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Critical review on Rumex dentatus L. a strong pharmacophore and the future medicine: Pharmacology, phytochemical analysis and traditional uses


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: Rumex dentatus L. (polygonaceae) is one of the most important species of genus Rumex widely utilized for the treatment of various human diseases. Most parts of the plant species like leaves, shoots and roots are found to be rich in many pharmacologically important bioactive constituents that are useful against many diseases like acariasis, eczema, diarrhea, constipation, diuretic, astringent, refrigerants and various types of skin diseases. The main aim of the presented review is to highlight and document research findings carried out by different research groups on Rumex dentatus, like pharmacological potential, phytochemistry investigations based on presence of phytoconstituents, traditional uses and economic importance till date. The information so collected and documented will become available to researchers, scientists and botanists to explore the medicinal benefits of this prized herb for the assistance of mankind which in turn will open up new opportunities for more organized and collective research efforts towards utilization and scientific validation of its pharmacological potential. Methods: In-vitro and in-vivo preclinical animal studies have been included in detail. The reports and results have been taken from Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed and Science Direct, Research gate, Articles & Advice, databases. Plant taxonomy studies were taken and confirmed from the available databases. "The Plant List", and "Mansfeld's Encyclopedia". Additional information on traditional uses, botany were obtained from published books. Key findings: From results and findings, it has been concluded that Rumex dentatus is a rich source of secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, anthraquinones, phenolics, phytosterols, phytoesteryl esters etc. The bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-tumor and anti-dermatitis properties of Rumex dentatus have been attributed due to the presence of these phytochemicals. In this review, we present a critical account of its habitat, morphology, phyto-constituent profile, pharmacology and traditional uses, which will provide a source of information to the researchers for further studies. Conclusions: The disclosed review endorses that Rumex dentatus emerged a unique source of Endocrocin, Emodin, Emodin-glycoside, Chrysophenol-glycoside, Quercetin, Helonioside-A and a number of other important bioactive compounds. These isolated compounds have been found to be active against cancer, inflammation, tumor, dermatitis, acariasis, eczema and various bacterial infections, thus providing new insights for further promising investigations on isolated compounds. In addition, Rumex dentatus was found as an excellent traditional medicine against many cutaneous disorders. Taking into account the astounding pharmacological properties of Rumex dentatus in consideration, the plant species is a library of bio-active compounds with a strong biological profile, therefore needs an attention of botanical community around the globe to improve its growth for medicinal uses and commit to broaden research in this field for its proper utilization and scientific exploitation.
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e14159
Available online 5 March 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Review article
Critical review on Rumex dentatus L. a strong pharmacophore and
the future medicine: Pharmacology, phytochemical analysis and
traditional uses
Tahirah Khaliq
, Sabiyah Akhter
, Phalisteen Sultan
, Qazi Parvaiz Hassan
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Sanatnagar, Srinagar, 190005, India
Academy of Scientic & Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201002, India
Rumex dentatus
Strong biological signicance
Objectives: Rumex dentatus L. (polygonaceae) is one of the most important species of genus Rumex
widely utilized for the treatment of various human diseases. Most parts of the plant species like
leaves, shoots and roots are found to be rich in many pharmacologically important bioactive
constituents that are useful against many diseases like acariasis, eczema, diarrhea, constipation,
diuretic, astringent, refrigerants and various types of skin diseases. The main aim of the presented
review is to highlight and document research ndings carried out by different research groups on
Rumex dentatus, like pharmacological potential, phytochemistry investigations based on presence
of phytoconstituents, traditional uses and economic importance till date. The information so
collected and documented will become available to researchers, scientists and botanists to explore
the medicinal benets of this prized herb for the assistance of mankind which in turn will open up
new opportunities for more organized and collective research efforts towards utilization and
scientic validation of its pharmacological potential.
Methods: In-vitro and in-vivo preclinical animal studies have been included in detail. The reports
and results have been taken from Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed and Science
Direct, Research gate, Articles & Advice, databases. Plant taxonomy studies were taken and
conrmed from the available databases. The Plant List, and Mansfelds Encyclopedia. Addi-
tional information on traditional uses, botany were obtained from published books.
Key ndings: From results and ndings, it has been concluded that Rumex dentatus is a rich source
of secondary metabolites such as avonoids, anthraquinones, phenolics, phytosterols, phytoes-
teryl esters etc. The bactericidal, anti-inammatory, antimicrobial, anti-tumor and anti-dermatitis
properties of Rumex dentatus have been attributed due to the presence of these phytochemicals. In
this review, we present a critical account of its habitat, morphology, phyto-constituent prole,
pharmacology and traditional uses, which will provide a source of information to the researchers
for further studies.
Conclusions: The disclosed review endorses that Rumex dentatus emerged a unique source of
Endocrocin, Emodin, Emodin-glycoside, Chrysophenol-glycoside, Quercetin, Helonioside-A and a
number of other important bioactive compounds. These isolated compounds have been found to
be active against cancer, inammation, tumor, dermatitis, acariasis, eczema and various bacterial
* Corresponding author. Dr.Qazi Parvaiz Hassan, Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnalogy Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Intregrative
Medecine, Sanatnagar, Srinager, 190005, India.
E-mail addresses:, (Q.P. Hassan).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Received 25 March 2022; Received in revised form 13 February 2023; Accepted 22 February 2023
Heliyon 9 (2023) e14159
infections, thus providing new insights for further promising investigations on isolated com-
pounds. In addition, Rumex dentatus was found as an excellent traditional medicine against many
cutaneous disorders. Taking into account the astounding pharmacological properties of Rumex
dentatus in consideration, the plant species is a library of bio-active compounds with a strong
biological prole, therefore needs an attention of botanical community around the globe to
improve its growth for medicinal uses and commit to broaden research in this eld for its proper
utilization and scientic exploitation.
1. Introduction
Drug discovery and development is one of the complex phenomena which needs high thought put research and very high nancial
assistance with modern instrumentation. This can be understood here as one of the leading company ‘Merckwhich established a data
that for every 10000 molecules given for drug analysis for efcient biological assays, 20 are selected for animal testing, ironically from
these 20 only 10 are being used for human testing the more surprise come as at the end only 1 drug will be approved for the sale by food
and drug administration (FDA) of united states [1]. Not only that, Merck also claims that 1 drug takes a minimum of 12 years at the cost
of 231 million USDs. This reects that the drug development via classical methods is a time consuming and very expensive process [2].
However the rise of natural product derived molecules as drugs have historically made a major contribution in drug discovery and
pharmacology, especially against all microbial and infectious diseases [3]. Earlier when science was in its infancy people were using
herbs as medications to cure disease. With the advancement of science particularly towards drug discovery, a large number of drugs
were isolated and tested successfully against numerous diseases [4]. Thus the plant derived molecules become a center of interest
among the scientic community as the isolation to testing process seems more promising and feasible than synthetic drug designs [5].
Consequently, interest in natural products as drug leads is being revitalized, for tackling most of the diseases like (asthma, jaundice,
bacterial to viral infections, even hereditary related diseases were successfully treated using naturally isolated compounds [6]. Pre-
clinical research and clinical trials on natural products across the world revolutionized the subject [7]. Natural products have given
excellent results against chronic inammation associated diseases, atherosclerosis and ischemia. The therapeutic or preventative
utilities of natural products in chronic inammatory diseases have solved major problems in drug development institutions [8]. In this
review we precisely added useful technological developments that are enabling natural product-based drug discovery from Rumex
dentatus and highlight all its applications and its key opportunities.
