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Citation: Taherdoost, H.;
Madanchian, M. Blockchain-Based
New Business Models: A Systematic
Review. Electronics 2023,12, 1479.
Academic Editor: Mehdi Sookhak
Received: 10 March 2023
Accepted: 15 March 2023
Published: 21 March 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
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Blockchain-Based New Business Models: A Systematic Review
Hamed Taherdoost 1,* and Mitra Madanchian 1,2
1Department of Arts, Communications and Social Sciences, University Canada West,
Vancouver, BC V6Z 0E5, Canada; mitra@hamta.ca
2Research and Development Department, Hamta Business Corporation, Vancouver, BC V6E 1C9, Canada
*Correspondence: hamed.taherdoost@gmail.com; Tel.: +1-236-889-5359
The role of blockchain in new business model development requires greater focus because
the technology is still in its infancy. Thus, there has been little research on the effects of the various
blockchain networks (such as public, private, and consortium). This finding prompted a thorough
investigation of new blockchain-based business models created between 2012 and 2022 to close
this gap. This review’s focus is on journals, and duplicate articles have been removed. Works
based on interviews, articles in press, non-English articles, reviews, conferences, book chapters,
dissertations, and monographs are also not included. Seventy-five papers from the past ten years
are included in this evaluation. This study examines the current state of new blockchain-based
business models. Additionally, the implications and applications in the related literature have
been investigated. These findings highlight numerous open research questions and promising new
directions for investigation, which will likely be helpful to academics and professionals. The business
strategies built on blockchain are currently on a path with a rapid upward trajectory. Blockchain
technology offers businesses numerous chances to modify and develop new company models. By
changing the conventional framework, blockchain innovation leads to the development of new
methods for developing company models. The supportive potential of blockchain technologies such
as NFT and P2E is increasingly being coupled with the development of new corporate projects and
the modification of current business models. Since this field of study is still fairly new, researchers
will have fresh opportunities to analyze its characteristics.
Keywords: blockchain; business; business models; business development; new business models
1. Introduction
Blockchain is a disruptive technology that can transform businesses and have a wide
range of applications [
]. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer transaction ledger system that is
trusted, immutable, transparent, permanent, decentralized [
], and supported by algorith-
mic trust and distributed consensus mechanisms. It allows for secure information sharing,
the long-term preservation of digital records, and the validation and verification of digital
transactions. Numerous industries, including insurance, the supply chain industry, bank-
ing, real estate, renewable energy, and healthcare, have initiated blockchain initiatives [
Since blockchain is decentralized and eliminates intermediaries, commercial transactions
can occur anywhere. Blockchain is an excellent means to (a) prove ownership; (b) trade;
(c) establish peer-to-peer trust for real-time transactions; (d) increase dependability; and
(e) withstand external attacks [6].
A business model constitutes a company’s way of conducting business and the mea-
sures it takes to gain a competitive edge and improve its goods and services [
]. Firms
digitalize their business models to increase their competitiveness in a world characterized
by a fluctuating market, new technology, and diverse client demands [
]. Blockchain
has changed the way business is conducted [
]. Initially used in the banking industry,
today, blockchain is employed to transfer digital data across businesses. By altering how
participants engage in digital transactions, a blockchain may provide new capabilities for
Electronics 2023,12, 1479. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12061479 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 2 of 24
businesses [
]. When employed in corporate operations, blockchains have far-reaching
implications. For instance, transactions may be validated, disintermediation can be facili-
tated, and the efficiency and trust among members of an organization’s ecosystem can be
enhanced [
]. These advantages may dramatically transform a company’s operations.
However, the technology is still in its infancy, and research studies have expressed concern
regarding the technological obstacles, ethical difficulties, and implementation security
hazards with which it is threatened [17–19].
The current amount of research on business model innovation and blockchains is
insufficient. Most research has been conducted from a technical standpoint [
]. Such
studies have provided conceptual models of blockchain-based information systems and dis-
cussed the technological architecture that enables value creation. Scholars have examined
the technology from a design perspective and concentrated on the various ways in which
blockchain may be applied in business processes such as supply chain management [
Focusing on technical aspects complicates the determination of the commercial use of an
invention. Several studies [
] have investigated the impact of blockchains on the devel-
opment of strategic skills. In addition, they have examined how technology influences the
introduction of new activities and how it impacts the governance and structure of current
activities [
]. However, the studies have not examined the significance of technological fea-
tures in developing, delivering, and collecting value across various types of companies [
To determine how blockchain technology produces, distributes, and collects value, as well
as how technical circumstances may alter business models, an investigation is required.
Aside from the fact that theorists have not paid sufficient attention to how blockchain
technology impacts business models, blockchain startups also fail to provide their promised
commercial benefits. Companies do not comprehend how blockchain technology may
enhance their corporate practices [
]. In addition, it is yet unclear whether business model
patterns have performed effectively with this new technology base. Using these issues as a
launch point, the following research topics will be the subject of this paper.
Blockchain can significantly contribute to disruptive developments in management
and business. The lack of knowledge and comprehension of blockchain technologies
prevents academic study and real-world use. To obtain and maintain a competitive edge,
business managers must comprehend the potential effects and threats of blockchain applica-
tions. Applications based on blockchain seem to have significant prospects for performance
enhancement and revenue generation [
]. The three main ways in which blockchain might
influence and disrupt business models are through the disintermediation of middlemen, re-
ducing transaction costs, and the authentication of traded commodities [
]. Earlier studies
investigated the connections between business models and blockchain [
]. Yet, some
of them alter the current conventional business models, while others develop a model for a
particular industry or simply concentrate on digital transformation in general. A dynamic
capabilities framework with blockchain properties and an awareness of business models
was conceived in the research conducted by Aydiner [
]. By exploring the technological
factors that can affect business models and probing the function of technological advantages
in boosting company value, Marikyan et al. [
] presented a conceptual insight into the use
of blockchain in organizations with varied value configurations. Lee [
] examined how
various business models are used to create a token economy as a result of how blockchain
and cryptocurrencies are still developing and interconnected. Chen and Bellavitis [
evaluated the advantages of decentralized finance, listed current business models, and
considered potential drawbacks and restrictions. The state-of-the-art practices are outlined
in an article by Viriyasitavat et al. [
] to pinpoint new areas of study, difficulties, and
potentially useful applications when incorporating blockchain into the growth of business
process management. The purpose of the paper written by Bürer et al. [
] is to identify
key topics to be further researched by focusing on applications for blockchain systems.
