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GiveMeLabeledIssues: An Open Source Issue
Recommendation System
Joseph Vargovich, Fabio Santos, Jacob Penney, Marco A. Gerosa, Igor Steinmacher
School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, United States
joseph, fabio, jacob,,
Abstract—Developers often struggle to navigate an Open
Source Software (OSS) project’s issue-tracking system and find
a suitable task. Proper issue labeling can aid task selection, but
current tools are limited to classifying the issues according to
their type (e.g., bug, question, good first issue, feature, etc.). In
contrast, this paper presents a tool (GiveMeLabeledIssues) that
mines project repositories and labels issues based on the skills
required to solve them. We leverage the domain of the APIs
involved in the solution (e.g., User Interface (UI), Test, Databases
(DB), etc.) as a proxy for the required skills. GiveMeLabeledIssues
facilitates matching developers’ skills to tasks, reducing the
burden on project maintainers. The tool obtained a precision of
83.9% when predicting the API domains involved in the issues.
The replication package contains instructions on executing the
tool and including new projects. A demo video is available at
Index Terms—Open Source Software, Machine Learning, La-
bel, Tag, Task, Issue Tracker
Contributors struggle to find issues to work on in Open
Source Software (OSS) projects due to difficulty determining
the skills required to work on an issue [1]. Labeling issues
manually can help [2], but manual work increases maintainers’
effort, and many projects end up not labeling their issues [3].
To facilitate issue labeling, several studies proposed mining
software repositories to tag the issues with labels such as
bug/non-bug and good-first-issue (to help newcomers find a
suitable task) [4, 5, 6, 7]. However, newcomers to a project
have a variety of skill levels and these approaches do not
indicate the skills needed to work on the tasks.
APIs encapsulate modules with specific functionality. If we
can predict APIs used to solve an issue, we can guide new
contributors on what to contribute. However, since projects
include thousands of different APIs, adding each API as a
label would harm the user experience. To keep the number
of labels manageable, we classified the APIs into domains for
labeling [2, 8]
In our study, API domains represent categories of APIs such
as “UI,” “DB,” “Test,” etc. In our previous work, we used 31
distinct API domains [8]. However, we acknowledge that the
set of possible API-domain labels varies by project, as each
project requires different skills and expertise. In another work,
Santos et al. [9] have evaluated the API domain labels in an
empirical experiment with developers. The study showed that
the labels enabled contributors to find OSS tasks that matched
their expertise more efficiently. Santos et al. study showed
promising results when classifying issues by API-Domain,
with precision, recall, and F-measure scores of 0.755, 0.747,
and 0.751, respectively.
Following this idea, we implemented GiveMeLabeledIssues
to classify issues for potential contributors. GiveMeLabeledIs-
sues is a web tool that indicates API-domain labels for open
issues in registered projects. Currently, GiveMeLabeledIssues
works with three open-source projects: JabRef, PowerToys,
and Audacity. The tool enables users to select a project, input
their skill set (in terms of our categories), and receive a list
of open issues that would require those skills.
We trained the tool with the title and body text of closed
issues and the APIs utilized within code that solve the issue,
as gathered from pull requests. We evaluated the tool using
closed issues as the ground truth and found an average of
83.8% precision and 78.5% recall when training and testing
models for individual projects.
GiveMeLabeledIssues leverages prediction models trained
with closed issues linked with merged pull requests. On top
of these models, we built a platform that receives user input
and queries the open issues based on the users’ skills and
desired projects. In the following, we detail the process of
building the model, the issue classification process, and the
user interface that enables users to get the recommendation.
GiveMeLabeledIssues is structured in two layers: the frontend
web interface1and the backend REST API2.
A. Model training
In the current implementation, a model must be built for
each project using data collected from project issues linked
with merged pull requests. The tool maps the issue text data
to the APIs used in the source code that solved the issues
(Figure 1).
Pull Requests
Link Issues
to Pull Requests
Filter out
Pull Requests
without source code
Split Data
Parse APIs
Source code
Fig. 1. The Process of Training a Model
1) Mining repositories: We collected 18,482 issues and
3,129 pull requests (PRs) from JabRef, PowerToys, and Au-
dacity projects up to November 2021. We used the GitHub
REST API v3 to collect the title, body, comments, closure date,
name of the files changed in the PR, and commit messages.
2) APIs parsing: We built a parser to process all source
files from the projects to identify the APIs used in the source
code affected by each pull request. In total, we found 3,686
different APIs in 3,108 source files. The parser looked for
specific commands, i.e., import (Java), using (C#), and include
(C++). The parser identified all classes, including the complete
namespace from each import/using/include statement.
