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Canadian Publications on
Arctic Sovereignty, Security,
and Circumpolar Governance,
Compiled by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ph.D.
Version 1.0
January 2023
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Canadian Publications on Arctic
Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar
Governance, 2005-2022
Compiled by P. Whitney Lackenbauer
Network Lead, North American and Arctic Defence and Security
Network (NAADSN)
Canada Research Chair in the Study of the Canadian North, Trent
Version 1.0
January 2023
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
Acronyms ...................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1 – General ...................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 – History ...................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 - Official Strategies and Reports .................................................. 17
Chapter 4 - Defence and International Security ........................................... 24
Chapter 5 – Broadened and Deepened Security ........................................... 34
Chapter 6 – Canadian Arctic Strategies and Foreign Policies ....................... 41
Chapter 7 – Indigenous Peoples .................................................................. 45
Chapter 8 – International Law .................................................................... 53
Chapter 9 – Regional Governance (Including Arctic Council) ..................... 62
Chapter 10 – Bilateral or Comparative Arctic .............................................. 69
Chapter 11 – Arctic Shipping and Maritime Security .................................. 80
Chapter 12 – Media, Public Opinion, and Arctic Identities ......................... 86
Chapter 13 – Search and Rescue and Emergency Response ......................... 90
Chapter 14 – Food Security ......................................................................... 93
Chapter 15 – Theses, Dissertations, and Graduate Research Papers ........... 100
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Figure 1.1 – Map of Canada’s Arctic and Northern Regions
Source: Senate of Canada, Northern Lights: A Wake-Up Call for the Future
of Canada
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
This bibliography is intended to provide a comprehensive list of
publications by Canadian scholars (including international graduate
students studying at Canadian institutions) on topics related to Arctic
sovereignty, security, and circumpolar governance from 2005-2021. The
primary purpose is to compile an up-to-date research tool for students and
scholars working on related topics. We hope that it will assist researchers
with the compilation of bibliographies for publications and grant
applications, as well as encouraging and facilitating better citation practices
by scholars who should be aware of and referencing Canadian scholarship
(but often are not).
This bibliography lists monographs, edited collections, articles, book
chapters, reports, and dissertations or theses written by Canadians at
Canadian universities and at Canadian Forces College.
For the purposes of this bibliography, “Arctic” refers to the Arctic
Council’s Arctic Human Development Report definition for the
Circumpolar Arctic, and in the Canadian context refers to the Arctic and
Northern Policy Framework definition of Inuit Nunangat (the Inuit
homeland in Canada) and parts of the provincial norths.
I have adopted broad and often flexible definitions of sovereignty,
security, and governance. While the bibliography contains various
publications related to public safety (broadly defined as safeguarding the
general public) with respect to national security, border strategies,
emergency management, and other safety and security initiatives, it does
not include policing, health emergencies, or firefighting. Furthermore,
while various publications herein relate to human security (generally
defined in Canada as freedom from pervasive threats to people's rights,
safety, or lives), I have adopted a relatively narrow and selective definition
that still encourages a deepening of the conventional state-centric vision of
security to one that places security of people at the core. The section on
food security in this volume does not represent a complete list and is
intended to serve as an access point to the extensive literature on this
subject. Publications on climate security are distributed across various
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
chapters. I have not included sections on health security, educational
security, cultural security, or linguistic security.
To produce this volume, I have conducted a comprehensive survey of
online search engines (such as Google Scholar), various journal and library
databases, the curricula vitae of scholars, and university department
websites. Readers are encouraged to bring any omissions to my attention,
and I will gladly incorporate additional references in future versions of this
I would like to thank Jill Barclay, Nicole Covey (chapter 15), Dr.
Ryan Dean (chapter 3), and Corah Hodgson for their assistance in the
compilation and copyediting of parts of this bibliography. This publication
was possible owing to the financial support of the Department of National
Defence Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program,
Canada Research Chair program, and the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada.
