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Abstract and Figures

Ants are an important bioindicative group that plays a significant role in agroecosystems. As a result of interspecific competition for food, they can displace native species. The aim of the research was to assess the influence of environmental variables (soil pH, soil moisture, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen) and the influence of seasons on the dispersion of ants. Between 2018 and 2020, while investigating different types of crops, we recorded 864 individuals belonging to 9 species and 2 unspecified species (sp.). The dispersion of ants was affected by moisture, soil pH, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. In addition, an increase in value of the average number of individuals during spring and summer months was confirmed. We confirmed an increasing number of ant individuals with increasing values of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and soil moisture. A neutral pH of soil is optimal for ants. Our results yielded new information indicating that agricultural intensification negatively affects ants which are important for the production of biomass and reduces the number of pests which also affect crop yields.
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J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 25(1): 79-90, 2023 Research Article
Doi: 10.51963/jers.v25i1.2183 Online ISSN:2651-3579
Langraf, V., Purkart, A., Petrovičová, K., & Schlarmannová, J. (2023). The community structure of ants in
Hordeum vulgare and grass mixture conditions in the southwestern part of Slovakia. Journal of the
Entomological Research Society, 25(1), 79-90.
Received: January 19, 2022 Accepted: February 19, 2023
The Community Structure of Ants in Hordeum Vulgare and Grass
Mixture Conditions in the Southwestern Part of Slovakia
Vladimír LANGRAF1* Adrián PURKART2 Kornélia PETROVIČOVÁ3
1 Department of Zoology and Anthropology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the
Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 1, Nitra, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
2 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Ilkovičova 6,
842 15 Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
3 Institute of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Slovak, University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94901 Nitra, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
e-mails: 1*, 2pu rkart .adri an@gmail .com, 1**
ORCID IDs:1*0000-0002-3839-3036, 20000-0002-8471-5083
30000-0002-1581-2517, 1**0000-0003-0730-6056
1*Corresponding Authors
Ants are an important bioindicative group that plays a signicant role in agroecosystems. As a result of
interspecic competition for food, they can displace native species. The aim of the research was to assess
the inuence of environmental variables (soil pH, soil moisture, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen) and
the inuence of seasons on the dispersion of ants. Between 2018 and 2020, while investigating di󰀨erent
types of crops, we recorded 864 individuals belonging to 9 species and 2 unspecied species (sp.). The
dispersion of ants was a󰀨ected by moisture, soil pH, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. In addition, an
increase in value of the average number of individuals during spring and summer months was conrmed.
We conrmed an increasing number of ant individuals with increasing values of potassium, phosphorus,
nitrogen and soil moisture. A neutral pH of soil is optimal for ants. Our results yielded new information
indicating that agricultural intensication negatively a󰀨ects ants which are important for the production of
biomass and reduces the number of pests which also a󰀨ect crop yields.
Keywords: ants, abundance, agrosystems, diversity, eld margins.
In a world with a rapidly expanding population of people, there is a growing demand
for food and a simultaneous need for higher environmental sustainability. The area
available for agricultural production is limited, and methods which do not compromise
yields are needed. Insects are one of the largest groups of animals which play a vital
part in the conservation of ecosystems, improve the health of an ecosystem, and
are the critical component in the food web in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
(Courtney, 1994; Brygadyrenko, 2015; Faly, Kolombar, Prokopenko, Pakhomov, &
Brygadyrenko, 2017; Avtaeva, Sukhodolskaya, & Brygadyrenko, 2021). Ants are one of
the most ecologically dominant groups of insects in terrestrial habitats. Their ecological
success can be attributed to the variety and e󰀩ciency of their foraging habits, eusocial
mode of life, local abundance and the ability to adjust their activity to environmental
changes (Ronque, Fourcassié, & Oliveira, 2018). They are a social insect group that
carry out various roles such as predator, prey, detritivore and herbivore (Diamé, Rey,
Vayssières, Grechi, Chailleux, & Diarra 2018). They vary signicantly, there are almost
14,000 species found widely distributed across the earth (Bolton, 2021). They are
cosmopolitan and exist across several di󰀨erent ecosystems, including forests, damp
places, water sources and drylands. Given this presence, it is no wonder that ant
diversity is used as a bioindicator to determine ecosystem and environmental changes
(Gibb, et al, 2020; Oberprieler & Andersen, 2020).
