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Abstract and Figures

By teaching first aid at school, the number of bystanders can be increased. Researchers are attempting to identify effective educational methods to teach first aid to children. The literature review examines published studies to provide information on the content of kindergarten first aid training. MEDLINE, Scopus, and ERIC were the major databases searched for related literature published between January 2003 and November 2022. The first aid interventions were varied in content and aimed to improve students' first aid knowledge, skills, and attitude. Combining both theoretical and 'hands-on' training components into the education process was discovered to be a critical factor in delivering material. More research is needed to determine the role of first aid education in kindergarten, as well as interventions for knowledge and skill retention. Article visualizations: </p
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European Journal of Education Studies
ISSN: 2501 - 1111
ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111
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Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. 133
DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v10i3.4712
Volume 10 Issue 3 2023
Eleana Tse1
Katerina Plakitsi2,
Spyridon Voulgaris1,
George A. Alexiou1
1Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Ioannina,
School of Medicine,
2Department of Early Childhood Education,
School of Education,
University of Ioannina,
By teaching first aid at school, the number of bystanders can be increased. Researchers
are attempting to identify effective educational methods to teach first aid to children. The
literature review examines published studies to provide information on the content of
kindergarten first aid training. MEDLINE, Scopus, and ERIC were the major databases
searched for related literature published between January 2003 and November 2022. The
first aid interventions were varied in content and aimed to improve students' first aid
knowledge, skills, and attitude. Combining both theoretical and 'hands-on' training
components into the education process was discovered to be a critical factor in delivering
material. More research is needed to determine the role of first aid education in
kindergarten, as well as interventions for knowledge and skill retention.
Keywords: first aid, program, early childhood education, children
1. Introduction
Every day, severe and minor accidents occur all over the world. In many cases, it is critical
to provide immediate first aid assistance. A quick response can mean the difference
between life and death, or it can simply reduce the severity of an injury. Responders
(namely bystanders) must have the necessary knowledge and skills in order to provide
an immediate and efficient response in these cases. Nonetheless, many bystanders do not
know how to react, owing to a lack of first aid knowledge, skills, and confidence (Cheng
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Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou
European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 10 Issue 3 2023 134
et al., 2021). As a result, increasing the number of properly educated bystanders is a key
challenge for improving the effectiveness of first aid (Eisenburger & Safar, 1999). The
implementation of a first aid culture in society and the expansion of first aid educational
channels are two options for addressing this challenge. Today, the primary channels of
first aid education are primarily private and Red Cross, which can make education
prohibitively expensive for those who cannot afford it. According to research, school can
play a positive role in this direction (Kuvaki, 2018; Ammirati, 2014; Eisenburger & Safar,
By teaching first aid at school, the number of bystanders can be increased
(Berthelot et al., 2013; Fleischhackl et al., 2009; Jones et al., 2007; Connolly et al., 2007;
Frederick et al., 2000). Individuals who receive first aid education at a young age are more
likely to retain this knowledge and skills as they grow older (Cheng et al., 2021; Kuvaki,
2018). Furthermore, children can be bystanders; thus, first aid education may improve
their effectiveness in responding to accidents. For example, many accidents occur on the
playground, during school breaks, and at home (Jaffe et al., 2021). Finally, schools can
expand free first aid educational channels so that more people have access to first aid
training. The International Scientific Community is conducting research on the education
of children in first aid (Böttiger et al., 2017; Beck et al., 2016; Böttiget & Van Aken, 2015;
Bohn et al., 2013). Evidence suggests that after receiving an appropriate education,
children may be able to provide first aid (Perkins et al., 2021; Lukas et al., 2016; Cave et
al., 2011). Their education includes both resuscitative and non-resuscitative programs;
however, resuscitation is usually the primary focus of this education (Semeraro et al.,
2018; He et al., 2014; Hill et al., 2009).