At present, around half of the drugs currently in clinical use are of plant origin [9]. Natural products possess extraordinary
specicity and potency compared to articially designed molecules as drugs [10]. These characteristics of natural products are due to
natures own high-throughput screening process for the optimization of bioactive compounds. Plant secondary metabolites are the
highest paragon of nature which serves as the lead structures for the development of new therapeutics owing to their interesting
structural features and intriguing biological proles [11]. The plant ora showed numerous assays with each part of the plant where
found to act against particular disease [12]. The advancement of research work on natural product extraction with some outstanding
natural isolates like penicillin, nicotine, morphine, codeine, ephedrine, quinines, anthraquinones, benzofurans, furans, imidazopyr-
idines, harmaline, harmole, tubocurarine, atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine, strychnine Podophyllotoxin, tryptamine, bufotenin,
cinnamons etc, has been isolated [13]. Apart from that, the plants were also used to treat diseases like Alzheimers disease (AD),
Parkinsons disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, neuro regeneration, leukemia, typhoid and inuenza etc are being addressed using plant
medications [14,15]. Further anti-tumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inammatory, and antimicrobial, anti-depressant,
anti-allergic, vasoconstrictor, vasodilator and anti-diabetic drugs are also obtained from plants. Thus plants are ultimate reservoirs
of drugs and are considered as a backbone in drug industries [16]. Keeping in mind the abundant biological applications of plants and
plant derived compounds, in this review, we have chosen Rumex dentatus for identication, pharmacology, phytochemistry, traditional
uses and allelopathic analysis. The presented review provides an assessment of the current state of knowledge of the ethno-
pharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology and safety of Rumex dentatus. Further the strong accord on its traditional uses sup-
ported by pharmacological investigations in order to identify its relevance as a potential therapeutic plant and as source of food have
been entirely collected and discussed in this review.
1.1. Pharmacological evidences of polygonaceae family
Various medicinal benets are credited to this family, especially for bronchitis, cough, asthma, dysentery, diarrhea, earache,
eczema, inammatory, kidney disease, jaundice, paralysis, leprosy, toothache, colitis, intestinal parasites, ulcerative and money more,
among polygonaceae species Rumex is famous and interesting which is discussed as under.
Rumex, a genus of polygonaceae family, is very predominant worldwide. There are about 200 species of this genus known, many of
which are useful and traditionally used for medicinal practices [17]. All parts of the plant were found useful and have a number of
health benets. Literature studies revealed that genus Rumex possess diverse pharmacological assays like, antioxidant,
anti-inammatory, antifertility, cytotoxic, purgative, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiarrheal, antiviral and antipyretic assays [18]. It
T. Khaliq et al.
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was found that plant parts (root, stem leafs) of Rumex hastatus, are shown various bioassays such as antioxidant, anti-nociceptive,
anti-diarrheal, and cytotoxic potential [19]. The plant also showed efcient antibacterial and diuretic properties [20]. Rumex abys-
sinicus, were traditionally used to cure hypertension and for relieving pain. A large number of important chemical constituents were
found in Rumex which includes anthraquinones, naphthalenes, tannins, avonoids, phenolic acids, stilbenoids, triterpenes, carot-
enoids, etc [21]. Rumex hymenosepalus contains Leucodelphinidin and Leucopelargonidin which are antitumor substituents [22]
Neopodin, a substance found in Rumex japonicus, has an inhibitory effect of osteoclast [23]. Rumex nepalensis Spreng, is another species
that is widely used for various actions like antifungal, antibacterial, purgative. This species has moderate cytotoxicity and high
phytotoxic activity [24]. Rumex dentatus, Rumex acetosa, Rumex crispus, Rumex patientia and Rumex obtusifolius are some of the plants
highly used for various pharmacological actions [25].
1.2. Taxonomic position
The importance of plants, especially medicinally active plants are in demand for the pharmacological studies in order to overcome
the stress of medicinal needs. Among the largely existing traditionally valued plants known, theRumex dentatus has its place on top. The
genus Rumex is the second major family of Polygonaceae with approximately more than 200 species spread in Europe, Аsiа, Аfricа and
North America, largely in the northern hemisphere [26]. Rumex dentаtus is а species of owering plаnt of family polygonaceae known
by the common names like toothed dock, Indian dock or aegeаn dock. It is native to parts of Eurasia, North Africa, and Аsiа. It is
commonly known as Аbuj in Kashmir and widely distributed all over Jаmmu & Kаshmir region. Rumex dentatus has therefore been
chosen for the investigation due to its simplicity of access and strong traditional and pharmacological values.
2. Classication
Kingdom: Plantae.
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (vascular plant).
Super division: Spermatophyta (seed plant).
Division: MagnoliophytaFlowering plants.
Class: MagnoliopsidaDicotyledons.
Subclass: Caryophyllidae
Order: Polygonales
Family: PolygonaceaeBuckwheat family.
Genus: Rumex L.dock.
Species: dentatus.
3. Distribution around the globe
Literature analysis revealed that Rumex is the second major genus of family polygonaceae having more than two hundred species
spread all around the world mostly in the northern hemisphere [2729]. In China, Rumex dentatus could be found almost everywhere
[3033]. In India, Rumex dentatus L. is found in the plains, from Assam, Sylhet to the Indus ascending the Himalayas 300 m 1000 ft
[34]. Pakistan and Egypt have found larger sources of distribution. In Kashmir Rumex dentatus is found everywhere from cities and
urban to mountainous regions. It has almost 22 species in Jammu and Kashmir [35]. We collected the plant at different locations such
as RS Pora Jammu, Srinagar, Budgam, Beerwah, Tangmarg, Pattan, Baramulla, Pahalgam, Drang, Gulmarg, Affarvat, Anantnag,
Shopian, Leh, Kargil and Mansar Lake of Jammu and Kashmir etc.
4. General morphology
In Kashmir valleyRumex dentatus is known by its local name Abuj and its leaves have been used as a source of vegetable from time
immemorial. Rumex dentatus belongs to the family Polygonaceae and is found throughout temperate western Himalayas from Kashmir
to Kumaon, 800012000 feet. It is a seasonal owering plant and grows in distraught areas, often in moist regions, such as lakeshores
and the edges of cultivated elds. It is biennial with a cylinder, erect stem up to 70 or 80 cm in maximum height, grooved, branched
from base, glabrous, branches ascending to almost divaricated [36]. The leaves are lаnce-shаped to ovаl with slightly wavy edges,
growing to а mаximum length аround 12 cm. The inorescence is an interrupted series of clusters of owers, with 1020 owers per
cluster and each ower hanging on a pedicel [37]. Flowers are bisexual. Outer tepals are elliptic 2 mm, inner petals enlarged in fruit,
valves triangular ovate, 45 ×2.53 mm, all valves with tubercles 1.52 mm, visibly net veined, base rounded, eаch mаrgin with 24
teeth, аpex аcute to subаcute. Аchenes yellowish brown, shiny, ovoid, shаrply trigonous, 22.5 mm, bаse nаrrow, аpex аcute [38]. The
variations in physical appearance of Rumex dentatus at different times in a year are shown in photographs taken below (Fig. 1) stage 1
stage 2 and stage 3.
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5. Flowering stage and pollination
The owering period of plаnt is Mаy to June; its seeds ripen from July to August. The species is a hermaphrodite. The pollination
generally occurs viа аnemophily or entomophily. Rumex dentаtus mostly grows healthy in light (sаndy), medium (loаmy) аnd heavy
(clаy) soils. The tested soil of the plant is well-drained with neutral and alkaline in nature. Also, the plant favors mostly semi-shade,
semi sunny light with moist soil [39]. Since Rumex dentatus can be easily found growing wild in Kashmir, thus researchers have easy
access to use it for detailed phytochemical analysis and further evaluation. In view of the literature survey, it was found that all the
parts of the plant are important and was found active against various diseases.
6. Traditional uses
The Rumex plant as mentioned above has vast traditional uses [40]. The plant was timely monitored and scientists brought it to
light in order to help the common people in various ways, food and medicine in particular [41]. In the year 2001, Rumex plant was
proven to have anti-bactericidal activity [42]. The plant species also showed anti-inammatory, astringent, antitumor, diuretic and
anti-dermatitis assays. The presence of cholagogu, tonic and laxative agents were also found in the plant [43,44]. All parts of the plant
(leaves, stem and roots) have been used to treat pneumonia, cough, stomach-ache, smallpox and abscesses [45]. The given references
Fig. 1. Different growth stages of Rumex dentatus.
Table 1
Traditional uses of different parts (leaves, stem and roots) of Rumex dentatus from different places.
Species Plant Part Traditional uses Region References
Rumex dentatus Leaves, Roots and stem Pneumonia, cough, stomach-ache, smallpox and
Pakistan Munir et al., 2016 [58]
Leaves Diuretic, refrigerant and cooling agent Peshawar Hameed and Dastagir 2009 [59], Fatima et al.,
2009 [47].
