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Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath
EDUARDO DAVALOS,Vanderbilt University, USA
CALEB VATRAL,Vanderbilt University, USA
CLAYTON COHN,Vanderbilt University, USA
JOYCE HORN FONTELES,Vanderbilt University, USA
GAUTAM BISWAS,Vanderbilt University, USA
MADISON J. LEE,Vanderbilt University, USA
DANIEL T. LEVIN,Vanderbilt University, USA
Fig. 1. A snapshot of the temporal fully-weighted graphs of a simulation nurse triad taken at 𝑡≃760 seconds, indicated by the red
vertical line. At the top of the figure, the participating nurses (P1 to P3) have their own graph built based on their gaze data that has
been mapped to the mixed-reality nursing scenario by matching gaze to relevant objects. These graphs model gaze evolution and
decay by altering the nodes’ and edges’ weight over time. Node weight represents accumulated fixation duration and edge weight
indicates the accumulated number of transitions between two objects. The nurses’ gaze over the chosen time interval, presented at
the boom of the figure, illustrates the temporal change in gaze fixation for the three nurses across the objects.
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LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
Eye-tracking technology has expanded our ability to quantitatively measure human perception. This rich data source has been
widely used to characterize human behavior and cognition. However, eye-tracking analysis has been limited in its applicability, as
contextualizing gaze to environmental artifacts is non-trivial. Moreover, the temporal evolution of gaze behavior through open-ended
environments where learners are alternating between tasks often remains unclear. In this paper, we propose temporal fully-weighted
scanpath graphs as a novel representation of gaze behavior and combine it with a clustering scheme to obtain high-level gaze summaries
that can be mapped to cognitive tasks via network metrics and cluster mean graphs. In a case study with nurse simulation-based team
training, our approach was able to explain changes in gaze behavior with respect to key events during the simulation. By identifying
cognitive tasks via gaze behavior, learners’ strategies can be evaluated to create online performance metrics and personalized feedback.
CCS Concepts: •Applied computing →Collaborative learning;•Computing methodologies →Cluster analysis.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: eye-tracking, network analysis, temporal, learning analytics, simulation-based training
ACM Reference Format:
Eduardo Davalos, Caleb Vatral, Clayton Cohn, Joyce Horn Fonteles, Gautam Biswas, Naveeduddin Mohammed, Madison J. Lee,
and Daniel T. Levin. 2023. Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs. In LAK23: 13th
International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2023), March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA. ACM, New York, NY,
USA, 16 pages.
With the adoption of innovative technologies and new care practices in the healthcare sector, healthcare educators and
teaching institutions are now turning their attention to crafting ecient and eective curricula that improve the training
experiences of learners. An established yet evolving instructional approach that bridges the gap between classroom
knowledge and real-world readiness is simulation-based training that can replicate real-world conditions with high
delity [
]. In particular, nursing instruction has adopted simulation-based training as a pedagogical approach that
combines testing of nurses’ clinical judgment with procedures they will execute in the real world [16,18].
Simulation-based training is popular and has been widely adopted by nursing educational institutions, but robust
analytics-based performance feedback that helps students achieve prociency is still not well-developed [
]. This is
because most analyses of nurse progress are qualitative and somewhat ad hoc in nature, and systematic documentation
of students’ progress as they go through various scenarios are rare [
]. These issues are further exacerbated by the
open-ended nature of simulation-based training. This creates a situation where there is more than one way to approach
a patient care problem, making it dicult to generate analytics that is valid across the range of possible approaches
that nurses may take. Further, multiple nurses may collaborate in a simulation. Although this is closer to reality, this
collaboration makes it harder for nursing instructors to assess individual and team performance, especially because
nurses can switch between a variety of roles and tasks as a scenario unfolds. These complexities make it dicult for
instructors to develop a nuanced analysis of the activities that nurses perform during the simulation, and this motivates
the need to develop automated articial intelligence (AI)-based algorithms and analytics that can support nursing
instructors and students.
In the past, individual and team performance have been measured using techniques such as interviews, surveys, and
pre-post tests. However, these methods fail to capture in-the-moment decisions that nurses make and the details of the
procedures they perform. Moreover, these approaches are restricted to after-the-fact post-simulation evaluation only.
Measures of real-time team metrics that rely on more quantitative data sources, such as nurses’ activities, movements,
emotions, behaviors, and visual attention, are currently active areas of research. A common barrier to collecting activity
and behavior data is the lack of domain contextualization whereby the observed behavior is situated to domain-specic
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
information [
]. This problem is often caused by a focus on a single data source, e.g., tracking the nurses’ activity
data in the simulation log les. Such data are often insucient to capture the full extent of the nurses’ behavior and
decision-making, because the environmental context in which actions are being performed may not be available [
Current advances in multimodal data collection and analysis [
] provide approaches to address these limitations.
Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) has gathered signicant research interest in recent years for its ability to explain
learners’ performance and behaviors in a more holistic manner. In particular, eye-tracking has been at the forefront of
cognition, neuroscience, and MMLA [
] in providing mechanisms to better understand students’ performance [
communication and coordination, and overall team collaboration [1,34].
Recently, one particularly popular approach to assessing eye tracking data generated by complex real-world tasks
has been Network analysis [
], using graph representations, attributes, and metrics to link eye-tracking
data with learning theories [
]. However, in previous research eye-tracking graphs are typically generated at the end
of the experiment as an accumulated representation of the gaze behaviors, thereby losing important information in
the temporal dimension of gaze patterns and gaze shifts that occur in the training scenario. This makes it dicult to
interpret and evaluate learners’ activities and behaviors in the training scenario.
To address this gap, we focus on the temporal evolution of nurses’ eye-tracking behaviors using a network analysis
approach and then use this information to analyze nursing students’ activities and their coordination behaviors in
mixed-reality simulation-based training scenarios. In this paper, we address the following research question:
How can eye-tracking data be used to provide contextualized online information about nurses’ activi-
ties and behaviors in a complex mixed-reality simulation-based training environment?
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2provides a brief literature review that combines learning
theory, data-driven methods, and network analysis to create meaningful depictions and analyses of eye-tracking data.
Section 3presents the approaches we develop to address these goals. Section 4starts with a case study that evaluates
how our method allows gaze behavior to support interpretations of key events in a nursing simulation using a task
model we have generated in conjunction with our instructors by applying cognitive task analysis. Section 5provides
the conclusions of this paper along with limitations and future work. Section 6provides the paper’s meta information.
In this section, we begin with a brief literature review of our cognitive task analysis framework appended with a
distributed cognition approach for analyzing teamwork behaviors. In parallel, we review current MMLA applied to
learning and training environments and then focus on eye-tracking and network analytics algorithms to derive scan
paths that form our core representation for analyzing nurses’ teamwork behaviors.
2.1 Cognitive Learning Theory
Classical cognitive theories model human learning by linking external factors with an individual’s internal mental
processes [
]. Many of these approaches explain how new information is obtained, processed, and stored in a symbolic
database. In the lens of traditional cognitive theory, the unit of analysis is an individual’s cognitive and metacognitive
processes [
]. Clark [
] concisely described how classical cognitive theory models the mind as a central logic engine
that fetches information from memory through a symbolic database. The logical inference is applied to problem-
solving, where the environment is the problem domain and the body is the sensor for collecting information from the
environment [21].
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
Fig. 2. Cognitive Task Model for simulation-based training scenarios in nursing. The top level of the task model includes domain-general
tasks: information gathering and intervention. The further we descend in the model, the tasks become increasingly domain-specific
(e.g. checking vital signs).
2.1.1 Cognitive Task Modeling. To gain a better understanding of the learners’ activities and behaviors, we adopt
a cognitive task analysis approach [
] to create a hierarchical task structure that captures the set of primary tasks
that dene our training or learning domain. A task model for the nursing domain is shown in Fig. 2. These concepts
map the task domain onto domain-relevant cognitive processes, psychomotor skills, and aective states. For example,
learning and training domains typically include high-level cognitive processes, such as information acquisition, solution
construction, and evaluation. Although these processes may reect some invariant properties across domains, their
execution likely diers depending on the training scenario and the domain under consideration.
Tasks within a domain are modeled by a top-down hierarchical structure, where the highest levels include domain-
general tasks of information gathering, solution construction, and solution assessment [
]. The subsequent subtasks are
more domain-specic (e.g., in nursing: checking vitals; providing an intervention). The lowest levels of the hierarchy
represent observable actions (e.g., administering oxygen). Betty’s Brain [
], a computer-based learning environment
that teaches students to model scientic processes (e.g., eects of global warming) as causal relationships between
entities (e.g. increased temperature decreases the amount of sea ice), uses a cognitive task model to interpret learner
actions in the environment in terms of cognitive processes represented as tasks and subtasks (information seeking,
model building, and model checking). It leverages event logs to directly map actions to subtasks in the task model and
track the learners’ progress and strategies.
