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Chatbots for future docs: exploring medical students’ attitudes and
knowledge towards artificial intelligence and medical chatbots
Julia-Astrid Moldt
, Teresa Festl-Wietek
, Amir Madany Mamlouk
, Kay Nieselt
, Wolfgang Fuhl
and Anne Herrmann-Werner
University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany;
Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany;
Institute for Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics, University of Tuebingen, Germany;
Department of Internal Medicine VI/
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and digital assistance systems such as chatbots will play an
increasingly important role in future doctor – patient communication. To benefit from the
potential of this technical innovation and ensure optimal patient care, future physicians should
be equipped with the appropriate skills. Accordingly, a suitable place for the management and
adaptation of digital assistance systems must be found in the medical education curriculum. To
determine the existing levels of knowledge of medical students about AI chatbots in particular in
the healthcare setting, this study surveyed medical students of the University of Luebeck and the
University Hospital of Tuebingen. Using standardized quantitative questionnaires and qualitative
analysis of group discussions, the attitudes of medical students toward AI and chatbots in
medicine were investigated. From this, relevant requirements for the future integration of AI
into the medical curriculum could be identified. The aim was to establish a basic understanding of
the opportunities, limitations, and risks, as well as potential areas of application of the technology.
The participants (N = 12) were able to develop an understanding of how AI and chatbots will
affect their future daily work. Although basic attitudes toward the use of AI were positive, the
students also expressed concerns. There were high levels of agreement regarding the use of AI in
administrative settings (83.3%) and research with health-related data (91.7%). However, partici-
pants expressed concerns that data protection may be insufficiently guaranteed (33.3%) and that
they might be increasingly monitored at work in the future (58.3%). The evaluations indicated
that future physicians want to engage more intensively with AI in medicine. In view of future
developments, AI and data competencies should be taught in a structured way during the
medical curriculum and integrated into curricular teaching.
Received 15 December 2022
Revised 6 February 2023
Accepted 16 February 2023
Medical students; artificial
intelligence; applications in
education;; human-
computer interface;
teaching/learning strategies;
The healthcare system is undergoing a digital transfor-
mation, and artificial intelligence (AI) will play
a significant role in defining everyday medical practice
[1]. The location- and time-independence of digital appli-
cations have created new opportunities for medicine and
health communication that are also changing the doctor –
patient relationship [2]. The growing importance of
e-health applications, wearables and AI applications
such as chatbots can empower patients to collect their
own health data [3,4].
Furthermore, the digital networking of patients,
hospitals, physicians and other healthcare services is
enabling a shift from a physician-centric approach to
more patient-centered treatment [5]. To exploit the
potential of this technical innovation and ensure
optimized care for patients, future doctors must be
equipped with the appropriate skills [6]. Future phy-
sicians will not only need to be flexible in responding
to different healthcare contexts but will also require
the competence to adequately deal with procedures
and applications involving AI and the accompanying
big data [7]. The growing complexity of medicine and
increasing specialization of knowledge require the
integration of AI as well as the interaction with digital
assistance systems already in the curriculum of med-
ical studies [8–10]. According to current literature,
although AI competencies are essential for medical
practice, they are not comprehensively taught in
medical education [7,11,12].
Medical curriculum in Germany
A look at the national competence-based learning
objectives catalog for medicine (NKLM) [13] shows
that the teaching of competencies in the area of
medical apps and artificial intelligence is still under-
represented. The national competence-based learning
objectives catalog for medicine is currently being
further developed on the basis of the ‘Master Plan
CONTACT Julia-Astrid Moldt TIME – Tübingen Institute for Medical Education, Elfriede-Aulhorn-
Straße 10, 72076, Tuebingen, Germany
2023, VOL. 28, 2182659
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
for Medical Studies 2020’ [14]. It is to be made
compulsory at all medical faculties when the new
Medical Licensing Regulations come into force. The
focus is on the question of which competencies junior
doctors should acquire as part of the core curriculum
of their medical studies, including medical commu-
nication skills, interprofessional teamwork, scientific
work and digital competencies [15]. The importance
of integrating AI into medical studies is already being
explored extensively in research and literature, but
curricular implementation [16,17] is in its early
stages. The emerge of medical chatbots could have
the potential to improve the efficiency, quality and
accessibility of healthcare services by providing quick
information and connecting patients to healthcare
providers and will become increasingly important
for both doctors and patients during the treatment
process. However, there are also raising concerns
about chatbots potentially eroding diagnostic prac-
tice, being driven by business logic, and having lim-
itations and incompleteness that may harm patients
in emergency situations [18,19]. Understanding how
these technologies work and how they can be used
can help medical students better understand the
broader landscape of healthcare and be better pre-
pared for the future of medicine [20]. As far as the
authors know, the experience and attitude towards
the use of chatbots in medicine among medical stu-
dents has not yet been recorded in Germany.
