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Assessing the Quality of Compost Produced from Human Hair and Pet Fur Waste


Abstract and Figures

Composting is an effective waste management alternative that creates a horticultural and agricultural based resource. Globally, large quantities of human hair and pet fur from salons, barber shops, and groomers are disposed of, ultimately ending up in landfills. Thus, incorporating human hair and pet fur into compost is a potential approach for waste diversion. Human hair and pet fur are organic substances that contain nutrients essential for plant growth, have moisture retention properties, and can insulate and stabilize soil. Cumulatively, these properties suggest that hair and fur could be composted to create a valuable product. However, human hair and pet fur also have the capacity to contain heavy metals and/or chemicals from treatments. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of composting human hair and pet fur as an alternative waste management option without sacrificing compost quality standards or safety. To achieve this, compost piles were created using 25% human hair or pet fur, 40% wood chips, and 35% food waste. Piles were mixed twice weekly and monitored every 5–7 days for proper moisture and temperatures in accordance with industry standards. In-vessel composters were used. Piles cured for 4–8 weeks and the entire composting process lasted 5 months. Samples were composited and tested by the Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory’s U.S. Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Approval Program at Pennsylvania State University. In this pilot study, high quality composts were created, indicating that waste management industries can potentially utilize human hair and pet fur as feedstocks to create desirable compost for the horticultural and agricultural industries.
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Compost Science & Utilization
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Assessing the Quality of Compost Produced from
Human Hair and Pet Fur Waste
Tina Marie Waliczek, Merritt Drewery, Alex McMoran, Magdalena Eriksen &
Janet Hale
To cite this article: Tina Marie Waliczek, Merritt Drewery, Alex McMoran, Magdalena Eriksen &
Janet Hale (2023): Assessing the Quality of Compost Produced from Human Hair and Pet Fur
Waste, Compost Science & Utilization, DOI: 10.1080/1065657X.2023.2167749
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Published online: 10 Mar 2023.
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Assessing the Quality of Compost Produced from Human Hair and Pet
Fur Waste
Tina Marie Waliczeka, Merritt Drewerya, Alex McMoranb, Magdalena Eriksenb and Janet Haleb
aDepartment of Agricultural Sciences, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA; bDepartment of Finance and Economics, Texas
State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA
Composting is an effective waste management alternative that creates a horticultural and
agricultural based resource. Globally, large quantities of human hair and pet fur from salons,
barber shops, and groomers are disposed of, ultimately ending up in landfills. Thus,
incorporating human hair and pet fur into compost is a potential approach for waste
diversion. Human hair and pet fur are organic substances that contain nutrients essential
for plant growth, have moisture retention properties, and can insulate and stabilize soil.
Cumulatively, these properties suggest that hair and fur could be composted to create a
valuable product. However, human hair and pet fur also have the capacity to contain heavy
metals and/or chemicals from treatments. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to
investigate the feasibility of composting human hair and pet fur as an alternative waste
management option without sacrificing compost quality standards or safety. To achieve this,
compost piles were created using 25% human hair or pet fur, 40% wood chips, and 35%
food waste. Piles were mixed twice weekly and monitored every 5–7 days for proper moisture
and temperatures in accordance with industry standards. In-vessel composters were used.
Piles cured for 4–8 weeks and the entire composting process lasted 5 months. Samples were
composited and tested by the Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory’s U.S. Composting
Council’s Seal of Testing Approval Program at Pennsylvania State University. In this pilot
study, high quality composts were created, indicating that waste management industries
can potentially utilize human hair and pet fur as feedstocks to create desirable compost for
the horticultural and agricultural industries.
The composting industry is well-known for its
ability to upcycle organic waste streams into valu-
able products. Composting is the natural decom-
position of organic matter into simpler compounds.
The end product, compost, is used as a soil
amendment in horticultural and agricultural appli-
cations as it improves soil productivity and con-
tains essential nutrients for plant growth (Emerson
2003). The U.S. compost industry is relatively
large (Sanders, Waliczek, Gandonou 2011); on a
national basis, the demand for compost is ten-fold
that of the supply (Slivka et al. 1992). Although
more recent estimates for market availability of
compost are not available from a peer-reviewed
source, using available metrics, it has been
reasonably demonstrated that there remains a dis-
parity between compost supply and demand in
the U.S. (BioCycle 2014).
Traditional organic matter ingredients in com-
post often include yard trimmings, food scraps,
paper, animal manure, and wood chips (Rynk
1992). While these ingredients would otherwise
be landfilled, there is a need to identify and
capitalize on additional waste streams as com-
post ingredients to further increase national
environmental stewardship and lessen the dis-
parity between compost demand and supply
(Walker, Williams, and Waliczek 2006; BioCycle
2014). Given results of similar studies, there is
potential for human hair and pet fur to be com-
posted, diverting their waste from landfills and
© 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
CONTACT Tina Marie Waliczek Department of Agricultural Sciences, Texas State University, 601 University Dr., San Marcos, TX
78666, USA
Data supporting the ndings reported within this study are available within the article presented here.
creating a valuable product for the horticulture
and agriculture industries (Hustvedt, Meier, and
Waliczek 2016).
