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Social life cycle assessment of a desalination and resource recovery plant on a remote island: Analysis of generic and site-specific perspectives


Abstract and Figures

The sustainable supply of water is crucial, especially on islands where water is scarce. Our study applied the social life cycle assessment (S-LCA), under the organizational approach, to assess industrial water production on the island of Lampedusa, Italy. A novel plant for industrial water production considering a circular concept was compared with the existing linear production plant based on reverse osmosis. An online survey, brief literature review and generic analysis were conducted to prioritize impact subcategories selection for site-specific analysis that regarded six organizations in the system boundaries. These subcategories were Local employment, Access to material resources, Promoting social responsibility, End-of-life responsibility, Health and safety (Workers), and Public commitment to sustainability issues. The social performance of organizations involved was assessed based on equal weighting and weighting with cost values. The generic analysis showed that wastewater treatment in Italy is underdeveloped, and water scarcity can become a serious problem in the future. The site specific analysis based on equal weighting showed that the novel water plant results in improving social performance for all considered impact subcategories by 88 % to 91 % due to co-production when compared with the existing plant. Even increasing impacts allocation to industrial water production social benefits are still expected due to co-production. The type of weighting based on cost values showed that two organizations are the main contributors to the social performance of the novel system, and improving their corporate conduct can result in improving impacts up to 25 %, such as Public commitment to sustainability issues. To conclude, the novel plan does provide social benefits but mainly due to co-production, thus, it should be investigated more how to apply the S-LCA to linear production systems as they become more circular.
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Social life cycle assessment of a desalination and resource recovery plant
on a remote island: Analysis of generic and site-specic perspectives
Georgios Archimidis Tsalidis
, Rodoula Ktori
, Adithya Krishnan
Biotechnology Department, Delft University of Technology, Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft, the Netherlands
Environmental and Networking Technologies and Applications Unit, Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies, Greece
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brunel University London, United Kingdom
Engineering Systems & Services Department, Technology Policy & Management faculty, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands
Water & Energy Intelligence BV, the Netherlands
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 27 September 2022
Received in revised form 17 March 2023
Accepted 17 March 2023
Available online 22 March 2023
Editor: Prof. Adisa Azapagic
The sustainable supplyof water is crucial, especially on islandswhere water is scarce. Our studyapplied the social
life cycle assessment (S-LCA), under the organizational approach, to assess industrial water production on the is-
land of Lampedusa, Italy. A novel plant for industrial water production considering a circular concept was com-
pared with the existing linear production plant based on reverse osmosis. An online survey, brief literature
review and generic analysis were conducted to prioritize impact subcategories selection for site-specicanalysis
that regarded six organizations inthe system boundaries. These subcategories were Localemployment, Accessto
material resources, Promoting social responsibility, End-of-life responsibility, Health and safety (Workers), and
Public commitment to sustainability issues. The social performance of organizations involved was assessed
based on equal weighting and weighting with cost values. The generic analysis showed that wastewater treat-
ment in Italy is underdeveloped, and water scarcity can become a serious problem in the future. The site-
specic analysis based on equal weighting showed that the novel water plant results in improving social perfor-
mance for all considered impact subcategories by 88 % to 91 % due to co-production when compared with the
existing plant. Even increasing impacts allocation to industrial water production socialbenets are still expected
due to co-production. The type of weighting based on cost values showed that two organizations are the main
contributors to the social performance of the novel system, and improving their corporate conduct can result
in improving impacts up to 25 %, such as Public commitment to sustainability issues. To conclude, the novel
plan does provide social benets but mainly due to co-production, thus, it should be investigated more how to
apply the S-LCA to linear production systems as they become more circular.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (
Industrial water
Circular economy
Reference scale approach
Type I
1. Introduction
Clean, circular and sustainable water supply systems are top priori-
ties to reach a more sustainable society and counteract the increasing
pressure on water depletion and ecosystems due to urbanization pro-
cesses (Re et al., 2021), and other human activities. Furthermore, the re-
liable supply of sustainable industrial water can be even more critical
and challenging in remote islands (Post et al., 2021) where diesel en-
gines are used for electricity generation.This study deals with the appli-
cation of the social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) on demineralized
water production on the Italian island of Lampedusa to understand
better the social sustainability of an existing reverse osmosis plant and
a circular water plant.
Water is an indispensable good in modern society since it is neces-
sary for various purposes, from human drinking and use as an energy
carrier, to the cooling of operating machines (Trapanese and Frazitta,
2018). Thus, the European Union water policy prioritizes access to
good quality water in sufcient quantity for all Europeans and sustain-
ing the good status of all European water bodies. The focus is on river
basins, freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, water scarcity, ood
risk management, the integration of the Water Framework Directive
in other policies, but not on ultra-pure demineralized water which is
used in industrial purposes (Dettori et al., 2022). In addition, the supply
of clean and sustainable water is one of the priorities of the sustainable
development goals (SDG) (Mironenko et al., 2015), as well as for the
Italian agenda to achieve a circular economy(Re et al., 2021). However,
water losses of the distribution network are a major global problem and
Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
Corresponding author at: Biotechnology Department, Delft University of Technology,
Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ Delft, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: (G.A. Tsalidis).
2352-5509/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd onbehalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access articleunder the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
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one of the crucial problems of the Italian water system which performs
worse than global average (Laspidou, 2014). Approx. 37 % and 45 % of
Italian water is not received by end-users on average at national scale
and in the southern islands, respectively (Re et al., 2021).
Desalination is an energy intensive process which is crucial for
water supply in islands located far away from the mainland. Islands,
such as Cyprus, consume up to 240 GWh of electrical energy per year
to produce the desalinated water required, leading to approx.
169 ktons of CO
eq. (Xevgenos et al., 2021). However, such remote
islands are often not connected to the national grid. Therefore, they
typically use a local electricity mix that is largely based on diesel
engines (Franzitta et al., 2018). which require a large amount of
water for cooling purposes (Shaeian and Khiadani, 2020). The quality
of the cooling water used in power plants located on islands can vary
signicantly. In Lampedusa, desalinated water with conductivity of
approx. 400 μS/cm is used. Water for cooling purposes (referred to as
industrial water hereinafter) can be produced from seawater with
various technologies, such as multi-effect distillation, multistage ash
distillation, mechanical vapor compression, electro dialysis reversal,
and reverse osmosis (Trapanese and Frazitta, 2018). These technologies
or related desalination plants have been investigated for their environ-
mental (Lee and Jepson, 2021) and economic performances (Moossa
et al., 2022). However, the social perspective is still underrepresented.
S-LCA is in its infancy and it is still under development (Iofrida et al.,
2018). S-LCA employs the same framework as environmental LCA andis
promoted by the United Nations for use within the holistic approach of
life cycle sustainability assessment (Wulf et al., 2019). S-LCA assesses
social and socioeconomic impacts of products, and it consists of four
steps (UNEP, 2020). In the rst step, the system under study is de-
scribed in terms of its goal and scope. Next organizational-based
(for Type I approach) and/or process-based (for Type II approach)
data are collected and organized by impact subcategory on a generic
and/or site-specic level of analysis. The generic level of analysis is
used for national or sectorial societal hotspots, while the site-
specic level of analysis concerns societal data about specicorgani-
zations and/or processes within the system boundaries. In the third
step, collected data are characterized into impact subcategories and
aggregated into impact categories and/or stakeholder categories. Fi-
nally, results are discussed and conclusions and recommendations
are presented based on the goal and scope of the study (UNEP,
2020;UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, 2013).
