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We examined whether perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality (i.e., the extent to which one thinks of the pandemic as shaping current and future life) is associated with family relationship quality during the pandemic. Thinking that other family members are similar to oneself regarding the pandemic's centrality may improve the quality of family relationships. We collected data from Turkish family triads (i.e., mother, father, 18–25 years old child) and had 481 participants from 180 families. Participants rated their similarity in COVID-19 centrality with the other two family members and reported the general and daily quality of their relationship with them (relationship satisfaction, closeness, conflict). We analyzed the data using the Social Relations Model. We found that family members who, on average, perceived more similarity in COVID-19 centrality reported higher levels in positive attributes of general relationship quality (i.e., satisfaction and closeness). The effects on conflict and daily relationship quality were less conclusive. This research confirms that family members' reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic are interdependent. Perceiving that other family members are of similar minds about the centrality of the pandemic relates positively to some aspects of relationship quality.
Similar minds in the family: COVID-19
centrality and relationship quality
Asuman Buyukcan-Tetik
| Cagla Aydin
Maarten C. Eisma
Psychology Program, Sabanci University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Clinical Psychology and
Experimental Psychopathology,
University of Groningen, Groningen, The
Asuman Buyukcan-Tetik, Sabanci
University, Orta mah. Universite cd. No.
27, Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey.
Email: asuman.buyukcan@
Funding information
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma
Kurumu, Grant/Award Number: 120K428
We examined whether perceived similarity in COVID-
19 centrality (i.e., the extent to which one thinks of the
pandemic as shaping current and future life) is associ-
ated with family relationship quality during the pan-
demic. Thinking that other family members are similar
to oneself regarding the pandemic's centrality may
improve the quality of family relationships. We col-
lected data from Turkish family triads (i.e., mother,
father, 1825 years old child) and had 481 participants
from 180 families. Participants rated their similarity in
COVID-19 centrality with the other two family mem-
bers and reported the general and daily quality of their
relationship with them (relationship satisfaction, close-
ness, conflict). We analyzed the data using the Social
Relations Model. We found that family members who,
on average, perceived more similarity in COVID-19
centrality reported higher levels in positive attributes of
general relationship quality (i.e., satisfaction and close-
ness). The effects on conflict and daily relationship
quality were less conclusive. This research confirms
that family members' reactions during the COVID-19
Statement of Relevance: Do people consider how similar others are to themselves regarding the subjective
evaluations of the COVID-19 pandemic when assessing relationships with them? We aimed to answer this question
using a dataset collected from Turkish mothers, fathers, and their 1825 years old child. Our results showed that
perceptions of similarity in COVID-19 centrality across family members are associated with relationship satisfaction and
closeness in families.
Received: 14 July 2022 Revised: 30 January 2023 Accepted: 6 February 2023
DOI: 10.1111/pere.12479
© 2023 International Association for Relationship Research.
Pers Relationship. 2023;119. 1
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pandemic are interdependent. Perceiving that other
family members are of similar minds about the central-
ity of the pandemic relates positively to some aspects of
relationship quality.
COVID-19 pandemic, family, relationship quality, Social
Relations Model, the centrality of event
High-quality family relationships, which could be defined as satisfying and close relationships
between family members with infrequent conflicts, have long been shown to be a source of
resilience, protecting both psychological and physiological health in the face of adversity
(e.g., Ge et al., 2009; Lyons et al., 1998; Patterson, 1988). For example, a high level of marital
quality mitigates possible post-traumatic stress symptoms after an earthquake (Marshall
et al., 2017). Maternal warmth buffers the harmful effects of stress due to daily hassles on
emerging adults' physiological reactions, such as the level of cortisol release (Lucas-
Thompson, 2014).
Recently, these findings on the role of family relationships in times of stress have been
extended to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been confirmed that psychological
and physiological health during the pandemic partly depends on high-quality relationships
(Daks et al., 2020; Pietromonaco & Overall, 2021; Sommerlad et al., 2021). Nevertheless, not
everyone has satisfying relationships with family members during the pandemic. While positive
experiences such as feeling closer to family members during the pandemic have been reported
for some families (Donker et al., 2021; Evans et al., 2020), intra-family conflicts and domestic
violence also showed an alarming increase since the pandemic started (Brown et al., 2020;
Buttell & Ferreira, 2020). Who is more likely to experience high-quality family relationships
during the pandemic? We aim to shed light on this question by considering the similarity of the
centrality of the COVID-19 pandemic across family members.
1.1 |COVID-19 centrality in families
In the present work, we adapt the concept of event centrality to assess the subjective evaluation
of the COVID-19 pandemic (Berntsen & Rubin, 2006). Recent studies showed that people vary
regarding their centrality evaluations for past, present, or anticipated future events (Demblon &
D'Argembeau, 2017; Rubin et al., 2019). The centrality of the COVID-19 pandemic, which we
will refer to as COVID-19 centrality, is defined as people's evaluation of how much the COVID-
19 pandemic shaped their understanding of the current world and expectations of future life.
People with high COVID-19 centrality are likely to perceive the pandemic as a turning point in
their lives that changed everything afterward and as an integral part of their identity
(Berntsen & Rubin, 2006). The COVID-19 pandemic differs slightly from other adverse events
studied in the literature on event centrality. First, rather than specific groups of victims, all peo-
ple worldwide are exposed to the consequences of the pandemic to varying degrees.
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Additionally, COVID-19 centrality likely has daily interpersonal implications. For example, one
family member's COVID-19 centrality could be directly related to the other family members'
physical well-being and sense of safety through the (lack of) preventive health behaviors.
Previous studies on how people deal with adverse life events have linked event centrality
with positive and negative psychological outcomes. On the one hand, event centrality is linked
with increased anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms concurrently and longi-
tudinally (Berntsen & Rubin, 2006; Boelen, 2012; Gehrt et al., 2018). On the other hand, higher
event centrality can be related to post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic growth includes per-
ceptions that the adverse event has led to more personal strength and better interpersonal rela-
tionships (Brooks et al., 2017; Groleau et al., 2013).
Interestingly, negative and positive outcomes of event centrality have been studied solely as
an intrapersonal process, and the interpersonal context in which it is experienced has been
largely neglected. For example, it is unclear whether people consider how similar others are to
themselves regarding event centrality when evaluating relationships with others. Research on
the Social Comparison Theory and emotional convergence showed that perceiving others as
similar in both negative and positive experiences has a significant effect on daily interactions,
closeness, cohesion, and satisfaction (e.g., Anderson et al., 2003; Gonzaga et al., 2007;
Schachter, 1959; Townsend et al., 2014). For example, married partners' similarity in negative
affect (e.g., sadness, worry) predicts their belief in successfully co-managing their daily lives and
solving problems together (Schade et al., 2020). Comparably, sharing negative thoughts through
mutual self-disclosure fosters closeness in interpersonal relationships (for a review, see
Rose, 2021). In this research, we expect to find the same beneficial impact of perceived similar-
ity in COVID-19 centrality on relationship quality.
