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Improvement of parameters of physical fitness in children by application of different programs of exercising is important kinesiology task. The aim of this study was to establish potential transformational efficiency of Pilates program in 16-week period on parameter of physical fitness in female high school students (2 nd and 3 rd grade of female boarding school) Total of 110 school girls were divided in two groups: control group (CG) and experimental group (EG), (n= 55 subjects in each group). Both groups attended physical education lesson (PE) according to plan and program for high school students (90 minutes; 1x week). Experimental group in in warm-up section of the PE class did Pilates exercises in 40-minute time, while controlled group performed conventional approach to PE warm-up exercises (40 minutes). Parameters of physical fitness were evaluated by 9 tests, which covered latent area of repetitive strength: push-ups (MSKL) raising torso from lying position (MPTL) and deep squad 30 s (MCUC; flexibility; rotation with a bat (MISK); leaning forward multi-legged (MPRR), leaning forward on the bench; and evaluation of balance of standing on the bench longitudinally on both legs (MU2N), longitudinally on one leg (MU1N), diagonally on both legs (MP2N). After the Pilates exercise program, the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the balance (Sig = 0.00) and in repetitive strength (Sig = 0.00). There were no significant differences in tests of flexibility due to the fact that development of flexibility is achieved by the volume of Pilates training (weekly). This study showed that Pilates exercises can be useful additional method in physical education class in school, because significant quantity changes in physical fitness of balance and repetitive strength were obtained.
HOMOSPORTICUS vol.24/ issue 2, December 2022 31
Lejla Šebić1, Adriana Ljubojević2, Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović1 and Nikolina Gerdijan2
1 University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
2 University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Original research:
Improvement of parameters of physical fitness in children by application of different programs of exercising is important kinesiology
task. The aim of this study was to establish potential transformational efficiency of Pilates program in 16-week period on parameter of
physical fitness in female high school students (2nd and 3rd grade of female boarding school) Total of 110 school girls were divided in
two groups: control group (CG) and experimental group (EG), (n= 55 subjects in each group). Both groups attended physical
education lesson (PE) according to plan and program for high school students (90 minutes; 1x week). Experimental group in in warm-
up section of the PE class did Pilates exercises in 40-minute time, while controlled group performed conventional approach to PE
warm-up exercises (40 minutes). Parameters of physical fitness were evaluated by 9 tests, which covered latent area of repetitive
strength: push-ups (MSKL) raising torso from lying position (MPTL) and deep squad 30 s (MCUC; flexibility; rotation with a bat (MISK);
leaning forward multi-legged (MPRR), leaning forward on the bench; and evaluation of balance of standing on the bench longitudinally
on both legs (MU2N), longitudinally on one leg (MU1N), diagonally on both legs (MP2N). After the Pilates exercise program, the
experimental group showed a significant improvement in the balance (Sig = 0.00) and in repetitive strength (Sig = 0.00). There were
no significant differences in tests of flexibility due to the fact that development of flexibility is achieved by the volume of Pilates training
(weekly). This study showed that Pilates exercises can be useful additional method in physical education class in school, because
significant quantity changes in physical fitness of balance and repetitive strength were obtained.
Key words: Pilates, physical fitness, women, exercise
Regular physical activity is an important factor in
establishing and maintaining health. Is it is practiced in
early age it remains as a habit in function of health for
the rest the life. Physical activity has positive effects on
children and adolescents in various aspects, such as
preventing obesity, increasing the quality of life, and
improving physical and mental health (Andermo et al.,
2020). According to certain studies (Badrić and
Prskalo, 2011) boys in puberty are more physically
active than girls, therefore it is necessary to examine
methods of exercising which are efficient and
continuative. Promotion of fitness exercise that has a
positive effect on women's overall health is an
important strategy of health policy (Ljubojevic, et. al.,
2022). Reduced activity of women in puberty and
partially post-puberty period can be caused by intense
physiological changes and it is very important that
physical exercising is adjusted to development abilities
of an exerciser.
