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DFRWS 2023 EU - Selected papers of the Tenth Annual DFRWS Europe Conference
Towards generic memory forensic framework for programmable logic
Rima Asmar Awad
, Muhammad Haris Rais
, Michael Rogers
, Irfan Ahmed
Vincent Paquit
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 37830, USA
Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, 38505, USA
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 23284, USA
article info
Article history:
CPS forensics
Memory forensics
Embedded devices
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a microprocessor-based controller that is used to automate
physical processes in critical infrastructure and various other industries and manufacturing sectors.
Initially, PLCs were completely isolated from the Internet, and cyber security was not incorporated at the
time of development. The introduction of industry 4.0 and the evolution of ICS systems to communicate
over public IP addresses from the Internet enhanced productivity and efficiency, but Internet
connectivity exposed the systems and their vulnerabilities, which led to an increase in cyber attacks.
When a system is sabotaged/compromised, security analysts need to get to the root cause of the attack as
quickly as possible to recover the system. To do so, memory forensic analysis is critical to provide a
unique insight into the run-time memory activities and extract a reliable source of evidence. In this
paper, we analyze the memory structure of the Schneider Electric Modicon M221 PLC. To build a memory
profile, we reverse engineer the communication protocol and conduct differential analysis to gain
knowledge about the structure of the memory and the low-level representation of control logic in-
structions. We then identify dynamic and static memory regions by modifying different project fields and
conducting differential analysis, which allows us to identify boundaries of critical memory structures and
extract important forensic artifacts that can be found in the memory. The Python implementation of the
memory profile can help reduce the time and effort required for manual analysis in case of cyber incident
or system failure.
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of DFRWS This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) play a vital role in in-
dustrial control systems and many other manufacturing sectors.
PLCs are used to automate industrial processes by collecting input
data from field devices such as sensors, processing the data, and
then sending commands to actuator devices such as motors
(Ahmed et al., 2016). The PLCs memory code (control logic) exe-
cutes in cycles, in which each cycle reads input from multiple re-
sources, executes the control logic instructions to calculate the
output, and then sends that output to the physical process in the
form of analog or digital signals. PLC's have been in use since the
early 1970s as the means for monitoring, and remotely controlling
geographically distributed physical processes such as water treat-
ment and distribution, oil and gas pipelines, and electrical power
transmission and distribution. As microprocessors, personal com-
puters and networking technology evolved over time, industrial
control systems incorporated these advances in technology.
However, PLC operations are still typically sent via insecure
proprietary network protocols that can be easily reverse-
This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-
AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The US government
retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges
that the US government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide
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*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.A. Awad).
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Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation
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2666-2817/©2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of DFRWS This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
engineered by attackers, which allows them to create open-source
APIs and develop tools that can be used for malicious purposes
(Senthivel et al., 2017,2018). Due to their critical role and lack of
security mechanisms, PLCs are often an easy target for cyber-
attacks that leads to sabotaging physical processes and the
destruction of critical infrastructure. Despite increasing attention to
PLC security, integrating security into PLCs remains difficult as they
are intended to be simple input/output machines with determin-
istic behavior and limited resources (Ahmed et al., 2012). For
example, although a layer of encryption has been added to new
communication protocols, those protocols can provide secure
communication to new products and are not supported by legacy
devices, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
The lack of security in PLCs also allows attackers to maliciously
modify both the firmware and control logic programs (Qasim et al.,
2022;Ayub et al., 2021;Zubair et al., 2022a). Once an intruder
reverse-engineers and modifies the device's firmware, with proper
access, the intruder can download it to the device. Similarly, an
attacker can access control logic on the device and modify it. Even
worse, a sophisticated attacker with minimal knowledge about the
physical process, can craft malicious control logic, and download it
to the PLC after bypassing authentication (Kalle et al., 2019). In
another scenario, memory code injection attacks can bypass
network intrusion detection systems and deliver malicious control
logic to the target device's memory. To avoid detection, the attacker
can write the malicious instructions to a memory segment other
than the code segment, which is possible due to the lack of write/
execution protection in PLC memory (Yoo et al., 2019a). Conducting
afirmware modification attack is not easy because it requires the
attacker to have extensive knowledge about the target PLC's
hardware components and bypass software whitelisting. Therefore,
control logic injection attacks are more likely to launch because
they are easier to achieve and harder to detect.
