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Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers

  • Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: This study is intended to determine the relationship between talent development and intention to stay among Generation Z workers in the largest industrial center in Southeast Asia. Intention to stay has been delineated as employees’ plan to stay in their current employment with their present employer for a relatively long period. This study is also to test whether job satisfaction and employee engagement can mediate between talent development and intention to stay Theoretical framework: Retention of employees requires utilizing all tools available. If Talent Development increases Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement and Empowerment and these lead to increased Intention to Stay, the effects of it must be studied. Design/methodology/approach: The 342 samples of Generation Z employees were taken by purposive sampling technique from companies in 15 industries of Bekasi Regency including manufacturing, food industry, service industry, education, electronics, transportation, construction, IT, telecommunication, and real estate. The data was tested with Smart PLS 3.0 software. Findings: The result is that there is a positive and significant influence of talent development on intention to stay, and job satisfaction has a bigger mediating value than employee engagement between talent development and intention to stay. Research, Practical & Social implications: Future studies should have a larger Generation Z sample Originality/value: Research on Generation Z Talent Development is still rarely done, and Generation Z employees are especially important to companies.
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Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. |Miami, v. 8 | n. 1| p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Listian Indriyani Achmad
, Noermijati
, Rofiaty
, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto
A Doctoral Candidate in Management with a focus on Human Resources at Universitas Brawijaya, Malang,
Indonesia, and a lecturer at Universitas Pelita Bangsa. E-mail:
A Professor of Management from Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. E-mail:
A Doctor in Management, Lecturer for Universitas Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia. E-mail:
A Phd in Management, Lecturer for Universitas Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia. E-mail:
Purpose: This study is intended to determine the relationship between talent
development and intention to stay among Generation Z workers in the largest
industrial center in Southeast Asia. Intention to stay has been delineated as
employees’ plan to stay in their current employment with their present employer for
a relatively long period. This study is also to test whether job satisfaction and
employee engagement can mediate between talent development and intention to stay
Theoretical framework: Retention of employees requires utilizing all tools
available. If Talent Development increases Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement
and Empowerment and these lead to increased Intention to Stay, the effects of it must
be studied.
Design/methodology/approach: The 342 samples of Generation Z employees were
taken by purposive sampling technique from companies in 15 industries of Bekasi
Regency including manufacturing, food industry, service industry, education,
electronics, transportation, construction, IT, telecommunication, and real estate. The
data was tested with Smart PLS 3.0 software.
Findings: The result is that there is a positive and significant influence of talent
development on intention to stay, and job satisfaction has a bigger mediating value
than employee engagement between talent development and intention to stay.
Research, Practical & Social implications: Future studies should have a larger
Generation Z sample
Originality/value: Research on Generation Z Talent Development is still rarely done,
and Generation Z employees are especially important to companies.
Article history:
Received 14 November 2022
Accepted 16 January 2023
Job Satisfaction;
Employee Engagement;
Intention to Stay;
Talent Development;
Generation Z Workers.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Objetivo: Este estudo pretende determinar a relação entre o desenvolvimento de talentos e a intenção de
permanência entre os trabalhadores da Geração Z no maior centro industrial do Sudeste Asiático. A intenção de
permanência foi definida como a intenção dos funcionários de permanecer em seu emprego atual com seu
empregador atual em longo prazo. Este estudo também é para testar se a satisfação no trabalho e o envolvimento
dos funcionários podem mediar entre o desenvolvimento de talentos e a intenção de permanecer
Referencial teórico: A retenção de funcionários requer a utilização de todas as ferramentas disponíveis. Se o
Desenvolvimento de Talentos aumenta a Satisfação no Trabalho, o Engajamento dos Funcionários e o
Empoderamento e isso leva ao aumento da Intenção de Permanecer, seus efeitos devem ser estudados.
Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: : As 342 amostras de funcionários da Geração Z foram coletadas por técnica
de amostragem intencional de empresas em 15 indústrias de Bekasi Regency, incluindo manufatura, indústria de
alimentos, indústria de serviços, educação, eletrônica, transporte, construção, TI, telecomunicações e imóveis. Os
dados foram testados com o software Smart PLS 3.0.
Resultados: O resultado é que uma influência positiva e significativa do desenvolvimento de talentos na
intenção de ficar, e a satisfação no trabalho tem um valor mediador maior do que o engajamento dos funcionários
entre o desenvolvimento de talentos e a intenção de ficar.
Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Estudos futuros devem ter uma amostra maior da Geração Z
Originalidade/valor: A pesquisa sobre o Desenvolvimento de Talentos da Geração Z ainda é raramente feita, e
os funcionários da Geração Z são especialmente importantes para as empresas.
Palavras-chave: Satisfação no Trabalho, Envolvimento dos Funcionários, Intenção de Ficar, Desenvolvimento
de Talento, Trabalhadores da Geração Z.
Propósito: Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el desarrollo del talento y la intención de
permanencia entre los trabajadores de la Generación Z en el centro industrial más grande del sudeste asiático. La
intención de permanecer se ha definido como la intención de los empleados de permanecer en su empleo actual
con su empleador actual a largo plazo. Este estudio también es para probar si la satisfacción laboral y el
compromiso de los empleados pueden mediar entre el desarrollo del talento y la intención de quedarse.
Metodología: Las 342 muestras de empleados de la Generación Z se tomaron mediante una técnica de muestreo
intencional de empresas en 15 industrias de Bekasi Regency, que incluyen manufactura, industria alimentaria,
industria de servicios, educación, electrónica, transporte, construcción, TI, telecomunicaciones y bienes raíces.
bienes. Los datos se probaron con el software Smart PLS 3.0.
