
tooth. Enamel is formed during tooth devel-
opment through amelogenesis, is not repa-
rable or replaceable, and is invariably thin in
most carnivorous reptiles, both fossil and extant
(19,20).In theropod dinosaurs, the thickness of
the enamel is similar on the lingual and labial
sides of the tooth crown and is somewhat size
dependent, with the largest theropod dino-
saurs having the thickest enamel (20,21).
Crocodylians generally have overall thicker
enamel than dinosaurs, with thicker regions
toward the apex of the crown (21). In addi-
tion, dentine exposure is common in teeth and
tusks that are exposed to the environment (22).
To investigate the dental histology of large
theropods in detail, we removed a functional
upper maxillary tooth from a large individual
of the tyrannosaurid Daspletosaurus and ex-
amined it for age and enamel ultrastructure in
histological thin section under plane-polarized
Cullen et al., Science 379, 13481351 (2023) 31 March 2023 2of4
Department of Geosciences, Auburn University, 2050 Beard
Eaves Coliseum, Auburn, AL 36849, USA.
Geoscience Centre, Department of Earth Sciences,
Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1S
5B6, Canada.
Nagaunee Integrative Research Center,
Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive,
Chicago, IL 60605, USA.
Collections Care, Royal BC
Museum, 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC V8V 9W2,
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks Street, Toronto, ON M5S
3B2, Canada.
School of the Environment, Geography and
Geosciences, University of Portsmouth, Burnaby Building,
Burnaby Road, PO1 3QL Portsmouth, UK.
College of Earth
Science, Dinosaur Evolution Research Centre and
International Centre of Future Science, Jilin University,
Changchun, China.
Department of Biology, University of
Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada.
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manitoba,
125 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada.
Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum,
100 Queens Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C6, Canada.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Fig. 2. Comparisons of life appearance and reconstructions, skull shape, and maxillary morphology
in lepidosaurs and archosaurs. (A)V. salvadorii.(B)Amblyrhynchus cristatus.(C) Extant crocodylian
A. mississippiensis.(D) Extinct crocodylomorph Hesperosuchus agilis.(E) Extinct theropod T. rex. Note the
linear pattern of foramina (LF) along the extraoral margin in sampled lepidosaurs and theropods in contrast
to the broadly distributed pattern of foramina and dome pressure sensor pores (DFDP) in Alligator. Also
note the ziphodont tooth condition (zc) in the inset image of Hesperosuchus (D) compared with the condition
present in extant crocodylians. [Image credits: V. salvadorii,A. cristatus, and A. mississippiensis in-life
photographs from Wikimedia Commons (public domain); A. cristatus skull photograph from E. Graslie (used
with permission); A. mississippiensis skull photograph from D. Descouens (CC-ASA-4.0); T. rex skull
photograph from J. Weinstein at FMNH (used with permission); remaining images are from the authors]
Downloaded from at Auburn University on March 30, 2023
and cross-polarized light using a petrographic
microscope (Fig. 3 and fig. S1; see supplemen-
tary text). The thin section confirmed that this
tooth was fully developed, with an estimated
512 von Ebner lines being present, consistent
with tooth development and replacement
rates of well over 1 year that have been esti-
mated in other large tyrannosaurids, including
Tyrannosaurus rex (11). The enamel was found
to be of similar thickness on both the lingual
and labial sides, with no evidence of any sub-
stantial wear (Fig. 3, A to E). Despite its advanced
age, the tooth still carried well-formed mesial
and distal cutting edges (carinae) with delicate
serrations [ziphodont (23)orincrassate(24)].
Wear on tyrannosaurid teeth occurs rarely and
primarily on the medial surface of the maxillary
dentition because of tooth-on-tooth contact
with the opposing dentary teeth (25). By con-
trast, the enamel of the largest teeth of Alligator
the exposed labial side, with even a substantial
portion of the dentine occasionally worn away.