Explosive tempo of growth and development of young
female body due to development of secondary gender
features is commonly followed by stagnation in
development of motor skills and it is very useful to find
programs of body exercising suitable for young female
body, in this sensitive period, which stimulate psycho-
motor skills. Promotion of physical activity in this
sensitive period of growing up is very important. Motor
development includes continuous changes of motor
behavior in a certain time period, cause by interaction
between demands of motor task, biology of an
individual and conditions of environment (Hernandez,
et. al., 2020). In its original form, Pilates method, as a
concept of gradient and therapy impact on musculature
was developed by German trainer Joseph H. Pilates in
20ties of the last century, who joined exercises,
movement, philosophy, gymnastics, martial arts, yoga
and dance using this type of activity as a healthy way
of living. It is considered that this system of exercising
HOMOSPORTICUS vol.24/ issue 2, December 2022 32
strengths and shapes muscles, corrects posture,
improves flexibility and balance, unites body and mind
and improves body shape, as a whole. Concept of
exercising of all muscles, simultaneously, with
constant movement shifting is the most efficient way
to increase muscle endurance. Exercises are specific
by number of repetitions, series of exercises and their
name. Program includes 34 basic and more than 500
other exercises. Rhythm of breathing is precisely
defined for each exercise. All exercises are performed
in a simple way, without sudden moves with constant
support of a mat. Physiological loading during Pilates
lesson can be compared with medical yoga or aerobic
of low intensity (Jago et al. 2006). Results of some
studies (Hernandez et al 2020) show that application
of Pilates method at children age have positive effect
on motor development, where significant
improvements in quotient of general motor skills, are
identified. Pilates methods at child’s age showed
positive effects on motor development, where
significant improvements in overall motor skills,
balance, body and space organization of movement
and quotient of general motor skills, were identified,
after 28 sessions of Pilates trainings (Montanez and
Lara, 2015). This exercise program includes
techniques of conscious control of all muscle body
movement where the concept of exercising is based on
six fundamental principles: center (main bridge of
method and “powerhouse”) concentration ( important
for performance of exercises, “mental guidance for the
body”), control (awareness of all movements during
exercising), breathing (achieved in all movements, with
rhythm), fluidity (coordination, flow of movements in
time frame), integrated isolation (inclusion of muscles
into movement). The essence of Pilates is development
of spirit and body, team work and healthier lifestyle
(Brignell, 2004). Pilates includes great spectrum of
exercises, which are suitable, regardless the level of
physical shape, for completely unprepared individuals,
children and top-level athletes, as well. Pilates method
showed significant improvements in the area of
strength, flexibility, posture control and reduce of pain
in children with muscular pathology (Hornsby &
Johnston, 2019). Pilates is also very important
component in training preparation of girls in esthetic
sports (Ljubojevic et. al., 2008). Although increase of
number of publications, which include Pilates method
in different contexts and populations, is evident,
(Bergamin, 2015), its approach to healthy school kids
is limited. At the same time, school curriculum of P.E.
doesn’t follow the trends of exercising, which from day
to day show scientifically based evidence on benefits
of such approach. Therefore, the aim of this study is
to examine effects of Pilates exercises on improvement
of certain motor skills in female high school students
as potentially new methods of exercising, which will
provide bigger participation of female population in
programs of organized physical activities.
Study design
A non-randomized controlled trial with 2x2 statistical
designs was provide in this study. It included one
experimental group (Pilates intervention) and one
controlled group (regular PE activities) and two
moments of evaluation: (1) at baseline and (2) after 16
weeks of post intervention period. The strength,
flexibility and balance in each group were recorded. All
participant volunteered in this study and provided
informed consent prior to participation. This study was
conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the
Declaration of Helsinki for research of human subjects.
The survey was conducted on a sample subject of 110
female high school students of second and third grade
of boarding school Gazi Husref begov madrasah in
Sarajevo. The study was conducted within P.E.
lessons, where 4 classes participated (only female
students). Inclusion criteria states that the participants
must be female, physically inactive (less than 120 min
of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week),
inexperienced at Pilates, healthy and musculoskeletal
injury free. The Pilates program was done during the
months of September and December. The test
subjects were divided into 2 groups: The control group
(CG) members had no addition physical activities
(usual PE activities) during the duration of the
experimental program. Women who attended 95
percent of the training sessions during the 16-week
duration of the Pilates program made up the
experimental group. 60 girls began the Pilates
program, and of those, 55 met the requirements to be
counted in the final measurement because they
attended regularly. The participants in the experimental
group did not engage in any other forms of physical
activity during experimental program out of school
facility. The test was carried out at the school gym by
professors from the Faculty of Physical Education and
Sports before and after the Pilates program. The
temperature of the room was around 20°C. All
participants volunteered in this study and provided
informed consent prior to participation. This study was
conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the
Declaration of Helsinki for research of human subjects.
Physical fitness
3 variables in the field of flexibility, repetitive strength
and balance, were selected for evaluation of motor
HOMOSPORTICUS vol.24/ issue 2, December 2022 33
skills (physical fitness). Each variable was defined by
3 tests. Variable of repetitive strength includes tests:
push-ups (MSKL), raising torso from lying position
(MPTL) and deep squad 30 s (MCUC); flexibility;
rotation with a bat (MISK); leaning forward multi-
legged (MPRR), leaning forward on the bench (MPNK);
and evaluation of balance of standing on the bench
longitudinally on both legs (MU2N), longitudinally on
one leg (MU1O), diagonally on both legs (MP2N).
Applied tests are standardized and satisfy necessary
metric features (Metikoš et. al 1989).