To comprehend the challenges and opportunities precipitated by blockchain in different
business operations, Kimani et al. [37] undertook a literature review.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 3 of 24
The objective of this paper is to review the current status of the literature on blockchain-
based new business models in a way that will help emerging researchers catch up on the
development of the field and provide recommendations for improving the caliber of
subsequent studies. To be more precise, this study conducts a thorough literature review
of earlier research on new business models based on blockchain. In addition, this paper
aims to pinpoint knowledge gaps and promising research directions. The specifics of the
research questions (RQs) are as follows:
: What is the present state of research in this field?
1. RQ2: What implications will blockchain have for new business models?
2. RQ3: What are the applications of blockchain-based business models?
RQ4: What new business models based on blockchain will emerge in the
coming years?
The structure of this study is as follows: The research methodology used to find, screen,
and select the included studies is comprehensively addressed in the second section. The
third section examines the literature on blockchain-based new business models, showcasing
the most popular papers, examining their applicability, and highlighting some of the most
challenging problems in this field. Future developments are discussed as the section comes
to a close. The final section of the report discusses the conclusions.
2. Background of the Study
The development of the internet in the 1990s prompted the serious study of company
strategies regarding the frameworks of business models [
]. The reason for this new in-
terest was that during this period, businesses were prompted to reevaluate their operations
due to the impact of market globalization and the introduction of new communication
technologies [
]. This shift hastened the hunt for novel organizational structures, thereby
paving the way for the replacement of traditional business models with e-commerce-based
ones that maximally exploit the possibilities provided by the Internet Age [
]. In this view,
the business models were initially classified as methods for reforming company operations
in association with environmental analyses, as stated in the study by Simmons et al. [
Given the frequency with which new opportunities and challenges appear in the market, it
is clear that business models are crucial for determining how organizational structures can
be optimally shaped [43,44].
2.1. Business Models
A business model is a conceptual instrument that aids strategic decision making
and directs managers through the implementation process. It emphasizes a system-level,
comprehensive explanation of how organizations operate [
]. Chesbrough [
] found
that all companies operating in a competitive setting have a business model, regardless of
what it has been termed.
The conventional business model is centralized and consists of shareholders or owners,
an organization, its staff, and its customers. In this approach, the company profits by selling
things or services. It expects consumers to buy their services or products at a certain price
after they have been produced. The rate will have been determined so that it addresses
crucial details such as wages and any other expenses required by the company to deliver
the goods or services. Companies that adopt this model use centralized models, which
vary by industry but often include franchisees, retailers, distributors, and manufacturers.
During the last two decades, studies on business models have increased [
] and taken
varied directions [
], with many academics and managers focusing on innovation in
business models [
]. This focus on new business models is a direct response to increased
competitiveness and the ongoing changes in consumer and market needs [
]. In this
regard, market success in recent years has not been reflected in the launch of new services
or products on their own but rather in the reinvention of business models [48].
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 4 of 24
2.2. How Does Blockchain Transform Business Models?
A new type of business strategy needs to be created due to changing consumer stan-
dards, needs, technologies, and laws. Additionally, not all components incorporated in
the current models are compatible with the various available technologies and blockchain
characteristics. Model-based methods help people comprehend general business strategies
by directing them toward relevant elements that have an impact on how people conduct
business across a range of industries. One of the traits of business-model-based thinking
is the ability to recognize and address operational problems. The way in which values
are produced and captured for consumers determines business logic, and there are var-
ious models for various reasons [
]. Business models are theoretical viewpoints that
outline the structure of corporate operations to capture values and demonstrate how these
values can be turned into profits [
]. A business model uses a system-level perspec-
tive to describe how businesses operate. There are established techniques for defining
business strategies for organizations. Digital tools, on the other hand, are changing the
current practices governing business structures into new kinds of strategies. Blockchain
will disrupt established business strategies as well as value streams that are collected
and produced [29].
Osterwalder and Pigneur presented the well-known traditional business model
CANVAS, which has nine principles and incorporates the idea of straightforward, perti-
nent, and comprehensible methods of describing businesses’ features [
]. When building
a model with factors, the firm level of the business idea is taken into account and the
query “what of doing business” is posed [
]. These nine components—cost structures; key
partnerships, activities, and resources; income streams; customer relationships; channels;
value offerings; and customer groups—analyze capacities for effectiveness and value for
stakeholders [
]. This model is deficient in that it does not include data and confidence
as components of its worth [53].
The literature on business models lacks a collection of universal elements that specify
how the models ought to be. Therefore, the St. Gallen Business model navigator created
the questions required to be able to describe a business model. To understand the value of
a business, the model poses the following questions: “Who is the customer?” “why is the
business model financially viable?” “How to build and disseminate the value proposition?”,
and “What is offered to the target customer?” [
]. The value design model, one of
the other models that have been proposed, consists of extracts, exchanges, nodes, and
value drivers that work together equally. The ecosystem is the primary force behind the
value design approach, which uses building blocks to create an integrated view to find
values [
]. The business DNA (design, needs, and aspirations) paradigm operates within
three value-based structural components that engage with specific system components.
Defining each of the DNA segments through “How?”, “What?”, and “Why?” queries
leads to interaction. The D blocks are made up of important collaborators, assets, and
tasks. Channels, client connections, and parts are contained in the N block. The value
offer, income, and expenses are all covered in the A block [
]. These models always view
the value through extra intermediaries to clarify the business model when defining the
building block components. However, the blockchain pledges to eliminate the middlemen
in commercial arrangements. Due to their static methods, these frequently used business
models appear to be unable to describe blockchain-based business properties and values.
2.3. Blockchain
In today’s world, as nearly every action, service, or communication involves some
sort of data transfer, information has risen to prominence as the most valuable asset in
every exchange. Information quality and availability must be guaranteed while working
with large data sets. For data-driven decisions to be trusted by stakeholders, data must be
transparent, accountable, and verifiable. The agri-food industry is one of many physical
and service-providing markets [
] that could benefit from the deployment of blockchain
technology, which is now popular in financial applications and transactions [
]. Numerous
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 5 of 24
industries have been affected by blockchain, which has altered how organizations create,
function, and interact with customers. Blockchain-based business models have aided
businesses in modifying their strategies and identifying new methods by which to thrive in
the digital age.
