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Abstract and Figures

Assessing the impacts of natural disturbance on the functioning of complex forest systems are imperative in the context of global change. The unprecedented rate of contemporary species extirpations, coupled with widely held expectations that future disturbance intensity will increase with warming, highlights a need to better understand how natural processes structure habitat availability in forest ecosystems. Standardised typologies of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) have been developed to facilitate assessments of resource availability for multiple taxa. However, natural disturbance effects on TreM diversity have never been assessed. We amassed a comprehensive dataset of TreM occurrences and a concomitant 300-year disturbance history reconstruction that spanned large environmental gradients in temperate primary forests. We used nonlinear analyses to quantify relations between past disturbance parameters and contemporary patterns of TreM occurrence. Our results reveal that natural forest dynamics, characterised
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Natural Disturbances are Essential
Determinants of Tree-Related
Microhabitat Availability
in Temperate Forests
Veronika Zemlerova
Daniel Koza
* Martin Mikola
Marek Svitok,
Radek Bac
Marie Smyc
Arne Buechling,
Maxence Martin,
Laurent Larrieu,
Yoan Paillet,
Catalin-Constantin Roibu,
Ion Catalin Petritan,
ˇch C
Matej Ferenc
Michal Frankovic
Rhiannon Gloor,
´k Hofmeister,
Pavel Janda,
Ondrej Kameniar,
Linda Majdanova
Katka Markuljakova
Radim Matula,
Marek Mejstr
ˇej Vostarek,
and Miroslav Svoboda
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamy
´129, 165 21 Praha 6 Suchdol, Czech
Department of Biology and General Ecology, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in
Zvolen, Masaryka 24, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia;
´partement des Sciences Fondamentales, Universite
´du Que
´bec a
`Chicoutimi, 555
boul. de l’Universite
´, Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H2B1, Canada;
´de Toulouse, INRAE, UMR DYNAFOR, Castanet-Tolosan,
CNPF-CRPF Occitanie, Toulouse, France;
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INRAE, UR Lessem, 2 rue de la Papeterie, BP76, 38402
Saint-Martin-d’Heres, France;
Forest Biometrics Laboratory–Faculty of Forestry, ‘Stefan Cel Mare’, University of Suceava, Univer-
˘tii Street, No. 13, 720229 Suceava, Romania;
Department of Forest Engineering, Forest Management Planning and Terrestrial
Measurements, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering, Transilvania University of Bras¸ov, 500123 Bras¸ov, Romania
Assessing the impacts of natural disturbance on the
functioning of complex forest systems are impera-
tive in the context of global change. The unprece-
dented rate of contemporary species extirpations,
coupled with widely held expectations that future
disturbance intensity will increase with warming,
highlights a need to better understand how natural
processes structure habitat availability in forest
ecosystems. Standardised typologies of tree-related
microhabitats (TreMs) have been developed to
facilitate assessments of resource availability for
multiple taxa. However, natural disturbance effects
on TreM diversity have never been assessed. We
amassed a comprehensive dataset of TreM occur-
rences and a concomitant 300-year disturbance
history reconstruction that spanned large environ-
mental gradients in temperate primary forests. We
used nonlinear analyses to quantify relations be-
tween past disturbance parameters and contem-
porary patterns of TreM occurrence. Our results
reveal that natural forest dynamics, characterised
Received 16 August 2022; accepted 12 February 2023;
published online 27 March 2023
Supplementary Information: The online version contains supple-
mentary material available at
Author Contributions: VZ, DK, MMik, MSvi, RB and MSvo conceived
the ideas and designed study; VZ, DK, MMik, ICP, CCR, VC
ˇ, PJ, OK,
MFer, MFra, RG, LM, KM, RM, MMej, MR and OV contributed to and
organised data collection; MSvi, VZ and MSmy analysed the data; VZ,
MMik, DK, AB, MM, LL, RG, YP, JHof, LM and ICP led the writing of the
manuscript. All authors contributed critically to the study and gave final
approval for publication.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Ecosystems (2023) 26: 1260–1274
Ó2023 The Author(s)
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
by fluctuating disturbance intervals and variable
severity levels, maintained structurally complex
landscapes rich in TreMs. Different microhabitat
types developed over time in response to divergent
disturbance histories. The relative abundance of
alternate TreMs was maximised by unique inter-
actions between past disturbance severity and
elapsed time. Despite an unequal distribution of
individual TreMs, total microhabitat diversity was
maintained at constant levels, suggesting that spa-
tially heterogeneous disturbances maintained a
shifting mosaic of habitat types over the region as a
whole. Our findings underscore the fundamental
role of natural processes in promoting conditions
that maximise biodiversity potential. Strict conser-
vation and management systems that preserve
natural disturbance outcomes, including associated
biological legacies, may therefore safeguard biodi-
versity at large scales.
Key words: TreM; disturbance history; primary
forests; dendroecology; biodiversity; carpathians.
Natural disturbances generate TreMs, enhancing
habitat availability
TreM diversity did not change in time, alive vs.
dead trees show contrasting trends
Occurrence frequencies of TreM groups differ
with disturbance timings and severity
Disturbances in Forest Ecosystems
Forest ecosystems that harbour a high proportion
of global terrestrial biodiversity are strongly influ-
enced by natural disturbances, local site conditions,
and climate (WCSFD 1999; Gustafsson and others
2012). Over the last decades, our understanding of
the environmental and short-term effects of natu-
ral disturbances has greatly improved (Sousa 1984;
Swanson and others 2010; Thorn and others 2017).
However, the long-term impact of natural distur-
bance history of varying frequency and severity in
shaping habitat structures for forest biodiversity has
rarely been assessed (Mori 2011; Yeboah and Chen
2016). The frequency, size and severity of distur-
bances are expected to increase with climate
change (Seidl and others 2014). The intensification
and potential interaction of future disturbance
processes highlights an essential need to better
understand the impacts of long-term natural dis-
turbance dynamics on habitat availability for forest
TreMs, and Why to Study Their
Relationship with Disturbances
The biodiversity of several taxa cannot be easily
measured because taxonomic inventories are time
consuming and involve specialists; therefore, dif-
ferent indirect approaches and indicators have been
developed (Larsson and others 2001) such as ‘‘tree-
related microhabitats (TreMs) which are distinct,
well delineated structures occurring on living or
dead standing trees, that form a particular and
essential substrate or habitat for a great number of
species from various taxa’’ (Larrieu and others
2018). TreMs are gaining increasing attention in
forest management, conservation and research and
have been widely recognised as important biodi-
versity indicators in both protected and commercial
forests (Bu
¨tler and others 2004; Larrieu and others
2018). Although more evidence is needed to de-
scribe their relationships with species from many
taxonomic groups, in general, a positive correlation
between TreMs and local biodiversity has been
observed (Larrieu and others 2019; Asbeck and
others 2021b). TreMs are generally more abundant
and diverse in unmanaged than in managed forests
(Winter and Mo
¨ller 2008; Larrieu and others 2011;
Paillet and others 2017; Asbeck and others 2021a)
and the main drivers for the occurrence of TreMs at
the tree level are diameter (Paillet and others 2017;
´k and others 2018; Paillet and others 2019),
tree status (dead or alive) and tree species (Larrieu
and Cabanettes 2012; Koza
´k and others 2018;
Paillet and others 2019; Courbaud and others
2021). In primary forests, tree demography, diam-
eter distribution and mortality are driven by natu-
ral disturbance regimes; thus, they might have
profound effect on TreM density and diversity.
However, this relationship has not yet been well
documented (Martin and others 2021).
The Effect of Natural Disturbances
on TreMs
Natural disturbances play a key role in shaping the
structural heterogeneity of forest ecosystems and
habitat provisioning for biodiversity. Standing
deadwood and deadwood density formed by dis-
turbances are crucial for the presence of TreMs
(Donato and others 2012; Meigs and others 2017).