Memory forensic analysis is crucial to help answer forensic
questions following an attack or a system failure (Davis et al., 2022;
Ahmed et al., 2015;Bhatt and Ahmed, 2018). However, in industrial
control systems, conducting forensic analysis is a tedious and time-
consuming process due to heterogeneous hardware architectures
and proprietary firmware/communication protocols, which make it
challenging to employ a unified framework for all PLC memory
forensics (Awad et al., 2018). A methodology that describes the
process of analyzing the memory of PLCs that share similar hard-
ware components will provide valuable information to the forensic
analyst, and reduce the effort and time needed to accomplish this
task manually. Reduced analysis timewill result in a faster response
to a cyber-attack or a system failure.
In this paper, we use differential analysis to understand the
layout of the Modicon M221 memory and use the acquired
knowledge to build a memory profile for the M221 PLC. We use the
memory profile to extract important forensic artifacts including the
control logic, the metadata file, and the data blocks. We then
evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology by simulating a
traffic light control logic manipulation and extracting memory
forensic artifacts that present evidence about the incident.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2covers
background and related works, section 3presents the memory
analysis methodology, section 4presents an evaluation of the
memory analysis followed by a discussion and future work in sec-
tion 5, and finally section 6concludes the paper.
2. Background &related work
In this section, we present an overview of PLCs, their basic
components, and their protocols. In addition, we go over the cur-
rent state of the art in the realm of PLC memory forensics.
2.1. Background
The PLC has revolutionized the automation and manufacturing
processes. Today, PLCs maintain the same core functionality and
simplicity that originally made them so popular with manufac-
turers. However, because of the continued advancement in pro-
cessor and memory technology, PLCs continue to shrink in size and
increase in power and speed. These technological advancements
have led to new capabilities, including support for multiple
communication protocols. Modern PLCs also seamlessly integrate
with powerful machine monitoring software and supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and thus provide
new ways for manufacturers to drive improvements to their oper-
ations' efficiency and performance through machine data analysis.
To accomplish monitoring and automation tasks, the PLC's memory
code (control logic) executes in cycles, where it reads input from
multiple resources, then executes the control logic instructions to
calculate the output that is, then, sent to the physical process in the
form of signals. PLCs have been in use since the early 1970s as the
means for monitoring, and remotely controlling, geographically
widely distributed processes such as water treatment and distri-
bution, oil and gas pipelines, and electrical power transmission and
2.1.1. PLC components
A typical PLC consists of basic interconnected components that
work together to allow the controller to accept inputs from various
sensors, make logical decisions as programmed, and control out-
puts such as starters of motors, solenoids, drives, and valves. As
shown in Fig. 1 a typical PLC is made up of the following:
Power Supply: This unit supplies the required power to the
components in the control panel by switching from 120VAC to
Processor: The processor module contains the microprocessor
that performs control functions and computations, as well as the
memory required to store the program.
Input/Output (I/O): I/O modules provide the means of con-
necting the processor to the field devices and can be either digital
or analog.
Memory: The part of the PLC that stores data, programs, and
information. The process of adding new information into memory
is called writing, and the process of retrieving information from a
memory location is called reading. PLCs usually have both volatile
and non-volatile memory to store various types of data.
2.1.2. Communication protocols
A protocol is a set of rules that regulates communication among
networked devices. In PLCs, communication protocols are needed
to communicate with remote I/O devices, remote control devices,
Fig. 1. PLC components.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
and engineering software. In their infancy, PLC protocols used to be
proprietary, with each manufacturer having its own closed pro-
tocols. However, modern, open protocols, such as Modbus, estab-
lish the rules for data transmission, although proprietary
communication methods are still used by many vendors. Because
proprietary protocols support programming software to get access
to the physical memory of PLCs, they have been studied and
reverse-engineered by both academia and industry. Consequently,
knowledge acquired from analyzing a protocol can be used as an
important tool for memory forensic artifact acquisition.
2.2. Related work
Awad et al. (2018) present a survey on the published forensics
methodologies and frameworks applied to SCADA systems. The
authors demonstrate a gap in the forensics of end-point devices in
CPS, especially for the live forensics and acquiring root cause evi-
dence at run time.