Researchers are attempting to identify effective educational methods based on
children's age groups, teaching methodologies, and trainer characteristics (i.e., first
aiders, doctors, or school teachers). Another area of interest is evaluating the effectiveness
of educational programs using the following criteria: study design, program duration,
facilitator, content, methods of outcome measurement, material, potential outcome, and
limitations. The current paper examines six previously published studies on first aid
training for young children at kindergarten in order to provide information about the
focused areas and methods used in first aid education in accordance with the criteria
mentioned above. More specifically, the purpose of this paper is to provide information
on which criteria are at the center of current research and which criteria have been less
addressed or ignored. Researchers can use the findings of this literature review to plan
and conduct studies in specific areas, allowing them to optimize their research strategy
for filling existing research gaps.
2. Material and methods
A thorough literature search was carried out in several relevant major databases,
including MEDLINE, Scopus, and ERIC. We conducted a search using the keywords "first
aid training OR first aid program." The search was carried out in December 2022. Based
on the inclusion and exclusion criteria presented in Table 1, two independent researchers
Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou
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(ET, GA) reviewed the obtained studies. Differences of opinion between the first two
researchers were resolved by consensus. The inclusion criteria were met by a total of six
peer-reviewed articles.
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria
4-6 years old
Type of articles
Original research
Types of schools
Kindergarten, preschool
PubMed, Scopus, ERIC
4. Results
The current literature review investigates first aid programs in early childhood
education. We found only five studies. Bollig et al. (2011) collected data using a mixed-
methods approach that included both quantitative and qualitative methods. It was a
small pilot study with only ten kindergarten students. An observational cohort study was
used in this study. The first aid course consisted of six lessons (30-40 minutes per week)
taught by a first aid instructor and a kindergarten teacher. The teaching program's
curriculum included basic first aid knowledge and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which
included mouth-to-mouth/mouth-to-nose breathing. Chest compressions and
defibrillation were not included in the program. A poster and a glove puppet were
important teaching tools. A test scenario was used to measure outcomes two months after
the training intervention, and observation was used after seven months. When
schoolchildren demonstrated first aid knowledge and skills in everyday situations,
teachers take notes. According to the findings of the pilot study, 4-5-year-old children can
learn and apply basic first aid. First aid courses could begin at this age, according to Bollig
et al. (2011), even though their study had major limitations, such as a small number of
participants and no control group to compare the outcomes.
Ammirati et al. (2014) performed their study by conducting a comparative study
with trained and untrained students (N=285 students). The course had no set duration,
and it was taught by a teacher. Before teaching first aid in the classroom, the teachers
completed a six-hour first aid training program. The teaching program's curriculum
consisted solely of calling an ambulance. There was no mention of teaching methods.
They used photographs to evaluate the program two months after it was implemented.
The images were unfamiliar to trained students and thus could not have been planned in
time. Ammirati et al. (2014) discovered that trained students were better than the control
group at describing an emergency and raising the alert. The authors suggested that first
aid courses should be integrated into the school curriculum, beginning at the age of four,
and taught by schoolteachers. Many biases favored the trained group in this study, such
as a significant drop in untrained children from follow-up.
Banfai et al. (2018) used a longitudinal cohort study for their intervention. A
paramedic provided the first aid course, which consisted of three 45-minute sessions per
Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou
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week. Knowledge and skills were transferred in small groups (8-10 children per group).
The teaching program's curriculum included calling an ambulance, basic life support
(BLS), automated external defibrillator (AED), handling an unconscious patient, and
managing severe bleeding. The authors used an open-ended questionnaire as well as
observations to evaluate the program. The study was conducted before, immediately
after, four, and fifteen months after the program. The findings revealed a significant
improvement in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and information retention up to 15 months
after the intervention. It was the only study that taught cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) to children of these ages. They advised that, while young children cannot perform
proper CPR, it is beneficial to learn some aspects of resuscitation because this knowledge
is essential in the event of a true emergency. Because this study was conducted in only
one kindergarten, there is no representative sample. Furthermore, it is unknown how
preschool students would react in an actual emergency.