nts contribute to various ecosystem services including soil dynamics and nutrient
cycling, they directly a󰀨ect species composition in animal and plant communities
(Toro, Ribbons, & Pelini, 2012), they represent an important component of agricultural
ecosystems (O󰀨enberg, 2015) and especially semi-natural habitats within agricultural
landscapes (Marshall & Moonen, 2002). They are skilful tillers of soil, dispensers
of seeds and microbial propagules, transmitters of N2-xing bacteria, ecosystem
engineers, fungi growers, waste managers, biotechnologists, pest controllers, soldiers
and reproducers (Benckiser, 2007). Their densities and compositions in agricultural
sites depend on human activities and are predictable in a typical agricultural land-use
mosaic such as arable, fallow, grassland elds and forest sites (Dauber, 2001; Braschler,
2005; Purkart, Kollár, & Go󰀨ová, 2019). Therefore, many ant species hold desirable
characteristics unshared by most other benecials. They comprise at least one-third of
all insect biomass (Hölldobler & Wilson, 2009). With such abundance, any interaction
derived from this taxon holds a high potential. Most ant species are polyphagous,
cooperative often with polymorphic worker forces, enabling them to deploy a wide range
of prey types. They may exert pressure on several pest species and their life stages.
Their territorial behaviour makes them attack and deter pests that are far beyond the
size of potential prey (Manak, Nordenhem, Bjorklund, Lenoir, & Nordlander, 2013).
Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina and O. longinoda) control more than 50 di󰀨erent
pests in 12 di󰀨erent crops. They are able to increase farmers’ net income by more than
70% when substituting conventional pesticide regimes (Peng, Christian, & Gibb, 2004;
Peng & Christian, 2005). Ants’ predation makes them prospects for future integrated
pest management strategies in agriculture
(O󰀨enberg, 2014).
The Community Structure of Ants in Hordeum Vulgare
The objective of this study was to analyse the community structure of ants in the
conditions of Hordeum vulgare and Grass mixture. In the work, we also analysed the
e󰀨ects of environmental variables (soil humidity, soil pH, potassium, phosphorus and
nitrogen), which might inuence their abundance and population structure. The results
of our work might inuence for the correct setting of crop management, so that there
is no disturbance to the population of ants due to their importance in agroecosystems,
where they are part of the biomass and also participate in the reduction of crop pests.
The research took place in the year 2018 to 2020 and we collected ants in two types
of agricultural crops. In the winter crop of Hordeum vulgare, ants were collected from
November to July. In the Grass mixture, ants were collected year-round. These types
of agricultural crops were examined throughout each year, the position of crops in the
elds changed every year (Klimánek, 2008). Crops were grown in a conventional way.
The soil was ploughed three times and turned. Pre-sowing preparation and sowing
were combined. Machines with driven working tools were used in conjunction with a
seed drill. When sowing, it was possible to use seed coulters with an obtuse angle
of penetration into the soil.
Study area
The study area of agricultural crops is located in the geomorphological unit of the
Podunajská pahorkatina - the Danubian upland (the south-western part of Slovakia)
in the cadastral territory of Nitra Fig. 1. The altitude of the monitored area was
approximately 130m above sea level with a brown type of soil. The study area belongs
to a warm arid climate area with mild winters (Table 1).
Figure 1. Map of the study area.
Table 1. Average values of temperature and rainfall.
Month Average temperature (°C) Average rainfall (mm)
January −5–5 30
February −3–6 26
March 0–12 35
April 10–20 12
May 15–22 65
June 18–27 77
July 22–29 41
August 20–29 57
September 15–23 64
October 8–15 54
November −3–7 40
December −5–5 55
Collection of samples and application of sprays
We used ve pitfall traps for each site, which were placed in a line at a distance
of 10 metres. A 4% formaldehyde solution to x the material was used. Pitfall traps
were always in the elds and were collected at two-week intervals. The nomenclature
and determination of ants was established according to the work of Seifert (2018).
The insecticide FORCE (Syngenta, Basel, Switzerland), a granular insecticide
in-tended for soil application to control soil pests, was applied to the crops. Insects
were killed through respiratory and tactile poison ingestion. The preparation had a
fast e󰀨ect and a strong residual (repellent) action against a wide range of soil pests
from the orders of Coleoptera, Aranea and Hymenoptera. The applied dose was
administered uniformly at a concentration of 12–15 kg per ha each year for the duration
of the research. Solinure FX fertiliser (Medilco Hellas S.A., Athens, Greece) containing
chlorides and urea, was applied to the crops and was intended for eld fertility. Due
to its acidifying e󰀨ect, it contributed to lowering the soil pH.