TreMs can be formed by a direct injury (bark loss)
Natural Disturbances are Essential Determinants 1261
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or injuries formed over longer time periods (decay
cavities), by both abiotic (fractures in the trunk,
fractures of branches, cracks caused by windstorms
or in rare cases by lightning strikes) and biotic
factors (insect galleries formed by bark–beetles)
(Larrieu and others 2018). These injuries can
immediately provide habitat opportunities for a
great number of species from various taxa (Larrieu
and others 2018;Bu
¨tler and others 2020). Other
TreM types, such as cavities, need more time for
development; rot-holes in particular require several
decades to several hundreds of years to form
¨tler and others 2020). The presence of dead
trees facilitates the occurrence of cavities as well as
bark shelters, bark pockets or fungi. Moreover,
disturbances also affect forest structure. The time
since disturbance and severity of disturbance are
good predictors of DBH (diameter at breast height)
distribution (Janda and others 2017; Rodrigo and
others 2022). Considering the positive correlation
of TreM abundance with DBH (Koza
´k and others
2018; Paillet and others 2019), we hypothesise that
disturbance dynamics affect TreM diversity, and
that occurrence frequencies of individual TreM
groups would respond differently to disturbance
characteristics, as the forest provides different
conditions (DBH and age distribution, proportion of
snags and deadwood) after a disturbance event.
TreMs in Primary Forests
Primary forests, defined as a forest without direct
human impacts (Sabatini and others 2018; Mikola
and others 2019), are of outstanding biological and
cultural value (Watson and others 2018). They
provide optimal conditions for many endangered
and rare species, and they enable us to gain crucial
insight into the complex interrelationships be-
tween biodiversity and the evolutionary pressures
of natural disturbances (Sabatini and others 2018).
Recent studies show that primary forests host a
greater total richness of TreMs and abundance of
some specific types than their managed counter-
parts (Winter and Mo
¨ller 2008; Paillet and others
2017; Asbeck and others 2021a). Higher richness of
TreMs in primary forests may be explained by the
higher occurrence of large and old living trees with
crown deadwood and snags, as these habitat trees
bear large amounts of TreMs and do not occur in
such high numbers in managed forests. Further,
primary forests typically consist of heterogeneous
conditions as they have high variation in DBH and
tree age, which are the result of natural distur-
bances (Stokland and others 2012). As such, pri-
mary forests remain the only places that enable us
to gain crucial insight into the complex interrela-
tions between TreMs and long-term natural dis-
turbance histories. In contrast, in managed forest,
the constant removal of trees or parts of trees that
show ‘‘defects,’’ such as exposed sap- and heart-
wood or crown deadwood created by natural dis-
turbances, provides a hindrance to disentangling
the long-term natural disturbance effects on TreMs
(Martin and Raymond 2019).
The study settings allowed us to assess a full
range of diverse disturbance histories on TreMs
occurrence. Using a unique dendroecological dis-
turbance history reconstruction (Schurman and
others 2018) from European temperate primary
spruce forests across the Carpathian Mts., we
examine the relative importance of natural histor-
ical disturbance regimes in shaping TreMs occur-
rence and diversity. For the Carpathian Norway
spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] forests, mixed-
severity disturbance regimes with high variability
of severities and frequencies have been identified
as the dominant driver of forest dynamics (Svoboda
and others 2014; Janda and others 2017; Trotsiuk
and others 2014; Schurman and others 2018). The
main disturbance agents in temperate Europe are
wind and bark–beetle (Ips typographus) outbreaks
(Temperli and others 2013;C
ˇada and others 2016;
Holeksa and others 2017). We addressed three
main research questions: (1) How does the distur-
bance severity and time since the most severe dis-
turbance on a plot level affect TreM diversity? (2)
In which development phase (early-seral, mid-
seral, late-seral) does TreM diversity reach its peak?
(3) Are there any differences in how disturbance
severity and time since the most severe disturbance
affect occurrence frequencies of individual TreM
Study Sites
Our study was conducted in primary temperate
forests in the Slovak and Romanian part of the
Carpathian Mountains, which are amongst the
countries with the highest extent of primary forests
in continental Europe (Sabatini and others 2018;
ˇand others 2019). These forests developed
under natural disturbance dynamics and have not
been affected by human management over the last
century at least, mainly due to montane topogra-
phy and remote location (Sabatini and others
2018). Primary forests of the Carpathian Moun-
tains are dominated by Norway spruce [Picea abies
(L.) Karst.]. Admixed tree species, such as fir (Abies
1262 Veronika Zemlerova
´and others
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alba Mill.), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.), pine (Pinus
cembra), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and birch (Betula
spp.) were present only on some plots. The climate
of the Carpathians is broadly classified as cool-hu-
mid, with mean precipitation of 1100 mm and mid-
altitude (1000 m a.s.l.) annual temperatures of
4.5°C over the past half a century (Spinoni and
others 2015).
We conducted our research in 13 forest stands in
Slovakia and 13 stands in Romania (Table 1; Fig-
ure 1). We collected data from 297 permanent
circular research plots with an area of 1000 m
(17.84 m radius from the plot centre). The plots
were established in selected polygons of primary
forests using a stratified random design (Svoboda
and others 2014). All the plots are part of a long-
term research network studying natural forest
dynamics in primary forests (Remote Primary For-
est 2021). Within each plot, positions of all living
and dead trees >60 mm in diameter at breast
height (DBH) were recorded using a laser range-
finder with compass and customised software Field-
Map (Field-Map; Monitoring and Mapping Solu-
tions, ´love
´u Prahy, Czech Republic).
TreM Survey
We visually inspected every standing dead or live
tree on a plot with DBH greater than 60 mm for
TreM presence based on typology by Larrieu and
others (2018) which consists of 15 groups (for
example, woodpecker breeding cavities) and 45
types (Table 2). In further analysis, we worked only
on a group level to have sufficient statistical power.
In total, we inspected 22,108 trees and quantified
TreM diversity and abundance for each plot.
Diversity was defined as TreM richness, that is, the
number of TreM groups occurring in a plot.
Abundance was recorded for every TreM group
individually and was defined as a number of trees
on a plot bearing a given TreM group.
Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Area
Country Location Stand n
Mean nof
trees per plot
TreMs Time since (years) Severity (% CA)
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Romania Fagaras 1 12 85.2 7.9 106.2 42 227 120.2 21 74 41.3
2 12 89.1 8.3 169.9 47 227 147.7 23 94 48.8
3 12 86.1 9.2 171.8 52 200 142.3 22 72 48.3
4 12 88.2 9.3 159.2 4 236 141.1 19 76 34.9
5 12 66.2 7.8 121.3 98 215 152.1 35 100 53.0
6 13 93.8 8.2 118.6 36 187 124.3 20 91 40.0
7 12 58.7 8.7 105.0 1 191 147.0 17 49 36.7
8 11 74.4 7.7 105.0 6 120 90.3 23 80 49.8
9 12 91.3 8.2 151.8 81 141 103.3 27 73 48.0
10 12 75.8 8.3 157.3 104 252 148.6 22 92 55.3
Giumalau 11 11 97.1 8.6 128.2 39 258 153.7 23 60 38.6
12 22 91.5 8.0 91.1 2 315 113.0 22 83 48.2
13 13 81.7 8.8 142.0 2 202 131.3 24 97 56.4
Slovakia High Ta-
14 5 89.2 8.8 133.0 3 170 69.6 17 97 62.6
15 9 60.9 9.0 113.8 3 84 13.2 29 98 68.4
16 8 74 10.0 178.8 3 196 66.4 24 100 58.1
17 7 83.1 7.6 101.3 3 151 83.4 19 96 36.9
18 7 65.4 9.1 173.3 7 194 111.6 23 85 42.4
19 14 60.2 7.6 93.6 2 217 101.1 21 98 40.1
20 10 96.5 8.8 109.2 8 139 67.8 31 62 49.4
Low Ta-
21 10 55.2 9.5 64.5 3 149 75.4 24 72 37.5
22 15 61.1 8.5 86.8 3 195 140.5 21 67 40.5
Great Fa-
23 25 43.9 8.6 55.8 3 269 123.9 18 92 41.0
24 5 34.6 9.8 69.0 1 147 59.2 32 93 66.2
25 6 35 9.7 74.3 3 198 91.2 17 93 42.3
Polana 26 5 81.6 10.4 229.0 99 154 127.8 32 95 58.2
CA: canopy area removed by disturbance as a percent of the total canopy area of the stand.