Four S-LCA studies have assessed the social impacts of desalination
systems with case studies and a perspective study about the application
of S-LCA on circular system was recently published (Table 1). Opher
et al. (2018) performed a site-specic analysis and investigated the so-
cial impacts due to the use of reclaimed domestic wastewater in urban
households. Desalinated seawater was the source of their domestic
water. These authors selected impact subcategories based on a litera-
ture review that included national scale surveys and considered self-
developed impacts as well. They concluded that domestic water reuse
results in social benets, mainly due to water savings. Two studies
(Tsalidis et al., 2020;Tsalidis and Korevaar, 2019) performed a site-
specic analysis to investigate the expected social benets of four
European cases and a generic analysis to investigate social benets on
the national scale for a case that treated industrial wastewater with a
high salinity level to recover materials. These authors concluded that
site-specic analysis of cases in developed countries results in positive
social performance of the companies involved in case studies due to
strict national laws. However, Tsalidis et al. (2020) mentioned that the
water consumptionindicator was an area of concern, and Tsalidis
and Korevaar (2019) concluded that employing S-LCA may not result
in the expected social benets because local communities and workers
may not benet if the analyzed system has large geographical bound-
aries. Serreli et al. (2021) employed the PSILCA S-LCA database to assess
social impacts of a full-scale plant that treats various kinds of wastewa-
ter. They concluded that industrial sectors upstream the full-scale plant
are major sources of social burdens. Lastly, a recent perspective study
(Tsalidis, 2022a) investigated the application of Type I S-LCA when a
linear produ ction desalination pla nt is converted into a cir cular desa-
lination plant through the treatment of its wastewater for materials
recovery. This study concluded that the quality and quantity of in-
volved organizations is crucial when the Type I approach is applied
to compare products or systems.
Hence, to the best knowledge of the authors, there are still no
published studies assessing social impacts derived from a seawater
desalination system for industrial water production which recovers
materials to minimize waste generation, nor have compared the con-
version of an actual linear production plant to a circular production
plant or have prioritized impact subcategories selection based on
water industry expert consultation. This study aims to assess, for
the rst time, the social impacts of the desalination process for in-
dustrial water production in Lampedusa, a remote Italian island. De-
salination was represented by two systems, an existing reverse
osmosis plant, and a more circular and novel plant. The social impact
assessment is carried out using the S-LCA method and both levels of
analysis are investigated.
2. Material and methods
The S-LCA guidelines (UNEP, 2020) were followed for the assess-
ment of the social performance and stakeholder categories and impact
subcategories were selected based on a literature review and an online
2.1. Case study
Lampedusa is a small remote Italian island of 5000 inhabitants
(Faust, 2015) located betweenSicily and northern Africa which depends
on one single power plant for its electricity generation. The power plant
generates electricity with diesel engines and converts seawater into
industrial-quality water in a reverse osmosis plant which is integrated
into the power plant (Franzitta et al., 2018). The reverse osmosis also
Table 1
Literature overview of S-LCA studies that concerned saline water treatment.
Study Object of analysis Level of
Key ndings
(Opher et al., 2018) Reuse of domestic wastewater Generic Distributed urban water reuse was socially benecial due to the promotion of public
commitment to conservation of water resources and advancement of community engagement.
(Tsalidis and Korevaar, 2019) Treatment of saline industrial
Generic Social benets in one country may results in social burdens in another country.
(Tsalidis et al., 2020) Treatment of saline industrial
Site specic National regulations are crucial in positive organizational code of conduct.
(Serreli et al., 2021) Treatment of industrial
Generic The use of a social life cycle assessment database shows that most of the social risks derive
from supply sectors.
(Tsalidis, 2022a) Production of industrial water
from seawater
Site specic
Weighing the contribution of organizations to S-LCA results provides valuable insights. The
quality and quantity of involved organizations is crucial when the Type I approach is applied.
With imaginary life cycle inventory data.
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
generates brine which is discharged to the sea. The population of
Lampedusa increases greatly, more than 50,000 tourists arrived dur-
ing the holiday season (ANSA, 2020) resulting in an increased elec-
tricity consumption. The industrial water requirements, for the
operation of the power plant, demonstrates a seasonal variation
from approx. 60 m
/d in JanuaryFebruary, to 170 m
/d during sum-
mer months. To produce this quantity, a reverse osmosis unit with a
capacity of 180 m
/day is used, with a micro-ltration unit to pre-
treat seawater. For comparison purposes,thetotalreverseosmosis
capacity to cover the drinking water needs of Lampedusa Island is
approx. 3500 m
/day. However, this system falls outside the scope
of our work.
The owner of the power plant aims to replace the industrial water
produced by the reverse osmosis plant with a novel desalination plant
that produces industrial water and co-products. The novel plant has a
capacity of approx. 2.25 m
/h and employs seawater, while the capacity
of the multiple effect distillation unit that recovers industrial water is
approx. 2 m
/h and its design with a forward-feed multiple-effect distil-
lation conguration is presented elsewhere (Xevgenos et al., 2015).
2.2. Social LCA
The application of S-LCA combined the generation of generic analy-
sis results, literature review results and online survey results to better
identify impact subcategories for the site-specic analysis. Fig. 1 illus-
trates the adopted methodology.
2.2.1. Goal and scope denition
The novel plant regards the desalination of seawater to produce in-
dustrial water for thelocal power plant. Industrial water will replace in-
dustrial water production from the reverse osmosis plant in the power
plant owned also by SELIS Lampedusa S.p.A. Therefore, since both plants
are expected to provide the same function, i.e., supply industrial water
for the SELIS Lampedusa S.p.A. power plant, the selected functional
unit is 1 m
of industrial water. Furthermore, sodium chloride, magne-
sium hydroxide, and calcium hydroxide will also be recovered from sea-
water in the novel plant.
The system boundaries of the novel system comprised the following
chemical processes: nanoltration, magnesium and calcium crystalliza-
tion, multi-effect distillation, thermal crystallization, eutectic freeze
crystallization, and electrodialysis with bipolar membranes. These pro-
cesses consume chemicals and electricity, which were identied after
consultation with the novel plant operators. More details about the
products and the technologies applied to recover such secondary raw
materials can be found in (Culcasi et al., 2022) and (Morgante et al.,
2022). In contrast, the reference system consists of only one process
unit and generates waste (brine) during operation. Fig. 2 shows the
system boundaries for the selected functional unit. Multifunctionality. The novel system is multifunctional because it
produces six co-products in addition to industrial water (Fig. 1). Two of
the six co-products, i.e., hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, are
internally consumed. Thus, multi-functionality handled here for the
remaining four co-products with economic allocation according to
the ISO standard (International Organization for Standardization,
2006). Table 2 shows the allocation factors and the quantities of
the salts recovered. These quantities have been calculated using a
simulation model for a full-scale plant.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of how the Social LCA was applied.
Fig. 2. Systemboundaries and functional unit of designed systems (FU: 1 m
industrial water). (Blue text meansco-products of the novel system). (For interpretation of thereferences to
color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
414 Social impacts. An initial list of pre-selected social impact subcat-
egories was rst gathered from a brief literature review on studies deal-
ing with S-LCA from a generic and site-specic perspective for the
chemical industry and circular economy (Tsalidis and Posada, 2021).
