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The Outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

  • Save the Elephants
  • Wildlife Research and Training Institute
  • Save the Elephants


This management piece documents the outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East National Park, Kenya in November 2021. The translocation aimed to reduce human-elephant conflict in the area and to prevent any retaliation toward the elephants. This was achieved by removing the 'problem elephant group', however the aim of resettling the elephants in Tsavo was not achieved, as the group fragmented and some swiftly moved far outside the release site. Two elephants, which we were able to monitor through satellite collars, exhibited homing behaviour and both left Tsavo East National Park within 1-7 weeks of being released. If translocation continues to be the method of choice for problem elephants, there is a need for thorough planning and sound science to inform future operations, which should include collaring of each individual. Trained personnel and substantial budgeting for post release monitoring, and any potential conflict-reduction interventions, are therefore key management considerations for ensuring the health and wellbeing of translocated elephants in the future. In the long-term, focusing mitigation management on a larger number of habitual crop-raiders will have more impact and be a more effective approach for elephant managers. This could involve better spatial land-use planning, maintenance of corridors between protected areas, negative conditioning tactics and maintenance and upgrading of barriers.
91Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
The outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo
East National Park, Kenya
Lydia Tiller1,2*, Lucy King1,3, Fredrick Lala4, Frank Pope1, Chris Thouless1, Jake Wall5, Iain
1Save the Elephants, PO Box 54667, Nairobi 00200, Kenya
2Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
3Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
4Wildlife Research and Training Institute, PO Box 842, Naivasha 20117, Kenya
5Mara Elephant Project, PO Box 2606, Nairobi 00502, Kenya
*corresponding author:
This management piece documents the outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East
National Park, Kenya in November 2021. The translocation aimed to reduce human-elephant conict in the
area and to prevent any retaliation toward the elephants. This was achieved by removing the ‘problem elephant
group’, however the aim of resettling the elephants in Tsavo was not achieved, as the group fragmented and
some swiftly moved far outside the release site. Two elephants, which we were able to monitor through
satellite collars, exhibited homing behaviour and both left Tsavo East National Park within 1–7 weeks of
being released. If translocation continues to be the method of choice for problem elephants, there is a need
for thorough planning and sound science to inform future operations, which should include collaring of
each individual. Trained personnel and substantial budgeting for post release monitoring, and any potential
conict-reduction interventions, are therefore key management considerations for ensuring the health and
wellbeing of translocated elephants in the future. In the long-term, focusing mitigation management on a
larger number of habitual crop-raiders will have more impact and be a more eective approach for elephant
managers. This could involve better spatial land-use planning, maintenance of corridors between protected
areas, negative conditioning tactics and maintenance and upgrading of barriers.
Ce document relatif à la gestion des éléphants rend compte du bilan de la translocation de plusieurs sujets
depuis Isiolo jusqu’au parc national de Tsavo Est au Kenya en novembre 2021. L’objectif était de réduire les
conits humains-éléphants dans la zone et d’éviter toute forme de représailles de la part des habitants. Les
« éléphants problématiques » ont donc été délocalisés, mais l’ambition initiale de les établir dans Tsavo Est
n’a pu être nalisée du fait de la fragmentation du groupe après la remise en liberté et de certains éléments
s’étant rapidement déplacés loin du site de lâcher. Deux sujets, que nous avons pu suivre grâce à leur collier
GPS, ont montré un comportement instinctif de retour vers leur habitat précédent et tous deux ont quitté le
parc national de Tsavo Est dans les sept semaines suivant leur introduction. Si la méthode de la translocation
continue d’être privilégiée pour les éléphants problématiques, il sera nécessaire de s’appuyer sur une
planication rigoureuse et des données scientiques solides pour les prochaines opérations, ainsi que sur la
mise en place de colliers émetteurs sur chacun des individus. Du personnel formé et un budget substantiel,
pour la post-introduction des animaux et les interventions potentielles de réduction des conits, sont donc
les clefs pour une gestion de qualité et pour assurer le bien-être et la bonne santé des éléphants transférés à
l’avenir. À long terme, il convient d’accentuer les interventions d’atténuation envers un plus grand nombre
92 Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
Tiller et al.
d’éléphants habitués à piller les cultures, an d’avoir un réel impact et une approche plus ecace pour
les personnes chargées de leur gestion. Cela peut se traduire par une meilleure planication de l’usage
des terres, l’entretien des couloirs biologiques entre les zones protégées, des tactiques de conditionnement
négatif et la maintenance ou l’amélioration des barrières.
Translocation is a management tool involving
relocation of wild animals from one part of their
range to another. It is often used to re-establish or
boost a population that is considered too small.