Natural Disturbances are Essential Determinants 1263
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Disturbance Characteristics
Disturbance history was reconstructed using
increment cores collected from the permanent
study plot network. The derived chronologies pro-
vided data for approximately the last 250 years.
The increment cores were collected from 25 trees
selected randomly from the non-suppressed living
trees with DBH at least 10 cm in each plot, 1 m
above the ground and processed for laboratory
analysis. The tree-ring widths were measured with
the LintabTM sliding-stage measuring device
(Rinntech, Heidelberg) with a resolution of
0.01 mm. Cores were visually cross-dated and
verified using COFECHA (Holmes 1983). The
reconstruction of disturbance events was based on
the assumption that disturbance processes affect
levels of neighbourhood competition and resource
supply, and hence, growth responses in extant
individuals (Svoboda and others 2014). Statistically
anomalous tree growth variation exceeding site-
specific thresholds and sustained over minimum
pre-defined temporal intervals was attributed to
disturbance-driven gap formation events (Frelich
2002; Trotsiuk and others 2014). Severity of the
disturbance event was then defined in terms of the
proportional area of tree canopy removed. An
estimate of the canopy area removed was calcu-
lated using regression methods and allometric
equations relating the aggregate present-day size of
tree responders (individuals with a disturbance
signal) to the original extent of the disturbance-
induced canopy gap (Lorimer and Frelich 1989).
For each plot we, identified the main disturbance as
the event with the maximum severity (proportion
of canopy area disturbed). Number of years since
Figure 1. aMap of the research area indicating the location of the study sites. Stands are represented by green triangles.b
Inset map shows a study region within Europe represented by a black bounding box.cExample arrangement of plots within
one stand. dExample arrangement of trees within one plot.
1264 Veronika Zemlerova
´and others
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the main disturbance was calculated by subtracting
the year of this event from the year of data col-
lection. For recently disturbed plots, where the
current canopy area disturbed was larger than
dendrochronologically detected maximum distur-
bance severities, the severity was expressed by
current canopy openness. Relative current canopy
openness was calculated as the difference between
mean canopy closure of the whole dataset and
current canopy closure of a given plot (Bac
ˇe and
others 2017). Time since these recent disturbances
was calculated based on the decay stage (Aakala
and others 2006) of the majority of standing dead
trees on a plot as an average estimated time since
death for individual stages as the year of the mea-
surement minus 1 year for trees with status 1 (re-
cently dead, there are small twigs with leaves),
3 years for trees with status 2 (recently dead, there
are small twigs without leaves) or 5 years for trees
with status 3 (small twigs not visible, but big
branches are present) (unpublished data, Bac
We defined disturbance events as ‘‘low severity’’
(characterised by events severity below 40%),
‘‘moderate severity’’ (between 40 and 60%) and
‘‘high severity’’ (affecting more than 60% of ca-
nopy trees) (Janda and others 2017). For detailed
disturbance characteristic descriptions and calcula-
tions, we refer readers to Appendix 1 and C
ˇada and
others (2020).
Data Analysis
Generalised additive mixed models (GAMMs,
Wood 2017) were used to test the effect of time
since maximum disturbance and severity on the
TreM profile (TreM diversity and TreM occurrence
frequencies of individual TreM groups) in the forest
plots. We treated stand identity as a random effect
in the models to account for the hierarchical design
of the study (that is, plots nested within stands).
The TreM diversity (number of TreM groups
occurring on a plot for total, alive and dead trees)
was used as a response variable in GAMM with
gaussian error distribution and logarithmic link
function. The occurrence of individual TreM groups
was modelled as binomial frequencies (proportion
of trees bearing a given group out of all trees
sampled in a plot) with a logit link function. Thin
plate regression splines were used as base smooth-
ers in the GAMMs (Wood 2003). We examined
diagnostic plots of residuals to check the perfor-
mance of the models. Because the dispersion
parameters of some binomial GAMMs deviated
from one, the standard errors of these models were
estimated by a quasi-likelihood procedure. The
analysis was performed in R v. 3.6.1 (R Core Team
2019) using the libraries DHARMa (Hartig 2022)
and mgcv (Wood 2017).
Table 2. TreM Typology Used in This Study Based on Larrieu and Others (2018)
TreM group Type
Woodpecker breeding cavities Small, medium, large woodpecker breeding cavities and woodpecker flute
Rot-holes Trunk base rot-hole, trunk rot-hole, semi-open trunk rot-hole, chimney trunk base
rot-hole, chimney trunk rot-hole and hollow branch
Insect galleries Insect galleries and bore holes
Concavities Dendrotelm, woodpecker foraging excavation, trunk bark-lined concavity and root-
Exposed sapwood only Bark loss, fire scars, bark shelter and bark pockets
Exposed sapwood and heartwood Stem breakage, limb breakage, crack, lightning scar and fork split at insertion
Remaining broken limb Remaining broken limb
Twig tangles Witch broom, epicormic shoots
Burrs and cankers Burr, canker
Perennial fungal fruiting bodies Perennial polypore
Ephemeral fungal fruiting bodies
and slime moulds
Annual polypore, pulpy agaric, large pyrenomycetes and myxomycetes
Epiphytic and parasitic crypto- and
Bryophytes, lichens, ivy and lianas, ferns, mistletoe
Nests Vertebrate and invertebrate nest
Microsoils Bark and crown microsoil
Exudates Sap run and heavy resinosis
Natural Disturbances are Essential Determinants 1265
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TreM Diversity
The diversity of TreM groups was significantly
influenced by time since the maximum disturbance
for both live and standing dead trees. Alive trees
showed contrasting trend compared to dead trees.
Whilst total TreM occurrence on living trees had a
U-shaped response to time since disturbance, being
highest early after a disturbance and then in late-
seral development phases, TreMs diversity on
standing dead trees increased after a disturbance
event and subsequently fluctuated in the mid
development phases. The total number of TreM
groups did not significantly change through (Ta-
ble 3; Figure 2). Recently disturbed plots showed
diversity comparable to those disturbed later than
150 years ago. We found a significant relationship
with disturbance severity and number of TreM
groups for live trees; diversity increased marginally
with severity. For total and dead trees, the rela-
tionship with severity was not significant (Table 3;
Figure 2).
Occurrence Frequencies of Individual
TreM Groups
Amongst the 15 investigated TreM groups, the
probability of the occurrence of ten groups was
significantly influenced by time since maximum
severity disturbance and/or severity of that event
(Table 3). The highest occurrence frequencies were
more or less evenly distributed in the disturbance
space (Figure 3). Only insect galleries and exposed
sapwood followed a similar pattern with severity,
reaching the highest occurrence frequencies in
strongly disturbed forest plots. For insect galleries,
time was also significant, and the highest occur-
rence frequencies was reached either in recently
disturbed plots, or plots disturbed around 250 years
ago. Ephemeral and perennial fungal fruiting bod-
ies followed a similar pattern with time; they had
higher occurrences in recently disturbed plots and
another peak 140 and 200 years ago, respectively.
