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Designing AI for Appropriation Will Calibrate Trust
ZELUN TONY ZHANG, fortiss GmbH, Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria, Germany
YUANTING LIU, fortiss GmbH, Research Institute of the Free State of Bavaria, Germany
ANDREAS BUTZ, LMU Munich, Germany
Calibrating users’ trust on AI to an appropriate level is widely considered one of the key mechanisms to manage brittle AI performance.
However, trust calibration is hard to achieve, with numerous interacting factors that can tip trust into one direction or the other. In this
position paper, we argue that instead of focusing on trust calibration to achieve resilient human-AI interactions, it might be helpful
to design AI systems for appropriation rst, i.e. allowing users to use an AI system according to their intention, beyond what was
explicitly considered by the designer. We observe that rather than suggesting end results without human involvement, appropriable AI
systems tend to oer users incremental support. Such systems do not eliminate the need for trust calibration, but we argue that they
may calibrate users’ trust as a side eect and thereby achieve an appropriate level of trust by design.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: appropriation, articial intelligence, iterative problem solving, incremental support, trust calibration
ACM Reference Format:
Zelun Tony Zhang, Yuanting Liu, and Andreas Butz. 2023. Designing AI for Appropriation Will Calibrate Trust. In CHI TRAIT ’23:
Workshop on Trust and Reliance in AI-Assisted Tasks at CHI 2023, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7pages.
AI systems are notoriously brittle, i.e. their performance deteriorates abruptly under conditions that fall outside of
what was covered during their development [
]. One mechanism widely seen as key to managing the brittleness
of AI is trust calibration: Humans should be able to judge when to trust and rely on AI and when not to. The focus
on trust calibration is especially prevalent in human-AI decision-making [
], but is also prominent in other AI
applications, like autonomous driving [
], or applications of large language models such as code generation [
] or
question answering [11].
However, trust calibration is a very delicate balancing act (Fig. 1), as countless factors can tip users’ trust into one or
the other direction. To start with, how well users can calibrate their trust depends on various user-specic factors, such
as personality [
], domain [
] or AI expertise [
]. Further, trust can depend on model performance—both the stated
performance and as experienced by users [
]. Users’ rst impression can also play a role, i.e. whether they experience
good or bad model performance rst [
]. Apart from model outputs, AI explanations can also inuence trust calibration
in many ways. Relevant factors include the type of explanation (feature-based, example-based, etc.) [
], the specic
algorithm used for a particular explanation type [
], or the wording of explanations [
]. Furthermore, seemingly
small details of the user’s task can have an inuence as well [
]. In fact, even the terminology used to introduce an AI
system has an eect [18]. These are just some examples, many more factors have been investigated in the literature.
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Manuscript submitted to ACM
CHI TRAIT ’23, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany Zelun Tony Zhang, Yuanting Liu, and Andreas Butz
Fig. 1. Symbolic illustration of trust calibration, created with Stable Diusion
. Not only can trust calibration be likened to carefully
balancing the stones on each other; the image also illustrates how we cannot even be sure whether trust calibration is a viable
objective at all, given that the pictured scene is not real.
Given this fragility of trust calibration, it appears ineective to rely on it as primary mechanism for achieving resilient
human-AI interactions. Studies with experts such as clinicians [
] or pilots [
] also show that users often do not want
or do not have the capacity to engage in case-by-case trust calibration. But how else can we deal with AI brittleness? In
this position paper, we argue that it might be helpful to design AI systems for appropriation rst, i.e. allowing users to
use an AI system according to their intention, beyond what was explicitly considered by the designer [
]. We discuss
why and how to design AI for appropriation and then come back to how trust calibration ts into the picture.
AI systems are often envisioned to support complex cognitive tasks, like making complex decisions or writing sophisti-
cated texts. Due to the complexity of these tasks, it is unlikely that designers of AI systems can foresee or even model
every eventuality that could occur during usage [
]. The struggle of the autonomous driving industry to reach market
maturity is maybe the most prominent case in point. It is therefore necessary to allow users to use AI exibly to cope
with conditions that are outside of what designers can foresee and include into AI models. This is what technology
appropriation is about. In this section, we discuss what makes AI systems easy or dicult to appropriate.
