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An updated review on etiopathogenesis ofcorona virus


Abstract and Figures

Corona Virus disease is a contagious disease that the new generation is always hearing about. It is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered coronavirus namely, SARS-COV. At first, this virus primarily targets the respiratory systems. These viruses spread through droplets of saliva or discharge from nose, sneezes, or coughs. The origin of this disease is from Wuhan City, China. Scientists discovered that this is the virus having the largest RNA Genome amongst RNA viruses. Day by day it is spreading and making clusters
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Timothy et al., UPI j. pharm. med. health sci, 3(4), 2020: 01-04
UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical Medical,
and Health Sciences
Content Availabe at ISSN: 2581-4532
An updated review on etiopathogenesis ofcorona virus
Timothy.P. Aniyan1*,Shashank J2, Mekkanti Manasa Rekha3, Rinku Mathappan4
1,2 2nd yearPharm.D Department of Pharmacy Practice, Gautham College of Pharmacy, RT Nagar , Bangalore , Karnataka, India
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Gautham College of Pharmacy,RT Nagar , Bangalore , Karnataka, India
4 Principal, Department of Pharmacognosy, Gautham College of Pharmacy, R.T Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka India
Article History
Received on: 02-10-2020
Revised on : 12-10-2020
Accepted on : 15-11-2020
Corona Virus, Nucleocapsid, SARS-COV2,RNA
*Corresponding Author
Timothy.P. Aniyan
Corona Virus disease is a contagious disease that the new generation is
always hearing about. It is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered
coronavirus namely, SARS-COV. At first, this virus primarily targets the
respiratory systems. These viruses spread through droplets of saliva or
discharge from nose, sneezes, or coughs. The origin of this disease is from
Wuhan City, China. Scientists discovered that this is the virus having the
largest RNA Genome amongst RNA viruses. Day by day it is spreading and
making clusters.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) are a family or
group of RNA viruses.. This is a pandemic disease
occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting in a
high portion of the population “.The last pandemic was
H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009.Corona virus is derived from
Latin “corona it means “crown” or “wreath”. This was
named by June Almeida and David Tyrrell. These are the
people who first observed and studied human Corona
virus diseases. This name represents according to their
characteristic appearance of virions (means the effective
form of the virus) by using electron microscope [1].
Coronavirus is caused by SARS-COV2 .These viruses cause
diseases in mammals and birds.This corona virus cause
respiratory infections from the common cold to more
severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS).so corona virus is a major health concern and
devastating, especially for elders.[2]figure 1 shows the
diagram of Corona Virus.
Fig 01: Illustration of Corona Virus
These viruses are likely to be zoonotic origin based on
large number of people
who infected this coronavirus disease from animal market
in Wuhan city, China. These infected people were
epidemiologically linked to sea food and animal market in
Wuhan, Hubei Province in China [3].At the end of
December 2019, some patients were admittedto hospitals
with initial diagnosis of pneumonia .At first the infected
patients shown acute respiratory syndrome then after that
the patient had underlying diseases such as Diabetes,
Hypertension and cardiovascular disease [4]. On half of
January coronavirus count has raised and starts spreading
from person-to-person. A number of countries reported
that includes Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Republic of Korea,
United Arab Emirates Canada, France, Finland, Cambodia,
Australia, Germany and India (fig 02) [5].
Review Article
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
Timothy et al., UPI j. pharm. med. health sci, 3(4), 2020: 01-04
Fig 02 : The picture show the spread of Corona Virus
Due to the first cases of spreading In United states led to Identification, Description, Diagnosis, clinical course and
management of this case.In the month of February, the count of persons who infected been raised to 51,174 and 15,384 severe
cases and death cases comes to 1666 in China [6].
Figure 3 : The report of people who Infected and Death cases
Report from WHO :
(A) Shows the cases of people who infected
(B) Shows the Death cases who are affected with covid 19
(Fig 03)
Coronavirus is caused by SARS-COV2 .Coronaviruses are
in spherical shape with bulbous surface projections. This
virus spikes have average diameter about 125 nm, spikes
is about 20nm long and envelope is 85nm.This envelop
contains a lipid Bilayer, which consist of membrane
(M),envelope (E) and Spike (S) structural proteins are
anchored. From the observation its found that on an
average a corona virus particle has 74 spikes and also a
subset of coronavirus have shorter spikes-surface protein
called Hemagglutinin Esterase [7].