Table 1. Description of applied Pilates program
name of the exercise
name of the exercise
Nek pull
The roll-up
The scissors
The rollover
The bicycle
Leg circles
Shoulder bridge
Rolling like a ball
Spine twist
Single leg stretch
8-10 x
The jack knife
Double leg stretch
Side kicks
Leg stretch
Legs stretch
Hip circles
Spine stretches forward
The leg pulls down
Open - leg rocker
Leg pulls up
The corkscrew
Kneeling side kicks
The saw
Mermaid side bends
5-6 x
Swan dive
The boomerang
Single leg kicks
The seal
Double leg kicks
Pilates exercise intervention
Pilates program lasted for 4 months, one session of
Pilates a week, for 40 minutes (16 sessions, in total).
In introductory-preparation part of the lesson classical
set of exercises was conducted, in controlled group
and program of Pilates exercises was conducted in
experimental group. Pilates is defined as unique and
specific system of combined exercises of stretching,
strength and balance (Siler, 2005). Program was
conducted by teacher of P.E. and licensed Pilates
instructor and it was conducted according to series of
exercises from the book “The Pilates® Body” (Siler,
2005). 34 Pilates exercises (table 1), which were
performed in a precisely defined order and number of
repetitions, where quality is the most important than
quantity, are used in each session. Breathing is
precisely defined in each exercise and the whole body
is treated (there were no isolated exercises of
strength). At the same time, in each exercise’s muscles
were built and stretched. All exercises were performed
in ground position on the mat i.e., mat Pilates
technique. In the first 8 sessions all exercises were
performed in simpler beginner’s version, and the
following 8 sessions included the same exercises but
in more advanced version of performance. It Is insisted
on concentrations (kinesthetic consciousness) in
performance of each exercise. Between each exercise
there was enough time (15-20 sec) and explanation of
the following exercise and the constant correction and
insisting on proper, conscious and slower
performance of the exercise. Table 1 displays Pilates
Statistical analysis
The obtained results were analyzed with the statistical
package SPSS 20.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY). The basic
descriptive parameters of the initial and final
measurements (arithmetic mean-M and standard
deviation-SD) were calculated for three variables that
tested physical fitness: repetitive strength, flexibility
and balance. Descriptive parameters were calculated
for the complete sample, then individually for the
experimental (EG) and control group (CG). The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S) was used to determine
whether the analyzed results of the initial and final
measurements had a normal distribution, and the
results were found to be normal (p>0.05). An
independent t-test at the level of p<0.05 was used to
establish significant differences in repetitive strength,
flexibility and balance between the experimental and
control groups at the initial measurement. The
dependent t-test at the level of p<0.05 was used to
determine a significant difference between the groups'
final measurement for the parameters of physical
fitness. All results are presented in tables and graphs.
Results and Discussion
Table 1 displays results of tests of repetitive strength,
balance and flexibility of girls in initial measurement in
both control and experimental group. Based on means
of p-value it is noticed that there is no statistically
significant difference between control and experimental
group in initial measurement, which indicates that
groups of subjects are homogeny, before the beginning
of experimental program and it is assumed that positive
effects of experimental program will be shown due to
absence of differences in initial measurement. In order
to determine partial differences between of results of
measured motor quality between experimental and
control group of examinees in the final state, T-test for
independent of samples (Table 2) was applied. Means
of T-test were significant on the level (Sig = or < .05).
It is noticed that in all variables for evaluation of
balance there are statistically significant differences on
the level (Sig. 0.00). There are no statistically
significant differences in variables for evaluation of
flexibility. Statistically significant differences appear in
variables for evaluation of repetitive strength; push-ups
HOMOSPORTICUS vol.24/ issue 2, December 2022 34
Table 2. The difference between the experimental and control
groups at the initial measurement
Total sample
Repetitive strength
Legend: EG-experimental group; CG control group; push-ups (MSKL),
raising torso from lying position (MPTL) and deep squad 30 s (MCUC);
flexibility; rotation with a bat (MISK);
leaning forward multi-legged (MPRR)
leaning forward on the bench (MPNK);
and evaluation of balance of standing on the bench longitudinally on
both legs (MU2N), longitudinally on one leg (MU1O),
diagonally on both legs (MP2N);
M-arithmetic mean, SD-standard deviation.