2.1 The problem with paternalistic AI systems
Many AI systems interact with their users in a “paternalistic” manner, i.e. they are designed to oer users complete
solutions, without the need—or chance—for human involvement. When it comes to decision support for instance, AI
decision support tools (DSTs) usually generate a ready-made assessment or decision recommendation [
]; the human
decision maker can only evaluate the nal result and takes no part in reaching that result. This approach to decision
support and its limitations have been discussed under various terms, such as “backward reasoning decision support”
by Zhang et al
. [32]
, “end predictions” by Buçinca et al
. [4]
, and “Oracle AI” by Cabitza et al
. [6]
. Such paternalistic
patterns of human-AI interaction are eective as long as the AI output is exactly what users want, but unhelpful or
even counterproductive otherwise.
The problem is that ready-made AI solutions are more often unhelpful than what high prediction accuracy or
other model metrics would suggest. Speaking for the example of AI decision support again, a risk score or decision
Designing AI for Appropriation Will Calibrate Trust CHI TRAIT ’23, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany
recommendation is often not very useful, since humans usually consider much more context than AI systems can:
When screening child maltreatment cases, social workers might for instance know about the relationship between
persons [
], which is unknown to the AI system. Clinicians might check on the general appearance of a patient (“How
ill does the patient look?”) [
], instead of only considering the data on which the DST recommendation is based. But
not only do ready-made AI decision recommendations neglect that sort of context that is only accessible to humans;
they also make it hard for human decision makers to combine their contextual knowledge with the evaluation provided
by the AI. In the case of the social workers, they were mandated to use the DST, but considered it a “missed opportunity
to eectively complement their own abilities” [
]. In another example, Blomberg et al. [
] report on a project to support
a cloud services sales team with predictive models. The project failed despite the high accuracy and precision of the
models because sellers were unable to incorporate the model predictions into their reasoning, which involved factors
that were outside of the models.
These real-world cases suggest that what Dix has formulated for software systems in general appears to be true for
AI systems as well: “Designs that are closed are often more apparently sophisticated, because they may do more for the user,
but ultimately do not allow the users to do more for themselves.” [
] Apparently, by trying to directly solve a task for
the user, paternalistic AI designs tend to be too closed and inexible to be appropriated. As a result, they easily fail in
practice when their output is imperfect.
2.2 Appropriable, incremental support enables co-decision and co-creation
But what are the alternatives? As Dix put it: “Instead of designing a system to do the task you can instead design a
system so that the task can be done.” [
] For AI-based DSTs for instance, designers could turn their focus from providing
ready-made decision recommendations to supporting decision makers’ sensemaking [
], i.e. their process of building
an understanding of the decision situation. Cai et al
. [7]
for example built a medical image retrieval system with control
mechanisms that allow pathologists to specify which images they are looking for. The system supports in making
diagnoses by helping pathologists to nd similar cases for reference. Zhang et al
. [33]
designed a DST concept for
pilots that continuously hints at possibly noteworthy properties of the surrounding airports. The purpose was to
increase pilots’ situation awareness—even during normal ight—so that they could always plan ahead, facilitating better
decisions in case of an emergency.
Another noteworthy example is the academic research tool Elicit
, which helps researchers nd papers relevant
to their research questions. One functionality of Elicit is to aid users in assessing the trustworthiness of a retrieved
paper. Instead of displaying an aggregated trustworthiness score, Elicit considers which subquestions researchers
might ask to assess the trustworthiness of a paper (e.g. “How many participants did the study have?”, “Was the study
pre-registered?”, “Did the authors correct for multiple comparisons?”, etc.). Elicit extracts the answers to these questions
and links them to the paper, so users can easily check whether the system extracted the answers correctly. Users can
further always formulate custom questions if the predened ones are not sucient to assess the trustworthiness of the
paper. This way, users can decide themselves what is important for their assessment instead of relying on the signals
that a trustworthiness prediction model would pick up.
In all of the above examples, there is no ready-made decision recommendation. In principle, one could surely
add decision recommendations to each of them. In fact, for the aviation example, pilots were explicitly in favor of
combining the continuous support with decision recommendations [
]. However, the key here is that decision makers
CHI TRAIT ’23, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany Zelun Tony Zhang, Yuanting Liu, and Andreas Butz
Fig. 2. Created with ChatGPT
. The AI refused to solve a complex problem at once, but helped structuring it. By a creative (appropriated)
use of this tool, the user can still make progress toward eventually solving the original problem.
get incremental support that they can appropriate according to their own current sensemaking intention, enabling
them to better combine human context information with AI support. This allows decision makers to benet from the
support provided even when it is imperfect, resulting in more resilient human-AI interactions.