A blockchain-based business model is characterized by the three primary properties of
blockchain technology: transparency, immutability, and decentralization [
]. The essence
of commerce consists of peer-to-peer interactions within a dependable and trustworthy
network. Decentralization profoundly impacts how businesses function. Profit produc-
tion and the flow of entities and transactions are designed to maximize the benefits for
end-users and businesses. The current paradigm comprises decentralized applications
that can conduct peer-to-peer transactions without requiring intermediaries or a central
authority [
]. Incorporating decentralized applications into this paradigm eliminates the
need for shareholders and employees. Even though blockchain technology drastically
modifies the impacts and responsibilities of users, a business model that incorporates its
use is viable since users become both owners and employees. Eliminating intermediaries
reduces the costs and time associated with third parties, thereby enhancing the ecosystem,
boosting returns for investors, and lowering prices for consumers [60].
The blockchain business model offers genuine benefits that any organization can
exploit. With this business model, both firm owners and end consumers benefit from the
value provided. In addition to removing intermediaries and other security investments that
unnecessarily raise the price of their products and services, business owners can benefit
from recruiting investors or receiving payments from across the globe. On the other hand,
consumers may rely on trustworthy agreements brought about by self-executing smart
contracts and feel confident knowing that their personal information is secure. Although
the blockchain sector is still in its infancy, it continues to demonstrate its immense potential
that is still untapped.
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Planning the Review
This study sought to evaluate the current state of new business models based on
blockchain technology. With the utmost seriousness, this investigation reviews all the recent,
pertinent literature. The review approach applied herein uses organized RQs, databases,
and methods for locating and assessing material. To provide a precise, quantitative, and
in-depth evaluation of blockchain-based new business models, specific components of the
specified reporting items for systematic reviews were chosen. The entire strategy includes
the following crucial actions [61]:
I. Examining the current state of the field.
II. Recognizing the study’s evolutional trends.
III. Analyzing the field’s challenges and potential future directions
IV. Providing a breakdown of the investigation’s findings.
3.2. Research Strategy
An inclusive viewpoint is necessary for a comprehensive review of the literature.
Several databases were chosen before the search was conducted to increase the chance of
finding highly relevant articles. This study uses sources from Scopus.
3.3. Search Criteria
For various reasons, not all outstanding studies have been included in the search
criteria. A total of 553 Scopus results have been analyzed (8 December 2022). A total of
75 studies have been included in this review (Figure 1). The search strings’ development
was influenced by the study domain and research topics. Relevant information was found
and gathered through searches for “Blockchain” AND “Business Model”; OR “Blockchain”
AND “Business Development”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Business Management”; OR
“Blockchain” AND “Business Framework”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Digital Business”; OR
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 6 of 24
“Blockchain” AND “Online Business”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Electronic Business”; OR
“Blockchain” AND “E-Business”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Business”.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24
studies have been included in this review (Figure 1). The search strings’ development was
inuenced by the study domain and research topics. Relevant information was found and
gathered through searches for “Blockchain” AND “Business Model”; OR “Blockchain”
AND “Business Development”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Business Management”; OR
“Blockchain” AND “Business Framework”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Digital Business”;
OR “Blockchain” AND “Online Business”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Electronic Business”;
OR “Blockchain” AND “E-Business”; OR “Blockchain” AND “Business”.
Figure 1. PRISMA owchart showing how studies were chosen for systematic reviews.
I. Inclusion criteria (IC):
1. The research could be published at any time between the years 2012 and 2022.
2. The study is constrained to journals.
3. The study corresponds to the following type of document: “article”.
II. Exclusion criteria (EC):
1. Studies could not be in-press articles.
2. Studies could not be duplicated articles.
3. Studies could not be wrien work in languages other than English.
4. Results and Discussion
The following is a list of responses to the RQs from the systematic review. The use of
new business models based on blockchain appears to have signicantly advanced thanks
to this study. New business models built on blockchains are described in this section. The
future sections will detail the importance of using new business models based on block-
chain technology.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart showing how studies were chosen for systematic reviews.
I. Inclusion criteria (IC):
The research could be published at any time between the years 2012 and 2022.
2. The study is constrained to journals.
3. The study corresponds to the following type of document: “article”.
II. Exclusion criteria (EC):
1. Studies could not be in-press articles.
2. Studies could not be duplicated articles.
3. Studies could not be written work in languages other than English.
4. Results and Discussion
The following is a list of responses to the RQs from the systematic review. The use of
new business models based on blockchain appears to have significantly advanced thanks
to this study. New business models built on blockchains are described in this section.
The future sections will detail the importance of using new business models based on
blockchain technology.
4.1. Selection Results
A total of 553 items were obtained in this search, of which 478 were screened. There
are 75 articles included in this systematic review. The selected works are listed below, along
with an explanation of the general classification results. The review process is constrained
by the review database used, which was primarily Scopus.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 7 of 24
RQ1: What is the present state of research in this field?
This systematic review examines research papers on blockchain-based new business
models published between 2012 and 2022. This systematic review examines descriptive
data on annually published papers, topic areas, author nationality, top keywords, and
most-cited publications.
Figure 2displays the number of articles created in each subject area from 2012 to
2022. Business, management, and accounting (35 articles) and computer science (34 articles)
are the main topics. Other subject areas covered in the collection include engineering
(twenty articles); economics, econometrics, and finance (nine articles); decision sciences
(eight articles); energy (eight articles); environmental science (eight articles); social sciences
(eight articles); mathematics (five articles); psychology (three articles); materials science
(two articles); pharmacology, toxicology, and pharmaceutics (two articles); biochemistry,
genetics, and molecular biology (one article); chemistry (one article); medicine (one article);
and multidisciplinary studies (one article).
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24
4.1. Selection Results
A total of 553 items were obtained in this search, of which 478 were screened. There
are 75 articles included in this systematic review. The selected works are listed below,
along with an explanation of the general classication results. The review process is con-
strained by the review database used, which was primarily Scopus.
RQ1: What is the present state of research in this eld?
This systematic review examines research papers on blockchain-based new business
models published between 2012 and 2022. This systematic review examines descriptive
data on annually published papers, topic areas, author nationality, top keywords, and
most-cited publications.
Figure 2 displays the number of articles created in each subject area from 2012 to
2022. Business, management, and accounting (35 articles) and computer science (34 arti-
cles) are the main topics. Other subject areas covered in the collection include engineering
(twenty articles); economics, econometrics, and nance (nine articles); decision sciences
(eight articles); energy (eight articles); environmental science (eight articles); social sci-
ences (eight articles); mathematics (ve articles); psychology (three articles); materials sci-
ence (two articles); pharmacology, toxicology, and pharmaceutics (two articles); biochem-
istry, genetics, and molecular biology (one article); chemistry (one article); medicine (one
article); and multidisciplinary studies (one article).