Prime et al. (2020) emphasized the importance of going beyond dyads and considering the
relationships between all family members to understand relationship quality during the pan-
demic adequately. Their work draws on the Family Systems Theory (Cox & Paley, 1997,2003),
seeing families as a dynamic system composed of interacting subsystems (e.g., motherfather
relationship, motherchild relationship). For example, family functioning (e.g., discords), par-
enting behaviors, and family members' well-being during the pandemic are shown to be
interdependent (Daks et al., 2020). Based on this theoretical work, we focused on the percep-
tions of three family members (mother, father, and an 1825 years old child) to investigate the
family relationships' quality during the pandemic.
1.2 |Perceived similarity and family relationships' quality
Previous work on the Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954) showed that comparing one-
self with others helps people define and understand their feelings as well as decide on their
emotional and behavioral reactions, especially in unpredictable situations (Buunk, 1994; Gilbert
et al., 1995; Schachter, 1959). Furthermore, people make such comparisons even if they do not
intend to (Gilbert et al., 1995). So, would perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality between
the family members be associated with relationship quality?
Research on adult relationships showed that perceived similarity with another person in
emotions, values, or attitudes has a multitude of benefits, such as feeling understood
(Pollmann & Finkenauer, 2009) and prevention of loneliness (Bell, 1993) and stress (Townsend
et al., 2014). Additionally, on the interpersonal level, the perceived similarity is related to
experiencing low levels of conflict (Acitelli et al., 1993) and high levels of relationship
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satisfaction (Gonzaga et al., 2007). The similarity in undesirable feelings (e.g., dysphoria, grief )
also contributes to the quality of interpersonal relationships (Buyukcan-Tetik et al., 2017;
Locke & Horowitz, 1990).
There is some evidence that the positive impact of perceived similarity on relationship qual-
ity extends to parentchild relationships. In one study, fathers' perceived similarity to their chil-
dren regarding physical and personality characteristics positively related to their parental
investment (Apicella & Marlowe, 2004). Heijkoop et al. (2009) showed that mothers, but not
fathers, who thought that they were similar to their children in their personality traits felt a
higher emotional closeness to their children than mothers who did not perceive such a similar-
ity. Another study, however, found the effect of similarity on closeness from the perspective of
both parents (Dolinska, 2013). Thus, despite mixed results across parents' gender, perceived
similarity plays a role in parentchild relationships.
A similar association was shown regarding the children's perspective toward parents
(Cheng & Grühn, 2016). For example, emerging adults who believed that they share similar
interests and behaviors with their fathers reported higher relationship quality and were likely
to rate their fathers' parental investment higher (Gallup et al., 2016). In sum, previous work
indicates that perceived similarity, both at the levels of parents and offspring, contributes to
relationship quality.
Particularly in the first year of the pandemic, family members spent more time with each
other than usual due to social isolation and lockdowns. It is conceivable that family members
more readily compared themselves with other family members on pandemic-related percep-
tions and behaviors in such contexts (cf. Gilbert et al., 1995). Building on the emotional conver-
gence research (Anderson et al., 2003) and the work on family resilience during the pandemic
(Prime et al., 2020), several benefits of perceiving similar COVID-19 centrality across family
members appear likely. First, it may help family members to coordinate their actions (e.g., all
family members wear masks in public places) and emotions (e.g., they can share their feelings).
For example, if people believe that they share particular sentiments with their family members
regarding the pandemic, they might use those members' reactions as a compass (a heuristic)
when they do not have the resources to deal with COVID-related cognitions. Second, it may
facilitate family members' understanding of each other's emotions and thoughts and thus can
be comforting (e.g., Pollmann & Finkenauer, 2009; Townsend et al., 2014). Third, it may vali-
date people's emotions and behaviors because perceiving that the other family members feel
and act similarly may confirm that one's experiences in such a new and uncertain environment
are expected and acceptable. Lastly, family members may feel that they share their beliefs
regarding the pandemic, have a sense of togetherness and unitedness, and engage in the
meaning-making process during this adversity together (cf. Barboza et al., 2022). Therefore, we
propose that perceiving other family members as similar regarding COVID-19 centrality relates
positively to the quality of relationships with those family members.
1.3 |The present study
In this research, we aim to test the hypothesis that perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality
between family members positively relates to relationship quality for all family members. We
seek to investigate our question using a dataset that includes Turkish family triads (i.e., mother,
father, and an 1825 years old child) residing in the same home. Additionally, we measured
daily relationship quality along with general relationship quality to reduce recall biases. Since
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we did not think each of the three family members would respond well to intensive longitudinal
design procedures administered every day in the midst of a pandemic, we asked the participants
to evaluate their relationship with each family member on a preceding day (Kahneman
et al., 2004).
Please note that family members who perceive others as similar may report high-quality
relationships with them, and high-quality relationships would lead to a positive bias toward the
family members regarding their similarity (Kenny & Acitelli, 2001; Selfhout et al., 2009). Thus,
considering the cross-sectional nature of our study, we examine the correlation between the
study variables without any directional assumptions.
Despite the developing individualistic values, Turkish culture can still be seen as collectivis-
tic. Family relationships in Turkey are characterized by higher levels of interdependence and
coherence than observed in individualistic cultures (Ka
gııba¸sı,2007). Thus, keeping harmony
in the family and not diverging from other family members may be particularly critical in this
culture during the pandemic, further supporting the expectation of a positive association
between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality.
2.1 |Procedure and participants
In Turkey, the first COVID-19 cases were identified in March 2020. We collected data from
three members of Turkish families (mother, father, and an 1825 years old child) between
August 2020 and October 2020, when there was no official lockdown. There were two inclusion
criteria: Children should be between the ages of 18 and 25, and all three family members should
reside in the same house during the pandemic. Targeting this specific age bracket (1825 years)
had some practical reasons, such as relatively easier recruitment and data collection. Recruit-
ment was conducted mainly by reaching young adults via social media and university
announcement pages. Additionally, because the children were 18 or older, we did not need to
get separate permission from the parents for their children's participation in the study. During
our data collection, most universities were closed or offered only remote education; thus, many
children in this age range were living with their parents.
One member from each prospective family was expected to fill in an application form first.
Then, the research team called the other two family members by phone to confirm their will-
ingness and availability to participate in the study. All three family members received separate
emails with a family identification number and the survey link, and provided informed consent
at the beginning of the survey. Each family received either headphones or a board game based
on their preference in return for participation. The Research Ethics Council of the first author's
institution approved the research.