Therefore, the question arose for us, how to suc-
cessfully prepare medical professionals for this new
scenario during their medical training. This study is
intended as basic research relating to AI in the med-
ical curriculum. We aimed to provide an overview of
the current knowledge and attitudes of medical stu-
dents regarding AI technologies to determine what is
necessary for future implementation in the curricu-
lum. Therefore, the following questions arose regard-
ing the implementation of AI in medical education:
●What attitudes do medical students have about
artificial intelligence and the use of chatbots in
●Does their view of chatbots change after learn-
ing more about medical chatbots in the course?
Material and methods
Study design and participants
This study followed the Standards for Reporting
Qualitative Research [21] and presents a mixed-method
study as part of a project supported by the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (BMBF).
It was carried out at the Medical Faculty of Tuebingen
with the support of the Institute for Neuro- and
Bioinformatics, University of Luebeck. A hybrid course
named ‘Chatbots for Future Docs’ was developed for
medical students of all semesters and was offered as an
elective course between January and March 2022. N = 12
medical students learned about conditions of doctor –
patient communication in general, possible uses of chat-
bots in healthcare, the ethical framework of AI, how
chatbots work in general and what it takes to create
a ready-to-go bot. The course combined classical teaching
of theoretical knowledge (represented by asynchronous
digital short inputs) and practical competence acquisition
in the form of exercises and group work during
a synchronous online format via Zoom.
The attitudes of participants regarding the topic of
AI in medicine were quantitatively assessed by means
of a standardized questionnaire before and after the
course via the learning management software ILIAS.
Qualitative methods such as group discussions sup-
plemented the detailed, subjective and individual atti-
tudes of the medical students to the topic.
The study received ethical approval from the Ethics
Committee of Tuebingen Medical Faculty (no. 824/
2021BO2). Participation was voluntary, and students
provided their informed consent and received no com-
pensation. All responses and data were kept anonymous.
Measurement and process of study
We combined quantitative and qualitative research
methods in this study to achieve an in-depth analysis
of the collected data [22].
To conduct the quantitative survey, the medical stu-
dents were asked to complete a self-developed standar-
dized questionnaire at the beginning of the course to
assess subjective attitudes toward AI in medicine. The
questionnaire was divided into three subsections, with
items including five-point Likert scales and multiple-
choice questions. The first subsection aimed to gather
demographic data including age, gender and general
attitudes toward technology and AI. Attitudes toward
technology use were assessed using a shortened version
of the validated short scale for assessing individual
differences in the willingness of technology, as per
Neyer et al. [23] (technology commitment).
The second subsection examined the openness of med-
ical students regarding the future use of AI in healthcare
in particular, which in the future may be able to answer
health-related questions, perform certain tests or exam-
inations, diagnose health conditions and suggest and
apply treatments. The third subsection addressed the
attitudes of the medical students toward chatbots in
medicine. Students were asked to revisit two questions
from the questionnaire on chatbots in medicine after
the course, as this was the main interest of the course.
The material for qualitative content analysis was
based on group work conducted by the students,
which involved discussing questions about the use of
mental health chatbots in medicine (see A1, appendix).
Data analysis
Statistical analysis of the questionnaire was per-
formed using IBM SPSS version 27. Mean values
(M), standard deviations (SD), sum values, frequen-
cies and percentages of the relevant items were
obtained. The Pearson correlation coefficient was
calculated to capture linear relationships between
the relevant variables. We used the Wilcoxon test to
analyze the statistical significance of the differences
between the two repeated items after the course; the
level of significance was p < .05.As one student did
not complete the course, we used the mean imputa-
tion procedure for the missing values after testing for
normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test procedure [24,25].