Elephant translocations are also used to reduce
the population in small areas and to mitigate
human-elephant conict (HEC), when a small
number of individual elephants are responsible
for many conict incidents (IUCN 1998).
Translocations are challenging and often fail or
see limited success, documented in a number
of case studies from Asia and Africa (Fernando
et al. 2012; Pinter-Wollman 2009; Tiller et al.
2022). The success of translocating animals
depends on the ability of the individual to survive
by nding key resources, avoiding predation and
human settlement, and later on reproducing in an
unfamiliar environment (Berger-Tal et al. 2020).
In East Africa, elephant translocations are still
relatively rare compared to South Africa, where
the rst translocation was in the 1970’s and, since
then, has been fairly common practice because
of the large number of small, highly managed
populations (Dublin and Niskanen 2003).
The rst translocation in Kenya took place in
September 1995 when Kenya Wildlife Service
(KWS) moved 26 elephants during ve dierent
operations from Mwea National Reserve (NR) to
Tsavo East National Park (TENP), a largely unfenced
area. Since then, TENP has become the main release
site for other elephant translocations in Kenya (Table
During the rst translocations in Kenya in 1995
and 1996, ve of the elephants died (three during
immobilisation and two a few days after release).
Monitoring of the remaining 21 elephants was not
undertaken and so the success of the operation post-
release remains unclear (Njumbi et al. 1996). Since
then, there have been at least 18 other elephant
translocation events in Kenya, with release sites of
seven being Tsavo East NP (Table 1). Most of these
translocations were a response to overpopulations of
elephants in certain areas and to HEC.
Within these translocation operations in Kenya,
there are several documented cases of mortality (Muir
2000; Pinter-Wollman et al. 2009; Tiller et al. 2022),
a continuation of ‘problem’ behaviours such as crop
raiding and fence breaking (Pinter-Wollman et al.
2009; Tiller et al. 2022) and ‘homing behaviour’,
where the elephants reject their release site and try to
return home to their home location or natal territory,
often moving through human dominated landscapes in
the process (Muir 2000; Pinter-Wollman et al. 2009).
This short paper documents the outcome of an
elephant translocation from Kithima in Isiolo County
Year From To Total Source
1995–1996 Mwea NR Tsavo East NP 16 Njumbi et al. 1996
1999 Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary Tsavo East NP 28 Muir 2000
2000 Shimba Hills NR Tsavo East NP 4 Litoroh et al. 2001
2005 himba Hills NR Tsavo East NP 150 Pinter-Wollman 2009
2006 Shimba Hills NR Tsavo East NP 76 KWS darting protocol
2006 Ngulia, rhino Valley Tsavo East NP 220 Okita 2008
2016 Chyulu Hills Tsavo East NP 1 Lala pers. comm. 2022
2018 Borana/Lewa/Solio conservancies Tsavo East NP 5Tiller et al .2022
Table 1. Elephant translocations in Kenya where the release site was in Tsavo East National Park (NP)
93Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
The outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East National Park, Kenya
to Tsavo East NP on 26 November 2021. Two
elephants were tted with satellite collars and
were part of a group of seven elephants that
was designated for translocation. They had been
identied as ‘problem elephants’ by the KWS,
based on reported incidents of crop raiding, and
had been observed ‘roaming’ through human
settlements. The elephants were also reported
walking within the busy town of Isiolo. KWS
carried out several mitigation operations to
chase away the elephants from the community,
but to no avail as the elephants frequently
returned. Consequently, community members
were becoming angry about the situation and
threatened to poison the elephants. Thus, with
mounting tensions and the threats the elephants
posed to human livelihoods and life, the
decision was made to capture and translocate the
elephants to Tsavo East NP. The fate of the other
ve elephants (three that were translocated and
two that were not found before the translocation
operation) remains unknown.
Five of seven target elephants (three sub-adult
males, one male calf and one female adult) were
located, tranquilised from helicopters, loaded
into crates, and then transported separately by
road to TENP in a journey that took between
12 and 18 hours. Upon arrival in TENP, all ve
were released immediately on the 28 November
2022. All national protocols on capture and
animal handling were followed (KWS 2016).
The translocation was to be carried out in two
operations due to limited space in the transport
vehicles, but upon return for the second phase
of the operation the two remaining elephants
could not be found. Two of the sub-adult male
elephants, named Isiolo and Njoroge, were tted
with satellite collars (Savannah Tracking GL200
GPS). These collars consisted of a GPS unit, a
VHF transmitter beacon and a battery integrated
into one unit. The collars were tted by a team
including a veterinarian from the KWS. All the
tracking collars were set to acquire GPS xes at
1–hour intervals. Movement data were projected
on the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
WGS-84 reference system.