The different fungal groups also differed in their
response to disturbance severity, with ephemeral
fungal fruiting bodies occurring most often at low
severities, whilst perennial fungal fruiting bodies
were more frequent at moderate severities. Nests
Table 3. Summary of GAMMs Testing for the Effect of Time Since Max. Disturbance and Severity of that
Event on TreM Groups Diversity and on Occurrence Frequency of TreM Groups in Forest Plots
Time since maximum
Maximum disturbance
Variable edf x2/Fp edf x2/Fp edf x2/Fp
TreM diversity
Total 1.00 1.693 0.194 1.00 2.361 0.126 19.51 3.020 <0.001
Alive 7.79 2.877 0.003 1.28 12.247 <0.001 18.72 2.487 <0.001
Dead 2.45 5.73 <0.001 2.03 0.78 0.401 19.63 3.40 <0.001
Occurrence frequencies
Woodpecker breeding cavities 1.00 0.416 0.5196 1.00 4.014 0.0461 20.66 7.117 <0.001
Rot-holes 1.00 2.515 0.114 1.86 2.192 0.140 19.86 5.174 <0.001
Insect galleries 4.50 8.718 <0.001 1.00 29.336 <0.001 19.90 4.108 <0.001
Concavities 2.32 3.530 0.021 1.00 1.457 0.228 12.04 1.112 <0.001
Exposed sapwood only 1.00 1.696 0.194 1.00 7.609 0.006 18.44 3.017 <0.001
Exposed sapwood and heartwood 1.00 0.719 0.397 1.56 1.069 0.337 15.30 1.883 <0.001
Remaining broken limb 1.00 2.025 0.156 1.00 0.600 0.439 19.48 1.815 <0.001
Twig tangles 1.00 3.737 0.054 1.00 1.620 0.204 16.73 0.942 0.107
Burrs and canker 1.00 0.727 0.394 1.00 14.260 <0.001 15.66 49.293 <0.001
Perennial fungal fruiting bodies 4.90 34.20 <0.001 2.49 10.87 0.014 20.72 127.19 <0.001
Ephemeral fungal fruiting bodies 3.81 2.501 0.038 1.00 4.814 0.029 18.43 5.217 <0.001
Epiphytic and parasitic crypto- and
3.09 4.569 0.001 1.00 3.745 0.054 20.69 5.582 <0.001
Nests 4.75 18.833 0.003 1.00 4.645 0.031 14.54 50.723 <0.001
Microsoils 2.05 2.678 0.092 1.00 0.091 0.764 20.33 4.903 <0.001
Exudates 5.45 3.698 0.001 1.00 14.286 <0.001 19.49 4.391 <0.001
The effective degrees of freedom (edf), test statistics (F/v
) and probabilities (p) are displayed. Results significant at a= 5% are highlighted in bold. Note that the stand identity
(n = 26) was treated as a random effect in the models.
1266 Veronika Zemlerova
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were typical for recent, low-severity disturbances
with another peak about 170–200 years ago. Exu-
dates also had the highest occurrence frequencies
with low severities and had two peaks representing
disturbances that occurred 50–60 years ago and
250–260 years ago. Concavities and epiphytic and
parasitic crypto- and phanerogams reached the
highest frequencies on plots disturbed about 100–
150 years ago. Finally, woodpecker breeding cavi-
ties and burrs and cankers occurred most fre-
quently on plots disturbed by low severities.
We conducted the first empirical study on the
relationship between present-day TreM profile
(frequencies and diversity) and natural disturbance
history of European spruce primary forests. Our
results show that natural forest dynamics charac-
terised by variable disturbance severities, their
timing and multiple successional pathways main-
tained forest landscapes rich and diverse in tree-
related microhabitats. Whilst total TreM groups
diversity was not significantly affected by distur-
bance history in the primary forests, the effect of
disturbance severity and timing differed signifi-
cantly amongst live and dead trees and particular
TreM groups.
Effect of Natural Disturbance on Total
Trem Diversity
Despite the contrasting trends of TreM diversity
between living trees, which followed similar trends
as found in previous studies from primary forests
(Martin and others 2021), and dead trees, the total
diversity of TreMs did not significantly change in
time, which is in accordance with results by Larrieu
and others (2014). As we analysed the total TreM
diversity at the plot level, the sharp increase in
diversity in the initial phase after a disturbance
amongst dead trees can be explained by an increase
in the number of dead trees, and conversely, the
decline of TreMs amongst live trees was caused by
the decline in the number of living trees. This
interesting pattern maintains balanced TreMs
diversity across different developmental phases in
the primary forests and shows that high biodiver-
sity potential and complexity may persist through
Figure 2. Result of GAMM showing relationships between the diversity of TreM groups, time since the most severe
disturbance and disturbance severity (% canopy area removed). Predicted diversity (line) is displayed along with 95%
confidence intervals (band). Significant relationships (p<0.05) are represented by solid lines and non-significant
relationships by dashed lines.
Figure 3. Predicted occurrence frequencies (isolines) of
ten TreM groups along the gradients of maximum
disturbance severity and time since that event.
Occurrence frequencies are predicted by significant
GAMMs. For model details see Table 3(miniatures of
TreMs are courtesy of Kraus and others 2016).
Natural Disturbances are Essential Determinants 1267
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1268 Veronika Zemlerova
´and others
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natural forest development after disturbances
(Donato and others 2012; Meigs and others 2017).
Disturbance severity had a significant effect on
TreM diversity for live trees, whilst there was no
significant pattern found for total and dead trees. This
observed pattern might be explained by the natural
disturbance regime of the studied primary forests.
The studied area (the Carpathian Mountains) is
characterised by a mixed-severity disturbance regime
with predominant low and moderate disturbance
severities (Janda and others 2017). The mean dis-
turbance severity in our dataset varies from 34.9 to
68.4% between stands and moderate severity dis-
turbance are the most frequent disturbance types.
Moderate severity disturbances leave behind com-
plex forest structures, including a significant number
of standing mature live and dead trees (C
ˇada and
others 2020) bearing high TreMs diversity. They also
cause injuries on remaining trees that could further
develop into TreMs. The highest TreM abundance
and diversity on the tree level are typically found on
snags and large trees (Paillet and others 2017;Koza
and others 2018; Paillet and others 2019). Due to
prevalence of moderate severity disturbances in the
studied areas and the lack of stand-replacing distur-
bance events that cause mortality of almost all trees,
the diversity of TreMs did not significantly change
with disturbance severity. However, the effect of
natural disturbances on occurrence frequencies dif-
fers between individual TreM groups.
Effect of Natural Disturbance on TreM
Groups Occurrence Frequencies
To fully understand the effect of natural distur-
bance on TreM diversity and occurrence, it was
essential to show the individual responses of par-
ticular TreM groups, as each of them represents
essential habitats for different forest-dwelling
organisms. Here, not only the effect of disturbance
timing but also the effect of disturbance severity
played an important role.
Low Severity
(1) Burrs and cankers occurred on plots disturbed
with low severities. For the creation of these struc-
tures, the tree has to survive the disturbance, and
the occurrence rate increases with DBH (Courbaud
and others 2021). Comparably we observed the
highest occurrence frequencies on plots disturbed
with low severities for (2) woodpecker breeding
cavities. They are often present on snags or large
living trees. The key significance of tree suitability
for woodpeckers depends on DBH, tree age and
fungal decay that soften the wood (Newton 1994;
Jackson and Jackson 2004;Bu
¨tler and others 2004;
Basile and others 2020). Similarly, we observed co-
occurrence pattern with conks of fungi, which was
observed also by Larrieu and others (2022).
