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The Role of Text To Speech Assistive Technology to Improve Reading Ability in E-Learning for ADHD Students



This study aims to determine the role of text to speech assistive technology on the reading ability of ADHD students in learning using e-learning. The ability of ADHD students who have impulsive and hyperactive behavior shows that students who are diagnosed will have difficulty focusing on one thing as a result of coordination functions and emotional responses that affect learning abilities, especially in reading. To improve reading skills, the use of assistive text to speech technology is needed by students during e-learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of text to speech assistive technology to improve the reading ability of ADHD students in reading spelling of words, with a clear voice and straightforward word emphasis. The method used in this study is Single Subject Research (SSR) using the ABA technique. Instruments to determine the level of reading ability of ADHD students are observation and documentation. The results showed that the role of text to speech assistive technology to improve reading skills in e-learning for ADHD students made progress in spelling words and with clear vowels and straightforward word emphasis. It can be concluded that the role of text to speech assistive technology to improve reading skills in e-learning for ADHD students is highly recommended to be applied in every e-learning lesson. It can be concluded that the role of text to speech assistive technology to improve reading skills in e-learning for ADHD students is highly recommended to be applied in every e-learning lesson.
Journal of ICSAR
ISSN (print): 2548-8619; ISSN (online): 2548-8600
Volume 6 Number 2; DOI:
The Role of Text To Speech Assistive Technology to Improve Reading
Ability in E-Learning for ADHD Students
Dessy Rizky Nuraini Herawati1*, WiwikWidajati2, Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah3
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of text to speech assistive technology on
the reading ability of ADHD students in learning using e-learning. The ability of ADHD
students who have impulsive and hyperactive behavior shows that students who are
diagnosed will have difficulty focusing on one thing as a result of coordination functions
and emotional responses that affect learning abilities, especially in reading. To improve
reading skills, the use of assistive text to speech technology is needed by students during e-
learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of text to speech assistive
technology to improve the reading ability of ADHD students in reading spelling of words,
with a clear voice and straightforward word emphasis. The method used in this study is
Single Subject Research (SSR) using the ABA technique. Instruments to determine the
level of reading ability of ADHD students are observation and documentation. The results
showed that the role of text to speech assistive technology to improve reading skills in e-
learning for ADHD students made progress in spelling words and with clear vowels and
straightforward word emphasis. It can be concluded that the role of text to speech assistive
technology to improve reading skills in e-learning for ADHD students is highly
recommended to be applied in every e-learning lesson. It can be concluded that the role of
text to speech assistive technology to improve reading skills in e-learning for ADHD
students is highly recommended to be applied in every e-learning lesson.
Keywords: Assistive Technology; Text To Speech; Reading Ability; E-Learning; ADHD
Article 5 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that
citizens who have physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and/or social disorders are entitled
to special education. This regulation stipulates that the rights and obligations of every citizen
have the same opportunity to obtain a proper education even though they have abnormalities
in themselves. This special education is intended for those who experience physical,
emotional, social, mental intellectual limitations that affect the growth and development
process that is not appropriate for children their age.
ADHD is a type of child with special needs which stands for Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. Students with ADHD will have problems with active/hyperactive
behavior, impulsive behavior and difficulty focusing/concentrating. In line with the
understanding Baihaqi and Sugiarmin (in Adiputra et al., 2018) provide an overview of
ADHD students who experience brain dysfunction and result in difficulty in controlling
impulsivity, inhibiting behavior and not supporting their attention span. Based on DSM IV, the
first characteristic of ADHD is inattention, namely difficulty in paying attention which results
in academics such as completing tasks and various social situations. The second is impulsivity
or difficulty in holding back the urge. The third is hyperactivity or difficulty controlling
movement. Based on the characteristics of ADHD, it greatly affects school academic
achievement because it affects the way of learning.