Qualitative analysis
The results of the students’ group work were
recorded, transcribed and coded by three different
authors (JAM, TFW, AM). Following discussions in
regular meetings, findings were summarized and
a category system consisting of main and subcate-
gories (according to Mayring’s qualitative content
analysis) was agreed upon [26]. Selected text passages
were used as quotations to illustrate each category
[26]. Inductive category formation was performed to
reduce the content of the material to its essentials
(bottom-up process). In the first step, the goal of the
analysis and the theoretical background were deter-
mined. From this, questions about chatbots in med-
icine were developed and presented to the students
for discussion in a group exercise. Two main topics
were identified, namely positive and negative atti-
tudes toward chatbots in medicine. In the second
step, we worked through the individual statements
of the students systematically and derived various
categories: user group, technical implementation,
acceptance, and use in medicine.
The course was attended by 12 medical students from
the clinical and preclinical study sections, who were
able (at least partly) to give a broad explanation of AI.
For further information, please see Table 1.
Main results questionnaire
Part 1: general attitudes toward technology, and
socio demography
The participating students stated that they could
explain the main features and applications of AI
(50.0%) and that they could at least give a broad
definition of AI (50.0%). Evaluation of the technol-
ogy commitment according to Neyer et al. 2016
showed that the study participants displayed
a moderate willingness to use technology (M = 21;
SD = 3.1, min. 18, max. 31).
Part 2: attitudes toward AI in medicine
Many students were not afraid of the future
changes that AI could bring. The majority (83.3%)
were not afraid of losing their jobs because of AI or
of being overwhelmed by using AI (83.3%).
However, some students agreed that they were
afraid of increasing surveillance at their future
workplaces (58.3% agreement vs. 25.0% disagree-
ment) and decreasing transparency regarding the
use of personal data (33.3% agreement vs. 33.3%
disagreement) (Figure 1 Plot A).
As shown in Figure 1 Plot B, the majority of
students supported the use of AI in various areas of
medicine. Nevertheless, there was less support for
its use in human-centered areas such as therapy or
follow-up treatment, while the use of AI in more
technical areas such as diagnostics or administra-
tive tasks was seen as mostly beneficial.
Students saw the use of AI in medicine primar-
ily as an opportunity to reduce the administrative
burden on physicians. At the same time, however,
they also believed that the new technology would
be able to make diagnoses faster and more accu-
rate in the future and ultimately also make access
to medical advice more sustainable (Figure 2
Plot A).
Part 3: attitudes toward chatbots in medicine
At the beginning of the course 692% of the stu-
dents never have used a medical chatbot before.
However, the students had great confidence in
chatbots, especially for organizational tasks. In
task areas with high levels of responsibility, such
as diagnosis or treatment suggestions, opinions
tended to diverge and were more critical, but the
students were not completely opposed to the use of
AI in general (Figure 2 Plot B).
Table 1. Students’ previous knowledge about AI and demo-
graphic data.
Yes, I could explain the main
features and applications of AI
I could give a general
explanation, but I don’t know
anything more specific than
Age Mean
deviation 2.9
Gender Male
5 (41.7%)
6 (50.0%)
1 (8.3%)
As shown in Tables A2 and A3 in the appendix,
no major differences in attitudes held before and
after the course were detected. However, students
were significantly (p = 0.02) less critical about priv-
acy and the use of medical chatbots after the
course. Prior to the course, 500% of students
believed that data privacy and security could not
be fully guaranteed, 41.7% were undecided, and
only 8.3% did not believe this. After the course,
only 36.4% were still critical of data protection,
18.2% were undecided and 45.5% did not believe
that data protection cannot be guaranteed with
Figure 1. Attitudes of medical students toward AI in medicine (fears about AI in various areas of medicine).
med. Chatbots (see Table A3). Only a few state-
ments showed a clear positive or negative tendency.