Conclusiones: El resultado es que existe una influencia positiva y significativa del desarrollo del talento en la
intención de permanecer, y la satisfacción laboral tiene un mayor valor mediador que el compromiso de los
empleados entre el desarrollo del talento y la intención de permanecer.
Implicaciones de la Investigación: los estudios futuros deberían tener una muestra más grande de la Generación
Palabras clave: Satisfacción laboral, Compromiso de los Empleados, Intención de Quedarse, Desarrollo de
Talento, Trabajadores de la Generación Z.
Companies that aim to develop business usually do not hesitate to invest in their human
resources. Human resource managers understand this. The best companies invest in their
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
employees (Bowman, 2017). Investment in loyal human resources allows companies to reduce
the additional costs of recruiting new workers.
Employee turnover is expensive, often more than expected. In addition to personnel
replacement costs, actual replacement costs involve other hidden costs such as lost productivity,
workplace safety issues, and decreased morale. In 2004, according to conservative estimates by
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the replacement cost on average is $13,996 per employee.
Andrew and Sofian (2012) found that when employees are provided with development,
i.e. training, learning and skills, that they are more likely to be more absorbed by and interested
in their jobs and will reciprocate with more and even much more organizational engagement.
Robinson, (2004) stated that company focus on employee development - so that employees
feel that the company believes that they are important for the company's future and provides
the training they need and provides access fair development opportunities - is very important
for employee engagement. Fletcher et al., (2018) found that employee engagement is
significantly associated with intention to stay, and that employee engagement fully mediates
between discerned training and development and employee intention to stay.
An important goal of human resource management practice is to keep talented
individuals in the company (Hiltrop, 1999; Govaerts et al., 2011; Pittino et al., 2016). Retention
of employees requires effort to promote and create an environment that encourages employees
to keep working by setting in place policies and practices that suit their needs. These policies
and practices help prevent employees from leaving and also maximizes the time that employees
spend working for the organization (Kossivi et al., 2016; Cascio, 2019). It is necessary for
companies to be proactive about employee retention because finding, hiring and training new
employees is costly is terms of time and money. Retention maintains and can increase company
productivity and increases employee cohesiveness (Rakhra, 2018). Further, employees who
leave the company take specialized training and knowledge with them away from the company
and often when individuals leave the company, they convince other employees to leave the
organization. A high rate of employee turnover can bring negative results for any company,
especially if the employees who left were high-performing employees (Mattox et al., 2005).
Chami-Malaeb and Garavan (2013) studied the relationship between talent development
and intention to stay and they had affective commitment as a partial mediator between talent
development and intention to stay. But this research was studying job satisfaction and
employee engagement as mediators between talent development and intention to stay. There
are very few academic papers that focus on talent development (Garavan et al. 2012).
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Resource-based theory expresses the view that the potential to give an organization a
competitive advantage lies in its human resources which are unique, valuable, rare, and
difficult to replace (Becker & Huselid 1998; Bartel, 2004). Research using the resource-
based paradigm shows that HRM practices affect performance through improving employee
Understanding Generation-Zers is essential in order to gain an advantage competitively
and essential for business prosperity (Pichler et al., 2021), and there are several reasons why
Generation Z employees are especially important to companies:
1. Because Generation Z employees are more tech-savvy, flexible, tolerant of
different cultures, and are more loyal to the company (Schawbel, 2014).
2. Most of the current Generation Z employees are still at the lowest level of their
career ladder in the company. However, as potential leaders, Generation Z is
extremely focused on achieving goals (Schroth, 2019).
3. With their realistic nature, they can easily decide to leave the company which
will cause additional costs for the company to recruit new employees (taken from an
interview with the HR Manager of PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia).
Intention to Stay
Intention to stay has been delineated as employees’ plan to stay in their current
employment with their present employer for a relatively long period (Shahid, 2018; Johari et
al., 2012). Intention to stay has been defined as an employee’s willingness to remain in his or
her organization (Presbitero & Teng-Calleja, 2020). This is an inverse concept of turnover
intention or intention to quit.
Generation Z
Generation Z is defined as those born approximately between 1995 - 2010 (Francis &
Hoefel 2018), between 1997 -2013 (Schroth, 2019), born after 1995 (Sun et. al., 2021), or born
after 2000 (Titko et al., 2020), is currently the object of many studies as well as the previous
generation, namely the millennial generation (Titko et al., 2020). Scholars explain that
Generation Z children are digital natives (Popescu et al. 2019) who are ambitious because this
generation wants to make a difference (Marron 2015).
Generation Z has unique characteristics. One of the most important concerns facing
human resource management is employee retention. Employee retention is defined as an
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
employee's intention to keep working. Employees’ intention to stay with the company is crucial
for companies’ prosperity because of the expenses caused by disruptions of smooth business
operation when employees leave which can include lower productivity, and the expenses of
finding, interviewing, hiring and training new employees. One of the best ways to increase
retention is to increase employee engagement, because when employees are absorbed by and
interested in their jobs, they will have greater intention to remain with the company (Bryngelson
& Cole, 2021).
Generation Z Talent Development
Benham (1993) states that talent development is a comprehensive development
framework that can transform people from being a mere factor of production into a contributing
force that sustains progress.
Training is the company's commitment to and investment in their employees, and
providing it signifies to the employees that they are considered important to the survival and
prosperity of the organization. This provides incentive for employees to stay with the
organization and incentive for all employees to work at a high level (Takeuchi et al., 2007).
Talent development can be defined as selecting, planning, and setting into place,
strategies that help the development of all employees to make sure that the company has the
talent it needs now and in the future to achieve its strategic goals, as well as to make certain
that the processes for organizational talent management are in line with talent development
activities (Garavan, et al., 2012).
