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Ecolog y Letters. 2023;26:621– 639. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ele
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Biology is built upon information. From genetic architec-
ture (Goldenfeld & Woese,2007; Smith,1999; Tkačik &
Bialek,2016), to sub- cellular biomolecular networks (Cai
et al.,2018; Tyson et al.,2002; Woods & Wilson, 2013),
to the countless examples of derived sensory apparatus
in organisms, life is replete with systems and mecha-
nisms for detecting, processing, and storing information
(Dangles et al.,2009). Natural selection itself is an infor-
mation process, where changing gene frequencies encode
population- level information about the fitness conse-
quences of the environment (Frank,2012; Smith,1999).
Ecological studies account for myriad ways that organ-
isms across all kingdoms of life respond to changing
environments and use cues in their environment to find
resources, refuges, and reproduce (Crespi, 2001; Crone
et al.,2009; Gil et al.,2018). However, accounting for the
explicit role that information plays in population, com-
munity, and ecosystem dynamics remains a largely unex-
plored research frontier (Marleau et al.,2020; O'Connor
et al.,2019).
Information is increasingly acknowledged as a uni-
versal and essential component to life in fluctuating
environments (Bernhardt et al.,2020). Historically, in-
formation has been equated with a variety of environ-
mental cues. These include environmental changes that
trigger phenological shifts (Clauss & Venable, 2000;
Cohen,1966; Pake & Venable, 1996; Ten Brink et al.,2020;
Thackeray et al.,2016), social or chemical signals used to
find food (Danchin et al.,2004; Gil et al.,2018; Magrath
et al., 2015), shared between bacteria to monitor local
densities (Crespi,2001), or transmitted between plants as
volatile organic compounds triggered by defence against
herbivor (Baldwin et al.,2006; De Moraes et al.,1998).
While these important studies have guided scientific
progress, taken collectively they create an idiosyncratic,
system- specific perspective on information that has pre-
cluded generalization. Furthermore, they tend to lack a
dynamical framing of information's role.
A generalizable definition of information that cap-
tures the functional role of biological cue s can be found in
information theory (Goldenfeld & Woese,2007; Tkačik
& Bialek, 2016). In information theory, information is
measured in relation to the uncertainty or “surprisal”
of an event. Observing a less- probable (more surprising)
event is more valuable precisely because there are fewer
opportunities to do so and an observer will be better-
informed after a rare event than after a common event.
The fitness value of ecological information in a variable world
JacobUsinowicz1,2 | Mary I.O'Connor1, 2
Received: 16 September 2021
Revised: 8 December 2022
Accepted: 8 December 2022
DOI: 10.1111/ele.14166
1Department of Zoolog y, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
2Biodiversity Research Centre, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Jacob Usinowicz, Department of
Zoology, 4200- 6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
Email: jusinowicz@gmail.com
Funding information
Natural Sciences and Engineering research
Council of Canada (NSERC) / EWR
Steacie Fellowship, Grant/Award Numb er:
SMFSU 54147- 2020; NSERC Discovery
Accelerator Supplement (DAS)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Information processing is increasingly recognized as a fundamental component
of life in variable environments, including the evolved use of environmental
cues, biomolecular networks, and social learning. Despite this, ecology lacks
a quantitative framework for understanding how population, community, and
ecosystem dynamics depend on information processing. Here, we review the
rationale and evidence for ‘fitness value of information’ (FVOI), and synthesize
theoretical work in ec ology, information theory, and probability behind this general
mathematical framework. The FVOI quantifies how species' per capita population
growth rates can depend on the use of information in their environment. FVOI
is a breakthrough approach to linking information processing and ecological
and evolutionary outcomes in a changing environment, addressing longstanding
questions about how information mediates the effects of environmental change
and species interactions.
coexistence, community dynamics, ecology, fitness, information theory, population