For example, the majority agreed that using chat-
bots saved time (83.3% agreement pre; 72.7% agree-
ment post) and money (75.0% agreement pre;
54.5% post). However, medical students felt that
chatbots were not yet sufficiently established and
that long-term success had yet to materialize
(81.8%). There was also a fear of communication
problems (81.8%) and loss of personal contact with
Figure 2. Attitudes of medical students toward AI in medicine (statements about the use of AI and chatbots).
patients (63.6%) because of the lack of maturity of
the technology.
Findings of the qualitative content analysis
The main findings of the present study concern the
students’ views on chatbots in medicine. Four main
themes/categories were identified: user group, technical
implementation, acceptance, and use in medicine
(Table 2).
Theme 1: user group
The medical students were positive that chatbots are
accessible to a broad user group as a result of their
time- and location-independent availability. They
also believed that possible language barriers or other
hurdles could also be overcome. Nevertheless, they
were concerned that certain groups of people (elderly
people, visually impaired people) may not be familiar
with modern technology or chatbots. The medical
students also proposed a minimum age of 18 years
and an alternative language mode specifically aimed
at children.
Theme 2: technical implementation
The students felt that with the use of emojis, artificial
delays, small talk and customization, there was an
opportunity to provide the most human-like and
realistic conversation possible with a chatbot.
Furthermore, the development of the chatbot should
take into account the context in which it would be
used (administrative or personal assistant). However,
according to the students’ evaluations, technical
implementation was not sufficiently mature or flex-
ible because of the limited and rigid algorithms used.
Theme 3: acceptance and trust
The use of chatbots as therapy tools or interactive
diaries for patients was considered by the students to
be a good opportunity to reduce anonymity, shyness
and shame about disclosing personal and painful
information. However, it was thought that doctor –
patient communication could deteriorate as a result
of non-verbal communication with a chatbot and
interpersonal information may get lost. Thus, the
first personal conversation between doctor and
patient was considered indispensable.
Use in medicine
The students perceived the use of therapy chatbots in
medicine as potentially supportive and complemen-
tary diagnostic tools that could be used indepen-
dently by patients but did not understand them as
a substitute for therapy. As an example, the students
mentioned the possibility of technical errors or the
risk of increasing social withdrawal in depressed per-
sons due to the lack of personal contact. Therefore,
human contact and empathy were considered essen-
tial for the success of therapy, which could be
reduced by the use of chatbots.
Teaching evaluation
The participants enjoyed gaining a fundamental
insight into the topic of chatbots and AI, which was
completely new for some of them. In addition, the
interactive design and hybrid format contributed to
the positive evaluation of the course. In general, the
students gained a new perspective on chatbots and
their associated problems, as well as a basic under-
standing of how chatbots function, where they can be
used and the effort involved in implementing them.
Table 2. Overview of categories, subcategories and corresponding examples based on qualitative analysis.
category Subcategory Example
User group Positive
– Enabling of individual chat selection (in case someone needs small talk or similar)
– Possible individual language selection
– Target group-oriented language possible
– Specific user groups are not confident with modern techniques and chatbots
– Communication tools, e.g., emojis and artificial delays could be helpful to simulate human-like con-
– By now, algorithms are too strict to enable flexible and individualized answer design
– Smalltalk is not expedient
Acceptance and
– Anonymity reduces reluctance and shame when disclosing personal and hurtful information
– Skepticism regarding the ability of the intermediary instance chatbot to support physicians as this could
limit the direct doctor–patient relationship
– Informational gain is questionable due to lost information from nonverbal communication
– Initial personal talk remains indispensable
– Data security
Use in medicine Positive
– Reflecting through chatting as a therapeutic tool but not as a substitute for therapy
– Interactive diary
– Critical toward chatbots as a therapy tool
– Human contact and empathy are crucial for therapeutic success
In the context of digitalization in healthcare, applica-
tions that use AI are becoming increasingly impor-
tant [12]. This study contributed to the
understanding of the current level of knowledge and
attitudes regarding AI, particularly chatbots, in
Medical chatbots are an example of how artificial
intelligence and technology are being integrated into
healthcare. As such, it would be beneficial for medical
students in Germany to learn about this technology
as part of their medical curriculum. This will help
ensure that they are well-equipped to work with and
utilize medical chatbots in their future practice, in
order to provide high-quality and efficient care to
patients. Additionally, learning about medical chat-
bots would provide medical students with a better
understanding of the role that technology plays in
healthcare and how it is likely to continue to shape
the medical profession in the future.