Plischewski et al. (2021) carried out an experiment. They assessed Norwegian
kindergarten teachers' attitudes toward 'Henry first aid training,' as well as the impact on
3-6-year-olds' understanding of first aid. Henry is a first-aid program for young children
that has been distributed for free to 5,200 kindergartens in Norway. The program
included a puppet, a small first-aid kit, a memory stick containing three Henry songs,
and a set of posters. The teaching program's curriculum included calling for assistance,
recognizing an emergency, staying safe, and alerting adults. Henry is taught to the
students by the teacher. Participants were chosen based on the fact that they had never
used Henry in kindergarten. Researchers interviewed a small group of children, and
follow-up interviews were conducted three months later. According to the findings of
this study, children's understanding of first aid improved after participating in the
program. There is no control group and no random assignment in this study.
Mohajervatan et al. (2020) conducted an observational study. Training consisted
of ten sessions (45 minutes each) over five weeks, with two sessions per week transferring
theoretical knowledge and scenario-based practical first aid skills. Experienced nurses
instructed the first aid course. The curriculum of the teaching program included how to
deal with an accident scene and knowing emergency phone numbers, airway
management, assessment of the condition of consciousness, victim position recovery,
control of nose bleeding, and control of hands or feet bleeding. The authors of this study
created a questionnaire to assess each child's performance in a scenario through
observation. The evaluation was carried out both before and three weeks after the
training. They indicate that children can learn basic first aid skills such as calling an
ambulance, handling an unconscious patient, and dealing with severe bleeding. This
study lacked a representative sample, and the authors did not conduct long-term follow-
up with the participants.
Tse et al. (2022) conducted a randomized controlled trial. Researchers randomly
picked 24 children aged 4-5 years from one kindergarten and assigned them to one of two
groups: training or control. There were three lessons in the training program. The
children in the training group were given a questionnaire one day before, one day after,
two and six months after the training, and once to those in the control group. Prior to the
Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou
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training, there was no significant difference in the questionnaire scores between the two
groups. The children in the training group outperformed the children in the control
group on the questionnaire after the lessons. The scores of the children in the training
group had decreased but remained higher than before the training and higher than those
of the control group two and six months later. The study's limitations included the small
sample size and the fact that the control group was not tested over time, so there could
have been changes if they were all in the same school. Finally, because the survey was
not validated, it may not be applicable to other kindergarten populations.
5. Discussion
The studies examined in this paper yielded interesting conclusions about the content of
the interventions, the instructors (facilitators), and the study's limitations in terms of
several methodological issues (e.g. sample, study design).
5.1 Content
The interventions had a mixed content. Studies have shown that both resuscitative and
non-resuscitative programs can provide early childhood children with first aid training
(Tse et al., 2022; Plischewski et al., 2021; Mohajervatan et al., 2020; Bánfai et al., 2018;
Ammirati et al., 2014; Bollig et al., 2011). Furthermore, all of the studies reviewed
included training on how to call an ambulance. The research was limited to teaching basic
life support skills, and some programs included injury-related issues. It was discovered
that incorporating both theoretical and 'hands-on' training components into the
education process was an important factor in delivering material (Reveruzzi, Buckley &
Sheehan, 2016). It is worth noting that one study investigated head injuries, despite the
fact that the head is the most injured part of the body at this age (Jaffe et al., 2021).
Furthermore, no study found that first aid training had a negative effect on students.
Overall, the intervention content differed between studies (He, Wynn & Kendrick, 2014).
As a result, it is impossible to say which type of training is more effective.
5.2 Educators
Studies had different facilitators to teach first aid to young children and it was indicated
that both first aid instructors and teachers had positive outcomes on students' first aid
knowledge, skills, and attitude. It is encouraging that the first aid instruction could be
provided by teachers themselves in case they have the proper first aid education (Lukas
et al., 2016). Teachers as facilitators may result in reduced cost, since it is a cost-effective
method to increase the number of bystanders (i.e. no extra cost for external facilitators).
However, no study assessed students’ outcomes based on the type of facilitators. Hence,
it cannot be concluded which type of educators may be more effective.