After conducted experimental program, results of the
study showed that there are statistically significant
differences between control and experimental group in
all variables for evaluation of balance, where better
results had examinees that did Pilates. In order to
achieve posture control, harmonic interaction between
nervous system through vestibular, visual, kinesthetic
and muscular bone system, which includes bio-
mechanic and neuro-functional relations (Shumway-
Cook, 2003). Building muscles, which make center of
the body through principle of centering, Pilates
exercises activate sensor motor systems, responsible
for balance and dynamic posture control. Integration
i.e. inclusion of all muscles in movement, Pilates
exercises help with better location of center of gravity
of body, stabilize torso and pelvis during movement,
maintain suitable leveling spinal column against impact
of gravitation, giving important support base of
movement of the whole body. Considering relation
between center of gravity, posture and balance it is
assumed that Pilates improves posture compliance
and motor coordination which conditioned effect of
improvement of maintenance of balance position of
examinees of experimental group. It is possible that
these effects are connected to specific exercises, that
are used in this study protocol, such as: spine
stretching “ vertebrae- one by one”, “rolling like a ball”,
“rolling with open legs”, “corkscrew”, because these
exercises improve body awareness and therefore
students become aware of mobilization of each
segment of every vertebrae, including cervical part of
the spine (vestibular position) and integration of all
information which come from the environment (visual
system) , as well. Results of previous studies (Thalia
2019) show that Pilates is efficient in: improving
posture balance in children, increase of integration and
use of visual and vestibular system. Pilates improves
strength of core and flexibility (Kloubec, 2010), posture
and balance (Alves de Araújo, 2012).
Table 3. The differences between the experimental and control
groups at the final measurement
t SIG.
Legend: EG-experimental group; CG control group; push-ups (MSKL),
raising torso from lying position (MPTL) and deep squad 30 s (MCUC);
flexibility; rotation with a bat (MISK); leaning forward multi-legged (MPRR),
leaning forward on the bench (MPNK);
and evaluation of balance of standing on the bench longitudinally on
both legs (MU2N), longitudinally on one leg (MU1O),
diagonally on both legs (MP2N);
M-arithmetic mean, SD-standard deviation;
SIG. statistical significance; ES-effect size
Pilates method integrates principles that demand that
all exercises are performed with maximal
concentration, coordinated breathing and bigger
fluidity and precision, which is very important in
achieving better perceptive sense of one’s own body in
space and therefore maintaining better balance. The
principle, which is applied in performance of all
exercises demands maximal focus on proper
performance of movement and awareness of body
position in space, which is additional advantage of
application of this program in female high school
students, that are in intense phase of growth and
development and can be psychological instable, which
has negative effect on maintenance of balanced
position. Also, in Pilates exercises the emphasize is on
continuous control of “longed body position” and spine
stretch upwards, which significantly contributes to
improvement of body posture, where position of head
dictates position of the whole body and influences on
better maintenance of balance position. Proper use of
muscles and dynamic balance, respectively, between
HOMOSPORTICUS vol.24/ issue 2, December 2022 35
the ones that bend and the ones that straighten out the
body, we keep straight position and balanced position.
Statistically significant differences in test of flexibility
between control and experimental group were not
measured. The question arises why there were no
significant differences in the area of tests of flexibility.
Increase of flexibility hasn’t occurred because the
volume of training once a week is not sufficient for
improvement of this motor skill. In order to maintain the
level of achieved flexibility of exercise of stretching, it
is necessary to perform it at least three times a week,
and in order to achieve flexibility of the exercise, it
needs to be done every day. Group of authors
(Cibinello, de Jesus Neves, Carvalho, Valenciano, &
Fujisawa, 2020) came to similar data. They observed
effects of Pilates on flexibility of the back kinetic chain
and mobility of torso in school children aged from 8 to
12, two times a week, in 4-month period. Their results
showed that there were no differences in flexibility of
the last chain and mobility of the torso between school
children, that were subjected to Pilates exercises and
the control group. However, children that participated
in Pilates program had improvements in flexibility
results. Pilates treats the whole body (there are no
isolated exercises of strength) and exercises in this
study caused strengthening pectoral girdle and torso,
which is an important factor of improvement of
repetitive strength at this age of female students. This
is especially important because it is known that school
children spend a lot of time in front of the screen
/computers, tablets and mobile phones) therefore head
position to the front is very common and it is defined
as anterior position of cervical spine, which is
connected to bad posture, tiredness, muscle
misbalance and neck pain. Practice shows that the
most common exercise for strengthening muscles of
upper part of the body that are performed by female
students in P.E. lessons are push-ups, that most of
female population perform less in relation to men.
Prskalo (2016) states that gender becomes a factor
which needs to be respected, in terms of dozing and
loading and selection of the content. It is not
recommended to prescribe a recipe of male training to
women, which is featured by gracile built and specific
body structure, which limits possibilities. Differences
are increased with the puberty, because muscles of
girls are less developed than in boys, bones are gentler
and body fat is more massive and differently distributed
(Prskalo, Sporiš 2016). With its integral approach
Pilates gives opportunities in selection of the contents
and dosage of loading especially in the contexts of
development of repetitive strength of upper part of the
body of girls in relation to classical shape exercises.