Isiolo was observed twice during a collared
elephant aerial monitoring exercise undertaken by the
Tsavo Trust, where photos were taken and observations
recorded. However, Njoroge was not observed whilst
in TENP, as he left the park shortly after release.
The sub-adult elephant Njoroge was hard-released near
Gazi on the eastern side of the Yatta Plateau, north of
the Galana river, in TENP. This area at the time had
adequate vegetation and is near two rivers, the Galana
and the Tiva. As soon as Njoroge was released, he
exhibited homing behaviour, as he started to travel
north-east through the park in the direction of Isiolo.
He was observed during this time without any other
members of his group or other individuals. Five days
after release, Njoroge had left TENP. He continued
to travel north crossing the Tiva river and three
roads, including a main tarmac road (Thika-Garissa
highway) before reaching Garissa, an area of historical
insecurity challenges. Unfortunately, Njoroge’s collar
stopped reporting on 5 February 2022 when he was
approximately 370 km from the release site, 31 km
from Kora NP, 38 km from Rahole NR and 100 km
from Meru NP (Figure 1). Several attempts have been
made to nd Njoroge and remove or replace his collar,
though have so far all have been unsuccessful.
The other sub-adult male, Isiolo, was released at the
same location as Njoroge, and from day one he also
exhibited homing behaviour, as he started to travel
north-west within TENP. He was observed during this
time without any of the members of the group with
whom he was translocated. However, his movements
north were prevented by an electric fence on the park
boundary. He then walked up and down the fence
repeatedly until, in early January, he set o south and
west of the Yatta Plateau, crossing the Tiva river.
On 7 January 2022, Isiolo left the park and entered
community farmland in the Ngiluni area. He was
initially unable to leave this area, as he could not cross
the two-strand electric fence that had been recently
erected between the community area and national
park. He walked along the fence line trying to nd
a way back into TENP (Figure 1). On 18 January
2022, there was an attempt by KWS, Tsavo Trust
and the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to push Isiolo back
into the park using helicopters (Fig. 2). However, this
attempt was unsuccessful. Isiolo eventually made his
way into TENP by crossing back over the Tiva river.
94 Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
Tiller et al.
Figure 1. Movement tracks of the two translocated bull elephants, Isiolo and Njoroge, after translocation
from northern Kenya to the Tsavo East National Park. (© Maps drawn by Lydia Tiller)
95Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
The outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East National Park, Kenya
Figure 2. Helicopter trying to push Isiolo back into Tsavo East National Park on 18 January
2022. This management intervention attempt was unsuccessful. (© Image courtesy of
Tsavo Trust)
He then stayed on the west of the Yatta Plateau
and travelled west. He spent time close to the
Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and walked
up and down, presumably looking for a place
to cross. On 18 April 2022 at around 11pm, he
crossed under the SGR railway using one of the
wildlife underpasses (called Kanga corridor) and
also crossed the tarmac of the busy Mombasa
highway. He then entered and traversed Tsavo
West NP, travelling west before he left the Tsavo
West NP on 24 April 2022. He then spent time
in the Rombo community grazing area, close to
the Tsavo river. He then travelled north again
to Mbirikani community area where he stayed
in grazing areas, and at times walked close to
agricultural land. Here, he was approximately 138
km west from his translocation drop-o location.
This short paper describes the elephant
translocation operation from Isiolo to TENP in
Kenya and documents the interesting behaviour
displayed by the two translocated elephants,
who were collared. The translocation aimed to
prevent the local community from taking retaliatory
action toward ‘problem elephants’ and to reduce HEC,
which was achieved in terms of removing this elephant
group. However, the objectives of the mission in terms
of the group settling in the designated area was not
achieved. The elephant group separated and two
elephants, which we were able to monitor through the
satellite collars, exhibited homing behaviour and both
left TENP within 1–7 weeks of being released. The
elephant Njoroge is now many kilometres away from
his release site, probably getting closer to his original
home territory, but is unable to be monitored due to
the collar failing. Isiolo also left the park and spent
time in the community ranching area of the Amboseli
ecosystem. The fate of the other ve elephants (three
that were translocated and two that were not found
before the translocation operation) is unknown.
TENP has been the release site for a majority of the
translocations in Kenya, as it constitutes part of the
largest conservation area in Kenya, and until recently
was considered underpopulated by elephants (Table
1). However, the suitability of this site for future
translocations should be reconsidered, due to the
homing behaviour documented in this case study and
others (Muir 2000; Pinter-Wollman et al. 2009), high
96 Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
Tiller et al.
mortality rates (Muir 2000; Pinter-Wollman et
al. 2009; Tiller et al. 2022) and the continuation
of problem behaviours, such as crop raiding and
fence breaking (Pinter-Wollman et al. 2009; Tiller
et al. 2022). Additionally, much of TENP to the
north and east is unfenced, meaning elephants are
able to walk back towards their original range,
but often having to traverse community and
agricultural areas.