5.3 Limitations
There were several limitations in terms of population, study design, knowledge and skill
retention, and comparison groups. Population limitations included small groups that
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were not representative of the kindergarten population (Tse et al., 2022; Mohajervatan et
al., 2020; Bánfai et al., 2018; Bollig et al., 2011). Four of the studies found no evidence of
knowledge or skill retention. Ammirati et al. (2014) conducted an insufficient program
information study. Bollig et al. (2011), Plischewski et al. (2021), and Mohajervatan et al.
(2020) did not use a control group in their pilot study. The control group and follow-up
rates differ significantly in the comparative study conducted by Ammirati et al. (2014).
The studies by Banfai et al. (2018) and Tse et al. (2022) are the only ones that assessed
students' prior first aid knowledge and skills. Finally, no study included a power analysis
to ensure statistically significant results.
6. Conclusions
This article conducted a literature review that investigated first aid programs in early
childhood education. Many researchers have concentrated on teaching older students
first aid (Cheng et al, 2021; Tse & Alexiou, 2021; Tse et al., 2022; Tse et al., 2023). Children
in early childhood education, on the other hand, can learn basic safety behavior, attitude,
skills, and knowledge that will serve them well in adulthood (Tse & Alexiou, 2021). Even
though the studies reviewed show that teaching first aid should begin at a young age,
several research questions remain unanswered, including the time period for which first
aid training knowledge is retained in children's memories, which instructor is more
effective (first aid experts or teachers), when the program should be repeated, and
whether the intervention program is actually effective in improving students' knowledge,
skills, and attitudes toward first aid.
One more important aspect that must be carefully considered when investigating
teaching first aid in early childhood is students' reactions in real-life first aid situations
after participating in educational programs. As a result, there is a need to assess how the
children would react in real-life scenarios and what aspects of training should be
prioritized and intensified in order to improve students' effective reactions in real-life
situations. As a result, research should concentrate on real-world scenarios to provide
data that will aid in making early childhood first aid training more effective.
To summarize, the current study found that kindergarten first aid programs
improve students' knowledge and skills. However, several aspects have not been
investigated, making it impossible to produce scientific and robust results. Given the
small number of studies that have been conducted in this research area, as well as the
limitations discussed above, there is a need for additional research in this area.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, GA and ET.; methodology, GA, ET, KP; formal
analysis, GA, ET.; investigation, ET, GA.; data curation, GA, SV, ET, KP, writing
original draft preparation, ET, GA; writingreview and editing, ET, GA, SV, KP,
supervision, GA. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou
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Funding Statement
This research received no external funding
Conflicts of Interest Statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
About the Authors
Eleana Tse, PhD student, Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, University
of Ioannina, Greece.
Katerina Plakitsi, Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of
Education, University of Ioannina, Greece.
Spyridon Voulgaris, Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine,
University of Ioannina, Greece.
George Alexiou, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine,
University of Ioannina, Greece.
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... Significant efforts have been made in the educational field in recent years to understand the prevalence of different actions for using first aid [2]; however, most of the investigations have focused on teachers' knowledge [3,4] and in primary or secondary educational contexts, while few have been developed for early childhood or kindergarten students [2,[5][6][7]. Despite the fact that there may be some actions that can be taught to early childhood education students, like cuts, choking, burns, intoxication, hemorrhages, fractures, fainting, venomous animals bite, or emergency calls [8], the more appropriate educational methods and their effectiveness according to children's age ranges, as well as best teacher methodologies and characteristics of trainers, are still to be properly defined [9]. Moreover, the interventions carried out in the school context overall differ among different investigations [10], thus not being clear which type of intervention is more effective [9]. ...
... Despite the fact that there may be some actions that can be taught to early childhood education students, like cuts, choking, burns, intoxication, hemorrhages, fractures, fainting, venomous animals bite, or emergency calls [8], the more appropriate educational methods and their effectiveness according to children's age ranges, as well as best teacher methodologies and characteristics of trainers, are still to be properly defined [9]. Moreover, the interventions carried out in the school context overall differ among different investigations [10], thus not being clear which type of intervention is more effective [9]. Within the different types of first aid training programs in the formal educational context or school curricula, the most common characteristics are highlighted in the meta-analysis [5], mainly being these four actions: enhancing helping behaviors, learning how to call for emergencies, recognizing choking, and moving individuals into recovery positions. ...