After screening the data (e.g., mistakes in quality check questions, inconsistencies in
reported family demographics such as the number of children across family members), we
excluded 41 participants and had 481 participants in total (see the Appendix S1 for the informa-
tion about excluded participants). Because some family members failed to complete the surveys
or were excluded, the final dataset comprised 133 families with three members, 35 families with
two members, and 12 families with one member (N=481, representing 180 families in total).
This sample size lies between the recommended medium (80 families) to large (200 families)
sample size for the Social Relations Model (SRM) studies (Kenny et al., 2006). The dataset
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included 163 mothers, 152 fathers, and 166 children. Around 70% of the children were female.
Average ages of mothers, fathers, and children were 49.37 (SD =4.87), 53.66 (SD =5.69), and
21.27 (SD =1.92) respectively. Our sample included participants from 39 different cities in
Turkey. Education levels and employment statuses are presented in the Appendix S1. Only
three mothers and one child were previously diagnosed with COVID-19. Around 48% of
mothers, 40% of fathers, and 46% of children reported that at least one close other or acquain-
tance was infected with COVID-19.
2.2 |Measures
All family members considered their relationship with the other two family members separately
when they responded to the survey items (i.e., round-robin design). For example, mothers
reported similarities with their partner and child on each measure. Thus, there were six scales
for each study variable in the data (three family members * two reports about other family
members). However, only two were presented to each family member (their reports for the
other two family members). For all measures, we computed the averages across items.
2.2.1 | Perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality
To assess perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality, we used a modified version of the seven-
item Centrality of Event Scale (Berntsen & Rubin, 2006; Turkish adaptation: Boyacıo
glu &
Akta¸s, 2018; Egeci & Dogruyol, 2019). Specifically, we asked the participants to compare them-
selves with each family member and respond accordingly. For example, we instructed mothers
to report the extent of similarity to their child regarding how much COVID-19 changed their
lives using a scale from 1 (we are very different from each other)to5(we are very similar to each
other). For clarity: we did not use a difference-score between the two family members' centrality
levels, which would represent the actual similarity regarding COVID-19 centrality. Our focus
was on perceived similarity based on the literature showing that perceived similarity shows
stronger effects on relationship quality than actual similarity (Acitelli et al., 1993; Murray
et al., 2002; Pollmann & Finkenauer, 2009). All six scales had acceptable to excellent Cronbach's
alpha levels ranging from .75 to .91 (see the Appendix S1 for the complete list).
2.2.2 | Relationship quality
We first measured participants' general assessment of relationship quality using four measures:
one for relationship satisfaction, two for closeness, and one for conflict. We also measured daily
relationship quality on the same attributes. Using several attributes to examine relationship
quality is recommended to gain a broad understanding of relationship quality, rather than
focusing on only one side of the story (e.g., Fincham & Linfield, 1997; Fink et al., 2020;
Totenhagen et al., 2012).
General relationship quality
Relationship satisfaction was measured using the Investment Model Scale's five-item relation-
ship satisfaction subscale (Rusbult et al., 1998; Turkish adaptation: Büyük¸sahin et al., 2005).
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This scale was used in another Social Relations Model study with families previously (Branje
et al., 2008). A sample item for mothers was My relationship with my child is close to ideal.
The Likert scale had nine points, from 1 (completely incorrect)to9(totally correct). Cronbach's
alpha levels ranged between .94 and .97 across the six family relationships.
We measured closeness using two scales: Three items used in Hoyt et al. (2005) and the
Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale (IOS; Aron et al., 1992). A sample item in Hoyt et al.'s scale
was My child and I are close to each other.The Likert scale had five points: 1 (strongly dis-
agree), 5 (strongly agree). The Cronbach's alpha levels of the scale were between .64 and .87
across six family relationships. The one-item IOS Scale was composed of seven pairs of isolated
and interlocking circles representing different levels of closeness. The participants were asked
to select the option portraying their relationship. Higher scores (i.e., increasingly overlapping
circles) indicated higher levels of closeness.
We assessed the conflict between family members using the Brief Family Relationship Scale
(Fok et al., 2014). One of the six items on the scale was I argue a lot with my child.The items
were re-worded based on the target (e.g., I argue a lot with my partner). Following the appli-
cation in Beckmann (2020), we administered a four-point Likert scale: 1 (not true), 4 (totally
true). The scale had acceptable Cronbach's alpha levels ranging from .77 to .87 across the six
family relationships.
Daily relationship quality
Daily relationship quality was assessed using a modified version of the Day Reconstruction
Method (Kahneman et al., 2004). In our cross-sectional survey, we asked participants to list a
maximum of seven activities (e.g., having breakfast, watching a movie) with each of the other
two family members on the previous day. For each activity, participants responded to one-item
questions to rate their relationship satisfaction, closeness, and conflict with that family member
during that specific activity on a scale from 1 (not at all)to7(very much) (for similar applica-
tions, see Chopik & Lucas, 2019; Lawley et al., 2019). We computed daily relationship satisfac-
tion, closeness, and conflict levels by taking the averages of reports across all activities. Some
participants could not report any shared activity or their relationship quality level during the
activity. Therefore, the sample sizes for the daily variables were slightly smaller than the total
sample size, varying between 107 and 143 for the daily relationship quality variables across fam-
ily members in the data (three variables * three family members * two reports about other fam-
ily members).
2.3 |Data analysis
2.3.1 | Univariate analysis
We analyzed our data using the Social Relations Model (SRM; Cook & Dreyer, 1984; Kenny
et al., 2006) to handle the round-robin design (i.e., all family members rated the study variables
for each of the other two family members). In the SRM with three family members, each report
comprises three different sources of variance: Actor variance, partner variance, and relationship
variance. Given the number of observed variables exceeds the number of estimated latent vari-
ables in a three-family-member SRM, we had to drop one of the variances from the model and
thus did not estimate family variance for model identification purposes (Eichelsheim
et al., 2009). We selected to drop the family variance because the relationship variance was the
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primary interest in our research. Additionally, it would be hard to interpret the actor variance
of a family member in the absence of that family member's partner variance (or vice versa).
Lastly, family variance, in general, explains the smallest percentage of variance among the SRM
components, and, thus, is the best candidate for dropping from the model (Eichelsheim
et al., 2009; Kenny et al., 2006).