Measurement of environmental variables
At each pitfall trap location we removed stones and fallen leaves from crops and
sampled the soil to a depth of 15 cm for analysis. Five samples (one from each of
ve sites) were taken from each eld every two weeks over the three years of the
study period. Subsequently, environmental variables (N, P, K, pH, moisture) were
analysed using a soil moisture meter (Rapitest 3 1835, Luster Leaf, Illinois, IL, USA)
and a pH meter (Dexxer PH-03, Luboň, Poland). We thoroughly wetted the broken
up soil with water (ideally distilled or deionised water) to a muddy consistency. We
wiped the meter probe clean with a tissue or paper towel and inserted it into the soil
up to the probe base (7-10 cm). We waited one minute and wrote down the value.
We converted the measured values into units of mg.
Database quality
The data obtained by research has been saved in the Microsoft SQL Server 2017
database program (Express Edition), consisting of frequency tables for collections
and measured environmental variables, (pH, soil moisture, potassium, phosphorus
The Community Structure of Ants in Hordeum Vulgare
and nitrogen). The database also consisted of code tables for study sites and their
variables (crops, habitat, locality name, cadastral area, altitude and coordinates of
localities). Matrices for statistical calculations using the Microsoft SQL Server 2017
were programmed.
Statistical analyses
The multivariate analysis (redundancy analysis - RDA) to determine the
dependencies between objects (ants, agricultural crops and soil characteristics) was
used. We tested the statistical signicance of pH, soil moisture, potassium, phosphorus
and nitrogen with the Monte Carlo permutation test in the CANOCO5 program (Ter
Braak & Šmilauer, 2012).
Analysis in the statistical program Statistica Cz. (StatSoft Inc., 2004) focused on
polynomial regression, expressing the relationship between the number of ants and
the values of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, pH and soil moisture. The Shapiro-Wilk
W-test determined the normality of data distribution. Based on the violation of the
normality data distribution (p-value = 0.00), we used the nonparametric Friedman test
(ANOVA). It was used to test the di󰀨erences in the number of individuals between
the months.
Over a period of three years of research, we found a total of 864 individuals
belonging to 9 species and 2 unspecied species (sp.) in the studied area. Species
of Lasius niger (83.80%) and Tetramorium caespitum (11.11%) had a eudominant
representation of individuals, other species had subdominant to subrecendent
representation (Table 2).
Table 2. Distribution of the ants in the agricultural crops during the years 2018 - 2020.
Species Grass mixture Hordeum vulgare ∑ ind.
Formica cunicularia Latreille, 1798 411 15
Formica rubarbis Fabricius, 1793 0 2 2
Formica sp. 0 1 1
Lasius alienus Förster, 1850 0 1 1
Lasius niger (Linné, 1758) 305 419 724
Lasius sp. 3 3 6
Lasius umbratus (Nylander, 1846) 2 11 13
Myrmica sabuleti Meinert, 1861 0 4 4
Polyergus rufescens (Latreille, 1798) 1 0 1
Solenopsis fugax Latreille, 1798 1 0 1
Tetramorium caespitum Santschi, 1927 1 95 96
∑ individuals 317 547 864
Multivariate analysis of the ants between the years 2018 and 2020 was determined
using the redundancy analysis (RDA, SD = 1.40 on the rst ordination axis). We
observed the relationship between ants and environmental variables (pH of the soil, soil
moisture, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen). The values of the explained variability
of taxonomic data were 50.9% on the rst ordination axis and 54.8% on the second
ordination axis. The cumulative variability of the species set explained by environment
variables was represented in the rst ordination axis 88.9% and in the 2nd axis 95.7%.
Using the Monte Carlo permutation test, we identied a statistically signicant e󰀨ect of
soil moisture (p = 0.0088, F(1.0276) = 2.0021, df = 5), soil pH (p = 0.0508, F(1.1183)
= 1.9297,df = 5), phosphorus (p = 0.0466, F(1.1952) = 2.0805, df = 5), potassium (p =
0.0328, F(1.7145) = 1.9620, df = 5) and nitrogen (p = 0.0490, F(1.7006) = 2.1005, df =
5) on the structure of arthropods. The selected variables were not mutually correlated
with the maximum value of the ination factor = 4.3243. The ordination graph (triplot)
contained ants ordered into one cluster (Fig. 2). The rst cluster (I) consisted of ants
correlated with phosphorus (mg) and moisture. The Formica rubarbis species has
links to potassium (mg) and soil pH. Polyergus rufescens correlated with nitrogen
(mg). Solenopsis fugax was not a󰀨ected by environmental variables.
