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Sexual Aspects of the Female Pelvic Floor


Abstract and Figures

This chapter is devoted to the pelvic floor (PF). Maternity care has always considered the PF muscles an essential part of the birth and its disturbances. Gradually, the pelvic floor became a vital element for both sexual pleasure and sexual problems. This chapter will start by explaining its role in posture and movement, and sexuality and delineate the differences between the normotonic, the hypotonic, and the hypertonic pelvic floor and their influences on sexuality. The chapter also gives some elementary education on assessing pelvic floor function. After explaining the PF concerning pregnancy and birth, the chapter will address aspects of prevention and prehabilitation. In other words, this chapter will also deal with how to optimally prepare the pregnant woman for a relaxed birth with as low as possible negative consequences regarding vaginal laxity or pelvic floor prolapse. For the severe pelvic floor disturbances and their implications on sexuality and quality of life, the reader is recommended to look at Chap. 16 . This chapter is part of ‘Midwifery and Sexuality’, a Springer Nature open-access textbook for midwives and related healthcare professionals.
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Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic
LiesbethWesterik-Verschuuren ,
MarjolijnLutke Holzik- Mensink,
MarleenWieffer-Platvoet, andMinkevan der Velde
10.1 Introduction
Because of its essential functions in the choreography of sexuality and childbirth,
two chapters of this book deal with the pelvic oor (PF). This chapter will start with
addressing the PF and its role in sexuality. Next, we will address the PF during
pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum. Childbirth and the post-partum period are
crucial moments with potential PF damage. So, this chapter will also look at aspects
of preventing PF disturbances with extra attention to ‘prehabilitation’ (preparing the
PF for optimal functioning during childbirth and post-partum). Since most people
are not very aware of the functioning of their PF, they can easily and unnoticed get
outside the optimal muscle tone (between too high and too low). There is a gradual
transition from optimal to signicant PF disturbances.
In some countries, PF physiotherapy developed into a highly specialized profession
geared to treating PF disturbances. Some of those disturbances existed before getting
pregnant, whereas others originated during pregnancy or childbirth. Chapter 16 will deal
with the severe PF disturbances and their implications on sexuality and quality of life.
L. Westerik-Verschuuren (*)
Bekkenfysiotherapie Twente, Center of Expertise for Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy,
Enschede, The Netherlands
SOMT University of Physiotherapy, Master Pelvic Physiotherapy,
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
M. Lutke Holzik-Mensink · M. Wieffer-Platvoet
Bekkenfysiotherapie Twente, Center of Expertise for Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy,
Enschede, The Netherlands
M. van der Velde
Seksuologiepraktijk Twente, Center for Sexology, Enschede, The Netherlands
© The Author(s) 2023
S. Geuens et al. (eds.), Midwifery and Sexuality,
Men can have as well PF disturbances. This chapter will only address the PF
disturbances that can impair conception.
10.2 What Is thePelvic Floor?
The pelvic oor, literally the oor of the pelvis, is a layer of muscles and connective
tissue that spans the bottom of the pelvis (see Fig.10.1). They are striated, voluntary
muscles that, although hidden from view, can be consciously contracted (squeezed)
and relaxed. The PF consists of multiple muscles which stretch from the os coccygis
(tailbone) to the pubic bone and from one tuber ischiadicum (sitting bone) to the
other. In women, the PF muscles surround the hiatus genitalis, the space for the pas-
sage of the urethra, vagina, and anus. Together, these muscles support the pelvic
organs (bowel, uterus, and bladder) and give conscious control of the bladder and
bowel. They also contribute to core stability and motor control. Together with the
musculus multidus, the abdominal muscles, and the thoracic diaphragm, the PF
muscles keep the structure of the spine and pelvis stable and maintain the posture of
the trunk. In addition, the pelvic oor muscles have a role in sexual function.
The PF looks like a hammock or trampoline and can move up (contraction) and
down (relaxation). They can also move ventrally (from the back to the front) and
inward. So during contraction, the PF muscles make a lifting, closing, and ventral
movement. Therefore, contraction of the pelvic oor muscles makes the pelvic
organs lift, closes the urethra, vagina, and bowel, and pulls the urethra, vagina, and
bowel forward (ventral ward). That is how one can support the pelvic organs and
control or delay micturition and defecation until convenient.
Fig. 10.1 The female pelvic oor
L. Westerik-Verschuuren et al.
The PF muscles play a role in the sexuality of men and women. In men, they are
important in getting and maintaining an erection and ejaculation. In women, volun-
tary contractions (squeezing) of the PF contribute to sexual sensation and arousal.
The pelvic oor has a different role in each sexual response phase. In everyday life,
the PF muscles are relaxed. When the woman becomes sexually aroused, the blood
circulation increases and the erectile bodies of the clitoris get engorged, causing
thickening of the vaginal wall and creating a cushion around the vaginal entrance to
allow smooth penetration. At the same time, lubrication appears. When sexual stim-
ulation continues, the muscle tension of the PF increases. In particular, the m. bul-
bospongiosus and m. ischiocavernosus contract and prevent the veins from
emptying. In this plateau phase, alternating contracting and relaxing the pelvic oor
leads to a more intense sensation, more friction between the vaginal wall and penis,
and increased sexual arousal. During orgasm, the PF muscles involuntary and rhyth-
mically contract, and, as a result, the hypercongestion of the veins will empty. The
orgasm experience depends on the strength of the muscle contractions, so a well-
trained pelvic oor contributes to a more intense sexual experience. In addition to
the contraction of the pelvic oor muscles, the smooth muscles of the uterus might
also contract rhythmically, thus intensifying the orgasm experience. In the resolu-
tion phase, the muscles relax, and all tissues recover to normal. About half of the
women can have several orgasms in a row.