For instance, occupational health and safety, employment, and access
to material resources were investigated by half of the S-LCA studies re-
viewed (see Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Material). The pre-selected
list was then consulted for the nal selection of social impacts to be
assessed through an online survey distributed between March and
April 2022 (Tsalidis, 2022b) to experts in the water sector. The survey
considered four characteristics of social and governance issues: simplic-
ity, importance, practicality, and uncertainty. The survey was directly
shared with more than 100 experts,and it was completed by 35 respon-
dents from multiple sectors, and primarily European countries. The en-
tire survey can be found in the Supplementary Material. The selected
social impact subcategories for the site-specic analysis are presented
in Table 3, and the impact subcategories with their indicators used in
this study can be found in Table S1. Among the subcategories, only the
End-of-life responsibilitycould not be addressed by all considered
organizations because consumption of electricity does not result in
end-of-life processes. Weighting step. During the weighting step, the practitioner
applies weighting factors (values) to reect the relative importance of
inventory, impact subcategory, stakeholder category results. These
factors are different from allocation factors because the former regard
organizations and the latter co-products. For instance, inventory results
derived from contributing organizations that are deemed more signi-
cant will have greater weights, so that their associated results show a
higher contribution in the impact subcategory results. Even when
the step is not mentioned, an implicit form of weighting is still ap-
plied, because all contributing organizations are assumed to have
equal importance (UNEP, 2020). The weighting factors were calcu-
lated based on monetary ows according to prices (see Table 1)
and quantities of consumed and recovered materials (see Tables 1
and S1). Table 4 shows the weighting factors for the novel system,
which are multiplied with impact subcategory scores per organiza-
tion. Weighting factors and equal weighting will be presented with
stacked bar graphs to show the relative contribution of each organi-
zation to the impact scores.
2.2.2. Life cycle inventory
The life cycle inventory for the generic analysis regarded data at na-
tional level and the site-specic analysis regarded qualitative and semi-
quantitative data collection for involved organizations. Data collection
for the generic analysis was performed via public online databases,
such as Eurostat, International Labour Organization and OECD, and it
corresponds to the years 20172020, except forfatal occupational inju-
riesand wastewater treatmentwhich correspond to 2015 due to the
absence or more recent data. The site-specic analysis considered orga-
nizations which are crucial for the operation of the novel plant. These
organizations are: 1) the Plant operator, 2) Chemical supplier A supplies
Table 2
Economic allocation factors of the novel system.
Co-product Price
Amount per
Economic allocation
Industrial water 1.50 /m
11.1 %
Sodium chloride 0.06 /kg 58.6 kg 26.1 %
Magnesium hydroxide 1.50 /kg 5.1 kg 56.8 %
Calcium hydroxide 0.18 /kg 0.7 kg 0.9 %
Sodium sulphate 0.06 /kg 11.1 kg 4.9 %
Table 3
List of identied impacts subcategories by the literature review, consideredimpact subcategories of site-specic analysis by this study, and employed indicators (UNEP, 2020).
Impact subcategories Identied
Considered indicators
Local community Local employment X X 1) Percentage of workforce hired locally, 2) Strength of policies on local hiring preferences, 3)
Percentage of spending on locally based suppliers
Access to material resources X X 1) Organizations should establish effective policies, waste managementsystems and
procedures to ensure proper management of unavoidable pollution and waste, 2)
Organizations should avoid or minimize the release of hazardous materials, 3) Organizations
and suppliers should meet environmental standards or certication schemes
Safe and healthy living conditions X
Value chain
Promoting social responsibility X 1) An organization should make reasonable efforts to encourage organizations in its
sphere of inuence to follow responsible labor practices. 2) Suppliers and sub-contractors
are expected to comply with a code of labor practice or contractual obligations, 3) An
organization may nd it useful to participate in, or use tools of, one or more initiatives for
social responsibility
Consumer End-of-life responsibility X 1) Presence of internal management systems ensure that clear information is provided to
consumers on end-of-life options
Workers Health and safety (Workers) X X 1) Occupational accidents, incidents and diseases should benotied and reported, 2) Adequate
general occupational safety measures are taken. 3) Medical assistance and rst-aidshouldbe
provided, 4) Access to drinking water should be ensured 5) Documents related to procedures
to detect, prevent, minimize, eliminate, or otherwise respond to potential risks to the health
and safety of personnel should be delivered and available
Hours of work X
Fair salary X
Freedom of association and
collective bargaining
Equal opportunities X
Child labor X
Society Public commitment to
sustainability issues
X 1) Organizations are encouraged to engage in high quality standards for nonnancial
information, including environmental and social aspects, as a commitment to the contribution of
sustainable development of the community or society, 2) An organization should, at appropriate
intervals, report about its performance on social responsibility to stakeholders affected
Table 4
Weighting factors for eachorganization of the novel system.
Organizations Factor based on cost
Chemical supplier A 0.12 %
Chemical supplier B 0.53 %
Chemical distributor 0.17 %
Chemical supplier C 0.57 %
Electricity provider 43.5 %
Plant operator 55.1 %
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
antiscalant employed at the nanoltration unit, 3) Chemical supplier B
and 4) Chemical distributor manufactures and distributes hydrochloric
acid employed at the nanoltration and magnesium and calcium crys-
tallization units, respectively, 5) Chemical supplier C supplies sodium
hydroxide employed at the magnesium and calcium crystallization
units, and 6) Electricity provider. According to interviews, only the sup-
plier of hydrochloric acid was not identied. Therefore, Chemical sup-
plier B, which is a large Italian chemical manufacturer, was selected
for the sake of completeness in this study and complemented with a
chemical distributor. The latter shows the effect of the supply chain on
social impacts due to distribution. These organizations were contacted
and information on company conduct was collected via interviews
based on a developed questionnaire and/or sustainability reports. The
questionnaire can be found in the Supplementary Material and the in-
ventory data can be found in Table S3. In contrast, the involved organi-
zations in the existing system are the Chemical supplier A, Electricity
provider, and the Plant operator. Tables 5 and 6 present the organiza-
tions involved and their role in the systems.
2.2.3. Impact assessment
The social life cycle impact assessment (S-LCIA) for the generic
analysis investigated national-level indicators, such as labor rights (free-
dom of association and collective bargaining), fair salary, working hours,
occupational safety, circular economy, employment, degree of integrated
water resources management (IWRM) implementation (used for SDG in-
dicator 6.5.1), basic sanitation activities, annual freshwater withdrawals
(% of internal resources), exports-to-imports ratio, and manufacturing
employment as a proportion of total employment (used for SDG indicator
9.2.2). When it was possible these indicators regarded relevant industrial
sectors to the case study, such as the a) electricity sector due to the local
power plant and electricity consumption, b) manufacturing sector due to
the consumption of chemicals, and c) water supply sector due to the
wastewater treatment and provision of industrial water. Alternatively,
they were assessed on a national scale. In both cases, the European
Union was considered a benchmark to identify social hotspots.