170 Journal of ICSAR; Volume 6, Number 2, July 2022, 169 - 174
Although ADHD students have difficulties in participating in learning, ADHD students
have an average IQ so these ADHD students are not unable to learn well, but inattention,
hyperactivity and impulsivity that are not suitable for children their age make ADHD students
not ready to learn. But the lack of attention due to difficulties in listening, directing, and
paying attention to something that is bad is experienced by ADHD students and results in
tasks that are not completed because of difficulties in completing the assigned tasks (Yusri,
2016). As a result of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, these ADHD students will
experience reading disorders which result in poor reading skills, this can be seen in the
mastery of reading skills, namely reading words and sentences, decoding and reading
comprehension (Gray & Climie, 2007).
This greatly affects when distance learning must use e-learning and currently the
dependence of the world of education on e-learning is increasingly real. E-Learning is an
information and communication technology to enable students to learn wherever and
whenever (Hartanto, 2016). This e-learning learning will require students to be active
independently at all learning times and be responsible for the implementation of learning
taking place using information technology (Chusna, 2019). The current use of information
technology with the existence of e-learning is quite effective when used for distance learning,
but for ADHD students this learning will make students bored and tired.
When ADHD students understand the existing learning, it will be difficult to read the
material displayed on the computer screen during e-learning due to inattention, hyperactivity,
and impulsivity, which will experience a lack of focus and result in impaired reading. ADHD
students will usually do other things when asked to read the material on the screen during e-
learning. Thus, the existing learning process will be meaningless and result in missing the
existing lessons and lack of understanding of the material presented.
Reading ability is reading accuracy and understanding of the overall reading content
(Tampubolon in Lalily, 2014). Reading activities have a very big influence on any activities at
school. This will affect students who do not understand in reading or do not have the ability to
read will have difficulty when learning. With the current information technology, teachers can
use it to improve reading skills for ADHD students. In terms of reading and understanding the
content of reading, ADHD students will have difficulty, but the development of technology is
now growing very rapidly with the existence of assistive technology.
This assistive technology is used to assist and train during the learning process (Suwahyo,
2022). There are many assistive technologies that can help ADHD students improve reading
skills, one of which is text to speech. Text to speech technology that is able to take words on
smartphones, tablets and computers that convert them into audio can also be used to read a file
that outputs also in audio form (Filbert et al, 2021). So this can help ADHD students improve
reading skills by always hearing the words spoken through audio text to speech students are
expected to be able to read word spelling well, clear voice intonation and clear word
The method used in this study is an experimental research method which means as a
quantitative research approach to examine the causal relationship of a treatment (Sukmadinata,
2017). In this experimental research method, one of them uses a single subject or one
commonly referred to as Single Subject Research (SSR). With this SSR research approach, it
is an experiment conducted on an object that aims to determine the extent of the effect of
certain treatments under controlled conditions (Sugiyono, 2015). This study uses a single
subject design that performs comparisons between the baseline phases, namely the ABA
design. What is meant by these phases are the phase without treatment, the intervention phase
with treatment, and the repetition of the baseline phase. The subjects of this study were 2nd
Herawati, Widayati, & Sartinah, The Role of Text to Speech Assistive Technology 171
Class ADHD students at the Montesesori School. The independent variable in this research is
Assistive Text To Speech Technology with the dependent variable in this study is the ability to
read in e-learning learning. By collecting data using an observation and documentation system
with data analysis techniques, namely condition analysis and analysis between conditions
using descriptive statistics.
The data displayed is the result of direct observation by researchers for approximately 20
Figure 1. Results of reading ability in ADHD students during e-learning in the baseline phase (A1)
In the baseline phase (A1) the reading ability of ADHD students before being given the
intervention can be seen that the ability to read spelling of words is still low with word
intonation and word emphasis that has not been straightforward. The researcher gave a test by
reading the text given in accordance with the learning materials given from school by giving 4
sessions with 30 minutes each session for ADHD children. Each session is carried out in three
material topics with the first explanation to measure the ability to read spelling of words, the
second is to read by measuring the intonation of words, and the third is to read to measure the
emphasis of words.