Homing behaviour, seen in these two
elephants, has also been documented in other
elephant translocations in Kenya (Pinter-
Wollman 2009); South Africa (Garai and Car
2001; Viljoen et al. 2015), Sri Lanka (Fernando
et al. 2012) and India (Lahiri-Choudhury 1993).
In a translocation of 150 elephants from the
Shimba Hills NR to TENP, 11 of the elephants
left TENP and either returned back to the Shimba
Hills or went to other sites (Pinter-Wollman et al.
2009). The elephants Isiolo and Njoroge showed
homing behaviours as it appeared they “collected
their thoughts” and then set out in a direction
that led towards home. When Isiolo encountered
physical barriers (electric fence) he made two
attempts to cross, and then seemed to give up
and embark on an exploratory course that took
him to new areas. This has been observed with
an elephant named Lugard who was captured
in an area named Hunter’s Lodge in Kenya and
translocated to Lugaard’s Falls in TENP. He rst
moved quickly back towards Hunter’s Lodge, but
after entering dense settlement, he gave up and
went on a circuitous route south of the Chyulu
Hills and eventually habituated to that area and
switched from mainly nocturnal movements
to mainly diurnal (Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton
2022, pers. Comm.). In Njoroge’s case, he broke
free quite quickly after translocation and made
an epic journey of over 370 kilometres towards
his original homeland. The longest previously
documented homing distance achieved by an
elephant was approximately 300 km following
translocation in South Africa (Viljoen et al.
Fortunately, the two elephants in this report
survived the rst few months after translocation,
although we are now only able to monitor one of
them. In other elephant translocations to TENP,
success rates have been low due to mortality;
for example, in 1999, 30 bull elephants were
translocated from Mwalugange Elephant Sanctuary
(MES) in the Shimba Hills to TENP. Of these
elephants, two died from shock and internal injuries
during the translocation itself, and one elephant died
after leaving the park and walking to a place called
Kili in coast province, where he got stuck in the
mud. The fate of the other elephants is unknown, as
only four the elephants were spotted in TENP after
the translocation (Muir 2000). Another example of
mortality occurring during translocation is of the 150
elephants translocated from the Shimba Hills NR to
TENP in 2005. While the operation was considered
successful at mitigating HEC in the Shimba Hills
vicinity, of the 109 translocated elephants with a
known fate over two months, 85 elephants survived
while 24 elephants died. This was due to a variety of
reasons: one was killed by poaching; two were shot
by the KWS; six died during transit; three died from
unknown causes; and 12 calves went missing and
presumably died. The study also found that, following
translocation, bulls and calves were more likely to
die than females (Pinter-Wollman et al. 2009). In
a 2018 translocation of ve elephants from Lewa
Conservancy to TENP, three of these elephants were
killed (two were poached and one died due to conict).
Two of the elephants were killed within four months
after being translocated, and the third elephant within
a year (Tiller et al. 2022).
Translocation of problem male elephants is
unlikely to be the most eective and humane method
to mitigate conict between people and elephants
(Boast et al. 2016; Massei et al. 2010). Translocating
problem elephants may simply shift the problem
elsewhere (Fernando et al. 2012). In a number of
studies, there has been a reported continuation of
problem behaviours such as crop raiding and fence
breaking in the new area in which the elephants have
been released. For example, in Sri Lanka, Fernando et
al. (2012) studied tracking data from 12 male Asian
elephants, who were classied as ‘problem animals’.
These elephants were captured in community areas
and translocated into national parks. All 12 elephants
left the protected areas and became involved in
incidents of HEC (fence breaking and crop raiding).
In a 2018 translocation from Lewa Conservancy to
TENP one of the elephants broke out of an electric
fence eight months after being released and spent
2% of his time in farmland, most likely crop raiding
(Tiller et al. 2022). Crop raiding behaviour can be a
trait found in a high percentage of individuals of both
97Pachyderm No. 63 July 2021—September 2022
The outcome of an elephant translocation from Isiolo to Tsavo East National Park, Kenya
sexes in a population. Thus, removing a few
habitual raiders will not necessarily solve the
problem at the source (Hahn et al. 2022). It is also
documented that crop raiding behaviour can be
passed down to younger elephants through social
learning (Chiyo et al. 2011; 2012; Evans 2015).