2.1.2 Distributed Cognition. Classical cognitive theory often deemphasizes the social component of learning even
though real-world learning environments can include other humans who may join an individual in collective interactions
with instruments, tools, and other objects. Therefore, distributed cognition theories account for peer-to-peer interactions,
and the use of artifacts, such as whiteboards, notebooks, and computers, that are present in the environment. The
propagation of information and knowledge within a network largely contributes to learning [
]. Various cognitive
scientists, including Hutchins, Cole, and Clark [
], recognized this gap in cognitive theory. To address this gap,
Hutchins [
] developed distributed cognition with the view that learning is a joint activity by expanding the unit
of analysis to encompass more than a single mind, including networks of individuals, environmental artifacts, and
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
With the success of distributed cognition in analyzing behavior within social networks, its adoption has been
accompanied by new methodologies that mold the framework to better t new domains and applications. For our study,
we adopt the qualitative Distributed Cognition for Teamwork (DiCoT) model [
]. DiCoT has been commonly used within
the nursing simulation-based training environment literature [
] to derive qualitative measures and models for
training behaviors. The DiCoT model is broken down into 5 themes: (1) physical layout, (2) information ow, (3) design
and use of artifacts, (4) social interactions, and (5) temporal evolution. Using these models, we can ground our methods
and expand our interpretation and understanding of our data and results.
2.2 Multimodal Learning Analytics
MMLA is a growing eld that includes contributions from many researchers, such as Worsley [
], Blikstein [
Schneider [
], and Ochoa [
], to name a few. The eld of MMLA is situated at the intersection of learning analytics,
multimodal data, and computer-supported analysis [
]. MMLA has been applied to analyze learning behaviors in
complex environments across a variety of applications that have used dierent sensory data arrangements depending
on the needs and the intent of the analyses. The argument for multimodal data analysis, in spite of the expenses and
complexity of collecting and analyzing the data, is its ability to provide rich and in-depth measures to characterize
complex human behavior.
Using MMLA within a DiCoT framework to analyze mixed-reality simulation-based team training allows for a
rigorous mixed-methods approach, as demonstrated in [
]. MMLA has also been successfully applied in collaborative
settings. The observable and measurable interactions between students or trainees and their environment are a key
focus in MMLA, as a means to relate data to theory constructs. As a preliminary step to understanding complex and
noisy environments, dashboards and other types of visualizations have been used to better understand the relationship
between the multimodal data and activities in the learning domain [27].
2.2.1 Eye-tracking. As a robust measure of perceptual and cognitive processes, eye-tracking has been an inuential tool
in the eld of learning analytics. It is based on the eye-mind hypothesis [
], in which visual attention is related to the
mind’s new information processing. To start making the connections between gaze and visual attention, eye-tracking
analytics have to conform to and be embedded into the learning context. In our study, the raw gaze information comes
in the form of
(𝑥, 𝑦 )
coordinates with respect to the individual’s egocentric view of the training space, i.e., the simulated
hospital room. These data can be analyzed to compute generic metrics, such as average xation time and saccade
frequency. However, more informative analyses must be based on a direct mapping of gaze coordinates to the objects in
the person’s view, and these objects can be further contextualized in terms of their roles and functionality in the domain
and setting. Therefore, it is essential to create a mapping between the raw eye-tracking data and the objects observed
in the domain to draw contextualized conclusions of the subject’s gaze and link it to their information acquisition,
diagnostic inferences, and intervention tasks as implied by the cognitive task model. Area-of-Interest (AOI) encoding is
commonly used to facilitate the identication of objects or areas in the environment that provide rich context and help
interpret domain concepts, as well as the nurse’s interactions with the patient and with each other [17].
There are two distinct types of AOIs: static and dynamic. The availability of AOI information and type is largely
dependent on the environment. Environments can be found on a spectrum ranging from physical to virtual, with mixed
reality that includes both physical and virtual components in the training scenario, located in between. Static AOIs are
commonly used in laboratory settings where the AOI placement, usually in still images, can be xed, and where the
participant’s viewpoint does not change relative to a stimulus-display screen. By using static AOIs, contextualizing
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
eye-tracking can be easily achieved. On the other hand, real-world scenarios, in which gaze is often tracked using head-
mounted eye trackers, require dynamic AOI encoding which is a non-trivial task. Using eye-tracking in 3-dimensional
environments that the participant moves through poses a large set of computational challenges, especially if researchers
wish to avoid time-intensive hand-coding of AOIs.
2.2.2 Network Analytics. Once AOI encoding is achieved, trainees’ gaze sequences on AOIs can be articulated and
further processed to extract rich information. Various analysis methods can be applied to these sequences, such as
sequence mining [
], machine learning (ML) regression or classication [
], time series analysis, and network analysis
]. In collaborative settings where multiple eye-tracking devices are used, network analysis has been heavily used
to represent joint attention [
]. The node and edges of a graph can be used as powerful methods for representing
complex relationships between AOIs [25].