The site-specic S-LCIA was performed with data collection from
questionnaires and/or sustainability reports from the organizations in-
volved. Using the Type 1 SLCIA approach implies dening reference
scales forconsidered subcategories (Traverso et al., 2022). The Subcate-
gory assessment method (SAM) (Ramirez et al., 2014) was used to
perform the site-specic analysis. With SAM qualitative data can be
converted into semiquantitative data. This way, SAM can compare
different data types in a standardized manner and arrive at meaningful
results. For this purpose, score value points were calculated based on
basic requirements which were certications based on ISO, national
and international agreements. Therefore, the organizational perfor-
mance is calculated at four levels (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, or D = 4) for
each social impact subcategory based on the achievement of the basic
requirement, as presented in Table 7, and peers' organizational conduct.
Score value A = 1 shows the best social performance while D = 4
shows the worst social performance. The basic requirements and de-
scription of score values per subcategory can be found in Table S2
and Tables S310, respectively. Lastly, for both novel system and
existing system, organizational performance was aggregated by sub-
category to assess the systems' social performance. The aggregation
occurred by averaging the indicators results in each subcategory
and organization and summing up the indicators averages to calcu-
late the impact subcategory score.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Generic analysis results
The literature review showed that Workers and Local community are
the most investigated stakeholder categories in S-LCAs of chemical indus-
try cases (Tsalidis and Posada, 2021). Furthermore, the results of the on-
line survey showed that the experts evaluated human health and safety,
human right,andresponsibilityas the most important issues, employ-
mentand trainingas the most practical to measure, and human right,
standard of living,corporate ethics,accountability,andresponsibility
as the least practical to measure and most uncertain. These results can be
found in the Supplementary Material. Therefore, social indicators from
Workers, Local community, and Society stakeholder categories were
compared with the average of the European Union to identify social
Table 5
Involved organizations' characteristics in system boundaries development of the novel
Company Product Format for data collection
Plant operator Industrial water Questionnaire
Electricity supplier Electricity
Chemical supplier A Antiscalant Questionnaire and reports
Chemical supplier B Hydrochloric acid Reports
Chemical distributor Transportation Reports
Chemical supplier C Sodium hydroxide Reports
(Kurita Group, 2021a, 2021b;Kurita Water Industries Ltd., 2018, n.d.).
(Altair Chimica S.P.A., 2022a, 2022b, 2021, 2019, 2017, n.d.).
(Brenntag, 2021, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c, 2017, 2015, n.d.).
(Solvay, 2021;Solvay Chimica Italia S.p.A., 2021;Solvay, n.d.-a, n.d.-b).
Table 6
Involved organizations' characteristics in system boundaries of the existing system.
Company Product Format for data collection
Plant operator Industrial water Questionnaire
Electricity supplier Electricity
Chemical supplier A Antiscalant Questionnaire and reports
(Kurita Group, 2021a, 2021b;Kurita Water Industries Ltd., 2018, n.d.).
Table 7
Score (value points) for SAM levels.
Value points SAM levels
D = 4 The organization does not comply with the basic requirement in a
positive context
C = 3 The organization does not comply with the basic requirement in a
negative context
B = 2 The organization complies with the basic requirement
A = 1 The organization has positive and proactive behavior beyond the
basic requirement
Fig. 3. Levelof national compliance withlabor rights (freedom of association andcollective
bargaining[FACB]) for Italy and the EU27average, with0 being the best possiblescore (in-
dicating higher levels of compliance for FACB rights) by 2016 (International Labour Orga-
nization, 2022b).
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
hotspots (Eurostat, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c, 2018;International Labour
Organization, 2022a, 2022b, 2022c;OECD, 2022;Simpson et al., 2020)
to screen impact subcategories for the site specic analysis.
Figs. 3 and 4 refer to indicators of the Workers category. Fig. 3 shows
that the level of national compliance with fundamental labor rights in
Italy which is approximately the same as the European Union average.
The constitutional rights of employment are laid out in the Italian
constitution (International Labour Organization, 2011)whichgivesallcit-
izens the right to work and receive fair pay, and also dictates the maxi-
mum work hours and guarantees paid vacations. Furthermore, Italy's
minimum wage is larger than 68 % and 39 % than the lower and upper
bounds of living wage, respectively. Since 1987, the Italian Department
of Labor limits the maximum work hours to 48 h a week. On average
Italian employees work more than the average of the European Union
(Fig. S2) (OECD, 2022). This corresponds to 2 % higher work hours
annually. However, in particular for the economic sectors related
to the organizations indicated in Table 1, Italian employees work in
average less time than the European average (International Labour
Organization, 2022c), which is an opposite trend compared to the na-
tional average of all sectors included. This difference is minimal for the
manufacturing and electricity sectors, but it is approx. 2 h/week for the
water supply and treatment sector.
In addition, employees in manufacturing, water supply and treatment
sectors work more safely with fewer fatal occupational accidents com-
pared to the average EU27 (Fig. 4). In contrast, fatal occupational
accidents in the Italian electricity sector are more than double the average
in the European Union, which might be attributed to Italian rms (in
general) not complying with tougher safety measures (Giuffrida, 2021).
Furthermore, the Italian average of fatal accidents is higher than the
European average due to the electricity, construction, agriculture, for-
estry, and shing sectors combined.
Figs. 57show hotspot social indicators regarding the Local Commu-
nity and Society stakeholder categories. Similarly, to the indicators ana-
lyzed for the Workers category, the hotspot results for the Local
Community category are compared to those of the European Union aver-
age. In general, in Italy more people use at least basic sanitation services
than the average of the European Union (Fig. 5). The objective of basic
sanitation services is to maintain hygienic conditions, through services
such as garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management,
and/or wastewater treatment and disposal. However, the use of waste-
water treatment is lower in Italy than the average in the European
Union, where Italy ranked 11th place in European Union according to
Wolf et al. (2022). Generated Italian urban wastewater is collected by
individual systems, such as domestic treatment plants and septic tanks,
instead of centralized collecting systems and treatment plants. Further-
more, in 342 municipalities, which correspond to approx. 1.4 million
inhabitants (2.4 % of the total population), the urban wastewater treat-
ment service is absent. Advanced purication plants represent 12.9 % of
the total plants, while treating 66.7 % of the actual generated polluting
loads (Italian National Institute of Statistics, 2018). In addition, the Ital-
ian freshwater withdrawal is higher than the European Union average
(Fig. 6). The Italian household water use from public water supply
per citizen was the third highest in Europe, after Greece and Cyprus
(Eurostat, 2022).
Fig. 4. Fataloccupational injuries per 100,000workers in Italy (orange bars) and in theEU27 (blue bars) for relevanteconomic sectorsin 2015 (International Labour Organization, 2022a).
(For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 5. Water consumption and treatment based on: a) percentage of citizens using at least basic sanitation services, b) wastewater treatment, and c) annual freshwater withdrawals
(Simpson et al., 2020).
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
According to SDG target 6.5, by 2030 IWRM should have been im-
plemented at all levels (United Nations, n.d.). Fig. 7 shows that Italy
ranks lower than the European Union average according to the
degree of IWRM implementation (Fig. S3) (Simpson et al., 2020).
Italy scores high according to the UN in indicators Enabling environ -
ment,Institutions and participation,andManagement instru-
ments, but much lower in Financing.
According to the European Commission (2021), there are 137
productsin the most sensitive ecosystems where the EU is highly reliant
on imports from third-party countries. Therefore, material security is
important, and the EU plan for circular economy has identied
critical raw material, as well as fostering efcient use and recycling.