When translocating elephants, we must also
consider the welfare of the animals. Translocation
is likely to cause a high level of stress, including
the trauma of the translocation experience itself
and of being left alone in a new ecosystem with
unfamiliar elephants and resources (Pinter-
Wollman et al. 2009). However, a soft release,
where elephants are held in a large enclosure
for some time prior to release, may be a way
of reducing post-translocation stress and may
prevent elephants from breaking electric fences
(Dublin and Niskanen 2003; Garai and Carr
HEC continues to increase across much of the
African savannah elephant range, as the rapid
conversion of elephant habitat into agriculture
puts people on the frontline of conict with
wildlife. There is mounting political pressure
to address this conict, as tensions are rising in
communities impacted by the elephants that are
causing damage to crops or causing injury to, and
death of, people and livestock. Where large scale
fencing or installation of barriers is not feasible
or practical, translocation has often been used to
address these issues and show communities that
action is being taken. However, the relatively
low success rate of documented translocations
suggest that it is not necessarily the most eective
solution for problem elephants: nancial costs
are incurred, welfare concerns are created, and
problems may be translocated along with the
elephant. Focusing mitigation management on
a larger number of elephant habitual raiders
will have more impact in the long-term and be
a more eective management tactic for elephant
managers. This could involve better spatial land-
use planning, maintenance of corridors between
protected areas, negative conditioning tactics and
the maintenance and upgrading of barriers.
If translocation continues to be the method
of choice for problem elephants, there is a need for
thorough planning and sound science to inform future
operations, which should include collaring of each
individual. Trained personnel and a substantial budget
for post release monitoring, and any potential conict-
reduction interventions, are therefore key management
considerations for ensuring the health and wellbeing
of translocated elephants in the future.
Thanks to the Director General of Kenya Wildlife
Service who authorised this research, and who?
initiated this collaborative research. Special thanks
to Nick Haller at Tsavo Trust for conducting aerial
monitoring of the collared elephants and to Mara
Elephant Project and Space for Giants for providing
the collars in this translocation operation.
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... For instance, 60 people were killed by elephants in Zimbabwe in 2022, and an estimated 72 in 2021 (Musengi 2022). These fatalities risk lower tolerance towards elephants amongst local communities and in inhabited areas around the park. Figure 1 provides a brief overview of the suggested solutions to the overpopulation and the subsequent interactions with humans which includes surface water management (Owen-Smith et al. 2006, Chamaillé-Jammes et al. 2007), translocations (Lebas 2002, Van Aarde and Jackson 2007, Tiller et al. 2021, habitat expansion and corridor creation (Van Aarde and Jackson 2007, Druce et al. 2008, Henley et al. 2023, contraception (Delsink et al. 2006) and culling (McNeal 1998), tourism and hunting permits (Freeman andWenzel 2009, Bunnefeld et al. 2013). In addition, farmers have tried Page 3 of 10 to use bees (King et al. 2017) and chili peppers (Chang'a et al. 2016) as means to protect crops. ...
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Sustainable coexistence with wildlife is essential for life on earth but is challenging particularly when dealing with large mammals. The numbers of African elephants, Loxodonta africana, in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe have exceeded the management goal of 5–10 000 to current estimates of 45 000. As a result, elephants leave the park in search of food, causing interactions with the local community such as damages to crops, traffic incidents and mutual aggression. We suggest management options that could support sustainable coexistence between people and elephants as well as other species by assessing the opinions among stakeholders in and around the Hwange National Park. The objective is to ensure the long‐term survival of elephants while balancing other interests. The thematic analysis of interviews and questionnaires highlighted 1) stakeholder insights into different management methods, 2) desire for increased CITES export quotas, 3) increased rights for local communities to derive benefits such as meat and tourist exploits. Both culling and hunting along with derived benefits should be considered to establish a sustainable elephant management strategy in Zimbabwe, and for large wildlife species in general.
... In Sri Lanka, translocations occur hundreds of times annually. Translocated elephants often return to their original areas (Fernando et al. 2012;Tiller et al. 2022). The translocated elephants exhibited different responses, including returning to their capture sites (homers), wandering in new areas (wanderers), and establishing themselves in new areas (settlers) shortly after release. ...
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This study comprehensively reviewed various aspects of population status, distribution, conflict situations, and conservation strategies for managing human-elephant conflicts (HECs). The primary goal is to foster a clear understanding of the current status, issues, and problem-solving approaches to benefit elephant conservation and management. The key element in elephant conservation is the acceptance of the coexistence between humans and elephants in their respective areas. Managing overlapping areas between humans and elephants is crucial for conservation efforts. A major concern is that elephants venture outside protected areas, increasing risk to both human and elephant populations. Therefore, enhancing the efficiency of conflict management is of the utmost importance to the long-term survival of elephants. This study revealed that vital approaches for managing elephant populations in Thailand include designating conservation areas as the foundation for long-term elephant conservation. In addition, habitat management at the population level, implementing compensation schemes, establishing community-based monitoring groups in conflict areas, improving conflict management practices, and decentralizing decision-making processes in conservation efforts are critical. Other essential elements of successful conservation and management in Thailand include setting population targets for elephants in each conservation area, with the goal of effective management. This was supported by research, community collaboration, decentralization, and performance evaluation to gauge the success of implemented measures in reducing HECs by assessing the number of conflict incidents and fatalities for both humans and elephants. This suggests the need for a fundamental reform of the elephant conservation policy.
