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A Review on Preparation of Calendula Oil

  • Nootan college of pharmacy kavathe mahankal
  • Nootan college of pharmacy ,kavathemahankal.
  • Nootan college of pharmacy landgewadi kavathe mahankal


Calendula officinalis (calendula), belonging to the family Asteraceae, commonly known as English Marigold or Pot marigold. It is widely cultivated & can be grown in sunny locations. It is an annual or biennial plant attending a height of 30-60cm. It is a herb which is used in Traditional system of medicine for treating Wounds, Ulcers, scars, hair damage, Eczema, Diaper Rash, and Other Skin Conditions, it is mainly used because of its various biological activities to treat diseases as analgesic, antidiabetic ,antiulcers & antiinflammmatory it is also used for gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological problems , eye diseases, skin injuries & some cases of burns. An infusion or tincture of the flower taken internally is beneficial in the treatment of infections & diarrhea. An infusion of calendula officinalis may also be used to treat eye inflammation, boils & abscesses, eczema. This plant is reach in many pharmaceutical active ingredients like carotenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids & sterols quinies, volatile oil & amino acids. Calendula oil is a powerful medicinal oil extracted from the petals of a common species of marigold. By using oil infusion, maceration method calendula oil is extracted, prepared & evaluated. In this review a detailed account of methods of preparation of calendula oil and their medicinal properties have been addressed.
Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare, 2023, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-7
ISSN(e): 2663-421X, ISSN(p): 2706-8404
© Sumerianz Publication
CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Original Article Open Access
1 1
A Review on Preparation of Calendula Oil
Sharad Kamble*
Assistant Professor, Nootan College Of Pharmacy Kavathemahankal , Maharashtra, India
Sunita Shinde
Assistant Professor, Tatyasaheb Kore College Of Pharmacy, Warananagar, Kolhapur, Maharashtra , India
Sonali Mali
Student, Nootan College Of Pharmacy Kavathemahankal , Maharashtra, India
Apeksha Jadhav
Student, Nootan College Of Pharmacy Kavathemahankal , Maharashtra, India
Article History
Received: 7 October 2022
Revised: 2 January 2023
Accepted: 13 January 2023
Published: 20 January 2023
How to Cite
Sharad, Kamble. Sunita, Shinde. Sonali, Mali. and Apeksha, Jadhav., 2023. A Review on Preparation of Calendula Oil
. Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare, Vol. 6, pp. 1-7.
Calendula officinalis (calendula), belonging to the family Asteraceae, commonly known as English Marigold or Pot
marigold. It is widely cultivated & can be grown in sunny locations. It is an annual or biennial plant attending a height of
30-60cm. It is a herb which is used in Traditional system of medicine for treating Wounds, Ulcers, scars, hair damage,
Eczema, Diaper Rash, and Other Skin Conditions, it is mainly used because of its various biological activities to treat
diseases as analgesic, antidiabetic ,antiulcers & antiinflammmatory it is also used for gastrointestinal diseases,
gynecological problems , eye diseases, skin injuries & some cases of burns. An infusion or tincture of the flower taken
internally is beneficial in the treatment of infections & diarrhea. An infusion of calendula officinalis may also be used to
treat eye inflammation, boils & abscesses, eczema. This plant is reach in many pharmaceutical active ingredients like
carotenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids & sterols quinies, volatile oil & amino acids. Calendula oil is a powerful
medicinal oil extracted from the petals of a common species of marigold. By using oil infusion, maceration method
calendula oil is extracted, prepared & evaluated. In this review a detailed account of methods of preparation of calendula
oil and their medicinal properties have been addressed.
Keywords: Calendula officinalis; Classification; Phytochemicals; Extraction method; Evalution; Medicinal properties; Anti-
inflammatory; Anti-aging; Eczema.
1. Introduction
Calendula Officinalis Linn is also called as pot marigold & it has been extensively used in homeopathic drug for
the treatment of numerous conditions. It's one of the generally used medicinal factory in India, China, Europe & US.
Calendula was known as ― gold‘s ‖ in old English was associated with Virgin Mary & Queen Mary, Hence the name
is ― Mary‘s gold ‖ or Marigold. The name of this factory comes from a Latin word ‗ Calends ‘ meaning the first day
of each month, because of the long flowering period of factory. It belongs to the family Asteraceae or Compositae &
is generally known as zergul( hindi), African marigold, Pot Marigold( English), Calendula, Butterblume( German),
Ringblomma( Swedish), Marygold, Chin Chan Ts ‘ ao( Chinese). Common marigold [1].
Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare
2. Morphology and Microscopy
Calendula Officinalis Linn. Is an annual or biennial plant attending height of 30-60 cm. Leaves lower Spatulate
10- 20cm. long & 1-4cm wide, Stem angular, hairy & solid; Flower heads bright yellow to orange; Marginal flowers
in cultivated plants multiseriate, Corolla oblong spatulate, 15-25 cm long & 3mm wide .
3. Traditional Application
C. Officinalis Linn.( pot marigold) has been traditionally used in the treatment of inflammation of internal
organs, gastrointestinal ulcers & dysmenorrhea & as a diuretic & diaphoretic in storms. It's also used for
inflammation of the oral & pharyngeal mucosa, injuries & becks . Calendula is a sanctification & detoxifying
condiment & the infusion treat habitual infections. The dried flower kids have been used for their antipyretic, anti-
tumor cicatrizing goods. Topical operation of infusion of flowers is used as antifungal & antiseptic in injuries.
Calendula tea is extensively used as eyewashes, gargles & other seditious condition of the skin & mucous
membranes. Mother tinge ofC. Officinalis is used in homeopathy for the treatment of internal pressure &
wakefulness. It's used as analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, anti-emetic, anti- fungal, anti-septic ,anti-pyretic,
anti-viral, tangy, cardiotonic, carminative, diuretic, hemostatic, uterotonic & as a Vasodilator. This herb used
medicinally either in the form of infusions, tincture, liquid extracts, creams or ointment. C. Officinalis preparation
are used in various complementary and alternative medicine systems mainly for burns, cuts, rashes, demartitis, dry
skin & foot ulcers. C officinalis preparations currently use include carophyllenic ointment & pot marigold tincture
3.1. Chemical Constituent
Phyto chemicals, including carbohydrates , phenolic compounds, lipids, steroids, tocopherols, tarpenoids,
quinones, & cartenoids. The major active constituents of plant include triterpendiol esters, saponins & flavonoids
including rutin & hyperoside.
3.2. Taxonomic Bracket of Calendula Officinalis
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order : Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Calendula
Species : C. Officinalis [3]
4. Cultivation and collection
Calendula officinalis is extensively cultivated and can be grown fluently in sunny locales in utmost kinds of
soils. Although imperishable, it's generally treated as an periodic, particularly in colder regions where its downtime
survival is poor, and in hot summer locales where it also doesn't survive [4]. Calendulas are considered by numerous
gardening experts as among the easiest and most protean flowers to grow in a garden, especially because they
tolerate most soils. In temperate climates, seeds are sown in spring for blooms that last throughout the summer and
well into the fall [5]. In areas of limited downtime freezing, seeds are sown in afterlife for downtime color. shops
will wither in tropical summer. Seeds will germinate freely in sunny or partial-sunny locales, but shops do stylish if
planted in sunny locales with rich, well- drained soil. Pot marigolds generally bloom snappily from seed( in under
two months) in bright yellows, golds, and oranges [4].
5. Calendula Oil
Calendula oil painting is a important medicinal oil painting uprooted from the petals of a common species of
marigold. Taxonomically known as Calendula officinalis, this type of marigold has bold, bright orange flowers, and
you can decide benefits from brume distillations, oil painting lines, tinctures or water- grounded birth, but the most
potent forms of this oil painting are made through oil painting lines. numerous canvases are reused along with olive
oil painting, and indeed have vitamin E added to the oil painting to increase its energy for skin health. That being
said, pure forms of calendula oil painting are readily available, but it's fairly easy to make at home. The numerous
benefits of calendula oil painting are due to the significant situations of triterpenoids, flavonoids, carotenoids,
saponins, polysaccharides, and other active antioxidants [6].
6. Method of Preparation
Making calendula oil at home is a great way to save plutocrat and insure the quality of your oil painting, handed
you have access to dried calendula flower petals, avocado oil painting( or olive oil painting), and a glass jar [6].
There are a many different ways to prepare this healthy oil painting, but the traditional system can take up to a
month. By applying heat, as we do in the form below, the process of oil painting birth can be significantly sped up,
meaning that you can start serving from calendula oil painting indeed briskly! Calendula oil painting can be used as
Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare
a first aid for minor cuts and scrapes. It's excellentanti-inflammatory product and will help to reduce greenishness
and inflammation on sensitive skin and eczema. You can also use calendula oil painting for lip and neckcare.You
can also use calendula oil painting as a salad dressing; still, I tête-à-tête kind of begrudge it [7]. It just sounds weird
forme.You can also mix calendula oil painting with your favorite skincare products like poultices and creams to
enhance benefits.