Low Severity and Two Peaks in Time
(3) Nests, which consist of vertebrate and inverte-
brate nests, occur in the highest frequencies in re-
cently disturbed plots with low severities, as they
can be destroyed by high severity events. The sec-
ond peak occurred about 170–200 years after the
disturbance event, which can be linked with the
presence of senescent, large trees. Similarly (4)
exudates occur in plots disturbed with low severi-
ties and can be formed by subsequent disturbances
with even lower severities, such as a single tree fall
that injures other trees that remain alive. (5)
Ephemeral fungal fruiting bodies and (4) perennial
fungal fruiting bodies were significantly related to
time and severity of disturbances. They follow a
similar pattern with time and are most frequent
right after a disturbance event, when trees can be
infected after bark injury caused by a disturbance;
thus, both groups profit from new substrate avail-
ability. The other peaks occur 140 and 200 years,
respectively, after the disturbance event, which
may be explained by mortality of senescent trees
that survived the disturbance. However, the groups
differ in relationship with severity. As a group of
ephemeral fungal fruiting bodies covers a wide
range of fungi groups with different ecological de-
mands (Pouska and others 2010; Holec and others
2020), the higher occurrence can therefore indicate
the higher heterogeneity of conditions caused by
low severity disturbances. On the other hand,
maximum occurrence of perennial fungal group
represented only by perennial polypores after
moderate severity disturbance (55–85%) can be a
response to more homogenous conditions created
by disturbance as the perennial polypores group is
in spruce stands dominated by Fomitopsis pinicola,
which is the common species in disturbed forests
and occurrence of its fruiting bodies decreases with
ongoing decay process (Pouska and others 2011,
¨ssler and others 2015; Holec and others 2020).
(7) The group concavities consist mainly of root-
buttress concavities in our dataset; they are formed
on trees with roots large enough to bear such TreM
(Chiatante and others 2002; Courbaud and others
2021). The highest occurrence frequency was
found about 80–170 years after the most severe
disturbance. That can be explained by the fact that
Natural Disturbances are Essential Determinants 1269
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
they are not formed directly by disturbance, but
need the presence of large trees as they are more
abundant on trees with higher DBH (Asbeck and
others 2021b). (8) Epiphytic and parasitic crypto-
and phanerogams represented mainly lichens and
mosses whose frequencies were highest 100–
170 years after disturbance. According to (Tanona
and Czarnota 2022), the presence of natural forest
disturbances increases lichen diversity in Car-
pathian spruce forests. After a short-term period of
stabilisation following a disturbance event, the
diversity of lichens increases. Due to the slow
growth rate that is typical for lichens, they need
enough time to gain significant size. Bryophyte
diversity is mainly dependent on microclimatic
conditions, with epixylic bryophyte abundance
supported by a dense canopy closure (Raabe and
others 2010) therefore, the abundance may be
lower immediately after disturbance.
High Severity
(9) Insect galleries reached an occurrence fre-
quency maximum right after a disturbance event
with high severity; the second peak occurred after
250 years. The second peak around 250 years after
the most severe disturbance might be connected to
another less severe disturbance event that may
have affected the trees that survived the most
severe one. Their formation is relatively rapid and
require just several years to develop. Bark–beetle
outbreaks are one of the most important distur-
bance agents in Carpathian spruce forests (Temperli
and others 2013). As the development of insect
galleries is very quick (Bu
¨tler and others 2020),
these injuries can further develop in other TreMs.
(10) Exposed sapwood followed a similar pattern;
however, we found a significant relationship with
disturbance severity only. The high abundance of
TreM types such as bark pockets and bark shelters is
associated with insect outbreaks and the presence
of snags. The fall of trees caused by windthrows can
also cause superficial tree injuries leading to ex-
posed sapwood TreMs such as bark loss.
No significant effect was found for the rest of the
groups, which may be due in part to a lack of data
for TreM groups which are rare (twig tangles) or
not very common (rot-holes, exposed sapwood and
heartwood) in spruce forests, or there is no pre-
sumption of relationship with disturbances and
post-disturbance development.
Study Limitations
While our statistical analyses relied on established
approaches, our study has some limitations that
require mentioning. Firstly, while calculating the
disturbance history characteristics, we are not able
to distinguish between the drivers of disturbances
(wind or bark–beetle). Secondly, we are not able to
infer the most recent (cca 20–30 years) distur-
bances from tree cores; therefore, we calculated
them as a proportion of the current canopy open-
ness of standing dead trees, not taking in account
uprooted ones. Moreover, we only considered dis-
turbance events of maximum severity and time
since such an event; thus, if any disturbances of
similar severity occurred before or after the maxi-
mum severity event, their influence on TreM pro-
file was not taken into account. Lastly, the
disturbance history in this dataset dates back
approximately 250 years. The maximum time since
the most severe disturbance is 315 years. The
majority of data in this dataset is within the interval
of 0–250 years. Therefore, the 250–300-year
interval may be less reliable.
Implications for Conservation
and Management
Although our study focused on TreMs, our findings
are relevant for the conservation of many other
species. Primary forests are essential for providing
habitats for forest-dwelling species through high
richness and diversity of TreMs (Paillet and others
2018); however, their profile is dynamic and fol-
lows the long-term disturbance patterns. Distribu-
tion of highest TreM occurrence frequencies in
forest development phases changes between indi-
vidual groups, and therefore, the habitat availabil-
ity may change for different taxa. For example,
TreMs developed right after a disturbance event
such as insect galleries provide habitats for bats,
birds (Kameniar and others 2021), beetles and
other invertebrates (Bu
¨tler and others 2020). In the
mid-seral development stage, the highest TreM
density was observed for groups of concavities and
epiphytes that support various birds, amphibians,
rodents, mustelids or invertebrates. In the late-seral
phases and in low-severity disturbed plots, wood-
peckers and fungi—the TreM groups that occur
most frequently—enhance biodiversity itself but
also provide opportunities for secondary inhabi-
tants of cavities such as smaller birds, bats or par-
asites (Kraus and Krumm 2013; Robles and Martin
2014). Forest development driven by long-term
natural disturbances leads to the balanced distri-
bution of habitat availability in time in all forest
development phases across large scales (Thorn and
others 2017; Hilmers and others 2018; Mikola
others 2021). The mosaic of these different phases
1270 Veronika Zemlerova
´and others
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at the forest scale then ensures the persistence and
diversity of species across forest landscapes, pro-
viding the primaeval remnants are large and
numerous enough to exhibit the majority of
developmental phases (Seidl and Turner 2022).
Our results thus show that all natural disturbance
severities (that is, high, moderate, and low) across
different time scales are necessary to maintain full
variation of TreMs and highlight the importance of
spatial and temporal scales to achieve the presence
and sufficient quality of biodiversity habitats.
Our results reaffirm the critical role of historical
processes in shaping landscape patterns of habitat
suitability for dependent and niche-specialised
forest organisms (Mikola
ˇand others 2021). We
found that the fluctuation of disturbance activity
over long time frames is correlated with the
development, abundance and variety of available
microhabitats. Heterogeneous disturbance dynam-
ics maintain a constant supply and diversity of
TreMs at large spatial scales, leading to patchiness
in habitat availability which fosters high biodiver-
sity potential. We suggest that efforts to address
biodiversity losses in forests should focus on the
establishment and maintenance of complex, multi-
layered canopy structures, rather than solely on
species composition. The effect of disturbance
severity and timing on TreM groups differed sig-
nificantly among live and dead trees and particular
TreM groups, highlighting the importance of con-
sidering both the severity and timing of distur-
bances in assessing their impact on forest
biodiversity and TreM distribution. Thus, manage-
ment strategies, such as live-tree retention, de-
signed to enhance habitat for non-commercial
species (Kraus and Krumm 2013;Bu
¨tler and others
2013) will be unlikely to replicate levels of TreM
diversity that evolve as a consequence of complex
stand dynamics in natural systems, as demon-
strated here. We suggest efforts to address biodi-
versity loss in forests should focus on the
establishment of larger reserves or non-interven-
tion zones where natural processes and succes-
sional pathways predominate.