Roots Acariasis, purgative, eczema, and dysentery Pakistan Saleem et al., 2014 [49]
Roots Acariasis, eczema, diarrhea and constipation China Zhu et al., 2010 [60]
Leaves and shoots Diuretic, refrigerant and cooling agents Peshawar Islam et al., 2006. [55], Hussain et al., 2006 [48].
Roots Used for treating astringent, cutaneous and
purgative disorders
Chopra et al., 1986. [53], Manandhar et al., 2002
Root Paste Used to relieve headache Manandhar, 2002 [54]
Roots and Leaves Used to treat asthma, jaundice, foot and mouth
infections, fever, cough, weakness and scabies
Pakistan Sing et al., 2023 [61]
Whole plant Anti-inammatory, astringent, antitumor, and
diuretic, antidermatitis, cholagogue, tonic and
laxative agents
Suleyman et al., 1999 [62]., Litvinenko and
Muzych Kina, 2003 [63], Demirezer, 1993 [64]
Roots Used as a folk medicine for treating ascariasis,
eczema, diarrhea and constipation.
Olowokudejo et al., 2008 [65]
Rumex dentatus Roots and leaves bactericidal, anti-inammatory, antitumor,
anthelmintic, astringent, and anti-dermatitis, its
roots are also used in folk medicine for treating
acariasis, eczema, diarrhea, and constipation
Egypt Abou et al., 2013 [66]
Roots and leaves Bactericidal, astringent, anti-dermatitis, diuretic,
cholagogue, tonic and laxative agents
India Humeera et al., 2013 [50]
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provide us the record of traditional uses of Rumex species. But to our surprise, among them Rumex dentatus have the best accord of
traditional uses. It has been observed that each part of Rumex dentatus is useful and important for medicinal purposes. The leaves of the
plant were used traditionally as diuretic, refrigerant and cooling agents [46,47,48]. The roots of Rumex dentatus were used as an anti
acariasis, purgative, eczema, and dysentery purposes [49]. Rumex dentаtus were found to have broad spectrum of assays, such as
аntimicrobiаl аnd аntioxidаnt assays and could be used as а possible alternative for treating above mentioned ailments [50]. The plant
has been also employed traditionally for the treatment of various bacterial аnd fungal infections, e.g. enteritis, аscаriаsis аnd dysentery
[51]. The roots were also used to treat diarrhea and constipation [52]. Further the roots of Rumex dentаtus were also used as an
astringent, curing cutaneous disorders and producing purgative effects [53,54]. Areal parts like leaves and shoots were used as
diuretic, refrigerant and cooling agents [55]. Rumex dentatus is known to play a major role in bone and pain related disorders. Thus the
plant is applied for strong decoction to dislocated bones and is used to ease body pain. Root pastes of the plant were applied externally
to relieve headache [56]. Literature reports also revealed that the plant is a traditional herb in countries like Pakistan. Its roots and
leaves were also used in treating diseases like foot and mouth infections, asthma, cough, jaundice, fever, weakness and scabies) [57].
Thus from the above discussion it is clear that the plant has an inordinate traditional importance and has a wide scope of being used as
a traditional herb in India (Table 1).
7. General pharmacology of Rumex dentatus
The presented review summarizedin vitro and in vivo biological properties carried out on the extracts of Rumex dentatus till date. Our
efforts to summarize the comprehensive research work carried on phytochemistry, pharmacology, allelopathy and economic impor-
tance of Rumex dentatus can be a productive for researchers. The diverse extracts like methanol, hexane, ethyl acetate, chloroform,
DCM, and H
O have been evaluated for various biological assays such as antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, antitumor, hepato-
protective, and skin disorders [67]. It is important to note that extracts of different parts of Rumex dentatus like, leaf, stem and
roots showed predominantly different biological assays with respective extracts and provide clear evidences of variable phyto-
chemicals present in the plant [68]. Researchers also found that, the mixtures of solvent extractions of Rumex dentatus were found to be
active against variety of diseases than their individual ones. Literature precedents also showed that the methanolic extracts of roots and
shoots of Rumex dentatus were found to be effective against all the bacterial strains tested, however the hexane extract inhibited fungal
growth (up to 80%) more efciently than the methanolic extracts [69]. Concentration of different extracts of Rumex dentatus effectively
inhibited tumor induction on the potato discs produced by wild type agrobacterium strains. It was also reported that the methanolic
extracts of leaf and stem inhibited radish seed germination (70 and 61% respectively) and root length more than the hexane extracts
[70]. Also the extracts of Rumex dentatus were found active against various diseases [71]. Researchers then tried to isolate phyto-
chemicals responsible for these assays of the plant. Some outstanding molecules have been isolated using HPLC analysis and normal
column chromatography. All the isolates were characterized by spectral analysis like (IR,
CNMR, MS and X-ray crystal-
lography) [72]. The various kinds of molecules like alkaloids, saponins, anthraquinones, tannins and avonoids were found in the
plant [73]. Moreover, various important bioactive compounds, such as chlorogenic acid, quercetin, myricetin, vitamin C, and
kaempferol, have been identied in roots [74]. Previous phytochemical studies on Rumex dentatus have demonstrated the presence of
anthraquinones, avonoids, phytosterols, phytosteryl esters, fatty acids, chromones and anthrones [75]. The reported assays of solvent
extracts of Rumex dentatus till date have been summarized in the presented review discussed as under.
7.1. Antioxidant assay
Nature has gloried the plants with some special agents for protection of their cells from the damage caused by free radicals
(unstable molecules made during the process of oxidation in normal metabolic reactions). But for animals free radicals may play a part
in cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of aging. Plants are considered a rich source of antioxidants andRumex dentatus is
one among them proven to have strong antioxidant properties [76]. It was observed that the total phenolic content and antioxidant
capacities assayed by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and β-carotene bleaching methods on Rumex
dentatus [77]. The results showed that the total phenolic content in the ethyl acetate fractions of leaves and roots were high and
measured at 169.5 and 257.4 mg. The ethyl acetate fractions of leaves and roots exhibited strong DPPH activity and the DPPH IC50
values were 0.021 and 0.012 mg/mL of leaves and roots respectively. Furthermore, the ethyl acetate fractions of leaves and roots
showed high reducing power and antioxidant activity assayed by β-carotene bleaching method. GC-MS and HPLC analyses indicated
that these fractions contained a variety of phenolic compounds including p-hydroxybenzoic acid, syringic acid, vanillin, benzoic acid,
ferulic acid, and cinnamic acid, used the plant for antioxidant activity [78]. Different extracts used, which revealed that the extracts
exhibited scavenging effects in concentration-dependent manner on superoxide anion radicals and hydroxyl radicals. The phyto-
chemical tests carried out with the crude extracts of Rumex dentatus showed the presence of avonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, sa-
ponins, tannins, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides in it. The total phenolic content of these extracts was estimated quantitatively
from standard calibration curve of gallic acid and it varied from 145
g/mg in butanol extract to 45
g/mg in petroleum ether extract
[79]. The standardization of Rumex dentatus by performing the investigations and estimation of sugar, starch, tannins, phenolics and
avonoids is very important research nding. The sugar and starch content in powdered leaves of Rumex dentatus was found to be
0.037% & 5.78%. The UV spectroscopic estimation of tannins, phenolics, and avonoid content in powdered leaves of Rumex dentatus
was found to be 1.15%, 56.008%, 0.353% [80]. evaluated the antioxidant properties by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free
radical using a slightly modied method. Each extract sample was initially analyzed spectrophotometrically at 513 nm using a con-
centration of 200
g/mL and the extracts revealed worthy antiradical activity (50%). The extract was further examined to nd IC50
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values at lower concentrations. The % antiradical activity of test extract =(1-Aab/Bab) ×100Aab is the absorbance of the extract
sample. Bab is the absorbance of reagent with negative control. Ascorbic acid served as positive control. Thus from above discussion
the plant was found to be good in compounds having antioxidant activity.