Enamel has a relatively low water content
but is still hydrated and maintained in extant
terrestrial vertebrates by glandular secretions
in the mouth (12,26), which arrest detrimen-
tal changes in enamel hardness and elasticity
(12,27). Dry enamel has a higher nanohard-
ness and elastic modulus, resulting in stiffer
tissue (12,27), whereas wet enamel is better
Cullen et al., Science 379, 13481351 (2023) 31 March 2023 3of4
Fig. 3. Histological thin sections of teeth from
the large theropod Daspletosaurus and Alligator.
(Ato E)Daspletosaurus tooth (Royal Tyrrell Museum
of Palaeontology specimen TMP 2003.010.0003)
(A) showing relatively unworn enamel of equal
thickness on the lingual (B) and labial (C) surfaces of
this functional tooth, as well as a reduction of
enamel at the base of the crown (D) and cementum
present along the root (E). (Fand G)Alligator
tooth (Royal Ontario Museum specimen ROM R600)
(F) showing highly uneven wear patterns between
the labial and lingual surfaces (G), with all enamel
and some dentine worn away along the labial
surface and thick enamel still present on the lingual
surface. (H) Unerupted Alligator tooth without
any wear and with the presence of even enamel
thickness. See fig. S1 for images of the maxilla
of TMP 2003.010.0003 and additional information
on the sampled tooth. Images in (B) to (E)
and (G) and (H) are thin sections photographed
using a petrographic microscope, under plane-
polarized [(E) and (H)] and cross-polarized
[(B), (D), and (G)] light.
Fig. 4. Plot of log
skull length to log
tooth height for a range of extant varanids and extinct
theropods. Model II major axis (MA) regressions run on extant varanids (all of which have extraoral tissues
covering teeth) (blue points, line, and shaded confidence intervals) and extinct theropods (orange points,
line, and shaded confidence intervals). Also plotted are a phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) line
for the same extant varanids (green) and the line of isometry (dashed gray). Goodness-of-fit for Varanus
data is as follows: coefficient of determination (r
) = 0.9285, and p< 0.001. The slope of the Varanus
MA regression line is 1.215, the slope of the PGLS line is 1.140, and the slope of the theropod MA regression
line is 1.218. The Varanus and theropod lines are not significantly different (p= 0.97).
Downloaded from at Auburn University on March 30, 2023
at resisting wear and abrasion (12). Given the
relationship between hydration and wear re-
sistance, and the difficulty of maintaining hy-
dration if a tooth is exposed to air for long
periods of time, it is unlikely for functional
teeth to remain relatively unworn if exposed,
unless the enamel structure and thickness are
considerably modified. The comparative lack of
wear and abrasion in theropod teeth (Fig. 3, A
to E) (23), in contrast to the extensive and asym-
metric wear [Fig. 3, F to H; see also (2830)]
and breakage (31) observed through ontogeny
in crocodylians, suggests that theropod teeth
existed under hydrated conditions consistent
with the possession of extraoral tissues.
Although the skulls and teeth of theropod
dinosaurs, such as Daspletosaurus and
Tyrannosaurus, are indeed very large com-
pared to those of extant reptiles, major-axis
regression analyses demonstrate that the slope
of the tooth-skull size relationship in theropods
closely matches that observed for extant vara-
nids (Fig. 4), thus refuting interpretations
that their teeth were unusually large to the
extent that tooth size could preclude extraoral
tissue coverage. Even the varanid with the
largest relative tooth size (Varanus salvadorii)
does not have exposed dentition (Figs. 2A and
4), and it possesses greater tooth heightto
skull length ratios (0.096) than the largest
sampled theropod, T. rex (0.074). These data
indicate that theropod teeth were not too
large to be covered with extraoral tissues when
the mouth was closed and that such a condi-
tion would be consistent with what is observed
in living amniotes.