The approach employed in this paper analyzes nursing training exercises in a mixed-reality environment that repre-
sents a simulated hospital room equipped with standard medical devices and monitors for information display and
communication of the providers’ orders. The patient is represented by a high-delity manikin that exhibits distress
symptoms and a deteriorating health state.
The instructors monitor the simulation from behind a one-way glass partition, allowing them to observe the student
nurses’ activities, conversations, and interventions. Then, based on the nurses’ specic actions (or lack of actions), the
instructor may make real-time modications to the simulation on the LLEAP software. The instructor can also play the
role of the patient by speaking through a microphone in the control room, which can be heard through speakers in the
manikin. Therefore, the patient’s state, utterances, and health displays are controlled by the patient simulator, whereas
the nurses’ conversations and activities take place in physical space in and around the simulated hospital room. Thus,
the analysis of the nurses’ activities and behaviors takes place in the context of the evolving scenario. This constraint
requires us to develop mixed-reality methods that combine video, speech, gaze, and log le analysis.
3.0.1 Participants. For our study, we collected data from ve separate simulation training sessions run at Vanderbilt’s
Nursing Simulation lab in Spring 2022. Each simulation involved training of a nurse triad. One out of ve of the recorded
simulations had eye-tracking data for all three nurses. In the case study discussed in this paper, we analyze the training
scenario where all three nurses wore eye-tracking glasses. With the nurses’ informed consent, we recorded and analyzed
the simulation scenarios using data from the eye-tracker glasses and the overhead camera recordings. The study was
approved by the Vanderbilt University Institutional Review Board.
3.0.2 Data Sources. Our eye-tracking data was collected using Tobii Glasses 3. These units record four data streams:
egocentric video, audio, eye-tracking, and inertial measurement units. Our second data source, two overhead cameras
provided dierent top-down views of the simulation environment and included both video and audio data.
Participants donned eye-tracking glasses and then completed Tobii’s one-point calibration routine. Then, the student
nurses entered the simulated hospital room to start their training. As students performed their training exercise, we
collected (1) video data from two overhead cameras to analyze the nurses’ physical movement and activities of the
nurses in the room; (2) audio data from both the tracking glasses and overhead camera videos to capture the nurses’
dialogue with each other, the patient, and the provider; and (3) nurses’ gaze coordinates using the eye tracking glasses
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
Fig. 3. Example of aligned and synchronized video feeds from our data collection and preprocessing steps. To collectively analyze the
team’s interactions & collaboration across a simulation, we aligned the 3 nurses’ head-mounted eye-tracking glasses recordings.
as they worked through the simulated scenario. All of the raw data streams were stored during recording and later
analyzed oine as we describe below.
3.1 Data Analysis
For our data analysis, a preprocessing step involving temporally aligning the multiple data sources was required. Once
the data sources were aligned and synchronized, the egocentric videos were processed to track the dynamic gaze
patterns in terms of the AOIs. The xations were matched with the detected and tracked AOIs in the video generating a
sequence of AOIs with timestamps over the period of the training simulation. The AOI sequence of each nurse was
then used to construct a temporal fully-weighted graph, acting as a model of attention and memory [
]. Each of the
steps in this process is discussed in greater detail below.
3.1.1 Preprocessing. For our multimodal data alignment and synchronization, the videos’ start times were used to
initiate the timeline. For the alignment of the dierent data streams, we manually adjusted the individual time stamps
to account for time dierences between the dierent computers that collected each data stream. The data streams
stemming from the eye tracking glasses were automatically aligned with the egocentric video by Tobii’s recording
3.1.2 Dynamic AOI Tracking and Matching. To link gaze with AOI’s dened by relevant objects in the nursing domain,
we used YOLOv5 [
] to perform object detection. We used the deep learning algorithm (YOLOv5) to nd the dynamic
AOIs through video sequences in spite of the complex layout of the physical environment. We used the pretrained
weights and biases provided by the YOLOv5 GitHub repository for the "yolov5s" model. This YOLOv5 model was trained
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
Fig. 4. Timeline of AOI Sequences of Nurse Triad in Simulation A. The fixation-AOI matching is performed on all gaze data over the
period of a simulation to obtain the figure above. With the development of this timeline, we were able to detect gaze paerns over the
period of the simulation. This provides evidence that the nurses’ eye-gaze behavior is correlated with their actions, as it changes as
the actions performed change over time.
on the widely-used COCO dataset [
] that contains 91 dierent annotated categories of everyday objects and items
in images. Not all categories detected by YOLOv5 are useful for the nursing domain, but a subset of these categories
mapped well with the objects of interest in the simulation environment: person, bottle, bed, tv, laptop, mouse, remote,
keyboard, cell phone, and book. These labels were then renamed to better match the objects located in the room. The
renaming included the following mappings: "tv" and "laptop" to "monitor", "remote" to "thermometer", "cell phone" to
"phone/IV pump", and "book" to "paper". In total, we have 9 AOIs tracked via the YOLOv5 model.