Vast quantities of human hair waste are gen-
erated per year; it was recently estimated that
global annual production of hair is 6.9 × 105 tons
(Bheel et al. 2020), much of which would be
discarded as municipal waste solids (MSW) by
salons and barbershops. Similar estimates are not
available for pet fur but the animal care and
service sector is growing much faster than others
(U.S. Bureau of Labor 2021) and, anecdotally,
grooming services are increasingly prevalent,
likely in response to high pet ownership, espe-
cially that of dogs, in the U.S. (Applebaum, Peek,
and Zsembik 2020). Landfilling human hair and
pet fur is potentially problematic as they are
nitrogenous; thus, nitrates may leach into surface
or groundwater (Zheljazkov etal. 2008). Further,
in the U.S., landfills are the third largest source
of anthropogenic methane, accounting for 1.7%
of total greenhouse gas emissions (Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) 2020). Many landfills
are within reach of their capacity at the current
rate of disposal. From 1990 to 2017, the U.S.
increased recovery of MSW for composting or
recycling by 2.8-fold (35% of MSW), but there
remains room for improvement as only 29% of
MSW is composted (Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) 2019). Diverting organic waste (e.g.
human hair, pet fur) to processing facilities, such
as composting, will increase the life expectancy
of landfills (Beck 2010). Hair salons and pet
groomers can also capitalize on composting their
wastes. Consumers, especially millennials, are
driving the adoption of eco-efficiency because
they are more willing to purchase goods and
services from companies that are socially respon-
sible and aware of their environmental impact
(Heo and Muralidharan 2017). It would be advan-
tageous for hair salons and pet groomers to use
composting to become eco-efficient and reduce
fees for landfill waste hauling, which cost an
average of $55.36 per ton (Environmental
Research and Education Fund (EREF) 2019).
Historically, human hair and animal fur have
been used as fertilizers in China and India by
either mixing with cattle manure or applying
directly to the soil (Gupta 2014). The interest in
human hair and animal fur as soil amendments
recently received renewed attention. In a series
of experiments (Zheljazkov 2005; Zheljazkov etal.
2008; Zheljazkov, Stratton, and Sturz 2008), it was
demonstrated that non-composted human hair
waste could be a nutrient source for horticultural
and agricultural crops for two to three cropping
seasons but would likely benefit from the addition
of a chemical fertilizer or compost due to the
keratinaceous nature of hair and, thus, its resis-
tance to degradation (Ignatova etal. 1999). Animal
fur degrades quickly under controlled environ-
mental conditions and with inoculation of certain
keratinolytic microorganisms (Thanksaswamy
et al. 2018). To investigate if composting could
enhance degradation of human hair, Karak etal.
(2017) created compost piles containing human
hair waste, MSW, animal manure, tannery sludge,
and roadside pond sediment; the hair degraded
and a desirable, mature compost was created
within 10 weeks. Although pet fur has not been
investigated as a soil amendment to the best of
our knowledge, research with fur from livestock
has been conducted. Puente et al. (2021) com-
posted a mixture of fur waste obtained from tan-
neries; pruning remains; and an inoculum of
mature compost, animal residues, and molasses.
Overall, they obtained a mature compost, although
it should be noted they used a specialized desul-
furization process on the animal fur prior to com-
posting to reduce sulfide concentrations. The
extent of animal fur degradation was not quan-
tified in that study (Puente et al. 2021).
Wool waste as a soil amendment has been more
thoroughly investigated than either human hair or
pet fur. Previous research indicates that
non-composted wool in potted plants improves
water-holding capacity of the soil up to 20% and
acts as a slow-release fertilizer (Zheljazkov 2005;
Górecki and Górecki 2010). Further, wool acidifies
soil (Poston 2006; Zheljazkov et al. 2009), improv-
ing pH conditions for many garden and green-
house crops. In certain regions of the U.S., garden
soil amendments that hold moisture and lower the
pH of highly alkaline native soils may command
a high market value (Hustvedt, Meier, and Waliczek
2016), indicating that wool and products that have
similar characteristics as wool (e.g. human hair,
pet fur) may be value-added ingredients in compost.
While wool waste has been composted
(Pearson, Lu, and Gandhi 2004; Hustvedt, Meier,
and Waliczek 2016), the effect of composting
human hair and pet fur on compost quality has
received limited attention. There are many phys-
ical and chemical similarities between wool waste,
human hair, and pet fur, but key differences, such
as oil and potential contaminant content, justify
independent investigation of each as soil amend-
ments. Accordingly, the objective of this study
was to investigate if human hair and pet fur can
be composted as an alternative waste manage-
ment strategy without sacrificing safety or com-
post quality standards.