Fig. 6 shows that there is an increasing trend in using recycled material
and feeding back into the economy both in Italy and Europe. In Italy,
there islarger useof recycled material than the European Union aver-
age. However, Italy was below the EU average in 2018 with respect to
private investments, jobs, and gross value added related to the sec-
tors of the circular economy (Fig. S4) (Eurostat, 2018), while still
being a bigger net importer than EU average by approx. 30 % in
2020 (Eurostat, 2020b)(Fig.S5).
Italian unemployment has risen dramatically in the last 10 years, it
reached of 21 % at a rate of 10 % (Montanini and Barbabella, 2021). In
2020, the unemployment rate decreased in Italy, while the opposite oc-
curred in EU27 (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, the unemployment rate is higher
in Italy than EU27. In particular, Italy hasthe 3rd highest unemployment
rate among the EU27 (after Greece and Spain), reaching 9.2 % (2.3 mil-
lion unemployed people) in 2020, against the EU27 average of 7.1 %
(Eurostat, 2020c).
According to the generic analysis, working conditions, working
hours, and employment in Italy, and minimization of waste produc-
tion while secondary materials are recovered are potential social im-
pacts which should be investigated. Therefore, Health and Safety
(Workers),Local employmentand Access to material resources
will be investigated by the site-specicanalysis.
3.2. Site-specic analysis results
Fig. 8 compares the production of industrial water by the novel sys-
tem with industrial production by the existing reverse osmosis plant.
The industrial water production by the novel plant results in an im-
provement of the six considered social impact subcategories, in the
range of 87 % to 91 % compared to the reverse osmosis plant. One of
the reasons for the lower social impacts of the novel system (which is
a positive feature) is the fact that it generates several co-products and
industrial water has a lower price than the co-products, even though
it is produced in greater quantity. Furthermore, social impacts are
allocated to these co-products with the economic allocation factors
(Table 1). In particular, industrial water is assigned to the secondlargest
allocation factor,and most social impacts areallocated to the recovery of
magnesium hydroxide. Fig. S1 in Supplementary Material shows the
total score if multi-functionality is not considered, and therefore if the
entire social performance was attributed to the industrial water.
For the novel system, Public commitment to sustainability issues
and Local employmentare the impact subcategories that perform
the worst with 1.8 and 1.7, respectively. The Local employment
score for each involved organization is slightly higher than level B (on
average) because the organizations did not have policies to hire locally
or spend on local suppliers, which in both cases would benet the
local community. Among them, only the Chemical supplier A spent a
large percentage (approx. 79 %) on local suppliers. In contrast, other or-
ganizations mentioned that it is of minor signicance to their business
model to invest in local or regional purchasing, or they did not have pol-
icies of preferences for hiring employees coming from close by commu-
nities or did not mention criteria for local suppliers in the core suppliers'
Regarding Public commitment to sustainability issuesmost orga-
nizations complied with the basic requirement and got a B = 2 score
on both indicators, but none of the organizations exceeded level B on
average. Only, chemical supplier B scored A = 1 on engaging in high
quality standards for nonnancial information (including environmen-
tal) indicator because they voluntarily joined the European Eco-
Management and Audit Schemeto evaluate and improve their envi-
ronmental performance. In contrast, the Electricity provider and Plant
operator scored D = 4 because they do not encourage organizations/
suppliers to engage in high-quality standards for non-nancial actions,
including environmental and social aspects, nor produce reports at
appropriate intervals (e.g., yearly).
In contrast, End of life responsibilitygets the best averaged results
with 0.9 (or B = 2 score when all co-products are considered), due to
Chemical supplier C engaging with major customers on common high
materiality aspects and involved organizations having the certication
for quality management systems. Missing data for the Electricity pro-
vider and Plant operator may have an effect. However, it is not possible
to quantify the End of life responsibilityfor a non-physical product
such as electricity.
The scores of therest of the subcategories range between 1.4 and 1.6,
in descending order, Promoting social responsibility,Occupational
health and safety,andAccess to material resources.TheHealth
and safety (Workers)performance is acceptable because organizations
have acquired ISO or Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
(OHSAS) certications for occupational health and safety, and work
takes place in Europe where national laws are strict. The Chemical dis-
tributor is an outlier since it does not publicly report occupational acci-
dents neither document procedures related to risks minimization; at
Fig. 6. Percentage of material recycledand feedback into the economy(Eurostat, 2020a)in
2019 and 2020.
Fig. 7. Unemployment rate (%) in Italy and EU27 (Eurostat, 2020c) in 2019 and 2020.
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
the same time, they were the only organization that involved em-
ployees directly by asking their own safety representatives' opinions.
The Promoting social responsibilityperformance is mainly in-
uenced by the Electricity provider and Plant operator since no in-
formation could be publicly found about the organizations making
reasonable efforts to encourage organizations in their sphere of in-
uence to follow responsible labor practices. In contrast, the Chemi-
cal supplier C has the suppliers' code business and suppliers fully
cooperate in ensuring that they can responsibly source minerals
that do not support conict or human rights abuses. The rest of the
organizations comply with the basic requirements of having a sup-
plier code of conduct where audits are carried out to conrm that
the suppliers respect the code.
Additionally, the Access to material resourcesperformance is
affected by the Chemical supplier C, Electricity provider, and Plant
operator. Although the Chemical supplier C acquired ISO 9001 for en-
vironmental management, it is currently being investigated for crim-
inal activity with respect to the disposal of hazardous waste in the
local river in Italy (Martinuzzi and Silver, 2022). The Electricity pro-
vider and Plant operator do not meet environmental standards or
certication schemes because none is acquired. The rest of the orga-
nizations comply with the basic requirement due to the acquisition
of certications, such as ISO 14001 Environmental management sys-
tems (Kurita Water Industries Ltd., 2018), or explicitly requesting
suppliers to meet environmental criteria (Solvay, n.d.-b) or assessed
with EcoVadis (Brenntag, 2020a).
Lastly, the reference system (i.e., the reverse osmosis and its sup-
pliers) shows similar performances per subcategory because it com-
prises a smaller group of the same organizations with the novel
system. For instance, similar to the novel system, the reference sys-
tem performs the worst in the Public commitment to sustainability
issues, and results in the best scores regarding End-of-life respon-
sibilityand Health and safety (Workers). One worthy difference
regards the Local employmentand Promoting social responsibil-
ityscores. Local employmentis among the better scores because
Chemical supplier A performs much better than the other organiza-
tions of the novel and reference systems. Similarly, Promoting social
responsibilityis among the worse scores because the additional
organizations performed relatively better than Chemical supplier A,
Electricity provider, and Plant operator.
As explained in Section 2.2.3, the aggregated scores presented in
Fig. 9 are composed of the contribution from each organization to
each of the six social impact subcategories. Fig. 10 shows a stacked bar
graph of the contribution analysis for equal weighting. All organizations
Fig. 8. Subcategory assessment results of the site-specic analysis, with equal weighting factors.
Fig. 9. Contribution analysis of socialimpact subcategories results for industrial water production (FU: 1 m
) via seawaterdesalination with thenovel system under the site-specicanal-
ysis, with equal weighting factors.
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
contribute to all impact subcategories. The Chemical suppliers A and B,
and the Chemical distributor have comparable contributions to the
Chemical supplier C and Plant operator due to equal weighting factors
and achieving the basic requirement. Contributions range between
13 % and 25 %, i.e., no organization contributes less than 13 %, and no
organization contributes more than 25 % without the use of weighting
factors. The average contribution is 17 % due to having six organization
comprising the system boundaries.
