
virtud de enseñar y aprender las ciencias naturales en tiempos postmodernos: una aproximación reflexiva

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El presente artículo es un trabajo que tiene por objetivo revisar reflexivamente uno de los procesos más antiguos de la historia, como lo es la interacción entre maestro y estudiante dentro de los ritmos sociales, dinamizándose el análisis en los siguientes apartados las ciencias naturales en contexto, el aprendizaje desde la resiliencia y una mirada cosmopolita de la ética cimentada en el acto natural de educar, el enfoque utilizado es cualitativo, el método de análisis es deductivo, los resultados alcanzados están basados en la sistematización de los componentes históricos, sociales y psicológicos del maestro y el estudiante.

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En: Revista iberoamericana de eduación Madrid 2002, n. 29, mayo-agosto; p. 17-43 El texto está estructurado en dos partes. La primera trata de las funciones que se le atribuyen en nuestros días a la universidad, y que emergen de los debates cada vez más frecuentes en torno al tema; entre ellas destacan las que a su juicio son más importantes y que deberían abordarse con prontitud. En la segunda parte subrayan la necesidad de elaborar una propuesta de formación en valores éticos para la educación superior en sociedades plurales, orientada a la creación de una ciudadanía interesada en profundizar los estilos de vida basados en valores democráticos y en construir una sociedad más equitativa. En ella planteamos un modelo de aprendizaje ético que tanto en su dimensión teórica como práctica, pretende dar respuesta y ofrecer pautas para la formación en valores en el mundo universitario, p. 40-43
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El texto que presentamos está estructurado en dos partes. La primera trata de las funciones que se le atribuyen en nuestros días a la universidad, y que emergen de los debates cada vez más frecuentes en torno al tema; entre ellas destacamos las que a nuestro juicio nos parecen más importantes y que deberían abordarse con prontitud. En la segunda parte subrayamos la necesidad de elaborar una propuesta de formación en valores éticos para la educación superior en sociedades plurales, orientada a la creación de una ciudadanía interesada en profundizar los estilos de vida basados en valores democráticos y en construir una sociedad más equitativa. En ella planteamos un modelo de aprendizaje ético que tanto en su dimensión teórica como práctica, pretende dar respuestas y ofrecer pautas para la formación en valores en el mundo universitario.
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This study examines relationships between students' perceptions of class management and their self-reported misbehavior. Findings are based on a national representative sample of 3834 students from 227 classes in grades 6 and 9 who were attending Norwegian schools. Students' perceptions of class management accounted for significant amounts of variance in self-reported misbehavior. Perceived class management was more strongly associated with off-task orientation and opposition toward teachers than with bullying. Explained variance in misbehavior was markedly higher on the individual than on the class level. Student misbehavior seems only moderately related to general differences in the class management a class encounters. The relatively high variance in off-task orientation and opposition toward teachers accounted for by perceived class management at the individual student level might indicate that the extent of such misbehaviors is more closely linked to how teachers adapt management to particular students or to how students are favored by teachers. Perceived emotional support from teachers showed the strongest positive associations with desired student behavior.
Social cognitive theory provides an agentic conceptual framework within which to analyze the determinants and psychosocial mechanisms through which symbolic communication influences human thought, affect and action. Communications systems operate through two pathways. In the direct pathway, they promote changes by informing, enabling, motivating, and guiding participants. In the socially mediated pathway, media influences link participants to social networks and community settings that provide natural incentives and continued personalized guidance, for desired change. Social cognitive theory analyzes social diffusion of new styles of behavior in terms of the psychosocial factors governing their acquisition and adoption and the social networks through which they spread and are supported. Structural interconnectedness provides potential diffusion paths; sociocognitive factors largely determine what diffuses through those paths.
Major patterns of relationship between the public and private sectors in Latin American higher education are discussed. Three key evolutionary waves are identified that have led to three private-public patterns dominant in Latin America today. For both the public and private sectors, attention is directed to origins and growth, who pays and rules, and whose interests are served. For Chile, Mexico, and Brazil, in-depth case studies analyze patterns of evolution, finance, governance, and function. A regional overview, including 20 other Latin American republics, considers the extent to which the three major public/private patterns exist in finance, governance, and function. Included are comparative perspectives based on principal foreign models. In Chile private universities approximate their public counterparts; in Mexico secular elite universities dominate the private sector; and in Brazil the private sector absorbs an unusually large educational demand. Additional considerations include: the Catholic subsector, autonomy and state control, institutional centralization/decentralization, religious missions, political ideologies, economic orientations (field of study and job market), and the positive and negative aspects of privatization. (SW)
Obra que plantea la importancia de aprender a interpretar la información que transmiten las emociones negativas (miedo, enojo, culpa, envidia, vergüenza, etc.) como señal que remite a problemas latentes no resueltos y, por lo tanto, pueden ser convertidos en elementos de ayuda para resolver sus orígenes.
Traducción de: Apprenticeship in Thinking. Cognitive Development in Social Context Obra que desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria estudia el desarrollo cognoscitivo del niño, a la luz del contexto sociocultural; pone de manifiesto los procesos socioculturales mediante los que el niño adquiere y amplia sus habilidades y como desarrollo su inteligencia, a partir del contacto con el pensamiento compartido con otras personas.
This study examined the utility of parent socialization models for understanding teachers' influence on student adjustment in middle school. Teachers were assessed with respect to their modeling of motivation and to Baumrind's parenting dimensions of control, maturity demands, democratic communication, and nurturance. Student adjustment was defined in terms of their social and academic goals and interest in class, classroom behavior, and academic performance. Based on information from 452 sixth graders from two suburban middle schools, results of multiple regressions indicated that the five teaching dimensions explained significant amounts of variance in student motivation, social behavior, and achievement. High expectations (maturity demands) was a consistent positive predictor of students' goals and interests, and negative feedback (lack of nurturance) was the most consistent negative predictor of academic performance and social behavior. The role of motivation in mediating relations between teaching dimensions and social behavior and academic achievement also was examined; evidence for mediation was not found. Relations of teaching dimensions to student outcomes were the same for African American and European American students, and for boys and girls. The implications of parent socialization models for understanding effective teaching are discussed.
To assess teachers' emotional expression about pupils using the Five Minute Speech Sample (FMSS) and coding procedures for parental expressed emotion (EE). To compare EE for disruptive and non-disruptive pupils. Twenty-one teachers provided speech samples for both a disruptive and a non-disruptive pupil in their class selected using standard behaviour rating scales. Teachers' emotional expression was reliably measured using EE codings. Teachers displayed no emotional overinvolvement (EOI) and made few critical comments. High EE, characterized by criticism and a lack of positive comments, was associated with children's behavioural difficulties. Multiple regression suggested that conduct problems rather than hyperactivity were associated with high EE. Results support the application of certain elements of the EE construct to teachers' emotional expression about pupils. However, there was an absence of EOI and a lack of association between relationship and other EE categories. The absence of this association suggests that EE might be most usefully considered as a measure of teachers' emotional response to pupils, rather than the emotional quality of the teacher-pupil relationship.
Physical violence between young adults and their parents: Associations with a history of child maltreatment
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La ética del científico. Mínimo enfoque de un gran problema
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Students´ perceptions of class management and reports of their own misbehavior
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Higher education and the State in Latin America: private challenges to public dominance
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