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The volume of Global financial market is increasing because of the growing integration of the different country's economies. An effective International Monetary policy is essential for the smooth transaction of goods and services across the world and effective monetary system is necessary for the rational use of resources and utilise the possibilities of higher consumption. An international monetary system requires an effective balance of payments adjustment mechanism which is important for the assessment of deficits and surpluses in a short time. At the beginning, International gold standard was used for the open trade and payments, which helped to relate currencies with gold which is an internationally acceptable asset .This standard has become insolvent at the beginning of the I st world war and in 1920 exchange rate has come in to practice, Britain tried to restore the gold standard by accepting the par value of it. The United States had the largest gold reserves at that time. Summit at Bretton Woods by the developed countries took decision to peg the exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. The 1944 Bretton Woods agreement allowed the countries to relate their currencies with Dollar and the dollar has come to its current position. When the countries were in need of gold for the dollars they held in the early 1970s, Nixon was not ready to do so and separated the dollar from gold. By this time, the dollar had already become the world's dominant reserve currency. However, differentiating the dollar from its gold-based value created stagflation. That's a combination of inflation and stagnant growth. Stagflation was a result of unpegging of Dollar from its gold value. Due to this many countries were ready to drop the dollar as a peg in global trade. This paper tries to discuss on how dollar has become global currency and the changes that happened recently in considering US dollar as the international currency. Introduction US Dollar is the most traded currencies in international market .Global currency or International currency is a currency that is transacted globally , without any set borders. A global currency is the one that is accepted as a common currency for trade all over the world. U.S. dollar, Euro, and yen are most popular currencies for international trade. Reserve currency is the another name for global currency .
Research Paper
Impact Factor: 5.646
Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal
E- ISSN - 2349-6746
ISSN -2349-6738
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol-6, Issue-6, June -2019 Page 23
Dr. Lakshmi
Assistant Professor, Department of Management T.John College, Bangalore.
The volume of Global financial market is increasing because of the growing integration of the different country’s
economies. An effective International Monetary policy is essential for the smooth transaction of goods and services
across the world and effective monetary system is necessary for the rational use of resources and utilise the
possibilities of higher consumption . An international monetary system requires an effective balance of payments
adjustment mechanism which is important for the assessment of deficits and surpluses in a short time.
At the beginning, International gold standard was used for the open trade and payments, which helped to relate
currencies with gold which is an internationally acceptable asset .This standard has become insolvent at the
beginning of the Ist world war and in 1920 exchange rate has come in to practice, Britain tried to restore the gold
standard by accepting the par value of it. The United States had the largest gold reserves at that time. Summit at
Bretton Woods by the developed countries took decision to peg the exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. The 1944
Bretton Woods agreement allowed the countries to relate their currencies with Dollar and the dollar has come to its
current position.
When the countries were in need of gold for the dollars they held in the early 1970s, Nixon was not ready to do so
and separated the dollar from gold. By this time, the dollar had already become the world's dominant reserve
currency. However, differentiating the dollar from its gold-based value created stagflation. That's a combination of
inflation and stagnant growth. Stagflation was a result of unpegging of Dollar from its gold value. Due to this many
countries were ready to drop the dollar as a peg in global trade.
This paper tries to discuss on how dollar has become global currency and the changes that happened recently in
considering US dollar as the international currency.
US Dollar is the most traded currencies in international market .Global currency or International currency is a
currency that is transacted globally , without any set borders. A global currency is the one that is accepted as a
common currency for trade all over the world. U.S. dollar, Euro, and yen are most popular currencies for
international trade . Reserve currency is the another name for global currency .
As of 2018, 62 percent of foreign exchange reserve is in U.S. dollar. This makes U.S.dollar as the most popular
global currency.Dollar is considered as the most powerful currency because it is supported by the U.S.economy.