Fig. 10 shows a stacked bar graph of the contribution analysis results
for each of the six subcategories when cost weighting factors are ap-
plied. Due to weighting, the results changed. The results are affected
mainly by the Electricity provider, approx. 44 % (for ve out of the six
assessed social impact subcategories), and the Plant operator, approx.
55 % (for ve out of the six assessed social impact subcategories). Fur-
thermore, the contribution of the latter is approx.96 % for End of life re-
sponsibilitydue to not assigning a score to the Electricity provider. The
Promoting social responsibilityand Public commitment to sustain-
ability issuesscores became higher than Fig. 12 (equal weighting) be-
cause the Electricity provider and Plant operator score relatively low
on these subcategories, while the other subcategories improved or
remained the same. In particular, the End-of-life responsibilityim-
proved but this is a result of not assigning a score to the Electricity pro-
vider for End-of-life responsibility. The low amounts of chemicals
usage (due to recovery), combined with low overall cost contribution
of antiscalant, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, and distribution
of the latter, resulted in low nancial weighting factors for these
suppliers making their contributions to the aggregated social im-
pacts virtually irrelevant (in the range of approx. 0.1 %0.6 %) for
all assessed subcategories.
3.3. Sensitivity analysis of uncertain parameters
3.3.1. Effects of major contributors
Among the considered organizations, the Chemical supplier B and
Chemical distributor were the only proxy organizations used due to
not identifying a supplier of hydrochloric acid during the interviews.
Chemical supplier B was sele cted because it is a large Italian chemical
manufacturer, and the Chemical distributor is a large German com-
pany that distributes chemicals with ofces and warehouses in vari-
ous European locations (Italy included). Both organizations and the
Chemical supplier A contribute to the subcategory results when
equal weighting is used. However, when nancial weighting factors
are used, these organizations do not affect the results due to the
low amount of hydrochloric acid and antiscalant purchased. There-
fore, a sensitivity analysis is focused on the Chemical supplier C, Elec-
tricity provider and Plant operator.
The Electricity provider and Plant operator perform in general
worse than the rest organizations because of their size and no promo-
tion of social responsibility to their value chain actors. However, both
organizations perceive social responsibility as an important aspect,
thus, a future development of suppliers' code of conduct and acquisition
of ISO certications could improve the social performance of the novel
system. In addition, the Chemical supplier C is under investigation for
criminal activity (Martinuzziand Silver, 2022) affecting its score on Ac-
cess to material resources.Fig. 11 shows how the social impacts assess-
ment for the six subcategories would result, under the site-specic
analysis and with equal weighting factors, if the Chemical supplier C is
found not guilty and if it improves its conductin Italy, and if the Electric-
ity provider and Plant operator will develop a suppliers' code of conduct
based on human rights, occupational health and safety, and acquire
ISO 45001 and 9001. Fig. 11 illustrates this effect on the subcategories
whether the Electricity provider and Plant operator, and Chemical sup-
plier C improve develop policies and improve their conduct, respec-
tively, i.e., a decrease on the impacts, with rectangles with straight
diagonal lines. The score of Access to material resourcesis reduced
by 16 % mainly due to Chemical supplier C improvement. Promoting
social responsibilityand Public commitment to sustainability issues
are reduced by 14 % and 25 %, respectively, mainly due to the Electricity
provider and Plant operator. Therefore, there is signicant room for im-
provement for both Electricity provider and Plant operator.
3.3.2. Effect of economic allocation factors
The selected prices of the products correspond to the desired quali-
ties. However, the targeted quality of magnesium hydroxide as a prod-
uct of the novel systems may be challenging or result in additional costs
due to other consumables needed. Therefore, in this section, we analyze
how sensitive the impact subcategory results are with respect to the re-
covery of magnesium hydroxide. The price of recovered magnesium hy-
droxide was reduced signicantly in case the highest purity cannot be
achieved in the recovery steps and some impurities may still exist.
Therefore, its price was reduced from 1.5 /kg to 0.5 /kg. This change
resulted in an increase in the economic allocation factors for industrial
water and other co-products (i.e., sodium chloride, calcium hydroxide,
sodium sulphate). In particular, for industrial water the economic allo-
cation factor increased from 11.1 % to 17.9 %. Furthermore, the new eco-
nomic allocation factors are 42.1 %, 30.5 %, 1.5 %, and 8.0 % for sodium
chloride, magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and sodium
sulphate, respectively. The new allocation factorfor industrial water re-
sulted in an increase of all impact subcategories by 62 %. Fig. 12 shows
that there are still social benets even when lower quality magnesium
is recovered.
Fig. 10. Contribution analysis of social impact subcategories resultsfor industrial water production of the novel system (FU: 1 m
) via seawaterdesalination with the novel system under
the site-specicanalysis,withnancial weighting factors.
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
3.4. Limitations
The results of this study provide a social performance assessment of
the organizations involved in the supply chain of the analyzed product
line. A limitation is the number of investigated impact subcategories. Al-
though these impact subcategories were considered the most relevant
for the case based on generic analysis, literature review, and online sur-
vey, these six subcategories still represent a small fraction of all subcat-
egories in the Guidelines. Furthermore, when data collection with the
questionnaire was not possible, data was collected from public annual
reports focusing on specic plants where consumed chemicals were
manufactured. On the other hand, when the questionnaire was distrib-
uted, only oneperson from the organization lled it in. Both facts consti-
tute limitations due to the potential omission of plant-specicdataand
personal bias. However, it is impossible to include all impact subcate-
gories in the assessment due to data needs, and data collection from
more than one person in an organization is challenging when the
organization is not directly collaborating with the S-LCA practitioners.
The S-LCA method comes with a signicant limitation when site-
specic analysis is performed; no database can be built for site-specic
analysis. This results in great data needs for the S-LCA practitioners.
Lastly, a major limitation is allocation. In environmental-LCA, handling
allocation is a standard solution to allocate system inputs and outputs
to co-products. However, in the case of S-LCA, allocating social effects
to co-products may not be needed. The Guidelines mention that the al-
location depends on the nature and scope of the social data. For
instance, allocation may be irrelevant when assessing indicators and
impacts that are not measured at the product level (e.g., external effects,
such as disrespect ofindigenous rights, delocalization oflocal communi-
ties, etc.) (UNEP, 2020). Fig. S1 shows the S-LCA results without apply-
ing allocation. In this case, and since the novel system consists of more
involved organizations, the organizational-based approach results in
worse social performance than the reference system. Finally, the selec-
tion of allocation type will affect the social impact scores. This study ap-
plied economic allocation because one product exiting the water plant
gate is in liquid form, while the rest are solids.Instead, if mass allocation
were applied then according to Table 2, 99.5 % of the social impacts
would be allocated to industrial water and the results would be very
similar to Fig. S1.
4. Conclusions
This study assesses the social impacts of a novel desalination plant to
produce industrial water from seawater, and also compares the social
Fig. 12. Sensitivity analysis of subcategory assessment resultsfor lower prices of magnesium hydroxideof the site-specicanalysis for industrial waterproduction of thenovel system (FU:
) via seawater desalination with the novel system under the site-specic analysis, with equal weighting factors.