Materials and Methods
Hair and Fur Waste Material Collection
Human hair and pet fur were sampled from hair
and pet salon retailers in central Texas over a
6-month period. These wastes would have been
otherwise disposed of in a landfill. There were
no efforts to collect a specific distribution of
human hair from certain sexes, ethnicities, races,
or ages. Strands were of varying lengths, ranging
from ⅛ inch to 7 inches. Pet fur was obtained
from dogs and cats from groomers in varying
lengths, ranging from ⅛ inch to 4 inches. As
with human hair, we did not strive to collect a
specific distribution of pet fur from dogs versus
cats or from certain breeds. Non-compostable
contaminants were separated and discarded before
Other Organic Material Feedstocks Utilized
Woodchips of tree and shrub branches provided
by a local tree care company were used as a
carbon source in the compost. Therefore, size
of chips was relatively consistent, but species of
tree waste varied. Food waste was utilized as a
nitrogen and moisture source in the compost.
Food waste was collected from campus cafeterias
and varied in type, size, and consistency, where
some of the food waste was processed through
a grinder (yielding an even, fine-textured con-
sistency) while some consisted of whole
food parts.
Composting Protocols and Process
The protocol for each compost pile was based on
that of a previous study composting wool waste
(Hustvedt, Meier, and Waliczek 2016) and adjusted
based on limitations (nitrogen and moisture in
the final product) from that study. Two compost
piles were constructed and evaluated, each of
which included 25% human hair or pet fur; 40%
wood chips; and 35% food waste (by volume).
Approximately 0.75 yards3 of human hair or pet
fur; 1.2 yards3 of wood chips; and 1 yards3 of
food waste were used to create 3 yards3 total of
composting material within each container. A
control pile was not included in this study as, in
compost quality tests, compost samples are com-
pared to overall standards for the industry.
In-Vessel Compost Units
Compost piles were contained and managed in
separate Green Mountain Technology Earth Tubs
(Green Mountain Technologies, Bainbridge Island,
WA) each of which had a 3 yards3 capacity. Earth
Tubs are in-vessel composters that allow for com-
posting convenience in smaller spaces with odor
management and control over potential leachate
contaminants. Utilizing the containers limited the
scale of the study to the capacity of the in-vessel
compost units but prevented possible heavy metal
or chemical contamination of soils from the
human hair and/or pet fur.
Compost Monitoring and Maintenance
The temperature, pH, moisture, and maturity of
each compost pile were monitored and recorded
twice weekly. Piles were turned using the in-vessel
unit augers. Composting and curing of materials
took approximately 3 months.
Compost piles were maintained at ≥54.4 °C for
a minimum of 3 days to kill weed seeds and
pathogens (Dougherty 1999) and were measured
and monitored with a 152 cm Fast Response
Compost Thermometer (ReoTemp Instrument
Corporations, San Diego, CA). Moisture levels
were measured and monitored with a 152 cm
Compost Moisture Meter (ReoTemp Instrument
Corporations, San Diego, CA), as well as with a
“feel” test. The feel test involved taking a handful
of compost, squeezing it, and determining
whether it felt like a moist sponge; if the sample
did not feel wet to the touch, then it was too
dry and, if water could be squeezed out, then it
was too wet (Rynk 1992). Acidity and alkalinity
(pH) were measured and recorded with a hand-
held Keyway® Soil pH sensor (Wyckoff, NJ).
Oxygen levels were monitored and measured with
an oxygen monitor (Model No. 0-21, Demista
Instruments, Arlington Heights, IL).
Cured Compost
The compost was in the curing stage when there
was a substantial and sustained reduction in pile
temperatures within the range of 10.0–40.6 °C
(Rynk 1992). The compost was cured in the same
piles where they were built and within the
in-vessel units. The curing stage lasted approxi-
mately 4–6 weeks which is typical (Rynk 1992).
Compost Sampling
After curing, samples were collected from each
compost pile with care taken to ensure they were
representative of the initial proportions of each
ingredients. Sampling was as specified by the
Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory at
Pennsylvania State University (2021). Specifically,
subsamples from each compost pile were col-
lected from three different depths at five loca-
tions. These subsamples were composited to
create two 1.89 L samples representative of each
pile and then analyzed according to the
Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory’s U.S.
Composting Council’s STA Program at
Pennsylvania State University (University Park,
PA) for: pH, soluble salt content or electrical
conductivity, moisture, organic matter, total nitro-
gen, total carbon, carbon to nitrogen ratio, phos-
phorus, potassium, magnesium, and metals
(aluminum, copper, and zinc). Bioassay and res-
pirometry tests were also conducted to observe
maturity and stability of the compost samples
(U.S. Composting Council Seal of Testing
Assurance 2010; Montoya, Waliczek, and Abbott
2013; Meier, Waliczek, and Abbott 2014;
Pennsylvania State University 2021).
The percent solids and percent moisture content
of the finished compost was measured by weighing
a sample and then drying it at 70 (± 5)°C and
then re-weighed (Test Methods for the Examination
of Composting and Compost [TMECC] 2002).
The remaining dry solids fraction represented the
total solids and the evaporated fraction represented
the percent moisture (TMECC 2002).
The pH of finished compost was measured by
making a slurry of compost and deionized water
and then blending to a ratio of 1:5 (TMECC
2002). The sample was then shaken for 20 min
at room temperature to allow the salts to solubi-
lize in the deionized water and pH was measured
with an electrometric pH meter (TMECC 2002).
Electrical conductivity (soluble salts) were mea-
sured by taking the electrical conductivity in a
1:5 (compost:water, weight ratio) slurry and was
measured in units of mmhos/cm (TMECC 2002).