Figure 2. RDA analysis of ants with environmental variables.
The normality data distribution (number of individuals) was violated (p-value =
0.00). Based on that, a nonparametric Friedman test (ANOVA) was used to conrm
the statistically signicant di󰀨erence (p-value = 0.04670, F (2.27) = 2.83040, df = 3)
(Fig. 3) of individuals between months and crops of the Hordeum vulgare and Grass
mixture. The results showed an increase in the average value of individuals in June
- August in the crops Hordeum vulgare. Under Grass mixture conditions, the number
of individuals increased from March to June and decreased in the following months.
The number of individual ants was processed using polynomial regression.
Using the regression model, we expressed the relationship (correlation) between
the number of individuals of ants and potassium (mg), phosphorus (mg), nitrogen
(mg), pH and humidity (%). The correlation coe󰀩cient value was high for the number
of individuals and pH (r = 0.8140) (Fig. 4, A), potassium (r = 0.9012) (Fig. 4, B),
phosphorus (r = 0.8905) (Fig. 4, C), nitrogen (r = 0.7981) (Fig. 4, D) and moisture (r
= 0.881) (Fig. 4, E), which indicated a strong relationship. The reliability coe󰀩cient
for the pH r2 = 0.6899 indicated the capture of 68% variability, potassium r2 = 0.6908
(69% variability), phosphorus r2 = 0.7504 (75% variability), nitrogen r2 = 0.7145
(71% variability) and moisture r2 = 0.7384 (73% variability). The overall suitability of
the regression model is statistically signicant in all cases: pH (p-value = 0.0015),
The Community Structure of Ants in Hordeum Vulgare
potassium (p-value = 0.0428), phosphorus (p-value = 0.0298), nitrogen (p-value =
0.0248) and moisture (p-value = 0.0118). The results showed that increasing values
of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and soil humidity also increased the number of
ant individuals. The ideal value for ants was 16 - 22 mg/kg potassium, 1.3 - 1.8 mg/
kg phosphorus, 16 - 22 mg/kg nitrogen, 7 pH and 14 – 22 % for moisture.
Figure 3. Friedman test (ANOVA) di󰀨erence in the number of individuals between month and crops.
Figure 4. Polynomial regression model potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, pH and moisture on the number
of individuals of the ants.
Ants living in agricultural landscapes have a wider tolerance than ants from natural
habitats. They can achieve high local density due to the inuence of agriculture and eld
margins support the most diverse community of ants (Bote & Romero, 2012; Oliveira et
al, 2012; Magura, Ferrante, & Lövei 2020). We recorded that the ant community was
dominated by species Lasius niger and Tetramorium caespitum. The great abundance
of ants a󰀨ects the maintenance of the natural balance and substance cycle of the
biogenic elements in ecosystems such as carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus.
The dominance of Hymenoptera (Formicidae) and Coleoptera has been indicated as
a general trait of ground-dwelling assemblages (Miranda, Piñero, & Megías, 2007;
Lenoir & Lennartsson, 2010; Pardee & Philpott, 2011). Their activities accelerated
the decomposition of plant residues, aerated the soil and improved soil structure
and quality (Holecová, Lukáš, & Harakaľová, 2003; Dieng, Ndiaye, & Taylor, 2016).
The dominant representation of the ants (Formicidae) and Coleoptera taxon among
epigeic arthropods in the conditions of integrated farming and ecological farming was
also recorded by Porhajašová Noskovič, Rakovská, Babošová, & Čeryová (2015);
Porhajašová, Babošová, Noskovič, & Ondrišík (2018).