Funding for this research ‘‘Long-term disturbance
dynamics as a driver of abundance and diversity of
tree-related microhabitats in primary forests in
Europe’’ no. 80/2021 was provided by a project
financed from the OP RDE project Improvement in
Quality of the Internal Grant Scheme at CZU, reg.
no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016944. Czech
Science Foundation (grant GACR no. 21-27454S).
M. Svitok was supported by the Operational Pro-
gramme Integrated Infrastructure (OPII), funded
by the ERDF (ITMS 313011T721).
Open access publishing supported by the National
Technical Library in Prague.
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... Unlike the overstorey dynamics, which can be estimated for specific cyclic patterns of one to three prevailing tree species (Drößler and Von Lüpke, 2005;Korpeľ, 1995;Leibundgut, 1978), development of species rich herbaceous understorey is more complex. The herb layer responds rapidly to disturbances, which limit tree competition and provide microhabitats for understorey organisms (Zemlerová et al., 2023). The role and frequencies of disturbances in natural forests have been well documented recently . ...
Temporal dynamics of temperate montane primary forests were described based on data from Central-European nature reserves in the 20th century as a long-term cycle involving tree regeneration, growth, maturation, and disintegration. However, the lack of chronosequences focusing on the herbaceous understory has limited our understanding of plant community dynamics within this developmental cycle. To address questions regarding whether the herbaceous understory follows the cyclic trajectory of the tree layer and if the properties of the tree layer drive the dynamics of the herbaceous understory, we investigated a 19-year chronosequence in ten plots (with five sampling periods) within an unmanaged primary beech-fir forest in the Western Carpathians. The vegetation data from the resampled plots, including herb species frequencies and dendrometric variables, covered a significant portion of the developmental cycle of a single plant community type. The results confirmed the cyclical nature of herbaceous understory development in terms of species composition and diversity trajectories, demonstrating transitions between developmental stages. Diversity was highest during the disintegration stage, with a rapid decline towards the growth stage, followed by a slow recovery as it progressed towards the optimum stage. Temporal responses of individual species, along with ordination analyses, allowed for the separation of taxa associated with the disintegration, growth, and optimum stages, as well as the most stable ones throughout the entire cycle. The proportion of therophytes slightly increased after gap-opening events during disintegration, geophytes were most represented during the growth stage, and hemicryptophytes culminated during the optimum stage. The composition of herb species was significantly affected by the above-ground tree biomass (AGTB), which explained 21.4% of the temporal variability. The sum of the diameter at breast height (Sum of DBH) described an additional 7.2%. The relationship between the frequency of the herbaceous understory and AGTB followed a “U” shape, while the relationship with Sum of DBH was negative and linear. The relationship between the herbaceous understory and the tree overstory is likely driven by competition for light, water, and nutrient resources. These findings provide new insights into the temporal relationships between the herbaceous understory and tree layer development, and they may inspire future studies and management strategies aimed at conserving or enhancing biodiversity in temperate forests.
... Unlike the overstorey dynamics, which can be estimated for specific cyclic patterns of one to three prevailing tree species (Drößler and Von Lüpke, 2005;Korpeľ, 1995;Leibundgut, 1978), development of species rich herbaceous understorey is more complex. The herb layer responds rapidly to disturbances, which limit tree competition and provide microhabitats for understorey organisms (Zemlerová et al., 2023). The role and frequencies of disturbances in natural forests have been well documented recently . ...
Addressing the scope of biodiversity loss is a societal issue. However, consensus regarding effective management practices to attenuate species extinction is lacking. An assessment of spatial variation in species assemblages (beta-diversity) provides a promising framework for informing forest landscape planning. Within the context of recent European Union biodiversity conservation goals, this research demonstrates an application of beta-diversity theory to understand spatial patterns in the distribution of a suite of environmentally-sensitive taxa within Europe’s remaining best-preserved primary forests. We sampled the local community composition (alpha-diversity) of four taxonomic groups (birds, epiphytic and epixylic lichens, saproxylic beetles, and deadwood-inhabiting fungi) to estimate corresponding levels of beta-diversity, as well as the underlying spatial components of nestedness and turnover. To identify particularly sensitive sites on the landscape that are potentially important for multiple species, we assessed beta-diversity congruence among the taxonomic groups. To elucidate critical abiotic factors and resource attributes underpinning biodiversity patterns, we regressed observed levels of local species richness against selected habitat variables. Results show that levels of beta-diversity were high and predominantly driven by spatial turnover, particularly for dispersal-limited organisms having relationships with deadwood. Beta-diversity was lowest for the avian group, reflecting their mobility. The lichen and fungal groups were correlated in terms of beta-diversity and turnover likely due to similar resource requirements. Variation in deadwood attributes (volume, decay stage) was significantly related to the local species richness of beetle and lichen communities. We identified occurrences of several threatened (red-listed) species that were similarly associated with deadwood substrates. We suggest that the beta-diversity patterns and habitat associations revealed by our analyses provide baseline data for comparison with managed systems. In particular, our findings highlight the importance of dead trees and logs for biodiversity conservation, suggesting a need for management strategies that retain an abundant and diverse supply of deadwood in forested landscapes.
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Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) have been promoted as indicators of forest biodiversity and to guide conservation practices. Ensuring the provision of diverse TreMs in the long term is crucial for the survival of many forest-dwelling species. Yet, this task is challenging in the absence of information regarding TreM dynamics. We analysed the temporal development of TreMs on 11,569 living trees in temperate European forests. To identify drivers of change in TreM abundance and richness over a period of 3–12 years, we estimated the rates of TreM persistence and loss events at the tree-level using survival analysis methods: persistence was characterised by consistency and increment events (when TreM numbers were maintained or increased) and loss was defined as a reduction in TreM numbers or their disappearance. Stratified Cox proportional hazards models were fitted for different TreM groups. Our study revealed a highly dynamic TreM development on living habitat trees, particularly on large trees. While specific TreMs are prone to disappearing, irrespective of tree species or TreM groups, total TreM richness persists over a 12-year period. TreMs such as crown deadwood, epiphytes or woodpecker cavities are prone to decrease in the long term. However, large trees were more likely to maintain a certain degree of TreM richness. Increasing diameters resulted in high persistence rates in seven TreM groups and concomitantly low loss rates in four of them (exposed sap- and heartwood, concavities). Selecting habitat trees based on TreMs should consider the likelihood of TreMs being lost over time, to ensure the long-term provision of microhabitats for associated species. Graphical Abstract
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Forest decline and dieback are growing phenomena worldwide, resulting in severe, large‐scale degradation of the canopy. This can profoundly alter the provision of trophic resources and microhabitats for canopy‐dwelling arthropods. In 2019, we assessed the effect of oak decline on the community of canopy‐dwelling Hymenoptera. We selected 21 oak stands and 42 plots, located in three forests in France, presenting contrasting levels of decline. Insects were sampled at the canopy level with green multi‐funnel and flight‐interception traps. We collected a particularly diverse community of 19,289 insect individuals belonging to 918 taxa, 10 larval trophic guilds and 7 nesting guilds. Oak decline had no effect on the abundance or richness of the overall community but significantly reshaped the community assemblages. Decline had contrasting effects depending on the taxa and guilds considered. Specialist parasitoids were more abundant at intermediate levels of decline severity while generalists were negatively affected. Taxa depending on ground‐related resources and microhabitats were promoted. Saproxylic taxa were more abundant while xylophagous insects were negatively impacted. Reduced leaf area index promoted several guilds and the diversity of the overall community. While an increasing tree mortality rate enhanced the abundance and diversity of deadwood resources, it had negative impacts on several Hymenoptera guilds. Our results suggest that micro‐environmental changes at the ground level due to canopy decline have major cascading effects on the communities of canopy‐dwelling Hymenoptera. Our study highlights the relevance of studying Hymenoptera communities to investigate the outcomes of disturbances on forest biodiversity.