To demonstrate these three sources of variance, we use relationship satisfaction as an exam-
ple. Actor variance shows, for instance, whether there is a variance across families regarding
family members' (e.g., mothers') general reports of relationship satisfaction toward the other
family members. That is, actor variance shows the distribution in average relationship satisfac-
tion reported by that family member across different family members. Partner variance assesses
whether there is a variance across families regarding family members' (e.g., mothers') general
relationship satisfaction ratings received from the other family members. That is, partner vari-
ance shows the distribution in average relationship satisfaction reported for the relationship
with that family member by the other family members. Finally, relationship variance shows
whether there is a variance across families regarding relationship satisfaction reported for each
relationship (e.g., motherchild relationship). We have six relationship variances in total
because the direction of the relationship is considered (e.g., the mother's report for her relation-
ship with the child as well as the child's report for their relationship with the mother). Non-
significant results for mothers in these three components of variances could, for example, mean
that all mothers in our data report similar levels of average relationship satisfaction with other
family members (actor variance), receive similar levels of average relationship satisfaction rat-
ings from other family members (partner variance), and report similar levels of satisfaction for
the relationship with a specific family member (e.g., child) (relationship variance).
Partitioning the variance into components is vital to get the complete picture of our study
variables and assess which components meet the precondition (i.e., a non-zero variance) to test
the proposed bivariate association between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and
relationship quality. To partition the variance of study variables into actor, partner, and rela-
tionship variance, we conducted confirmatory factor analyses in which actor, partner, and rela-
tionship components were latent variables estimated by the standardized observed variables
(see Figure 1; Kenny et al., 2006). Our initial examinations revealed that the correlations
between the three positive attributes of relationship quality (i.e., relationship satisfaction and
two closeness measures; average r=.71, range =.51.90) were different from their correlations
with the negative attribute of relationship quality (i.e., conflict; average r=.44, range =.60
.25). Therefore, estimating relationship quality using all four measures ended with either poor
fit or lack of convergence. Thus, we ran separate SRM models for positive attributes of relation-
ship quality and conflict. The latent variable for the positive attributes of relationship quality
was estimated using relationship satisfaction and two closeness measures. Conflict and per-
ceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality latent variables were estimated using two parcels made
of similarly loading items. We set the factor loadings as 1 to get the variances of SRM
2.3.2 | Bivariate analysis
To examine the main research question, we assessed the associations between the SRM compo-
nents of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality (i.e., positive attri-
butes of relationship quality and conflict). Our bivariate SRMs first examined the associations
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between actor components of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship
quality (actoractor correlations). This analysis showed whether a family member's average per-
ception of other family members' similarity in COVID-19 centrality was related to that family
member's average relationship quality across all family relationships. Next, we correlated the
relationship components of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship qual-
ity (intraindividual relationship correlations). That is, we examined whether perceived similarity
in COVID-19 centrality with a specific family member was related to relationship quality with
that family member. We used bivariate correlations rather than unidirectional paths in our ana-
lyses because our cross-sectional data could not speak to causality. Therefore, the association
between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality could be bidirec-
tional (see the Discussion section).
2.3.3 | Analysis strategy
We analyzed the data using Mplus Version 7.4 (Muthén & Muthén, 19982017). Young and
Johnson (2013) compared five different methods (e.g., listwise deletion, multiple imputations)
in treating the interdependent data (e.g., couples, families) with missing participants and found
that the full maximum likelihood estimation method gives the most reliable estimates. This evi-
dence was also supported by Ledermann and Kenny (2017). We, therefore, used all available
data in our analysis by applying the full information maximum likelihood estimation with
robust standard errors. This means that although some reports could not be included in the esti-
mation of relationship effects (e.g., one family member did not participate in the study),
those families still contributed to actor and partner effect estimates.
FIGURE 1 Univariate social relations model. All factor loadings were fixed at 1. Second parcels/observed
variables loading on the same latent variables are not shown in the Figure for simplicity. M =Mother,
F=Father, C =Child. For example, MF =Mother's report for relationship quality in her relationship with the
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Considering the theoretical meanings of the reciprocities (e.g., one's perceived similarity is
associated with how much other family members perceive that family member as similar), our
models also included the univariate associations between the latent variables following the
SRM recommendations (i.e., generalized and dyadic reciprocities; Cook & Dreyer, 1984; Kenny
et al., 2006). We reported their results in the Appendix S1 because reciprocities were not the
focus of the current study. We set the negative variances (if any) in the initial examinations as
zero based on the applications in previous SRM studies (e.g., Cook, 1993). Finally, we added
theoretically meaningful associations between residual variances from the ones recommended
by MPlus. All final models had an RMSEA score lower than or equal to .06 and a CFI score
higher than .90 (see the details under the Tables). We present all data, input, and output files
on the Open Science Framework:
3.1 |Descriptive statistics
There was a long list of variables (i.e., six reports in the data for each variable). Additionally, we
had eight variables in total: four general relationship quality variables (1 for relationship satis-
faction, 2 for closeness, and 1 for conflict), three daily relationship quality variables (1 for rela-
tionship satisfaction, 1 for closeness, and 1 for conflict), and one perceived similarity in COVID-
19 centrality variable. For clarity, we present the descriptive statistics of these variables in the
Appendix S1. In summary, the mean level of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality across
relationships was 3.43 on the 5-point scale. For all positive attributes of relationship quality, the
averages were above the mid-points on the measures. Conflict levels were low in general.
3.2 |Univariate SRM analysis results
Variance estimates in Table 1showed that almost all actor and partner variances were signifi-
cant (i.e., different from zero). These results revealed the variations in the data across the family
members with the same role in all study variables. For example, although some mothers
reported high levels of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality, other mothers reported low
levels (mothers' actor variance). Comparably, almost all partner variances were significant,
showing that the levels of family members' being perceived as similar by other family members
varied across families. Three non-significant partner variance estimates in Table 1showed that
(a) the extent to which children were perceived as similar was not different across families, and
(b) all mothers and children received similar ratings of daily conflict across families. Relation-
ship variances did not show a consistent pattern across variables. Nevertheless, most relation-
ships had significant variance in perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality. This result, for
example, showed that some mothers reported that their partner was highly similar to them,
whereas other mothers thought that their partner was not that similar. None of the relation-
ships had significant variance in daily relationship quality, meaning that all relationships
showed similar daily relationship quality. Overall, these analyses revealed which SRM compo-
nents had a significant variance and thus could be used to examine the actoractor and intra-
individual relationship correlations.
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3.3 |Bivariate SRM analysis results
The actoractor and intraindividual relationship correlations were examined if the SRM compo-
nents of both the perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality variables
were significant (see the significance levels in Table 1). For example, it was not possible to
investigate the intraindividual relationship correlation for perceived similarity in COVID-19
centrality and relationship quality in motherfather relationships because none of the relation-
ship quality variables had a significant relationship variance for that relationship.
