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Deal with steel: investigating the wreck of the heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer


Abstract and Figures

The publication at hand are the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection held between March 28 and April 1, 2023, in Kiel, Germany. The content of the articles ranges from local to large-scale case studies all over the world and from various archaeological times, over methodological improvements, new processing and visualization techniques to a special session on marine and wetland prospection. Thus, the collection of articles summarizes the state of the art of prospection methods for on- and offshore archaeological investigations.
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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
Deal with steel: investigating the wreck of the heavy
cruiser Admiral Scheer
Dennis Wilken 
*, Fritz Jürgens
, Ercan Erkul 
, Wolfgang Rabbel 
, Ulrich Müller 
1 Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
2 Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
* Corresponding author: E-mail:
In this paper, we present, for the first time, a World War II warship imaged underground, in a silted up harbor. Only ref-
lection seismic measurements and electrical resistivity tomography allowed prospecting of the target at challenging
depths from 4 m to 12 m below surface.
archaeological prospection; battleship; ERT; seismics; World War II
Individual, large (German) naval units, like battleships,
such as the Bismarck or the Graf Spee, experience great
public interest, while their sister ships are rather un-
known. This also applies to the Admiral Scheer, the
sister ship of the battleship Graf Spee, which, due to a
long and intensive period of service (1934 to 1945), is
one of, if not the most successful, ship in the German
Navy history. One month before the end of the Second
World War, it capsized after a bombing raid on the port
of Kiel. The wreck of the ship was subsequently lled
in with sediments and debris, sharing the fate of the
entire naval harbor basin.
The Admiral Scheer was built as the second of three
armored ships of the ‘Germany’ class at the Wilhelms-
haven shipyard. The ship was commissioned on No-
vember 12th, 1934 and was named in honor of Admiral
Reinhard Scheer. It is noteworthy that ships of this class
were the rst larger German naval units whose hulls
were welded and not riveted and which were pow-
ered using diesel instead of traditional steam engines.
Despite their small size (186 m in length), the ships
were heavily armed with six 28 cm guns. Therefore,
the three ships of this class were known as pocket bat-
tleships. After several missions between 1936 and 1945
the Admiral Scheer was called back to Kiel on March
18th 1945. On the evening of April 9th 1945, during a
bombing raid, ve ‘tall boy’ bombs were dropped on
the ship. The hull on the starboard side was damaged
and the ship capsized in the shallow harbor (Figure
1, top right). In July 1945, British forces began to dis-
mantle those parts of the wreck that were still above
water. Pictures published in the local newspaper Kieler
Nachrichten show that the entire stern as well as the
tank turret and parts of the machinery were recovered.
The harbor basin was then lled in the early 1950s with
sea sand and debris and a drainage channel was dug.
This channel describes a slight curve, which is often
associated with the outlines of the wreck.
Materials and methods
The Admiral Scheer represents an important piece
of German naval and Kiel’s regional history and is a
unique investigation target due to its size and depth of
burial on land within an urban environment.
The presented investigation began with the evalua-
tion of the Allied aerial photographs, showing the ship
overturned to starboard. Later photos show that the
stern and front sections were removed. The preserved
midship area was removed down to the water level.
Based on buildings visible in the photos and still present
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
today, an approximate positioning was obtained for the
remains of the wreck (Fig.1). These remains are expect-
ed to be located at a depth of four to twelve meters. An
object like the Admiral Scheer consisting of steel, with
water lled cavities at such depths, poses a real chal-
lenge for geophysical prospection (e.g. Passaro 2010 &
Passaro et al. 2009), especially on land. Above that, the
accessible area is bounded to the east by a railway and
to the west by the drainage channel. The range of fea-
sible geophysical methods is thus greatly reduced. The
classical methods of archaeological prospection, mag-
netic gradiometry, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and
electromagnetic induction (EMI) were tested but could,
if ever, only scratch at the surface of the wreck. Mag-
netic measurements only show a large dipole anomaly
and are affected by the railway and urban power cables.
Therefore, seismic reection and electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT) measurements were used, offering
the greatest potential to reach most parts of the wreck.