This study revealed that the attitudes and expecta-
tions of medical students were generally optimistic
about the use of AI and chatbots in relation to
a variety of purposes in medicine, including in areas
such as administration, research and diagnostic ima-
ging techniques (Figure 1, Plot B). In particular, the
students would trust the chatbots to perform recur-
ring and supportive activities, such as answering sim-
ple questions, arranging appointments, and providing
basic information. The majority were certain that
they would not be replaced by AI in their jobs or
that they would be less valued in their roles as future
doctors, as other authors have stated in similar stu-
dies [27]. However, they were more critical of the use
of these new technologies in core tasks, such as carry-
ing out personal counseling and specific medical
examinations. The participants also expressed con-
cerns that data protection and privacy may no longer
be adequately guaranteed. Finally, there was a fear
that personal contact with patients could be lost if the
patients were increasingly engaging with technical
systems rather than human personnel.
As other studies have demonstrated, it cannot be
assumed that the generation of people who have
grown up with digital technologies and are proficient
in their use (similar to our cohort) are also aware of
all the options and ethical consequences of the use of
new technologies in their professional field. However,
this is not synonymous with the simultaneous devel-
opment of digital competencies in the professional
field [28,29]. The areas in which AI can be applied
in medicine are diverse and, with the development of
smartphone apps, have reached not only the health-
care system but also the private sphere – and there
will likely be more in the future [30]. Accordingly, to
remain empowered, future physicians must be able to
understand how AI works, as well as how to interpret
results, in order to meaningfully support patients
with digital tools at the same time as critically mon-
itoring AI [31]. Digital learning opportunities and the
development of AI skills are essential in medical
education and may help to meet the vast need for
qualifications [32]. We found a great deal of uncer-
tainty and skepticism regarding chatbots due to the
lack of integration of AI topics into the medical
curriculum (as yet), as well as a lack of knowledge
about the basic conditions and legal and ethical
requirements of AI use [33], reflecting findings
from other studies [34–36].
While students saw a great deal of potential for the
use of chatbots in medicine, they had many concerns
about using them in areas that went beyond organi-
zational activities such as making patient appoint-
ments. Above all, they believed that the technology
was not yet sufficiently developed and that in the
context of healthcare, patients needed a human coun-
terpart. Neutral attitudes to chatbots were also evi-
dent from many statements in the questionnaire,
which confirmed the thesis that there is not yet
enough knowledge about the topic of AI in medicine
for the study participants to have developed distinct
opinions. In the questions about chatbots, in particu-
lar, which were repeated after the course, we could
not identify any significant changes in attitudes.
However, our study was able to give medical stu-
dents, as non-computer scientists, a good initial over-
view of how a chatbot works, a basic understanding
of how much data needs to be provided for an AI,
and also potential future uses of AI in medicine and
medical chatbots.
The perceived challenges and concerns of students
relating to the use of AI and chatbots in healthcare
must be addressed and taken seriously before future
physicians are exposed to such tools [37]. AI is still
underrepresented in the medical curriculum, and
students lack the opportunity to engage more inten-
sively with the topic of AI and develop the required
expertise [11,38,39]. Therefore, for us, it was impor-
tant not only to teach digital competencies and
knowledge about AI theoretically but also to incor-
porate them practically into the teaching unit. Thus,
digitization was both included in the teaching and
incorporated as a learning objective.
Although the students were very interested in the
topic of chatbots in medicine, and the topic of AI is
also gaining increasing importance in medicine in
general, the results of our study are limited in terms
of representing the perspectives of the student popu-
lation due to the small number of participants. Also,
the course duration of three months was too short for
sustainable changes in viewpoints or information
gain to occur. However, the goal of this work was
not to draw representative conclusions for all
German medical students, but rather to understand
the state of knowledge and perceptions of medical
students regarding AI and chatbots in medicine,
which we believe was achieved with our sample.
The next step will be to investigate which AI compe-
tencies should be included in the curriculum.