The percent organic matter of the finished
compost was measured by using the Loss-On-
Ignition Organic Matter Method which is a direct
determination method that indicates organic mat-
ter content by quantifying the amount of solid
material combusted relative to the original dried
sample (TMECC 2002). The nitrogen, organic
nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen content of the
finished compost was determined by using the
methodologies specified in the Test Methods for
the Examination of Composting and Compost
(2002), specifically, the Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
Semi-Micro Kjeldahl technique (TMECC 2002).
Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) contents were
measured by digesting an air-dried, milled sample
and determining the phosphorus or potassium
content using inductively coupled plasma emis-
sion spectroscopy (ICP) (TMECC 2002).
The total carbon content of the finished com-
post in this study was measured by the
Combustion with CO2 Detection method (TMECC
2002). This method uses a carbon analyzer (Leco
CR-12) to determine total organic carbon in com-
post (TMECC 2002). The analyzer operates on
the principle of total combustion of a sample in
an oxygen-rich atmosphere of a 1371 °C resistance
furnace (TMECC 2002). The CO2 produced by
the combustion is swept into an oxygen stream
through anhydrone tubes to scrub H2O vapor
from the stream (TMECC 2002). The CO2 stream
is then fed into the infrared detector and the
amount of CO2 produced is measured
(TMECC 2002).
The maturity (bioassay) test provides a screen
for the presence of phytotoxins in compost based
on seedling emergence and seedling vigor relative
to a positive control and provides an assessment
of compost maturity, where the Emergence (per-
cent of control) and Seedling Vigor (percent of
control) of the finished compost was determined
by using the methodologies specified in the U.S.
Compost Council Test Methods for the
Examination of Composting and Compost (2002).
Respirometry of the finished compost was
determined by using the methodologies specified
in the Test Methods for the Examination of
Composting and Compost (2002), which assumes
optimal conditions for microbial activity are pres-
ent including temperature, moisture, and nutri-
ents and that toxic components that would inhibit
microbial respiration are absent (TMECC 2002).
Respirometry: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Evolution
Rate (mg CO2-C/g organic matter/day) provides
a measurement of the relative microbial activity
in a compost and can, thus, be used as an esti-
mate of compost stability (TMECC 2002).
Data Analysis
Compost quality measures are reported as fre-
quencies and descriptive data.
Results and Discussion
Approximately 1.5 yards3 of stabilized material
was created for both human hair and pet fur
composts (original volume of 3 yards3); this was
expected as, during composting, materials often
reduce to ≥50% of their original volume. Compost
quality results indicated that compost piles con-
taining either human hair or pet fur were within
acceptable ranges of parameters for the U.S. and
European Union (Table 1; U.S. Composting
Council Seal of Testing Assurance 2010;
Ozores-Hampton 2017; ECN-QAS 2018) with the
exception of organic matter for either compost
containing human hair or pet fur and solids/
moisture for the human hair compost. Further,
compost stability, measured as mg CO2-C/g
organic matter/day, was 3.1 for compost contain-
ing human hair; this corresponds with a “stable
classification although <2 is a “very stable” com-
post and is, thus, optimal (U.S. Composting
Council Seal of Testing Assurance 2010). This is
likely a consequence of the previously noted low
organic matter content, although the same out-
come was not observed for compost containing
pet fur (1.5 mg CO2-C/g organic matter/day).
Recommended moisture of compost is 30%
(dry matter basis) − 60% (as-is basis) (Ozores-
Hampton 2017); pet fur compost was within the
optimal range at 43.9% moisture (as-is) while
human hair compost was on the lower end of
the range with a moisture content of 35.8%
(as-is). Low moisture was likely at least partially
a consequence of samples drying during and
after shipping to the compost testing facility as
well as due to hair being hygroscopic. As the
moisture was low for the human hair compost,
the solids were higher than desired. We partially
attribute this to clumping of longer fibers of
human hair in compost pile and recommend that
hair used for composting is screened, cut into
small pieces, or included at a lower rate to
account for this. Given past research indicating
hair or fur readily degrades during composting
or under similar conditions as the composting
process (Karak etal. 2017; Thanksaswamy et al.
2018), we anticipate the hair and fur in our
study degraded; however, the human hair was
physically longer than the pet fur which may
explain our observations of low moisture and
high solids for the human hair compost only. In
past research with wool waste, moisture within
compost piles was on the lower range of accept-
ability due to the hygroscopic nature of wool
(Poston 2006; Hustvedt, Meier, and Waliczek
2016); to counteract this, an ingredient with high
moisture content (i.e. invasive aquatic plants)
was incorporated to offset moisture absorption
by the wool waste and maintain an ideal mois-
ture content. Therefore, when using fibrous
materials that absorb moisture (e.g. wool, human
hair, pet fur) as compost ingredients, it is
important to consider the moisture content of
the other ingredients to ensure adequate mois-
ture is available for decomposition (Hustvedt,
Meier, and Waliczek 2016). Noting the lower
percentages of organic matter in the quality
reports for both human hair and pet fur com-
posts, it is recommended that compost piles
containing hair or fur be supplemented with
increased quantities of nitrogen-rich feedstocks,
such as food waste, manures, and/or fish waste
as this has demonstrated favorable results in pre-
vious composting trials with sargassum (Walsh
and Waliczek, 2020).