... Second, different studies were conducted to assess the knowledge and skills related to calling the emergency number, this being one of the most used contents in previous intervention research [9]. In a study involving 5-and 6-year-old children, significant differences in knowledge and skills were not found among those who received training and those without training [17]. ...
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Empowering early childhood education students from the beginning with the necessary knowledge and skills to act swiftly in emergency situations could be crucial in saving lives in certain cases. In order to improve the first aid knowledge and skills of early childhood education students, a pre/post study was conducted with a two-week intermediate intervention involving 13 early childhood education students. Their knowledge and skills in first aid were assessed using an ad-hoc instrument before and after the intervention. The results demonstrate a statistically significant improvement in all items related to first aid general knowledge, first aid kits, and CPR maneuvers, as well as in the overall scale. These findings provide evidence that early childhood education students can be equipped through low-cost interventions to acquire and apply certain essential first aid skills, such as dialing emergency services, understanding the purpose of first aid kit items, and recognizing vital signs in individuals, that may be crucial in saving lives in the future.
... Younger children may benefit from interactive games and activities that teach basic safety and first aid skills, while older children may be able to learn more advanced techniques and procedures. One effective way to teach first aid to children is through experiential learning [24,25]. This involves providing hands-on opportunities for children to practice first aid skills and respond to simulated emergency situations. ...
... We believe that the first aid program should be made mandatory in schools. Young children can learn first aid and their schoolteachers can teach first aid [25,26]. Because the young children in our study had forgotten some first aid knowledge six months after the training, we recommend that the program should be repeated once a year. ...
... First aid is an essential skill that empowers individuals to provide immediate assistance during emergencies. By instilling a culture of first aid from childhood, we can cultivate a society where people possess the aptitude and confidence to respond effectively in crisis situations [24,25]. Starting early, children should be exposed to basic first aid knowledge in a simple and age-appropriate manner [20,24,25]. ...
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Objectives: The primary objective of this pilot study was to examine the effectiveness of teaching first aid to 6-8-year-old children within their primary school setting. The study aimed to address two key research questions: (1) Can children of this age group acquire first aid and trauma management skills from their schoolteachers? (2) How long do children retain the acquired first aid knowledge? Methods: A pilot experimental study with an educational intervention was conducted in a single primary school in Greece. A total of 60 schoolchildren aged 6-8 years were randomly selected for participation, with 30 children assigned to the training group and 30 children assigned to the control group, which did not receive any intervention. To assess the children's understanding of first aid, a specialized questionnaire was administered to all children one day before the training, as well as to the training group one day after the training, and at two and six months following the training. Results: Prior to the training, there were no significant differences in first aid knowledge between the children in the training group and those in the control group. However, one day after the training, the trained children demonstrated significantly higher scores (p < 0.05) compared to the control group. Over time, the first aid knowledge of the trained children gradually declined at the two- and six-month follow-up assessments, although it remained higher than their pre-training level. Conclusions: First aid training provided by their teachers improved the knowledge of 6-8-year-old primary school children in first aid and trauma management.
... Pelatihan pertolongan pertama juga dapat membantu menciptakan budaya keselamatan di tempat kerja, di sekolah, atau di komunitas tempat peserta berasal. Peserta menjadi agen perubahan yang mempromosikan keselamatan dan kesehatan bagi semua orang di sekitar mereka (Tse et al., 2023). ...