If the PF muscles are too tensed (hypertonicity) or too relaxed (hypotonicity),
women’s sexuality usually is disturbed.
A hypertonic pelvic oor can lead to painful intercourse. The sexual response
cannot properly start up. The hypertonic muscles inhibit the extra blood circulation
needed for the vaginal wall and the erectile tissues of the clitoris. The vaginal sur-
face stays thin, and lubrication is insufcient, causing dyspareunia. The hypertonic
PF muscles close and nod the vagina causing the feeling of a narrow and short
vagina, an extra reason for pain at penetration. See Fig.10.2.
Painful intercourse can have an overwhelming impact on women, affecting self-
esteem and self-condence. This condition can need counselling and maybe
Fig. 10.2 The difference between relaxed and contracted levator ani muscle. On the left, the PF is
relaxed, with the vagina straight and accessible. On the right, the PF muscles are squeezed. The
vagina is curved and less accessible
10 Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic Floor
coaching. If a woman does not understand why she feels pain during intercourse,
she probably increasingly tenses her pelvic oor, reacting to the pain, and can
develop a vicious cycle of ‘(expected) pain muscle tension pain’. Education
is vital, as is re-education and relaxation of the pelvic oor. HCPs specialized in
women’s health like pelvic oor physiotherapists, nurses, or midwives can give
such education.
A hypotonic pelvic oor causes other sexual problems or inconvenience. During
the excitement phase, blood circulation can increase, and the erectile bodies can ll,
but the veins will deate, and the vaginal wall might stay unlubricated because the
bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles do not contract sufciently. Besides,
the weak levator ani muscle contractions do not close the genital hiatus well, and
there will be not enough friction between the vagina and the penis. Both partners
will feel less, which can decrease excitement.
Furthermore, a weak pelvic oor can cause vaginal noise or vaginal atus.
Because the vagina cannot be closed sufciently, air will be sucked in or blown out,
causing noises. Most women feel ashamed and embarrassed by this phenomenon.
Squeezing the PF muscles can increase the friction and thus improve the sensa-
tion and reduce the vaginal noise. Though this condition, also called ‘vaginal lax-
ity’, does not hurt physically, it can need counselling. With an underactive pelvic
oor, women will not experience pain, but they do not have a satisfying sexual life.
Proper training will strengthen the PF muscles, increasing her ability to close the
hiatus, increasing the friction during intercourse, and decreasing the risk of vagi-
nal noise.
Unfortunately, there is still a taboo on talking about the pelvic oor or pelvic
oor function, particularly sexual dysfunctions. Furthermore, the pelvic oor mus-
cles have few sensors and have just a tiny area on the motor and sensory cortex. All
this leads to a low level of awareness of the pelvic oor.
Being aware of the function and properly controlling the pelvic oor muscles
will lead to good bladder and bowel control and to satisfying sex. Some authors call
it the ‘love muscle’. PF re-education is an essential part of the job of women’s health
caregivers, such as PF physiotherapists and midwives.
10.3 Prevention ofPelvic Floor Disorders
The risk factors have to be known to understand the prevention of pelvic oor dis-
orders (PFDs). Many studies looked at the various risks. Overall risk factors after
childbirth are delivery itself, instrumental delivery (forceps, vacuum), pelvic oor
disorders before pregnancy, higher maternal age (>36 years), higher maternal BMI
(>30), higher child weight (>4000 g), larger foetal head circumference (>35.5 cm),
longer duration of the second stage of labour (>1 h), (median) episiotomy, lacera-
tions, occiput posterior or forehead position, and shoulder dystocia. Some of these
risks can be inuenced, such as using forceps or vacuum or the duration of the
second stage, others not.
Several authors developed owcharts to prevent primary and secondary PFD or
prediction models focusing on potential, expectable PFD.
L. Westerik-Verschuuren et al.
For primiparous women, Jelovsek developed PFD-prediction models to discuss
before birth the probability of developing those disorders and thus make an indi-
vidual birth plan for every woman, facilitating decision-making in the prevention of
incontinence [1].
‘UR-CHOICE’ is another prediction model for PFD.They ne-tuned the model
with extensive long-term results [2]. See
To prevent primary disorders, one should carefully observe the function of the
pelvic oor, avoid the use of forceps and routine episiotomy, and limit the duration
of the second stage. Under these conditions, one can indicate vaginal birth.
However, with factors such as a foetal head circumference >35.5 cm, a maternal
age >35, a maternal BMI >30/35, and a family history of pelvic oor disorders, one
should consider Caesarean section.
All authors report the importance of good awareness and control of the PF mus-
cles. During expulsion, the muscles have to be relaxed and optimally stretchable.
With good (realistic) and honest education, pelvic oor muscle training (including
relaxation exercises) and perineal massage, one can reach this. In some centres, the
Epi-No® is used (see below). Women will benet from being coached on adequately
using their PF muscles.
10.4 How toAssess thePF Muscles
A woman with a well-functioning pelvic oor can consciously squeeze and relax her
PF muscles. Unfortunately, correctly contracting the PF muscles is not easy. In Belgian
research, 53% of post-partum women could not perform a correct PF muscle contrac-
tion [3]. So pelvic oor muscle assessment and training seem recommended. Below,
we address how this can be integrated into women’s health by instructors like health-
care professionals, pelvic oor physiotherapists, midwives, or nurses.