7.2. Antibacterial assays
Antibacterial agents obliterate bacteria or subdue their growth or to stop the faster reproducing properties. The worldwide problem
of antibiotic resistance is becoming one of the foremost scientic issues of current times [81]. The progress of new antibiotics is slow
and complex process. However the bacterial resistance is decreasing and our arsenal of existing drugs posing a catastrophic threat as
ordinary infections become untreatable. Preventative action is needed to help in reducing resistance. Now the aim of the world sci-
entic community is to improve the ability to target infections more precisely by encouraging the development of new tools. As of now
synthetic drugs are time consuming and difcult to produce on time, therefore the search for plant derived drugs have accelerated in
recent years [82]. Ethno pharmacologists, botanists, microbiologists, and natural-product chemists are working on plants and trying to
explore phytochemicals for probing and generating library of medications which leadsfor treatment of infectious diseases on timely
basis [83]. The antibacterial cure by scientic community using Rumex dentatus marked strong impact discussed as under [84]
investigated the antimicrobial assays of Rumex dentatus L., and used Agar disk diffusion method for antimicrobial activity. Rumex
dentatus extracts were tested against different clinical bacterial strains (Shigella exneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium). Among all extracts, the butanol extract showed strong anti-
bacterial activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae (inhibition zone diameter of 20 mm) [85]. presented the study to investigate the
antibacterial activity of the stem extract of Rumex dentatus against bacterial pathogenic strains (Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, S.
aureus and Micrococcus lutes P. aeruginosa). The result of the extracts in methanol and cold water were found to be effective against all
the tested bacterial strains. Then minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), of the extracts against these bacterial strains were found to
be in the range of 0.10 mg/ml. The research reported that Rumex dentatus is a potential plant against bacterial pathogenic strains [86].
Studied the effect of different extracts of Rumex dentatus on harmful bacterial strains and observed that ethanol and hexane extracts
have the potential to inhibit most of the tested multi-drug resistant bacterial strains [87]. Prepared leaf, stem and root extracts in
methanol and hexane by simple maceration. The methanol extracts of root and shoot were found effective against all the bacterial
strains tested. Zone of inhibition ranged between 9.7 and 12.1 mm. They reported that Rumex dentatusmethanol extract showed
presence of alkaloids, saponins, anthrax quinones and tannins while avonoids were also found in both methanol as well as hexane
extract were mainly responsible for bacterial inhibition. Thus with the given evidence the plant has strong potential to be used as an
antibacterial phytomedicine. If the plant is given clinical priority it can better replace synthetic medication for various bacterial
7.3. Antiviral assays
Viruses are microscopic organisms found everywhere on earth. They have the potential to infect every living organism even
bacteria cant be spared [88]. Sometimes viruses are so deadly and can be fatal. Some viral infections trigger no noticeable reaction till
death of an infected person. A virus has the potential to have particular effect on individual and the same virus can affect human but
not animals or vice versa or both. Viruses vary in complexity. They consist of genetic material, RNA or DNA, surrounded by a coat of
protein, lipid (fat), or glycoprotein. Viruses cannot replicate without a host, so they are classied as parasitic [89]. Viral infections are
thought to be one of the most serious threats to human life. It is now widely acknowledged that natural products (NPs) are the single
most important source of antiviral agents for the treatment of COVID-19 [90]. In order to overcome viral infections both synthetic and
plant medications have been immensely used. Herein we report Rumex dentatus as an antiviral medication, the research team
investigated the inhibitory effects against dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2) by using ve different solvent fractions (extracted by
methanol, ethanol, benzene, chloroform and n-hexane) of Rumex dentatus [91]. The study nds that the methanolic extract of Rumex
dentatus demonstrated the highest antiviral efcacy by inhibiting DENV-2 replication, with IC
of 0.154
g/mL and 0.234
g/mL. Not
much work on Rumex dentatus against viruses has been done, the plant has the potential if given priority in this eld of research and can
act as potential medication against different viruses like found active against dengue virus.
7.4. Antifungal assays
[92] Studied antifungal activity of various extracts of Rumex dentatus on various fungal strains. The study revealed that the tested
fungal species Fusarium solani, Aspergillus avus and Aspergillus niger were more susceptible to crude extracts of Rumex dentatus with
MICs 0.75, 2.15, and 1.75
g/ml, respectively [93] used Rumex dentatus extracts and evaluated it for antifungal activity. Leaf, stem and
root extracts of Rumex dentatus were made in methanol and hexane by simple maceration. The methanol and hexane extracts of root
and shoot were tested on various fungal strains and the hexane extracts inhibited fungal growth (up to 80%) more efciently than the
methanol extracts. The more work in this led needs to be done and plant must be thoroughly used on different fungal strains to
explore it as medicinal herb for fungal diseases.
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7.5. Anticancer assays
Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases categorized by the uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells with the
aptitude to penetrate and terminate normal body tissue. The disease often has the ability to spread throughout the body. Cancer is the
second-leading cause ofdeath in the world and needs strong and viable medication [94]. Rumex dentatus has been evaluated against
various cancer cell lines successfully [95]. used methanolic and hexane extracts of Rumex dentatus and evaluated them for cytotoxicity
and antitumor assays. The positive results were observed with the inhibition of tumor induction on the potato discs produced by wild
type Agrobacterium strains At10 and At6. The root extracts either in methanol or hexane showed LD50 values below 1000 ppm in brine
shrimp mortality assay. The Rumex dentatus methanol extract showed presence of alkaloids, saponins, anthraquinones and tannins
while avonoids were also found in both methanol as well as hexane extract. [96], evaluated Rumex dentatus against breast cancer
MDA-MB-231 cell line, a triple negative human breast cancer cell line with invasive properties and to identify the molecular targets
underlying its mechanism of action. Cytotoxicity of plant extracts was determined against breast cancer cells, using the MTT assay.
Flow cytometry was performed to analyze the changes in cell cycle and apoptotic effect, if any. Cells were also studied for their wound
healing and invasive potential as well as for Western blotting of apoptotic genes and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) pathway [97] used
different concentrations of the extracts and dose-dependent growth inhibition of treated cancerous cells was observed at 48 h treat-
ment. Maximum anti-proliferative activity was obtained by ethanol, benzene and chloroform extracts against breast cancer MCF-7 cell
line with lowest IC50 at almost equal concentrations as 47.3, 49 and 48
g/mL respectively. Benzene and chloroform extracts also
inhibited prostate cancer cells (DU-145) proliferation at relatively lower IC50 as 94
g/mL and 99
g/mL respectively while methanol
g/mL) and ethanol (128
g/mL) extracts were more potent to inhibit proliferation of hep-2 cells. All the extracts were
non-cytotoxic for HCEC normal cell line. Overall, MCF-7 cell line showed most sensitivity among all tested cancerous cell lines to
extracts of Rumex dentatus with lowest IC50 values. Proving to have anticancer effects the plant needs attention as there is evidence of
having anticancer molecules which are responsible for its anticancer activity.
7.6. Anti-diabetic assay
Diabetes is a disease, occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high [98]. Blood glucose is central source of
energy which comes from the food. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food to get into cells to be used for
energy [99]. The other complications caused by this disease are heart disease, heart attack, stroke, neuropathy, nephropathy, reti-
nopathy and vision loss, hearing loss, foot damage such as infections and sores, that dont heal, skin conditions such as bacterial and
fungal infections, depression and dementia, thus we can say that the diabetes is very dangerous and needs immediate cure [100].
Scientists are trying to get medication for the disease both via synthesis and using natural products. The ant-diabetic effects of
polyphenol-rich Rumex dentatus extract (RDE) were investigated in type 2 diabetic rats. Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts
of Rumex dentatus resulted in the isolation of one new and seven known compounds isolated for the rst time from this species. In
diabetic rats, RDE attenuated hyperglycemia, insulin resistance and liver injury and improved carbohydrate metabolism. RDE sup-
pressed oxidative stress and inammation and upregulated PPARγ. In silico molecular docking analysis revealed the binding afnity of
the isolated compounds toward PPARγ and decreased glucose level in cells. This proved that the plant can prove natural diabetic healer
[101]. We must treat the plant as one of the useful anti-diabetic herb and should work on it for further exploration.
7.7. Anti-inammatory assay
The inammatory response (inammation) occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause.