The scaling relationships of tooth to skull
size between varanids and theropods (Fig. 4)
provide further support for the potential in-
ference of soft tissue coverings of the marginal
dentition in theropods. Although the relation-
ship between tooth and skull size is weakly
positively allometric, the relationship does
not greatly affect expected tooth size over the
scales represented (dashed versus solid lines
in Fig. 4), and data comparing tooth crown
height to extraoral tissue height, where avail-
able, suggest that a weakly negative allometric-
to-isometric relationship exists between these
measures (i.e., crown height increases at a
slower rate than extraoral tissue height with
increasing body size; fig. S4). No change in the
presence of complete coverage of teeth with
extraoral tissues is noted over a 12-fold in-
crease in size between the smallest and largest
Varanus skulls in the dataset, despite the in-
clusion of Varanus species with teeth that are
proportionally larger (relative to skull size)
than those observed in most theropods (e.g.,
V. salvadorii). It would therefore be inconsistent
with the data to expect the extraoral tissues to
deviate from this pattern over the sixfold size
increase between Varanus komodoensis and
T. rex. Given the close fit of multiple lineages
of small theropods to the tooth-to-skull size
relationship documented in varanids, well-
developed extraoral tissues appear likely in
smaller members of all major theropod groups,
and it is unlikely for tooth height to have ex-
ceeded facial soft tissue growth, even in larger
These comparisons show that extraoral tis-
sues of nonavian theropods (Fig. 1 and fig. S2;
of extant lepidosaurs and other tetrapods than
those of birds or crocodylians and that the
faces of extant archosaurs do not accurately
reflect the ancestral condition of the archo-
saurian clade. The results of this study strongly
support lippedfacial reconstructions in the-
ropods with wide-reaching implications for their
portrayal in science and popular culture. More
importantly, the presence of extensive extra-
oral tissues has implications for tooth strength,
feeding ecology, and biomechanics and there-
carnivorous theropod dinosaur teeth resisted
forces associated with feeding close to the bone
and even may have permitted carcass dis-
memberment while reducing spalling in large
tyrannosaurids. Finally, we posit a lepidosaur-
like plesiomorphic condition for extraoral tis-
sues in Dinosauria and expect that our results
not only will provide a deeper understanding
of the evolution of buccal soft tissues generally
and advanced oral processing in ornithischians
in particular but also, more broadly, will open
new directions of research into the relationships
between oral soft tissues and feeding behav-
ior in terrestrial vertebrates with large teeth.
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We thank K. Chiba and Y. Haridy for assistance with histological
thin sections of dinosaur and crocodylian teeth. Access to fossil
and extant materials was helpfully provided by K. Seymour [Royal
Ontario Museum (ROM)], R. MacCulloch (ROM), A. Lathrop (ROM),
N. Richards (ROM), B. Simpson [Field Museum of Natural History
(FMNH)], A. Resetar (FMNH), K. Kelly (FMNH), B. Strilisky [Royal
Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology (TMP)], A. Henrici [Carnegie
Museum (CM)], D. Kizirian [American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH)], R. Pascocello (AMNH), R. Sadlier [Australian Museum
(AM)], C. Beatson (AM), J. Rosado [Museum of Comparative
Zoology (MCZ)], G. Schneider [University of Michigan Museum
of Zoology (UMMZ)], A. Wynn (Smithsonian Institution National
Museum of Natural History), G. Watkins-Colwell [Yale Peabody
Museum (YPM)], X. Xu [Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IVPP)], Z.
Zhou (IVPP), and C. Sullivan [IVPP (now at University of Alberta)].
We thank J. Weinstein (FMNH) for permission to use photographs
of FMNH PR 2081 in this study. Funding: Support for this work
was provided by Jilin University, the University of Toronto
Mississauga, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant 2020-04959 (R.R.); a
NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship, the Kenneth C. Griffin Fund,
and NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship PDF-545802-2020 (T.M.C.);
NSERC Discovery Grant 2021-00364 (K.S.B.); and Dinosaur
Research Institute 2011 and 2015 Student Project Grants (D.W.L.).