We recommend that human hair and long
fibers of pet fur be combed or sorted and evenly
distributed into in-vessel composters after other
ingredients (e.g. wood chips, food waste) are
mixed. In our study, both augers were damaged
from large masses of human hair twisting and
becoming compacted around them. In a previous
investigation into the potential of human hair as
a compost ingredient, the researchers cut the hair
into 1–2 mm pieces before composting and did
not report issues with compaction (Karak et al.
2017). Similarly, another study using wool waste
as a compost ingredient demonstrated that sep-
aration was necessary to obtain a more fibrous,
less clumped product (Hustvedt, Meier, and
Waliczek 2016). This compaction and clumping
are limitations to using materials such as long
fibers of wool, human hair, or pet fur as manual
separation is time consuming.
Another potential challenge to incorporating
human hair or pet fur into compost could be
consumer perception or attitude. Clumps of
human hair were physically apparent in the fin-
ished compost. In an unpublished study, ten
lead-user gardeners were provided compost con-
taining physically apparent waste wool and, after
utilizing it in their gardens, were asked about
their perceptions and experiences (William
Glenn, report to authors, 7/25/2021); overall,
only one (10%) described the appearance of the
compost in a negative light (“weird” and may
gross some people out”) whereas others were
neutral and three (30%) described it positively
(“richer and thicker” [than normal compost]).
Finally, in response to a prompt about additional
questions or comments, one participant said “I
love the idea of a wooly compost or a dog hair
or human hair… whatever!” (William Glenn,
report to authors, 7/25/2021). Although the
compost in that study contained waste wool, it
is reasonable to expect similar outcomes for a
compost containing human hair or pet fur.
Ultimately, we recommend a study evaluating
Table 1. Quality of composts including human hair and pet fur as experimental ingredients.
Variable (units)a
Compost containing
human hair
Compost containing
pet fur Optimal range, U.S.bOptimal range, EUc
pH 8.0 7.6 5.0–8.0 4.0–9.0
Electrical conductivity (dS/m) 4.81 4.04 <6 --
Solids (%) 64.2 56.1 40 (wet) − 70 (dry) --
Moisture (%) 35.8 43.9 30 (dry) − 60 (wet) --
Organic matter (%) 29.8 26.9 40-60 ≥15
Total nitrogen (%) 1.3 1.4 0.5-6.0 --
Carbon (%) 19.3 18.7 <54* --
Carbon:nitrogen ratio 14.40 13.00 10-25 --
Phosphorus (%) 0.41 0.36 0.2-0.3 --
Potassium (%) 0.48 0.45 0.10-3.5 --
Arsenic (mg/kg) 3.5 5.8 <41 --
Cadmium (mg/kg) <0.5 <0.5 <15 <1.3
Copper (mg/kg) 15.3 14.4 <450 <300
Lead (mg/kg) 4.7 4.8 <300 <130
Mercury (mg/kg) 0.03 0.02 <17 <0.45
Molybdenum (mg/kg) <1.5 <1.5 <75 --
Nickel (mg/kg) 4.0 3.5 <50 --
Selenium (mg/kg) <2.5 <2.5 <100 --
Zinc (mg/kg) 53.9 81.6 <900 <600
mg CO2-C/g volatile solids/day 0.9 0.4 <2 --
mg CO2-C/g organic matter/day 3.1 1.5 <2* --
Seed emergence, % control 100 100 >90* --
Seedling vigor, % control 100 100 >95* --
aThe variables of pH, electrical conductivity, moisture, and maturity vigor are reported on an as-is (fresh) basis while the remaining variables are reported
on a dry matter basis.
bOptimal ranges from Ozores-Hampton (2017) or from U.S. Composting Council (2010) if denoted with a *.
cOptimal ranges from ECN-QAS (2018).
consumer perception and attitude toward com-
post visibly containing human hair or pet fur.
As first posited by Zheljazkov (2005), soil
amendments containing human hair, pet fur, or
wool waste may be better suited for crops grown
for production of secondary metabolites (e.g.
essential oils) or ornamentals not used for direct
human consumption.
In our study, in-vessel composters were utilized
to prevent potential leaching of heavy metals
from the human hair and pet fur as our a priori
hypothesis was that the heavy metals from dyes,
treatments, and pharmaceuticals may contaminate
our experimental ingredients, especially for the
human hair compost. This hypothesis was based
on previous experiments that demonstrate that
human hair can absorb mercury, copper, cad-
mium, and silver from aqueous solutions (Tan,
Chia, and Teo 1985; Krishnan, Cancilla, and
Jervis 1988), and that metals can bioaccumulate
in humans and animals (Khazaee et al. 2016).
However, heavy metals of either compost pile did
not exceed optimal ranges or thresholds standard
for the U.S. (Ozores-Hampton 2017; U.S.