P. Whitney Lackenbauer
Trent University
CDA Canadian Defence Associations
CFC Canadian Forces College
CFPF Centre on Foreign Policy and Federalism
CGAI Canadian Global Affairs Institute
CIGI Centre for International Governance Innovation
CMSS Centre for Military and Strategic Studies / Centre for Military,
Strategic and Security Studies (University of Calgary)
DCASS Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security
JCSP Joint Command and Staff Program (Canadian Forces College)
NAADSN North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network
OPSA Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique, École
nationale d’administration publique
UBC University of British Columbia
WDGF Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Chapter 1 – General
Abele, Frances, Thomas Courchene, Leslie Seidle, and France St-Hilaire, eds.
Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects for Canada’s North.
Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2009.
Arnold, Samantha. “‘The Men of the North’ Redux: Nanook and Canadian
National Unity.” American Review of Canadian Studies 40, no. 4 (2010):
Byers, Michael. “Cold, Dark, and Dangerous: International Cooperation in
the Arctic and Space.” Polar Record 55, no. 1 (2019): 32–47.
Byers, Michael. “Crises and International Cooperation: An Arctic Case Study.”
International Relations 31, no. 4 (2017): 375–402.
Byers, Michael. Who Owns the Arctic?: Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the
North. Douglas & McIntyre, 2009.
Chater, Andrew. “Beyond the ‘Gollygee’ Stage; The Inspiration of Academics
Who Study Arctic Sovereignty.” International Journal 67, no. 3 (2012):
Coates, Ken, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, William Morrison, and Greg Poelzer.
Arctic Front: Defending Canada in the Far North. Toronto: Thomas
Allen, 2008.
Cornut, Jérémie. “Why and When We Study the Arctic in Canada.”
International Journal 65, no. 4 (2010): 943–53.
Dean, Ryan, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Adam Lajeunesse. Canadian Arctic
Defence and Security Policy: An Overview of Key Documents, 1970-2012.
DCASS 1. Calgary and Waterloo: CMSS/CFPF, 2014.
Dodds, Klaus, and Mark Nuttall. The Arctic: What Everyone Needs to Know.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Exner-Pirot, Heather. “The Arctic in International Affairs.” In The Palgrave
Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, eds. Ken Coates and Carin
Holroyd, 307-318. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Griffiths, Franklyn, Rob Huebert, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. Canada and
the Changing Arctic: Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship. Waterloo
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2011.
Heininen, Lassi, and Chris Southcott, eds. Globalization and the Circumpolar
North. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2010.
Huebert, Rob. “Cooperation Or Conflict in the Arctic?” In Changes in the
Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, eds. Myron Nordquist, John
Norton Moore, and Thomas H. Heidar, 27–60. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff,
Huebert, Rob. “Renaissance in Canadian Arctic Security?” Canadian Military
Journal 6, no. 4 (2005): 17–29.
Huebert, Rob, ed. Thawing Ice--Cold War: Canada’s Security, Sovereignty, and
Environmental Concerns in the Arctic. Bison Paper 12. Winnipeg:
University of Manitoba, Centre for Defence and Security Studies, 2009.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney. “Arctic Defence and Security: Transitioning to the
Trudeau Government.” In Whole of Government through an Arctic Lens,
ed. P Whitney Lackenbauer and Heather Nicol, 308–40. Antigonish:
Mulroney Institute of Government, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney. “Polar Race or Polar Saga? Canada and the
Circumpolar World.” In Arctic Security in an Age of Climate Change, ed.
James Kraska, 218–43. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney, ed. “Special Issue: Arctic Sovereignty and Security:
Past, Present, and Future.” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 11,
no. 3 (2009).
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “Use It or Lose It,’ History, and the Fourth Surge.”
In Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives, ed.
P Whitney Lackenbauer, 423–36. Calgary : CMSS/University of Calgary
Press, 2011.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean, eds. Canada’s Northern Strategy
under the Harper Conservatives: Key Speeches and Documents on
Sovereignty, Security, and Governance, 2006-15. DCASS 6. Calgary and
Waterloo: CMSS/CFPF/Arctic Institute of North America, 2016.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Ryan Dean, and Rob Huebert, eds.
(Re)Conceptualizing Arctic Security: Selected Articles from the Journal of
Military and Security Studies. Calgary: CMSS, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Rob Huebert. Debating Arctic Security: Selected
Writings by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 2010-2021.