Figure 2. Results of reading ability in ADHD students during e-learning with the application of text to
speech assistive technology in the intervention phase (B)
In the intervention phase (B) the reading ability of ADHD students who applied assistive
text to speech technology in e-learning was carried out for 12 sessions with each session given
60 minutes showing a stable increase when given treatment or application of the assistive
technology. Seen from treatment A1 to B showed improvement and stability. By spelling good
words, clear intonation and direct emphasis. In this phase, the researcher provides material that
is read by text to speech assistive technology, then the child is taught to read the words that
have been spoken on the technology and the child follows it. Researchers dissect the words in
172 Journal of ICSAR; Volume 6, Number 2, July 2022, 169 - 174
the text of the material into syllables and teach children how to read the syllables according to
intonation with the help of technology, namely following the issued speech. After teaching
how to read words and syllables, children are asked to read sentences that have been read and
keep repeating them with 3 different materials.
Figure 3. Results of reading ability in ADHD students during e-learning after being given the application
of text to speech assistive technology in the baseline phase 2 (A2).
The reading ability of ADHD students after being given treatment with the application of
text to speech technology, namely in the baseline phase 2 (A2) in e-learning, the baseline
conditions showed that ADHD students remained on the verge of stability at numbers 9 and 10
this was due to children's interest in learning that took place because the technology was very
help. In this phase, the researcher conducted another test such as baseline 1 (A1) for 2 sessions
with 30 minutes each session and 2 learning sessions during the learning process. By using the
same test format and the same implementation procedures, conclusions are drawn from the
results of the overall research that has been carried out.
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of text to speech assistive technology on
reading skills in ADHD children during e-learning which includes reading with spelling, word
intonation and word emphasis. As is well known, text to speech assistive technology is very
helpful for ADHD students because it gives examples of reading texts and reading readings
that students do not understand. Basically, assistive technology is to help students with special
needs in doing their tasks by using computer access (Suwahyo et al, 2022). This makes
students more interested and helpful in doing any given task and can take part in learning
during e-learning that faces gadgets during learning. As is well known, these ADHD students
have difficulty in capturing lessons, learning difficulties, and poor reading and thinking skills.
When using text-to-speech assistive technology, ADHD students showed increasing reading
skills with clearer types of sounds and clearer word emphasis in each session. This shows that
in helping students who have difficulty in reading can use assistive technology in the form of
spell checking software to support students in evaluating grammar (Smith & Hattingh, 2020).
When using text-to-speech assistive technology, ADHD students showed increasing reading
skills with clearer types of sounds and clearer word emphasis in each session. This shows that
in helping students who have difficulty in reading can use assistive technology in the form of
spell checking software to support students in evaluating grammar (Smith & Hattingh, 2020).
When using text-to-speech assistive technology, ADHD students showed increasing reading
skills with clearer types of sounds and clearer word emphasis in each session. This shows that
in helping students who have difficulty in reading can use assistive technology in the form of
spell checking software to support students in evaluating grammar (Smith & Hattingh, 2020).
Based on the results of data processing and data analysis, the overall use of this
technology has a positive effect on reading ability. This result is shown by the percentage of
Herawati, Widayati, & Sartinah, The Role of Text to Speech Assistive Technology 173
reading ability before and after the intervention by applying this technology, it shows that the
subject's data acquisition has increased between the initial ability of the two subjects at
baseline 1 to the ability of the two subjects after being given the intervention (Baseline 2) with
a mean level comparison of 21% and in the second phase baseline 2 experienced an increase in
the ability obtained by 49%.
Based on the results of the analysis of the data that has been presented using the ABA
design, it can be said that the application of this technology can improve reading skills in
ADHD students during e-learning, namely learning during school. Text to speech technology
that is able to take words on smartphones, tablets and computers that convert them into audio
can also be used to read a file that outputs also in audio form (Filbert et al, 2021). This
assistive text to speech technology shows that by combining visual skills, namely looking at
the text screen during e-learning learning and auditory listening to readings, it can improve the
ability to read with words correctly and increase vocabulary because they often hear words
that are stuck in students' memories.
E-learning is a form of learning that uses electronic technology, it is a form of
conventional learning as outlined in digital format through internet technology (Mais, 2016).