Rezaei and Beyerlein (2018) define talent development as an all-inclusive system that
is tailored and created for individual employees. Talent development is not limited to specific
work-related training, but includes career development and organizational development for the
benefit of employees and the organization.
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction as defined by Locke (1976) is a satisfying or favorable emotional state
brought on by an evaluation of one's employment or professional experience. Job satisfaction
has also been defined as a measure of the fulfillment that employees get from their jobs.
Abraham (2012) stated that the more an employee's work tasks and working environment
fulfills the employee’s personal characteristics, needs and values, the higher the level of job
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Employee Engagement
Harter et al., (2002) stated that employee engagement refers to satisfaction with,
engagement in, and enthusiasm for one’s job. Anitha (2014) stated that employee engagement
can be defined as the degree of dedication and attachment that an individual has to the company
and to its principles. Engaged employees take responsibility to do their part in reaching
business goals and also motivate their colleagues so that organizational goals can be achieved.
An engaged employee goes beyond just acceptable standards and tries to do above average
and/or excellent work. An engaged employee is intellectually and emotionally attached to his
or her company and feels passionate about the company’s goals and stands by the company’s
The Effect of Talent Development on Job Satisfaction
Rezaei and Beyerlein (2018) found that implementing talent development practices in
organizations influences organizational goals such as productivity, job satisfaction, and
decreased absenteeism. Given the importance of talent development, Robinson et. al., (2004)
suggested that talent management can run more effectively. The results of studies in various
organizations support the relationship between providing training and development
accessibility for employees and increased job satisfaction and increased job commitment by
The Effect of Talent Development on Employee Engagement
Talent development has a significant effect on employee engagement (Albrecht &
Andreetta, 2011; Baumruk, 2004; Bowen & Lawler, 1995; Karatepe, 2013; Lashley, 1999;
Saks, 2006; Seijts & Crim, 2006).
Antony (2018) found that an effective employee engagement strategy requires career
development opportunities. Analyzes of employee engagement drivers consistently reveal that
career development is an important way to increase employee engagement. This has led many
companies to offer to pay for employee education in their field. It is best that employee
managers encourage employees to take advantage of all educational opportunities in their area
of operation provided by the company. The benefit for the companies and their employees is
that when employees obtain additional certifications and education, employees stay up-to-date
in their field. This will also provide the employees with the technological know-how of the
tools they need to work and excel in their jobs. Companies need to realize that when they offer
education and training programs to employees, that this not only enhances the skills of the
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
employees but also leads to company growth. Employers need to remember that by providing
talent development and education to their employees, they will ultimately help the organization
to grow. In addition, providing mentoring to employees will increase employees' knowledge
of their job tasks. This means that training and development programs ultimately offer a win
for organizations and employees. In addition to increasing the company’s potential, companies
that provide training and development can build a workforce that is engaged and motivated.
This is a long-term value for the company.
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Intention to Stay
Bellani, (2017) found that when employees are satisfied that their economic and
social emotional needs are being met, that their positive attitudes towards their work and the
organization and their willingness to contribute more, will increase. Job satisfaction is one of
the drivers of the employees’ sense of attachment to the company (Permana et. al., 2015). Job
satisfaction positively and significantly influences organizational commitment (Putra et al.,
2021). Widyani et al., (2019) found that employees’ job satisfaction negatively and
significantly influences turnover intention. Risdayanti and Sandroto (2020) also found that job
satisfaction has a significant, negative effect on intention to leave. Mehreza and Bakria (2019)
found that individuals who are satisfied about their work have high levels of dedication and no
plans to quit their jobs.
The Effect of Employee Engagement on Intention to Stay
Saks (2006) found that “Job and organizational engagement were significantly
positively related to…organizational commitment…and negatively related to intention to quit.”
Fletcher et al., (2018) found that employee engagement is significantly associated with
intention to stay, and that employee engagement fully mediates between discerned training and
development and employee intention to stay.
Park and Johnson (2019) found that engagement was negatively correlated with
intention to quit. This means that employee engagement is positively correlated with intention
to stay.
The Effect of Talent Development on Intention to Stay
Gaertner and Nollen (1989) found that company-provided training and development is
related positively to psychological commitment to the company. Specifically, they found that
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
employees who received training and development from their company were more committed
to the company than employees who did not receive training and development.
Talent development has a significant positive relationship with intention to stay in the
company (Chami-Malaeb & Garavan, 2013; Narayanan, 2017 ).
Figure 1. Relationships among talent development, job satisfaction, employee engagement and intention to stay.
Source: The Authors
Hypotheses Development
The relation between talent development and intention to stay was tested using the
following hypotheses:
H1: There exists a significant association between talent development and Gen-Z
Workers’ intention to stay
H2: There exists a significant association between talent development and Gen-Z
Workers’ Job Satisfaction
H3: There exists a significant association between talent development and Gen-Z
Employee Engagement
H4: There exists a significant association between Job Satisfaction and Gen-Z
Workers’ intention to stay
H5: There exists a significant association between Employee Engagement and Gen-Z
Workers’ intention to stay
H6: Job Satisfaction will mediate the relationship between talent development and Gen-
Z Workers’ intention to stay.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
H7: Employee Engagement will mediate the relationship between talent development
and Gen-Z Workers’ intention to stay.
This research uses a quantitative approach. This research studied 342 workers from 15
different industries in various companies located in the Jababeka Industrial Estate (KIJA) and
its surroundings, which is the largest manufacturing area in Indonesia. Currently, more than
1,500 national and multinational companies from over 35 countries are operating in the
Jababeka industrial area, including companies from the Netherlands, Germany, France, the
United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, China, the United States, Taiwan and South Korea (PT
Jababeka, 2010). Most of the companies that purchased land from PT Jababeka Industrial Estate
for industrial purposes were foreign companies from Europe, Malaysia, Korea and Japan who
wanted to increase their production of automotive, pharmaceutical, electronic, and consumer
goods (Yulisman, 2011).