Figure 2. The number of papers published between 2012 and 2022 on the subject.
Figure 3 depicts the number of articles published each year between 2012 and 2022.
The rst paper was published in 2016, demonstrating how recently blockchain has
emerged as a research topic in the literature on new business models. The distribution of
35 34
532 2 1111
Number of Articles
Subject Area
Figure 2. The number of papers published between 2012 and 2022 on the subject.
Figure 3depicts the number of articles published each year between 2012 and 2022.
The first paper was published in 2016, demonstrating how recently blockchain has emerged
as a research topic in the literature on new business models. The distribution of publication
dates over time is as follows: one paper (nearly 1.33%) was published in 2016, four papers
(nearly 5.33%) were published in 2018, eight papers (nearly 10.67%) were published in
2019, fifteen (20%) were published in 2020, nineteen (nearly 25.33%) were published in
2021, and twenty-five papers (nearly 33.33%) were published in 2022. Given the lag-time of
academic research and publishing with respect to a compelling new technology that was
only presented publicly in 2009, this rapid, upward trajectory is an expected trend.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 8 of 24
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24
publication dates over time is as follows: one paper (nearly 1.33%) was published in 2016,
four papers (nearly 5.33%) were published in 2018, eight papers (nearly 10.67%) were pub-
lished in 2019, fteen (20%) were published in 2020, nineteen (nearly 25.33%) were pub-
lished in 2021, and twenty-ve papers (nearly 33.33%) were published in 2022. Given the
lag-time of academic research and publishing with respect to a compelling new technol-
ogy that was only presented publicly in 2009, this rapid, upward trajectory is an expected
Figure 3. The number of publications published each year between 2012 and 2022.
Figure 4 depicts the relationship between the keywords of the studies chosen from
the systematic literature review. Blockchain, business models, and similar terms are the
most frequently used keywords. According to the analysis, the following words were fre-
quently used: business process, innovation, business development, the Internet of Things,
smart contract, supply chain management, sustainability, and many more.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Figure 3. The number of publications published each year between 2012 and 2022.
Figure 4depicts the relationship between the keywords of the studies chosen from the
systematic literature review. Blockchain, business models, and similar terms are the most
frequently used keywords. According to the analysis, the following words were frequently
used: business process, innovation, business development, the Internet of Things, smart
contract, supply chain management, sustainability, and many more.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24
Figure 4. The primary keywords used in the articles.
Figure 5 depicts the included studies ordered by nationality and ranked according to
the number of writers from each included nation. It is linked to population and develop-
ment. China (both highly populated and developed) has the most writers (14), followed
by India (highly populated), the United States (highly populated and developed), and
Germany (developed), among others. Blockchain projects are being developed all over the
world, with many of them focusing on new business models.
Figure 4. The primary keywords used in the articles.
Figure 5depicts the included studies ordered by nationality and ranked according to
the number of writers from each included nation. It is linked to population and develop-
ment. China (both highly populated and developed) has the most writers (14), followed
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 9 of 24
by India (highly populated), the United States (highly populated and developed), and
Germany (developed), among others. Blockchain projects are being developed all over the
world, with many of them focusing on new business models.
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24
Figure 4. The primary keywords used in the articles.
Figure 5 depicts the included studies ordered by nationality and ranked according to
the number of writers from each included nation. It is linked to population and develop-
ment. China (both highly populated and developed) has the most writers (14), followed
by India (highly populated), the United States (highly populated and developed), and
Germany (developed), among others. Blockchain projects are being developed all over the
world, with many of them focusing on new business models.
Figure 5. The distribution of authors by country.
Table 1displays the most-cited articles, including the type of study conducted, on
business models and their outcomes from 2012 to 2022. In short, a business model describes
a company’s plan or strategy for selling a product or service and profiting from it. Each
company will develop its own business practices. There is, however, a centralized model
that includes the owners or shareholders, the employees, the customers, and the organi-
zation. A blockchain business model possesses all three of blockchain technology’s main
characteristics: it is decentralized, based on peer-to-peer transactions, and operates within
a trusted and reliable network.
Table 1. The most-cited articles (2012–2022) on business models and their outcomes.
Type of Study on Business Models Year Cited by Outcome Reference
Internet-of-Things (IoT) electric
business model 2017 362 Design and implementation of IoT-based E-business
models using a strong framework. [62]
Impact of blockchain on the analyzed
business model 2019 243
Business gains a competitive advantage, whether new or
old, through business model innovation and blockchain.
Disruption of existing business
models by blockchain 2017 136
Blockchain technology can affect and disrupt business
models in three key ways: by authenticating traded
goods, through disintermediation, and by lowering
transaction costs.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 10 of 24
Table 1. Cont.
Type of Study on Business Models Year Cited by Outcome Reference
The development of decentralized
business models 2020 131
Decentralized finance may alter the way that modern
finance is organized and open new opportunities for
innovation and entrepreneurship while highlighting
the benefits and drawbacks of decentralized
business models.
Framework for blockchain-based
business process management in
industry 4.0 service environment
2020 111
To demonstrate how blockchain can be integrated to
support quick, accurate, and reasonably priced
evaluation and transfer of Quality of Services in the
workflow’s structure and management, a business
process management framework can be used.
Online business fraud detection 2016 105
Blockchain technology is very effective for stopping
objective information fraud, such as the falsification of
loan application information. However, with respect to
subjective information fraud, such as rating fraud, where
the ground truth is difficult to verify, its effectiveness is
Blockchain’s future applications in
business and management 2017 93
To gain and maintain a competitive edge, business
managers should comprehend the possible impacts of,
and threats posed by, blockchain applications.
A decentralized token economy 2019 86
It is anticipated that future token economies will be
established using new protocols enabled by blockchain
technology, thereby creating a new economic framework.
Use of blockchain and IoT to develop
new business processes in the
digital economy
2019 71
To identify new areas of study, difficulties, and
potentially useful applications when incorporating
blockchain into strategies for the growth of business
process management, the state of the art was presented.
Using digital innovations to transform
business: data analytics, AI, cloud,
and blockchain
2022 61
Wide-reaching and diversified applications across a
range of vertical areas were addressed, providing
exploratory study options for further inquiry.
Blockchain’s universal technology may be used by numerous disciplines and presented
to diverse audiences. The companies Banks and Fintech have embraced it. This explains
why applications and new business models are constantly being developed.
4.2. Implications
RQ2: What implications will blockchain have for new business models?