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We examined the influence of windthrows on seminatural forest ecosystems in the Roztocze National Park, SE Poland. The study was conducted on three 0.5 ha permanent plots of which two were subjected to intensive natural disturbance in 1989 and 2008. The third one was an undisturbed control plot. We aimed to address the following questions: i) Do large-scale intense disturbances, and time that has passed since that event, affect tree diversity and spatial patterns?; ii) What is the effect of windthrows on forest stand structure? The number of tree species and mingling index were higher in the plot disturbed most recently. Both disturbed plots had lower diversity and evenness than the control plot. The basal area was the lowest in the most recently disturbed plot and the highest in the undisturbed plot. The undisturbed control plot was characterized by regular distribution of trees which is typical of managed planted forests. On the contrary, disturbed plots had a random distribution of trees which is typical of most of natural forests. Our research demonstrated that natural ecological disturbances, such as windthrows, aid naturalization of forests that had been established in the past as regularly distributed tree plantations and then maintained as regular managed forests.
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Forest decline caused by climate change has been a growing challenge for European foresters for decades. The accumulation of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) and deadwood during decline can enhance stand structural heterogeneity and provide crucial habitat features for many forest ecological guilds. We analysed changes in deadwood and TreM assemblages using a trait-based approach in three case studies: drought-induced decline in highland Pyrenean fir and lowland oak forests, and windstorm/pest-induced dieback in highland Bavarian spruce forests. Decline caused significant changes in deadwood and TreM characteristics and composition in three forest contexts. However, tree density with cavities, exudates, or crown deadwood was not linked to decline intensity. Declining conifer forests had more large deadwood and downed woody debris, and their TreM assemblages were more saproxylic, less epixylic, and included more cracks and exposed sapwood. TreM assemblages in drought-declining forests had higher diversity, functional richness, and more dead tops than healthy stands. In Bavarian spruce forests, there was more decayed downed deadwood, and the TreM assemblages were more associated with the base of the tree, snags, and logs. Overall, forest decline significantly boosts ecological niche resources, typically scarce in managed forests, which could benefit many forest biodiversity groups. Though post-disturbance management should respect tree species-dependent economic balance and avoid phytosanitary risks, it should also consider the ecological benefits of decline-induced heterogeneity. Graphical Abstract
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Forest ecosystems are strongly impacted by continuing climate change and increasing disturbance activity, but how forest dynamics will respond remains highly uncertain. Here, we argue that a short time window after disturbance (i.e., a discrete event that disrupts prevailing ecosystem structure and composition and releases resources) is pivotal for future forest development. Trees that establish during this reorganization phase can shape forest structure and composition for centuries, providing operational early indications of forest change. While forest change has been fruitfully studied through a lens of resilience, profound ecological changes can be masked by a resilience versus regime shift dichotomy. We present a framework for characterizing the full spectrum of change after disturbance, analyzing forest reorganization along dimensions of forest structure (number, size, and spatial arrangement of trees) and composition (identity and diversity of tree species). We propose four major pathways through which forest cover can persist but reorganize following disturbance: resilience (no change in structure and composition), restructuring (structure changes but composition does not), reassembly (composition changes but structure does not), and replacement (structure and composition both change). Regime shifts occur when vegetation structure and composition are altered so profoundly that the emerging trajectory leads to nonforest. We identify fundamental processes underpinning forest reorganization which, if disrupted, deflect ecosystems away from resilience. To understand and predict forest reorganization, assessing these processes and the traits modulating them is crucial. A new wave of experiments, measurements, and models emphasizing the reorganization phase will further the capacity to anticipate future forest dynamics.
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The retention of trees bearing tree‐related microhabitats (TreMs) has become an important means of conserving biodiversity in production forests. However, we lack estimates of TreM formation rates and evidence on factors driving TreM formation. Based on the observation of 80,099 living trees from 19 species groups in Europe and Iran, we estimated the probability of TreM occurrence on trees and the associated rate of first TreM formation as a function of tree DBH, management, tree species group and random site effects. We built a separate model for each of 11 TreM groups. The hazard rate of first TreM formation (defined as the probability of formation of a first TreM forming on a tree that is known to have none, during an infinitesimal DBH increment) increased with DBH for some TreM groups like breeding‐woodpecker‐hole, rot‐hole or root‐concavity, indicating an acceleration in TreM formation during tree growth. However, it decreased with DBH for TreM groups like bark‐loss or dendrotelm, indicating slower formation on very large trees. Most TreM groups had reduced formation rates in managed forests (last logging less than 100 years ago) compared to unmanaged forests (no logging for at least 100 years), with the exception of dendrotelms. No general difference appeared between broadleaves and conifers, but early‐successional species tended to have different TreMs than mid‐ and late‐successional species. Abies, Alnus, Betula, Fagus, Prunus, Quercus, Sorbus, Tilia and Ulmus displayed high formation rates for six TreM groups or more. Variability among sites was considerable. Synthesis and applications. The rate of formation of tree‐related microhabitats (TreMs) varies greatly among TreM groups, tree species, locations, tree diameters at breast height and forest management. The high rate of formation of some TeM groups on small trees implies that tree retention for biodiversity should concern trees of all sizes and start as soon as thinning operations have occurred. Biodiversity conservation should value not only forest stands and trees that already have many TreMs but also those where the likelihood of future TreM formation is high due to species, maturity or local environmental conditions. The addition of quantitative models of TreM formation to forest stand dynamics simulators is necessary to better take into account biodiversity conservation in forest management.
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With accelerating environmental change, understanding forest disturbance impacts on trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon dynamics is of high socioeconomic importance. Most studies, however, have assessed immediate or short-term effects of disturbance, while long-term impacts remain poorly understood. Using a tree-ring-based approach, we analysed the effect of 250 years of disturbances on present-day biodiversity indicators and carbon dynamics in primary forests. Disturbance legacies spanning centuries shaped contemporary forest co-benefits and trade-offs, with contrasting, local-scale effects. Disturbances enhanced carbon sequestration, reaching maximum rates within a comparatively narrow post-disturbance window (up to 50 years). Concurrently, disturbance diminished aboveground carbon storage, which gradually returned to peak levels over centuries. Temporal patterns in biodiversity potential were bimodal; the first maximum coincided with the short-term post-disturbance carbon sequestration peak, and the second occurred during periods of maximum carbon storage in complex old-growth forest. Despite fluctuating local-scale trade-offs, forest biodiversity and carbon storage remained stable across the broader study region, and our data support a positive relationship between carbon stocks and biodiversity potential. These findings underscore the interdependencies of forest processes, and highlight the necessity of large-scale conservation programmes to effectively promote both biodiversity and long-term carbon storage, particularly given the accelerating global biodiversity and climate crises.