Shear-wave reection seismics were conducted on 19
Fig. 1: Photographs of the ship and investigation area. Top left: the Admiral Scheer (
NH 59664 Naval History & Herit age Command
). Top right:
the capsized Admiral Scheer (
Imperial War Museum
). Below: Map showing the locations of the measuring profile s in relation to the old harbor
basin. The approximate location of the wreck based on an aer ial picture from 1949 (inset of map) is outlined in black.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
proles with a crossline distance of 5 m (Fig. 1), each
including 24 10 Hz S-wave geophones spaced at 1 m
inline distance in SH orientation. Sledge hammer blows
were placed between the geophones. Data processing
included bandpass ltering, trace normalization and
time gain, f-k ltering, and the creation of time slices.
Time to depth conversion was implemented using an
average shear wave velocity of 120 m/s.
Nine ERT proles were measured with the RESECS2
(Geoserve) multi-electrode system, with 48 to 96
electrodes depending on the prole length. Electrode
spacing was 1m and measurements were conducted
in three congurations (dipole-dipole, Wenner-alpha
and Schlumberger). All proles were inverted with the
same inversion parameters using Res2DInv.
Figure 2a shows the old navy harbor basin after its
relling. The picture shows clear differences in the re-
ll material. Above the wreck, the material appears
coarser in the image, which is also reected in the
ERT data as high-resistivity area. Figure 2b shows
electrical resistivity depth slices interpolated from pro-
les E1-E9. The example slices show the extent of the
coarser lling material in the area of the wreck (down
to more than 3m of depth) and at greater depths re-
sistivities far below the resistivity encountered in the
harbor entrance on E7 (representing soil saturated with
groundwater), which we therefore address as an anom-
aly caused by the wreck.
Figure 3 top right shows an example seismic prole
together with an outline of a cross-section of the tilted
Fig. 2: a) Photograph of the Deutsche Werke Kiel (Koop/Schmolke 1993, 212) and ERT tomogram of profile E1. b) Two example ERT depth
slices representing top material of harbor ba sin filling and wreck remains.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
ship based on original blueprints. The top left image
shows an exemplary seismic depth slice calculated
from all proles at a depth of 5.3 m, with the position
of the wreck based on an aerial photo superimposed
(dotted line). The reection amplitudes of the seismic
proles clearly reect the shape of the wreck and there-
fore allow its position to be corrected (dashed line).
The results show that ERT was able to distinguish the
coarse harbor rell above the wreck from the sluiced
sand around, providing its extent and thickness. In
the deeper parts one low resistive area becomes vis-
ible, probably reecting the wreck’s mixture of steel,
water-lled cavities and debris. This anomaly is slight-
ly shifted westwards in comparison to the seismic re-
sults, probably due to side effects caused by the nearby
drainage channel. In the seismic proles, the reections
coming from the wreck are clearly visible, allowing the
shape of the ship to be traced quite accurately (Fig. 3).
Nevertheless, spatial resolution of both methods is not
sufciently high to distinguish individual parts of the
ship; prole density would need to be increased towards
3D ERT (like in e.g. Rabbel et al. 2015, Günther et al.
2006). In terms of seismic prospection, Full Waveform
Inversion (FWI) approaches could lead to an increased
imaging resolution (e.g. Köhn et al. 2019), probably al-
lowing for an interpretation of the wreck’s substructure.
Fig. 3: Top left: Outline of the Admiral Scheer, based on aerial photographs (dotted line). T he image also shows an exemplary seismic depth
slice and the adjusted position of the wreck based thereon (dashed line). Top right: examplary profile S4 with the depths of the depth slices
and an outline of the wrecks cross-sec tion indicated. Below: two depth slices from ERT (DSL A) and ERT and seismics (DSL B).
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection ICAP 2023
In summary, the measurements prove that the aeri-
al photo from March 29th 1949 represents the state in
which the Admiral Scheer was buried. Large parts of
the hull and superstructure have been preserved in the
buried harbor basin until today, covered by more than
three meters of sand and debris.