The video was then processed with the YOLOv5 model to detect, track, and match dynamic AOIs through the period
of the training simulation for each nurse’s egocentric view. An example of a sequence of processed frames with the
YOLOv5 detector is shown in Fig. 3. The object detection results of each frame were used to match the current frame’s
xation. For every detected AOI in a video frame, we determined if the xation was found within the AOI’s bounding
box. In the simplest case, only a single AOI bounding box captured the xation, making the AOI-to-xation matching
trivial. More challenging situations occurred when the xation was located across two or more AOI bounding boxes. In
such cases, we adopted a naive strategy of selecting the AOI with the minimum euclidean distance to the xation point.
This worked in our examples because the detected AOIs had, for the most part, small intersections.
The matching process between per-frame xations and detected AOIs was then applied to the entirety of the training
video. Using this approach, a timeline of AOI sequences was articulated to further observe gaze patterns during the
simulation. In the past, learning analytics methods, such as sequence mining and other sequence-based analyses would
have been used. However, these methods typically apply to event and action logs and may not be very suitable for
eye-tracking data, which requires analyses at much lower levels of granularity. Also, gaze sequences can be noisy (see
Fig. 4). Given these limitations in the traditional sequence analysis methods, we decided to use network analysis as an
alternative technique.
3.1.3 Network Analysis. Previous work by Zhu & Feng, Schneider, Clariana, Ma, & Andrist [
] have
applied network analysis to analyze eye-tracking data after AOI encoding. A graph is used to capture the transitions
between AOIs and the xation time associated with an AOI. In previous eye-tracking studies, the AOI transition graph
is an accumulated representation of the experiment, where the total sums of xation time and transition counts are
mapped to node and edge weights. This approach is limited by the compression of the temporal dimension as it is
unable to characterize the evolution of gaze behavior over the period of an experiment. This is especially important
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
in collaborative and complex environments, where the gaze behavior is expected to change to match new needs (e.g.,
information gathering versus interventions).
In this paper, we propose a novel representation for temporal analysis of eye-tracking data inspired by network
analysis using the notion of temporal fully-weighted graphs. To take advantage of the expressiveness of these graphs,
we applied temporal clustering using the standard K-Means algorithm to graph snapshots [
]. Time segments based
on cluster ids were then characterized by the cluster centroids. The analytics were then mapped back to activities and
tasks in the cognitive task model using network metrics applied to the centroids of the AOI-transition graphs.
Temporal Dimension: Evolution and Decay. Our method for accounting for the evolution and decay of the graph
is through mutation of nodes and edges’ weights. Before discussing the graph, it is important to consider that the
construction of the temporal graphs includes hyperparameters for decay rate and sliding window size. For our study, we
used a sliding window size of 15 seconds and a decay rate of 4%. These hyperparameters were qualitatively determined
through a manual hyperparameter search, based on the frequency of gaze transitions and the stability of the graphs.
Variations in the sliding window parameter had a minimal impact on the graphs’ structures, as long as the size was
less than 30 seconds. For the decay rate, too rapid a rate resulted in a diminishing graph, and too slow a rate caused
the graph to continue accumulating edges and stagnated the network’s typology. The selected hyperparameters were
chosen based on maximizing the distance from the aforementioned extremes.
The directed graph is rst initialized with all 9 AOI nodes with node weights and edges assigned 0 values. This
corresponds to an empty adjacency matrix. Working with all nodes, even when they have zero weights, makes graph
embedding and clustering easier by keeping the dimensions consistent. Through a non-overlapping sliding window
approach, the temporal AOI sequences were added to the dynamic graph by summing the xation time for each AOI
to the node weights. The counts of transitions between AOIs were summed to the edge weights between the two
corresponding nodes. If an AOI was not found within the sliding window, then its node and edge weights decayed at a
constant rate. The decay, after initial focus, models how the nurses’ attention to an AOI decreases over time as their
gaze directions change.