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To conserve wide‐ranging species in human‐modified landscapes, it is essential to understand how animals selectively use or avoid cultivated areas. Use of agriculture leads to human–wildlife conflict, but evidence suggests that individuals may differ in their tendency to be involved in conflict. This is particularly relevant to wild elephant populations. We analysed GPS data of 66 free‐ranging elephants in the Serengeti‐Mara ecosystem to quantify their use of agriculture. We then examined factors influencing the level of agricultural use, individual change in use across years and differences in activity budgets associated with use. Using clustering methods, our data grouped into four agricultural use tactics: rare (<0.6% time in agriculture; 26% of population), sporadic (0.6%–3.8%; 34%), seasonal (3.9%–12.8%; 31%) and habitual (>12.8%; 9%). Sporadic and seasonal individuals represented two‐thirds (67%) of recorded GPS fixes in agriculture, compared to 32% from habitual individuals. Increased agricultural use was associated with higher daily distance travelled and larger home range size, but not with age or sex. Individual tactic change was prevalent and the habitual tactic was maintained in consecutive years by only five elephants. Across tactics, individuals switched from diurnal to nocturnal activity during agricultural use, interpreted as representing similar risk perception of cultivated areas. Conversely, tactic choice appeared to be associated with differences in risk tolerance between individuals. Together, our results suggest that elephants are balancing the costs and benefits of crop usage at both fine (e.g. crop raid events) and long (e.g. yearly tactic change) temporal scales. The high proportion of sporadic and seasonal tactics also highlights the importance of mitigation strategies that address conflict arising from many animals, rather than targeted management of habitual crop raiders. Our approach can be applied to other species and systems to characterize individual variation in human resource use and inform mitigations for human–wildlife coexistence.
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Translocations are a common conservation and management strategy, but despite their popularity, translocations are a high‐cost endeavor with a history of failures. It is therefore imperative to maximize their success by learning from our collective experience. The Global Re‐introduction Perspectives Series is a collection of conservation translocation case studies, generated by the IUCN’s Conservation Translocation Specialist Group, and presented in a structured format with an emphasis on practical information. All 293 animal translocation case studies to date include a section in which the authors list the difficulties they have faced during the translocation project, with over 1200 difficulties described so far. We reviewed all difficulties reported in the series to get insights into the common perceived difficulties faced by wildlife managers during animal translocations. The most reported‐upon problems had to do with animal behavior, followed by monitoring difficulties, lack of funding, quality of release habitat, lack of baseline knowledge and lack of public support. We scrutinized each of these difficulties to highlight future research directions that are most likely to improve translocation success, and put a special emphasis on difficulties stemming from animal behavior, and on solutions that may alleviate these problems and improve conservation translocation success world‐wide.