Ahmed et al. (2017) presented the opportunities for network-
level and device-level attacks on PLCs and the forensic tools and
methodologies that can help investigate those attacks. The paper
also highlighted the forensic challenges that include proprietary
and closed-source firmware and inadequate PLC network forensic
Chow et al. (Chow and Chan) also discuss various possible attack
scenarios, and identified important logging information available in
the Siemens TIA portal, PLC diagnostic buffer, and Human Machine
Interface (HMI) module. The information is useful during forensic
Many research efforts are focused on extracting and analyzing
PLC firmware (Zhu et al., 2017;Basnight et al., 2013;Mulder et al.,
2012). Although the firmware analysis can provide valuable
forensic artifacts, the current state of the PLC including the control
logic and input/output data states cannot be found through firm-
ware analysis.
A few recent works focused on control logic modeling/verifi-
cation that acts as a cyber-physical security intrusion detection
engine to detect malicious code injection attempts or the modeling
of runtime PLC control logic behavior, to detect abnormal behaviors
(Zonouz et al., 2014;Garcia et al., 2016;Xie et al., 2022).
Wu et al. (Wu and Nurse, 2015) uses PLC debugging tools such as
PLC Logger to acquire and utilize PLC memory data. However, this
approach is restricted to specific PLC models from Siemens. Denton
et al. (2017) investigate General Electric's proprietary protocol, GE-
SRTP, to enable direct interaction with G.E PLC. The authors
demonstrated the capability to modify the control logic through
their tool using access memory registers.
Sushma et al. (Kalle et al., 2019) and Qasim (Qasim et al., 2019,
2020) extracted the PLC control logic by analyzing the network
traffic between the PLC and the engineering software.
Awad et al. (2019) discusses memory acquisition techniques
available in IT field and the possibility of applying them to SCADA
end-point devices. The authors attempted to obtain the entire
memory of M221 PLC through the communication protocols and
via JTAG port. The memory acquisition via JTAG was not successful
because the JTAG pins were disabled by the manufacturer. Zubair
et al. (2022b) proposed a framework to remotely acquire a PLC
memory. The authors append a small code to the control logic that
would execute and read the memory contents from areas that are
not authorized for reading through a network protocol. While this
work analysis portions of acquired memory, it focuses on memory
extraction and not on actual memory analysis.
Yoo et al. (2019b) proposed a technique to identify control logic
attacks by creating and updating a local copy of the current
memory state using the network communication. They employ 42
unique features of the control logic and employed a classification
algorithm to identify malicious control logic injections or
Rais et al., 2021,2022 acquired the memory of AlleneBradley
Control Logix 1756 PLC through the JTAG interface available on
the PLC, and proposed a differential analysis-based framework to
extract forensic artifacts from the memory dump. The extracted
artifacts include PLC firmware, control logic, input, and output pin
states, and PLC operational parameters, however, the approach
require a PLC for the profile generation. Although this work is the
most relevant to the work presented in this paper, our approach
does not require a PLC to identify data structures in memory dump,
and it can be used on any device of the same model regardless of
the project or environment it is used in.
The existing literature focuses on identifying control logic at-
tacks, firmware reverse engineering, and intrusion detection.
Forensic artifacts are necessary to identify the root cause of
abnormal behavior and answer important questions about the
attack, such as how and when the attack happened, who was
involved, and what the attack targeted. Our study focuses on
extracting forensic artifacts, to help answer those questions.
3. Memory forensic analysis of M221 PLC
In this section, we acquire the memory of the M221 PLC after
reverse engineering the communication protocol. To build a
memory profile, we use pointers found in configuration blocks to
identify the essential memory and structures that contain impor-
tant forensic artifacts and characterize the state of PLC.
3.1. Modicon M221 PLC
The Schneider Electric Modicon M221 Logic Controller, designed
to control basic automation for machines, has 9 digital inputs, 2
analog inputs, and 7 relay-type digital outputs. The M221 PLC has a
32-bit micro-controller (Renesas RX630) that operates at 100 MHz
and supports both serial and Ethernet communication. The PLC
uses a Modbus encapsulated proprietary protocol and is config-
ured/programmed with the EcoStruxure Machine Expert - Basic
software which supports the following IEC 61131e3 programming
!Instruction List: Low-level textual language that resembles
!Ladder Diagram: Graphical programming language that mimics
physical circuits, and consists of vertical rails (supply power)
and as many “rungs”(horizontal lines) as needed to represent
control circuits.
!Grafcet ListSFC: A standardized graphical specification language
for the design of a controller's dynamic behavior.
The memory of M221 PLC consists of two types:
!Volatile: The Random-access memory (RAM) has a size of 512
kbytes of which 256 kbytes are used for internal variables and
256 kbytes for application and data. The RAM memory is used to
execute the application and contains data needed at runtime.