Composting Council Seal of Testing Assurance
2010) or EU (ECN-QAS 2018), indicating human
hair and pet fur can safely be included as com-
post ingredients up to 25% of the total biomass
(by volume) without concerns for heavy metal
content. Other potential non-heavy metal con-
taminants deserve further investigation, however.
Our data add to a growing repository of literature
that seeks to identify alternative waste manage-
ment strategies for organic streams that would
otherwise be landfilled. Our data suggest human
hair and pet fur can be safely incorporated in
compost at up to 25% of the volume of the total
biomass without concerns for heavy metal content.
Thus, future studies should increase in scale while
determining optimal inclusion of human hair and
pet fur wastes in finished compost by adjusting
inclusion of human hair and pet fur to alleviate
the issues with organic matter and moisture/solids
content. Depending on length of the human hair
or pet fur fibers, manual separation or combing
may be necessary prior to composting to facilitate
the composting process. Finally, it would also be
interesting to quantify the extent of hair/fur deg-
radation throughout the composting process and
to determine environmental conditions that accel-
erate this degradation.
e authors do not have a funding source to disclose.
Disclosure statement
e authors do not declare a nancial conict of interest.
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... Four distinct piles were developed, each maintaining a consistent volume of 22.7 m 3 with varied proportions of ingredients (Table 1). The inclusion levels of the four different waste ingredients were chosen based on previous research which investigated the suitability of novel compost ingredients, and particularly past research results regarding the composting of BSFL frass and the limitations and recommendations of that study [30,[33][34][35]. A true control pile was not needed, since in compost quality tests, compost quality standards are measured against overall industry compost quality standards [30,35,36], and the primary objective of our study was to evaluate whether compost derived from BSFL frass and sheddings met established industry standards, specifically those set by the USCC. ...
... The inclusion levels of the four different waste ingredients were chosen based on previous research which investigated the suitability of novel compost ingredients, and particularly past research results regarding the composting of BSFL frass and the limitations and recommendations of that study [30,[33][34][35]. A true control pile was not needed, since in compost quality tests, compost quality standards are measured against overall industry compost quality standards [30,35,36], and the primary objective of our study was to evaluate whether compost derived from BSFL frass and sheddings met established industry standards, specifically those set by the USCC. These standards represent a comprehensive benchmark developed through extensive research and industry consensus, effectively serving as a universal control. ...
... The moisture levels varied across the piles (24.5-51.7%), with one sample, 25% FRS-30% LM (24.5%), falling below the optimal range of 30-60% [35,36]). Previous studies have noted similar results in composting BSFL frass [30]. ...
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Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) is well-known for having a high protein and lipid content during its larval stage and is cultivated for animal feed. Rearing Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) produces byproducts known as frass and larval sheddings in large volumes with limited applications. Therefore, there is a need to identify viable sustainable management strategies to prevent potential environmental issues associated with their accumulation. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to evaluate BSFL frass and larval sheddings as viable ingredients in composts that utilize additional nitrogen feedstocks. Four experimental compost piles (22.7 m3) with different ratios of BSFL frass and sheddings were developed based on previous research; two piles included 25% frass, whereas the other two included 30% frass. Across these piles, the inclusion of wood chips, food waste, and livestock manure varied to determine the best proportions for compost. The compost piles were maintained for five months, including a curing phase. After curing, samples from each pile were collected to analyze their pH, macro- and micro-nutrients, particle size, stability, and maturity. The findings indicated that the pH levels (7.1–8.1) and carbon-to-nitrogen ratios (10.40–13.20) were within the optimal ranges for all piles. The phosphorus levels (0.75–1.30%) of each pile exceeded typical ranges, likely due to the high phosphorus content of the frass itself. The moisture content varied widely (24.5–51.7%), with some piles falling below optimal levels. Stability and maturity tests yielded mixed results, with some piles demonstrating continued decomposition activity. Overall, the findings indicated that inclusion rates of 25–30% of BSFL frass and sheddings produced compost with generally favorable characteristics when high nitrogen feedstocks were also incorporated into the compost piles. These findings align with those from previous research and highlight both the potential and challenges of incorporating BSFL frass into compost production.
... This is less than that of another novel compost product (Jasso et al. 2023) and may indicate that composting did not degrade the wool to a particle size that consumers find acceptable. Waliczek et al. (2023) composted human hair and pet fur and described the presence of large swaths of hair in the finished product; although a high-quality compost was achieved, the researchers hypothesized there could be negative sensory reactions to the visible hair particles and recommended further research of consumer acceptance. Our findings confirmed their hypothesis and suggested that the presence of visible wool, hair, or fur particles in finished compost products may elicit negative reactions from certain consumers. ...
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In several regions of the United States, waste and “tag” wool are readily available, inexpensive, and considered low-quality because of weed seed contamination and stains from defecation. Because of an overabundance of waste and tag wool, some are landfilled. Previous research has indicated that wool or hair incorporated in potted plants can improve the water-holding capacity of the soil and act as a slow-release fertilizer. Furthermore, compost trials have demonstrated that wool produces a high-quality compost product. This study aimed to evaluate the market potential of wool-based compost to determine its commercial viability. To address this, we conducted in-depth interviews with lead user gardeners ( n = 10) who used 1 yard of wool-based compost in their gardens over the course of 10 weeks and distributed a quantitative survey instrument to both lead users and general gardeners recruited from garden centers, nurseries, and horticulture classes ( n = 256). Lead users responded positively to the wool-based compost and reported they would be willing to pay 6to6 to 7 per ft ³ . General gardeners who were less familiar with the product reported they were willing to pay at least a similar amount as that for typical market composts, but they suggested that they would pay more if characteristics such as “increases drought tolerance” were used in advertising. Our analysis indicated that the target audience for the wool-based compost is male gardeners older than 25 years who are concerned about the environment.