Apart from decision support, using AI for creative purposes is another, maybe even more apparent area to discuss
how appropriation of AI can look like and how it can be benecial. Fig. 2 shows an exaggerated example for using
ChatGPT to write a complex text. Similar to the examples in decision support, it demonstrates the principle of designing
AI so that a task can be done, rather than designing to do the task. For a suciently complex task, ChatGPT’s output
will likely not live up to the user’s intention. However, ChatGPT can provide small portions of text and also propose
structures. A skillful user can take these intermediate outputs to iteratively develop ideas in dialogue and eventually
co-create larger, more complex results. In the case of ChatGPT, the system is very general-purpose and its results largely
depend on how it is being used. This does not only encourage, but actually requires appropriation.
2.3 Toward designing AI for appropriation
The above examples encourage thinking beyond paternalistic AI systems that try to solve tasks directly for users.
A promising alternative role for AI is to incrementally support users to solve their tasks. However, paternalistic AI
designs are arguably much easier to envision, given that AI research is largely driven by the desire to emulate human
capabilities [
]. After all, what is more obvious than using these emulated capabilities to solve tasks for users? In
Designing AI for Appropriation Will Calibrate Trust CHI TRAIT ’23, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany
contrast, examples like those in Section 2.2 for incremental AI support are comparatively scarce, but a promising way
toward more exible, appropriable AI support tools is to learn from examples of how users appropriate AI, and then
iterate these designs.
One example for AI appropriation is described by Ehsan et al
. [9]
, where participants used and interpreted AI
explanations in unanticipated ways based on their own intentions (either as armation for stable performance or
diagnostic information for troubleshooting). Cai et al
. [7]
also observed appropriation with their medical image retrieval
system mentioned in Section 2.2: Pathologists used the control tools provided to them in unexpected ways, e.g. to
disambiguate whether surprising AI outputs were due to their own or due to the AI’s mistake. Sivaraman et al
. [23]
that human decision-making patterns are much more nuanced than typically assumed in human-AI decision-making
experiments. In their study, many clinicians engaged with AI recommendations in a negotiation pattern by assessing
the various components of a recommendation to determine which component can be accepted or needs adjustment. All
of these examples give clues about how the respective AI system can be designed for more eective appropriation in
a following iteration. They underline the importance of qualitatively investigating how people are actually using AI
instead of only measuring quantitative outcomes.
In many of the examples discussed above, it is still important that users recognize when to trust and rely on AI support
and when not. However, we argue that trust calibration may not have to be a primary design goal when dealing with
brittle AI performance. It may rather come as a side eect when the system supports users in achieving their goals or in
their sensemaking, because users will encounter the imperfectness of AI at a much more granular level and are actively
involved in shaping the end result.
The fragility of trust calibration as elaborated in Section 1 mainly stems from the fact that the corresponding systems
provide end results without involving users. The consequence of this lack of involvement is that users do not engage
purposefully with AI outputs and explanations [
]. This could be addressed by letting users guide the interaction
with a clear intention. A number of studies show that users do engage purposefully with AI when it does something
surprising [
], but things can only be surprising when you have an expectation. Trust calibration will also likely
become much easier when users engage with incremental AI support rather than checking complex end results (see the
example of Elicit in Section 2.2). While seeking ways to appropriate the incremental AI support to solve their problems,
users will likely learn about the AI’s capabilities and weaknesses and thereby create an adequate level of trust as a
by-product. In the case of the aviation DST mentioned in Section 2.2 for example, pilots themselves discussed how
continuously supporting their situation awareness would help them build trust into the system [24].
In summary, we suggest that trust calibration is often too fragile to be the primary mechanism for managing brittle AI
performance. We argue that it is important to design AI for appropriation rst so that human-AI interactions can be
resilient against conditions outside of the AI model or designers’ expectations. We observe that systems that try to solve
tasks directly without involving users in producing the end result are dicult to appropriate. Instead, AI systems should
be designed to provide incremental support that is guided by users’ intentions. This approach does not eliminate the
need for trust calibration, but makes it potentially much easier, up to the point that appropriate trust may be established
as a side eect as users engage actively with the incremental AI support. We have given a few successful literature
and product examples for this strategy and propose to start from them and iterate over this class of designs, with a
CHI TRAIT ’23, April 23, 2023, Hamburg, Germany Zelun Tony Zhang, Yuanting Liu, and Andreas Butz
particular focus on qualitatively understanding how people use and appropriate AI. The goal is to eventually arrive at a
general design strategy for intelligent systems that will incorporate trust calibration by design, instead of as an add-on.
This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Aairs and Energy (BMWi) under the LuFo
VI-1 program, project KIEZ4-0.
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