An assessment of the PF muscle function starts with an inspection followed by
palpation. Specialized pelvic physiotherapists often have other diagnostic tools like
biofeedback and ultrasound. These tools provide more specic, detailed informa-
tion, but inspection and palpation are usually sufcient to determine the function of
the PF muscles.
10.4.1 Inspection
During contraction, the vagina closes, and the vagina and perineum move inward.
During relaxation, the vagina and perineum move back to their original position. At
the Valsalva manoeuvre, the PF muscles have to relax unconsciously, and the
perineum should descend a bit. Unfortunately, many women are not able to perform
a Valsalva manoeuvre correctly. Instead of relaxing their PF muscles, they squeeze
them and push simultaneously (‘paradoxically pushing’). Proper pushing makes
stool or child pass outside. So, paradoxical pushing is a serious disadvantage. The
woman must be able to squeeze, relax, and push properly. If she cannot do so, she
should learn those skills.
10 Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic Floor
10.4.2 Palpation
One must prepare carefully for palpation, including consent and a good lubricant.
Gently introduce one nger (in the primipara) or two ngers (in the multipara) into the
vagina. This manoeuvre should never be painful in a healthy vulva with a well-
lubricated nger!
Start with determining the resting tone. With a good resting tone, the nger can
be introduced easily and without any resistance, and the PF muscles softly enclose
the examining nger. Ask her to contract: the nger will be rmly enclosed, pulled
inward, and ventralward.
Ask her to relax: the muscles and the nger will move back to the original posi-
tion. Ask her to perform the Valsalva manoeuvre: the muscles relax unconsciously
and move downward, by which the enclosing of the nger decreases, and the nger
partly is pushed out of the vagina.
The next part of the examination deals with coordination: the woman should be
able to squeeze and relax the PF muscles with proper strength, timing, and duration.
A woman should be able to make 10–15 fast contractions in a row without losing
strength and relax completely after each contraction. Furthermore, she should be
able to squeeze the PF muscles for 30 s continuously at 50–70% of her maximal
strength. After this endurance contraction, she should be able to relax immediately
and completely. We test this in several series with different ways of squeezing and
relaxing. One should always be aware that both contraction and relaxation are
important. The emphasis in pelvic oor muscle training should therefore be on both
actions. Only a completely relaxed pelvic oor can be stretched as much as neces-
sary (200–300%) during vaginal birth.
An underactive pelvic oor has a low resting tone, weak contractions, and little
endurance. The examining nger is just slightly enclosed. There is little strength and
little or no endurance. The woman can not rmly close the genital hiatus. The eleva-
tion of the bladder neck is absent or weak. Here, pelvic oor muscle training should
focus on gaining strength and endurance without forgetting coordination.
An overactive pelvic oor has a high resting tone, and the relaxation is delayed
and incomplete. It rmly encloses the examining nger. Whereas contraction can
vary from weak to strong, relaxation can be absent, delayed, or incomplete. Be
aware that overactive is not synonymous with strong. There is often a combination
of overactive PF with paradoxical pushing. Here, the training should focus on relax-
ation and coordination.
10.4.3 The PF Muscles During Pregnancy
Due to the release of the hormone relaxin, the connective tissue all over the body
softens during pregnancy. Because the PF muscles contain connective tissue, the
pelvic oor weakens. Furthermore, due to the growing size of the uterus, the intra-
abdominal pressure increases.
L. Westerik-Verschuuren et al.
Pregnancy itself can lead to disturbances in micturition and defecation, varying
from just a bit of inconvenience to real disorders. Due to the imbalance between the
increased intra-abdominal pressure and the decreased urethral closing pressure
(decreased PF muscle function), stress urinary incontinence (SUI) may occur.
Depending on the degree of imbalance, SUI may vary from just a few drops while
coughing to severe loss during all activities that increase the intra-abdominal
Due to the growing uterus, there will be less and less space for the bladder, and
the bladder capacity will decrease, which can cause frequency.
The stool can change during pregnancy as well. The imbalance between the
intra-abdominal pressure and the anal closing pressure can cause atal inconti-
nence. Fortunately, there is rarely faecal loss during pregnancy. As written above,
incontinence will depend on the degree of imbalance. Constipation is another incon-
venience caused by the softening of the connective tissue of the smooth muscles of
the colon and rectum.
Besides the weakening of the PF muscles, pelvic oor dysfunctions can occur as
a compensation strategy for these complaints. These compensation strategies often
may exacerbate the original complaints. Appropriate, tailored coaching is important
to cope with these inconveniences or complaints.
10.4.4 The Pelvic Floor Muscles During Birth
During childbirth, the PF muscles are stretched by 200–300%. No other muscle in
the human body can stretch that much. Other tissues are also stretched, including
the connective tissue that supports the pelvic organs and the nerves. The more
relaxed a muscle is, the more stretchable it is. So the woman must be able to relax
her pelvic oor muscles and push properly. Pushing on a non-relaxed PF or pushing
paradoxically might lead to more PF and perineal damage.
Several authors have described the changes in PF anatomy and function during
the women’s lifetime. According to DeLancey [4], physiological lifespan of the
pelvic oor differs, with PF function being optimal between age 15–25, depending
on the age of the rst pregnancy and birth [5]. After 20–25, the pelvic oor function
decreases slowly. Women (and men) need a minimal function to maintain conti-
nence and other pelvic oor functions. That is why the elderly have many pelvic
oor dysfunctions like incontinence (Fig.10.3).