... In addition to conventional materials such as plastics, metals, and textiles, this industry is involved in the recycling of human hair waste, employing innovative applications that transform this frequently disregarded waste stream into diverse products. These range from reuse as wigs (Hair to Ware, 2021) to serving as compost feedstock (Waliczek et al., 2023) to functioning as a source of electrical energy (Tan and Bautista, 2018). ...
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In the present era, to recycle waste and to reduce environmental pollution is the main objectives of sustainable development. Many researchers are working on new techniques and thinking for innovation in the field of concrete technology by utilizing the waste material in concrete. This research aims to check the effect of a human hair (waste material) as fiber on the fresh, physical and mechanical properties of concrete with 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% of human hair by volume of cement. In this regard, a total of 180 concrete specimens (cubes, cylinders, and prisms) was made and cured after 7th, 28th, and 90th day. The result indicated that the compressive strength was enhanced by 8.15% at 1% human hair after 28 days as indirect tensile strength and flexural strength were improved by 21.83% and 12.71% at 2% of human hair after 28 days, respectively. Also, the density of concrete gets reduced with rising in the content of human hair, and water absorption is improved, as the content of human hair increases after 28 days, respectively. Besides, the modulus of elasticity increased with the inclusion of human hair after every curing period, and drying shrinkage of concrete is minimized with the addition of human hair as fibers in concrete at 40 days. The slump value was reduced as the content of human hair increased.
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The free-floating algae known as sargassum ( Sargassum fluitans and Sargassum natans ) drifts onto coastlines throughout the Atlantic Ocean during spring and summer months. Beach communities seek to maintain tourist appeal and, therefore, remove or relocate the sargassum drifts once it collects on shore. Maintenance efforts have attempted to incorporate the sargassum into dunes and beach sand. However, not all communities have the resources to manage the biomass and must dispose of it in a landfill. The utility of the seaweed biomass as a fertilizer for plant growth has been renowned for centuries. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the appropriate proportion of sargassum for other compost ingredients used in a large-scale composting system to create a quality product for utilization in horticultural and/or agricultural products. This study used ≈32 yard ³ of sargassum as part of 96 yard ³ of compost material that also included food waste, fish waste, and wood chips. Four protocols were prepared and included either 25% or 41.5% sargassum and various proportions of food or fish waste and wood chips, which are ingredients that would be readily available in coastline communities, to determine the ideal ratios of materials to create a quality compost. Piles were turned regularly and monitored for pH, moisture, and temperatures according to compost industry standards and approximately every 5 to 7 days. Piles cured for 4 to 8 weeks and the entire composting process lasted 5 months. Samples of compost were collected and tested through the Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory’s U.S. Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Approval Program at Pennsylvania State University. All final compost products and protocols had reasonable quality similar to those required by current compost standards. However, the protocol incorporating equal parts sargassum (41.5%) and wood chips (41.5%), fish waste (4%), and food waste (13%) had the best results in terms of organic matter content and overall nutrient levels. Therefore, this study determined that waste management industries can use sargassum as a feedstock through a large-scale composting system to create a desirable compost product that could be used in the horticulture industries. Sargassum could also be composted and then returned to the shoreline, where it would help build soils and vegetation.
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The tanning industry generates effluents with a high contaminant load represented in a considerable amount of liquid, solid, and gaseous waste. Solid waste, such as residual hair, fat, and meat, are dumped directly in landfills, triggering serious environmental problems. The objective of this research was to compost this waste, previously desulfurized, in a mixture with remnants from pruning as a bulking agent. This low-cost strategy may reduce the total amount of waste. A composting pile was created using residual hair and pruning remnants in a proportion of 3:1 (w/w) and then an inoculum was added. The waste degrading process ran for 141 days, followed by a maturation period of 64 days. Throughout the process, the temperature, moisture, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) were monitored. The highest temperature reached was 69.7°C, which secured good disinfection. The EC was 0.27 dS/cm, having lower values than Spanish regulations, possibly due to the salt removal over the irrigation periods. The organic matter content decreased continuously, to reach an endpoint of 42%; this result agrees with the high organic matter content of the tannery waste and the pruning remnants. Germination index was 43.55%, which indicates the presence of phytotoxic substances. As compared to the initial value (10.73%) there was partial degrading of these substances. The challenge is to improve this parameter by identifying new mixtures and adding efficient microorganisms that help to degrade phytotoxic substances.