Using blockchain technology, business models may be modified in several ways. Ad-
ditionally, blockchain restricts the development of new business models. As a positive
implication, blockchains provide clients with a variety of reasons to adopt blockchain-based
business models [
]. Depending on how a blockchain is implemented, the benefits can
include significant cost savings due to faster transaction times [
], disintermediation [
less record-keeping with respect to customers due to distributed ledger technology, and
improved data traceability and verification.
4.2.1. Theoretical Implications
With the rise of blockchain, the digital revolution, whose origins lie in the growth of
the internet, is now approaching a new stage of development. A new, blockchain-based
internet will usher in a period of the internet of value, which will reshape current business
models through the increased reliability and transparency of information, whereas the pre-
blockchain internet was dedicated to its role as the internet of information, which merely
connects information providers with the consumers who use it [
]. In this paradigm, users
assess goods by exchanging data they have generated as buyers rather than solely relying
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 11 of 24
on data provided by service suppliers. Through a decentralized procedure that stops one
organization from monopolizing information, the development of blockchain will support
the achievement of a more objective and equitable consensus.
Blockchain’s rules are among its most crucial and significant aspects. There are a
variety of protocols with a set of conditions that are being applied to various industrial
areas and objectives. These protocols’ crucial components are the algorithms that create
reliable tools and auxiliary technologies. These algorithms create confidence services that
fall into different evidence-type categories. These three kinds of proof are as follows:
evidence in an agreement, evidence as a service, and evidence in a service [
]. One of the
most well-known protocols is proof of work (PoW), a cryptocurrency-specific method that
is based on the proof-of-state agreement protocol. To use the PoW method, multiple miners
work together to solve an issue. Although it uses a great deal of energy resources, it ensures
stability and offers security from forgery in the absence of reliable intermediaries [
]. PoW
guarantees that every transaction is replicated exactly in every network. Everyone can
participate in the ecosystem and decide whether each transaction should be evaluated
using the PoW consensus algorithm, especially in a public database. Although the enablers
are anonymous, all interactions are visible [
]. The crucial aspect of PoW, however, is
the steadily increasing cost and time per block and transaction [
]. Proof of stake, a
suggested substitute for the PoW consensus algorithm, is cheaper and consumes less
computing power. Each stake receives compensation or a penalty based on the success or
failure of the deal [
]. A proof-of-value (PoV) procedure is another method of reaching
an agreement. The worth of each node’s input is established by this kind of consensus. In
addition, the system assesses each input and its reputation in the system; then, it ascribes
the impact appropriately. The proof-of-a-majority type also includes evidence of the power
and preexisting procedures.
4.2.2. Practical Implications
Blockchain verifies assets in a manner distinct from centralized transaction systems,
which depend on a single entity [
]. Blockchains replace centralized transaction systems
to establish trust between parties. Specifically, blockchain technology enables tiny, scattered
parties to manage transactions and conceal their identities [
]. All transactions are secure
because of their encryption. Blockchains maintain a system’s security and promote individ-
ual confidence when paired with decentralization and complex validation techniques [
Blockchains contribute to business models and organizational concept of a distributed
autonomous organization (DAO) by lowering expenses, facilitating item tracking, and
enhancing security [80–82].
A blockchain’s assets affect a company’s business model and how its practices are
conducted [
]. Real, digital, monetary, or user-unique assets may be transferred over
blockchain [
]. Using blockchain technology for a variety of assets creates several
opportunities for altering and enhancing a company’s interactions with its customers,
rivals, and suppliers.
When blockchain is utilized to eliminate middlemen and provide consumers with
access to, and the traceability of, their data, new business models are established by restruc-
turing the status quo [
]. Therefore, this form of business model is often used by value
networks [
]. When using public and consortium blockchains, which provide rigorous
data validation and network access, one may collaborate with confidence. When individu-
als have mutual trust, data exchange among stakeholders is more effective. For instance, the
democratization of access to financial resources minimizes consumer anxiety and preserves
the privacy of transactions in the financial sector that lack dependable third-party guaran-
tors [
]. These connections also provide supplementary services to clients by rendering
transaction data transparent [
]. When you purchase an item, the ability to trace its ori-
gin increases your trust in the product’s origins and manufacturing standards [
]. Service
delivery is an advantage that is compatible with all blockchain network types. There are
three ramifications of delivering services through digitally intermediated networks with
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 12 of 24
robust data validation methods. It increases the efficacy of transactions between parties,
who may freely exchange resources and data in an environment facilitated by blockchain
technology. It also keeps users on the network, thereby reducing switching expenses [
Parties may collaborate to create new services, such as online-learning and on-demand
services, using a blockchain-based peer-to-peer network [
]. By using blockchain tech-
nologies, transaction costs will decrease, security and financial fraud will be mitigated, and
energy consumption will decrease. This will precipitate cost-effectiveness [
]. When a
public blockchain makes business models conceivable, network effects occur. This kind
of technology simplifies the socialization process between individuals without requiring
them to exercise authority over one another. Network effects may improve efficiency by
expanding the number of participants and dramatically increasing sales [92].
Finally, a blockchain-based business model enables the application of tokenization
and cryptography. Cryptography can significantly alter the value proposition of a company
model since it ensures that all network interactions are genuine [
]. Tokenization often
refers to replacing a secret data component with a non-confidential data component [
The value of the business model may increase if tokens are distributed to stakeholders or
if third-party tokens are accepted [
]. Tokens on the blockchain ledger may also serve
as proof that a firm and its stakeholders are the legitimate owners of certain assets [
Various requirements, such as platform openness; the integration of numerous character-
istics, such as identification, privacy [
], and interoperability; stability; scalability; and
performance, pose challenges for blockchain technology [
]. In conclusion, blockchain
technologies provide firms with several opportunities to alter and create new business
models. However, there is insufficient research demonstrating how blockchain technology
influences business models.
RQ3: What are the applications of blockchain-based business models?
The scope of the data is greater than ever, and the physical bounds are expanding.
The platforms that have been developed are also communicating with outside parties.
An ecosystem is created by the relationships between the systems, which resemble a
symbiotic sort of dependence between external and internal companies. With these new
technological foundations, lean and agile types of structures open new possibilities for
enterprises to capture and generate new distributed and decentralized values [
]. To create
a value-driven dynamic model, the entire system and its contributors should be considered.
A structure with a more dynamic network is replacing traditional and linear business
models as a result of recent technological advancements that enable hypoconnectivity.
The creation of backup plans to incorporate corporate strategies with dynamic business
models that account for digitalization is simplified by developing dynamic capabilities.