Graph Embedding and Clustering. After developing the temporal graph, we used the K-Means algorithm from the
scikit-learn library [
] to cluster 2250 snapshots of temporal graphs generated from all ve training simulations so
that we could generalize across simulation scenarios and participants. The goal was to group time segments by distinct
gaze behaviors, and then nd interpretations that may map the aggregated gaze behaviors to task model activities that
nurses were performing in the simulated scenario. Each snapshot represented a static graph sample generated from the
non-overlapping sliding window algorithm.
For clustering, given that our goal was to group gaze segments and represent each group by aggregated gaze
behaviors, we chose not solely rely on overall network metrics, such as centrality and transitivity, which might make it
harder to derive an interpretation for each group that can be linked to task model activities. Instead, we decided to use
a lossless graph embedding as input to the clustering algorithm to later use the clusters’ mean to construct a graph.
The edges’ weights from the adjacency matrix were concatenated with the nodes’ weight vector into a single vector of
length 91. Therefore, each of the 2250 data points was represented by 91 feature values. For interpretation purposes, we
computed a mean 91-valued vector for each group so we could construct a graph with the corresponding node and edge
weights representing each of the derived groups or clusters. These constructed graphs were then mapped to specic
activities in our task model.
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
Fig. 5. Clustering 2250 snapshots of the temporal graphs with the K-Means algorithm produced five clusters. The clusters’ mean
vectors are then used to reconstruct a graph that represents the clusters’ mean graphs. Through the clusters’ mean graphs, domain-
specific relationships can be more easily observed and identified, such as in Cluster 3’s graph average, where there is a large edge
between person and bed.
Cluster Number Density Centrality Local Eciency Transitivity Global Eciency
1 0.097 0.089 0.259 0.375 0.139
2 0.125 0.071 0.407 0.643 0.153
3 0.111 0.071 0.259 0.600 0.139
4 0.111 0.071 0.259 0.600 0.139
5 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.028
Table 1. Network metrics for each of the clusters’ means. Network analysis based on network metrics assists in graph interpretation
through an aggregated domain-general lens; the general structure of the graph has been correlated to general cognitive strategies
and behaviors [
]. For example, the centrality metric that ranges from
and its implications in the network typology has been
correlated with a spectrum of strategies starting from naive (low centrality) to goal-focused (high centrality).
In any unsupervised clustering algorithm, the number of clusters can be considered a hyperparameter with an
associated criterion function that is used to discover the optimal number of clusters for the data. We used the K-Elbow
approach [
] that was readily available via the YellowBricks package [
] to nd the optimal number of clusters. This
approach produced ve as the optimal number of clusters. Each of the cluster means was then computed and the
resulting network graphs are displayed in Fig. 5. The aggregated network metrics are shown in Table 1.
Mapping Clusters to Cognitive Tasks. At rst glance, it seems that the aggregated metrics for some of the clusters are
identical (e.g., see feature values for clusters 2 and 3 in Table 1). But Fig. 5shows clear dierences based on edges and
size of the nodes. This further emphasizes that network metrics may be insucient to disambiguate clusters. Overall,
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
combining the graph structures in Fig. 5with the aggregated statistical values from Table 1, we can derive general
interpretations of the type of gaze behavior for each cluster and relate them to the nurses’ activities and performance.
Cluster 1 and Cluster 4 fall into information gathering since the cluster mean graphs have large node and edge
weights between the monitor and person nodes, as these objects are the primary data sources available to the nurses. The
monitors display the patient’s vitals and medical history as well as the physician’s orders that govern the intervention.
The person category can imply both nurse-to-nurse and nurse-to-patient interactions. These gaze exchanges reect
visual inspection, attention, and discourse to obtain relevant information. The size of the person and monitor nodes is
what dierentiates Cluster 1 and Cluster 4 into general or diagnostic information gathering. Cluster 1’s larger person
node shows a focus on generic procedures, such as conversation with the patient about his or her medical history,
symptoms, and other generic information. In contrast, Cluster 4’s larger monitor node reects a diagnostic approach
to information gathering, as nurses read patients’ charts and consider real-time vitals to hypothesize a diagnosis.
On the other branch of the cognitive task model, Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 represent intervention tasks, as their mean
vectors have large node weights for bed, and the edge weight between bed and person is large. Note that attention to the
bed node is analogous to gazing at the patient. The bed and person in this context can be associated with direct patient
interactions, either by conversations or by physical interaction (e.g., administering medicine). In addition, Cluster 2
and Cluster 3 have a more even distribution of gaze between the monitor,person, and bed nodes, as the nurses track
the intervention’s impact on these three objects. Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 dier from one another in their distribution
(connected to network density and centrality) of gaze and transitions along their graphs. Cluster 2 has a more even
weight distribution among its nodes and edges, implying an even distribution of attention and focus by a nurse. This
aligns well with stabilization, as the nurses are performing intervention tasks on the patient and monitoring their
eects to get the patient to a more comfortable state. Cluster 3 diers from Cluster 2 because of its greater weight on
the bed to person edge, which is representative of actions that involve initiating new treatments, and at the same time,
discussing these treatments with the patient, fellow nurses, and providers.