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Kegawatdaruratan merupakan masalah yang sering terjadi di masayarakat, penyebab dari disaster seperti gempa, kecelakaan lalu lintas, tanah longsor atau kagawat daruratan timbul akibat komplikasi seperti serangan jantung, stroke. Pertolongan pertama pada kegawat daruratan merupakan life support untuk mencegah terjadinya kematian pada korban dan mencegah terjadinya kecacatan yang mungkin terjadi korban.Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama pada kegawatdaruratan korban kecelakaan dan tidak sadarkan diri secara mandiri. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertempat di Balai Desa Pekuncen. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengmas dilakukan melalui pemberian materi, simulasi tentang penanganan awal kegawatdaruratan pada korban kecelakaan dan tidak sadarkan diri. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan simulasi pertolongan pertama pada kegawat daruratan Kecelakaan dan penurunan kesadaran. Evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan soal pre dan post test dan penilaian ketrampilan. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah terjadi peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan yaitu dari rata-rata nilai pretest 60.47 menjadi rata-rata 82.85, dan ketrampilan yaitu dari rata-rata nilai pretest 41.90 menjadi rata-rata 76,66.Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan dan ketrampilan First Aid Kegawatdaruratan pada peserta pelatihan, dan dilakukan pelatihan dan simulasi secara berkala terkait evakuasi, stabilisasi, transportasi dan moblisasi sebagai rencana tindak lanjut.
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Choking stands as the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury deaths. This research aimed to evaluate the ability of young schoolchildren to grasp and remember choking-management techniques, as well as to compare the effectiveness of instructors. We conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of choking training on young children. We randomly selected 180 children aged 4–8 years and divided them into a training group (120 children) and a control group (60 children). We evaluated the students’ response to a choking incident with a specific scenario one day before, one day after, and two and seven months after the training, as well as once to the control group. Before the training, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, after the training, the training group’s scores showed a significant increase compared to their pre-training scores and those of the control group. Even at two- and seven-month post-training, the training group’s scores had decreased but remained higher than their pre-training scores and those of the control group. Choking training can benefit young children. Our research highlights the equal importance of both regular classroom teachers and specialized personnel in imparting these essential skills. However, further research is necessary to confirm these observations and explore methods for sustaining the acquired knowledge from the training.
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Background: Many first aid programs have been conducted in schools, and researchers have identified that interventions improved students' knowledge, skills, and attitude. This study examines the content, practices, and assessment of first aid interventions at primary schools and evaluates their effectiveness. Methods: A systematic review was undertaken. We searched MEDLINE and Cochrane library databases from January 1990 to December 2021 using the search terms: ''first aid'' AND ''primary school children''. School-based first aid training targeting 6 to 10 years old studies in English were eligible for inclusion. Results: We included 11 studies that were approached by experimental (n = 6) and by observational studies (n = 5). Researchers conducted interventions in Europe (n = 9) and America (n = 2). An essential part of the teaching was hands-on practice. Most studies included in their program cardiopulmonary resuscitation (n = 8) and basic life support (n = 7). The main findings showed that trained children have significantly better knowledge of and skills in first aid than those before or without training. Children under 11 years old were not strong enough to achieve the proper depth of chest compressions. Depth of chest compressions correlates with children's age, weight, height (n = 2), and body mass index (n = 3). Conclusions The effectiveness of resuscitative or non-resuscitative first-aid training for primary school children improved students' knowledge and skills. Subsequent research could investigate children's reactions in actual first aid conditions.
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First aid is a fundamental skill for every human of every age, so training in first aid is necessary at a variety of levels. First aid training in schools is essential, but to date, only short reports have been published on the effectiveness of first aid training in kindergarten. We conducted a pilot randomized controlled study on the impact of first aid training on children in kindergarten. We randomly selected 24 children aged 4–5 years from one kindergarten, who were allocated to either a training group (14 children) or a control group (10 children). The training program consisted of three lessons. An eleven-question questionnaire was administered to the children in the training group one day before, one day after, and two and six months after the training, and once to the those in the control group. Before the training, no significant difference was detected in the score on the questionnaire between the two groups. After the lessons, the children in the training group scored significantly higher on the questionnaire than before the lessons, and than the children in the control group. At two and six months after the training, the scores of the children in the training group had decreased but remained higher than before the training and higher that those of the control group. These preliminary results indicate that kindergarten children may benefit from first aid training, but further studies are needed to verify these observations and to explore ways of maintaining the knowledge acquired in training.