Peterborough: NAADSN, 2022.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Katharina Koch. “Northern and Arctic Security
and Sovereignty: Challenges and Opportunities for a Northern
Corridor.” Calgary: School of Public Policy, 2021.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Suzanne Lalonde, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon.
Canada and the Maritime Arctic: Boundaries, Shelves, and Waters.
Peterborough: NAADSN, 2020.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, lead author. Understanding the Future Arctic Security
Environment: Applying NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis to Canadian
Arctic Defence and Security. Peterborough: NAADSN, November 2020.
Landriault, Mathieu, ed. L’année arctique 2019 : OPSA revue annuelle.
Gatineau and Peterborough : OPSA and NAADSN, 2019.
Landriault, Mathieu, ed. L’année arctique 2020 : OPSA revue annuelle.
Gatineau and Peterborough : OPSA and NAADSN, 2020.
Landriault, Mathieu, ed. L’année arctique 2021 : OPSA revue annuelle.
Gatineau and Peterborough : OPSA and NAADSN, 2021.
Lasserre, Frédéric, ed. Passages et Mers Arctiques. Québec: Presses de
l’Université du Québec, 2010.
Nicol, Heather, and Andrew Chater, eds. North America’s Arctic Borders: A
World of Change. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2021.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Roberts, Kari. “Geopolitics and Diplomacy in Canadian Arctic Relations.”
In Political Turmoil in a Tumultuous World, pp. 125-146. Cham:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
Roussel, Stéphane. “Continentalisme et nouveau discours sécuritaire: Le Grand
Nord assiégé.” In Passages et mers arctiques. Géopolitique d’une région en
mutation, eds. Frédéric Lasserre, 161–84. Québec: Presses de l’Université
du Québec, 2010.
Vullierme, Magali, and Michael Delaunay, eds. L’année arctique 2022 : OPSA
revue annuelle. Gatineau and Peterborough : OPSA and NAADSN,
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Chapter 2 – History
Bercuson, David J. “‘Advertising for Prestige’: Publicity in Canada-US Arctic
Defence Cooperation, 1946-48.” In Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and
Security, eds. P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 111–20. Calgary: CMSS, 2011.
Bernauer, Warren. “The Cold War, the Nuclear Arctic, and Inuit Resistance,”
2–11. Leiden: Brill Sense, 2018.
Bocking, Stephen, and Daniel Heidt, eds. Cold Science: Environmental
Knowledge in the North American Arctic during the Cold War. New York:
Routledge, 2019.
Cavell, Janice. “‘A Little More Latitude’: Explorers, Politicians, and Canadian
Arctic Policy during the Laurier Era.” Polar Record 47, no. 4 (2010):
Cavell, Janice, ed. Documents on Canadian External Relations: The Arctic,
1874–1949. Ottawa: Global Affairs Canada, 2016.
Cavell, Janice. “The Sector Theory and the Canadian Arctic, 1897–1970.” The
International History Review 41, no. 6 (2019): 1168–93.
Cavell, Janice, and Jeff Noakes. Acts of Occupation: Canada and Arctic
Sovereignty, 1918-25. UBC Press, 2010.
Clancy, Peter, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, eds. Shaping Arctic Policy: The
Minutes of the Eskimo Affairs Committee, 1952-62. DCASS 14. Calgary
and Waterloo: CMSS /CFPF /Arctic Institute of North America, 2019.
Coates, Kenneth S, and William R Morrison. “The New North in Canadian
History and Historiography.” History Compass 6, no. 2 (2008): 639–58.
Dean, Ryan, and P Whitney Lackenbauer. “Conceiving and Executing
Operation Gauntlet: The Canadian-Led Raid on Spitzbergen, 1941.”
Canadian Military History 26, no. 2 (2017): 1–32.
Delaney, Jason. “He Was Writing the Book’: Lieutenant Commander James P.