To evaluate our approach, we applied our proposed temporal graph representation, clustering, and mapping to the
cognitive task model to the simulation scenario where all three nurses wore eye-tracking glasses as they trained in
the scenario. In this analysis, we summarize our interpretation of the simulation from the eye-tracking data and then
discuss a list of important training events that we derived by matching against our interpreted cluster segments that
were then mapped back to understand the temporal sequence of the nurses’ activities.
4.1 Simulation Summary
The simulation scenario began with the instructor assigning roles (P1 and P2 were assigned to be the primary nurses,
and P3 was assigned the role of a care partner), giving a brief overview of the patient case, and recommending that the
nurses start by reading the chart. The manikin patient was experiencing painful coughing episodes and had diculty
breathing. The nurses were tasked with providing general medical care, stabilizing the patient by easing his pain, and
starting a treatment plan. In Table 2, key events in the simulation are presented and briey described. Overall, the
nurses were able to navigate the problem presented in the simulation and successfully resolve the medical issues that
the patient was experiencing.
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
Event ID # Timestamp (sec) Event Description
I 0 Instructor discusses scenario information
II 40 Simulation start
III 168 Patient requests help
IV 212 Nurses implicitly split tasks
V 319 A nurse initiates nebulizer treatment but Patient contests
VI 371 Nurses consult then call respiratory therapist
VII 426 Nurses start administering IV uids
VIII 771 Nurses try to provide medications but Patient contests
IX 866 IV pump administration complete
X 999 Nurses convince Patient and start administering antibiotic
XI 1404 Simulation end
Table 2. The key events that occurred in the simulation case study. Events I-IV were routine initial events in the simulation; event V
marked the simulation timeline where the nurses faced new unexpected challenges. From event V to event X, large time intervals were
composed of the nurses gathering equipment, requesting assistance from other medical personnel, and waiting for the completion of
medication administration. Event XI marked the end of the simulation, aer which the instructors discussed simulation outcomes
and performance with the nurses.
Fig. 6. Graph clustering applied to the case study simulation scenario along with significant events that occurred during the training
exercise. The P1, P2, and P3 timelines are raw gaze, with PX-C being the gaze counterpart’s time segments based on the clusters.
These time segments are obtained by identifying the cluster that the gaze graph belongs to using our sliding window approach (size
= 15 seconds). Through the simulation, there was a gradual transition from information gathering to intervention, and the nurses
switched from stabilization to treatment and aempt to resolve the patient’s medical problems.
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
4.2 Applying and Interpreting Graph Clusters
As a rst step, we analyzed the simulation data to obtain cluster segments, as shown in Fig. 6. The events’ ID and
timestamp are included in the cluster segments gure to observe the transitions between cluster-dened activities.
Also, key events that made the nurses rethink their approach were also observed. In the interval between Events I
and II, we can see how Cluster 5 (outliers) represents the instructor’s introduction to the scenario and the nurses’
attention focused on the instructor. In the interval from Event II to III, all nurse activities fall into the realm of Clusters
1 (generic information gathering) and 4 (diagnostic information gathering). When the transition to Event III happened,
and the patient asked for help, the nurses nished their information gathering and switched their attention to the
patient, and administered interventions. During Event IV and V, all nurses independently transitioned to Cluster 2
(stabilization intervention). After Event V occurred, the nurses’ tasks diverged with Nurse 2 switching to more stabilizing
or treatment-focused interventions. The multiple occurrences of Cluster 3 (treatment intervention) matched events VI,
VII, and VIII, which were all goal-oriented tasks that did not require monitoring. The simulation ocially concluded
with Event XI.
In this paper, we presented a novel approach for scanpath network analysis by temporally parsing simulation gaze
events using a combined evolution and decay modeling approach. Our mixed-reality simulation environment includes
the physical layout of a hospital room, where the nurses move about to monitor and administer interventions to stabilize
the patient. All of this results in dynamic AOIs that we capture as egocentric views for each nurse using the eye-tracking
glasses they wear. The YOLOv5 model was used to detect and track AOIs that were matched with xations to construct
AOI sequences that evolved in time as the simulation progressed. The temporal weighted graphs (with a node weight
corresponding to gaze durations and edge weight corresponding to the number of gaze transitions between nodes)
were generated by segmenting the duration of the entire simulation into a sequence of non-overlapping segments using
a sliding window approach.