This study indicated that future physicians in
Germany are willing to engage more intensively
with AI in medicine. In our study, they were able to
develop a basic understanding of how AI and chat-
bots will affect their future daily work. Although their
basic attitude toward the use of clinical AI was posi-
tive, medical students also had concerns, especially
with regard to the lack of data protection and declin-
ing personal contact with patients. With a view to
future developments in the workplace, we can only
emphasize once again how urgently medical curricula
need to be supplemented with these new core com-
petencies so that doctors can help to shape the tech-
nological course of patient treatment in an informed
and self-confident manner.
We would like to thank our study assistants Marie
Thiwissen and Felix Pfeiffer for their help.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
We acknowledge support via financing publication fees
from ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’ and the Open
Access Publishing Fund of the University of Tuebingen.
We also thank the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research, Germany (BMBF) for supporting this project
Ethical approval
The study received ethical approval from the Ethics
Committee of Tuebingen Medical Faculty (no. 824/
2021BO2). Participation was voluntary, and students pro-
vided their written informed consent. All responses and
data were kept anonymous.
JAM was responsible for the study design and implementa-
tion and data collection. AMM was responsible for the tech-
nical information of the chatbot, AHW for the didactical
design of the teaching course. JAM analysed the research
material and conducted the writing for the manuscript.
TFW participated in data analysis and interpretation and
critically revised the manuscript. AHW and AMM made
significant contributions to the study design and critically
revised the manuscript. KN and WF revised the manuscript
and have given final approval of the version to be published.
All authors approved the final version of the manuscript and
agreed to be responsible for all aspects found therein.
Julia-Astrid Moldt
Teresa Festl-Wietek
Amir Madany Mamlouk
Kay Nieselt
Wolfgang Fuhl
Anne Herrmann-Werner
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A1. Questions from the group work about mental health chatbots in medicine
●How would you rate chatbots as therapy tools, for example, Woebot? What opportunities do they offer and what are their limitations?
●How could they influence the doctor – patient relationship? In your opinion, what would chatbots need to do in order for both patients
and healthcare professionals to benefit from them in a meaningful way?
●Which aspects of the use of chatbots in medicine do you see as particularly critical and why?
●How do you think a chatbot should be used in terms of dialog design? How relevant are factors such as emoji use, artificial delays,
language and small talk?
●What aspects should be considered in terms of linguistic style? Should the dialog be designed differently regardless of the target group?
●How would you describe the optimal personality of the chatbot? Do you think a chatbot should have personality and/or show
emotion? How far can a chatbot be humanized in your view?
A2. I have a positive attitude towards the application and development of chatbots in medicine,
because. . .
agree Undecided
Mean (SD)
p < 0.05
I believe that the use of chatbots brings more opportunities than
Prä 8.3% 41.7% 33.3% 16.7% 0% 3.4 n.s.
(1/12) (5/12) (4/12) (2/12) (0/12) (0.9)
Post 27.3% 18.2% 45.5% 9.1% 0% 3.7
(3/11) (2/11) (5/11) (1/11) (0/11) (1.0)
you save time by using chatbots Prä 25.0% 58.3% 16.7% 0% 0% 4.1 n.s.