Croal: The Royal Canadian Navy’s Cold War Arctic Specialist.” Northern
Mariner 25, no. 4 (2015): 399–412.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Delaney, Jason, and Michael Whitby. “The Very Image of a Man of the Arctic:
Commodore OCS Robertson.” Canadian Naval Review 4, no. 4 (2009):
Eyre, Kenneth. Custos Borealis: The Military in the Canadian North. Edited
with an afterword by P. Whitney Lackenbauer. Peterborough:
NAADSN, 2020.
Farish, Matthew. “Frontier Engineering: From the Globe to the Body in the
Cold War Arctic.” The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien 50,
no. 2 (2006): 177–96.
Farish, Matthew. The Contours of America’s Cold War. Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 2010.
Farish, Matthew, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “High Modernism in the
Arctic: Planning Frobisher Bay and Inuvik.” Journal of Historical
Geography 35, no. 3 (2009): 517–44.
Farish, Matthew, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Western Electric Turns
North: Technicians and the Transformation of the Cold War Arctic.” In
Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History, eds. Stephen
Bocking and Brad Martin, 261–92. Calgary: University of Calgary Press,
Goette, Richard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, eds. Northern Skytrails:
Perspectives on the Royal Canadian Air Force in the Arctic from the Pages of
The Roundel, 1949-65. DCASS 10. Calgary and Waterloo:
CMSS/CFPF/Arctic Institute of North America, 2017.
Grant, Shelagh. “Arctic Governance and the Relevance of History.”
In Governing the North American Arctic, eds. Dawn Alexandrea, Nigel
Bowles, and Halbert Jones, 29-50. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Grant, Shelagh D. Polar Imperative: A History of Arctic Sovereignty in North
America. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2010.
Heidt, Daniel. “Clenched in the JAWS of America? Canadian Sovereignty and
the Joint Arctic Weather Stations, 1946-1972.” In Canada and Arctic
Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives, eds. P. Whitney
Lackenbauer, 145–70. Calgary: CMSS/University of Calgary Press,
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Heidt, Daniel. “Revisiting Joseph Jockel’s No Boundaries Upstairs.”
International Journal 70, no. 2 (2015): 339–49.
Heidt, Daniel, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. The Joint Arctic Weather Stations:
Science and Sovereignty in the High Arctic, 1946-1972. Calgary: University
of Calgary Pres, 2022.
Heidt, Daniel, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Sovereignty for Hire: Civilian
Contractors and the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line.” In De-Icing
Required: The Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic, eds. P.
Whitney Lackenbauer and W.A. March, 95–112. Trenton: Canadian
Forces Air Warfare Centre, 2012.
Herd, Alexander W. G. “A ‘Common Appreciation’: Eisenhower, Canada, and
Continental Defense, 1953-1954.” Journal of Cold War Studies 13, no. 3
(2011): 4–26.
Herd, Alexander. “A Practicable Project: Canada, the United States, and the
Construction of the DEW Line.” In Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and
Security: Historical Perspectives, ed. P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 171–200.
Calgary: CMSS/University of Calgary Press, 2011.
Hird, Myra. “The DEW Line and Canada’s Arctic Waste: Legacy and
Futurity.” Northern Review 42 (2016): 23-45.
Iarocci, Andrew. “Opening the North: Technology and Training at the Fort
Churchill Joint Services Experimental Testing Station, 1946–64.”
Canadian Army Journal 10, no. 4 (2008): 74–95.
Jessup, David Eric. “J. E. Bernier and the Assertion of Canadian Sovereignty
in the Arctic.” American Review of Canadian Studies 38, no. 4 (2008):
Jones-Imhotep, Edward. The Unreliable Nation: Hostile Nature and
Technological Failure in the Cold War. Boston: MIT Press, 2017.
Kikkert, Peter. “1946: The Year Canada Chose Its Path in the Arctic.” In
Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives, eds. P.
Whitney Lackenbauer, 69–110. Calgary: CMSS/University of Calgary
Press, 2011.
Kikkert, Peter. “Constructing a Role: The Royal Canadian Air Force in the
Arctic, 1945-1953.” In De-Icing Required: The Historical Dimension of the
Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic, eds. William March and P.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Whitney Lackenbauer, 17–30. Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare
Centre, 2012.