Snapshots of these temporal graphs from all ve simulation scenarios with dierent participants produced a total of
2250 data points (each one derived from a weighted graph) with 91 feature values to preserve edge and node information.
We clustered these data points using the K-Means algorithm. The K-elbow approach provided the optimal number of
clusters, which was ve. Each cluster was then represented by its mean vector as its constructed into a fully-weighted
graph. For the constructed mean graphs, we computed individual network metrics, contextualized them using their
node and edge weights, and mapped the clusters to task and activity components in the cognitive task model.
To demonstrate our approach, we conducted a case study of the simulation scenario where all three nurses wore
eyeglasses during their training. We used the methods described above to segment the timeline into cluster segments.
Key events were then used to interpret and evaluate how the gaze behaviors represented by each cluster explain the
activities that the nurses conducted in that time interval.
5.1 Addressing Research estion
To address our research question, RQ1, we decompose the question into two elements: (1) contextualization and (2)
in-the-moment interpretation. In terms of contextualization, we showed how we can elevate low-level eye-tracking data
systematically to higher levels of abstraction to interpret nurse interactions and activities. This involved AOI encoding
that mapped gaze (𝑥 , 𝑦)coordinates to objects of interest in the environment. For our physical environment, we used
LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA Davalos, et al.
the YOLOv5 object detection algorithm to track dynamic AOIs. The second step used a graph representation to model
the gaze information in terms of AOI sequences that captured the change in attention between objects.
For in-the-moment information representation, we dierentiated the temporal representations by regenerating the
graph representation using evolution and decay parameters. Through our observations, the temporal fully-weighted
graph yielded a direct mapping from the nurses’ gaze behaviors to tasks and activities that we dened by cognitive task
analysis of the simulation scenarios.
5.2 Limitations & Future Work
We have noted several limitations in our rst approach to using multimodal data, primarily the egocentric eye-tracking
data collected to interpret, analyze, and evaluate nurse training behaviors in our mixed-reality training environments.
The initial step, dynamic AOI tracking using YOLOv5, produced semantic category representations that did not
disambiguate between instances of the same object category. For example, aggregating xations to the general category
of person missed relevant social interaction information, as it did not distinguish between the dierent nurses. In future
work, we hope to match person AOIs to specic individuals (e.g., patients, nurses P1, P2, and P3), to better capture the
information ow and social interactions. Second, YOLOv5 frequently misclassied various essential yet challenging
objects such as IV lines, syringes, and other medical equipment. A ne-tuned YOLOv5 for the nursing domain would
have produced considerably better results than the domain-general pre-trained model that we used. Last, some of the
network metrics used in our paper (e.g., centrality, transitivity, and density) only used edge weights and the network
typology but did not account for the node weights. Fully-weighted network metrics are not as widely supported in
graph software packages and are still an active eld of research in network analysis. The use of fully-weighted network
metrics would help further characterize this type of graph and allow us to derive clearer interpretations.
ED, the primary author of the paper, developed, programmed, and applied the proposed approach and wrote the
manuscript’s initial draft. He also led the eort on revising the paper to address the reviewers’ comments. ML, CV,
CC, and ED were responsible for data collection, annotation, and curation. GB and DL are the principal investigators,
responsible for leading the study’s vision and scope. DL contributed to the overall framework for interacting with
the nursing school, funding, and IRB approval. GB provided guidance in the development of the overall technical
framework and the machine learning-based analysis methods for the paper. GB also put in a considerable amount of
eort in revising the paper and addressing all of the primary comments made by the reviewers. All authors contributed
to brainstorming, approach development, and manuscript revision. All authors approved the submitted version.
The authors wish to show their appreciation to the Nursing Simulation Lab instructors, including Eric Hall, Jo Ellen
Holt, and Mary Ann Jessee, for inviting us to collect data and providing their nursing-domain expertise. Additionally,
we thank the paper’s anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.
This study is partially funded by Army Research Laboratory Award 1150 W912CG2220001, NSF Cyberlearning Award
2017000, and Vanderbilt Chancellor’s funding of the LIVE (Learning Incubator: A Vanderbilt Enterprise) Initiative, a
joint program between the Peabody College of Education and the Department of Computer Science.
Identifying Gaze Behavior Evolution via Temporal Fully-Weighted Scanpath Graphs LAK 2023, March 13–17, 2023, Arlington, TX, USA
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