The number of responses of 342 people is considered sufficient because according to
Kaufmann and Gaeckler (2015) the minimum number of samples using Partial Least Squares
(PLS) is 35 samples. The data collection of this research is divided into 3 parts, namely the
types and sources of data, data collection methods, and the scale and measurement of data.
Measurement of data in this study using a Likert Scale.
Table 1. Industry type and statistical characteristics of the participants (N=342)
17 25 Years
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Computer Technician
Source: The Authors
Figure 2. Bar chart of responses for length of work at the company
Source: The Authors
Tests were carried out on the indicators used for measurement in this study. The
following table shows the results of testing the validity and reliability.
Table 2. Survey’s Result
Talent Development
(Barney, 1991
Hackman & Oldham,
Zhou et al., 2019)
Job Satisfaction
Bellani, (2017)
Babakus et. al., 2017,
Stairs et. al., 2006;
Seijts and Crim, 2006
Intention to Stay
Tett and Meyer, 1993,
Presbitero and Teng-
Callejo, 2020
Source: The Authors
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Structural Model Evaluation
To see how big the percentage of the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous
variables, we look at the existing values which are analyzed by looking at the R Square value.
Table 3. Cross Loading Value
R Square
R Square Adjusted
Z1 (EJS)
Z2 (EEG)
Source: The Authors
The value of R Square for the Y variable is 0.418, which means that the variables X, Z1
and Z2 affect Y by 41.8%. We can state that Talent development, Job Satisfaction and
Employee Engagement affect Intention to Stay by 41.8%.
In table 4, the relationship between the variables can be seen.
Table 4. Path Coefficient Value
Z1 (EJS)
Z2 (EEG)
Z1 (EJS)
Z2 (EEG)
Source: The Authors
All have a positive relationship because all values are between 0 and 1.
To see the level of significance, the value of T Statistics must be above 1.97.
Table 5. T-Statistic Value
T Statistic..
P Values
X1 (TDZ) -> Y (ITS)
XI (TDZ) -> Z1 (EJS)
X1 (TDZ) -> Z2 (EEG)
Z1 (EJS) -> Y (ITS)
Z2 (EEG) -> Y (ITS)
Source: The Authors
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
All T-statistic values are above 1.97.
Predictive relevance is a value that shows how well the observations are made (>0 =
good observation values). Predictive relevance test is carried out using the blindfolding
Table 5. Predictive Relevance Value
Construct Crossvalidated Redundancy
X1 (TDZ)
Z1 (EJS)
Z2 (EEG)
Source: The Authors
Value above 0 means good observation
Table 6. NFI Value
Source: The Authors
Normed Fit Index (NFI): a measure of the suitability of the model on a comparative
basis to the base line is considered appropriate.
Figure 3. Structural relationships between talent development, job satisfaction, employee engagement and
intention to stay.
Source: The Authors
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
Measurement of Indirect Relationship
The table below shows the value of the indirect relationship between the talent
development variable and the intention to stay variable.
Table 7. Indirect Relationship
T Statistic
P Values
X1 (TDZ) -> Z1 (EJS) -> Y (ITS)
X1 (TDZ) -> Z2 (EEG) -> Y (ITS)
Source: The Authors
Table 8. Direct Relationship
X1 (TDZ) -> Y (ITS)
Looking at the values in the two tables above, it can be concluded that job satisfaction
mediates the relationship between talent development and intention to stay at a greater degree
than employee engagement.
In our study, when job satisfaction and employee engagement were modelled as
mediators, it was evident that job satisfaction has a higher value than employee engagement.
This research found that talent development had a positive significant effect on job
satisfaction in Generation Z employees. The researchers also found that job satisfaction had a
positive significant effect on intention to stay in Generation Z employees. This is relevant to
Nanncarrow’s reseach on Australian nurses. Job satisfaction was a positive predictor of
intention to stay (Nanncarrow et al., 2007). This does not follow the theory that low rates of job
satisfaction will predict high rates for intention to stay (McCarthy et al., 2007).
This research also found that talent development had a positive significant effect on
employee engagement in Generation Z employees. It was also found that the employee
engagement variable had a positive and significant effect on intention to stay in Generation Z
employees. And finally, this research found that talent development had a positive significant
effect on intention to stay in Generation Z employees.
All hypotheses were proven.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 1 | p. 01-19 | e0814 | 2023.
Achmad, L. I., Noermijati., Rofiaty., Irawanto, D. W. (2023)
Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
Intention to Stay in Generation Z Workers
This is the first study amongst Gen-Z workers that has demonstrated that job satisfaction
and employee engagement successfully mediate talent development and intention to stay. This
is the first research to compare the indirect and direct effects of job satisfaction and employee
engagement on intention to stay amongst Gen-Z workers, and thereby contributes to the
academic literature on the antecedents of intention to stay.
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engagement. Procedia- Social and behavioral sciences, 40, 498-508.
Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on
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Antony, M. R. (2018). Paradigm shift in employee engagementA critical analysis on
the drivers of employee engagement. International Journal of Information, Business and
Management, 10(2), 32-46.
Babakus, E., Yavas, U., & Karatepe, O. M. (2017). Work engagement and turnover intentions.
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of
management, 17(1), 99-120.