Actoractor correlations in Table 2showed that perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality
was positively associated with positive attributes of general relationship quality for all three
family members. The correlations were moderate for mothers and children but relatively large
for fathers. This result indicates that family members who perceived that other family members
were similar in COVID-19 centrality reported higher relationship satisfaction and closeness
levels on average. Furthermore, fathers' perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality was linked
negatively to their levels of general conflict and positively to positive attributes of daily relation-
ship quality. Finally, mothers' perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality was negatively corre-
lated with their daily conflict level. These associations were moderate.
TABLE 1 Variance estimates from the social relations model analyses.
General relationship quality Daily relationship quality
attributes Conflict
attributes Conflict
Mother 0.26** 0.13* 0.44** 0.51** 0.71**
Father 0.40** 0.43** 0.33** 0.69** 0.56*
Child 0.35** 0.44** 0.27** 0.69** 0.34**
Mother 0.16** 0.13* 0.22** 0.16** 0.00
Father 0.18* 0.41** 0.21** 0.26** 0.19**
Child 0.13 0.25** 0.24** 0.20** 0.15
MF 0.35** 0.15 0.00 0.09 0.00
MC 0.38** 0.33** 0.00 0.00 0.00
FM 0.16* 0.19* 0.00 0.00 0.00
FC 0.19* 0.00 0.17* 0.00 0.00
CM 0.00 0.32** 0.24** 0.00 0.00
CF 0.17 0.10 0.31* 0.00 0.00
Note: Because variances cannot be negative, significance tests for variances were conducted using one-tale z-tests. *p< .05,
**p< .01 (in bold). M =Mother, F =Father, C =Child. Perceived similarity =Perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality.
Because the daily conflict was assessed using only one item, its relationship variances include error variance. We have six
relationship variances in total because the direction of the relationship is considered (e.g., the mother's report for her
relationship with the child as well as the child's report for their relationship with the mother). RMSEA scores for the models of
five variables (perceived similarity, general positive attributes, general conflict, daily positive attributes, and daily conflict) on
the table were .01, .05, .04, .05, and .05 respectively. The models' CFI scores were 1.00, .97, .98, .98, and .97 respectively.
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In terms of the intraindividual relationship correlations, we conducted three tests (i.e., there
were significant variances in both variables' SRM components only in three cases). Perceived
similarity in COVID-19 centrality was not correlated with positive attributes of general relation-
ship quality for the motherchild relationship (b=0.10, p=.05, r=.28), or for the father
mother relationship (b=0.01, p=.83, r=.04). Additionally, perceived similarity in
COVID-19 centrality had a non-significant association with general conflict for the fatherchild
relationship (b=0.00, p=.94, r=.02). Together with the significant actoractor correla-
tions reported above, these findings indicate that it is not the unique relationships that explain
the association between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality,
but the actors' dispositions.
Uncovering the factors that help protect or increase individuals' well-being in challenging times
like a pandemic is critical. Previous work mostly neglected the family context and the fact that
family members' experiences and well-being are interdependent. To fill this void, in this study,
we examined the association between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality (e.g., the
extent to which the pandemic is viewed as shaping current and future life) and relationship
quality in families and proposed a positive relation. We focused on triads of family members to
investigate each dyadic relationship in a family.
First, we found evidence for the between-family variation in family members' perceived sim-
ilarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality. Recall that we did not use difference-
scores between family members' COVID-19 centrality levels, but the family members' reports of
how similar they think the other family members are to them regarding COVID-19 centrality.
For example, significant actor variance for mothers implied that some mothers perceived more
similarity in COVID-19 centrality with family members than other mothers. There were also
differences in how similar mothers were perceived in COVID-19 centrality by other family
members, as indicated by the significant partner variance for mothers. Such differences held
across all 15 actor variances and 12 of 15 partner variances in our research. These findings on
actor and partner variances show that general dispositions (e.g., personality traits) shape family
TABLE 2 Actoractor associations in the social relations model analyses.
General relationship quality Daily relationship quality
Perceived similarity
- positive attributes
Perceived similarity
similarity -
Perceived similarity
- conflict
bp rb p rbprb pr
Mother 0.08 .03 .49 0.03 .56 .10 0.08 .19 .22 0.14 .01 .32
Father 0.25 <.001 .64 0.16 <.001 .43 0.16 .01 .31 0.01 .94 .01
Child 0.10 .04 .30 0.03 .50 .08 0.07 .17 .14 0.01 .78 .04
Note: Perceived similarity =Perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality. RMSEA scores for the four models on the table were
.06, .03, .04, and .04 respectively. The models' CFI scores were .92, .97, .96, and .96 respectively. Bold text indicates statistical
significance with a p-value < .05.
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members' perceptions and how they are perceived. A significant actor variance is not surprising
based on an SRM review outlining that actor variance explains the highest portion of the vari-
ance in dependent variables (Eichelsheim et al., 2009). Although partner variance was not as
substantial as the actor variance in the SRM literature, there were significant partner variances
in some studies, comparable to those found in this paper (e.g., Buyukcan-Tetik et al., 2015). It is
conceivable that family members with different COVID-19 centrality levels could elicit different
perceptions in other family members due to the time spent together dedicated to observing each
other during voluntary social isolation and prior lockdowns.
Relationship variance (i.e., the variance due to the unique characteristics of a specific rela-
tionship regardless of the family members' dispositions; e.g., motherchild relationship) was sig-
nificant in most of the perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality examinations. This finding
means that family members go beyond their own and other family members' characteristics
when evaluating their similarity with another family member. They inspect their unique rela-
tionship and make necessary adjustments (e.g., one child may say, On average, I do not per-
ceive family members as similar regarding COVID-19 centrality. My mother is not perceived as
similar by others either. Nevertheless, I believe my mother and I are similar). Given that the
COVID-19 pandemic was an unknown situation, deviations in the perceptions across family
relationships in this regard may not be surprising.
Nevertheless, the evidence for relationship variances was limited for the relationship quality
variables: Specific family relationships (e.g., motherchild relationships) had a similar quality
across families. This lack of variance could be attributed to the hierarchical structure in Turkish
families. Both the parentchild relationship and fathermother relationship are likely colored
by a somewhat traditional authoritarian family system that limits the variability across families
(Ataca et al., 2005). Due to this lack of variance, we could not examine the association between
perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality for each family relation-
ship. Yet, co-occurring actor variances in perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and rela-
tionship quality allowed us to investigate their correlations, as explained below.
In line with the hypothesis, we found that those who perceived other family members as
more similar in COVID-19 centrality reported higher levels of positive attributes of general rela-
tionship quality (i.e., relationship satisfaction and closeness) than those who perceived others
as less similar. This result held across all family roles. This finding supported our idea that the
feeling that other family members are of the same minds about the centrality of the pandemic
is comforting and stress-reducing and connects family members (cf. Pollmann &
Finkenauer, 2009; Townsend et al., 2014).