The damaged cells release chemicals including histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins [102]. These chemicals cause blood vessels
to leak uid into the tissues, causing swelling, the inammation is sometimes dangerous and need immediate antidote [103]. Chronic
inammation frequently involves dysregulation of a wide range of intracellular signalling pathways, including transcription factors,
kinases, and cell surface receptors. In a normal situation, inammation activates a variety of protein kinases, including AKT/PI3K,
MAPK, and JAK, as well as the families of protein kinases associated with the members of these protein kinase families, with the goal of
modifying metastasis progression [104]. Several Rumex species, including R. vesicarius, R. nepalensis, and R. patientia, have been re-
ported to have anti-inammatory properties [105108]. A study found that R. dentatus polyphenol-rich extract increased PPARc
expression while suppressing inammation and oxidative stress [109]. Another study found that R. dentatus methanolic extract has an
anti-inammatory effect in mice at a dose of 500 mg/kg (p.o) [110]. However, the precise compound responsible for such activities is
still unknown [111]. investigated the gastroprotective and other biological effects of Rumex dentatus crude extract. According to this
study, immunohistochemistry, ELISA, and Western blot techniques revealed improved cellular architecture and decreased expression
of inammatory markers such as cyclooxygenase (COX2), tumour necrosis factor (TNF-), and phosphorylated nuclear factor kappa B
(p-NFB). In RT-PCR, it lowers H+/K +-ATPase mRNA levels. To summarize, Rumex dentatus extracts and phytoconstituents have the
potential to be effective anti-inammatory drug candidates with anti-diarrheal, anti-secretary, antispasmodic, anti-H. pylori, and
anti-ulcer properties. The detailed biological signicance of different extracts of Rumex dentatus with year wise progress is shown via
graphical representation in Fig. 2. It was clear from the literature that plant has been studied extensively since 1950 to 2020.
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e14159
8. Phytochemicals isolated from Rumex dentatus and their observed biological assays
Phytochemicals аre the substances of plаnt origin whichprovides health аnd medicinal benets including preclusion аnd treatment
of diseases. They аre naturally present in foods аnd аcting in synergy, bestow potential on different infections. The present review
describes the structural representation of isolated phytochemicals from Rumex dentatus and their biological assays done till date.
Researchers all over the world worked on Rumex dentatus and isolated number of phytochemicals and performed their biological
assays. Compounds isolated [112,113] from Rumex dentatus till date are summarized in Table 2.
The research in the eld of isolation of bioactive molecules continues and every year compounds are being added herein more
compounds have been isolated during the time from Rumex dentatus and identied by spectroscopic data. The compounds are
chrysophanol, 6 methyl 7 acetyl 1,8dihydroxy 3 methoxy naphthalene-1-O-β-D(L)-glucoside, and 6-methyl-7-acetyl-1,8-dihydroxy
naphthalene-1-Oβ D(L) glucoside [114,115]. The compounds were screened for biological assays and showed antiproliferation as-
says, using the MTT assay in four cell lines (breast cancer MCF 7, gastric cancer 7901, melanoma A375 and oophoroma SKOV 3) [116]
Team of scientists isolated novel, eight anthraquinone derivatives from Rumex dentatus, compounds were found as emodin, physcion,
chrysophanol, physcion glucoside, endocrocin, emodin glucoside, chrysophanol, chromone derivatives and monoterpenes [117]. Then
further ten compounds have been isolated which were identied as helonioside A, gallic acid, isovanillic acid, p hydroxycinnamic acid,
succinic acid, n butyl beta D fructopyranoside, quercetin, hexadecanoic acid 2, 3 dihydroxy propyl ester, beta sitosterol and dau-
costerol [118,119]. The conformation of three epimeric pair of new C glucosyl anthrones from Rumex dentatus by on line high per-
formance liquid chromatography circular dichroism (HPLC CD) analysis were also reported. All the mentioned compounds were
isolated from the roots of Rumex dentatus by column chromatography. Their structures were elucidated by mass spectrometry, nuclear
magnetic spectroscopy and HPLC CD analysis. The structural names of the compounds isolated areas under, 10R C d glucosyl 10
hydroxyеmodin 9 anthronе (rumеjaposidе Е, 1) and 10S C d glucosyl 10 hydroxyеmodin 9 anthronе (rumеjaposidе F, 2), 10R C
d glucosylеmodin 9 anthronе (rumеjaposidе G, 3) and 10S C d glucosylеmodin 9 anthronе (rumеjaposidе H, 4), 10S C d glucosyl 10
hydroxy chrysophanol 9 anthronе (cassialoin, 5) and 10R C d glucosyl 10 hydroxy chrysophanol 9 anthronе (rumеjaposidе I, 6).
Rumеjaposidеs F I (24 and 6) was new C glucosyl anthronеs. Rumеjaposidе Е (1) and cassialoin (5) [120123] have been already
reported in literature. Structurally all the compounds are shown in section 2 and well mentioned in the given summery. The sum-
marized compounds will be helpful to researchers and ease their work for new isolation.
Section 2: The isolated anthraquinone glycoside derivatives from Rumex dentatus.
With the advancement of molecular isolation technique, plants were extensity studied. The isolation of compounds fromRumex
dentatus has started in 2002, since then more than 41 compounds have been isolated. It can be easily accessed from graph in Fig. 3 that
the isolation since 2002 till 2019 has paced up the work and need further exploration due to the presence of biologically potent drugs
like quinones, isoquinones, avonoids, etc. in the plant skeleton.
9. Economic importance of Rumex dentatus
Plants as a source of food and medicine reveal their importance and impact on economic potential. TraditionallyRumex species as
source of medicine has marked its place around the globe [124]. Plants with strong historical background of service and their potential
to continue contributing in the future by supporting sustainable development of societies and economies, attracted scientists towards
such elds of research [125]. The dependence of humans from past, the present and the future is woven in human cultures and their
habits to use plants as medicine, food, pharmaceuticals and energy. According to the traditional knowledge, Rumex dentatus has a
strong record of medicinal value for improving health and welfare [126]. Usefulness for human diet is documented in numerous
studies. The presence of bioactive compounds in Rumex dentatus and the uses of its extract for curing number of diseases add wide
scope of the plant [127]. Thus from vegetation to the medicinal importance Rumex dentatus plant will act as an alternate food and
strong solution to various deadly diseases [128]. Economic importance might be well correlated with increasing interest for functional
food area worldwide, which further may lead to intensify the production of Rumex dentatus and its presence in market stands [129].
Fig. 2. The enhanced biological signicance of extracts of Rumex dentatus since 19502020.
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Table 2
Compounds isolated from Rumex dentatus.
SNO. Name Structure Reported Activity Year
1 Chrysophenol-glycoside Antiproliferation Assays in Four Cell
Zhang et al., 2012.
Jan et al., 2012 [135].
2 Physcion-glycoside Jan et al., 2016 [117].
3 Emodin-glycoside Anti proliferative assay Jan et al., 2012 [135].
4 6-methyl-7-acetyl-1,8-dihydroxy-3-
methoxy naphthalene-1-O-D(L)-glucoside
Anti proliferative Assay Zhang et al., 2012
5 6-methyl-7-acetyl-1,8-dihydroxy
Anti proliferative Assay Jan et al., 2012., Zhang
et al., 2012 [116,135].
6 Endocrocin Anti-Cancer Jan et al., 2012., Zhan
et al., 2006 [51,135].
7 Gallic acid Anti histamine, Antifungal Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
8 Isovanillic acid Antioxidant Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
9 p-hydroxycinnamic acid Antioxidant Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
10 Succinic acid Arthritis and joint pain Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
(continued on next page)
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Table 2 (continued )
SNO. Name Structure Reported Activity Year
11 n-butyl-beta-D-fructopyranoside Antiproliferative effects Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
12 Quercetin Anti-inammatory and anti
Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
13 hexadecanoic acid 2, 3-dihydroxy propyl
Disruptive effect on membranes Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
14 beta-sitosterol Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
15 Daucosterol Inactivation of PI3K/Akt pathway and
upregulation ofPTENgene
Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
16 Helonioside A Anti proliferative assay Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
17 2-(7-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-
chromen-5-yl) acetic acid
Antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal,
anticoagulant, and CNS assay
Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
18 7-hydroxy-2, 5-dimethyl-4H-chromen-4-
CNS active, anti-inammatory Zhu et al., 2006 [133].