Author contributions: Conceptualization: R.R., D.S., D.C.E.;
Methodology: T.M.C., D.W.L., T.M., D.C.E.; Investigation: All authors;
Visualization: T.M.C., M.P.W., D.W.L., D.S., T.M.; Writing original
draft: R.R., T.M.C., K.S.B., M.P.W., D.W.L.; Writing review and
editing: T.M.C., K.S.B., D.C.E., M.P.W., R.R. Competing interests:
The authors declare no competing interests. Data and materials
availability: All data are available in the main text or
the supplementary materials. License information: Copyright ©
2023 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee
American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to
original US government works.
Supplementary Text
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S4
Tables S1 to S3
References (3268)
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Data S1 and S2
Submitted 6 March 2022; accepted 3 March 2023
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Copyright © 2023 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim
to original U.S. Government Works
Theropod dinosaur facial reconstruction and the importance of soft tissues in
Thomas M. Cullen, Derek W. Larson, Mark P. Witton, Diane Scott, Tea Maho, Kirstin S. Brink, David C. Evans, and Robert
Science, 379 (6639), .
DOI: 10.1126/science.abo7877
Not a toothy grin
Theropod dinosaurs such as the iconic Tyrannosaurus rex have long been portrayed with their teeth fully visible,
similar to extant crocodilians. This pattern of portrayal largely had to do with relatedness between dinosaurs and
crocodilians and the relationship between tooth and jaw size. Cullen et al. tested hypothesized facial reconstruction
in this group using histological analysis of tooth wear patterns and quantitative relationships between skull length
and tooth size in both extinct and extant reptiles. Contrary to depictions that have dominated for more than a century,
they found that theropods, including T. rex, had lips that covered their teeth, leaving them looking more like modern
Komodo dragons than crocodiles. —SNV
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... This makes their teeth different from those of other carnivorous archosaurs, such as erythrosuchids or tyrannosaurids. The latter have an area devoid of enamel on the teeth between the dental edge of the jaw and the crown, which was covered with soft tissue during lifetime (Cullen et al., 2023), as in modern crocodiles. Therefore, their enamel crown, which could be inserted into the prey's body, was significantly smaller than the extra-alveolar height of the tooth. ...
Among the early archosaurs, various ecological types are represented – from predators to herbivores, from terrestrial to semi-aquatic forms. A special place among them is occupied by the family Ornithosuchidae, which are traditionally considered as active predators. The unique structure of the jaw apparatus and the morphology of the postcranial skeleton of Ornithosuchidae indicate the formation in them the only special ecological type among archosaurs – a hyperanisodont macrophagous predator. At the same time, some analogies can be noted between ornithosuchids and saber-toothed therapsids and mammals.
... This makes their teeth different from those of other carnivorous archosaurs, such as erythrosuchids or tyrannosaurids. The latter have an area devoid of enamel on the teeth between the dental edge of the jaw and the crown, which was covered with soft tissue during lifetime (Cullen et al., 2023), as in modern crocodiles. Therefore, their enamel crown, which could be inserted into the prey's body, was significantly smaller than the extra-alveolar height of the tooth. ...
... The latter has been interpreted as proxies for flat facial scales (figure 2; electronic supplementary material, figures S3 and S4 (SM1)) following Hieronymus et al. [41] and Carr et al. [42]. Rostral surfaces with only linearly aligned foramina along the jaw margin that are in low densities were also interpreted as surfaces without rostral keratinous cover since this has been associated with lipped jaws in modern squamates [43]. To infer toothrow distribution, we relied on in-place teeth and non-vestigial alveoli [5], which accounts for any teeth missing due to taphonomic filters or collection errors. ...