Despite these associations between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and general
assessments of positive attributes of relationship quality, investigations with the other three
relationship quality attributes (i.e., general and daily conflict, and daily positive attributes of
relationship quality) did not show a consistent pattern. We found that fathers, but not others,
who perceived similarity with other family members regarding COVID-19 centrality experi-
enced fewer conflicts and higher daily positive attributes of relationship quality. Combined with
the findings reported above, our results suggest that perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality
may matter, particularly for fathers. It has been argued that similarity with children is critical
for fathers because it reduces the father's internal uncertainty about fatherhood (Apicella &
Marlowe, 2004), albeit the evidence in this regard is mixed (Dolinska, 2013; Heijkoop
et al., 2009; Van Tuijl et al., 2005). Another possibility is that observing similar thoughts and
attitudes in other family members signals the father a success in normative authoritarian role
and value transmission, as typically expected from fathers in Turkish culture (Sunar, 2002).
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Moreover, our research revealed that the influence of perceived similarity in COVID-19 cen-
trality on conflict was smaller than its influence on positive attributes of relationship quality.
This small effect on conflict may originate from the fact that expressing negative emotions is
discouraged in Turkish family relationships (Sunar, 2002). Even though perceived dissimilarity
with other family members may be distressing, family members could be accustomed to regulat-
ing or suppressing their negative emotions and enacting culturally appropriate behaviors
(Gross & Cassidy, 2019). Emotion regulation of this sort is particularly apparent in children's
behavior toward their parents in Turkish culture (Sunar, 2002). Confirming this last point, we
did not find any association between perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and conflict
in children.
Another finding that deserves attention is the differential bivariate association of perceived
similarity in COVID-19 centrality with general versus daily positive attributes of relationship
quality. Why is this association less pronounced in daily measures? One possible explanation is
that using only activities from a single day to assess average daily relationship quality was insuf-
ficient. Although the results of day reconstruction and experience sampling methods show
some level of agreement, the day reconstruction method could capture less information (Lucas
et al., 2021). Another possibility is that the direction of the association might be from relation-
ship quality to perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality, rather than vice versa. Perhaps fam-
ily members projected their general assessments about family relationships stemming from pre-
pandemic times onto their evaluations of those family members' similarities in pandemic times
(Kenny & Acitelli, 2001; Selfhout et al., 2009). This direction of the association could explain
why the effect emerged only for general relationship quality but not for daily relationship qual-
ity. The lack of pre-pandemic data from the same participants prevented us from testing this
explanation. Thus, our findings do not speak to causality because of their correlational nature
and need to be replicated in follow-up longitudinal studies.
In conclusion, although perceiving an adverse event as more central appears harmful in
some respects (Berntsen & Rubin, 2006; Boelen, 2012; Gehrt et al., 2018), a perception of simi-
larity in COVID-19 centrality seems to have benefits within families. This finding requires fur-
ther examination to understand the exact mechanisms. The relative effects of possible
mediators of this association, such as feeling understood (Pollmann & Finkenauer, 2009) and
decreased levels of loneliness and stress (Bell, 1993; Townsend et al., 2014), should be clarified.
4.1 |Strengths, limitations, and implications
The principal strength and shortcoming of this research came from the nature of its sample.
Even though collecting data from three different family members adds to the scope and impact
of this research, we miss the sibling relationships due to including only one child. Because our
focus was a relatively easier recruitment process and targeting that age bracket (1825 years)
was helpful due to social media attendance, finding families with two children at those ages
would limit the target population and reduce the ease of recruitment. Second, our results may
not be generalizable to the relationships between parents and younger children. Research has
shown that emerging adults have experienced a sharper increase in mental health problems in
the first year of the pandemic than other age groups (Pierce et al., 2020). Therefore, our
research, focusing on family relationships, would potentially inform interventions and be timely
in that sense. Nevertheless, future research could test this research question with younger chil-
dren. Third, our findings could be specific to the Turkish culture and await comparisons with
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results in other cultures. For example, in individualistic countries, because family members are
more open to expressing their negative emotions, the link between perceived similarity in
COVID-19 centrality and conflict may be more pronounced (Markus & Kitayama, 1991).
Fourth, participants might have given socially desirable responses (e.g., family members should
be similar) to our self-report measures. Fifth, we did not investigate the interactive effects of dif-
ferent family relationships. For example, perceiving that one family member is similar in
COVID-19 centrality may compensate for the effect of perceived non-similarity with another
family member on relationship satisfaction (cf. Prime et al., 2020). Sixth, we focused on the per-
ceived similarity in the COVID-19 pandemic's centrality. Other types of pandemic-related simi-
larities, such as pro- or anti-vaccine attitudes across family members, may influence the
relationship quality and await future research. Lastly, future studies should examine whether
our finding on the link between perceived similarity in the event centrality and relationship
quality applies to other adversity and crisis situations such as illnesses, political events, and nat-
ural disasters (Afifi et al., 2020; Westmaas & Silver, 2006).
We should also mention some issues stemming from our similarity measurement. We asked
the participants to report their perceived similarity. However, the results may differ across other
methods of similarity assessment, such as response surface analysis, difference-scores, and pro-
file similarity (Schönbrodt et al., 2018). Additionally, it is unclear whether participants who
reported high levels of perceived similarity thought they and their family members had high or
low levels of COVID-19 centrality. In the Appendix S1, we reported the correlations between
perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality and actual COVID-19 centrality levels. Given the
already complex analysis, we could not evaluate the interactive effects with participants' cen-
trality levels.
By highlighting the role of perceived similarity in COVID-19 centrality in families, our
research suggests that intervention and counseling efforts to maintain high-quality relation-
ships during the pandemic may target all family members' perceptions of the pandemic (Guo &
Slesnick, 2013). Nevertheless, a critical question would be whether the perception of similarity
between family members should be reinforced in interventions to increase relationship quality.
Previous studies pointed out that the similarity of undesirable feelings could be simultaneously
related to negative and positive consequences. For example, two family members with high
levels of COVID-19 centrality may co-ruminate and could thereby experience decreased mental
health and increased relationship quality (Rose, 2021). Therefore, from an applied perspective,
interventions and therapeutic methods had been shown to affect event centrality, such as
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Boals & Murrell, 2016) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
(O'Toole et al., 2018), may focus on reducing the COVID-19 centrality of all family members
jointly, which could provide benefits for both individual and relationship well-being.
This research was supported by a grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council
of Turkey to the first author (Grant number: 120K428).
The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to declare.