!Non-volatile: This type of memory has a size of 1.5 Mbytes, of
which 256 Kbytes is used to back up the application and data in
case of a power outage. Its main use is saving application
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
3.2. Memory acquisition
In digital forensics, forensic artifacts can either be obtained from
the non-volatile memory image or RAM image. However, to make
the attack concealed, most intruders try to hide the footprints of
the attack by injecting malicious code into RAM without leaving
any traces in the non-volatile memory. The forensic analyst can
take the device offline to investigate the root cause of the attack,
but the volatile memory will be lost at that point. consequently, the
RAM image provides better results in identifying the malicious
behavior, as all the running instructions must be executed from the
RAM to perform its intended task. ICS protocols have documented
function codes to read specific data types, such as input, output,
counters, and timers, from a live PLC. However, function codes to
acquire the RAM and non-volatile contents are not documented,
and in some cases are not implemented (Ahmed et al., 2017).
Alternatively, a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) port can be used to
access the entire memory space (Rais et al., 2021;Awad et al., 2019).
However, JTAG memory acquisition is slow and requires physical
access to the device, and manufacturers hide or disable the JTAG
port. Hence, JTAG memory acquisition is typically not practical in a
deployed system. To acquire the full memory of an M221 PLC, we
choose to use protocol function codes, as the entire memory ad-
dresses are protocol mapped (Zubair et al., 2022b).
3.2.1. Protocol reverse engineering
The Modicon M221 uses the UMAS (Unified Messaging Appli-
cation Services) proprietary protocol for communication. UMAS is
based on the well-known Modbus protocol and uses one of the
reserved Function Codes specified in the Modbus Protocol Specifi-
cation (Function Code 90 or 0 "5A in hexadecimal) for both request
and reply packets. The UMAS protocol also has its own function
codes that indicate to the PLC how it should handle the message.
Function Codes are only sent in a request messages, while the re-
sponses will include a status indicating success or failure. Fig. 2
describes the communication between the client and the server
via UMAS protocol.
To reverse engineer the UMAS protocol, we used Wireshark to
collect the UMAS traffic while conducting various tasks from the
engineering software. Most importantly, we downloaded and
uploaded control logic to and from the connected PLC. To better
understand the static and dynamic fields in the UMAS packets, we
used the same control logic for download and upload requests. By
conducting differential analysis, we noticed that for the most part,
the data content stays the same, except for the session ID and the
function codes. Fig. 3 shows the request and response packet
format of the 0"28 function code used to read to memory ad-
dresses during a upload request. In a request packet, the starting
address, data block size, and data to be read are specified, and in
response packets, the only information provided is the status of a
Fig. 4 shows an example of an Download request message that
uses function code (0 "29) to write the project from a PC to PLC. In
a request packet, the starting address and data block size of the
obtained physical memory are specified, and a response packet
provides information about the status, the data size, and the data
After reverse-engineering the protocol, we determined various
Fig. 2. Communication between the client and server.
Fig. 3. UMAS Upload traffic.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
function codes used for different operations. Table 1 lists some of
the function codes that are used for various purposes, such as
starting the PLC and reading coils, and holding registers. Among
these function codes, the function code (0 "28) is what we used to
read memory.
3.2.2. Memory layout analysis
After acquiring a full memory dump, we began our analysis
process by running Binwalk (a tool for searching a given binary
image for embedded files and executable code) on the memory
dump. We found that Binwalk detects a zip formatted file at
memory address 0 "00d00. After extracting the zip file, we found
that it was the project metadata file. Next, we modified various
parts of the project using the engineering software, such as
inserting a new rung, or mortifying an existing rung, and conducted
a differential analysis to determine changes. We noticed that the
configuration block is always present in download packets and
written to the same address (0xD4FE0100). This block remains the
same when the project does not change. After analyzing the
configuration file, we found that it contains pointers to the start
address and other information about other essential memory
structures. Based on the deferential analysis results, we learned
that the configuration block holds information about a second
configuration file address and its size, the metadata file and its size,
and the data block and its size. Fig. 5 shows the extracted config-
uration block and the pointers to other memory structures.
Using the information from the previously analyzed configura-
tion block, we extracted the second configuration block and learned
the address and the size of the control logic, the first configuration
block, and the data block. Fig. 6 shows the second configuration file
with the start address 0 "544F0407.