Vaginal birth affects PF anatomy and function but not to the same extent in every
woman. Many variables inuence changes in anatomy and function. Furthermore,
recovering from pelvic oor injuries varies in women. But not just the extent of
damage or dysfunction makes women feel impaired. Circumstances, culture, and
expectations inuence the woman to experience her pelvic oor disorders just as a
(temporal) inconvenience or as a real impairment.
10 Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic Floor
Despite repeated damage to the
continence mechanism, the
woman can compensate for the
damage and remains continent
Perucchini and DeLancey clarified the consequences of pregnancy and delivery and aging on the female
continence mechanism. This is an adapted version of their illustration in Chapter 1.1 in 'Pelvic Floor Re-
education: Principles and practice' (Springer 2008). [5]
The woman has less reserve and
becomes incontinent during her life,
though the number and magnitude
of the insults are no greater than in
women who remain continent.
Devastating obstetric damage can
cause loss of continence early in
life. Even if the woman was born
with good continence factors.
Continence threshold Continence threshold
& delivery
& delivery
& delivery
& delivery
& delivery
& delivery
Increasing age Increasing ag ncreasing age
Sum of continence factors
Sum of continence factors
Fig. 10.3 How the female pelvic oor function can change over the lifetime
10.4.5 The Pelvic Floor inthePost-partum Period
After childbirth, all tissues of the PF have to recover. The muscles, the connective
tissue, and the nerves have been overstretched and possibly injured. Full recovery
usually takes 9 months in physiological conditions, with the most signicant recov-
ery occurring in the rst three months. For perivaginal tissue recovery, oestrogen is
important. So, breastfeeding can delay recovery.
The complaints of decreased PF function and other damage can vary from minor
discomfort to serious complaints. Chapter 16 will address the severe problems.
10.5 Prevention andPrehabilitation
Women benet from being well informed about their pelvic oor and its changes
during pregnancy and after childbirth. Unfortunately, most nulliparous women are
neither sufciently informed nor aware of how to squeeze, relax, or push properly
(even not during labour and post-partum). As long as pelvic oor awareness is not
taught in schools or by mothers, the midwife could take this role and teach how to
use the PF muscles to enjoy sex and optimize their function in preparation for child-
birth. It seems wise to start that process early in pregnancy because already through-
out pregnancy, the PF is changing.
Next to explaining anatomy with images or models, for increased awareness, it
is also relevant to touch and maybe massage the PF muscles, which will optimize
bladder and bowel control and improve sex life as well. Learning how and when to
squeeze or relax or push will, on the one hand, benet sexuality (‘love muscles’)
and will, on the other hand, prepare for a better functioning PF during the birth. An
easy way to increase awareness and learn relaxation might be to apply a warm com-
press to the perineum. The warmth will make the woman more aware of the PF
muscles’ localization and help her relax.
L. Westerik-Verschuuren et al.
Here, we will address two prehabilitation measures: perineal massage and PF
muscle training.
10.5.1 Perineal Massage
We recommend perineal massage during pregnancy [6]. Correctly performed mas-
sage will make the woman aware of her pelvic oor tone, teach her how to relax it,
and allow passage through her vagina (penis, baby, or dildo). It can be pleasant and
rewarding for both partners as a joint action. In primiparous women, it diminishes
perineal trauma and episiotomy [6]. It is generally well accepted by women.
Although pregnancy softens the connective tissues and weakens the PF muscles,
this does not automatically mean that they are relaxed. First, one must relax the
muscles since stretching is not possible when tensed. Warmth or a gentle massage
can help to achieve relaxation.
We recommended such a massage at least 1–2× per week from week 34 (see
Fig.10.4 for explanation).
Make sure that hands are clean and nails short
Choose a quiet place and posture in which legs can be bend and opened in a
relaxed way
If nesseccary lubricate thumbs and / or perineal tissues (for instance KY jelly)3
Insert both thumbs about 3–4 cm into the vagina, press down in the direction of the
anus and to both sides until a stretching sensation is felt, hold this 1–2 minutes
Massage the lower half of the vagina by making a U-shaped movement, stretching
the vagina wall dorsally and laterally during 2–3 minutes
Fig. 10.4 Steps in perineal massage
10 Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic Floor
One can also relax and stretch the pelvic oor with the Epi-No®. That is an inat-
able balloon coupled to a pressure display hand pump for gradual stretching of the
vagina and perineum in late pregnancy [7]. Applied correctly, it might teach women
to relax the PF.The Epi-No® does not prevent intrapartum levator ani damage or
anal sphincter and perineal trauma. The literature shows conicting evidence about
the effectiveness in preventing PF disorders. In our view, its use has to be coached
by trained midwives/HCPs.
10.5.2 PF Muscle Training (PFMT)
PFMT can prevent the detrimental negative effect of a poorly functioning pelvic
oor on women’s participation in sports and physical activity. In systematic reviews,
PFMT during pregnancy and after childbirth improved urinary continence because
of better PF function [8, 9].
A systematic review of prenatal and postnatal PFMT showed positive effects on
sexual function and female sexuality with post-partum improvements in desire,
arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction [10].
An Example of a PFMT Schedule
Start with making an assessment, which guides the training schedule. When the
woman can contract for instance for 4 s, that four-second period is the basis of the
schedule (as in Table10.1).
To improve muscle function, the woman should do this daily. After a while, she
should increase the contraction and rest time gradually to 6–8 s. Once the woman
can perform three series of ten contractions of 6–8 s, she can downgrade to 2–3×/
week. One can do this training lying down, sitting, or standing. It is best to do it in
the position in which the woman is most aware of her PF.