In line with the assistive text to speech technology that is applied to e-learning learning using
electronic technology as a form of learning media, it is able to support ADHD students who
have inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior resulting in poor reading skills, this can
be seen in the mastery of reading skills, namely reading words. as well as sentences, decoding
and reading comprehension (Gray & Climie, 2016).
However, the research has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this advantage, the use of
text-to-speech assistive technology can be used on any smartphone and is easily accessible and
the child's interest is higher because the sound produced attracts attention but the lack of using
this technology is when the signal used is not good, it will cause delays when learning takes
place, as a result sometimes lessons learned and readings read are sometimes delayed and can
leave ADHD students confused.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the role of text to speech assistive
technology in improving reading skills in e-learning learning for ADHD students is correctly
seen from the type of sound that is issued, the clearer the sound and the clearer the word
emphasis can be seen from the results before and after the intervention used according to the
procedure. and the child's condition is good. The application of this text to speech assistive
technology should continue with assistance because it uses electronic media where students
still have not fully mastered the electronic media.
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About ADHD in Early Childhood Education, North Denpasar District: Description Of Family
Knowledge Level About ADHD In Early Childhood Education Sub-District Of North Denpasar.
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Education (Vol. 2, No. 1, Pp. 113-117). DOI: 10.30998/prokaluni.v2i0.36
Filbert, E., Intan, R., & Palit, HN (2021). Making Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Mobile Applications "Saying" by Using Text to Speech to Help Communication for Children with
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Gray, C., & Climie, EA (2016). Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder And Reading
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Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the Indonesian Education System
Yusri, F. (2016). Behavioral Counseling Model for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
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... TTS-Systeme können auf verschiedenen Geräten und Anwendungen genutzt werden, z.B. Smartphones, Tablets und Computer, was sie zu einer leicht zugänglichen Technologie macht (Herawati, Widajati & Sartinah, 2022). Studien zeigen, dass sich der Einsatz von TTS positiv auf das Leseverstehen von Personen mit Leseschwierigkeiten auswirkt (Wood et al., 2018) und sich Personen mit Lese-/Rechtschreibschwäche mit Unterstützung von TTS besser auf die Aufgaben-stellung konzentrieren können, als wenn sie den Text in eigenem Tempo ohne TTS gelesen haben (Bonifacci et al., 2021;auch Perelmutter, McGregor & Gordon, 2017). ...
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... TTS-Systeme können auf verschiedenen Geräten und Anwendungen genutzt werden, z.B. Smartphones, Tablets und Computer, was sie zu einer leicht zugänglichen Technologie macht (Herawati, Widajati & Sartinah, 2022). Studien zeigen, dass sich der Einsatz von TTS positiv auf das Leseverstehen von Personen mit Leseschwierigkeiten auswirkt (Wood et al., 2018) und sich Personen mit Lese-/Rechtschreibschwäche mit Unterstützung von TTS besser auf die Aufgaben-stellung konzentrieren können, als wenn sie den Text in eigenem Tempo ohne TTS gelesen haben (Bonifacci et al., 2021;auch Perelmutter, McGregor & Gordon, 2017). ...
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This research focuses on the use of assistivetechnology (AT) and the learning journey for students withattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Ithighlights the right to education for all citizens, includingthose with special needs, and the government's responsibilityto provide appropriate education. Students with ADHD facechallenges in their learning due to hyperactivity, impulsivity,and concentration difficulties. Special education services andaccommodations are available under relevant laws. AT,including digital technology, plays a vital role in supportingstudents with disabilities. It enhances access to educationalmaterials, facilitates participation, and promotescommunication and collaboration. The proposed researchaims to explore the use of AT and develop tailored strategiesfor students with ADHD. Individual program plansincorporating AT and educational adjustments will beconsidered to optimize their learning experience. Byaddressing their specific needs and providing a supportiveenvironment, students with ADHD can improve their skills,independence, and academic achievements. This researchaims to promote their overall well-being and integration intosociety.