Full-text available
Teeth evolved early in vertebrate evolution, and their morphology reflects important specializations in diet and ecology among species. The toothless jaws (edentulism) in extant birds likely coevolved with beak keratin, which functionally replaced teeth. However, extinct dinosaurs lost teeth multiple times independently and exhibited great variation in toothrow distribution and rhamphotheca-like keratin structures. Here, we use rostral jawbone surface texture as a proxy for rostral keratin covering and phylogenetic comparative models to test for the influence of rostral keratin on toothrow distribution in Mesozoic dinosaurs. We find that the evolution of rostral keratin covering explains partial toothrow reduction but not jaw toothlessness. Toothrow reduction preceded the evolution of rostral keratin cover in theropods. Non-theropod dinosaurs evolved continuous toothrows despite evolving rostral keratin covers (e.g. some ornithischians and sauropodomorphs). We also show that rostral keratin covers did not significantly increase the evolutionary rate of tooth loss, which further delineates the antagonistic relationship between these structures. Our results suggest that the evolution of rostral keratin had a limited effect on suppressing tooth development. Independent changes in jaw development may have facilitated further tooth loss. Furthermore, the evolution of strong chemical digestion, a gizzard, and a dietary shift to omnivory or herbivory likely alleviated selective pressures for tooth development.
... The degree of fusion between cranial elements has long been considered a reliable indicator of the ontogenetic stage in specimens of Dinosauria (Rauhut, 2004;Sereno et al., 2009;Hone et al., 2016). Recently, it was proposed that sutural fusion in archosaur crania as an indicator of ontogenetic stage might be more ambiguous than previously thought (Bailleul et al., 2016), but extant archosaurs might not be representative of the basal archosaur condition (Cullen et al., 2023). Herein, we suggest that the unfused nature of NMV P229038 is indicative of skeletal immaturity (Rauhut, 2004;Sereno et al., 2009). ...
Cretaceous (non-avian) theropod dinosaurs from Australia are poorly understood, primarily because almost all specimens described thus far comprise isolated postcranial elements. In Australia, only three non-dental cranial elements pertaining to Theropoda have been reported: the left and right dentaries of Australovenator wintonensis from the Winton Formation (Cenomanian–lowermost Turonian) of Queensland, and an isolated surangular from the Eumeralla Formation (lower Albian) of Victoria. Herein, we report the first evidence of non-mandibular cranial material of a non-avian theropod from Australia: a left frontal and fused parietal fragment from the Lower Cretaceous (lower Aptian) upper Strzelecki Group of Victoria. The specimen shares several synapomorphies with the frontals assigned to Megaraptoridae, including an anteroposteriorly elongate postorbital articulation and a truncated nasal articular surface. Accordingly, we regard this frontal as Megaraptoridae gen. et sp. indet. We performed both parsimony-based and Bayesian-based phylogenetic analyses to support our assignment, and both analyses support a placement within Megaraptoridae. However, this specimen appears to possess plesiomorphic characters relative to other megaraptorid frontals, lacking dorsoventrally high walls of bone that emarginate the nasal and prefrontal articular surfaces. The plesiomorphies of this specimen have implications for the evolution of the megaraptoran skull roof, suggesting the acquisition of specialised adaptations for longirostry over time. This specimen improves the limited record of Cretaceous Australian theropod cranial remains, and provides limited support for the hypothesis that Megaraptoridae might have originated in Australia.
... Motion reconstruction of extinct species can provide tangible and vivid understandings of their evolutionary traces and bring disappeared ecological landscapes back to our view [2,3]. For example, a study based on well-preserved skeletal fossils has examined the movement pattern and its influence on the feeding ecology of an extinct shark [4]. ...
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Taking the motion reconstruction of the Cretaceous hell ants as an example, this study shows how to achieve motion reconstruction in fossil invertebrates and discusses potential challenges and opportunities.
... he ones made prior (Ramsköld, 1992;Smith & Caron, 2015). This is because paleontology is always changing and innovating from new evidence and research being conducted and circulated amongst the scientists involved similar in fashion to a community, this forms the comprehensive scientific claims and approximations (Ladyman, 2002;Smith & Caron, 2015;Cullen et. al, 2023). ...
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This is an essay on how paleontology is in support of realist thought which is supported via the study's ability to easily switch paradigms, be conjecture whilst making claims, and committing to reality.