Access to
Health and
commitment to
Score values
Decrease in impacts Plant operator Electricity provider
Chemical supplier C Chemical distributor Chemical Supplier B
Fig. 11. Sensitivity analysis of socialimpact subcategories results forindustrial water production of the novelsystem (FU: 1 m
) via seawater desalination withthe novel system under the
site-specic analysis, with equal weighting factors, and decrease in impacts (rectangle with straight diagonal lines).
G.A. Tsalidis, D. Xevgenos, R. Ktori etal. Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (2023)
impacts of the novel plant with respect to a conventional industrial
water plant based on reverse osmosis, at Lampedusa (Italy) through
the application of the social-LCA method. Surveying water experts and
the literature review in combination with the generic analysis provided
insights regarding which impact subcategories should be selected for
the site-specic analysis. The novel desalinatio n plant provides social
benets even if the recovered products will be sold at a lower value
than expected and two are the stakeholders which contribute to
the results highly.
The generic analysis showed that wastewater treatment in Italy is
underdeveloped, and water scarcity can become a serious problem
for Italy. Additionally, Italian employees work less but less safely
than European average, and the Italian economy is still a net im-
porter of goods. Therefore, for S-LCA case studies of the Italian
water supply and treatment, Local employment,Access to mate-
rial resourcesand Occupational health and safetysubcategories
should be investigated.
The site-specic analysis showed that the novel system results in so-
cial benets with respect to the reference system for all impact subcat-
egories due to co-production. The use of weighting factors shows that
two organizations are the main contributors to social performance
(i.e., Electricity provider and Plant operator). Furthermore, a sensitivity
analysis showed that improving specic aspects of the conduct of these
organizations can result in benets in Promoting social responsibility,
Public commitment to sustainability issues, and Access to material
resources. According to the generic and site-specic results, the Plant
operator and the Electricity provider should be certied for health and
safety of employees.
It is recommended to aim and collect more site-specic data from
the involved organizations in the system boundaries, and to develop
scenarios for the supply of hydrochloric acid based on former suppliers
of the Plant operator. This way, the used S-LCA results can provide addi-
tional valuable insights to decision makers of the Plant operator and
Electricity provider in order to select a supplier that can help to improve
the social performance of the novel system. Finally, due to the fact that
the novel plan provides social benets due to co-production, it is recom-
mended to investigate further how to apply the typeI approach of S-LCA
to linear production systems as they become more circular.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
The authors thank the European Commission for supporting the
activities carried out in the framework of the WATER-MINING
(project under grant agreement No. 869474). Furthermore, the au-
thors would like to thank Gabriele Musacchia from SELIS Lampedusa
S.p.A. for responding to the questionnaire, the anonymous water
experts who responded to the online Water Mining survey. The
opinions expressed in this document reect only the views of the
authors and do not reect the European Commission's opinions.
The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may
be made of the information it contains.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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... In this review, studies have used several different techniques to find the relative importance (weight) of various impact categories. Tsalidis et al. (2023) used the Subcategory Assessment Method (SAM) in which the concept of basic requirements serves as fundamental criteria guiding the evaluation of social impacts by providing benchmarks for interpreting assessment results. Tsambe et al. (2021) used an organizational hierarchy of A to D, where level B implied that the organization met the basic requirement such as compliance with the regional legislation or internationally accepted criteria for determining human rights. ...
... A potential solution may be to examine all product systems included in the system boundary and identifying all the potential affected parties as shown by Hossain et al. (2018). Tsalidis et al. (2023) consulted experts in wastewater treatment to find the most relevant impacts and classified them according to the affected stakeholders. They also used published literature to find relevant stakeholders similar to Ibáñez-Forés et al. (2019) and Nubi et al. (2021). ...
... Obtaining comprehensive and reliable information across the entire life cycle of products was reported as a challenge of the current S-LCA methodology in several studies (Barrio et al., 2021;Tsalidis et al., 2023;Yıldız-Geyhan et al., 2017). In this section, we have discussed challenges related to both primary or secondary data collection techniques. ...
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Transitioning to a circular economy (CE) may create unintended social consequences. This systematic review analysed 45 published studies from 2009 to 2023 that evaluate these consequences using social lifecycle assessment (S-LCA), a tool based on the UNEP Guidelines. Most studies focused on circular activities like energy recovery and material recycling rather than reuse, remanufacturing, and repair. Worker-related issues like health, safety or fair wages were more frequently reported than impacts on consumers or society. Challenges in S-LCA application for CE include defining system boundary, identifying affected stakeholders, selecting relevant impact categories and indicators, obtaining verifiable data inventory, and addressing subjectivity in impact interpretation. A solution identified through the review was to enhance stakeholder involvement across industries to identify emerging social risks during the transition to CE. Periodically revising the UNEP Guideline based on these risks will provide a uniform framework for continued use of S-LCA in evaluating the transition to CE.
... Therefore, the desalination plant consists of nanofiltration, multi effect distillation, crystallization, and electrodialysis process units. Detailed information on this case study can be found in the work of Tsalidis et al. (2023). ...
... Economic allocation factors of the desalination plant system; prices were obtained from (Tsalidis et al., 2023 ...
... The material inputs for the equipment are listed in Table S1 and were provided by technology suppliers. The material inputs for consumables and energy inputs can be found in (Tsalidis et al., 2023). All material inputs were entered into openLCA as monetary values. ...
... However, the environmental, and social aspects, and the impact of technical aspects on the environment are missing from the analysis. A first attempt to integrate social aspects to the analysis of desalination and brine managements systems was proposed by Tsalidis et al. (2023) through social LCA. ...
... For instance, specific indicators, such as political risks/impacts and benthic seabed damages, prove exceptionally difficult to quantify, both quantitatively and qualitatively . Furthermore, collecting data from more than one person in an organization becomes a complicated task, particularly when there's no direct collaboration with S-LCA practitioners (Tsalidis et al. , 2023). These complexities often lead to the reliance on assumptions when evaluating social impacts (Stringham and Mattson, 2021), introducing an element of uncertainty into these assessments. ...
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Valuable and rare materials are found in seawater brine that are often discarded as waste during the desalination process. Treatment of seawater brine increasingly focuses on resource recovery instead of disposal minimization due to economic and environmental opportunities. The transition to resource recovery requires considering societal benefits and costs, such as water availability and energy cost. This study aims to synthesize the findings and key messages from literature and experts, including the successes and failures of Sustainability Assessments (SA), to develop a comprehensive and transparent framework to design and assess for integrated desalination and resource recovery. Building on a critical review of the state of sustainability assessment of desalination and/or brine treatment systems, we propose a sustainability assessment framework for early stage planning. Specifically, this work proposes a unique approach for SA in the desalination sector by integrating participatory Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and Value sensitive design (VSD) in the decision-making process. The framework proposes to involve stakeholders and incorporates their values at different stages of the assessment, making it distinct from traditional SA methods, promoting societally acceptable and sustainable solutions. The framework is designed to guide decision-making with clear structure, provide insights into system performance, and offer alternative solutions in alignment with stakeholders’ values. While the framework aims to incorporate stakeholders’ values into the design and evaluation process, it also places a strong emphasis on transparency in the selection of indicators, alternatives, and weights. This emphasis on transparency reflects the framework’s normative approach to decision-making, which prioritizes clear and open communication about the decision-making process. The proposed framework offers a comprehensive and participatory approach to address the sustainability challenges faced by the desalination sector. The significance of this work lies in its ability to guide decision-makers toward improved opportunities for sustainable development while ensuring transparency in the assessment process. This work serves as a foundational contribution with the intent of benefiting future research.