3) Dataset construction: We kept only the data from issues
linked with merged and closed pull requests since we needed
to map issue data to the APIs that are used in the source
code files changed to close the issue. To find the links
between pull requests and issues, we searched for the symbol
#issue_number in the pull request title and body and
checked the URL associated with each link. We also filtered
out issues linked to pull requests without at least one source
code file (e.g., those associated only with documentation files)
since they do not provide the model with content related to
any API.
4) API categorization: We use the API domain categories
defined by Santos et al. [8]. These 31 categories were defined
by experts to encompass APIs from several projects (e.g., UI,
IO, Cloud, DB, etc.—see our replication package3.
5) Corpus construction: We used the issue title and body
as our corpus to train our model since they performed well in
our previous analysis [9]. Similar to other studies [10, 11],
we applied TF-IDF as a technique for quantifying word
importance in documents by assigning a weight to each word
following the same process described in the previous work
[9]. TF-IDF returns a vector whose length is the number
of terms used to calculate the scores. Before calculating the
scores, we convert each word to lowercase and removed URLs,
source code, numbers, and punctuation. After that, we remove
templates and stop-words and stem the words. These TF-IDF
scores are then passed to the Random Forest classifier (RF)
as features for prediction. RF was chosen since it obtained
the best results in previous work [9]. The ground truth has a
binary value (0 or 1) for each API domain, indicating whether
the corresponding domain is present in the issue solution.
We also offer the option of using a BERT model in
GiveMeLabeledIssues. We created two separate CSV files to
train BERT: an input binary with expert API-domain labels
paired with the issue corpus and a list of the possible labels
for the specific project. BERT directly labels the issue using
the corpus text and lists possible labels without needing an
additional classifier (such as Random Forest).
6) Building the model: The BERT model was built using
the Python package fast-bert4, which builds on the Transform-
ers5library for Pytorch. Before training the model, the optimal
learning rate was computed using a LAMB optimizer [12].
Finally, the model was fit over 11 epochs and validated every
epoch. The BERT model was trained on an NVIDIA Tesla
V100 GPU with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU within
a computing cluster.
TF-IDF and BERT models were trained and validated for
every fold in a ShuffleSplit 10-fold cross-validation. Once
trained, the models were hosted on the backend. The replica-
tion package contains instructions on registering a new project
by running the model training pipeline that feeds the demo
tool. The models can then output predictions quickly without
continually retraining with each request.
For the RandomForestClassifier (TF-IDF), the best classi-
fier, we kept the following parameters: criterion = ’entropy,’
max depth = 50, min samples leaf = 1, min samples split=3,
and n estimators = 50.
B. Issue Classification Process
GiveMeLabeledIssues classifies currently open issues for
each registered project. The tool combines the title and body
text and sends it to the classifier. The classifier then determines
which domain labels are relevant to the gathered issues based
on the inputted issue text. The labeled issues are stored in an
SQLite database for future requests, recording the issue num-
ber, title, body, and domain labels outputted by the classifier.
The open issues for all projects registered with GiveMeLa-
beledIssues are reclassified daily to ensure that the database is
up to date as issues are opened and closed. Figure 2 outlines
the daily classification procedure.
Fig. 2. The Process of Classifying and Storing Issues
C. User Interface
GiveMeLabeledIssues outputs the labeled issues to the User
Interface. The user interface is implemented using the Angular
web framework. To use the tool, users provide the project
name and select API-domain labels they are interested in. This
information is sent to the backend REST endpoint via a GET
request. The backend processes the request, recommending a
set of relevant issues for the user.
The backend REST API is implemented using the Django
Rest Framework. It houses the trained TF-IDF and BERT text
classification models and provides an interface to the labeled
issues. When receiving the request, the backend queries the
selected project for issues that match the user’s skills. Once
the query is completed, the backend returns the labeled issues
to the user interface. Each labeled issue includes a link to the
open issue page on GitHub and the issue’s title, number, and
applicable labels. The querying process is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. The Process of Outputting Issues
Figure 4 shows JabRef selected as the project and “Utility,”
“Databases,” “User Interface,” and “Application” as the API
domains provided by the user. Figure 5 shows the results of
this query, which displays all JabRef open issues that match
those labels.