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This study presents the results of aerial and geophysical measurements carried out on the Notre‐Dame‐du‐Val chapel in Sotteville‐sur‐Mer (Normandy, France), a former leprosarium dating from the 15th century; the chapel is now deconsecrated and has been showing signs of ageing in recent years. Restoration work is planned, and geophysical investigations of the area around the chapel have been commissioned. In this article, we propose a robust methodology combining aerial and terrestrial measurements in the visible range with surface prospecting methods. Compiling all the measurements within a perfectly georeferenced 3D model allows the joint analysis of the results of different physical measurement methods to provide unexpected architectural and archaeological information. Photos were taken from the ground and using a drone to build photogrammetric models of the interior and exterior of the chapel. Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) were the two survey methods deployed in the area surrounding the chapel. The geophysical measurements clearly reveal traces of apses—which have now disappeared—at the crossing of what would have been the building's transept, which match up with the filled‐in openings that are present. The existence of these apses can only be assumed from inside the chapel. The resistivity anomalies are perfectly correlated with the radar anomalies and allow new hypotheses to be formulated about the original structure of the chapel. Finally, mapping the local geology of the surroundings based on a geophysical survey provides crucial information about the history of the church's construction. Bringing this unknown architectural element to light and carrying out precise mapping of the local geology surrounding the chapel constitute a major breakthrough, as this will make it possible to improve our knowledge of the history of the chapel, in particular its origins, through research based on archaeological surveys.
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The full waveform inversion (FWI) of strongly dispersive Love wave data is a challenging task. Amplitude, phase and dispersion information not only depends on the density and shear modulus distribution in the subsurface, but also significantly on intrinsic damping. This is especially a problem in near surface data applications with complex underground structures and low Qs values. Therefore, the FWI of a dispersive Love wavefield demands an accurate initial visco-elastic model and careful data pre-processing. Another key ingredient of a successful time-domain FWI is the sequential inversion of frequency filtered data in order to mitigate the non-linearity of the inverse problem. Common FWI strategies are based solely on either low- or bandpass filtered data. In this study we develop a FWI workflow consisting of a combined low- and bandpass filter strategy to achieve an appropriate data fit of the low-frequency Love wave and high-frequency refracted SH-wavefield. The applicability of this FWI strategy and the importance of a visco-elastic medium description is demonstrated for SH field data from a transect over the Fossa Carolina, a silted medieval canal structure in southern Germany. The resolved canal shape and small scale structures in the inversion results are verified by an archaeological excavation. Link to published paper: Reference: Daniel Köhn, Dennis Wilken, Denise De Nil, Tina Wunderlich, Wolfgang Rabbel, Lukas Werther, Johannes Schmidt, Christoph Zielhofer, Sven Linzen (2019) Comparison of time-domain SH waveform inversion strategies based on sequential low and bandpass filtered data for improved resolution in near-surface prospecting, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 160, 69-83
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The results of a marine survey aimed at detecting archaeological targets in coastal areas by means the integration of different geophysical methods (multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution seismic, geoelectric and magnetism) are presented. The case study is a shipwreck recognised off the shore of Agropoli town (Salerno, southern Italy) over a sandy sea-bottom at about 5 m of water depth. Each geophysical method has its peculiarity and detection capability depending on a wide range of factors such as: Geological setting, consistency and grain size of sea-bottom sediments, burial and nature (e.g. metallic/non metallic) of the targets, water depth, etc. It is worth stressing that there is a high reduction of the ambiguities inherent in each method when a multiple approach strategy is adopted. We believe that this type of investigation may contribute to establishing a quality standard for such a category of surveys that can be adopted by local administrators and coastal managers wherever archaeological exploration is required.