The data used in the research can be obtained at The materials used in
the study are available upon request from the first author (
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How to cite this article: Buyukcan-Tetik, A., Aydin, C., & Eisma, M. C. (2023). Similar
minds in the family: COVID-19 centrality and relationship quality. Personal
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Personal Relationships is dedicated to publishing international scholarship. Scholars can submit their work to the International Section if their manuscript reports on data that were collected outside of North America or they examine cross‐cultural investigations. For the last 2 years, I have had the privilege of being an International Section Peer Mentor for Personal Relationships . Working with international scholars conducting international research introduced me to the concept of cultural humility. Cultural humility is a perspective for intercultural interactions that embrace lifelong learning, self‐evaluation, and critique to redress power imbalances. In this commentary, I discuss my experiences as a peer mentor, introduce the concept of cultural humility, and explain lessons that I have learned.
Objective. Globally, previous research has shown the negative influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. In fact, Vietnamese culture emphasizes traditional values, and family relationships have an important influence on well-being. However, fewer studies have examined the correlation between family relationships and mental health problems in crises. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the correlation between family relationships and mental health problems among adults during the COVID-19 lockdown in Vietnam. Material and methods. A sample of 640 adults aged from 18 to 52 (71.9% female) completed an online survey on mental health from August to September 2021. The survey measured depression, anxiety, stress, family relationships, and socio-demographic and epidemiological factors. Multiple linear regressions were conducted. Results. Prevalence rates of depression, anxiety, and stress were 31.4%, 43.4%, and 25.2%, respectively. Multiple linear regression indicates that 12% to 14% of the variations in common mental health problems can be explained by the family relationship. In particular, family conflicts were significantly related to higher depression, anxiety, and stress (Beta from 0.14 to 0.16, p<0.01); in contrast, an increase in family expressiveness was linked to a decrease in mental health problems (Beta from -0.27 to -0.20, p<0.01). Conclusions. The mental health of Vietnamese adults was affected due to family conflict and family expressiveness, particularly in crises. The current study provides evidence for the prevention strategy of adult mental health problems by reducing conflict and enhancing emotional expressiveness skills for family members, particularly in crisis situations. Keywords: family relationship, Vietnamese culture, mental health problem, and the COVID-19 lockdown.
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The extensive measures to prevent spread of COVID-19 have had a major impact on families’ daily lives. Changes in family routines and experiences of COVID-19-related stress might negatively impact the quality of parenting and the parent-adolescent relationship. However, using active coping strategies might be associated with limited negative or even positive changes in the parent-adolescent relationship. This longitudinal, multi-informant, and pre-registered study used data of 240 mostly Dutch parents (85% mothers; Mage = 44.2 years old) and adolescents (50% girls; Mage = 11.4 years) from diverse SES backgrounds. Using Latent Change Score models, we examined how parent-reported parenting (i.e., positive parenting and discipline practices) and adolescent-reported relationship quality (i.e., support and negative interaction) changed from pre-COVID-19 (Fall 2019) to the COVID-19 period (Spring 2020). Moreover, we investigated whether parents’ and adolescents’ level of COVID-19-related stress was associated with the change in relationships, and whether active coping moderated the association between stress and changes in relationships. Results showed average decreases in support, positive parenting, and negative interactions between parents and adolescents. COVID-19-related stress was not a direct predictor of relationship changes and there was little evidence of moderating effects. Only adolescents’ use of active coping strategies moderated the effect of stress on positive parenting. For high active coping adolescents, the link between stress and change in positive parenting was negative, whereas for low active coping adolescents this link was positive. The findings suggest that parent-adolescent relationships during a pandemic need attention, especially for adolescents with high stress levels and using active coping strategies.
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Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to measures that reduced social contact and support. We explored whether UK residents with more frequent or supportive social contact had fewer depressive symptoms during March−August 2020, and potential factors moderating the relationship. Methods A convenience sample of UK dwelling participants aged ⩾18 in the internet-based longitudinal COVID-19 Social Study completed up to 22 weekly questionnaires about face-to-face and phone/video social contact frequency, perceived social support, and depressive symptoms using the PHQ-9. Mixed linear models examined associations between social contact and support, and depressive symptoms. We examined for interaction by empathic concern, perspective taking and pre-COVID social contact frequency. Results In 71 117 people with mean age 49 years (standard deviation 15), those with high perceived social support scored 1.836 (1.801–1.871) points lower on PHQ-9 than those with low support. Daily face-to-face or phone/video contact was associated with lower depressive symptoms (0.258 (95% confidence interval 0.225–0.290) and 0.117 (0.080–0.154), respectively) compared to no contact. The negative association between social relationships and depressive symptoms was stronger for those with high empathic concern, perspective taking and usual sociability. Conclusions We found during lockdown that those with higher quality or more face-to-face or phone/video contact had fewer depressive symptoms. Contact quality was more strongly associated than quantity. People who were usually more sociable or had higher empathy had more depressive symptoms during enforced reduced contact. The results have implications for COVID-19 and potential future pandemic management, and for understanding the relationship between social factors and mental health.
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The present study uses a qualitative approach to understand the impact of COVID-19 on family life. Australian parents of children aged 0–18 years were recruited via social media between April 8 and April 28, 2020, when Australians were experiencing social distancing/isolation measures for the first time. As part of a larger survey, participants were asked to respond via an open-ended question about how COVID-19 had impacted their family. A total of 2,130 parents were included and represented a diverse range of family backgrounds. Inductive template thematic analysis was used to understand patterns of meaning across the texts. Six themes were derived from the data, including “Boredom, depression and suicide: A spectrum of emotion,” “Families are missing the things that keep them healthy,” “Changing family relationships: The push pull of intimacy,” “The unprecedented demands of parenthood,” “The unequal burden of COVID-19,” and “Holding on to positivity.” Overall, the findings demonstrated a breadth of responses. Messages around loss and challenge were predominant, with many families reporting mental health difficulties and strained family relationships. However, not all families were negatively impacted by the restrictions, with some families reporting positive benefits and meaning, including opportunities for strengthening relationships, finding new hobbies, and developing positive characteristics such as appreciation, gratitude, and tolerance.