Fig. 7 illustrates the basic memory structures found in the M221
memory dump and the location of pointers to the data structure's
address. For the purpose of building the M221 memory profile, we
took advantage of the static location of the first configuration block
and used it to learn the location of other memory structures, so we
can extract them and analyze them in a later step.
3.2.3. Forensic artifacts extraction
Digital forensic artifacts are objects that contain data or evi-
dence of something that occurred. For PLC memory forensics,
memory forensic artifacts may include timestamps, control logic,
network information, etc. A full memory dump is always necessary
to understand the memory layout and obtain forensically sound
data. However, after obtaining the memory layout in the previous
step, we notice that the M221 memory has a multitude of padding
data and unused memory spaces. For our purpose, we filter out the
padding data, such as 0X00 and 0xFF, and focus on the essential
memory blocks that contain the forensic artifacts. For the M221, we
found the meaningful addresses to be the following:
!0"00 - 0x1ffff: On chip RAM contains first configuration block
and PLC network information
!0"7000000 - 0 "707ffff: External RAM contains second
configuration block, metadata file, control logic and data file
!0xfff0000 0 - 0xfff7ffff: On chip ROM contains firmware Metadata file. We initially found the address of the meta-
data file using Binwalk, but we also found pointers to its address in
the first configuration block. The compressed metadata file, named
Fig. 4. UMAS Download traffic.
Table 1
UMAS function codes.
0"01 INIT_COMM: Initialize a UMAS communication
0"02 READ_ID: Request a PLC ID
0"03 READ_PROJECT_INFO: Read Project Information
0"04 READ_PLC_INFO: Get internal PLC Info
0"06 READ_CARD_INFO: Get internal PLC SD-Card Info
0"24 READ_COIL_REGISTERS: Read coils and holding registers from
0"28 READ_MEMORY: Read memory blocks
0"29 WRITE_MEMORY: Write to memory blocks
0"40 START_PLC: Starts the PLC
Fig. 5. Pointers in Configuration block to other critical memory blocks.
Fig. 6. Pointers in Configuration block to other critical memory blocks.
Fig. 7. Pointers in Configuration block to other critical memory blocks.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
“entry”, is usually located in the external RAM area and begins with
zip file signature bytes:/x50/x4b/x03/x04 as shown in Fig. 8. After
decompressing it, we noticed that it contains information about the
semantics of data objects used in the control logic and project in-
formation as shown in Fig. 9. The metadata file is not necessary for
the control execution, but an attacker can use it to gain knowledge
Fig. 9. Decompressed metadata file.
Fig. 8. Extracted metadata file in zip format.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
about the physical process controlled by the PLC. Furthermore, an
intruder can overwrite the metadata file with malicious code, so its
absence in a memory dump might indicate tampering. Control logic. Control logic is the PLC program that is usu-
ally written using engineering software and then downloaded to
the PLC. Although engineering software offers more than one
programming language, ladder logic is typical. It mimics circuit
diagrams with “rungs”of logic read left to right. Each rung repre-
sents a specific action controlled by the PLC, starting with an input
or a series of inputs (contacts) that result in an output (coil). Control
logic runs in cycles and processes input signals to produce output
signals. Our ladder logic program consists of three rungs, each with
two input memory bits, a timer, and an output memory bit. The
program is a simulation of a traffic light such that the green light
stays on for 10s and then turns off, an orange light turns on for 5s,
and then a red light turns on for 10s. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 shows an
example of PLC control logic in both ladder logic language and in-
struction language.
Control logic can be considered one of the most important
forensic artifact that a forensic investigator should acquire and
analyze at the time of a cyber incident or system failure. To find the
address of a control logic structure in our memory dump, we use
the pointer reference that we previously found in the second
configuration block. In our project, the control logic structure can
be found at address 0x7CE10107 and its size is 142 bytes. To better
understand the logic and compare it to the code in our engineering
software, we tried decompiling it using the Eupheus decompiler
(Kalle et al., 2019). For the instructions that are not recognized by
the decompiler, we conducted differential analysis, after adjusting
instructions in rungs, to find the low-level representation of the
ladder logic. Fig. 12 shows the ladder logic that we extracted using
our tool and the translation from RX630 instructions to the
instruction-set language. Project information. We found that the chip RAM has a
“Communication”object that contains information about the de-
vice model, project name and some network information. Fig. 13
shows the information found about the device name, device IP
address, device MAC address, the subnet mask, and the version of
the firmware installed on the device. Project Name: Traffic Light
Device model: M221 TM221CE16R Device IP address: subnet mask: firmware version:
V1.4.0.3. IO data. To communicate with field devices, a PLC uses I/O
modules to process digital/analog input from input devices and
outputs digital/analog signals to output devices. Because I/O data
controls the behavior of the PLC, an attacker can tamper with the
values to manipulate the physical process. Hence, acquiring the I/O
data is important for forensic analysis. In a previous step, we found
that the start address for the data block is 0 "0 0800107. We used
the start address and the size specified in the configuration block to
extract the data block. Because the data block does not reflect any
comments or tags from the engineering software, we again use
differential analysis to figure out the I/O data values in our memory
dump. To accomplish that, we extract the memory of the same
program while the program is running at different points in time.