To create digital models, new business model innovation employs sensing, seizing, and
transformation skills. New approaches to business planning and design will be developed
using digital business models with these dynamic characteristics as well as by employing
clear business models that effectively capture a competitive edge. The capacity for sensing
enables the discovery of opportunities within the external ecosystem to create value for
digital business models [97].
Blockchain’s capabilities have the potential to change established business models [
Blockchain innovation is creating a new approach to business model innovation by altering
the traditional framework. There are case studies [
] that outline existing business
models and anticipated blockchain business models in various industries, but they do not
all share a methodology that examines the model holistically.
4.3. E-Business
In a corporate setting, the integration of IoT and blockchain with business process
management will be crucial, especially in the context of intra/inter-organizational data
systems and their various design possibilities [
]. The rapid advancement of Internet tech-
nology has improved the global economy’s integration. The rapid growth of international
e-commerce has been facilitated by the constant improvement of technology and business
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 13 of 24
structures for international trade (CBE) [
]. Hu and Xu [
] explored the causes of
the aforementioned issues in the development of CBE and addressed the creation of CBE
business models based on blockchains developed according to research on the state of CBE
development. The aim of such models was to research the big data and blockchain-based
CBE business model. Additionally, they employed blockchain to address issues regarding
cross-border trust, cross-border logistics, cross-border payment, and cross-border data flow.
The reputation framework has been developed as a powerful tool to help clients
reduce the risks involved in online shopping; however, it is susceptible to rating fraud [
The study by Cai and Zhu [
] examined rating fraud by distinguishing objective from
subjective fraud. Then, the efficacy of blockchain in preventing objective fraud and its
shortcomings in preventing subjective fraud, particularly rating fraud, were covered.
Finally, the study systematically examined how robust blockchain-based reputation systems
are against various forms of rating fraud. As they might act strategically to conceal
themselves, it is difficult to catch fake raters. They also studied the possible benefits and
drawbacks of blockchain-based reputation frameworks under the two attack guises of “bad-
mouthing” and “vote-stuffing”, as well as several attack models, such as a “Sybil attack”, a
“whitewash attack”, a “camouflage attack”, and a “continuous attack”. Vote-stuffing fraud
is more resistant to badmouthing than blockchain-based reputation frameworks. The IoT
e-business model presented by Zhang and Wen [
] reimagined many classic e-business
model components, enabled P2P trade based on the blockchain and smart contracts, and
realized the transaction of smart property and paid data on the IoT. Rane and Narvel [
sensorized and IoTized an industrial pump to enable real-time operation monitoring and
the use of predictive maintenance to manage these assets more quickly. The well-known
properties of blockchain, such as boosting decentralization potential; enabling secure,
trust-free transactions; and providing autonomous device coordination, together with the
advantages of IoT, will aid in achieving Industry 4.0’s stated goal of enhancing agility.
4.4. Digital Business
Digital transformation in the corporate world refers to the incorporation of digital
technologies across all functional divisions, from product development to customer service.
This idea is crucial for a company’s and its economy’s overall sustainable growth [
]. The
study by Bhatti et al. [
] was carried out based on this reality, wherein the main objective
was to investigate the significance of digital transformation within an organization through
big data, the IoT, and blockchain-based abilities for strategic performance within the Chi-
nese telecom industry. The findings showed a significant correlation between strategic
performance and technical competence and between data quality and strategic performance.
Moreover, the IoT and big data analytics played a crucial mediating role between the de-
pendent and independent variables. Using the lenses of four emergent technology fields,
namely, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and data analytics (ABCD),
Akter et al. [66] investigated digital business transformation. The study specifically exam-
ined the workings and value propositions of these various but progressively convergent
technologies. The potential of ABCD hybridization, integration, recombination, and con-
vergence has not yet been considered due to the dynamic nature of innovation. The study’s
results, which were obtained via a multidisciplinary approach, demonstrated extensive
and varied applications across a range of vertical sectors, thus opening potential areas for
further research. The paper also emphasized how these new technologies have real-world
applications. To improve business processes and preserve secure client interactions, Wang
et al. [
] presented a business innovation strategy based on blockchain and artificial intel-
ligence. There were only a few primary respondents from which the qualitative empirical
data were collected, and they stemmed from two different business sectors. By comparing
and contrasting how digitalization has affected value development, proposals, and business
capture, blockchain and artificial intelligence were analyzed. Moreover, blockchain can
help address problems regarding employee interaction and organizational capabilities.
The outcome of the experiment reveals that digital transformation is typically viewed as
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 14 of 24
crucial and enhances business innovation efforts. The numerical outcome suggested by the
business innovation strategy based on blockchain and artificial intelligence enhances the
demand forecast ratio (97.1%), business development ratio (98.9%), product quality ratio
(98.3%), customer satisfaction ratio (97.2%), and customer behavior analysis ratio (96.3%).
In the article by Kifokeris and Koch [
], a brand-new digital business model for
independent logistics consultants in the construction industry was proposed. It included
the design of a socio-material blockchain solution for coordinated information, material,
and financial flows. A permissioned and private proof-of-authority blockchain system
integrating the supply chain flowing in a general socio-material environment was con-
ceptualized by fusing academic research and empirical findings. The value proposition
of a digital business strategy for an independent construction logistics consultant then
incorporates this solution. The proposal calls for, among other things, increased output
and better process management, while also supporting the consultants’ ability to innovate
and gain a competitive edge. While some business model sections, such as channels, are
not considerably impacted, others, such as essential resources, are updated via blockchain.
Issues such as the lack of knowledge about blockchain and the power imbalances within
socio-material constellations should be resolved to prevent obstacles from obstructing the
implementation of this digital business model.
Gimerskáand Šoltés [
] minutely explained how blockchain may be used to digitize
a purchasing group’s processes. The analyzed company’s core business, a financial service
called central regulation, and other services were the key areas of focus. Following a review
of the literature, the most well-known blockchain projects in big businesses over the past
few years were examined to identify successful adoptions. The new blockchain extension
was used to explain the purchasing group’s processes. The findings may prove useful
for the administration of purchasing groups because they indicate a rise in supply chain
transparency and, concurrently, an improvement in payment-processing efficiency. For
buying clubs that use a centralized payment system, the combination of permissionless
and permissioned blockchains might be a workable approach.
The use of blockchain technology and the efficiency of supply chains were investigated
in the study by Elrefae and Nuseir [
] regarding digital business strategy, information
sharing, and trading partner pressure. A cross-sectional study design was used. The
study’s conclusions showed that the adoption of blockchain technology is significantly
influenced by digital business strategy, information sharing, and trade partner pressure.