Kikkert, Peter. “The Polaris Incident: ‘Going to the Mat’ with the Americans.”
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 11, no. 3 (2009): 1–29.
Kikkert, Peter, “The United States Cannot Afford to Lag Behind Russia”:
Making the Case for an American Nuclear Icebreaker, 1957-1961.” The
Northern Mariner 31, no. 1 (2021): 30-60.
Kikkert, Peter, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “‘Men of Frontier Experience’:
Yukoners, Frontier Masculinity, and the First World War.” Northern
Review; No 44 (2017) 44 (2017): 209–42.
Kikkert, Peter, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Setting an Arctic Course: Task
Force 80 and Canadian Control in the Arctic, 1948.” Northern Mariner
21, no. 4 (2011): 327–58.
Kikkert, Peter, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “‘The Index to a Man’s
Principles’: Dawson and the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund, 1914–
1920.” Northern Review 44 (2017): 51–78.
Kikkert, Peter, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “The Militarization of the Arctic
to 1990.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, eds. Ken
Coates and Carin Holroyd, 487–505. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Kikkert, Peter, Adam Lajeunesse, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Lester
Pearson, the United States, and Arctic Sovereignty: A Case of Un-
Pearsonian Diplomacy?” In Mike’s World: Lester Pearson and Canadian
External Relations, 1963-68, eds. Asa McKercher and Galen Perras, 149–
68. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “Agency in High [Arctic] Modernization” in Many
Norths: Spatial Practice in a Shifting Territory, eds. Lola Sheppard and
Mason White. New York: Actar Publishers, 2017. 331-40.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security:
Historical Perspectives. Calgary: CMSS, 2011.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. The Canadian Rangers @ 75: Key Documents,
1947-2022. DCASS 19. Calgary and Peterborough: Arctic Institute of
North America and NAADSN, 2022.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “The Canadian Rangers: Supporting Canadian
Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship since 1947,” Above and Beyond:
Canada’s Arctic Journal (September/October 2012): 31-36.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “Defence, Development, and Inuit: St-Laurent’s
Modern Approach to the North” in St. Laurent’s Canada, ed. Patrice
Dutil, 193-221. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, with Magali Vullierme and Stéphane Roussel. A
History of the Canadian Rangers of Quebec: 2nd Canadian Ranger Patrol
Group. Saint-Jean and Peterborough: 2nd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
and NAADSN, 2022.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, ed. Operation CANON: Rescuing Canon John Turner
in the Canadian Arctic, 1947. Antigonish: Mulroney Institute on
Government, 2022.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “Race, Gender, and International ‘Relations’:
African Americans and Aboriginal People in the Canadian North, 1942-
48.” In Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History, eds.
Francine McKenzie, Laura Madokoro, and David Meren, 112–38.
Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. Vigilans: The 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group.
Yellowknife: 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, 2015.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean. “A Particularly Spectacular Piece of
Demolition’: The Canadian-Led Raid on Spitzbergen, 1941.” In
Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and
Contemporary Lessons Learned, eds. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Adam
Lajeunesse, 1–46. Frederiction: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and
Society, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean. “Applied Science and Practical
Cooperation: Operation Morning Light and the Recovery of Cosmos
954 in the Northwest Territories, 1978.” In Cold Science: Arctic Science in
North America during the Cold War, eds. Stephen Bocking and Daniel
Heidt, 236–55. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean. “A Northern Nuclear Nightmare?
Operation Morning Light and the Recovery of Cosmos 954 in the
Northwest Territories, 1978,” in Nuclear Histories of Canada, eds. Susan
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Colbourn and Timothy Sayle, 181-206. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 2020.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Dean. Operation Morning Light. Arctic
Operational History Series 3. Antigonish: Mulroney Institute of
Government, 2018.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Elizabeth Elliot-Meisel, eds. One of the Great
Polar Navigators”: Captain T.C. Pullen’s Personal Records of Arctic Voyages,
Volume 1: Official Roles. DCASS 12. Calgary and Waterloo: CMSS/
CFPF/ Arctic Institute of North America, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Kenneth Eyre, eds. Unfurling the Air Force
Ensign in the Canadian Arctic: The 1922 Eastern Arctic and 1927-28
Hudson Strait Expeditions. DCASS 3. Calgary and Waterloo:
CMSS/CFPF, 2015.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Kenneth Eyre, and Peter Kikkert. “Lessons in Arctic
Warfare: The Canadian Army Experience, 1945-55.” In Canadian Armed
Forces Arctic Operations, 1945-2015: Historical and Contemporary Lessons
Learned, eds. P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse, 47–104.