19 Physcion Antimicrobial Assay Khalil et al., 2022
20 Emodin Antimicrobial Assay Khalil et al., 2022
(continued on next page)
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10. Techniques used to isolate and identify compounds from R dentatus
There are several methods used to isolate different chemicals from R. dentatus, including HPLC-PD, HPLC, column chromatography,
GC/MS, and GLC [130132]. By using
CBNMR, MS, and IR spectroscopy, the compounds have been characterized
[133135]. Compounds isolated and identied via above given techniques are Rumejaposide E, Rumejaposide F, Rumejaposide G,
Rumejaposide H, cassialoin, rumejaposide, quercetin, avicularin, quercitrin, rutin, myricetin, and kaempfero, as well as vitamin C,
vitamin A, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, cinnamic acid, syringic acid, ferulichave been detected in R. dentatus.
11. Conclusion
As a result, among the many therapeutic plants that are currently available, Rumex dentatus, a traditional pharmacophore that is
extensively used in traditional medicine, occupies a signicant position. Traditionally leaves of this plant are used for abscesses,
diuretic, refrigerant and as cooling agent, while shoots and roots are used to cure pneumonia, cough, stomach-ache, small pox, asthma,
jaundice, fever etc. The plant has been found rich in large number of high valued bioactive compounds. Among these, anthraquinones,
naphthalene, avonoids, phenols and acids are the main classes of bioactive compounds. More than forty one (41) bioactive com-
pounds have been isolated till date from this plant species and all of these compounds were found active against various diseases. The
broad spectrums of diseases were treated by using raw parts of Rumex dentatus or its extracts. The plant showed antimicrobial and
antioxidant activity, it was also found effective for inammation and showed potential hepato-protective, anti-helminthic, insecticidal,
antimicrobial, antitumor, antiviral and anticancer properties. As from the literature reports, extracts prepared from different parts of
Rumex dentatus using different solvent systems showed variable biological assays. Apart from its strong bioactive accord, the plant was
also found to be allopathic in nature which adds further to its pharmacological importance. Thus the plant can be used as a selective
weedicide as it is having great scope in replacing chemical weedicides which have proven harmful for the environment as well as for
plants and animals leaving heavy metals and other toxic chemical in the environment. Therefore the concluding remarks of Rumex
dentatus in terms of traditional uses, isolated phytochemicals and phytochemistry done till date placed it on top of researchers choice
as a strong herbal base formulations to be used against these many diseases for better and benet of mankind. The plant holds unique
place among the various medicinal plants available around us. The present review highlight and document the research ndings
carried out on this plant species by different researchers to bring light on the work done till date on Rumex dentatus and make it
available to the students, researchers for more scientic studies to bridge the gap in better utilization and validation of its pharma-
cological potential. The present review has been drafted and documented such that the complied data can be easily accessed to broaden
its future research prospects and made it available to scientic community with easy access.
Table 2 (continued )
SNO. Name Structure Reported Activity Year
21 Chrysophenol Anti proliferative Zhang et al., 2012 [30].
Fig. 3. Rate of isolation of biologically active molecules from Rumex dentatus.
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Author contribution statement
All authors listed have signicantly contributed to the development and the writing of this article.
Funding statement
This work was supported by UGC-MANF [F1-17.1/2013-14/MANF-2013-14-MUS-JAM-26374].
Data availability statement
Data will be made available on request.
Declaration of interests statement
The authors declare no conict of interest.
Ethical statement
This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
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T. Khaliq et al.
... It also inhibits the Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway by downregulating target genes, including c-Myc, Cyclin-D1, and TCF4. In addition, endocrocin is reported to have anticancer properties, although there is a lack of available data about the possible mechanisms of its action 31 . Based on the in silico studies, we assumed that these 4 compounds could have important contributions to the overall promising anticancer properties of RO extract. ...
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The continuous increase in cancer rates, failure of conventional chemotherapies to control the disease, and excessive toxicity of chemotherapies clearly demand alternative approaches. Natural products contain many constituents that can act on various bodily targets to induce pharmacodynamic responses. This study aimed to explore the combined anticancer effects of Rumex obtusifolius (RO) extract and the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on specific molecular targets involved in cancer progression. By focusing on the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and its related components, such as cytokines, growth factors (TNFa, VEGFa), and enzymes (Arginase, NOS, COX-2, MMP-2), this research sought to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the anticancer effects of RO extract, both independently and in combination with 5-FU, in non-small lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. The study also investigated the potential interactions of compounds identified by HPLC/MS/MS of RO on PI3K/Akt in the active site pocket through an in silico analysis. The ultimate goal was to identify potent therapeutic combinations that effectively inhibit, prevent or delay cancer development with minimal side effects. The results revealed that the combined treatment of 5-FU and RO demonstrated a significant reduction in TNFa levels, comparable to the effect observed with RO alone. RO modulated the PI3K/Akt pathway, influencing the phosphorylated and total amounts of these proteins during the combined treatment. Notably, COX-2, a key player in inflammatory processes, substantially decreased with the combination treatment. Caspase-3 activity, indicative of apoptosis, increased by 1.8 times in the combined treatment compared to separate treatments. In addition, the in silico analyses explored the binding affinities and interactions of RO's major phytochemicals with intracellular targets, revealing a high affinity for PI3K and Akt. These findings suggest that the combined treatment induces apoptosis in A549 cells by regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway.
... Pharmacological information shows that Emodin has a wide range of biological activities, including antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer effects, and its effect on anti-biofilm microbial activity has also been reported. Moreover, Emodin has been found to be non-toxic to mammalian cells at therapeutic concentrations, which is an important consideration for clinical [18][19][20]. To overcome these adverse effects, scientists have suggested the use of biological nano-biocarriers. ...
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Background This study was conducted to investigate the efficiency of periodontal ligament (PDL) stem cell-derived exosome-loaded Emodin (Emo@PDL-Exo) in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus as the cariogenic bacteria. Materials and methods After isolating and characterizing PDL-Exo, the study proceeded to prepare and verify the presence of Emo@PDL-Exo. The antimicrobial effect, anti-biofilm activity, and anti-metabolic potency of Emo, PDL-Exo, and Emo@PDL-Exo were then evaluated with and without irradiation of blue laser at a wavelength of 405 ± 10 nm with an output intensity of 150 mW/cm² for a duration of 60 s. In addition, the study assessed the binding affinity of Emodin with GtfB and SlpA proteins using in silico molecular docking. Eventually, the study examined the generation of endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) and changes in the gene expression levels of gelE and sprE. Results The study found that using Emo@PDL-Exo-mediated aPDT resulted in a significant decrease in L. acidophilus and S. mutans by 4.90 ± 0.36 and 5.07 log10 CFU/mL, respectively (P < 0.05). The study found that using Emo@PDL-Exo for aPDT significantly reduced L. acidophilus and S. mutans biofilms by 44.7% and 50.4%, respectively, compared to untreated biofilms in the control group (P < 0.05). Additionally, the metabolic activity of L. acidophilus and S. mutans decreased by 58.3% and 71.2%, respectively (P < 0.05). The molecular docking analysis showed strong binding affinities of Emodin with SlpA and GtfB proteins, with docking scores of -7.4 and -8.2 kcal/mol, respectively. The study also found that the aPDT using Emo@PDL-Exo group resulted in the most significant reduction in gene expression of slpA and gtfB, with a decrease of 4.2- and 5.6-folds, respectively, compared to the control group (P < 0.05), likely due to the increased generation of endogenous ROS. Discussion The study showed that aPDT using Emo@PDL-Exo can effectively reduce the cell viability, biofilm activity, and metabolic potency of S. mutans and L. acidophilus. aPDT also significantly reduced the expression levels of gtfB and slpA mRNA due to the increased endogenous ROS generation. The findings suggest that Emo@PDL-Exo-mediated aPDT could be a promising antimicrobial approach against cariogenic microorganisms.
... At present, the global scientific community is dedicated to refining the precision of infection targeting through the advancement of innovative tools. This pursuit has propelled the exploration of plant-derived medicinal options, as a response to the time-intensive nature of synthetic drug production (Khaliq et al., 2023). Prior studies have reported the diverse medicinal uses of R. dentatus in traditional folk medicine, encompassing treatments for ailments such as acariasis, eczema, diarrhea, constipation, astringent conditions, dermatitis, diuretic effects, cholagogue properties, and tonic applications (Abou Elfotoh et al., 2013, Humeera et al., 2013. ...