Bartel, A. P. (2004). Human resource management and organizational performance: Evidence
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Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement as Mediators of the Relationship Between Talent Development and
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... d' Armagnac, 2023). However, it is well known that human talent is the key to transforming companies (Bhore and Tapas, 2023;Mej� ıa-Manzano et al., 2022) and the best companies invest in their human resources (Achmad et al., 2023;Salvadorinho et al., 2024). That said, company managers are now actively seeking to attract and recruit the right talent for their organizations, as new work entrants bring in expertise in advanced and future technologies, particularly among Generation Z (Gen Z) (Bhore and Tapas, 2023;Malik and Malik, 2023). ...
... Opportunities for both personal and professional development (and promotion) are essential to retain and engage Gen Z workers (Achmad et al., 2023;Bi� nczycki et al., 2023). On the other hand, Gen Z exhibits minimal concern for job security and is generally uninterested in long-term commitments (Kirchmayer and Fratri� cov� a, 2018). ...
... In the leadership category, authentic and charismatic leadership surfaces as a favoured style intricately connected to the enhancement of PsyCap, thereby elevating intrinsic motivation (Christopher Lee and Lim, 2024;Fermiano Fidelis et al., 2021). Leaders who demonstrate self-awareness, mentoring and coaching abilities, communicate with transparency and consistency, and prioritize both personal and professional development, while showing genuine commitment to the well-being of others, are more highly regarded (Achmad et al., 2023;Kirchmayer and Fratri� cov� a, 2018;Loring and Wang, 2022;Sigaeva et al., 2022). ...
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Purpose This article seeks to explore the key motivational factors driving Generation Z (Gen Z), within the context of the significant influence of the digital paradigm, employing the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a content motivational framework. Design/methodology/approach Utilizing an abductive methodology, the study combines deductive insights from a systematic literature review on Gen Z’s motivational predictors with inductive findings from a workshop involving six medium and large - scale global manufacturing companies. The synthesis of these results contributes to the creation of a matrix that highlights the relationship between motivational predictors and the psychological needs stemming from intrinsic motivation. Findings This paper suggests an extension of SDT tailored for Gen Z, identifying six motivational factors—autonomy, competence, relatedness, purpose, flow state, and achievement. Practical implications This research emphasizes the need for a modern leadership approach capable of effectively overseeing remote teams, fostering a balanced integration of personal and professional aspects, and nurturing individual purpose. This approach goes beyond fulfilling the basic needs of Maslow’s pyramid to focus on elevating the significance of work, training, and employee engagement to satisfy higher levels of self-actualization and transcendence. Originality/value The study delves into the motivations of Gen Z, a demographics that has received limited attention in the existing literature. The integration of the six factors with SDT reflects a synthesis tailored to the distinctive characteristics of Gen Z and aligns with the principles of the PERMA model within positive psychology.
... As 15 of the total set of 750 keywords exceeded the requirement, we narrowed our focus to only those keywords that appeared at least five times. The whole list of keywords is presented below in Table 3. Employee engagement and performance have been integrated into the following topics: job satisfaction (Achmad et al.,2023;Siagian et al.,2022),work engagement (Zahari and Kaliannan, 2023;Lu et al., 2023),leadership (Haryanto et al., 2023;Chen et al., 2023), job performance (Iddagoda et al., 2023;Kustiawan et al., 2022), training and development (Abdullahi et al., 2021;Muzeyin et al., 2022),HRM practices (Kavyashree et al., 2023;Dey et al., 2023),and many others. Figure 5 presents a graph of key words and their occurrence. ...
... Figure 9 shows that the H-index size has a local impact. Cogent business and management (Kuntadi et al., 2023;Anwaar et al., 2016), the Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business (Sopiah et al., 2020;Wolor et al., 2020), and Management Science Letters (Rawashdeh et al., 2020;Vuong and Sid, 2020) have index ratios of 5. Issue problems and perspectives (Rumman et al.,2020;Sari et al., 2023) have an index ratio of 4. The International Journal of Professional Business Review (Achmad et al.,2023;Duc, 2023) and the SA Journal of Human Resource Management (Southgate et al., 2023;Thokoa et al., 2021) have an index of 3. Business theory and practice (Layaman et al., 2021;Mansoor et al., 2021),human resource development reviews (Lee et al., 2021;Bailey et al., ...
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Bibliometric analysis is a quantitative method for examining scientific literature by focusing on its external characteristics.The aim of bibliometric analysis is to examine the steady development of research on employee engagement and performance from 2014-2023. Interest in employee engagement and performance has increased significantly since 2018.The Scopus database yielded a total of 181 papers related to employee engagement and employee performance. Several aspects of the bibliometric analysis were examined, including the total number of citations, the articles, and authors with many citations, the journals with the highest rates of citations, and the global networks of countries active in research. The study shows trends in the yearly growth of publications and the addition of essential keywords in the research domain. It provides information about prestigious academic journals, well-known writers, joint ventures, and countries that are engaged in employee engagement research. With respect to various scholarly works, this material serves to clarify the latest developments. This study provides valuable insights for future researchers since it expertly assesses and analyses the corpus of literature, identifies areas with gaps in knowledge, and proposes new directions for investigation. However, this study's applicability to a wider context is hindered by its exclusive focus on data extraction from a particular database . Although this is an extensive analysis, it does not address all potential perspectives. Future studies may also investigate a variety of other aspects, including organizational culture, leadership, employee motivation, employee voice, and the organizational environment that affect employee engagement.
... To overcome this phenomenon, human resources need to do mitigation, such as increasing employee retention (Achmad et al., 2023;Wilson et al., 2017). Employee retention is the willingness of employees to stay (Achmad et al., 2023). ...