(3/12) (7/12) (2/12) (0/12) (0/12) (0.7)
Post 45. 5% 27.3% 18.2% 9.1% 0% 4. 1
(5/11) (3/11) (2/11) (1/11) (0/11) (1.0)
you save money by using chatbots Prä 33.3% 41.7% 25.0% 0% 0% 4.1 n.s
(4/12) (5/12) (3/12) (0/12) (0/12) (0.79)
Post 27.3% 27.3% 45.5% 0% 0% 3.8
(3/11) (3/11) (5/11) (0/11) (0/11) (0.8)
the integration of these, the participation in therapy decisions of
patients increases (e.g., less language barriers)
Prä 16.7% 41.7% 25.0% 0% 8.3% 3.6 n.s
(2/12) (5/12) (3/12) (0/12) (1/12) (1.1)
Post 9.1% 36.4% 45.5% 9.01% 0% 3.5
(1/11) (4/11) (5/11) (1/11) (0/11) (0.8)
Chatbots enable inclusion of people who otherwise have
inhibitions about confiding in a doctor
Prä 8.3% 33.3% 33.3% 8.3% 16.7% 3.1 n.s
(1/12) (4/12) (4/12) (1/12) (2/12) (1.2)
Post 18.2% 27.3% 45.5% 9.1% 0% 3.6
(2/11) (3/11) (5/11) (1/11) (0/11) (0.9)
Chatbots are available to everyone regardless of time and
Prä 33.3% 58.3% 8.3% 0% 0% 4.3 n.s
(4/12) (7/12) (1/12) (0/12) (0/12) (0.6)
Post 54.6% 36.4% 9.1% 0% 0% 4.5
(6/11) (4/11) (1/11) (0/11) (0/11) (0.7)
Chatbots can draw on a large database and thus have access to
more knowledge than a physician
Prä 50.0% 25.0% 16.7% 8.3% 0% 4.2 n.s
(6/12) (3/12) (2/12) (1/12) (0/12) (1.0)
Post 36.4% 27.3% 27.3% 9.1% 0% 3.9
(4/11) (3/11) (3/11) (1/11) (0/11) (1.0)
Chatbots are neutral listeners without being personally
Prä 16.7% 8.3% 41.7% 16.7% 16.7% 2.3 n.s
(2/12) (1/12) (5/12) (2/12) (2/12) (1.3)
Post 9.1%
3.3 (1.0)
A3. I am critical of the use of chatbots in medicine, because. . .
agree Undecided
p < 0.05
I believe that data protection and data security cannot be fully
Prä 16.7% 33.3% 41.7% 0% 8.3% 3.5 0.02
(2/12) (4/12) (5/12) (0/12) (1/12) (1.1)
Post 0% 36.4% 18.2% 27.3% 18.2% 2.7
(0/11) (4/11) (2/11) (3/11) (2/11) (1.14)
the health data can be easily manipulated Prä 16.7% 33.3% 25.0% 16.7% 8.3% 3.3 n.s.
(2/12) (4/12) (3/12) (2/12) (1/12) (1.2)
Post 9.1% 36.4% 18.2% 18.2% 18.2% 3.0
(1/11) (4/11) (2/11) (2/11) (2/11) (1.3)
the personal contact gets lost Prä 50.0% 16.7% 25.0% 8.3% 0% 4.1 n.s
(6/12) (2/12) (3/12) (1/12) (0/12) (1.1)
Post 27.3% 36.4% 9.1% 27.3% 0% 3.6
(3/11) (4/11) (1/11) (3/11) (0/11) (1.15)
I am not ready to discuss sensitive data with a chatbot. Prä 25.0% 16.7% 25.0% 16.7% 16.7% 3.2 n.s
(3/12) (2/12) (3/12) (2/12) (2/12) (1.5)
Post 36.4% 9.1% 9.1% 36.4% 9.1% 3.3
(4/11) (1/11) (1/11) (4/11) (1/11) (1.5)
there may be possible communication problems due to
immature technology
Prä 50.0% 50.0% 0% 0% 0% 4.5 n.s
(6/12) (6/12) (0/12) (0/12) (0/12) (0.5)
Post 54.6% 27.3% 18.2% 0% 0% 4.4
(6/11) (3/11) (2/11) (0/11) (0/11) (0.8)
Chatbots are not established enough yet and long-term success
is yet to come
Prä 25.0% 33.3% 33.3% 8.3% 0% 3.8 n.s
(3/12) (4/12) (4/12) (1/12) (0/12) (1.0)
Post 36.4% 45.5% 18.2% 0% 0% 4.2
(4/11) (5/11) (2/11) (0/11) (0/11) (0.7)
I am concerned that my data will be transferred and evaluated
from uninvolved third parties
Prä 16.7% 50.0% 16.7% 8.3% 8.3% 3.6 n.s
(2/12) (6/12) (2/12) (1/12) (1/12) (1.2)
Post 18.2% 9.1% 18.2% 36.4% 18.8% 2.8
(2/11) (1/11) (2/11) (4/11) (2/11) (1.4)
Content uploaded by Teresa Festl-Wietek
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Teresa Festl-Wietek on Mar 04, 2023
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