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Weltweit prüfen Parlamente derzeit den Einsatz von Anwendungen, die Technologien mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) nutzen, um bestimmte Aufgaben besser zu erfüllen. Mit Blick auf denkbare Werkzeuge, Anwendungsbereiche, Nutzungsszenarien und Bedürfnisse sind in den kommenden Jahren KI-induzierte Veränderungen in den Parlamenten zu erwarten. Umso be-merkenswerter ist die Tatsache, dass die Einführung von KI in Parlamenten ein generell wenig erforschtes Thema ist. Dieser Artikel wird dazu beitragen, diese Lücke zu schließen, indem er empirische Belege für den künftigen Einsatz von KI-basierten Werkzeugen und Diensten im Arbeitsbereich der Gesetzgebung präsentiert. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen eines Brainstormings und eines virtuellen Workshops mit Akteuren in Griechenland im Jahr 2021 gesammelt. Die Analyse gibt Aufschluss über die Priorisierung von KI-basierten Technolo-gien im parlamentarischen Umfeld. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden die Relevanz und die Priorität von mehr als 210 Anwendungen und Themen von KI-Technologien im Parlament für verschiedene parlamentarische Bereiche untersucht, darunter 36 Vorschläge rund um Gesetzgebungskompetenzen und -verfahren, die als »Gesetzgebung« bezeichnet werden. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die Gesetzgebung werden vorgestellt und diskutiert.

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... Authors such as Xavier (2023), Badaró and Campos (2023), Lucke et al. (2023), Salgado-Criado and Fernández-Aller (2021), and Pilving (2023) bring important perspectives on these issues, such as: reliability, bias risks, the need for human supervision, protection of users' data, and ethical and legal implications. ...
... (Von Lucke et al., 2023) Parliamentary artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-based applications are beginning to find their way into the institutional workspace. In the parliamentary routine, AI-based application systems would, for example, be able to automatically become aware of certain events, notify third parties, recommend actions, make predictions, initiate precautionary measures and make certain decisions even without the involvement of their users, almost in real time. ...
Conference Paper
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Despite the growing interest in the application of AI in the public sector, there is a lack of in-depth studies on how generative AI can be used specifically to improve the legislative process. This article aims to fill this gap by investigating the potential of tools as an example to automate routine tasks, thus contributing to the advancement of knowledge about the implications of generative AI in the drafting and analysis of laws. Among the proposed uses are the automatic generation of drafts, summaries, and legislative opinions, which can speed up and facilitate the work of advisors and parliamentarians. Furthermore, these AIs can more easily identify potential inconsistencies or incoherences in law proposals, resulting in clearer and more objective texts. The article also highlights the need to establish ethical guidelines for the responsible use of technology in the legislative branch. The research was conducted using the integrative literature review method, and articles collected from the Ebsco, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were analyzed. Within this context, the research aims to provide new insights for the debate on how parliaments can incorporate these new technologies in the best possible way into their processes.
... (Von Lucke et al., 2023) A inteligência artificial (IA) parlamentar e os aplicativos baseados em IA estão começando a encontrar seu caminho no espaço de trabalho institucional. Na rotina parlamentar, os sistemas de aplicação baseados em IA seriam, por exemplo, capazes de tomar conhecimento automaticamente de certos eventos, notificar terceiros, recomendar ações, fazer prognósticos, iniciar medidas cautelares e tomar certas decisões mesmo sem o envolvimento de seus usuários, quase em tempo real. ...
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The fifth volume of the series "Perspectives in Engineering, Media, and Knowledge Management" compiles research that explores the complex relationships between technology, communication, and human development in the 21st century. The book focuses on contemporary challenges and emerging opportunities, investigating how technological innovation and knowledge management can contribute to building a more inclusive, sustainable, and democratic future. It covers topics such as leadership in VUCA environments, the role of educational digital games for elderly autonomy, and the collaboration between humans and machines in knowledge production. The volume also highlights the transformative potential of AI in legislative processes, ecosystem governance, and psychological safety in organizational culture. Additionally, it reflects on the impact of generative AI on news production and the future of journalism, particularly with ChatGPT. The book concludes by presenting innovative strategies for primary education, preparing students for a world of constant transformation through STEAM and project-based learning.
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