Table 10.1 PFMT schedule (based on an assessment of 4 s)
4s contraction and 4s rest: to be done 10×
Then 6 fast contractions
Then 1½–2min pause
This series to be repeated twice
L. Westerik-Verschuuren et al.
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10 Sexual Aspects oftheFemale Pelvic Floor
... Then insert both thumbs deep in the vagina 3 4 cm and press down toward the anus and to both sides and maintain for 12 minutes. After that massage the fourchette in a Ushaped manner stretching the vaginal wall dorsally and laterally for 23 minutes [17]. ...
... Patient position during massaging anterior pelvic floor muscles[14] Perineal massage[17] ...
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Background. Myofascial pelvic pain (MFPP) is characterized by the presence of tender myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor manual therapy is frequently suggested as the first line of treatment for MFPP. Main body of the abstract. The existing literature affirms the beneficial outcomes of manual therapy in the treatment of MFPP and offers a concise summary of how these techniques are applied to patients with MFPP. Literature includes ten techniques; (1) myofascial trigger point release, (2) Thiele massage, (3) internal self-massage, (4) perineal massage, (5) combined manual techniques, (6) pelvic myofascial mobilization, (7) manual visceral therapy, (8) connective tissue manipulation, (9) scar release, and (10) internal coccyx manipulation. Methods. A narrative review was carried out to summarize the available evidence on pelvic floor manual therapy techniques for MFPP. Key content and findings. Upon review of the current research landscape, twenty-five studies met the inclusion criteria. Available evidence suggests that pelvic floor manual therapy is effective in the treatment of MFPP. Conclusion. Although current available studies are limited in number with limitations in study design, manual therapy is considered a promising, effective, and safe option for the treatment of MFPP.
... (26) Como consequência de experiências sexuais dolorosas, nota-se uma diminuição do desejo sexual, a antecipação da dor pode também reduzir a excitação, a lubrificação e a probabilidade de experienciar orgasmos. (32) Essa ação pode se tornar um ciclo, justificando a relação encontrada entre a presença de dor e o aumento de tônus, e como tal alteração tônica resulta em prejuízos nos domínios de desejo e estímulo subjetivo e excitação. ...
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Objetivo: avaliar o tônus do corpo perineal em mulheres jovens nulíparas e correlacionar com as funções sexuais e a presença de disfunção sexual. Método: foi realizado um estudo descritivo, observacional, transversal utilizando uma amostra de conveniência incluindo mulheres adultas jovens nulíparas. A avaliação das participantes consistiu na aplicação dos questionários socioclínico, Pelvic Organ Prolaps / Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) e exame físico do tônus do corpo perineal. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®), versão 23, adotando um nível de significância de 5%.Resultados: participaram 77 mulheres jovens nulíparas (21,68 ± 2,94 anos), destas 77, 92% apresentavam vida sexual ativa e 66,03% tônus normal do corpo perineal. Dentre as alterações tônicas, o aumento do tônus predominou (33,76%). Houve alta prevalência de disfunção sexual (87,01%) pelo FSFI (23,38 ± 7,21) com maior queixa de dispareunia. Mulheres com tônus aumentado apresentaram maior disfunção sexual em relação a desejo e estímulo subjetivo (p=0,04), à excitação (p=0,01), satisfação (p=0,04) e dor ou a desconforto (p=0,03). Houve correlação inversa entre a presença de aumento do tônus e os domínios FSFI desejo e estímulo subjetivo (R= - 0,56) e excitação (R= - 0,34) e correlação direta para dor ou desconforto (R= 0,30). Conclusão: o aumento do tônus do corpo perineal piora a função sexual de mulheres jovens nulíparas.
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Pelvic floor rehabilitation is dependent on a meticulous insight into relevant anatomy. Therefore, this chapter describes not only the anatomy of the organs and muscles involved but also their topography and innervation. Predominantly its focus is on functional anatomy. Besides other issues, the following questions, which are necessary for understanding pelvic floor function, are extensively discussed: How is the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) able to empower the urethral closure mechanism? What are the anatomical deficiencies related to the prevention of successful pelvic floor re-education? How are the pelvic organs kept in place? What is the anatomical deficit when stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or prolapse occurs? What is the mechanism of the anal sphincter unit?