Exploiting biodiversity on ecosystem service provision is a goal of contemporary
agriculture, although relationships between diversity and ecosystem services remain
largely unexplored for innovative practices (Kalivoda, Petrovič,& Kürthy, 2010; Finney
& Kaye, 2016; Gri󰀩ths et al, 2000; Špulerová, Petrovič, Mederly, Mojses, & Izakovičová
2018; Dobrovodska, Kanka, & David, 2019). Ants play an irreplaceable role in the
decomposition of organic matter, in the cycle of biogenic elements of carbon, nitrogen,
sulphur, phosphorus, in transformation and degradation of waste and toxic substances,
and their presence is irreplaceable (Fazekašová & Bobuľovská, 2012). Using the
multivariate model, we demonstrated the inuence of environmental variables (pH
of the soil, soil moisture, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen) on the abundance of
ants. Thus, our results agreed with the results of (Attwood, Maron, House, & Zammit
(2008)), who observed a change of abundance of ants with increasing land use.
Biodiversity loss as a consequence of agricultural intensication can lead to reductions
in agroecosystem functions and services. Increasing crop diversity through rotation
may alleviate these negative consequences by restoring positive interactions. The
impact of ants is an important component of the strategy leading to the sustainability
of the soil ecosystem. The diversity of ants, including its abundance in soil, depends
on the abiotic and biotic factors that are typical of the biotope (Zak, Holmes, White,
Peacock, & Tilman, 2003; Tiemann, Grandy, Atkinson, Spiotta, & McDaniel, 2015).
Arthropod abundance from month to month is usually interpreted as being related
to uctuations in climatic factors (such as temperature, precipitation and day length)
(Lionello, Rizzoli, & Boscolo, 2006). The number of ants in March and June was
higher from the number of ants captured in July and September in Grass mixture
conditions. In the Hordeum vulgare crop we have seen a steady increase. Simão,
Carretero, Amaral, Soares, & Mateos (2015) also conrmed di󰀨erences in the
number of ants a󰀨ected by di󰀨erent weather during the seasons. Andrew, Roberts,
Hill (2012) have suggested that precipitation is more inuential on ant diversity at
high temperatures than at low temperatures. Greenberg & McGrane (1996); Majeed,
Rana, Azevedo, Elmo, & Nargis (2020) conrmed a seasonal trend for the abundance
of arthropod groups. It is established that environmental variables and the inuence
of biogeographic factors account for uctuations in species abundance. Climatic
The Community Structure of Ants in Hordeum Vulgare
conditions during the months impact the biodiversity of ant species (Garcia, Cabeza,
Rahbek, & Araújo, 2014; Williams & Newbold, 2020). In our study, we conrmed
with the help of regression models a strong relationship between the environmental
variables potassium (mg), phosphorus (mg), nitrogen (mg), pH, humidity (%) and
the abundance of ants. For agricultural management, understanding how species’
behaviour varies with environmental variables is imperative in ensuring food security
in the future. In addition, ants’ predation makes them prospects for future integrated
pest management strategies in agriculture (O󰀨enberg, 2014). Ants mineralize nutrients,
form soil aggregates, and disperse seeds, are signicant and necessary for decorous
ecosystem functioning and sustainability (Del Toro, Ribbons, & Pelini, 2012; Pfei󰀨er,
Mezger, & Dyckmans 2013).
Our results have provided new knowledge about the preference of ants in the
conditions of Hordeum vulgare and Grass mixture in central Europe. The dispersion
of ants was inuenced by soil moisture, soil pH, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
We conrmed an increase in the average number of individuals during spring and
summer months. The ants had a strong correlation with soil moisture (%), soil pH,
phosphorus (mg/kg), potassium (mg/kg) and nitrogen (mg/kg). With increasing
values of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and moisture, the number of individuals
also increased. We conrmed that the optimal soil pH value was neutral. A practical,
workable approach should be used to preserve the current ant population, achieve
sustainable levels of biodiversity, key species to develop conservation and agricultural
management strategies. This is of particular importance to those who may face
pressure from pest species threatening crop yields. This study can be helpful in the
planning of conservation programs as well as provide information to farmers to initiate
integrated pest management strategies.
This research was supported by the grants VEGA 2/0022/23 and KEGA No.
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At present, climate change significantly affects living organisms on the planet, leading to transformations in their nich-es, ranges and abundance. The aim of our work was to forecast the range of the representative of the large family Carabi-dae, famous for its indicative characters, richness and importance in soil communities. We used 19 bioclimatic variables of Bioclim according to our own data and the data of GBIF with the help of the MaxEnt program. We used 550 coordinates of ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger, 1798) records. We distinguished the potential range the species studied and drew prognostic maps of the species' distribution related to climate change according to four scenarios. Mean annual temperatures and the mean temperature in the warmest and the coldest quarters of the year were the major factors affecting spatial distribution of P. melanarius. Visualization of potential range according to RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0 scenarios predicted range reduction by 2050 but its recovery by 2070. According to RCP 8.5 scenario, the range of the species studied will be significantly transformed: by 2070 the range will shift towards the northwest in the continental European states but to the northeast-in the coastal states. By 2070 almost all southern territories of Europe will become unsuitable for P. melanarius survival. The most visible changes will be the shift in range to the north in the eastern part of the European plain. The comfort conditions for P. melanarius decrease in mountain regions including the Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus and Urals. By 2070, the cenotic optimum significantly decreases on the Balkan Peninsula. Thus, a sharp reduction in Southern European and Mediterranean populations is predicted.