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The goal of this research review is to identify assistive technologies available to support students with dyslexia. The study reports on how accessible these technologies are, as well as the impact these technologies can have on the students if they are adopted. The main focus of the review lies on identifying assistive technologies that can help students with dyslexia but investigation is also done into the surrounding and closely related topics of accessibility, acceptance and impact of the technology as well as trying to understand some aspects of the dyslexia disability to better understand how the technologies can aid these students and help to rehabilitate them. Based on information gathered from previous research, the study tries to find a weak spot in the field of assistive technologies and tries to determine how it can be bettered.
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Reading is a multifaceted skillset that has the potential to profoundly impact a child’s academic performance and achievement. Mastery of reading skills is often an area of difficulty for children during their academic journey, particularly for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Reading (SLD-R), or children with a comorbid diagnosis of both ADHD and SLD-R. ADHD is characterized by executive functioning and impulse control deficits, as well as inattention and impulsivity. Among the academic struggles experienced by children with ADHD are challenges with word reading, decoding, or reading comprehension. Similarly, children with SLD-R frequently encounter difficulties in the development of appropriate reading skills. SLD-R incorporates dysfunctions in basic visual and auditory processes that result in difficulties with decoding and spelling words. There have been limited empirical studies investigating the efficacy of interventions to improve the reading ability of children with both ADHD and SLD-R. Research studies that have focused on reading interventions for children from this population have predominantly included the use of medication treatments with stimulants (e.g., methylphenidate) and non-stimulants (e.g., atomoxetine). This review paper will present and integrate findings from empirical studies on successful medication treatments for children with comorbid ADHD and SLD-R. Furthermore, this paper will extend findings from empirically successful medication treatments to provide directions for future research.
Description of Family Knowledge Level About ADHD in Early Childhood Education, North Denpasar District: Description Of Family Knowledge Level About ADHD In Early Childhood Education Sub-District Of North Denpasar
  • Ims Adiputra
  • Nwt Trisnadewi
  • Parlin
  • Gaku
Adiputra, IMS, Trisnadewi, NWT, & Parlin, GAKU (2018). Description of Family Knowledge Level About ADHD in Early Childhood Education, North Denpasar District: Description Of Family Knowledge Level About ADHD In Early Childhood Education Sub-District Of North Denpasar. Bali Medika Journal, 5(1), 8-20.
Making Augmentative and Alternative Communication Mobile Applications "Saying" by Using Text to Speech to Help Communication for Children with
  • E Filbert
  • R Intan
  • Palit
  • Hn
Filbert, E., Intan, R., & Palit, HN (2021). Making Augmentative and Alternative Communication Mobile Applications "Saying" by Using Text to Speech to Help Communication for Children with Autism. Infra Journal, 9(2), 52-56.
The Use of E-Learning as a Learning Media
  • W Hartanto
Hartanto, W. (2016). The Use of E-Learning as a Learning Media. Journal of Economic Education: Scientific Journal of Education, Economics and Social Sciences, 10(1).
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Laily, IF (2014). Relationship between Reading Comprehension Ability and Ability to Understand Elementary School Math Story Problems. Eduma: Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching, 3(1).
Learning Media for Children with Special Needs (ABK): Reference Books for Teachers, Students and the Public
  • A Mais
Mais, A. (2016). Learning Media for Children with Special Needs (ABK): Reference Books for Teachers, Students and the Public. Eternal Library.
Utilization of Assistive Technology in Inclusive Education
  • Suwahyo
  • Bw
  • P Setyosari
  • H Praherdhiono
Suwahyo, BW, Setyosari, P., & Praherdhiono, H. (2022). Utilization of Assistive Technology in Inclusive Education. Edcomtech: Journal of Educational Technology Studies, 7(1), 51-63. DOI: 10.17977/um039v7i12022p055
Behavioral Counseling Model for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who are Marginalized in Education
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the Indonesian Education System Yusri, F. (2016). Behavioral Counseling Model for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who are Marginalized in Education. Al-Taujih Journal: Islamic Guidance and Counseling Frame, 2(2), 1-11.