Background: About one-third of women have urinary incontinence (UI) and up to one-tenth have faecal incontinence (FI) after childbirth. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is commonly recommended during pregnancy and after birth for both preventing and treating incontinence. This is an update of a Cochrane Review previously published in 2017. Objectives: To assess the effects of PFMT for preventing or treating urinary and faecal incontinence in pregnant or postnatal women, and summarise the principal findings of relevant economic evaluations. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Specialised Register, which contains trials identified from the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, MEDLINE Epub Ahead of Print, CINAHL,, WHO ICTRP, and handsearched journals and conference proceedings (searched 7 August 2019), and the reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria: We included randomised or quasi-randomised trials in which one arm included PFMT. Another arm was no PFMT, usual antenatal or postnatal care, another control condition, or an alternative PFMT intervention. Populations included women who, at randomisation, were continent (PFMT for prevention) or incontinent (PFMT for treatment), and a mixed population of women who were one or the other (PFMT for prevention or treatment). Data collection and analysis: We independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias. We extracted data and assessed the quality of evidence using GRADE. Main results: We included 46 trials involving 10,832 women from 21 countries. Overall, trials were small to moderately-sized. The PFMT programmes and control conditions varied considerably and were often poorly described. Many trials were at moderate to high risk of bias. Two participants in a study of 43 pregnant women performing PFMT for prevention of incontinence withdrew due to pelvic floor pain. No other trials reported any adverse effects of PFMT. Prevention of UI: compared with usual care, continent pregnant women performing antenatal PFMT probably have a lower risk of reporting UI in late pregnancy (62% less; risk ratio (RR) 0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.20 to 0.72; 6 trials, 624 women; moderate-quality evidence). Antenatal PFMT slightly decreased the risk of UI in the mid-postnatal period (more than three to six months' postpartum) (29% less; RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.95; 5 trials, 673 women; high-quality evidence). There was insufficient information available for the late postnatal period (more than six to 12 months) to determine effects at this time point (RR 1.20, 95% CI 0.65 to 2.21; 1 trial, 44 women; low-quality evidence). Treatment of UI: compared with usual care, there is no evidence that antenatal PFMT in incontinent women decreases incontinence in late pregnancy (very low-quality evidence), or in the mid-(RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.24; 1 trial, 187 women; low-quality evidence), or late postnatal periods (very low-quality evidence). Similarly, in postnatal women with persistent UI, there is no evidence that PFMT results in a difference in UI at more than six to 12 months postpartum (RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.29 to 1.07; 3 trials; 696 women; low-quality evidence). Mixed prevention and treatment approach to UI: antenatal PFMT in women with or without UI probably decreases UI risk in late pregnancy (22% less; RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.64 to 0.94; 11 trials, 3307 women; moderate-quality evidence), and may reduce the risk slightly in the mid-postnatal period (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.97; 5 trials, 1921 women; low-quality evidence). There was no evidence that antenatal PFMT reduces the risk of UI at late postpartum (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.14; 2 trials, 244 women; moderate-quality evidence). For PFMT started after delivery, there was uncertainty about the effect on UI risk in the late postnatal period (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.09; 3 trials, 826 women; moderate-quality evidence). Faecal incontinence: eight trials reported FI outcomes. In postnatal women with persistent FI, it was uncertain whether PFMT reduced incontinence in the late postnatal period compared to usual care (very low-quality evidence). In women with or without FI, there was no evidence that antenatal PFMT led to a difference in the prevalence of FI in late pregnancy (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.14; 3 trials, 910 women; moderate-quality evidence). Similarly, for postnatal PFMT in a mixed population, there was no evidence that PFMT reduces the risk of FI in the late postnatal period (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.13 to 4.21; 1 trial, 107 women, low-quality evidence). There was little evidence about effects on UI or FI beyond 12 months' postpartum. There were few incontinence-specific quality of life data and little consensus on how to measure it. Authors' conclusions: This review provides evidence that early, structured PFMT in early pregnancy for continent women may prevent the onset of UI in late pregnancy and postpartum. Population approaches (recruiting antenatal women regardless of continence status) may have a smaller effect on UI, although the reasons for this are unclear. A population-based approach for delivering postnatal PFMT is not likely to reduce UI. Uncertainty surrounds the effects of PFMT as a treatment for UI in antenatal and postnatal women, which contrasts with the more established effectiveness in mid-life women. It is possible that the effects of PFMT might be greater with targeted rather than mixed prevention and treatment approaches, and in certain groups of women. Hypothetically, for instance, women with a high body mass index (BMI) are at risk of UI. Such uncertainties require further testing and data on duration of effect are also needed. The physiological and behavioural aspects of exercise programmes must be described for both PFMT and control groups, and how much PFMT women in both groups do, to increase understanding of what works and for whom. Few data exist on FI and it is important that this is included in any future trials. It is essential that future trials use valid measures of incontinence-specific quality of life for both urinary and faecal incontinence. In addition to further clinical studies, economic evaluations assessing the cost-effectiveness of different management strategies for FI and UI are needed.
Introduction Pelvic floor muscle exercise (PFME) is recommended as a first-line treatment for urinary incontinence. However, a review of the literature suggests the effect of PFME on sexual function (SF), particularly during pregnancy and the postpartum period, is understudied. Aim To assess the effect of PFME on SF during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Methods The following databases were searched: CINAHL (EBSCOhost), Health Collection (Informit), PubMed (National Center for Biotechnology Information), Embase (Ovid), MEDLINE, Cochrane, Health Source, Scopus, Wiley, Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest), Joanna Briggs Institute, and Google Scholar. Results from published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCTs from 2004 to January 2018 on pregnant and postnatal women were included. PEDro and Critical Appraisal Skills Programme scores were used to assess the quality of studies. Data were analysed using a qualitative approach. Main Outcome Measure The primary outcome was the impact of antenatal or postnatal PFME on at least 1 SF variable, including desire, arousal, orgasm, pain, lubrication, and satisfaction. The secondary outcome was the impact of PFME on PFM strength. Results We identified 10 studies with a total of 3607 participants. These included 4 RCTs, 1 quasi-experimental study, 3 interventional cohort studies, and 2 long-term follow up cohort studies. No studies examined the effect of PFME on SF during pregnancy. 7 studies reported that PFME alone improved sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction in the postpartum period. Conclusion The current data needs to be interpreted in the context of the studies’ risk of bias, small sample sizes, and varying outcome assessment tools. The majority of the included studies reported that postnatal PFME was effective in improving SF. However, there is a lack of studies describing the effect of PFME on SF during pregnancy, and only minimal data are available on the postpartum period. More RCTs are needed in this area. Sobhgol SS, Priddis H, Smith CA, et al. The Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on Female Sexual Function During Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Systematic Review. Sex Med Rev 2019;7:13–28.