Fig 03 : Structure of Corona Virus
The spikes of the coronavirus are homotrimers of S
protein , which is S1 and S2 subunit. The S1 Subunit forms
as the head of the spike and also has a receptor binding
domain (RBD).The S2 subunit forms the stem which acts
as an anchor. It anchors the spike in the viral envelope and
Timothy et al., UPI j. pharm. med. health sci, 3(4), 2020: 01-04
on protease activation which enables fusion.when coming
to the inside the envelope there is the nucleocapsid, it
have multiple copies of nucleocapsid (N) protein ,these
are bound to the positive-sense single-stranded RNA
Genome in a continuous beads-on-a-string type
conformation. When they are outside the host cell some
characteristic fearures that will protect them they are
Membrane protein, Nucleocapsid, and the lipid bilayer
envelope [8].
Genome consists a positive-sense , a single-stranded RNA
genome. The size of genome of this RNA Virus is
considered as the largest among RNA viruses. Genome
contain 5’methylated cap and a 3’polyadenylated tail. Then
the genome organization would be 5′-leader-UTR-
replicase (ORF1ab)-spike (S)-envelope (E)-membrane
(M)-nucleocapsid (N)-3′UTR-poly (A) tail.
Fig 04 : Corona Virus detailed microbiological structure
Fig 04 :The above images shows about the Spikes (S),
Membrane (M), Nucleocapsid (N), Envelope (E) and
Genome RNA. From the image itself shows that corona
virus is having largest RNA [9].
The corona virus are enveloped and single stranded RNA
viruses found in human and other mamals. These can
cause respiratory , gastrointestinal and neurological
diseases.In humans SARS-CoV-2 is the third corona virus
which causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS )
[10]. Corona virus primarily infect the upper respiratory
and gastrointestinal tract of birds and mammals.The most
common corona virus is SARS-CoV which causes SARS.
These corona virus also bring gastroenteritis. In human
adults they bring common cold.In farm animals and
domesticated pets which can bring a range of disease.
Structure of corona virus consists of Spike (S), Membrane
(M), Envelope (E) and Nucleocapsid (N).A spike-like
protein called Hemagglutinin esterase (HE) has encoded in
their genome [11].
Replication Of Corona Virus
The replication begins from in cytoplasm in a membrane
protected microenvironment.In the cytoplasm there is
RNA genome.The genome has a 5’ methylated cap and a
3’polyadenylated-A tail. This makes RNA to attach to
ribosomes. Replicase is the first protein, this replicase is
translated the translation is stopped by a stop codon.The
RNA genome is replicated and forms a long polyprotein is also have a non-structural protein called
protease which can separate the proteins in the chain [12].
These Corona virus is transmitted by aerosols of
Respiratory secretions,by the fecal-oral routeand the
transmissions are done by mechanical transmission.Most
of these virus grow in epithelial cells ocassionaly in liver,
Kidneys, heart or eyes will be infected.In respiratory
infection this growth appears to the epithelium and
upper-respiratory tracts [13].
Fig 05 : The image shows spreading of corona virus
through several medium
This coronavirus can spread directly or indirectly (
through contaminated objects or surfaces ) or contact
with infected person via mouth or nose secretion. People
who are in close contact can catch covid-19. [14]
We can protect ourselves by staying 1metre from others if
it is in a group or not , use fabric mask and hand sanitizers,
cleaning hands frequently and maintaining social
distances [15].
Signs & Symptoms
The infected people showed sign of higher Leukocyte
numbers, abnormal respiratory findings and increased
levels of plasma pro-inflammatory cytokines ,coarse
breathing sounds of both lungs, and a raise in body
temperature of 39.0 °C or above.High erythrocyte
sedimentation rate and D-dimer were observed.Also high
blood levels of cytokines and chemokines were found in
patients with COVID-19 infection [16]. Less symptoms are
Diarrhoea, headache, loss of taste and smell, a rash on skin
or decolouration of fingers and toes ,sore throat and
conjuctivities.The most common symptoms are fever, dry
cough, tiredness [17].