... To overcome this phenomenon, human resources need to do mitigation, such as increasing employee retention (Achmad et al., 2023;Wilson et al., 2017). Employee retention is the willingness of employees to stay (Achmad et al., 2023). Employee retention is essential to human resource management as it enhances employees' productivity, ability, knowledge, and expertise in a company (Malik et al., 2020). ...
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Dewasa ini, fenomena job hopping yang terjadi di kalangan Gen Z menjadi tantangan bagi perusahaan dalam mempertahankan karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi dukungan atasan terhadap retensi karyawan, dengan komitmen organisasi sebagai variabel moderasi. Data yang diperoleh dari 186 partisipan Gen Z diolah dengan analisis moderasi dengan menggunakan JAMOVI 2.3.28. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi dukungan atasan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap retensi karyawan. Selanjutnya, komitmen organisasi terbukti memperkuat pengaruh persepsi dukungan atasan terhadap retensi, terutama ketika komitmen organisasi berada pada tingkat yang rendah. Peran atasan menjadi hal penting dalam mendukung pengembangan diri karyawan, serta perlunya perusahaan untuk membangun komitmen organisasi yang kuat guna meningkatkan loyalitas karyawan. Temuan ini dapat menjadi pedoman bagi perusahaan dalam menyusun strategi retensi karyawan, terutama untuk mengatasi fenomena job hopping pada kalangan Gen Z.
... The goal of these investments is to equip talented people with the skills necessary to successfully implement corporate strategy (Boateng, 2020). Independently, (Zamzam, Samdin, Mahrani, Syaifuddin, Suleman, Masri, & Zaludin, 2023;Achmad, Noermijati, Rofiaty, & Irawanto,2023), included talent management practises in their study and although Zamzam , Samdin, Mahrani, Syaifuddin, Suleman, Masri, & Zaludin, (2023) found a positive but not significant effect of talent development on organizational performance in a human resource management setting, Achmad, Noermijati, Rofiaty, & Irawanto, (2023), discovered that talent development had a positive and significant influence on intention to stay in the context of Generation ...
Two crucial concepts that influence an institution's culture and operational efficacy are talent management and organizational ethics. This study examines the relationship between talent management practices and perceived organizational ethics in Ghana’s public universities. By integrating strategic recruitment, comprehensive development programs, retention policies, and rigorous performance management, the study explores how these elements influence the ethical climate within academic institutions. Using a mixed-method approach, the research employs both quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews involving faculty, administrative staff, and management across multiple universities. Findings reveal a positive correlation between effective talent management and the perception of organizational ethics, highlighting that institutions with robust talent framework tend to exhibit higher levels of ethical standards. Ethical cultures characterized by transparency, fairness, and accountability were observed in institutions with proactive talent management systems. The study underscores the critical role of embedding ethical standards into all talent-related processes to enhance institutional integrity. Recommendations include integrating ethics into recruitment, development, and retention policies while fostering leadership practices that uphold ethical principles.
... Subsequently, engaged employees are more dedicated to their positions, exhibit increased productivity, and are less inclined to pursue opportunities outside the organizations. Additionally, the relationship between recruitment and selection and employee retention is mediated by employee engagement, which influences job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Achmad et al., 2023). Engaged employees are more likely to experience job satisfaction, as they are motivated to perform at their best and derive fulfillment from their responsibilities. ...
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Employee retention is a critical challenge in the banking sector, with high turnover rates leading to significant costs and operational disruptions. This study investigates the mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between recruitment and selection practices and employee retention at the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB). A quantitative cross-sectional survey approach was employed, with data collected from a random sample of 257 NBB employees across various departments and hierarchical levels. The study utilized structural equation modeling via SmartPLS to analyze the data. Results indicate that recruitment and selection practices significantly influence employee engagement (β = 0.861, p < 0.000) and employee retention (β = 0.455, p < 0.006). Moreover, employee engagement was found to have a significant positive effect on employee retention (β = 0.406, p < 0.018). Notably, the study reveals a significant indirect effect of recruitment and selection on employee retention through employee engagement (β = 0.35, p < 0.019), confirming the mediating role of employee engagement. These findings emphasize the importance of strategic recruitment and selection practices in fostering employee engagement and enhancing retention rates. The study significantly contributes to the literature on human resource management in the banking sector, providing a deeper understanding of employee engagement’s role in retention and offering practical implications for organizations seeking to improve their talent management strategies and reduce turnover.
... Although development opportunities also significantly impact loyalty, the relationship is slightly weaker than its influence on job satisfaction. This could be due to the fact that while development opportunities enhance employees' commitment to their roles, loyalty may also be influenced by other factors, such as organizational culture and work-life balance [36], [37]. However, the positive relationship between development opportunities and loyalty suggests that when Generation Z employees see potential for long-term career growth, they are more likely to stay with the organization. ...
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This study investigates the influence of job recognition and development opportunities on job satisfaction and loyalty among Generation Z employees in Jakarta’s creative industries. Using a quantitative approach, data was collected from 230 respondents through a Likert-scale questionnaire and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). The results show that both job recognition and development opportunities have significant positive effects on job satisfaction and loyalty. Development opportunities were found to have a stronger impact on job satisfaction, while job recognition also significantly influenced both outcomes. These findings highlight the importance of tailored human resource strategies that focus on recognizing employee contributions and providing career development pathways. Organizations in Jakarta’s creative industries can enhance retention and satisfaction by investing in these key areas.
... In contrast, those displaying commitment, often linked with job satisfaction, are more likely to go above and beyond their obligations, showcasing loyalty and contributing to superior performance. According to [19], Talent development serves as a comprehensive framework, transforming individuals from mere factors of production into a contributing force that sustains progress. Through training, a company demonstrates its commitment to and investment in employees, signaling their importance to the organization's survival and prosperity. ...