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The diversity and distribution of arthropods associated with seasons and environmental variables in two different wetlands sites was estimated and study was performed on monthly basis for a whole year. The arthropods were collected by sweep net, direct hand picking, forceps. For each sampling day in each month, 20 sweeps were randomly taken in each block. The insects at rest or on shrubs were manually collected. Overall, 5867 individuals were recorded pertaining to 152 species. Among the arthropods collected from two fields, number of the order Diptera was most diverse followed by those of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Araneae and Neuroptera. The number of arthropod species differed between localities and between the studied seasons. The arthropod composition varied significantly according to the sampled sites and according to the seasons studied. Temperature was positively correlated to diversity while humidity was negatively correlated to diversity and abundance. Results might be beneficial in developing the strategy for natural biological control. This can only be achieved by coordinated planning and conservation measures among sites.
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Aim Urbanization profoundly changes environments, ecosystems and biodiversity. The urban heat island (UHI) effect represents one of the most consistent human‐induced environmental change in urbanized areas. Recently, it was observed that the UHI causes community‐wide shifts towards species with smaller body sizes in urban communities of ectotherms due to increased metabolic costs. We here assembled a large dataset of published data of geographically distant carabid communities collected along urbanization gradients to examine whether we could confirm this consistent change in body size distribution. Location Rural and urban forests at 11 northern temperate locations, spanning 25 latitudinal degrees. Time period 2002–2018. Major taxa studied Species of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Methods We evaluated size distribution changes using community‐weighted mean body sizes of ground beetles collected from similarly vegetated rural and urban habitats between 2002 and 2018. We separately examined the UHI effect on the various sub‐assemblages of the carabid community. Results When analysing the entire dataset, we could not detect any clear trend in the community body size mean, with urban communities showing similar values to those sampled in rural areas. However, the sub‐assemblage of forest habitat specialists consistently displayed a significant shift towards smaller species from rural to urban habitats. The inconsistent trend at the community level was likely due to the influx into urban habitat fragments of non‐specialist species. The UHI effect also had a significant influence but only on the forest specialist sub‐assemblage. Main conclusions Our results indicated that forest‐specialist species were most affected by the UHI as a powerful urbanization‐related environmental filter, whereas this effect was not evident for the overall community. Urban management practices should aim to minimize the intensity of urbanization‐related environmental filters such as the UHI, to enable habitat specialists to survive in habitat fragments under urbanized conditions.
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Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are a significant component of terrestrial ecosystems. During the years 2017 and 2018, we studied ant assemblages of the sand hills in Radvaň nad Dunajom and Čenkovská step sand steppe in Mužla. Both localities were recently restorated and myrmecological survey was carried out. In this study, diversity of ants on a pastured sand hills and a non-pastured steppe was evaluated. Summary, 25 species were recorded, including rare species such as Anergates atratulus (Schenck, 1852), Cataglyphis aenescens (Nylander, 1849), Lasius citrinus (Emery, 1922) and Liometopum microcephalum (Panzer, 1798). Nature protection recommendations of selected species are discussed herein.
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Aim Climate and land‐use change, the greatest pressures on biodiversity, can directly influence each other. One key case is the impact land‐use change has on local climatic conditions: human‐altered areas are often warmer and drier than natural habitats. This can have multiple impacts on biodiversity and is a rapidly developing field of research. Here, we summarize the current state of understanding on the impact that local climatic changes have on biodiversity responses to land‐use change, in particular looking at whether human‐altered land uses favour species with certain climatic niches. Location Global. Methods We review studies that have identified links between species' climatic niches and the habitats/land‐use types they inhabit. We also critically discuss the methods used to explore this topic (such as the estimation of fundamental vs. realized climatic niches), identify key knowledge gaps by reference to related macroecological literature and make suggestions for further work. Results Assemblages of vertebrate and invertebrate species in numerous human‐dominated land uses have been found to have higher proportions of individuals affiliated with higher temperatures and lower precipitation levels than assemblages within natural habitats. However, uncertainty surrounds the mechanisms that underlie these observed differences between communities across land‐use types, and it remains unexplored as to whether these trends differ geographically or taxonomically. Main conclusion Shifts are being observed within human‐altered land uses to communities with, on average, warmer and drier climatic niches. A better understanding of the effects of local climatic changes associated with land‐use change will enhance our ability to predict future impacts on biodiversity, identify the species most at risk from interactions between climate and land‐use change and set up suitable management and conservation plans.