Comparing Pilates with classical shape exercises, that
are used in preparation part of the lesson of P.E., we
can conclude that Pilates can be excellent substitute or
complement to classical program of shape exercises.
The advantage reflects in exercises that treat the whole
body and strengthen and stretch musculature with
maximal consciousness of correct performance of
movements and increase concentration and therefore
establishes better balance position. This type of
exercising is desirable in period of growth and
development of women population because it enables
development of balance and strength of muscles. It
would also be good to examine effects of the group
programs of fitness in introductory-preparation part of
the lesson, especially the ones that are performed with
music. Also, teachers should be additionally educated
and trained. Disadvantage of the study is relatively
small number of female subjects.
Although Pilates is present for long period of time, it
has taken a leading role among group fitness programs
in the last few years and tendency of its growth is
constantly rising and its application in P.E. lessons.
Each exercise of Pilates activates a great number of
muscles; therefore, results are shown quickly. Results
of this study confirm positive effects of Pilates
exercises on improvement of posture balance and
repetitive strength in female students of experimental
group. When comparing two groups it is noticed that
effects of Pilates method were more pronounced in
relation to classical exercises and it is suggested that
Pilates exercises should be used in as additional tool in
P.E lessons. This study proves that female students
can improve their muscle endurance and balance by
using Pilates exercises, which do not demand
additional equipment or high-level skills or previous
knowledge. With its integral approach to the body,
Pilates enables smarter exercise selection and thus a
more efficient approach to load dosage, especially for
female population. There were no significant
differences in flexibility because development of
flexibility requires greater volume of Pilates exercises
on weekly basis.
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Corresponding author:
Lejla Šebić
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo
e-mail address:
Submitted: 16.12.2022.
Accepted: 21.12.2022.
... Depression can also be accompanied by anxiety, poor sleep, eating disorders, attention deficits, regret, low self-esteem, or unpleasant thoughts 6 . Pilates is regarded as a key workout for enhancing one's physical, mental, and motor abilities 7 Pregnancy-related diaphragmatic breathing exercises with Pilates help the woman get ready for labour 8 . Despite amazing advancements in obstetrics, managing labour pain-an inevitable part of childbirth-remains one of the most obstacles to women's health. ...
Aim: To compare effects of Aerobics and Pilates exercises on depression and sleep quality in primigravida females. Methods: The study was randomized clinical trial and was conducted in children hospital and Mehmooda Hospital Sheikhupura. This study completed in 10 months and convenience sampling technique was used. Total thirty-eight subjects were assigned randomly by using lottery method into two groups. Group A and B received Aerobics and Pilate exercises respectively. Data was collected from all participants at baseline and after 8 weeks of treatment by using CES-D and PSQI questionnaire. After checking the normality of data as p value was greater than 0.05 it was analyzed by using parametric test (independent T test and paired sample T-test) by using SPSS-25. Results: The result of the study showed that in group analysis, improvement in CES-D scale and PSQI were observed in both groups as p value was significant p<0.05.But between the groups significant improvement was seen in CES-D and Quality of Sleep in Pilates training group as p<0.05. Implication: Research on incorporating aerobic exercises during antenatal periods for pregnant women is recommended, with proper follow-up and long-term groupings to ensure treatment efficacy preservation. Conclusion: It was concluded that Aerobics and Pilates exercise training both had significant effects in treating the symptoms of depression and in improving the quality of sleep in antenatal primigravida females. Keywords: Aerobic exercises, Antenatal depression, Pilates exercises, Primigravida females, Sleep quality.
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O Desenvolvimento motor consiste em uma mudança contínua do comportamento motor ao longo da vida, provocada pela interação entre a exigência da tarefa motora, biologia do indivíduo e condições do ambiente. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência do Método Pilates sobre o desenvolvimento motor de crianças e verificar se o desenvolvimento motor está associado ao estado nutricional e ao sexo das mesmas. A amostra foi composta por 58 alunos com idade de 7 anos, sendo 55,2% do sexo feminino. O estudo é caracterizado como quase-experimental, composto por pré-teste e pós-teste e um tratamento experimental com o Método Pilates. O Desenvolvimento Motor foi avaliado por meio da bateria de testes Movement Assessment Battery for Children – MBAC, divididos em três categorias: destreza manual, habilidades com bola e equilíbrio. Para verificar o estado nutricional foi utilizada uma balança digital e um estadiômetro. Os resultados mostraram que o desenvolvimento motor teve uma melhora significativa após a aplicação do método Pilates. Não houve diferença estatística entre os sexos e associação entre o estado nutricional e o desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras. Com base nos resultados é possível concluir que o Método Pilates pode contribuir com o desenvolvimento motor de crianças.