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Background The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the historic economic shutdown and stay-at-home efforts to slow its spread have radically impacted the lives of families across the world, completely disrupting routines and challenging them to adjust to new health risks as well as to new work and family demands. The current study applied a contextual behavioral science lens to the spillover hypothesis of Family Systems Theory to develop a multi-stage mechanistic model for how COVID-19 stress could impact family and child functioning and how parents’ psychological flexibility could shape those processes. Methods A total of 742 coparents (71% female; 84% Caucasian, 85% married, M = 41 years old) of children (ages 5-18, M = 9.4 years old, 50% male) completed an online survey from March 27th to the end of April, 2014. Results Path analyses highlighted robust links from parent inflexibility to all components of the model, predicting: greater COVID-19 stress, greater coparenting discord and family discord, greater caustic parenting, and greater parent and child distress. Parent flexibility was associated with greater family cohesion, lower family discord and greater use of constructive parenting strategies (inductive, democratic/autonomy supportive, positive). Results further suggested that COVID-19 stressors predicted greater family and coparent discord, which in turn predicted greater use of caustic parenting (reactive, inconsistent, aggressive), which in turn predicted greater child and parent distress. Conclusions: The current results highlight parental flexibility and inflexibility as key points of intervention for helping families navigate the current global health crisis, highlighting the crucial role they play in the lives of families.
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The coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has profoundly altered people’s daily lives and created multiple societal challenges. One important challenge of this unique stressor is maintaining well-functioning intimate relationships, which are inextricably tied to emotional and physical health. Yet research on romantic relationships shows that external stressors such as economic hardship, demanding jobs, and disasters can threaten the quality and stability of couples’ relationships. Research within relationship science investigating how external stressors and existing vulnerabilities shape couple functioning can inform predictions about how the current pandemic will impact couples’ relationships and which couples in which contexts may be most at risk for adverse relationship consequences. Drawing on theory and research from relationship science, the presented conceptual framework, adapted from the vulnerability-stress-adaptation model (Karney & Bradbury, 1995), suggests that facing COVID-19-related external stress is likely to increase harmful dyadic processes (e.g., hostility, withdrawal, less responsive support), which will undermine couples’ relationship quality. These harmful effects are likely to be exacerbated by the broader preexisting context in which couples’ relationships are situated (e.g., social class, minority status, age), and their individual vulnerabilities (e.g., attachment insecurity, depression). The framework presented identifies the essential factors that need to be addressed in order to mitigate the potential adverse effects of the current crisis on relationships, and offers key directions for future research.
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The hidden and often unspoken impact of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV). This commentary addresses this issue and highlights a study undertaken to address this public health issue by generating empirical research on the relationship between COVID-19 and IPV. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
A common belief is that talking about problems makes us feel better. In fact, seeking social support is related to well‐being. However, if taken to a perseverative extreme, talking about problems can become problematic. The construct of co‐rumination was developed to address this idea. Co‐rumination refers to talking excessively about problems and is characterized by rehashing problems, speculating about problems, and dwelling on negative feelings. Co‐rumination is typically studied in children’s and adolescents’ friendships and has adjustment trade‐offs. Like rumination, co‐rumination is associated with internalizing symptoms. However, co‐rumination also is associated with having high‐quality relationships, presumably due to social sharing. In this article, I review what it means to co‐ruminate; how co‐rumination is assessed; the roles of age, gender, and relationship context; associations with adjustment; and the role of interpersonal stress and problems. I close by considering directions for research and applied implications.
Meaning-oriented approaches to grief therapy have made substantial contributions by defining the internal processes of meaning-making and, more recently, clinical scholars have introduced relational approaches as means for continuing bonds with the deceased and increasing social support for the bereaved. However, the complicated interactive processes of interpersonal meaning-making pose added challenges as family members attempt to coregulate each other's grief experiences. While systemic therapists have consistently emphasized the essential role of familial relationships in fostering resilience through interpersonally constructed meaning, there remains a need for clarity in terms of the specific processes by which this occurs. The Meaning Reconstruction Model and Emotionally Focused Therapy provide process-oriented therapeutic strategies for facilitating interpersonal interactions that foster deep relational connection and self-identity transformation. In this article, we explore how these models can be integrated and applied to the dynamic needs of families who are adjusting to loss. Future clinical and research directions are also discussed.
Background: Stress and compromised parenting often place children at risk of abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment has generally been viewed as a highly individualistic problem by focusing on stressors and parenting behaviors that impact individual families. However, because of the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), families across the world are experiencing a new range of stressors that threaten their health, safety, and economic well-being. Objective: This study examined the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to parental perceived stress and child abuse potential. Participants and setting: Participants included parents (N = 183) with a child under the age of 18 years in the western United States. Method: Tests of group differences and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were employed to assess the relationships among demographic characteristics, COVID-19 risk factors, mental health risk factors, protective factors, parental perceived stress, and child abuse potential. Results: Greater COVID-19 related stressors and high anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with higher parental perceived stress. Receipt of financial assistance and high anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with higher child abuse potential. Conversely, greater parental support and perceived control during the pandemic are associated with lower perceived stress and child abuse potential. Results also indicate racial and ethnic differences in COVID-19 related stressors, but not in mental health risk, protective factors, perceived stress, or child abuse potential. Conclusion: Findings suggest that although families experience elevated stressors from COVID-19, providing parental support and increasing perceived control may be promising intervention targets.
Background The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on population mental health is of increasing global concern. We examine changes in adult mental health in the UK population before and during the lockdown. Methods In this secondary analysis of a national, longitudinal cohort study, households that took part in Waves 8 or 9 of the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) panel, including all members aged 16 or older in April, 2020, were invited to complete the COVID-19 web survey on April 23–30, 2020. Participants who were unable to make an informed decision as a result of incapacity, or who had unknown postal addresses or addresses abroad were excluded. Mental health was assessed using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Repeated cross-sectional analyses were done to examine temporal trends. Fixed-effects regression models were fitted to identify within-person change compared with preceding trends. Findings Waves 6–9 of the UKHLS had 53 351 participants. Eligible participants for the COVID-19 web survey were from households that took part in Waves 8 or 9, and 17 452 (41·2%) of 42 330 eligible people participated in the web survey. Population prevalence of clinically significant levels of mental distress rose from 18·9% (95% CI 17·8–20·0) in 2018–19 to 27·3% (26·3–28·2) in April, 2020, one month into UK lockdown. Mean GHQ-12 score also increased over this time, from 11·5 (95% CI 11·3–11·6) in 2018–19, to 12·6 (12·5–12·8) in April, 2020. This was 0·48 (95% CI 0·07–0·90) points higher than expected when accounting for previous upward trends between 2014 and 2018. Comparing GHQ-12 scores within individuals, adjusting for time trends and significant predictors of change, increases were greatest in 18–24-year-olds (2·69 points, 95% CI 1·89–3·48), 25–34-year-olds (1·57, 0·96–2·18), women (0·92, 0·50–1·35), and people living with young children (1·45, 0·79–2·12). People employed before the pandemic also averaged a notable increase in GHQ-12 score (0·63, 95% CI 0·20–1·06). Interpretation By late April, 2020, mental health in the UK had deteriorated compared with pre-COVID-19 trends. Policies emphasising the needs of women, young people, and those with preschool aged children are likely to play an important part in preventing future mental illness. Funding None.