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This research aims to identify the Impact of Authentic Leadership on Employee Commitment and Talent Development (From IT SME employees’ Perspective in Amman, Jordan). To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The study population consisted of (360) employees’ in IT SMEs in Amman, Jordan, A random sample content of (186) employees was chosen, questionnaires were distributed using Google Forms, and the percentage of correct questionnaires was (94.5%), The research found that there is an impact of Authentic Leadership on Employee Commitment, and there is an impact of Authentic Leadership on Talent Development, this study recommends enhancing employee commitment strategies, strengthen talent development and when hiring, consider assessing candidates not only for technical skills but also for their alignment with authentic leadership qualities.
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In this study, we examine the influence of the Work-Life Balance dimensions, namely WIPL (Work Interference with Personal Life) and PLIW (Personal Life Interference with Work), and Job Satisfaction (JS) on Turnover Intention (TI) in the context of Public Accounting Firms (KAP) in Indonesia. A survey was conducted on 114 employees working in various KAPs such as EY, PWC, KPMG, Deloitte, and other KAPs. This study uses quantitative analysis with the use of SmartPLS 4.0 for primary data management and SEM model acquisition. The results show that five out of seven hypotheses are accepted. The simulation of these effects shows that WIPL significantly affects JS and TI, while PLIW only affects JS and does not affect TI. Furthermore, JS significantly affects TI and mediates the effect of PLIW on TI, but JS does not mediate the relationship between WIPL and TI. This study found that employees who feel their personal lives are interfered with by their work lives are more likely to have the intention to leave the company. This study also shown that employees will be satisfied with their work if there is a balance between work responsibilities and personal life. Therefore, this study can be used to design human resource strategies that include a comfortable wo$rking environment while still giving employees the freedom to pursue personal activities outside of work in order to increase JS and minimize TI.
In today’s competitive labor market is more and more important to retain the best human capital by offering employees the highest general satisfaction experiences with their job. This makes general job and personal growth satisfaction become an important element to foster in workplaces. While organizational politics has been associated with various performance benefits in organizations, one much-appreciated strategy is the ability to understand and influence others at work to achieve things from employees which could lead to unethical means to achieve results. Thus, even though internal work motivation is present in employees, principally due to the content of the work they must do, few studies consider that general job and personal growth satisfaction experiences could be seriously harmed if unethical contextual factors were present. The expected general job and personal growth satisfaction they should experience for doing their work might be harmed if motivated employees face supervisors with selfish political skills who treat them in a disrespectful manner. This chapter proposes and tests a model in which supervisor disrespectful leadership can reduce the positive effects that internal work motivation can have on the general job and personal growth satisfaction of employees.
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Analizamos en este artículo el papel que juega el imaginario de los jóvenes de la generación Z en sus procesos de educación formal y en el aprendizaje profesional. Para este análisis trabajamos con estudiantes de entre 18 y 25 años de México y Francia. Concretamente con mexicanos de diferentes centros universitarios de una universidad pública del Estado de Jalisco, y franceses de instituciones equivalentes en la región parisina que estudian carreras relacionadas con las ciencias administrativas. Buscamos que el análisis comparativo tuviera sentido correlacional, que los jóvenes participantes, además de la edad, tuvieran condiciones socioeconómicas y accesos culturales relativamente semejantes. Se asumen desde un inicio las diferencias existentes en los marcos institucionales y contextuales en general, sin embargo, la intención explícita era concentrarnos en las coincidencias que pudiéramos atribuir a la generación de estudio, y las características asumidas como globales de la misma. El presente estudio consta de dos fases principales: en la primera se emplearon entrevistas semiestructuradas a modo de recolección de datos y, en la segunda, se analizó la información obtenida, con el fin de identificar patrones y tendencias en las respuestas de los participantes. De esta manera, logramos caracterizar el imaginario social de la generación Z vinculado al mundo del trabajo, y sus constantes y sistemáticas dudas sobre las instituciones y su correlación con la obtención de un buen empleo. De manera general, el estudio se inscribe en el análisis de los procesos identitarios de las generaciones, y el peso que el imaginario y las instituciones tienen en estos.
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Based on 7,939 business units in 36 companies, this study used meta-analysis to examine the relationship at the business-unit level between employee satisfaction–engagement and the business-unit outcomes of customer satisfaction, productivity, profit, employee turnover, and accidents. Generalizable relationships large enough to have substantial practical value were found between unit-level employee satisfaction–engagement and these business-unit outcomes. One implication is that changes in management practices that increase employee satisfaction may increase business-unit outcomes, including profit.
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Generation Z (or Gen Z) represents 24% of the U.S. population and is very different from earlier generations. A higher proportion of Gen Zers are earning college degrees, and they are now moving to the next phase where they will constitute the predominant majority of the incoming workforce. Gen Z faced an unusual set of technology-driven circumstances while growing up, and thus bring a distinct set of characteristics to the workplace. We offer a new research-based framework—DITTO, which encapsulates specific recommendations for organizations on diversity, individualism and teamwork, technology, and organizational supports. DITTO serves as a useful mnemonic to help managers recall specific ways to support Gen Zers and leverages the strengths of Gen Zers to benefit the organization and the workforce. Research shows that Gen Zers bring unique characteristics to the workplace, such as being more open to diversity and more individualistic and technology-driven than other generations. To the extent that companies use the DITTO framework, the more attractive they should be to Gen Z workers; but the principles of this framework also extend beyond Gen Zers to existing workforce with similar efficacy—and hence the DITTO moniker—and should accordingly lead to increased productivity and competitive advantage.