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The control of infections is one of the key strategies to treat cuts, wounds, lung, and skin infections. In this study the folkloric use of Rumex dentatus (R. dentatus) roots in the mentioned conditions was scientifically investigated. The methanolic (MeOH) crude extract of R. dentatus root was fractionated (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water) via bioassay-guided method, and its antibacterial activity was evaluated using the agar well diffusion and Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays against clinical isolate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). The antibiofilm activity was measured using the crystal violet staining method. The crude extract, fractions and sub-fractions tested showed the MICs values ranging from 200 to 1000 μg/mL respectively. Among the fractions, notably, the water fraction exhibited the highest activity against P. aeruginosa. The water fraction was then subjected to thin layer chromatography (TLC). Following spectrometric analysis using HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS, gallic acid and emodin were identified as the primary components within the same fraction, responsible for eliciting antibacterial and antibiofilm effects. The in-silico studies conducted with AutoDock Vina on the LasR protein, using both isolated gallic acid and emodin, confirm the binding affinity of these molecules to the active sites of the LasR protein that has regulatory role in building of biofilm formation and its pathogenicity. By scientifically validating the infection-controlling properties of R. dentatus, this research provides compelling evidence that supports its traditional use as reported in folklore. Moreover, this study contributes to our understanding of the plant's potential in managing infections, thereby substantiating its traditional therapeutic application in a scientific context.
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Oxidative stress, driven by reactive oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur species (ROS, RNS, RSS), poses a significant threat to cellular integrity and human health. Generated during mitochondrial respiration, inflammation, UV exposure and pollution, these species damage cells and contribute to pathologies like cardiovascular issues, neurodegeneration, cancer, and metabolic syndromes. Lifestyle factors exert a substantial influence on oxidative stress levels, with mitochondria emerging as pivotal players in ROS generation and cellular equilibrium. Phytochemicals, abundant in plants, such as carotenoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherols and polyphenols, offer diverse antioxidant mechanisms. They scavenge free radicals, chelate metal ions, and modulate cellular signalling pathways to mitigate oxidative damage. Furthermore, plants thriving in high-altitude regions are adapted to extreme conditions, and synthesize secondary metabolites, like flavonoids and phenolic compounds in bulk quantities, which act to form a robust antioxidant defence against oxidative stress, including UV radiation and temperature fluctuations. These plants are promising sources for drug development, offering innovative strategies by which to manage oxidative stress-related ailments and enhance human health. Understanding and harnessing the antioxidant potential of phytochemicals from high-altitude plants represent crucial steps in combating oxidative stress-induced disorders and promoting overall wellbeing. This study offers a comprehensive summary of the production and physio-pathological aspects of lifestyle-induced oxidative stress disorders and explores the potential of phytochemicals as promising antioxidants. Additionally, it presents an appraisal of high-altitude medicinal plants as significant sources of antioxidants, highlighting their potential for drug development and the creation of innovative antioxidant therapeutic approaches.
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In this study, the objective was to explore novel strategies for improving the efficacy of anticancer therapy. The focus was on investigating the antiproliferative effects of combining Rumex obtusifolius extract (RO) with the chemotherapeutic agent 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in non-small A549 lung cancer cells (NSCLC). Key factors such as the PI3K/Akt cell signaling system, cytokines, growth factors (TNFa, VEGFa), and enzymes (Arginase, NOS, COX-2, MMP-2) were analyzed to assess the impact of the combination treatment. Results revealed that the combined treatment of 5-FU and RO demonstrated a significant reduction in TNFa levels, comparable to the effect observed with RO alone. RO was found to modulate the PI3K/Akt pathway, influencing the phosphorylated and total amounts of these proteins during the combined treatment. Notably, COX-2, a key player in inflammatory processes, substantially decreased with the combination treatment. Caspase-3 activity, indicative of apoptosis, increased by 1.8 times in the combined treatment compared to separate treatments. In addition, in silico analyses explored the binding affinities and interactions of RO's major phytochemicals with intracellular targets, revealing a high affinity for PI3K and Akt. These findings suggest that the combined treatment induces apoptosis in A549 cells by regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway.
Tamarindus indica L., is widely used tree in ayurvedic medicine. Here, we aimed to understand the presence of important constituents in seeds and peel of Tamarind fruits and their biological activities. Hence, seeds and peel of Tamarind fruits are used for further extraction process by soxhlet method (chloroform and ethyl acetate solvents). Results suggest that the ethyl acetate extract (seeds) consists of terpenoids (72.29 ± 0.513 mg/g), phenolic content (68.67 ± 2.11 mg/g) and flavonoids (26.36 ± 2.03 mg/g) whereas chloroform extract (seeds) has terpenoids (42.29 ± 0.98 mg/g). Similarly, chloroform extract (peel) has terpenoids (25.96 ± 3.20 mg/g) and flavonoids (46.36 ± 2.03 mg/g) whereas ethyl acetate extract (peel) has terpenoids (62.93 ± 0.987 mg/g). Furthermore, anti-inflammation activity results revealed that the chloroform extract of peel was found to be more effective with IC50 of 226.14 µg/ml by protein denaturation analysis and with IC50 of 245.5 µg/ml on lipoxygenase inhibition activity. Chloroform extract (peel and seeds) shown better antioxidant activity using DPPH than ethyl acetate extract (peel and seeds). Ethyl acetate extract of seeds showed impressive potency by inhibiting the growth of fungus, Candida albicans. Additionally, ethyl acetate extract of seeds showed impressive potency inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli than Bacillus cereus. GC–MS analysis shown the existence of diverse set of phytochemicals in each extract. Overall, comparative studies highlight the effectiveness of seeds extracts than peel extracts. Moreover, GC–MS results suggest that the seeds and peel extracts (chloroform and ethyl acetate) contains a wide range of compounds (including flavonoids, isovanillic acid, fatty acids and phenolic compounds) which can be utilized for therapeutic purpose.
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Rumex dentatus is an important crop plant weed and also serves as medicinal plant through out the world. Present study was conducted to access the genetic variability and association among morphological traits of Rumex dentatus under four different locations. The results indicated that the fresh plant weight was significant related with dry weight and moisture contents/percentage in Rumex dentatus plants. The location 3 serves as the best place for growth and development of Rumex dentatus. Hence, it was suggested that the growth and development of Rumex dentatus should be controlled through proper techniques to reduce yield losses in crop plants.
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Plants contain bioactive molecules and thus can provide lead structures for the development of alternative medicines to available toxic commercial drugs with better effectivity and increased safety. Flowering plants have always been a great source of biologically active compounds. Although a very small portion has been investigated, it has been found that only 9 species of of flowering plants contain about 120 therapeutic lead molecules. Some of the useful plant drugs include Vinblastine, vincristine, taxol, podophyllotoxin, camptothecin, digitoxigenin, gitoxigenin, digoxigenin, tubocurarine, morphine, codeine, aspirin, atropine, pilocarpine, capscicine, allicin, curcumin, artemesinin and ephedrine are some of the important drug molecules that can be found from traditional medicinal plants. For this purpose, two important flowering species named Persicaria and Rumex from Polygonaceae family has been studied in this review paper to discover the potential therapeutical applications of them. It has been found that both of the species have various important medicinal uses and have been used for many years in different parts of the world.
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Rumex hastatus D. Don, a traditional medicinal plant is known for its antitumorous, antiangiogenic and antibacterial potential. HPLC analysis of different plant parts showed that root had the maximum quantity of luteolin and rutin and thus was selected for the establishment of aseptic cultures. Murashige and Skoog’s medium supplemented with 5 µM TDZ proved best for developing greenish-brown and compact calli in 98% root cultures within 30 days. Upon subculturing such callus pieces differentiated an average of 10.50 ± 1.29 shoots per culture. The excised shoots were transferred on MS + 0.1 µM IBA medium where they developed an average of 12.03 ± 2.49 roots per shoot. These plantlets were successfully acclimatized under greenhouse conditions and their genetic fidelity was evaluated employing SRAP and SCoT markers which revealed their high similarity with mother plant proving their true-to-type nature. Interestingly, the in vitro regenerants showed elevated levels of phenols, flavonoids, luteolin and rutin contents and higher antioxidant activities over the mother plant as revealed by phosphomolybdenum and DPPH assays. For elicitation, 100 mg/L phenylalanine was best for enhancing luteolin content (407.18 ± 10.58 μg/g d.w.) up to 17.42-fold over control (22.10 ± 0.57 μg/g d.w.) whereas, 25 mg/L chitosan proved most effective for accumulation of rutin content (1169.07 ± 46.49 μg/g d.w.) up to 2.74-fold over control (312.41 ± 12.42 μg/g d.w.). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on micropropagation and elicitation of luteolin and rutin in R. hastatus through root culture.