... Motion reconstruction of extinct species can provide tangible and vivid understandings of their evolutionary traces and bring disappeared ecological landscapes back to our view [2,3]. For example, a study based on well-preserved skeletal fossils has examined the movement pattern and its influence on the feeding ecology of an extinct shark [4]. ...
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The vertebrate trigeminal nerve is the primary mediator of somatosensory information from nerve endings across the face, extending nerve branches through bony canals in the face and mandibles, terminating in sensory receptors. Reptiles evolved several extreme forms of cranial somatosensation in which enhanced trigeminal tissues are present in species engaging in unique mechanosensory behaviors. However, morphology varies by clade and ecology among reptiles. Few lineages approach the extreme degree of tactile somatosensation possessed by crocodylians, the only remaining members of a clade that underwent an ecological transition from the terrestrial to semiaquatic habitat, also evolving a specialized trigeminal system. It remains to be understood how trigeminal osteological correlates inform how adaptations for enhanced cranial sensation evolved in crocodylians. Here we identify an increase in sensory abilities in Early Jurassic crocodylomorphs, preceding the transitions to a semiaquatic habitat. Through quantification of trigeminal neurovascular canal branching patterns in an extant phylogenetic bracket we quantify and identify morphologies associated with sensory behaviors in representative fossil taxa, we find stepwise progression of increasing neurovascular canal density, complexity, and distribution from the primitive archosaurian to the derived crocodilian condition. Model-based inferences of sensory ecologies tested on quantified morphologies of extant taxa with known sensory behaviors indicate a parallel increase in sensory abilities among pseudosuchians. These findings establish patterns of reptile trigeminal ecomorphology, revealing evolutionary patterns of somatosensory ecology.
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Tyrannosaurid theropods topped the terrestrial food chain in North America and Asia during the latest Cretaceous. Most tyrannosaurids, exemplified by Tyrannosaurus rex, had deep snouts, thick teeth, and large jaw muscles that could generate high bite forces. They coexisted in Asia with a morphologically divergent group of long-snouted relatives, called alioramins. Qianzhousaurus sinensis, from the Maastrichtian of Ganzhou, China, is the largest alioramin yet discovered, but has only been briefly described. Here we present a detailed osteological description of the holotype cranium and mandible of Qianzhousaurus. We identify several new autapomorphic features of the genus, and new synapomorphies that unite alioramins (Qianzhousaurus, Alioramus altai, Alioramus remotus) as a clade, including a laterally projecting rugosity on the jugal. We clarify that the elongate skull of alioramins involves lengthening of the anterior palate but not the premaxilla, and is reflected by lengthening of the posterior bones of the lower jaw, even though the posterior cranium (orbit and lateral temporal fenestra) are proportionally similar to deep-skulled tyrannosaurids. We show that much of the variation among the alioramin species is consistent with growth trends in other tyrannosaurids, and that A. altai, A. remotus, and Qianzhousaurus represent different ontogenetic stages of progressive maturity, across which the signature nasal rugosites of alioramins became less prominent. We predict that the holotype skull of Qianzhousaurus represents the adult level of maturity for alioramins, and propose that the skull morphology of Qianzhousaurus indicates a much weaker bite than deep-skulled tyrannosaurids, suggestive of differences in prey choice and feeding style.