Background: Little progress has been made in preventing pelvic floor disorders despite their significant health and economic impact. Identifying women at risk remains a key element in targeting prevention and planning health resource allocation strategies. Although events around the time of childbirth are clinically recognized as important predictors, it is difficult to counsel women and intervene around the time of childbirth due to an inability to accurately convey a patient's risk in the presence of multiple risk factors and the long time lapse, often decades, between obstetric events and the onset of pelvic floor disorders later in life. Prediction models and scoring systems have been used in other areas of medicine to identify patients at risk for chronic diseases. Models have been developed for use before delivery that predict short-term risk of pelvic floor disorders after childbirth but no models predicting long-term risk exist. Objective: To use variables known before and during childbirth to develop and validate prognostic models estimating risks of these disorders 12 and 20 years after delivery. Study design: Obstetric variables were collected from two cohorts: 1) women who gave birth in the United Kingdom and New Zealand (n=3763) and 2) women from the Swedish Medical Birth Register (n=4991). Pelvic floor disorders were self-reported 12 years after childbirth in the UK/NZ cohort and 20 years after childbirth in the Swedish Register. The cohorts were split so that data during the first half of the cohort's time period were used to fit prediction models and validation was performed from the second half (temporal validation). As there is currently no consensus on how to best define pelvic floor disorders from a patient's perspective, we chose to fit the data for each model using multiple outcome definitions for prolapse, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, 1 or more pelvic floor disorder and 2 or more pelvic floor disorders. Model accuracy was measured: 1) by ranking an individual's risk among all subjects in the cohort (discrimination) using a concordance index and 2) by observing whether the predicted probability was too high or low (calibration) at a range of predicted probabilities using visual plots. Results: Models were able to discriminate between women who developed bothersome symptoms or received treatment, at 12 and 20 years respectively, for: pelvic organ prolapse (concordance indices 0.570, 0.627), urinary incontinence (concordance indices 0.653, 0.689), fecal incontinence (concordance indices 0.618, 0.676), ≥1 pelvic floor disorders (concordance indices 0.639, 0.675) and ≥2 pelvic floor disorders (concordance indices 0.635, 0.619). The discriminatory ability of all models is shown in Table 2. Route of delivery and family history of each pelvic floor disorder were strong predictors in most models. Urinary incontinence before and during the index pregnancy was a strong predictor for developing all pelvic floor disorders in most models 12 years after delivery. The 12 and 20-year bothersome or treatment for prolapse models were accurate when providing predictions for risk from 0% to approximately 15%. The 12-year and 20-year primiparous model began to over-predict when risk rates reached 20%. When predicting bothersome symptoms or treatment for urinary incontinence, the 12-year models were accurate when predictions ranged from approximately 5% to 60% and 20-year primiparous models were accurate between 5% and 80%. For bothersome symptoms or treatment for fecal incontinence, the 12 and 20-year models were accurate between 1% and 15% risk and began to over-predict at rates above 15% and 20%, respectively. Conclusion: Models may provide an opportunity before birth to identify women at low risk of developing pelvic floor disorders and institute prevention strategies such as pelvic floor muscle training, weight control or elective cesarean section for women at higher risk. Models are provided at:
Objective: Vaginal childbirth may result in levator ani injury secondary to overdistension during the second stage of labour. Other injuries include perineal and anal sphincter tears. Antepartum use of a birth trainer may prevent such injuries by altering the biomechanical properties of the pelvic floor. This study evaluates the effects of Epi-No(®) use on intrapartum pelvic floor trauma. Design: Multicentre prospective randomised controlled trial. Setting: Two tertiary obstetric units in Australia. Population: Nulliparous women carrying an uncomplicated singleton term pregnancy. Methods: Participants were assessed clinically and with 4D translabial ultrasound in the late third trimester, and again at 3-6 months postpartum. Women randomised to the intervention group were asked to use the Epi-No(®) device from 37 weeks of gestation until delivery. Main outcome measures: Levator ani, anal sphincter, and perineal trauma diagnosed clinically and/or with translabial ultrasound imaging. Results: Of 660 women randomised, 504 (76.4%) returned for assessment at a mean of 5 months postpartum. There was no significant difference in the incidence of levator avulsion [12 versus 15%; relative risk (RR) 0.82, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.51-1.32; absolute risk reduction (ARR) 0.03, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.09; P = 0.39], irreversible hiatal overdistension (13 versus 15%; RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.52-1.42; ARR 0.02, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.09; P = 0.51), clinical anal sphincter trauma (7 versus 6%; RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.49-2.60; ARR -0.01, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.06; P = 0.77), and perineal tears (51 versus 53%; RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.78-1.17; ARR 0.02, 95% CI -0.08 to 0.13; P = 0.65). A marginally higher rate of significant defects of the external anal sphincter on ultrasound was observed in the intervention group (21 versus 14%; RR 1.44, 95% CI 0.97-2.20; ARR -0.06, 95% CI -0.13 to 0.05; P = 0.07). Conclusion: Antenatal use of the Epi-No(®) device is unlikely to be clinically beneficial in the prevention of intrapartum levator ani damage, or anal sphincter and perineal trauma. Tweetable abstract: No evidence of a protective effect of the Epi-No(®) device on intrapartum pelvic floor rauma.