Frederiction: Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Matthew Farish, eds. The Distant Early
Warning (DEW) Line Coordinating Committee: Minutes and Progress
Reports, 1955-63. DCASS No. 15. Calgary and Waterloo: CMSS /CFPF
/Arctic Institute of North America, 2019.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Matthew Farish, and Jennifer Arthur-Lackenbauer.
The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line: A Bibliography and Documentary
Resource List. Calgary: Arctic Institute of North America, 2005.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Shelagh D. Grant, eds. The Adventurous
Voyage”: St. Roch and the Northwest Passage, 1940-42 and 1944. Arctic
Operational History Series 7. Antigonish: Mulroney Institute of
Government, 2019.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney, and Daniel Heidt. “Flexibility, Leadership, and the
Establishment of Arctic Scientific Stations: Situating the Joint Arctic
Weather Stations (JAWS).” In Cold Science: Arctic Science in North
America during the Cold War, eds. Stephen Bocking and Daniel Heidt,
42–60. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Daniel Heidt, eds. The Advisory Committee on
Northern Development: Context and Meeting Minutes, 1948-71. DCASS
4. Calgary and Waterloo: CMSS/CFPF, 2015.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. “Archipelagic Analogues?
Indonesian Baselines, Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, and the Framing of
Mental Maps, 1957–62.” International Journal of Canadian Studies 50
(2014): 227–52.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. “Building on ‘Shifting Sands’:
The Canadian Armed Forces, Sovereignty and the Arctic, 1968-1972.”
In Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security, eds. P. Whitney
Lackenbauer, 283–308. Calgary: CMSS, 2010.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert, eds. Lessons in Arctic Operations:
The Canadian Army Experience, 1945-1956. DCASS 7. Calgary and
Waterloo: CMSS/CFPF/Arctic Institute of North America, 2016.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. The Canadian Forces and Arctic
Sovereignty: Debating Roles, Interests, and Requirements, 1968-1974.
Waterloo: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament
Studies/Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert, eds. Tracks North: The Story of
Exercise Musk Ox. Arctic Operational History Series 5. Antigonish:
Mulroney Institute of Government, 2018.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Adam Lajeunesse, eds. Defining Ice: Lieutenant
E.B. Stolee’s Accounts of the Canadian Arctic Voyages of CCGS John A.
Macdonald, 1969/70. Arctic Operational History Series 8. Antigonish:
Mulroney Institute of Government, 2019.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Adam Lajeunesse, and Lieutenant (N) Jason
Delaney, eds. HMCS Labrador: An Operational History. Arctic
Operational History Series 1. Antigonish: Mulroney Institute of
Government, 2017.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and William March. De-Icing Required: The
Canadian Air Force’s Experience in the Arctic. Canadian Aerospace Power
Studies Series 4. Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare Centre, 2012.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Ryan Shackleton. When the Skies Rained Boxes:
The Air Force and the Qikiqtani Inuit, 1941-64. Working Papers on
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Arctic Security 4. Toronto: Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation and
ArcticNet Arctic Security Projects, October 2012.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Magali Vullierme, et Stéphane Roussel. L’histoire des
Rangers canadiens du Québec: 2e Groupe de patrouilles des Rangers
canadiens. Saint-Jean and Peterborough: 2nd Canadian Ranger Patrol
Group and NAADSN, 2022.
Lajeunesse, Adam. “A Very Practical Requirement: Under-Ice Operations in
the Canadian Arctic, 1960–1986.” Cold War History 13, no. 4 (2013):
Lajeunesse, Adam. “Claiming the Frozen Seas: The Evolution of Canadian
Policy in Arctic Waters.” In Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security:
Historical Perspectives, eds. P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 233–58. Calgary:
CMSS/University of Calgary Press, 2011.