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The study of the rostral neurovascular system using CT scanning has shed new light on phylogenetic and palaeobiological reconstructions of many extinct tetrapods. This research shows a detailed description of the rostral neurovascular canals of Tyrannosaurus rex including the nasal, maxillary (dorsal alveolar), and mandibular (ventral alveolar) canals. Extensive comparisons with published descriptions show that the pattern of these canals in Tyrannosaurus is not unusual for a non-avian theropod. As in the non-avian theropod Neovenator, the maxillary canal shows several anasto-moses of its branches. Differences from the plesiomorphic sauropsid condition are concentrated within the canal for the maxillary neurovasculature, which is primitively horizontal, tubular, and connected to a single row of supralabial foramina, whereas in Tyrannosaurus the main trunk of the canal is oriented more obliquely and dorsally dis-placed to give room to the deep tooth alveolae. As a result, the lateral branches that provide innervation and blood supply to the skin are dorsoventrally elongated com-pared to non-theropod taxa, and multiple rows of supralabial foramina are present. An overview of the literature suggests that the evolution of the trigeminal canals among sauropsids only weakly supports previous hypotheses of crocodile-like facial sensitivity in non-avian theropods (except, maybe, in semiaquatic taxa). More systematic studies of the rostral neurovascular canals in non-avian theropods may help answer the question of whether lips were present or not.
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The tyrannosaurids are among the most well‐studied dinosaurs described by science, and analysis of their feeding biomechanics allows for comparison between established tyrannosaurid genera and across ontogeny. 3D finite element analysis (FEA) was used to model and quantify the mechanical properties of the mandibles (lower jaws) of three tyrannosaurine tyrannosaurids of different sizes. To increase evolutionary scope and context for 3D tyrannosaurine results, a broader sample of validated 2D mandible FEA enabled comparisons between ontogenetic stages of Tyrannosaurus rex and other large theropods. It was found that mandibles of small juvenile and large subadult tyrannosaurs experienced lower stress overall because muscle forces were relatively lower, but experienced greater simulated stresses at decreasing sizes when specimen muscle force is normalized. The strain on post‐dentary ligaments decreases stress and strain in the posterior region of the dentary and where teeth impacted food. Tension from the lateral insertion of the looping m. ventral pterygoid muscle increases compressive stress on the angular but may decrease anterior bending stress on the mandible. Low mid‐mandible bending stresses are congruent with ultra‐robust teeth and high anterior bite force in adult T. rex. Mandible strength increases with size through ontogeny in T. rex and phylogenetically among other tyrannosaurids, in addition to that tyrannosaurid mandibles exceed the mandible strength of other theropods at equivalent ramus length. These results may indicate separate predatory strategies used by juvenile and mature tyrannosaurids; juvenile tyrannosaurids lacked the bone‐crunching bite of adult specimens and hunted smaller prey, while adult tyrannosaurids fed on larger prey.
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Objective The present review aims to: a) describe the features that support tusks in extra-oral position, and b) represent distinctive features of tusks, which provide insights into tusks adaptation to ambient conditions. Design A comprehensive review of scientific literature relevant to tusks and comparable dental tissues was conducted. Results The oral cavity provides a desirable condition which is conducive to tooth health. Therefore, it remains questionable how the bare (exposed) tusks resist the extra-oral conditions. The common features among tusked mammals indicate that the structural (e.g. the peculiar dentinal alignment), cellular (e.g. low or lack of cell populations in the tusk), hormonal (e.g. androgens), and behavioral traits have impact on a tusk’s preservation and occurrence. Conclusions Understanding of bare mineralized structures, such as tusks and antlers, and their compatibility with different environments, can provide important insight into oral biology.
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Despite strong evidence for sexual selection in various display traits and other exaggerated structures in large extinct reptiles, such as dinosaurs, detecting sexual dimorphism in them remains difficult. Their relatively small sample sizes, long growth periods, and difficulties distinguishing the sexes of fossil specimens mean that there are little compelling data on dimorphism in these animals. The extant gharial ( Gavialis gangeticus ) is a large and endangered crocodylian that is sexually dimorphic in size, but males also possesses a sexually selected structure, the ghara, which has an osteological correlate in the presence of a fossa associated with the nares. This makes the species a unique model for potentially assessing dimorphism in fossil lineages, such as dinosaurs and pterosaurs, because it is a large, slow-growing, egg-laying archosaur. Here we assess the dimorphism of G. gangeticus across 106 specimens and show that the presence of a narial fossa diagnoses adult male gharials. Males are larger than females, but the level of size dimorphism, and that of other cranial features, is low and difficult to detect without a priori knowledge of the sexes, even with this large dataset. By extension, dimorphism in extinct reptiles is very difficult to detect in the absence of sex specific characters, such as the narial fossa.