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In the past, historical rural Europe possessed a broad range of biological and cultural values due to landscape diversity and the use of low-impact agricultural practices. It's typical feature was the presence of varied semi-natural habitats. The massive socioeconomic changes of the 20th caused significant loss of these habitats. The term traditional agricultural landscape (TAL) denotes the surviving remnants of this landscape heritage. Despite its exceptional value, conservation practice for TAL is very poor. The concept of "biocul-tural diversity" provides linkages between cultural and biological diversity and opens up new possibilities for practical conservation of TAL. In our work we have tried to develop and apply this concept. The main goal was to design an approach for assessment of bio-cultural value at plot level and apply it to the three different traditional rural landscapes in Slovakia-Liptovská Teplička village, Hriňová town and Svätý Jur town, representing the most typical TAL in Slovakia. The approach was based on determination of a measurable link between ecological and cultural-historical significance. The concept of ecological significance, assessed by comparing the results of the monitoring and evaluation of taxonomic diversity and nature conservation value of vascular plant communities and selected ground-dwelling invertebrate groups (Araneae, Diplopoda, Orthoptera), was complemented by evaluation of cultural-historical significance, leading to the identification of biocultural values in TAL. These evaluations were performed on productive plots of arable lands, grasslands, vineyards, and orchards, and unproductive agrarian landforms (mostly field margins) such as terraced slopes, terraced steps, heaps, mounds and unconsolidated walls.
Insects are commonly used as bioindicators for assessing ecosystem restoration, but such assessments are potentially influenced by sampling intensity. Uncommon species are often late colonisers of sites undergoing restoration, so that sampling that is effective for only common species can under‐represent differences between rehabilitation and reference sites. We found that differences in observed ant species richness and composition between rehabilitation and reference sites at a northern Australian uranium mine increased markedly with increasing sampling intensity (through repeat sampling), reflecting differences in the numbers of uncommon species. Ensuring appropriately high sampling intensity is important in assessments of restoration success using insect bioindicators. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Biological responses to a disturbance can vary among taxa, which challenges the use of bioindicators for representing biodiversity responses more broadly. Linking ecological traits to disturbance response helps clarify what different bioindicator groups are actually indicating, providing a mechanistic basis for predicting the responses of other taxa. Dung beetles and ants are ecologically contrasting but widely used bioindicator taxa. Here we link variation in dung beetle assemblages to body size and dung-feeding behavior, and variation in ant communities to habitat preferences, foraging behaviour and competitive dynamics, to clarify what dung-beetles and ants are indicating in terms of biodiversity responses to pastoral land management in a Brazilian savanna landscape. Dung beetles and ants were sampled at 24 pastoral sites that varied in grass cover, tree density, pasture age, cattle density, and frequency of parasiticide use. Community metrics (abundance, richness, composition , functional group composition) of both dung beetles and ants varied markedly with pastoral land management, but this variation was not correlated, or only weakly, between taxa. For dung beetles, abundance, biomass and richness were all best predicted by frequency of parasiticide use, whereas species composition was best predicted by cattle density. Tree density was the most important variable for explaining ant abundance (both total and of several functional groups) and was also significantly related to ant species composition. Dung beetles and ants provided different indications of the impacts of pastoral management on biodiversity. However, by linking responses to ecological traits we were able to clarify what they were actually indicating. Leaf-cutter ants showed a similar response to dung beetles; collectively they are indicating an impact of parasiticide use on dung-feeders. The abundance of small-sized roller beetles was negatively related to grass cover; along with ants they are indicating the importance of vegetation structure. Such a linking of disturbance responses to ecological traits allows for more-robust predictions of likely responses of other faunal groups. We believe that such an approach provides a substantially improved foundation for the use of bioindicators in land management.