Not only that most of the countries peg their currencies to U.S.dollar and around one third of the gross domestic
product is from these countries. In foreign exchange market 90% trade is happening in US dollar and around 40% of
world’s debt is alsoin US dollar. Dollar strength is the main reason for many countries to keep dollar as a reserve
currency.The dollar's strength is the reason governments are willing to hold the dollar in their foreign exchange
reserves.Recently some of the countries started invest their reserve in foreign currencies.
Literature Review
1.Lan Cao, Currency Wars and the Erosion of Dollar Hegemony, Michigan Journal of International Law,2016,38
Mich. J. Int'l L. 57 . This paper provides the history of the US dollar as a global currency. It analyses how and why
the dollar is being changed and how it has evolved as a paper currency from a global currency.
Research Paper
Impact Factor: 5.646
Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal
E- ISSN - 2349-6746
ISSN -2349-6738
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol-6, Issue-6, June -2019 Page 24
2.Faudot, Adrien & Ponsot, Jean-François, "The Dollar Dominance : Recent Episode of Trade Invoicing and Debt
Issuance"Journal of Economic Integration, 2016, Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University, vol. 31(1),
pages 41-64.
This paper describes about the asymmetric situation about the global currency in the international financial system.
Earlier all the countries pegged their currencies to US dollar. And this paper explains how the changes have
happened and now the countries started investing in their currencies.
Evolution of dollar as a global currency
Gold was considered as the international reserve asset and gold standard had been considered for the transactions in
the international monetary system till world war Ist .All the currency values were compared with Gold for the
transaction. But at the beginning of World War Ist, Countries underwent great deal of exchange rate flexibility. In
the middle of 1920s ,Britain tried to restore gold standard at the par value of pound. Slowly pound has become over
valued and it affected the economic activities in 1930s .It affected the sale of their domestic products and led to
competitive devaluation. Due to this uncertainty in value of money, and other various actions, International trade
has reduced drastically. This economic depression continued throughout 1930s.
This par value greatly overvalued the pound and caused payment difficulties for Britain. With the tremendous
decline in economic activity in the 1930s, payment difficulties emerged in many countries. Governments, in
desperation to find foreign buyers for domestic products, made them appear cheaper by selling their national money
below its real value thus undercutting the trade of other nations selling the same products. This practice, which is
known as ‘competitive devaluation’, merely evoked retaliations through similar devaluation by trading by the rivals.
Monetary transactions among nations have come down because of uncertainty about the value of money. All these
actions led to great reductions in the volume and value of international trade. Financial depression, and the low level
of economic activity continued throughout the 1930s.
Fourty four nation’s representatives met In Brettonwood in 1944 and developed a new monetary system known as
Bretton wood system. This system was mainly aimed at protection against competitive devaluation, exchange rate
stability and economic growth of the country. It has become fully operational only after 1958.Then the countries are
settled their international accounts in dollars because at fixed exchange rate that could be converted to gold. The
United state was responsible for converting the dollars in to gold. For that, each amount of dollar was supported by
a certain amount of gold. Post world war II, around one year Bretton Woods system worked very well. The system
was safe because the U.S. owned almost half of the world’s gold reserves. After a certain period of time U.S.‘s
economic output started declining and come down to 27% of world’s economic output. Furthermore, balance of
payment has come down and public debt also has been increased because of the Vietnam war.
Other countries started recovering from 1950’s and sees themselves subsidising multinationals and supporting
U.S.’s living standards. By 1966,gold reserve of non-US central banks has become much higher than United states.
Money supply started increasing in 1971.West Germany had to revalue the Mark, so they left the bretten woods
It helped the growth of its economy. Switzerland, France and other nations demanded for redumption of dollar for
gold. For the protection against other currencies, United States released a report on devaluation of dollar in August
1971. Switzerland also left the Bretton Woods system as the dollar dropped in value against European currencies
.This situation forced U.S to leave the Bretton woods system.
President Richard Nixon in 1971 had taken some economic measures to control the inflation called Nixon shock.
Some of them were, surcharge for imports, wage and price freezes, cancellation of direct convertibility of dollar to
gold etc. The reason behind surcharge was to motivate other countries to think about revalue their currencies.