In addition, implementing blockchain technology is essential for enhancing supply chain
efficiency. The effectiveness of blockchain as a mediating factor was ultimately proven via
the conducted analysis. Ivaninskiy and Ivashkovskaya [
] demonstrated that agency
conflict is generally mitigated by digitization. Even while shareholders were not more
hostile toward management, they did become more engaged. The authors determined
that industries such as healthcare, banking, communications, and information technology
have the most influence. These are the industries that ecosystem-based business model
innovation has the largest impact on. The authors concluded that ecosystem-based business
models and digitalization work in tandem to reduce principal–agent conflict.
4.5. Adoption and Industries
Blockchain implementation offers an organization many advantages that can lead to
changes in its business model. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint how a blockchain
contributes to the innovation of company models [
]. The research by Purusottama
et al. [
] identified the use of blockchain as a new technology sub-element with respect
to business model improvements precipitated by value creation. This form of technological
adoption impacts value capture and value proposition in varying ways. Additionally, using
the developed model, this study categorized the complexity of blockchain adoption and
the degree of business model innovation to classify the adoption of blockchain in business
model innovation. The results demonstrated that the cases in this study are scattered over
the conceptual model’s four quadrants.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 15 of 24
Three new decentralized platform archetypes—hosted, shared, and federated platform
models—were discovered through the use of cluster analysis [
]. The study by Lage
et al. [
] advanced the understanding of newly emerging decentralized business systems.
The results showed that shared and federated archetypes, which make up two-thirds
of the platforms under study, do not adhere to conventional paradigms. Instead, they
sought to forge new connections inside the community and in business. Moreover, the
shared platform archetype is the most disruptive because it exhibits a greater degree of
business-model-related and decentralization shift.
Blockchain’s adoption in and application to the hospitality and tourism industries
were identified by Kizildag et al. [
]. These areas include smart tourism, due diligence,
the creation of loyalty programs, collaborative initiatives, integrated property management
systems, verified review and rating systems, smart contracts, the de-intermediation of
hospitality and tourism, tracking and service customization, and payments and cryptocur-
rencies. The adoption of blockchain-based systems may encourage the emergence of a
weak intermediary (such as loyalty programs and/or review and rating systems) and
multi-center (such as guest operations and customer service) business sectors in this sector.
Table 2summarizes some industries where blockchain-based business models play a role.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 16 of 24
Table 2. Role of blockchain-based business models in some industries.
Ref Agri-Food Sustainable Business Models Supply Chain Transportation Smart Contracts Smart City Sports Music Healthcare
[101]√ √
[111]√ √
[114]√ √
[120]√ √
[122]√ √
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 17 of 24
4.6. Perspectives
RQ4: What new business models based on blockchain will emerge in the coming years?
The creation of new company initiatives and the alteration of existing business models
are increasingly being combined with the enabling potential of blockchain. The study area
is still relatively fresh, which provides researchers with new opportunities to observe.
Although managers are aware of and use blockchain to enhance the value of all busi-
ness operations, further efforts are required for successful company management. The
sophisticated aspects of distributed ledger technology are being tested and used, with
industry professionals and developers introducing and experimenting with methods of
integrating blockchain into regular corporate operations. Globally, researchers and aca-
demics are analyzing the costs and benefits of businesses employing blockchain technology.
In the future, blockchain technology will be crucial in all areas, including the placing and
hiring of staff, the management and organization of financial and accounting tasks, the
implementation of marketing plans, and improvement of the cash or production cycle. The
blockchain community is educating staff and managers about integrating technology into
their daily operations. In the coming years, start-ups and small businesses will profit from
blockchain’s cheap cost. Businesses will be able to handle all the crucial data of company
operations thanks to blockchain’s simple method for tracing records that are permanent
and irrevocable. Using a permissioned or private blockchain, this may be distributed to
key parties such as suppliers, clients, investors, and staff members. The network’s data
will become more trustworthy and secure for all participants as more genuine transactions
are added using encryption. The removal of middlemen will improve lead times for firms
and shorten their operational and cash cycles. The business community’s confidence will
increase when internal and external company transactions are more transparent.
Due to the relative speed of developments in the private sector, it is even possible that
enterprises’ use of blockchain technology may become widespread and accepted before
cryptocurrencies are more generally utilized by the general public and governments. Most
people today may not even be aware of how blockchain technology impacts their dealings
with major corporations. Blockchains could soon become as commonplace as internet
connection. Although blockchain technology is very promising, it is still rather difficult to
implement. As technology develops, it will have an influence on businesses at their core
as opposed to solely goods and applications. In addition to merely their business models,
corporations’ modes of functioning have changed. The following sections present NFTs
and play-to-earn (P2E) as emerging technologies in this field.
4.6.1. NFT
A digital commodity based on blockchain is called a non-fungible token (NFT). Cryp-
tocurrencies and tokens can be used as blockchain-based digital commodities. Typically,
smart contracts are used on the blockchain network to generate tokens [
]. NFTs were
developed as a result of years of research and advancement regarding blockchain [
Digital assets known as NFTs are used to symbolize the possession of a variety of distinc-
tive, substantial, and occasionally abstract but frequently concrete digital products [
The data unit used to symbolize these things on a blockchain digital record is called an
]. NFTs are non-exchangeable, unlike tradable tokens, which makes them one
of the finest methods for individually identifying a commodity [
]. A digital asset’s
uniqueness or non-interchangeability is guaranteed by an NFT [130].
An NFT, as originally described in the literature [
], enables users to purchase, own,
and exchange distinctive virtual objects that are recognized using blockchain. By utilizing
NFTs’ capabilities, businesses can expand their product offerings through virtual deals
and boost exchanges between the virtual and physical worlds. For instance, Nike recently
achieved remarkable price points for its exclusive, virtual, NFT-based goods. The value of
NFTs can reach astounding sums thanks to their unique identifiers, whereas conventional
virtual items (such as virtual clothing or virtual artwork) typically have less value than
their physical equivalents [133].
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 18 of 24
Even in crowded and competitive marketplaces, NFTs provide businesses and creators
with a way to accentuate themselves and offer distinctive experiences that can help them
forge deeper bonds with their audiences. NFTs may serve as digital assets used to create
special experiences for viewers by granting them exclusive access to information, products,
and other items and services. Fans may feel more invested in and linked to a company or
artist as a result, thereby helping to foster a feeling of exclusivity and community. The same
can be said for NFT initiatives. Early users of social media platforms were able to develop
larger followings and acquire more influence as the platforms increased in prominence
than their competitors who were slower to engage in such platforms. Early adopters
of NFT initiatives, such as companies and creators, stand to gain from the technology’s
development and adoption as more people join the NFT environment and it becomes more
widely used.