7. Ingredients
Calendula dried petals, Oil of your choice (olive oil, almond, grape seed; jojoba is not edible but perfect for
7.1. Method 1 (Long, No Heat Used)
Place calendula petals in a dry glass jar. Pour in oil of your choice to cover petals by an inch (about 2 cm).Cover
the jar with a lid and give your oil a good shake. Place your jar in a paper bag or wrap a kitchen towel around the jar;
place jar in a warm place. Infuse oil for 4-6 weeks giving your jar a good shake once a day. In 4-6 weeks strain
calendula oil in another glass jar. Store in cool, dark place.
7.2. Method 2 (Quick, Using a Double Boiler)
Place calendula petals in a dry glass jar. Pour in oil of your choice to cover petals by an inch (about 2 cm).
Cover the jar with a lid and give your oil a good shake. Create a double boiler, bring water in a larger pot to boil then
reduce heat right away (follow this link to learn how to make double boiler). Simmer water on a low to medium heat;
stir your oil from time to time. Allow oil to infuse for 1-2 hours (the longer the time, the more concentrated oil is).
Let oil cool, strain it to a glass container. Store in cool, dark place.
7.3. Method 3 (Quick, Using Crock Pot)
Place calendula petals in a dry glass jar. Pour in oil of your choice to cover petals by an inch (about 2 cm).
Cover the jar with a lid and give your oil a good shake. Place a towel on a bottom of your Crockpot. Place the jar on
the towel, add warm water to a crock pot to cover half of the jar. Set crock pot to a lowest setting for 2-6 hours; you
can even set it to warm setting (the longer you let your oil infuse, the more concentrated it will turn out). Let oil cool
and strain it to a clean glass jar. Store in cool, dark place.
7.4. How Calendula Oil Is Uprooted?
Manufacturers make the calendula oil painting by taking dried calendula petals or flowers and investing them in
one of a number of canvases , similar as jojoba or olive. There are a many different specific approaches then;
generally, the longer you leave the flowers to sit in the oil painting, the more effective the birth process will be. still,
if you ‘re making your own oil painting and you ‘re not willing to stay several weeks for it, you might prefer a
hastily option [8].
8. Extraction Method
8.1. Oil Infusion
It can be prepared with or without heat. The heatless process, or maceration, is slower but dosen‘t damage the
delicate ingredients in the shops or carrier canvases . You can use heat to speed up the infusion process, reducing the
birth time from weeks to only a many hours. still, heated styles bear further awareness to insure the oil painting does
n‘t get ruined. Resinous sauces like Calendula are stylish uprooted using heat and longer processing time [9].
8.2. Maceration Method
Place the sealed jar in a sunny window. Cover with a paper bag in order to cover from dangerous UV light.
Shake daily for four to six weeks.
8.3. Water Bath Method
Place the set jar into a heating vessel with water. The water position should be about half up the side of the jar,
and a rack should be set between the vessel and jar.We prefer to use a pot on the stovetop, hotted to a poach, also
turned off to let the condiment- oil painting admixture inoculate. We repeat this process several times over a 24-
hour period. The infusion is done when the oil painting takes up color from the herbs. Alternatively, you can set up a
water bath in a Crock- Pot and process on the smallest setting for four to six hours, or in a yogurt maker/ electric
pressure cooker with ― yogurt setting for 8-10 hours. Note using a yogurt maker/ yogurt setting produces anultra-
low heat( 110- 115ºF) water bath only applicable for light sweet shops, and not resinous bones like Calendula which
bear further heat [9].
8.4. Evaluation Styles
In this work yield( v/ w) of calendula essential oil painting( Calendula officinalisL.) attained by two styles,
hydrodistillation( HD) and ohmic- supported hydrodistilation( OAHD) was determined; fresh flowers( Ff) and dried
flowers( Fs) were used. The effect of the birth styles and the state of the flower on the total birth time( min), oil
painting accumulation time( min) and birth yield( quantum of oil painting uprooted, mL per 100 grams of factory
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material) was estimated. The results showed significant differences( p<0.05) when comparing the total time of birth(
min) and the yield( v/ w) as a function of the system of birth and the state of the flower. The stylish results were
attained by OAHD system, registering yields of1.249 for Ff and1.289 for Fs, an suggestion that this is a superior
birth system when compared to hydrodistillation. assaying yield( v/ w) versus birth time( min) indicates that the
maximum quantum of oil painting was registered for fresh samples both when using HD and OAHD, but when using
dried flowers( Fs), longer times were registered both for HD and OAHD, thus, the state of the factory material told
the quantum of oil painting attained and the birth kinetics.
9. Properties of Calendula Oil
9.1. Anti-Inflammatory
Regularly applying this oil painting to your joints and muscles can help those who witness habitual discomfort.