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Part of effective Early Childhood Education and Care is to support children’s awareness of hazards and management of possible injuries during risky play. This study evaluated the attitudes of Norwegian kindergarten teachers towards ‘Henry first aid training’ and its impact on 3-6-year olds’ understanding of first aid. 588 kindergarten employees completed an online survey and 50 children (26 boys and 24 girls) participated in semi-structured interviews gauging their knowledge of first aid before and after using Henry. These children’s knowledge of first aid was compared to 46 children who had used Henry over a longer period. Survey results indicated strong enthusiasm among kindergarten teachers for the use of Henry. Children’s understanding of first aid increased from pre- to post- interviews, t (43) = 8.878, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.32. Findings are discussed in relation to the international scalability of Henry and the need for training kindergarten teachers and children in first aid.
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Background Child injury is a global public health problem. Children spend 25–50% of their daytime in school and risks of school accidents are high. The purpose of this study is to perform a comprehensive analysis of game-related injuries. Methods A nationwide dataset of 36,002 school injury events that occurred in Israel between 2013 and 2019 and were served by the National EMS, was used. The relations between different variables were demonstrated using multidimensional frequency tables. Z-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA tests, and J48 classification trees were used to analyze the data. Results The prevailing injury cause (36.8%) was “game”, 44.8% of which occur during breaks, and the most frequently injured body regions were head, hand, and leg/foot (47.2%, 26.7%, and 19.7%, respectively). Age was negatively correlated with head injuries and positively correlated with limb injuries. 33% of all injuries occur in the playground and 20.1% occur in the sports field. About 33.3% of game-related injuries in elementary schools occur during the 10:00 a.m. break and an additional 24.7% during the 12:00 p.m. lunch break. Conclusion Games are the prevailing cause of school injuries in Israel. Gender and age differences, and seasonal and circadian trends were observed. Understanding the patterns and the trends of school injuries can enable the development of effective prevention policies on the national, municipal, and local levels, focusing the efforts on the key factors affecting injury incidence. Efficient use of resources is necessary, taking into account resource and budget constraints. Efforts can include education of teachers and pupils in relation to school accidents, promoting a safer physical environment, safety education, staff development and family and community involvement, and coordinative training with a focus on proprioception.
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Objective This review considers initiatives in various countries to include mandatory first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in schools, key educational considerations and the supporting empirical evidence, in particular the relevance of first aid and CPR training to broader educational goals of student capability, resilience and self-efficacy. Method Policy documents and reports from international first aid service providers (e.g. British Red Cross) were identified from websites while a parallel search of key bibliographical databases provided relevant papers on teaching first aid and CPR to school children in a range of countries. Results Systematic reviews all show evidence to support the provision of first aid and CPR training courses and programmes in schools, with interventions effective in improving first aid knowledge and skills both post-training and in some studies up to 12 months afterwards. Important factors include ensuring the content is relevant and practical for the target group and offering an opportunity for young people to explore and discuss helping behaviour in emergency situations. Conclusion Age-appropriate first aid and CPR instruction should be integrated into the school curriculum beginning in the primary years and developed/refreshed annually. Topics covered should include calling for help, bleeding, choking, burns, unconsciousness and resuscitation – all within the broader context of being confident and willing to help others. With the right training and support, schoolteachers can effectively deliver first aid instruction to their students. Future research should concentrate on gaps in evidence-based practice, especially measurements to demonstrate the effectiveness of first aid training, in order to advance the case for mandatory first aid education in schools.
Sudden cardiac death is one of the most common causes of preventable death in the industrialized world. In countries with organized emergency health services, it is possible to increase the rate of resuscitation performed by the public and save more lives. Increasing the rate of correct intervention by those witnessing sudden cardiac death requires an increase in the number of adults with training in CPR in society. Resuscitation training should begin in the school years to reach the whole of society within time. As school children with training in CPR increase, the proportion of individuals in society with training and the desire to help others increases, which causes a general increase in resuscitation rates. To teach children “Basic Life Support” the training models should be applied in theory, with training kits, and accompanied by educators, with a variety of figures based on video or computer based training. One of the most important steps in increasing the resuscitation rates performed by the public globally and enhancing survival is through training school children.