Fig 06 : Symptoms and signs of Corona Virus
(Fig 06) The image will show a clear vision about Signs
and Symptoms of Corona Virus.Some serious symptoms
Timothy et al., UPI j. pharm. med. health sci, 3(4), 2020: 01-04
are difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath , chest
pain or pressure and loss ofspeech or movement.
Corona Virus are Zoonotic, means they are transmitted
between people and animals.This viruses bring Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) which affects the
respiratory system.Coronavirus is caused by SARS-COV2 .
The new Corona virus leads to millions of infection
globally and causing more deaths. The people who having
serious medical conditions, heart disease, chronic lung
diseases,people aged above 65 years would affect more
badly and van can cause death also. By following
standarad recommendations such as washing hands,
wearing mask, using sanitizers and social distancing can
stop the spread of these diseases.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
In December 2019, a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause was linked to a seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China. A previously unknown betacoronavirus was discovered through the use of unbiased sequencing in samples from patients with pneumonia. Human airway epithelial cells were used to isolate a novel coronavirus, named 2019-nCoV, which formed another clade within the subgenus sarbecovirus, Orthocoronavirinae subfamily. Different from both MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV is the seventh member of the family of coronaviruses that infect humans. Enhanced surveillance and further investigation are ongoing. (Funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China and the National Major Project for Control and Prevention of Infectious Disease in China.).
Full-text available
There is currently an outbreak of a pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China. While there are still several unanswered questions, we evaluate the potential for international dissemination of this disease via commercial air travel should the outbreak continue.
Background: To help health workers and the public recognize and deal with the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) quickly, effectively and calmly with an updated understanding. Methods: A comprehensive search from Chinese and worldwide official websites and announcements was performed between 1 Dec 2019 to 9:30 am 26 Jan 2020 (Beijing time). A latest summary of 2019-nCoV and the current outbreak was drawn. Results: Up to 24 pm 25 Jan 2020, a total 1,975 cases were confirmed infection of 2019-nCoV in China mainland with a total of 56 deaths occurred. The latest mortality was approximately 2.84% with a total 2,684 cases still suspected. The China National Health Commission reported the details of the first 17 deaths up to 24 pm 22 Jan 2020. The deaths included 13 males and 4 females. The median age of the deaths was 75 (range 48-89) years. Fever (64.7%) and cough (52.9%) were the most common first symptoms in deaths. The median days from first symptom to death were 14.0 (range 6-41) days, and tended to be shorter among people of 70-year old or above (11.5 [range 6-19] days) than those with ages below 70-year old (20 [range 10-41] days, P=0.033). Conclusion: The infection of 2019-nCoV is spreading and increasing nationwide. The first occurred deaths were majorly elderly people who might have faster disease progresses. The public should still be cautious in dealing with the virus and paying more attention to protect elderly people from the virus. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The Spiky Blob Seen Around the World". The New York Times
  • C Giaimo
Giaimo C (2020-04-01). "The Spiky Blob Seen Around the World". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 2020-04-02.Retrieved 2020-04-06.
Evidence supporting a zoonotic origin of human coronavirus strain NL63
  • J Huynh
  • S Li
  • B Yount
  • A Smith
  • L Sturges
  • J C Olsen
Huynh J, Li S, Yount B, Smith A, Sturges L, Olsen JC, et al. (December 2012). "Evidence supporting a zoonotic origin of human coronavirus strain NL63". Journal of Virology. 86 (23): 12816-25. doi:10.1128/JVI.00906, PMC 3497669. PMID 22993147. If these predictions are correct, this observation suggests that HCoV-NL63 may have originated from bats between 1190 and 1449 CE
Coronaviruses: an overview of their replication and pathogenesis
  • A R Fehr
  • S Perlman
Fehr AR, Perlman S (2015). "Coronaviruses: an overview of their replication and pathogenesis". In Maier HJ, Bickerton E, Britton P (eds.). Coronaviruses. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1282. Springer. pp. 1-23. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-2438-7_1. ISBN 978-1-4939-2438-
See section: Virion Structure
PMC 4369385. PMID 25720466. See section: Virion Structure.
The molecular biology of coronaviruses
  • M M Lai
  • D Cavanagh
Lai MM, Cavanagh D (1997). "The molecular biology of coronaviruses". Advances in Virus Research. 48: 1-100. doi:10.1016/S0065-3527(08)60286-