Surcharge and closing up of gold window made massive speculation against the U.S. dollar. This affected the
Bretton woods system .
Research Paper
Impact Factor: 5.646
Peer Reviewed & Indexed Journal
E- ISSN - 2349-6746
ISSN -2349-6738
International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol-6, Issue-6, June -2019 Page 25
During 1971 dollar was appreciated not because of the fixed exchange rate system but because of the policy mix
between the United States and other countries.
Many countries started redefining their control in terms of currency where the dollar had been the world reserve
currency. And which is the medium of exchange for copper, oil, and other vital commodities. Recently many
countries have come in front and showed their interest in replacing dollar as a global currency.
China has major trade struggle with the US. China’s yuan is largely accepted as a substitute for dollar in
international trading. This increases the tension between the countries and have issues in international trading
policies also.
Iran also wanted to avoid US dollar as international currency. That is the reason for implementation of American
sanctions and global audit against Iran’s oil sector by the US govt.
Gulf countries are also interested to expand their energy market in china and so want to move away fr om dollar. .
Many of the countries, china, Iran, Russia are giving priorities for dropping American dollar. The number of
countries those who are supporting the decentralised financial system are against the US dollar system.
One of the other major growing factors in dropping the value of dollar is Gold. Some of the countries like Beijing
and Moscow are expecting to back their currencies with gold. It is possible to convert Yuan in to gold through the
Shanghai International Energy Exchange.
After World War II Bretton Woods system has come in to existence and most of the countries have accepted US
dollar as the global currency and started pegging in US dollar. Even after, serious fault lines were existing in dollar
dominated international economic system. Many changes had been happened in Bretton woods system. U.S.
deviated from its dollar-gold conversion commitment; this made US dollar a simple paper money. Trust on global
currency has come down among the emerging economies. When trust in paper money has come down, the system
got damaged. Emerging economies thought about non-dollar system and the countries tried to come up with non-
dollar system
1. Bénétrix, A, P Lane and J Shambaugh (2015): "International currency exposures, valuation effects and the
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... Many young people in India face significant challenges in finding suitable jobs that offer good salaries and opportunities for career growth. By contrast, many developed countries offer highly competitive job markets with better salaries and benefits, making it an attractive prospect for Indian youth looking to improve their economic prospects [9,10]. ...
... Efforts should be made to provide young people with resources and support to help them adjust to life abroad and overcome these challenges. For those who are able to migrate abroad, there may be opportunities for better jobs, improved access to healthcare, and a higher standard of living overall [8,9]. ...
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The increasing trend of Indian youth leaving the country to settle abroad has sparked debates on whether it is alarming or beneficial for the nation. This abstract explores the various implications of this trend, highlighting both positive and negative aspects. While the movement of Indian youth to other countries can lead to cultural exchange and global mobility, it may also lead to a loss of talented individuals, resulting in a "brain drain" effect. This paper seeks to provide a balanced perspective on the issue and to encourage further research and policies to create an environment that encourages young people to contribute to India's growth and development.In addition, it is crucial to acknowledge the underlying factors driving this trend, such as lack of employment opportunities, economic instability, and social constraints. Addressing these issues would not only help retain Indian youth but also enhance the country's potential to compete globally. Furthermore, it is essential to recognize the role of technology and the impact of digitalization, which has created new opportunities for remote work and entrepreneurship. By leveraging technology, India can create an environment that encourages innovation, enables access to global markets, and attracts talent, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and development. Therefore, addressing the issue of Indian youth migration requires a holistic approach that involves addressing the root causes while leveraging new opportunities to enhance the country's competitiveness.
... Mata uang yang paling banyak diperdagangkan di pasar internasional adalah dolar AS, Euro, dan yen. Mata uang global juga dikenal sebagai mata uang yang digunakan sebagai mata uang bersama untuk perdagangan di seluruh dunia (Lakshmi, 2019). Sentralitas dolar sebagai mata uang global membuat kebijakan moneter Amerika Serikat berada di pusat sistem pembayaran internasional. ...