As seen in Fig. 14, the dynamic values in red represent the I/O
Fig. 10. Control logic in ladder logic language.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
4. Evaluation: traffic light scenario
To evaluate our memory analysis tool, we use engineering
software to download ladder logic that simulates the traffic light.
Then, we manipulated the ladder logic to light the red and green
lights simultaneously. Though we used the engineering software to
manipulate the code, in a real-life scenario, an attacker can
manipulate the code in the memory without using the engineering
software as demonstrated in (Yoo et al., 2019a) and (Kalle et al.,
2019). We then extracted the control logic memory code, based
on the steps described in section 3.
The ladder logic program consists of three rungs, each with a
timer that controls the time the light will be on. In our scenario, the
source of input signals is memory bits with values that change after
each rung executed as shown in Fig. 15. In the first rung, the green
light (%Q.0.0) is turned on for 10 s when memory bits %M0 and %M2
are false. In rung two, the orange light (%Q.0.1) is activated for 5 s if
%M2 and %M1 are false. Finally, rung three energized the red light
(%Q.0.2) if %M1 and %M0.
To have both the green and red lights turned on at the same
time, we add an “OR”“Normally Open Contact”instruction to the
“Green”rung, and we set the input to be (%M0). By doing so, the
green light turns on in two cases: when %M0 and %M2 are false OR
when %M0 is true. Fig. 16 shows the manipulated control logic.
[H] To verify that we can detect control logic manipulation with
our tool, we acquire a memory dump before and after manipula-
tion. We then extract the memory code of the control logic block
from both dumps and compare the two extracted blocks. As seen in
Fig. 17, the instruction injected at the time of manipulation can be
easily noticed (highlighted in yellow): 2206F6700000. After
decompiling the RX630 code, we find out that it is equivalent to the
IL instruction that we added using the engineering software: OR %
M0.In addition to analyzing the raw memory bytes, the forensic
analyst can also take notes of the size of a code block. Under normal
circumstances, the size of the code block should not change as long
as the PLC is running the same project. When code is injected into
memory, the size of the extracted control logic will most likely
5. Discussion and future work
PLCs were not developed with security in mind, hence, they are
an easy target for cyber attacks. Following a cyber incident, the
forensic analyst needs to get to the root cause of the incident to
recover the system as quickly as possible. Memory forensic artifacts
Fig. 11. Control logic in Instruction Language.
Fig. 12. Control Logic extracted from memory dump.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
Fig. 13. Communication object from on-chip RAM.
Fig. 14. Data Block with different values at different points of time.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
provide important information to represent the system state.
However, the diverse architecture and protocols used in PLCs make
it challenging to acquire and analyze PLC memory images. In our
memory analysis methodology, we rely on knowledge acquired by
reverse engineering the communication protocol, and applying
differential analysis to learn about the layout of the memory. Since
the configuration file is always written to the same address, our
approach can be used to analyze the memory of other devices of the
same model. For future work, we aim to automate the detection of
memory blocks and analyze the memory of PLCs from other
6. Conclusion
Memory forensic artifacts provide important information to
represent the system state. However, the diverse architecture and
Fig. 15. Control Logic for traffic light.
Fig. 16. Manipulated traffic light control logic: Green turns on while red only is supposed to be on.
R.A. Awad, M.H. Rais, M. Rogers et al. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 44 (2023) 301513
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direction and present the memory forensic analysis of Schneider
Modicon M221 PLC. We create a memory forensic profile by iden-
tifying the static configuration block on the device and tracing the
pointers that reference other memory blocks and data structures.
We identify essential memory regions and extract important
forensic artifacts including the control logic and the I/O data. We
evaluate our analysis methodology by simulating a traffic light
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