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The Ngulia rhino sanctuary located in the central part of Tsavo West National Park (NP) is completely fenced within an area of 88 km 2 following its expansion from 62 km 2 in May 2007. It has been one of the more successful areas for the protection and breeding of black rhinos in Kenya since its creation in 1986, and has succeeded in re-establishing a productive breeding nucleus of rhinos within a larger protected area with very considerable potential for further expansion to a large, genetically viable population. The sanctuary therefore plays a key role in the conservation of the eastern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli). Following concerns about the deteriorating vegetation condition in the sanctuary (fig. 1), detailed analysis of population data and assessment of habitat showed a 59% decline in the available rhino browse between 1991 and 2005 (rhino food plants i.e. below 2 m high) and 100% decline of browse material above 2 m height (fig. 2). The analysis also showed that the rhino population performance had been significantly declining over several years due to high densities of rhinos (fig. 3a) and competing browsers particularly elephants (table 1). The annual growth rate had fallen to below the minimum national target of 5% (Okita-Ouma and Wandera 2006) and the situation warranted intervention (fig. 3b). The 2005 black rhino population size estimate of 65 animals in an area of 62 km 2 far exceeded the management level originally set for this sanctuary (KWS 1993), which was also no longer applicable due to the significant degradation of habitat by competing browsers, notably elephants and giraffes. The carrying capacity of the sanctuary had been reduced from an estimated 1-1.5 rhino/km 2 (Goddard 1969; 1970) to approximately 0.6 rhino/km 2 (Brett and Adcock 2002; Okita-Ouma 2004). The average body condition of both rhinos and elephants had also deteriorated from an average ‘good’ to ‘fair’ - ‘poor’ (Okita-Ouma and Wandera 2006). The overstocking was threatening the sanctuary’s productive potential for rhino, as well as their nutrition, condition and health. The browser impact had caused ever-accelerating rates of decline in browse and predictions showed very low levels of browse resources by 2007. In such a situation, adverse or drought conditions could potentially irreversibly damage the future productivity of the area and cause a cessation of breeding by the rhino population as well as a population crash. In similar situations, other black rhino populations have crashed (Hitchins 1968; Emslie 1999; Emslie 2001). The high number of large herbivores also imposed a major burden on the sanctuary’s infrastructure, especially the piped water supply. The piped water resources (and security) within the fenced area have been a major attraction for elephants in particular, and presumably encouraged animals to remain resident and breed within the sanctuary area. The 15 km of reticulation and three waterholes provides the only source of water in the sanctuary during the dry season (July – October). With the increasing densities of herbivores came dangerous water access confl icts that developed between the rhinos and elephants. There were significant maintenance problems and costs associated with elephants digging up and breaking water pipes and fittings. Monitoring rhino also become a hazardous exercise. Le Sanctuaire de rhinocéros de Ngulia (clôturé) qui se trouve au Parc National de Tsavo West, au Kenya, était parmi les sanctuaires de rhinocéros qui réussissait le mieux à élever des rhinocéros noirs depuis sa création en 1986 jusqu’en 2001 quand le taux de croissance du rhinocéros noir a commencé à décliner. Ce déclin était principalement imputable à la dégradation de l’habitat et à la réduction des plantes à brouter qui constituent la nourriture des rhinocéros noirs. Cette dégradation de l’habitat était causée par une forte densité d’éléphants et d’autres herbivores concurrents dans le sanctuaire. Les plantes constituant la nourriture des rhinocéros noirs se sont réduites de 59% ce qui a réduit considérablement la capacité de charge pouvant assurer la productivité maximale des rhinocéros noirs dans le sanctuaire. Pour renverser la situation, le Service de la Faune du Kenya a élargi le sanctuaire de 62km 2 à 88km 2 et entre 2005 et 2006, il a fait la translocation de 255 éléphants hors du sanctuaire jusqu’à environ 15km de la ligne de clôture du sanctuaire en laissant au moins deux éléphants. La translocation a été faite en trois phases en utilisant trois stratégies différentes. La première phase a consisté à chasser les familles d’éléphants du sanctuaire par l’usage des hélicoptères. Dans la deuxième phase, les éléphants mâles adultes matures étaient chimiquement immobilisés et transférés, alors que la troisième phase consistait à l’immobilisation chimique et à la translocation de familles d’éléphants. Cette troisième phase (et technique) était la plus réussie avec une moyenne de 15 éléphants transférés par jour. Il y a eu deux cas d’éléphants qui ont pu revenir au cours de l’exercice de translocation. On s’attend à ce que la végétation et le brout disponible pour les rhinocéros s’améliorent et par conséquent contribuent à restaurer la croissance optimale de la population du rhinocéros noir.
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Very few studies have ever focused on the elephants that are wounded or killed as local communities attempt to scare these animals away from their settlements and farms, or on the cases in which local people take revenge after elephants have killed or injured humans. On the other hand, local communities live in close proximity to elephants and hence can play a positive role in elephant conservation by informing the authorities of the presence of injured elephants. Between 2007 and 2011, 129 elephants were monitored in Masai Mara (Kenya), of which 54 had various types of active (intentionally caused) or passive (non-intentionally caused) injuries. Also studied were 75 random control samples of apparently unaffected animals. The observed active injuries were as expected biased by age, with adults suffering more harm; on the other hand, no such bias was observed in the case of passive injuries. Bias was also observed in elephant sex since more males than females were passively and actively injured. Cases of passive and active injuries in elephants were negatively related to the proximity to roads and farms; the distribution of injured elephants was not affected by the presence of either human settlements or water sources. Overall more elephants were actively injured during the dry season than the wet season as expected. Local communities play a positive role by informing KWS authorities of the presence of injured elephants and reported 43% of all cases of injured elephants. Our results suggest that the negative effect of local communities on elephants could be predicted by elephant proximity to farms and roads. In addition, local communities may be able to play a more positive role in elephant conservation given that they are key informants in the early detection of injured elephants.