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This research aims to analyze the implementation of financial cooperation from Indonesia-Japan trade through Local Currency Settlement in 2020-2023. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with primary and secondary data sources. Data were collected through interviews and literature studies. The author conducted interviews with Bank Indonesia and KADIN Indonesia. Data analysis techniques were done through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the research results, Local Currency Settlement cooperation between Indonesia and Japan shows a positive trend in both transaction volume and number of customers. At the beginning of its implementation in 2020, the transaction volume reached 30million,whichisasignificantnumberconsideringthatitwasonlyimplementedinOctober.Thefigurecontinuedtoincreaseinthefollowingyears,showingsuccessindiversifyingcurrenciesfortradetransactionsettlement.However,theimplementationstillfacesseveralchallenges,suchaslowawarenessofthebenefitsofLocalCurrencysettlement,lessliquidcurrencymarkets,limitedfinancialmarketinfrastructure,andthenoninternationalizationoflocalcurrencypolicies.Severalstrategieswerecarriedouttoovercomethesechallenges,suchasprovidingcustomersincentivesandconductingintensiveandtargetededucationalcampaigns.TheconclusionofthisstudyisthattheLocalCurrencySettlementcooperationbetweenIndonesiaandJapanhassuccessfullystrengthenedbilateraltraderelationsbyreducingdependenceontheUSdollar,althoughchallengesarestillfaced.Continuedeffortstoraiseawareness,improveinfrastructure,andencouragefurthercollaborationbetweenthetwocountriesareneededtooptimizethebenefitsofLocalCurrencySettlementinthefuture.AbstrakPenelitianinibertujuanuntukmenganalisisimplementasikerjasamakeuangandariperdaganganIndonesiaJepangmelaluiLocalCurrencySettlementpadatahun20202023.Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodekualitatifdeskriptifdengansumberdataprimerdansekunder.Datadikumpulkanmelaluiwawancaradanstudiliteratur.PenulismelakukanwawancaradenganBankIndonesiadanKADINIndonesia.Teknikanalisisdatadilakukanmelaluireduksidata,penyajiandata,danpengambilankesimpulan.Berdasarkandarihasilpenelitian,kerjasamaLocalCurrencySettlementantaraIndonesiadanJepangmenunjukkantrenpositifbaikdalamvolumetransaksimaupunjumlahnasabah.Padaawalpelaksanaannyaditahun2020,volumetransaksimencapai30 million, which is a significant number considering that it was only implemented in October. The figure continued to increase in the following years, showing success in diversifying currencies for trade transaction settlement. However, the implementation still faces several challenges, such as low awareness of the benefits of Local Currency settlement, less liquid currency markets, limited financial market infrastructure, and the non-internationalization of local currency policies. Several strategies were carried out to overcome these challenges, such as providing customers incentives and conducting intensive and targeted educational campaigns. The conclusion of this study is that the Local Currency Settlement cooperation between Indonesia and Japan has successfully strengthened bilateral trade relations by reducing dependence on the US dollar, although challenges are still faced. Continued efforts to raise awareness, improve infrastructure, and encourage further collaboration between the two countries are needed to optimize the benefits of Local Currency Settlement in the future. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kerja sama keuangan dari perdagangan Indonesia-Jepang melalui Local Currency Settlement pada tahun 2020-2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Penulis melakukan wawancara dengan Bank Indonesia dan KADIN Indonesia. Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, kerja sama Local Currency Settlement antara Indonesia dan Jepang menunjukkan tren positif baik dalam volume transaksi maupun jumlah nasabah. Pada awal pelaksanaannya di tahun 2020, volume transaksi mencapai 30 juta yang merupakan angka yang cukup signifikan mengingat baru dilaksanakan di bulan Oktober. Angka tersebut terus meningkat di tahun-tahun berikutnya, menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam diversifikasi mata uang untuk penyelesaian transaksi perdagangan. Namun, pelaksanaannya masih menghadapi beberapa tantangan seperti rendahnya kesadaran akan manfaat Local Currency settlement, pasar mata uang yang kurang likuid, keterbatasan infrastruktur pasar keuangan, dan adanya kebijakan non-internasionalisasi mata uang lokal. Untuk mengatasi tantangan tersebut, dilakukan beberapa strategi seperti pemberian insentif kepada nasabah dan mengadakan kampanye edukasi intensif dan targeted. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kerja sama Local Currency Settlement antara Indonesia dan Jepang telah berhasil memperkuat hubungan perdagangan bilateral melalui pengurangan ketergantungan pada dolar AS, meski masih ada tantangan yang dihadapi. Diperlukan upaya terus-menerus dalam meningkatkan kesadaran, perbaikan infrastruktur, serta dorongan kolaborasi lebih lanjut antara kedua negara untuk mengoptimalkan manfaat Local Currency Settlement di masa mendatang. Kata Kunci: LCS, Kerja Sama Keuangan, Perdagangan, Rupiah, Yen