4.6.2. P2E
Concerns about the rising price of games are not the only ones shared by the gam-
ing community; in fact, according to certain studies, generally, playing games is not a
rewarding activity [
]. The majority of people who participate in intense (and frequently
competitive) gaming typically have little to show for all their effort, despite the emergence
of a burgeoning, multi-billion-dollar esports business that benefits a small, elite propor-
tion of players. Although they may spend 30 h per week playing games, such gamers
rarely receive any real money for their efforts. Thus, interest in the possible benefits of
so-called “Play-to-Earn” or P2E games, which may pay players for their gaming activity,
has increased [
]. The concept behind this is that players may obtain both in-game
tokens or incentives for their participation as well as tangible assets that they can change
into fiat money. In other words, this model transcends the currently dominant in-game
currencies, point systems, and assets and progresses towards one that more closely mimics
an open trading market wherein in-game success can be converted into real-world financial
results. The idea of P2E games has been around for a while in the form of virtual in-game
currencies (such as those used in the Diablo series) and the trading of in-game assets for
real money [
], which consists of skin trading, wherein players can sell and buy cosmetic
features offered in games through trading systems or other third-party websites. Recently,
this technology has advanced such that it incorporates blockchain.
The P2E business strategy enables players to gather and cultivate cryptocurrencies
and NFTs, which may be exchanged for cash. In the “crypto gaming industry”, where
blockchain-based games allow token economics to thrive as a rewards system at scale for
users to play and be involved in, this model has already established itself as a standard.
There are three major kinds of agents in the gaming business, which is a subset of the
entertainment industry. Such agents range from game system companies, which support
the creation of games by creators, to those who produce games and video game devices.
While offering the console at cost and making money from games has been the standard
business strategy for decades, the advent of digital games has altered how games are
promoted and sold, thus paving the way for free-to-play business methods. The P2E
business strategy enables players to gather and cultivate cryptocurrencies and NFTs, which
may be exchanged for cash. This strategy represents a new approach in the gaming world
because players are monetarily rewarded for playing games. Figure 6depicts various kinds
of gaming company models.
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 19 of 24
Electronics 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24
incentives for their participation as well as tangible assets that they can change into at
money. In other words, this model transcends the currently dominant in-game currencies,
point systems, and assets and progresses towards one that more closely mimics an open
trading market wherein in-game success can be converted into real-world nancial re-
sults. The idea of P2E games has been around for a while in the form of virtual in-game
currencies (such as those used in the Diablo series) and the trading of in-game assets for
real money [136], which consists of skin trading, wherein players can sell and buy cos-
metic features oered in games through trading systems or other third-party websites.
Recently, this technology has advanced such that it incorporates blockchain.
The P2E business strategy enables players to gather and cultivate cryptocurrencies
and NFTs, which may be exchanged for cash. In the “crypto gaming industry”, where
blockchain-based games allow token economics to thrive as a rewards system at scale for
users to play and be involved in, this model has already established itself as a standard.
There are three major kinds of agents in the gaming business, which is a subset of the
entertainment industry. Such agents range from game system companies, which support
the creation of games by creators, to those who produce games and video game devices.
While oering the console at cost and making money from games has been the standard
business strategy for decades, the advent of digital games has altered how games are pro-
moted and sold, thus paving the way for free-to-play business methods. The P2E business
strategy enables players to gather and cultivate cryptocurrencies and NFTs, which may be
exchanged for cash. This strategy represents a new approach in the gaming world because
players are monetarily rewarded for playing games. Figure 6 depicts various kinds of
gaming company models.
Figure 6. Various kinds of gaming business models.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, a business model is a plan or strategy used by a company to provide
goods or services and prot from them. Each company will develop its own way of con-
ducting business. However, there is a centralized model that consists of the business, its
clients, its employees, and its owners or shareholders. A blockchain-based business model
is decentralized, runs on a secure network, and relies on peer-to-peer transactions, which
are the three main characteristics of blockchain technology. Adopting blockchain-based
Figure 6. Various kinds of gaming business models.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, a business model is a plan or strategy used by a company to provide
goods or services and profit from them. Each company will develop its own way of conduct-
ing business. However, there is a centralized model that consists of the business, its clients,
its employees, and its owners or shareholders. A blockchain-based business model is de-
centralized, runs on a secure network, and relies on peer-to-peer transactions, which are the
three main characteristics of blockchain technology. Adopting blockchain-based technology
may cause businesses to reevaluate their current business models, which could boost their
profitability, productivity, and efficiency. By using blockchain, forecasting, optimization,
scheduling, planning, management, and resource allocation can all be improved.
Since the technology is still in its infancy and there has been little research on the
effects of the various blockchain networks, their role in new business model creation
needs to be given more attention (such as consortium, private, and public). A thorough
investigation of potential blockchain-based business models developed between 2012 and
2022 was sparked by this discovery. This study examined the state of blockchain-based
new business models, their applications, and the revolutionary potential of their distinctive
features. A total of 75 distinct publications on this topic were considered for this evaluation.
As with any other business model, there is no predetermined blueprint for how every
blockchain company model must operate. Thus, the objectives and business model of the
company will determine which strategy is best. Business managers need to be aware of the
risks and potential effects of blockchain applications to gain and maintain a competitive
edge. Blockchain-based applications appear to have great potential in terms of improving
performance and generating income. Thus far, the corresponding business models consist of
decentralized apps that enable peer-to-peer interactions without the use of central authority
or middlemen.
The present status of blockchain-based business strategies is characterized by a rapid
upward rise. Blockchain technologies offer businesses numerous opportunities to change
and create new business models. Blockchain technology can disrupt established company
structures. By altering the conventional framework, blockchain innovation is developing
a new method of business model innovation. New business endeavors and changes to
established business models are increasingly being coupled with the facilitating potential
Electronics 2023,12, 1479 20 of 24
of blockchain technologies such as NFT and P2E. Since this field is still relatively new,
academics will have novel opportunities to analyze this field.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, H.T.; methodology, H.T.; validation, H.T.; formal analysis,
H.T. and M.M.; resources, H.T. and M.M.; data curation, H.T.; writing—original draft preparation,
M.M. and H.T.; writing—review and editing, M.M.; visualization, H.T. and M.M.; supervision, H.T.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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