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The impact of forest management on biodiversity is difficult to scrutinize along gradients of management. A step towards analyzing the impact of forest management on biodiversity is comparisons between managed and primary forests. The standardized typology of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) is a multi-taxon indicator used to quantify forest biodiversity. We aim to analyze the influence of environmental factors on the occurrence of groups of TreMs by comparing primary and managed forests. We collected data for the managed forests in the Black Forest (Germany) and for the primary forests in the Western (Slovakia) and Southern Carpathians (Romania). To model the richness and the different groups of TreMs per tree, we used generalized linear mixed models with diameter at breast height (DBH), altitude, slope and aspect as predictors for European beech ( Fagus sylvatica (L.)) , Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) ) and silver fir ( Abies alba (Mill.) ) in primary and managed temperate mountain forests. We found congruent results for overall richness and the vast majority of TreM groups. Trees in primary forests hosted a greater richness of all and specific types of TreMs than individuals in managed forests. The main drivers of TreMs are DBH and altitude, while slope and aspect play a minor role. We recommend forest and nature conservation managers to focus: 1) on the conservation of remaining primary forests and 2) approaches of biodiversity-oriented forest management on the selection of high-quality habitat trees that already provide a high number of TreMs in managed forests based on the comparison with primary forests.
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Tree-related microhabitats (TreM) and deadwood are two forest attributes providing essential resources for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. Old-growth forests are generally defined by a high abundance and diversity of TreM and deadwood, but little is known about TreM and deadwood dynamics once the old-growth stage is reached, in particular in the boreal biome. In this context, knowledge on TreM and deadwood dynamics in old-growth forest stands is necessary to better understand how these forests contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of this study is thus to determine how TreM, and deadwood abundance and diversity vary within boreal old-growth forests. To reach this objective, we surveyed TreM and deadwood attributes, as well as structural and abiotic attributes, in 71 boreal old-growth forests situated in Quebec, Canada. We used hierarchical clustering analysis to identify TreM and deadwood abundance and diversity patterns in the studied stands. We identified five clusters of TreM and deadwood characteristics, which corresponded to three stages of old-growth forest succession: canopy break-up (beginning of the old-growth stage), transition old-growth stage (replacement of the first cohort by old-growth cohorts) and true old-growth stage (first cohort all or almost all gone). The peak in TreM richness and diversity was reached at the transition old-growth stage, whereas the peak for deadwood richness and diversity was reached at the true old-growth stage. Overall, true old-growth forests were defined by a combination of moderate to high TreM density and high deadwood volume, but these values significantly varied among stands depending on past secondary disturbances, stand structure and its composition (black spruce [Picea mariana Mill.] dominated vs mixed black spruce – balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.]). These results therefore underscore the importance of considering old-growth forests as dynamic rather than static ecosystems, as the composition of tree- and deadwood-related microhabitats in the same old-growth stand may markedly change over time. At landscape scale, these results also imply that the mosaic of habitats present in old-growth forests can vary greatly from one location to another, highlighting the importance of maintaining a diversity of old-growth forest structure and composition.
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Purpose of the Review The concept of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) is an approach to assess and manage multi-taxon species richness in forest ecosystems. Owing to their provision of special habitat features, TreMs are of special interest as a surrogate biodiversity indicator. In particular, in retention forestry, TreMs have gained attention over the past decade as a selection criterion for retained structural elements such as habitat trees. This review seeks to (a) address the suitability of TreMs as biodiversity indicator in the context of retention forestry, (b) summarize drivers of TreM occurrence and the status quo of the implementation of TreM-based retention concepts in forest management, and (c) discuss current and future challenges to the use of TreMs as biodiversity indicator. Recent Findings The TreM concept originated in Europe where it is now increasingly implemented. Most studies of the quantity, quality, and diversity of TreMs are focused on tree species from this region, although it is increasingly applied in other contexts. In addition to tree species, tree dimensions and live status have been identified as the main drivers of TreM occurrence. One major remaining research challenge is to verify relationships between the occurrence and abundance of forest-dwelling species from different taxonomic groups and TreMs to improve the evidence basis of this concept and thus increase its integration in forest conservation approaches. Summary TreMs are not the “silver bullet” indicator to quantify biodiversity of forest dwelling species, but they provide an important tool for forest managers to guide the selection of habitat trees for the conservation of the associated biodiversity.
Over the last decades the West Carpathian spruce and mixed forests with a share of Picea abies, have been undergoing intensified dynamic changes, determined by windstorms and European spruce bark beetle outbreaks. Those changes should have a decisive effect on the survivability of species and shifts in epiphytic lichen communities on this phorophyte. Research conducted in the Gorce Mts (West Carpathians, Poland) in 1993, 2013 and 2018, on the same 186 spruce trees at 33 sites, revealed an increase in the species diversity of lichen communities in a long-term perspective (25 years). At the same time, there was a decrease in the coverage of the dominant species. Such changes are a result of long-term tree composition processes: the natural thinning of upper mountain spruce forests and the increase of lower mountain forests density after a decrease in the share of Norway spruce. The former prefers photophilous epiphytes, and the latter leads to an increase in the share of shade-tolerant species. The analysis of lichen communities by means of the principal components analysis (PCA) method for all three study periods combined showed that long-term changes were the most significant for this lichen biota, and short-term changes had no considerable effect. The conducted Redundancy Analysis (RDA) revealed, that the forest plant association was a stronger factor affecting the lichen community composition and coverage than tree stand density and saplings density in each observation term. The changes taking place in stands under bark beetle and wind disturbances should be treated differently in different types of forest associations, but in both, they cause differentiation of niches used by more specialized species of epiphytic lichens. Full article available to download by URL Share Link,Q4YJXeD8
Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) have been identified as key features for forest-dwelling taxa and are often employed as measures for biodiversity conservation in integrative forest management. However, managing forests to ensure an uninterrupted resource supply for TreM-dwelling taxa is challenging since TreMs are structures with a limited availability, some of which are triggered by stochastic events or require a long time to develop. At the tree scale, the role of tree species, diameter at breast height (dbh) and status (i.e. living vs standing dead) for favouring TreM occurrence has been quantified and modelled in several studies, since these tree features are routinely recorded in the field. However, TreM occurrence remains difficult to predict, hampering the elaboration of applicable management strategies that consider TreMs. Using an international database encompassing 110,000 trees, we quantified the explanatory power of tree species, dbh, status, time since last harvest and plot context for predicting TreM occurrence at the tree level. Plot context is so far a “black box” that combines local environmental conditions, past and current management legacies, with local biotic features that have high explanatory power for predicting TreM occurrence. Then, based on the literature, we established a set of 21 factors related to site, stand and tree features for which there is a strong assumption that they play a key role in TreM formation. Finally, we identified a sub-set of nine features that should be recorded in the future to provide additional information to enable better prediction of the occurrence of particular TreMs: (i) at plot level: slope, exposure, altitude and presence of cliffs; and (ii) at tree level: bark features, phyllotaxis and compartmentalization capacity of the tree species, plus ontogenic stage and physiological state of the individual tree sampled.
Natural disturbances strongly influence forest structural dynamics, and subsequently stand structural heterogeneity, biomass, and forest functioning. The impact of disturbance legacies on current forest structure can greatly influence how we interpret drivers of forest dynamics. However, without clear insight into forest history, many studies default to coarse assumptions about forest structure, for example, whether forests are even or unevenly aged. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of past disturbances on the current diameter distributions of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)-dominated landscapes throughout the Carpathian Mountains. Our dendroecological dataset comprises tree cores from 339 plots (7,845 total tree cores), nested within 28 primary forest stands, known to vary greatly in the severity of historical disturbances. Our analyses revealed that historical disturbances had a strong and significant effect on the current diameter distribution shapes at the plot level. We demonstrated that mixed-severity disturbance regimes were more frequent and create a complex pattern of diameter distributions at the plot and stand scale. Here, we show that high severity disturbance was associated with unimodal diameter distributions, while low and moderate severity was associated with the reverse J-shaped distribution. This is a result of complex disturbance patterns, with structural biological legacies. Our results will have important management implication in the context of tree size heterogeneity, biomass storage, and productivity as influenced by natural disturbances. Lastly, these results demonstrate that structural changes may arise as consequences of changing disturbance regime associated with global change.