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Pets are an important aspect of many families and households, but how many Americans have them? The purpose of this study is to compare point estimates of pet ownership in the U.S. from the General Social Survey (GSS) to estimates from other surveys, and to report demographic and social correlates to pet ownership. Wide discrepancies in estimates of U.S. pet ownership have been previously reported, relying on private industry surveys that do not disclose sampling design. Further, some surveys that reported pet ownership were not available for public use and/or did not lend themselves to social science due to a limited number of other measures of important social and demographic characteristics. U.S. estimates of pet ownership from the GSS tended to be slightly higher than those based on the American Veterinary Medical Association Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook and consistently lower than estimates based on the American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey. Pet ownership varied by race/ethnicity, age, size of place, household composition, and dwelling type. Number and type of pets also varied considerably by social and demographic characteristics. We conclude that the 2018 GSS has several advantages for studying human–animal interaction including a nationally representative sample, availability of a wide range of covariates, and public accessibility.
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In general, farmers from developing countries often use several feeding mixtures based on materials available in their vicinity resulting in a final poor-quality compost product. Human hair as a composting feed could impact on the nutrient status in prepared compost. In this study, the effect of different amount of human hair to tannery sludge, roadside pond sediment, municipal solid waste and cow dung was investigated during 70-day composting cycle. Human hair addition increased N, P and K from 1.36 to 22.85, 53.06 to 189.80 and 4.13 to 39.26%, respectively, over control. Total metal and arsenic contaminations were significantly higher than in control but lower than the Indian permissible limit. Highest amount of human hair in composting feed indicated that the germination index for tea seed (Camellia sinensis L.) was less than 80% reflecting the possible remaining phytotoxic substances. Redundancy analysis revealed that there was a significance influence of the physico-chemical variables on bacterial community.
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Although wool remains a popular fiber due to its durability, comfort, and ease of quality production, increasing the sustainability of wool fashion products requires attention to all portions of the wool life cycle, including production of sheep to provide the wool. Managing sheep in many regions of the globe results in excess or waste wool that is not suitable for the textile or fashion supply chain. One way to increase the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of wool production is to compost the waste wool into soil amendments and landscaping aids that can provide producers with additional income, provide horticulturalists with an environmentally friendly alternative to other soil amendments, and provide communities that depend on sheep a pride in the value of all parts of the life cycle. This chapter outlines an experimental study that was conducted to determine the proper proportions of sheep waste products to other biomass that would be needed in a large-scale composting operation in order to produce a high-quality compost valuable to the horticulture and agriculture industries. The results of an experimental trial with waste wool determined that a 25 % waste wool, 50 % grass clipping, and 25 % horse stall waste mixture provided the optimal results for composting in a large-scale manner. Separation of compacted wool, if transported in wrapped bundles, proved essential for allowing sufficient decomposition of the waste wool. The composting produced was tested and determined to be of acceptable quality.
Hair waste is one of the solid wastes generated from leather industry. Degradation of hair effectively in short duration is an important requirement for producing value added products from this solid waste. A bacterial strain, Brevibacterium luteolum MTCC 5982 was identified for degradation of hair. The keratinase activity of the culture was 102 U/ml at 72 h, bringing about 80%degree of hydrolysis of hair. The enzyme exhibited optimum activity at pH 10.0 and at 30°C. Scanning electron micrographic studies showed the degradation of hair with disintegration of cuticle followed by cortex and medulla. Complete disappearance the peak of 2923.12 cm⁻¹ assignable to amide N-H stretch in the FT-IR spectrum indicates the breaking down of amide linkage of the keratin in 72 h. The spectra obtained from ¹³C NMR further confirmed the degradation of goat hair. The results suggest that the novel strain used for the biodegradation of tannery hair waste was found to be effective in degrading the hair waste.
Compost is primarily a soil-amending product that may improve soil quality and the productivity of organic and conventional vegetable crops. Growers can use compost as a soil conditioner or as nutrient source to supplement the fertility program in vegetable production. Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium may be low. To lower the environmental impact of high compost application rates and protect water supplies from excessive nutrient runoff or leaching, or an excessive soil nutrient buildup, compost should be applied to match the nutrient needs of a crop. Compost quality use guidelines for assessing compost quality for use in vegetable production are limited. The objective of this paper is to present guidelines for determining compost quality for use in organic or conventional vegetable production. © 2017, American Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.
As the attention to environmental sustainability heightens, marketers increasingly claim that their products help preserve the environment. Without proper understanding of how emerging target markets, such as young Millennials, are triggered to purchase green claims, their efforts may be futile. Accordingly, the current study examined the interrelationships among major environmental antecedents, such as environmental knowledge (EK), perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE), and environmental concern (EC) on environmentally conscious consumer behaviour (ECCB). The results of an online survey with younger Millennials revealed that EK and EC were significant predictors of ECCB, with EC being the stronger predictor. Unlike past literature, PCE was not directly related to ECCB. The study also found a strong mediating role of EC between EK and ECCB, as well as PCE and ECCB. Implications for green marketers are discussed, along with theoretical discussion.
A review on building strong markets for mulch and compost products was presented. Wood chips processed using a quarter-inch screen were mixed with compost and soil conditioner for use in the Henry's wood farm's clay and adobe soils. Chipped and screened material was marketed to schools, playground structure companies, landscapers and various residential users.