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We present a novel technique for the determination of resistivity structures associated with arbitrary surface topography. The approach represents a triple-grid inversion technique that is based on unstructured tetrahedral meshes and finite-element forward calculation. The three grids are characterized as follows: A relatively coarse parameter grid defines the elements whose resistivities are to be determined. On the secondary field grid the forward calculations in each inversion step are carried out using a secondary potential (SP) approach. The primary fields are provided by a one-time simulation on the highly refined primary field grid at the beginning of the inversion process. We use a Gauss–Newton method with inexact line search to fit the data within error bounds. A global regularization scheme using special smoothness constraints is applied. The regularization parameter compromising data misfit and model roughness is determined by an L-curve method and finally evaluated by the discrepancy principle. To solve the inverse subproblem efficiently, a least-squares solver is presented. We apply our technique to synthetic data from a burial mound to demonstrate its effectiveness. A resolution-dependent parametrization helps to keep the inverse problem small to cope with memory limitations of today's standard PCs. Furthermore, the SP calculation reduces the computation time significantly. This is a crucial issue since the forward calculation is generally very time consuming. Thus, the approach can be applied to large-scale 3-D problems as encountered in practice, which is finally proved on field data. As a by-product of the primary potential calculation we obtain a quantification of the topography effect and the corresponding geometric factors. The latter are used for calculation of apparent resistivities to prevent the reconstruction process from topography induced artefacts.
The city of Iznik, called Nikaia or Nicaea in ancient times, is located in northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Nicaea is renowned especially for the first Council of Nicaea convened by the Roman emperor Constantine in ad 325 in an attempt to unify the Church. During an international field course on the geophysical exploration of archaeological targets we detected the remains of a small previously unknown Byzantine church on a fallow lot of land inside the city. The church is oriented parallel to the ancient Hippodamian street grid that deviates from the modern street system of the quarter by ~45°. We found the contours of the nave, two aisles and three apses as well as evidence of a partly refilled grave. The geophysical measurements indicate that the foundations of the church consist of low-porosity hard rock with a low magnetic susceptibility, probably limestone or sandstone embedded in fluvial sediments. The field study is based on ground-penetrating radar (GPR), magnetics, electric resistivity tomography (ERT) and microgravimetry. It highlights the strength and necessity of combining different geophysical methods in exploring and characterizing archaeological sites. In fact, the foundation walls of the church do not show any magnetic anomaly but could be delineated clearly only by GPR. The wall remains appear as highly resistive spots in ERT. By converting the three-dimensional GPR image into an electric resistivity model we could verify that the ERT results fully correspond to the ruins found by GPR. The structure interpreted as a loosely refilled grave is indicated mainly by a weak gravity anomaly (~9 μGal) and a diffuse reflection pattern in GPR. Electric forward modelling shows that this structure leads to an additional increase of a high resistivity anomaly, which is primarily caused by foundation rocks, but it cannot be resolved within the ERT pattern a priori. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A marine electric resistivity survey was carried out over a submerged beach along the Agropoli shore (Salerno, Italy) to detect buried objects of archaeological interest below the sandy seabed. We found a shipwreck, a military vessel that probably sunk during the Salerno landing operations of the allied forces in the Second World War. Resistivity data provide information on the vertical and horizontal extension of the shipwreck, which is characterized by very low calculated resistivity values (about 2–5 ohmm). Such values differ significantly from the sand and the bedrock values (5–40ohmm). Although the presence of the shipwreck is clearly visible from geoelectric data, the joint application of electric, magnetic and multibeam bathymetric techniques reduces the ambiguities inherent in each method. As shown in the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and confirmed by the Digital Elevation Model (obtained from the processing of bathymetric data), the shipwreck extends more than 30m in NE–SW direction and it is about 13m wide. The global extension of the relic is consistent with the magnetic data, that are characterized by a magnetic anomaly with an amplitude of about 1800nT and similar dimension, as inferred from the estimation of source boundaries obtained from the computation of the analytic signal. The results of our survey encourage the use of marine geoelectrical methods for the detection of buried archaeological targets, particularly in locations where the use of seismic prospecting is not effective (e.g. very shallow water with sandy sea-bottoms). The integration of different geophysical methods allows to better define the extension, depth and thickness of buried objects, suggesting that such an approach is the most effective for underwater archaeological investigations.
  • G Koop
  • K-P Schmolke
Koop G, Schmolke K-P. Die Panzerschiffe der Deutschland-Klasse. Schiffsklassen und Schiffstypen der deutschen Marine 4 (Bonn 1993).