Fig. 4. Selection of a project and API domains
We have evaluated the performance of the models used to
output API-domain labels using a dataset comprised of 18,482
issues, 3,129 PRs, 3,108 source code files, and 3,686 distinct
APIs, chosen from active projects and diverse domains: Au-
dacity (C++), PowerToys (C#), and JabRef (Java).6Audacity
is an audio editor, PowerToys is a set of utilities for Windows,
and JabRef is an open-source bibliography manager. Table
I shows the results with Precision, Recall, F-Measure, and
Hamming Loss values. We trained models to predict API-
domain labels using individual issue datasets from each project
and a single dataset that combined the data from all the
As shown in Table I, TF-IDF overcame BERT both in
the per-project analysis and for the complete dataset. The
6The model training replication package is available at
Fig. 5. Labeled Issues Outputted for JabRef with the Utility, Databases, User
Interface, and Application skills Selected
projects Precision Recall F-meas
-ure Hla**
RF* TF-IDF O 0.839 0.799 0.817 0.113
BERT O 0.595 0.559 0.568 0.269
RF* TF-IDF M 0.659 0.785 0.573 0.153
BERT M 0.593 0.725 0.511 0.219
Izadi et al. [13] M 0.796 0.776 0.766 NA
Kallis et al. [14] M 0.832 0.826 0.826 NA
Santos et al. [9] O 0.755 0.747 0.751 0.142
difference was quite large when using single projects. The
results were closer when we used the combined dataset that
included data from all projects (3,736 linked issues and pull
requests). We hypothesize that the sample size influenced the
classifiers’ performance. This aligns with previous research on
issue labeling that showed that BERT performed better than
other language models for datasets larger than 5,000 issues
[15]. TF-IDF performs very well when the dataset is from
a single project because the vocabulary used in the project
is very contextual, and the frequency of terms can identify
different aspects of each issue. When we include the dataset
from all the projects, the performance of TF-IDF drops as the
context is not unique. These results outperformed the results
from the API-domain labels case study conducted by Santos et
by project Project Precision Recall F-meas
-ure Hla**
RF* TF-IDF Audacity 0.872 0.839 0.854 0.103
RF* TF-IDF JabRef 0.806 0.782 0.793 0.143
RF* TF-IDF PowerToys 0.84 0.776 0.805 0.094
BERT Audacity 0.382 0.511 0.434 0.42
BERT JabRef 0.791 0.606 0.686 0.192
BERT PowerToys 0.619 0.643 0.626 0.187
al. [9]. The project metrics (Table II) varied less than 6% (e.g.,
the recall: 0.839 (Audacity) - 0.776 (PowerToys). Audacity had
the best scores for all metrics except Hamming Loss.
The existing literature explores strategies to help newcom-
ers find tasks within OSS projects. Steinmacher et al. [16]
proposed a portal to help newcomers find relevant documen-
tation. Despite pointing the contributor to existing resources,
a newcomer may have difficulty relating the documentation to
the skills required to solve a task.
There are also several approaches designed to label issues
automatically. However, most of them only try to distinguish
bug reports from non-bug reports [4, 17, 18]. Zhou et al. [17]
built a Naive Bayes (NB) classifier to predict the priorities of
bug reports. Xia et al. [18] tagged questions using preexisting
labels. Other work [6, 7] is also restricted to existing labels
while others [13, 14] proposed other labels. Kallis et al. [14],
for instance, employed the textual description of the issues to
classify the issues into types.
Labeling also attracted the attention of software requirement
researchers. P´
erez-Verdejo et al. [19] and Quba et al. [20]
proposed to categorize documents with functional and non-
functional requirements labels to solve software engineers’
problems. Non-functional requirements labels included 12
general domains like “Performance” or “Availability” [20].
Such approaches use higher-level labels that would not guide
contributors to choose appropriate tasks given their skills.
“Availability,” for instance, may be related to a database,
network, or a cloud module and can be challenging for a
newcomer to realize where to start due to the extent of modules
to analyze to find the root cause of a bug.
APIs are also often investigated in software engineering.
Recent work focuses on providing API recommendation [21,
22], giving API tips to developers [23], defining the skill space
for APIs, developers, and projects [24] or identifying experts in
libraries [25]. The APIs usually implement a concept (database
access, thread management, etc.). Knowing the API involved
in a potential solution allows newcomers to pick an issue that
matches their skillset. Therefore, unlike the presented related
studies, our tool labels issues based on API domains [9].
GiveMeLabeledIssues provides OSS developers with issues
that can potentially match their skill sets or interests. Such a
tool may facilitate the onboarding of newcomers and alleviate
the workload of project maintainers.
Future work can explore different domain labels,
such as those offered by accredited standards (i.e.,
ACM/IEEE/ISO/SWEBOK). As a future step to evaluate the
tool’s impact, we will conduct a study to receive feedback
from contributors and assess how the tool influences their
choices by means of controlled experiments. Future work can
also incorporate the use of social features [8] and integrate
the tool into GitHub Actions, or bots [26].
This work is partially supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant numbers 1815503, 1900903, and
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