Background: Perineal trauma following vaginal birth can be associated with significant short-term and long-term morbidity. Antenatal perineal massage has been proposed as one method of decreasing the incidence of perineal trauma. Objectives: To assess the effect of antenatal digital perineal massage on the incidence of perineal trauma at birth and subsequent morbidity. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (22 October 2012), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 10), PubMed (1966 to October 2012), EMBASE (1980 to October 2012) and reference lists of relevant articles. Selection criteria: Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials evaluating any described method of antenatal digital perineal massage undertaken for at least the last four weeks of pregnancy. Data collection and analysis: Both review authors independently applied the selection criteria, extracted data from the included studies and assessed study quality. We contacted study authors for additional information. Main results: We included four trials (2497 women) comparing digital perineal massage with control. All were of good quality. Antenatal digital perineal massage was associated with an overall reduction in the incidence of trauma requiring suturing (four trials, 2480 women, risk ratio (RR) 0.91 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.86 to 0.96), number needed to treat to benefit (NNTB) 15 (10 to 36)) and women practicing perineal massage were less likely to have an episiotomy (four trials, 2480 women, RR 0.84 (95% CI 0.74 to 0.95), NNTB 21 (12 to 75)). These findings were significant for women without previous vaginal birth only. No differences were seen in the incidence of first- or second-degree perineal tears or third-/fourth-degree perineal trauma. Only women who have previously birthed vaginally reported a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of pain at three months postpartum (one trial, 376 women, RR 0.45 (95% CI 0.24 to 0.87) NNTB 13 (7 to 60)). No significant differences were observed in the incidence of instrumental deliveries, sexual satisfaction, or incontinence of urine, faeces or flatus for any women who practised perineal massage compared with those who did not massage. Authors' conclusions: Antenatal digital perineal massage reduces the likelihood of perineal trauma (mainly episiotomies) and the reporting of ongoing perineal pain, and is generally well accepted by women. As such, women should be made aware of the likely benefit of perineal massage and provided with information on how to massage.
This study aimed to develop and internally validate a nomogram that facilitates decision making between patient and physician by predicting a woman's individual probability of developing urinary (UI) or fecal incontinence (FI) after her first delivery. This study used Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms Study data, which estimated the prevalence of postpartum UI and FI in primiparous women after vaginal or cesarean delivery. Two models were developed using antepartum variables, and 2 models were developed using antepartum plus labor and delivery variables. Urinary incontinence was defined by a response of leaking urine "sometimes" or "often" using the Medical, Epidemiological, and Social Aspects of Aging Questionnaire. Fecal incontinence was defined as any involuntary leakage of mucus, liquid, or solid stool using the Fecal Incontinence Severity Index. Logistic regression models allowing nonlinear effects were used and displayed as nomograms. Overall performance was assessed using the Brier score (zero equals perfect model) and concordance index (c-statistic). A total of 921 women enrolled in the Childbirth and Pelvic Symptoms Study, and 759 (82%) were interviewed by telephone 6 months postpartum. Two antepartum models were generated, which discriminated between women who will and will not develop UI (Brier score = 0.19, c-statistic = 0.69) and FI (Brier score = 0.10, c-statistic = 0.67) at 6 months and 2 models were generated (Brier score = 0.18, c-statistic= 0.68 and Brier score = 0.09, c-statistic = 0.68) for predicting UI and FI, respectively, for use after labor and delivery. These models yielded 4 nomograms that are accurate for generating individualized prognostic estimates of postpartum UI and FI and may facilitate decision making in the prevention of incontinence.
Background Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common condition in women causing reduced quality of life and withdrawal from fitness and exercise activities. Pregnancy and childbirth are established risk factors. Current guidelines for exercise during pregnancy have no or limited focus on the evidence for the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) in the prevention and treatment of UI. Aims Systematic review to address the effect of PFMT during pregnancy and after delivery in the prevention and treatment of UI. Data sources PubMed, CENTRAL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE and PEDro databases and hand search of available reference lists and conference abstracts (June 2012). Methods Study eligibility criteria: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasiexperimental trials published in the English language. Participants: Primiparous or multiparous pregnant or postpartum women. Interventions: PFMT with or without biofeedback, vaginal cones or electrical stimulation. Study appraisal and synthesis methods: Both authors independently reviewed, grouped and qualitatively synthesised the trials. Results 22 randomised or quasiexperimental trials were found. There is a very large heterogeneity in the populations studied, inclusion and exclusion criteria, outcome measures and content of PFMT interventions. Based on the studies with relevant sample size, high adherence to a strength-training protocol and close follow-up, we found that PFMT during pregnancy and after delivery can prevent and treat UI. A supervised training protocol following strength-training principles, emphasising close to maximum contractions and lasting at least 8 weeks is recommended. Conclusions PFMT is effective when supervised training is conducted. Further high-quality RCTs are needed especially after delivery. Given the prevalence of female UI and its impact on exercise participation, PFMT should be incorporated as a routine part of women's exercise programmes in general.
There is growing interest in causal factors for pelvic floor disorders. These conditions include pelvic organ prolapse and urinary and fecal incontinence and are affected by a myriad of factors that increase occurrence of symptomatic disease. Unraveling the complex causal network of genetic factors, birth-induced injury, connective tissue aging, lifestyle and comorbid factors is challenging. We describe a graphical tool to integrate the factors affecting pelvic floor disorders. It plots pelvic floor function in 3 major life phases: (1) development of functional reserve during an individual's growth, (2) variations in the amount of injury and potential recovery that occur during and after vaginal birth, and (3) deterioration that occurs with advancing age. This graphical tool accounts for changes in different phases to be integrated to form a disease model to help assess the overlap of different causal factors.