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Background Low levels of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and mental health problems are issues that have received considerable attention in the last decade. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate effects of interventions targeting school-related physical activity or sedentary behaviour on mental health in children and adolescents and to identify the features of effective interventions. Methods Scientific articles published between January 2009 and October 2019 fulfilling the following criteria were included: general populations of children and adolescents between age 4 and 19, all types of school-related efforts to promote physical activity or reduce sedentary behaviour. Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were done by at least two authors independently of each other. Data were analysed with a random effects meta-analysis and by narrative moderator analyses. Results The literature search resulted in 10265 unique articles. Thirty-one articles, describing 30 interventions, were finally included. Eleven relevant outcomes were identified: health-related quality of life, well-being, self-esteem and self-worth, resilience, positive effect, positive mental health, anxiety, depression, emotional problems, negative effect and internalising mental health problems. There was a significant beneficial effect of school-related physical activity interventions on resilience (Hedges’ g = 0.748, 95% CI = 0.326; 1.170, p = 0.001), positive mental health (Hedges’ g = 0.405, 95% CI = 0.208; 0.603, p = < 0.001), well-being (Hedges’ g = 0.877, 95% CI = 0.356; 1.398, p = < 0.001) and anxiety (Hedges’ g = 0.347, 95% CI = 0.072; 0.623, p = 0.013). Heterogeneity was moderate to high (I2 = 59–98%) between studies for all outcomes except positive effect, where heterogeneity was low (I2 = 2%). The narrative moderator analyses of outcomes based on 10 or more studies showed that age of the children moderated the effect of the intervention on internalising mental health problems. Interventions in younger children showed a significantly negative or no effect on internalising mental health problems while those in older children showed a significant positive or no effect. Moreover, studies with a high implementation reach showed a significant negative or no effect while those with a low level of implementation showed no or a positive effect. No signs of effect moderation were found for self-esteem, well-being or positive mental health. Risk of publication bias was evident for several outcomes, but adjustment did not change the results. Conclusions School-related physical activity interventions may reduce anxiety, increase resilience, improve well-being and increase positive mental health in children and adolescents. Considering the positive effects of physical activity on health in general, these findings may reinforce school-based initiatives to increase physical activity. However, the studies show considerable heterogeneity. The results should therefore be interpreted with caution. Future studies should report on implementation factors and more clearly describe the activities of the control group and whether the activity is added to or replacing ordinary physical education lessons in order to aid interpretation of results.
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RESUMO: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos do Método Pilates (MP) sobre o equilíbrio postural de crianças de 06 e 07 anos, bem como identificar esses efeitos conforme o sexo. Foi incluída uma amostra de conveniência formada por 45 crianças de 06 e 07 anos, ambos os sexos, avaliadas pré e pós-intervenção, por meio de medidas antropométricas (massa corporal e da estatura), e avaliação do equilíbrio postural, através da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada, com os testes de organização sensorial (TOS), divididos em seis condições, que avaliam os sistemas neurais responsáveis pela manutenção da estabilidade corporal, assim sendo: condições I, III e VI avaliam o sistema proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular, as condições II e V avaliam o sistema proprioceptivo e vestibular e a condição IV avalia o sistema proprioceptivo. O MP foi praticado pelas crianças durante cinco meses, com duração de 50 minutos e com frequência de uma vez por semana, totalizando 20 sessões. Após a intervenção, houve um aumento dos valores dos TOS nas condições VI no grupo geral (p= 0,003) e no grupo feminino (p=0,002), e aumento na condição IV no grupo geral (p=0,03). Foi possível identificar uma redução significativa de déficits na condição VI no grupo geral (p=0,007) e no grupo feminino após a intervenção (p= 0,008). Em relação ao comportamento dos sistemas neurais, houve um melhor desenvolvimento do sistema visual (p=0,04), bem como uma redução dos déficits no sistema vestibular (p=0,04), no grupo geral. A prática dos exercícios do MP foi eficaz para a melhora do equilíbrio postural de crianças, aumentando a integração e utilização dos sistemas visual e vestibular. Na comparação intragrupo quanto ao sexo, a melhora foi mais expressiva nas meninas e sugere-se que fatores comportamentais e de maturação estejam envolvidos nesse processo. Palavras-chave: Criança; Equilíbrio postural; Atividade motora. NUNES TTG, LARA S, GRAUP S, TEIXEIRA LP, BALK RS. Controle postural na infância: efeitos do Método Pilates sobre o equilíbrio. R. bras. Ci. e Mov ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the Pilates Method (MP) on the postural balance of 6 and 7-year-old children, and identify these effects according to gender. Were included 45 children of 6 and 7-year-old, both pre and post-intervention, evaluated by means of anthropometric measurements (body mass and height) and postural balance were included by means of dynamic posturography (TOS), divided in six conditions, which evaluate the neural systems responsible for maintaining stability, thus, I, III and VI conditions evaluate visual, proprioceptive and vestibular systems, II and V conditions measure proprioceptive and vestibular systems, and IV condition evaluate proprioceptive system. O MP was practiced by the children for five months, lasting 50 minutes and frequently once a week, totaling 20 sessions. After the intervention, there was an increase in TOS values in VI conditions, in the general group (p= 0,003) and in the female group (p=0,002), and an increase in IV condition in the general group (p=0,03). It was possible to identify a significant reduction of deficits in condition VI in the general group (p=0,007) and in the female group (p= 0,008) after the intervention. Regarding the behavior of the neural systems, there was a better development of the visual system (p=0,04), As well as a reduction of vestibular system (p=0,04) deficits in the general group. The practice of MP exercises was effective in improving the postural balance of children, improving the integration and use of visual and vestibular systems. In intragroup comparison as to the gender, the improvement was more expressive in the girls and it is suggested that behavioral and maturation factors are involved in this process.