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Factors that influence learning and the spread of behavior in wild animal populations are important for understanding species responses to changing environments and for species conservation. In populations of wildlife species that come into conflict with humans by raiding cultivated crops, simple models of exposure of individual animals to crops do not entirely explain the prevalence of crop raiding behavior. We investigated the influence of life history milestones using age and association patterns on the probability of being a crop raider among wild free ranging male African elephants; we focused on males because female elephants are not known to raid crops in our study population. We examined several features of an elephant association network; network density, community structure and association based on age similarity since they are known to influence the spread of behaviors in a population. We found that older males were more likely to be raiders than younger males, that males were more likely to be raiders when their closest associates were also raiders, and that males were more likely to be raiders when their second closest associates were raiders older than them. The male association network had sparse associations, a tendency for individuals similar in age and raiding status to associate, and a strong community structure. However, raiders were randomly distributed between communities. These features of the elephant association network may limit the spread of raiding behavior and likely determine the prevalence of raiding behavior in elephant populations. Our results suggest that social learning has a major influence on the acquisition of raiding behavior in younger males whereas life history factors are important drivers of raiding behavior in older males. Further, both life-history and network patterns may influence the acquisition and spread of complex behaviors in animal populations and provide insight on managing human-wildlife conflict.
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Social associations with conspecifics can expedite animals' acclimation to novel environments. However, the benefits gained from sociality may change as the habitat becomes familiar. Furthermore, the particular individuals with whom animals associate upon arrival at a new place, familiar conspecifics or knowledgeable unfamiliar residents, may influence the type of information they acquire about their new home. To examine animals' social dynamics in novel habitats, we studied the social behaviour of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) translocated into a novel environment. We found that the translocated elephants' association with conspecifics decreased over time supporting our hypothesis that sociality provides added benefits in novel environments. In addition, we found a positive correlation between body condition and social association, suggesting that elephants gain direct benefits from sociality. Furthermore, the translocated elephants associated significantly less than expected with the local residents and more than expected with familiar, but not necessarily genetically related, translocated elephants. The social segregation between the translocated and resident elephants declined over time, suggesting that elephants can integrate into an existing social setting. Knowledge of the relationship between sociality and habitat familiarity is highly important in our constantly changing world to both conservation practice and our understanding of animals' behaviour in novel environments.
Strong social bonds are uncommon among male mammals. In many mammals, however, males form all-male groups, providing opportunities for male-male bonds to emerge. We examined association patterns of male African elephants, Loxodonta africana, in all-male groups and assessed the influence of age and genetic relatedness on these associations. We also examined the influence of age and genetic relatedness on the choice of sparring partners in male elephants. Males had many weak and random associations and few valuable relationships. Male associations were positively correlated with genetic relatedness, suggesting that kinship influences patterns of male associations. Male associations were negatively correlated with age disparity, and males were more likely to spar with other males closer in age to themselves. These results suggest that males associate with other males of similar age in part because sparring may facilitate the development and maintenance of motor and psychological responses to sudden and unexpected events that occur during play; this may help prepare males for male-male competition. We also found that older males had high centrality and strength in social networks, suggesting that older males influence the cohesion of male social groups. Consequently, the elimination of older males from elephant populations by poachers or trophy hunters could negatively affect social cohesion in male elephant groups. Finally, we found that age and genetic relatedness were not significantly correlated, suggesting that male associations based on age and relatedness did not overlap. These findings highlight the complexity of male social relationships in all-male groups.
AfESG Guidelines for the in situ translocation of the African Elephant for conservation purposes
  • Gland Iucn
  • Switzerland
  • U K Cambridge
  • P Fernando
  • P Leimgruber
  • T Prasad
  • J Pastorini
AfESG Guidelines for the in situ translocation of the African Elephant for conservation purposes. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Fernando P, Leimgruber P, Prasad T, Pastorini J.
Unsuccessful introductions of adult elephant bulls to confined areas in South Africa
Problem-elephant translocation: Translocating the problem and the elephant? PLoS One 7 (12): e50917. Garai ME and Carr RD. 2001. Unsuccessful introductions of adult elephant bulls to confined areas in South Africa. Pachyderm 31: 52-57.
Lahiri-Choudhury DK. 1993. Problems of wild elephant translocation
  • Iucn
  • M Litoroh
  • P Omondi
  • E Bitok
  • E Wambwa
IUCN. 1998. Guidelines for Re-introductions. Prepared by the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. IUCN. KWS. 2016. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Guidelines on Veterinary Practice. Nairobi, Kenya. Lahiri-Choudhury DK. 1993. Problems of wild elephant translocation. Oryx 27 (1): 53-55. Litoroh M, Omondi P, Bitok E, Wambwa E. 2001. Two successful elephant translocations in Kenya. Pachyderm 31 (2): 74-75.