... Although S-LCAs can aid in the comparison of alternatives, when the RS approach is applied, S-LCA results do not represent product-specific information, and methodological challenges remain in the assessment of circular products (Tsalidis et al. 2023). In particular, solving multifunctionality through allocation in S-LCA is even more artificial than in E-LCA. ...
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Purpose This work aims to provide insights on the application of social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) in evaluating the social impacts associated with municipal wastewater treatment (WWT). The study assesses the social risks and social performance of two municipal WWT systems in Catalonia, Spain: a conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (Reference System) and a novel system that recovers water and other valuable resources (Novel System). Methods S-LCA was conducted at Generic and Site-Specific levels using 1 m³ of wastewater treatment as the functional unit (FU). The Generic assessment was conducted via the Product Social Impact Life Cycle Assessment (PSILCA) database, while the Site-Specific assessment employed the Subcategory Assessment Method (SAM) with four-level reference scales to assess the social performance of the WWTP operator and its first-tier suppliers. Furthermore, activity variables were calculated based on organizations’ shares in the total costs per FU, and the Novel System’s multifunctionality was solved through economic allocation. Results were aggregated by (i) assigning equal weights to organizations and (ii) factoring in organizations’ weights and the allocation factor, leading to results per FU. Results and discussion The Generic analysis results indicated that the Novel System entailed fewer social risks than the Reference System. Most social risks in both systems occurred in the subcategories “Access to material resources,” “Fair salary,” “Freedom of association and collective bargaining,” “Contribution to economic development,” and “Corruption.” In the Site-Specific assessment, the Novel System presented better social performance than the Reference System per 1 m³ of wastewater treatment. The latter’s performance per FU did not meet the basic requirement in four out of eleven subcategories, mainly due to the performance and weight of a chemical supplier. Allocation greatly benefitted the Novel System’s results per FU compared to the results obtained when equal weights were applied. Conclusions Activity variables were used to connect organizations’ conduct with particular WWT systems, and multifunctionality was solved. This approach allowed for obtaining results per FU at both assessment levels. However, social performance was also evaluated by calculating the average social performance of each system without considering activity variables and the FU, leading to different results. The social performance of the Novel System per FU was satisfactory across all subcategories but required improvement in four subcategories based on the average results. Given the limitations of using activity variables and allocation in S-LCA, further research is necessary to appropriately evaluate and compare the social effects of novel resource recovery systems.
... Ronquim et al. [32] compared the midpoint effects of global warming, energy resource depletion, land use, and mineral resource depletion for RO and ZLD processes. Furthermore, Tsalidis et al. [33,34] investigated ZLD desalination plants in some European countries. It has been found applying ZLD technology is a great approach to decrease the environmental impacts but the economic issues should be considered [34]. ...
Conference Paper
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With regard to sustainable development goals (SDG) 6, access to reliable water is an important and vital challenge in the world. In this study, 4 desalination plants based on reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and membrane distillation (MD) were investigated with a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach to be implemented in Persian Gulf region. The individual RO, hybrid RO-RO, hybrid NF-RO, and hybrid RO-MD systems were evaluated from the perspective of freshwater recovery rate, climate change potential (global warming), eutrophication potential, ecotoxicity potential, and fossil depletion potential. It has been found the RO-MD and RO-RO were able to achieve the aim of minimal or minimum liquid discharge (MLD) strategy. Although the NF-RO is able to be used in MLD and ZLD technologies for seawater desalination, it is not appropriate approach for brackish water desalination to achieve the MLD strategy. Abstract-With regard to sustainable development goals (SDG) 6, access to reliable water is an important and vital challenge in the world. In this study, 4 desalination plants based on reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), and membrane distillation (MD) were investigated with a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach to be implemented in Persian Gulf region. The individual RO, hybrid RO-RO, hybrid NF-RO, and hybrid RO-MD systems were evaluated from the perspective of freshwater recovery rate, climate change potential (global warming), eutrophication potential, ecotoxicity potential, and fossil depletion potential. It has been found the RO-MD and RO-RO were able to achieve the aim of minimal or minimum liquid discharge (MLD) strategy. Although the NF-RO is able to be used in MLD and ZLD technologies for seawater desalination, it is not appropriate approach for brackish water desalination to achieve the MLD strategy.
... It focuses more on the immediate activities and their social impacts (Iofrida et al. 2018;UNEP 2020). There are different existing reference scales such as the subcategory assessment method (SAM) and Product Social Impact Assessment, or it can be defined based on the research needs and sociopolitical context (Ramirez et al. 2014(Ramirez et al. , 2016Fontes et al. 2018;UNEP 2020;Tsalidis et al. 2023;Luna Ostos et al. 2024). Secondary data for reference scale S-LCA can be obtained using different databases (UNEP 2020). ...
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Purpose New research methods are needed to better understand the progress toward social sustainability goals. Social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) is one way to measure this progress, but price volatility may cause challenges in using monetary value-based S-LCA modelling with typical S-LCA databases. To address these methodological concerns, the study focuses on assessing the impacts of price volatility on S-LCA results through a comparative case study on the social risks of battery materials. Methods The Social Hotspot Database (SHDB) was used to compare cathode active material (CAM) production in Finland and globally to see how price volatility of minerals impacts the results of comparative S-LCA. Also, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the prices of multiple minerals and energy types used in NMC 811 CAM production. Results and discussion This study shows that price volatility might have an unanticipated effect on the results of S-LCA, e.g., by increasing the social risks when the mineral price is decreased due to price volatility. This may cause challenges with interpretation of the results or when results of two different studies using price data from different years are compared with each other, e.g., the results of social product declarations (SPD). However, one of the main purposes of using the SHDB is to find the countries and sectors with the highest social risks in the supply chain, and these results were less sensitive to price volatility except for lithium which also had the highest price fluctuation. Conclusions Price volatility can have significant impacts on the results of the monetary value-based S-LCA. It is recommended that the mineral price volatility is considered if developing product category rules for battery-related sectors. The importance of sensitivity analyses should be emphasized, and physical unit-based reference flow should be preferred if site-specific data collection about worker hours is possible.
... The social-LCA adopts the same framework as the environmental LCA. While the United Nations has proposed comprehensive guidelines to standardise social impact assessment methodologies [27], Tsalidis et al. [28] pointed out that social LCA guidelines have yet to be organically integrated with life cycle thinking and lack a common agreement on impact categories, indicators, and assessment methods. In response, the present study has [Goal: to assess the overall techno-sustainability performance of the four geothermal power generation production systems. ...
... To assess the social impacts of the pilot project, a Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) approach is being adopted in accordance with the Guidelines released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/ Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Life Cycle Initiative (Benoît-Norris et al., 2011;UNEP, 2021). A S-LCA is a multistep process involving, in layman's terms, defining the assessment's objectives, scope, and boundaries, collecting data on various social aspects throughout the project's life cycle, evaluating potential social impacts, and finally interpreting the results in the context of the goals and objectives set (Abeliotis et al., 2018;Tsalidis et al., 2023). Additionally, the process could involve formulating recommendations and guidelines, undergoing external review and verification to bolster credibility, and adapting the assessment to reflect changes and enhancements within the project. ...