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Participation in exercise programs is heartily recommended for older adults since the level of physical fitness directly influences functional independence. The aim of this present study was to investigate the effects of supervised Pilates exercise training on the physical function, hypothesizing that a period of Pilates exercise training (PET) can increase overall muscle strength, body composition, and balance, during single and dual-task conditions, in a group of post-menopausal women. Twenty-five subjects, aged 59 to 66 years old, were recruited. Eligible participants were assessed prior and after 3 months of PET performed twice per week. Muscular strength was evaluated with handgrip strength (HGS) test, 30-s chair sit-to-stand test (30CST), and abdominal strength (AST) test. Postural control and dual-task performance were measured through a stabilometric platform while dynamic balance with 8 ft up and go test. Finally, body composition was assessed by means of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Statistically significant improvements were detected on HGS (+8.22 %), 30CST (+23.41 %), 8 ft up and go test (-5.95 %), AST (+30.81 %), medio-lateral oscillations in open eyes and dual-task condition (-22.03 % and -10.37 %). Pilates was effective in increasing upper body, lower body, and abdominal muscle strength. No changes on body composition were detected. Results on this investigation indicated also that 12-week of mat Pilates is not sufficient to determine a clinical meaningful improvement on static balance in single and dual-task conditions.
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Sažetak Cilj rada je da se na temelju prikazanih istraživanja o slobodnom vremenu djece i mladih dobije uvid o udjelu tjelesne aktivnosti u njihovom slobodnom vremenu. Kroz rad će se objasniti osnovni pojmovi slobodnog vremena, te prikazati novija istraživanja o provođenju slobodnog vremena djece i mladih u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu. U radu su navedene osnovne teze o važnosti tjelesnog 1 Prikazani rezultati proizašli su iz znanstvenog projekta Kineziološka edukacija u predškolskom odgoju i primarnom obrazovanju, provoðenog uz potporu Ministarstva zna-nosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske. 2 Marko Badriae je viši asistent na Katedri za kineziološku edukaciju. Objavio je dvade-set osam znanstvenih i struènih radova. Predsjednik je Školskog športskog saveza grada Pe-trinje i èlan Izvršnog odbora Zajednice športskih udruga grada Petrinje. Od 2001. do 2009. godine radio je na mjestu uèitelja tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u Osnovnoj školi Jabukovac, nedaleko Petrinje. 3 Ivan Prskalo je redoviti profesor, nositelj kolegija Kineziologija i Kineziološka meto-dika, prodekan je i predstojnik Katedre za kineziološku edukaciju. Predsjednik je Udruge kineziologa uèiteljskih uèilišta i savjetnika-nadzornika RH, èlan uredništva meðunarod-nog znanstvenog èasopisa Kinesiology i glavni urednik Hrvatskog èasopisa za odgoj i obra-zovanje. Redoviti je èlan Akademije odgojnih znanosti Hrvatske.
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To evaluate the effectiveness of Pilates with regard to the degree of scoliosis, flexibility and pain. The study included 31 female students divided into two groups: a control group (CG = 11), which had no therapeutic intervention, and an experimental group (EG = 20), which underwent Pilates-based therapy. We used radiological goniometry measurements to assess the degree of scoliosis, standard goniometry measurements to determine the degree of flexibility and the scale of perceived pain using the Borg CR 10 to quantify the level of pain. The independent t test of the Cobb angle (t = - 2.317, p = 0.028), range of motion of trunk flexion (t = 3.088, p = 0.004) and pain (t = -2.478, p = 0.019) showed significant differences between the groups, with best values in the Pilates group. The dependent t test detected a significant decrease in the Cobb angle (Δ% = 38%, t = 6.115, p = 0.0001), a significant increase in trunk flexion (Δ% = 80%, t = -7.977, p = 0.0001) and a significant reduction in pain (Δ% = 60%, t = 7.102, p = 0.0001) in the EG. No significant difference in Cobb angle (t = 0.430, p = 0.676), trunk flexion, (t = 0.938p = 0.371) or pain (t = 0.896, p = 0.391) was found for the CG. The Pilates group was better than control group. The Pilates method showed a reduction in the degree of non-structural scoliosis, increased flexibility and decreased pain.