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This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction and gender on the relationship between employee engagement and intention to leave. The population in this study were all employees of PT X. The 121-sample size was determined by Slovin formula. The study used convenience sampling for the sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed with Simple Mediation Model with Macro Process. The research findings contended that job satisfaction is proven to mediate the relationship between employee engagement and intention to leave which moderated by gender.
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The current paper aims to analyse the importance of values of young employees now and in five years period. In order to achieve the aim, the questionnaire consisting of fifty statements was developed and disseminated between the Latvian students. The sample size was 392, which shows that the results represent the whole populations. For data processing, factor analysis was chosen as a tool. The data factorability was assessed via Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity, Kaiser-Myer-Olkin (KMO) statistic, initial estimates of communality and the anti-image correlation matrix. The factors were extracted via principal axis factoring (PAF). The number of factors was determined by the scree plot/Kaiser’s rule and was equal to five in both cases. The results showed the for the young employees the essential values today are those connected to the personality trait. However, in five years, the essential values would be those that are linked to professional development.
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In the rapidly changing business world, improving employee’s self-development level is of great importance for organizations to pursue sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to examine how and when job autonomy promotes employee’s self-development. Drawing from self-determination theory, we examined the effect of job autonomy on employee’s self-development, and the mediation role of intrinsic motivation in this relationship. Moreover, we argued that team connectivity strengthened the relationship between job autonomy and intrinsic motivation, and further moderated the indirect effect of job autonomy and self-employment via intrinsic motivation. Using a two-wave panel design, we collected data from a sample of 473 employees in China. The results indicated that job autonomy predicted employee’s self-development, and employee’s intrinsic motivation fully mediated this relationship. Team connectivity positively moderated the relationship between job autonomy and intrinsic motivation, and further moderated the mediation effect of intrinsic motivation. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed along with the limitations and further research directions.
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As there is a worldwide adoption of 3D printing (3DP) in many activity areas, formal education becomes mandatory for acquiring theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills for an efficient use, for bringing real contributions to the development of this technology and its applications. Truly digitally natives, Gen Z students are now entering higher forms of education. They are trained by Gen X and early Gen Y professors who should be able to cope not only with students’ different set of skills and mind-set, but also, in case of 3D printing, with the media overexposure of this technology and, consequently, with a tendency of fast acquiring shallow knowledge and being auto-sufficient with this. In this context, our research examines the challenges and implications raised by 3DP curriculum aspects, providing a series of considerations and analyses based on literature review and on a long experience of teaching this topic in an engineering environment. Results of a survey aimed to understand Gen Z Romanian students’ expectations on learning and teaching 3DP are also presented. We agree the idea that teaching should be adapted to student prior knowledge, not being practical and efficient to customize it to student trait. In the same time, we consider that knowing new generation characteristics, learning habits and preferences, as a group, can definitely support teachers in choosing the right tools and methods so that to improve correct content delivery and to ensure that this content efficiently reaches audience. Available at:
Employee commitment is influenced by organizational climate and fairness to be able to grow and develop within an organization. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the effect of organizational climate and organizational justice on organizational commitment, with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at the Denpasar City Revenue Service. The hypotheses proposed based on existing theoretical studies and the existence of the phenomena summarized in the problem formulation are: organizational commitment is positively affected by organizational climate; organizational justice has an effect on organizational commitment as positively; organizational climate has an effect on job satisfaction as positively; job satisfaction is positively influenced by fairness organization; and organizational commitment is positively effected by job satisfaction. The design of this research system is oriented to the pattern of calculating quantitative data on the existence of questionnaires distributed to 83 respondents. The data used are primary and secondary data both qualitative and quantitative which are then analysed by PLS-based SEM, while the results found are as follows: organizational commitment is positively and significantly affected by organizational climate; organizational justice has an effect on organizational commitment is positively and significantly; job satisfaction is positively and significantly affected by organizational climate; organizational justice has an effect on organizational justice is positively and significantly; and organizational commitment is positively and significantly influenced by job satisfaction.
Purpose Social media influencers (SMIs) play an increasingly important role in influencing youth and their shopping behaviours in digital marketing. Research has examined various but fragmented SMIs, which cause inconsistency in empirical results. This research seeks to categorise the most popular SMIs in luxury fashion and examine their distinctive effects on Gen Z consumption in China. Design/methodology/approach The authors categorise SMIs into four groups based on two dimensions, i.e. network interactivity vs social connectedness. Drawing on the social network theory, the authors develop the research model. A sample of 400 survey data is collected and analysed using the PLS-SEM technique. Findings The empirical results suggest that among the four popular SMIs groups, the effects of celebrities, opinion leaders and friends and peers on luxury fashion consumption of Gen Z are statistically significant while that of advertisers are insignificant; that friends and peers have the most substantial effect among the others. Originality/value The study contributes to understanding SMIs and consumer behaviour in digital emerging markets. By categorising SMIs, this study reconciles inconsistencies in the concept. This study contributes to a better understanding of SMIs and their roles in the digital marketing of luxury fashion consumption.
This study offers new perspectives on employees’ intention to stay in organizations by examining the role of calling and perceived supervisor support (PSS). Drawing from work as calling theory (WCT) and utilizing survey data collected in the Philippines (Study 1; n = 338), we found that perceiving a calling is positively and significantly related to intention to stay and that PSS serves as a moderating variable. To further assess the mechanism that links perceiving a calling with intention to stay, we conducted a second study, after 6 months, focusing on the employee’s state of living out the calling. Using another survey data set collected in the Philippines (Study 2; n = 379), we found that living a calling serves as a mediating variable that influences the relationship between perceiving a calling and intention to stay, which is further strengthened by PSS. Theoretical and practical implications are fully discussed.