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Allosaurus is one of the best known theropod dinosaurs from the Jurassic and a crucial taxon in phylogenetic analyses. On the basis of an in-depth, firsthand study of the bulk of Allosaurus specimens housed in North American institutions, we describe here a new theropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Western North America, Allosaurus jimmadseni sp. nov., based upon a remarkably complete articulated skeleton and skull and a second specimen with an articulated skull and associated skeleton. The present study also assigns several other specimens to this new species, Allosaurus jimmadseni , which is characterized by a number of autapomorphies present on the dermal skull roof and additional characters present in the postcrania. In particular, whereas the ventral margin of the jugal of Allosaurus fragilis has pronounced sigmoidal convexity, the ventral margin is virtually straight in Allosaurus jimmadseni . The paired nasals of Allosaurus jimmadseni possess bilateral, blade-like crests along the lateral margin, forming a pronounced nasolacrimal crest that is absent in Allosaurus fragilis .
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Tooth replacement rate is an important contributor to feeding ecology for polyphyodont animals. Dinosaurs exhibit a wide range of tooth replacement rates, mirroring their diverse craniofacial specializations, but little is known about broad-scale allometric or evolutionary patterns within the group. In the current broad but sparse dinosaurian sample, only three non-avian theropod tooth replacement rates have been estimated. We estimated tooth formation and replacement rates in three additional non-avian theropod dinosaurs, the derived latest Cretaceous abelisaurid Majungasaurus and the more generalized Late Jurassic Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. We created the largest dental histological and CT dataset for any theropod dinosaur, sectioning and scanning over a dozen toothed elements of Majungasaurus and several additional elements from the other two genera. Using this large sample, we created models of tooth formation time that allow for theropod replacement rates to be estimated non-destructively. In contrast to previous results for theropods, we found high tooth replacement rates in all three genera, with Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus rates of ~100 days and 56 days for Majungasaurus. The latter rate is on par with those of derived herbivorous dinosaurs including some neosauropods, hadrosaurids, and ceratopsians. This elevated rate may be a response to high rates of tooth wear in Majungasaurus. Within Dinosauria, there is no relationship between body mass and tooth replacement rate and no trends in replacement rate over time. Rather, tooth replacement rate is clade-specific, with elevated rates in abelisaurids and diplodocoids and lower rates in coelurosaurs.
The microscopic examination of fossilized bone tissue is a sophisticated and increasingly important analytical tool for understanding the life history of ancient organisms. This book provides an essential primer and manual for using fossil bone histology to investigate the biology of extinct tetrapods. Twelve experts summarize advances in the field over the past three decades, reviewing fundamental basics of bone microanatomy and physiology. Research specimen selection, thin-section preparation, and data analysis are addressed in detail. The authors also outline methods and issues in bone growth rate calculation and chronological age determination, as well as examining broader questions of behavior, ecology, and evolution by studying the microstructure of bone.
Synchrotron radiation X-ray microdiffraction (SR-μXRD) has been applied for the first time as a fundamental method of analysis to unveil crocodilian teeth growth and development. Teeth from a fossil crocodylomorph from the Upper Cretaceous site of Lo Hueco (Spain) and a modern crocodylian from the living species Crocodylus niloticus have been analysed. Both samples have been studied through Polarized Light Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, Confocal Raman Spectroscopy, and SR-μXRD. Significant differences have been found in hydroxyapatite (HA) crystallite sizes and texture, and the evolution of these two features along teeth depth. The main differences observed in crystallite size are related to postdepositional processes and/or the environmental and functional pressures of teeth during crocodylomorph life, very different from that of the modern specimen. Regarding the crystalline texture in the tooth enamel, it can be linked to teeth functionality during crocodilian life, causing the directed growth of HA crystallites due to the mechanical stress to which they are subjected.