Objective To investigate the effects of an exercise program, based on the Pilates Matwork method, on posterior chain flexibility and trunk mobility in healthy school age children. Design and setting The study was a parallel-group randomized clinical trial. The participants were randomly assigned to groups: Pilates Group (PG) and Control Group (CG). The program was developed at the Early Childhood Education Institute, Londrina-PR. Participants 43 children with age between eight to 12 years, no prior knowledge of the Pilates method, and no exercise training in the last six months. Intervention Four months of twice a week 50 min Pilates Matwork exercises were administered. Outcome measures Flexibility and mobility, assessed using the sit-and-reach test, fingertip-to-floor test and photogrammetry. The assessors were blinded to the allocation of participants. Results Three children were excluded before randomization and 40 were randomized (PG n = 20; CG n = 20).12 children were excluded during the protocol (PG n = 7; CG n = 5) and included in the intention to treat analysis. No significant difference between groups was observed for flexibility measures. There was a significant difference in the following outcomes for the PG: distance reached in the sit-and-reach test between pre-test (median 14.25[11.25–28.38]) and post-test (median 20.25[12.00–29.63]) (ES = 0.29, SRM = 0.73); Posterior angle of the knee in the fingertip-to-floor test between pre-test (median 191.60[187.20–191.60]) and post-test (median 189.00[185.90–191.50]) (ES = 0.56, SRM = 0.54). Conclusion There were no differences in posterior chain flexibility and trunk mobility between school age children who underwent Pilates Matwork exercises and the control. However, children who participated in the exercise program showed improvement in some results of flexibility. Clinical trial registration number Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (REBEC) (N° RBR-8t5p7d).
Objective: To conduct a systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of Pilates intervention on physical function in children and youth. Data sources: Six electronic databases were searched from inception to June 2018 using the term Pilates. Study selection: Articles were included if they (1) reported original data for a Pilates-only intervention; (2) involved children or youth aged up to 22 years; (3) reported a musculoskeletal, pain, or function study outcome. Searches identified 2565 papers and 11 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data extraction: The 2 authors independently screened and assessed all studies and any discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Data synthesis: Level of evidence was classified using the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. Study quality was assessed using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database for randomized controlled trials and Risk of Bias in N-of-1 Trials scale for single case experimental design studies. Four studies were high quality, 3 were fair quality, and 4 were of low quality. Findings showed that Pilates does appear to improve flexibility (n=6); muscle strength, power and movement speed (n=3); postural control, orientation and balance (n=3); metabolic cost (n=1); functional ability (n=1) and health related quality of life (n=1) and reduce pain (n=2) in children with musculoskeletal pathology, the majority with a large effect size. Pilates content varied from group-based mat classes to individualized programs using specialized equipment. Intervention dose and frequency varied widely. Conclusions: This is the first systematic review of the effect of Pilates intervention for children and youth. Research is in the preliminary stages; however, Pilates does appear to improve flexibility, strength and postural control, and reduce pain in children with musculoskeletal pathology. Further research is warranted to determine the potential effectiveness of Pilates for children and youth for various population groups and to develop comprehensive treatment guidelines.
Many claims have been made about the effectiveness of Pilates exercise on the basic parameters of fitness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Pilates exercise on abdominal endurance, hamstring flexibility, upper-body muscular endurance, posture, and balance. Fifty subjects were recruited to participate in a 12-week Pilates class, which met for 1 hour 2 times per week. Subjects were randomly assigned to either the experimental (n = 25) or control group (n = 25). Subjects performed the essential (basic) mat routine consisting of approximately 25 separate exercises focusing on muscular endurance and flexibility of the abdomen, low back, and hips each class session. At the end of the 12-week period, a 1-way analysis of covariance showed a significant level of improvement (p < or = 0.05) in all variables except posture and balance. This study demonstrated that in active middle-aged men and women, exposure to Pilates exercise for 12 weeks, for two 60-minute sessions per week, was enough to promote statistically significant increases in abdominal endurance, hamstring flexibility, and upper-body muscular endurance. Participants did not demonstrate improvements in either posture or balance when compared with the control group. Exercise-training programs that address physical inactivity concerns and that are accessible and enjoyable to the general public are a desirable commodity for exercise and fitness trainers. This study suggests that individuals can improve their muscular endurance and flexibility using relatively low-intensity Pilates exercises that do not require equipment or a high degree of skill and are easy to master and use within a personal fitness routine.