On February 9-10, 2022, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Washington State University hosted a workshop to establish research priorities that support the implementation of action items listed in a current invasive species management plan, the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Action Plan (QZAP) 2.0, that are intended to limit the establishment and spread of quagga and zebra mussels in the western United States. The workshop focus was on developing research priorities for the thematic areas that are addressed in QZAP 2.0: 1) early detection monitoring, 2) prevention and containment, 3) control and management, and 4) rapid response. In addition, research priorities were developed for a fifth thematic area that addressed dreissenid mussel biology. Forty scientists participated in the two-day workshop. Prior to the workshop, participants were asked to review and rank research priorities that were established for a previous version of the QZAP and to offer suggestions on emerging research priorities. During the workshop, subject matter experts presented information describing current knowledge of research and information associated with the thematic areas of early detection monitoring, prevention and containment, rapid response, control and management, and biology in the context of strategies and actions listed in QZAP 2.0. The rankings of previous research priorities and suggestions of emerging priorities were then reviewed, and a revised list of research priorities was formed. The list of research priorities is presented by thematic area.