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Depression can have a profound impact on students and their academic performance. While depression may cause a range of negative symptoms such as low motivation, poor concentration, and fatigue, it is important to note that not all students with depression experience the same symptoms. Furthermore, resilience is a critical factor in determining how students cope with depression and overcome its impact. Resilience can be fostered through a variety of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and social support networks. Teachers and school staff play a key role in identifying students who may be struggling with depression and helping them access appropriate resources. By promoting resilience and addressing depression proactively, schools can help students thrive academically and emotionally, setting them up for success in the long term.
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This paper examines the introduction of the new educational policy in Karnataka in 2023 and the resilience of teachers towards its implementation. Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with teachers and educational policymakers, this study sheds light on the challenges faced by teachers in adapting to the new policy and the strategies they employed to overcome these challenges. The findings suggest that while the new policy brought about significant changes in the educational landscape, teachers exhibited remarkable resilience and adaptability in implementing it. This study contributes to the ongoing dialogue around educational policy and highlights the critical role of teachers in the successful implementation of reforms. Furthermore, this paper discusses some of the key features of the new educational policy in Karnataka, including changes in curriculum design, assessment methodologies, and teacher training programs. It explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of these changes, highlighting the areas where further research and evaluation are needed. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of ongoing support and training for teachers to ensure the successful implementation of the new policy and to enhance the quality of education in Karnataka. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of educational policy implementation and underscores the need for a collaborative and responsive approach to reform efforts.
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Education is the process through which a mature human mind evolves from a child's mind. Education is a means for disseminating information about both known and unfamiliar topics. It will enable the human brain to comprehend known and unfamiliar concepts in greater depth. As days pass, so do educational methods, which shift according to the needs of the hour. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, all educational institutions have moved to virtual courses and an online education system that is separate from the actual surroundings. The present study examines the impact of COVID-19 on teaching effectiveness in higher education in Pathanamthitta District in Keralausing random sample method. Structured questionnaire has been used for data collection with a sample of 90 teachers. For analyzing the impact of COVID 19 on teaching effectiveness, traditional and online teaching has been analysed using paired sample t-test,correlation and descriptive statistics. The study analysed that there is an impact of online education onteachingeffectivenessduringCOVID-19. The study also identified the relationship of class control, network connectivity and awareness in technology with teaching effectiveness in online education.
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This study aims to examine the resilience of the people of Kochi towards the health hazard posed by the Brahmapuram waste treatment plant. The plant has been a source of concern for residents due to its harmful emissions, leading to numerous health issues. The research uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through interviews, surveys, and observations. The findings suggest that the people of Kochi have exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of this health hazard. They have developed coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with the negative impacts of the waste plant, such as raising awareness, forming support groups, and engaging in activism. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of community resilience in addressing environmental health hazards. Policymakers and stakeholders can use the findings to develop more effective and sustainable waste management policies and strategies that prioritize the health and wellbeing of the community.
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