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This present study aims to delineate Rumex dentatus crude extract (Rd.Cr), n-Hexane, ethyl acetate, aqueous fractions (Rd.n-Hex, Rd.ETAC, and Rd.Aq), and emodin for antidiarrheal, antisecretory effects, anti-spasmodic, gastrointestinal transient time, anti-H. pylori, antiulcer effects, and toxicology. Plant extracts attributed dose-dependent protection against castor oil-induced diarrhea and dose-dependently inhibited intestinal fluid secretions in mice. They decreased the distance transverse by charcoal in the gastrointestinal transit model in rats. In rabbit jejunum preparations, it causes a concentration-dependent relaxation of both spontaneous and K⁺ (80 mM)-induced contraction, Rd.n-Hex and verapamil were relatively potent against K⁺-induced contractions and shifted the Ca²⁺ concentration-response curves (CRCs) to the right, Rd.Cr and Rd.ETAC shifted the isoprenaline-induced inhibitory CRCs to the left, showing potentiating effect similar to papaverine. Rd.n-Hex showed anti-H. pylori effect. Extracts and emodin also show an inhibitory effect against H⁺/K⁺-ATPase. Rumex dentatus showed a gastroprotective and antioxidant effect. Histopathological evaluation showed improvement in cellular architecture and decrease in the expression of inflammatory markers such as cyclooxygenase (COX2), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), and phosphorylated nuclear factor kappa B (p-NFƙB), validated through immunohistochemistry, ELISA, and western blot techniques. In RT-PCR, it decreases H⁺/K⁺-ATPase mRNA levels. Rumex dentatus was analyzed for certain safety aspects and exhibited a relative safety profile as no impairment was observed in kidneys, heart, liver, and brain further assisted by biochemical and hematological analysis. Docking studies revealed that emodin against H⁺/K⁺-ATPase pump and voltage gated L-type calcium channel showed E-value of −7.9 and −7.4 kcal/mol, respectively. MD simulations and molecular mechanics Poisson Boltzmann surface area and molecular mechanics Generalized Born surface area MMPBSA/GBSA findings are consistent with the in-vitro, in-vivo, and docking results. In conclusion, Rumex dentatus extracts and its phytoconstituent could be considered a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug candidates that possess anti-diarrheal, anti-secretary, antispasmodic, anti-H. pylori, and anti-ulcer potential. Toxicity studies were done according to OECD standards 425. It belongs to group 5 (LD50 > 2000 mg/kg), which suggests that it is in the lower toxicity class.
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Rumex dentatus L. (Polygonaceae), also known as toothed dock or Aegean dock, is a medicinal plant with a high culinary value in addition to being used as an ethnomedicinal plant. This review focuses on the botanical, nutritional, phytochemical, and pharmacological activities of R. dentatus, as well as the future prospects for systematic investigations into these areas. R. dentatus has been subjected to scientific evaluation, which has confirmed its traditional uses and demonstrated a wide range of biological and pharmacological potentials, including antioxidant, anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and other biological properties. Phytochemical analyses showed the presence of anthraquinones, chromones, flavonoids, and essential oils. As a result of this current review, the medicinal significance of R. dentatus has been confirmed, and future research on its unexplored aspects, such as the identification of pharmacologically active chemical constituents and related mechanisms and safety, may be stimulated, with the goal of developing it into a drug.
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This study focuses on hybrid synchronization, a new synchronization phenomenon in which one element of the system is synced with another part of the system that is not allowing full synchronization and nonsynchronization to coexist in the system. When lim t ⟶ ∞ Y − α X = 0 , where Y and X are the state vectors of the drive and response systems, respectively, and Wan ( α = ∓ 1)), the two systems’ hybrid synchronization phenomena are realized mathematically. Nonlinear control is used to create four alternative error stabilization controllers that are based on two basic tools: Lyapunov stability theory and the linearization approach.
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Due to its vast therapeutic potential, the plant-derived polyphenol curcumin is utilized in an ever-growing number of health-related applications. Here, we report the extraction methodologies, therapeutic properties, advantages and disadvantages linked to curcumin employment, and the new strategies addressed to improve its effectiveness by employing advanced nanocarriers. The emerging nanotechnology applications used to enhance CUR bioavailability and its targeted delivery in specific pathological conditions are collected and discussed. In particular, new aspects concerning the main strategic nanocarriers employed for treating inflammation and oxidative stress-related diseases are reported and discussed, with specific emphasis on those topically employed in conditions such as wounds, arthritis, or psoriasis and others used in pathologies such as bowel (colitis), neurodegenerative (Alzheimer’s or dementia), cardiovascular (atherosclerosis), and lung (asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) diseases. A brief overview of the relevant clinical trials is also included. We believe the review can provide the readers with an overview of the nanostrategies currently employed to improve CUR therapeutic applications in the highlighted pathological conditions.
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Rumex crispus L. (R. crispus) is regarded as an aromatic plant. It was used for its excellent biological properties in traditional medicine. The aerial part was extracted successively by maceration with three solvents increasing polarity (cyclohexane (CYH), dichloromethane (DCM), and methanol (MeOH)) to evaluate their chemical compositions and biological activities. The extracts were rich in phenolic compounds (13.0 to 249.8 mg GAE/g of dry weight (dw)). The MeOH extract has presented remarkable IC50 = 6.2 μg/mL for anti-DPPH and 31.6 μg/mL for anti-AChE. However, the DCM extract has the highest cytotoxic activity against the two cancer cells (HCT-116 and MCF-7) (69.2 and 77.2% inhibition at 50 μg/mL, respectively). Interestingly, GC-MS analysis enabled to identify three new compounds in R. crispus extracts, such as L-(−)-arabitol (5), D-(−) fructopyranose (7) detected only in MeOH extract, and 2, 5-dihydroxyacetophenone (3) detected in all extracts. For HPLC chromatograms, cardamonin (8), 5-hydroxy-3′-methoxyflavone (17), and 3′-hydroxy-b-naphthoflavone (18) showed the highest concentrations of 74.0, 55.5, and 50.4 mg/g of dw, respectively, among others who are identified. Some phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by HPLC in more than one organic extract, such as 4′, 5-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (13), 4′, 5-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (14), 5-hydroxy-3′-methoxyflavone (17), and 3′-hydroxy-b-naphthoflavone (18), were found for the first time in the R. crispus extracts. Our results showed that the biological activities of this plant might be linked to their phenolic compounds and that the polar extracts could be considered as new natural supplements to be used in food and pharmaceuticals.
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Natural products and their structural analogues have historically made a major contribution to pharmacotherapy, especially for cancer and infectious diseases. Nevertheless, natural products also present challenges for drug discovery, such as technical barriers to screening, isolation, characterization and optimization, which contributed to a decline in their pursuit by the pharmaceutical industry from the 1990s onwards. In recent years, several technological and scientific developments — including improved analytical tools, genome mining and engineering strategies, and microbial culturing advances — are addressing such challenges and opening up new opportunities. Consequently, interest in natural products as drug leads is being revitalized, particularly for tackling antimicrobial resistance. Here, we summarize recent technological developments that are enabling natural product-based drug discovery, highlight selected applications and discuss key opportunities. Natural products have historically made a major contribution to pharmacotherapy, but also present challenges for drug discovery, such as technical barriers to screening, isolation, characterization and optimization. This Review discusses recent technological developments — including improved analytical tools, genome mining and engineering strategies, and microbial culturing advances — that are enabling a revitalization of natural product-based drug discovery.