Lajeunesse, Adam. “The Distant Early Warning Line and the Canadian Battle
for Public Perception.” Canadian Military Journal 8, no. 2 (2007): 51–
Lajeunesse, Adam. “The Gentlemen’s Agreement: Sovereignty, Defence, and
Canadian–American Diplomacy in the Arctic.” In Breaking
Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar
Arctic, eds. Wilfrid Greaves and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 45-61.
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Chapter 6 – Canadian Arctic Strategies and Foreign
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Adaptation to Increased Shipping Activity and Climate Change in Arctic
Canada.” Environmental Science & Policy 105 (2020): 19-36.
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Dodds, Klaus, and Mark Nuttall. The Scramble for the Poles: The Geopolitics of
the Arctic and Antarctic. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016.
Dorough, Dalee Sambo. “A Land Without Borders – Inuit Cultural Integrity.”
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N. Nicol, 67–90. Themes in Regional Security. UCL Press, 2019.
Dorough, Dalee Sambo, Bridget Larocque, Kaviq Kaluraq, and Daniel Taukie.
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Chapter 9 – Regional Governance (Including Arctic Council)
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Loukacheva, Natalia. “Institutions of Arctic Ordering: The Cases of Greenland
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Shadian, Jessica, and Monica Tennberg, eds. Legacies and Change in Polar
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Chapter 10 – Bilateral or Comparative Arctic
Alexeeva, Olga, and Frédéric Lasserre. “China and the Arctic.” Arctic Yearbook
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and Politics, eds. Ken Coates and Carin Holroyd, 529-542. Cham:
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Coates, Ken, and Kimi Hara, eds. East Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security,
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Innovation, 2014.
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Dodds, Klaus, and Mark Nuttall. “Materialising Greenland Within a Critical
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Gavrilov, Viatcheslav, David VanderZwaag, and Susan Rolston. “Introduction:
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Greaves, Wilfrid. “Environmental Security, Energy Security, and the Arctic in
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Greaves, Wilfrid. “National Security and the High North: Post-Cold War
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Heininen, Lassi, Karen Everett, Barbora Padrtova and Anni Reissell. Arctic
Policies and Strategies — Analysis, Synthesis, and Trends. Laxenburg:
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2020.
Canadian Publications on Arctic Sovereignty, Security, and Circumpolar Governance, 2005-2022
Holroyd, Carin. “East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China) and the Arctic.”
In The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, eds. Ken Coates
and Carin Holroyd, 319-332. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Huebert, Rob. “Canada-United States Environmental Arctic Policies: Sharing
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Micheline Manseau, 319–36. Calgary: Calgary University Press, 2005.
Huebert, Rob. “US Arctic Policy: The Reluctant Arctic Power.” In The Fast-
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Huebert, Rob, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Premier Partners: Canada, the
United States, and Arctic Security.” In Governing the North American
Arctic, eds. Dawn Alexandrea, Nigel Bowles, and Halbert Jones, 122-
142. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Hughes, Thomas. “Defence in the European Arctic.” NAADSN Policy Brief
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Hughes, Thomas. “The European Arctic: Developments in 2021.” NAADSN
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Hughes, Thomas, and Adam Macdonald. “Arctic Military Developments in
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Policy and Presence in the Arctic, eds. Timo Koivurova and Sanna Kopra,
25-41. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2020.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney. “Canada & Russia: Toward an Arctic Agenda,”
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Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Peter Kikkert. “Sovereignty and Security: The
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Policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
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University of Calgary Press, 2011.
Lackenbauer, P Whitney, and Suzanne Lalonde, eds. Breaking the Ice Curtain?:
Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World.
CGAI, 2019.
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Lackenbauer, P Whitney, and Suzanne Lalonde, eds. Возможно ли
растопить ледяной занавес? Россия, Канада и вопросы
безопасности в меняющейся Арктике, trans. Andrey Todorov.
Calgary and Peterborough: CGAI and NAADSN, 2020.
Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, and Suzanne Lalonde. “Searching for Common
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