It's also used to lessen swelling after injuries and sprains. You can also consume small quantities of calendula oil
painting to help with digestive issues. Some people choose to use it in salad dressings, so while large quantities aren't
recommended, a small quantum of internal consumption is safe. Calendula can be used for slow- mending wounds.
However, calendula will increase the rate at which it'll regenerate and heal [10], If you have a cut or a scrape that‘s
starting to scar or heal over. It also helps to reduce greenishness of old blisters. Contrary to popular belief,
inflammation isn't entirely a bad thing. In a way, it's the body‘s way of defending itself from dangerous raiders.
Inflammation occurs when a foreign adulterant tries to enter the body, and the body in turn attempts to get relieve of
it Greenishness, pain and lump are frequently the results of inflammation. The reason people are cautious about
inflammation is because it's frequently accompanied by pain, and can beget great discomfort. When it becomes
habitual or patient, you would want to tone it down with natural anti-inflammatory agents similar as calendula oil.
As colorful studies will tell you, calendula oil painting has strong anti-inflammatory mechanisms that you could take
advantage of in certain circumstances. This property can be attributed to the presence of triterpenoids. Since utmost
of these studies have been done on beast subjects, it‘s necessary to do mortal trials to further establish the anti-
inflammatory parcels of calendula oil. Inflammation is the body‘s first line of defense against dangerous raiders
similar as bacteria and viruses. To ward off pain and inflammation that has come habitual and patient, you can make
use of calendula oil. Calendula oil painting is a important anti-inflammatory that you can use as remedy for habitual
and patient inflammation. Calendula is popularly known for its anti-inflammatory parcels. It helps in soothing the
skin and heals any issues at a faster rate. Calendula is extensively used in drugs that are used for healing the skin or
treating the vexation or becks. Also, it effectively treats the greenishness of the skin without any side goods [11].
10. Eczema, Diaper Rash, and Other Skin Conditions
Calendula is heavily retailed in the treatment of eczema and dermatitis; still, the exploration on calendula for
treating eczema and dermatitis is limited. Because the factory has anti-inflammatory parcels, applying it to skin
conditions may reduce inflammation still, there's no real clinical substantiation to support its use for eczema. In fact,
the use of calendula may actually be prickly for youthful children with severe eczema, especially if they've an
mislike to ragweed, daisies, marigold, or any other factory variety within that family. Calendula's use for children
may be contraindicated, so always ask your croaker before beginning. Using calendula creams on diaper rash may be
profitable when compared to certain treatments, similar as aloevera gel. still, exploration indicates that calendula is
inferior to bentonite result. Experimenters set up that when treating babies with Bentonite, 88 percent of lesions in
the Bentonite group started perfecting in the first six hours while this rate was 54 percent in the calendula group [12].
11. Wound Healing
Crack mending Calendula is primarily known as a mending factory because of its soothing capacities. Although
a gentle condiment, the mending goods deduced from Calendula petals are veritably important, making it a must-
have in the drug press. It's salutary for any crack mending you may need including nonentity mouthfuls, bruises,
pocks, cuts, and cold blisters. Topical operation of Calendula is used to keep injuries clean and help new towel to
grow. It's frequently used to help inadequately healing injuries, those that are flaunting signs of tender heartedness,
greenishness, or inflammation, to correct course. The mending condiment is also effective in treating minor becks ,
including sunburn. It assists in sun protection and may accordingly be included in sunscreen formulas for
precautionary care. Calendula cream, ointment, or healing attar may be applied to injuries to reduce swelling and
their antimicrobial factors, specifically their antifungal agents, can help secondary infection, leading to a quicker
mending process. Calendula has demonstrated efficacity in the treatment of injuries, promoting towel rejuvenescence
and reepithelialisation [13].
12. Moisturises Your Skin
Not icing that your skin is doused can give you multiple skin issues, ranging from itchiness to the early
appearance of fine lines. Hence, to moisturise your skin, look no further than calendula oil painting. Calendula oil
painting is light in texture, which means it gets fluently absorbed into the skin and can travel to the deepest subcaste
to moisturize [14].
13. Anti-Aging Benefits
Are you or someone you know passing accelerated skin aging related to stress or illness? You may need to add
Calendula oil painting to your skincare routine. As set up in Revive & Repair anti-aging creme, Calendula oil
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painting helps decelerate down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and other signs of skin aging. Adding this
oil painting to your skin authority also boosts skin hydration and helps to promote clear, immature, glowing skin.
frequently dry skin leads to one of the major fears unseasonable ageing. Calendula possesses regenerative parcels
and heals the dry or damaged skin, which in turn helps in precluding the chances of unseasonable ageing. Using
calendula oil painting makes your skin softer and corpulent while reducing the appearances of fine lines and
wrinkles. As stated over, calendula boosts the collagen product that helps in precluding the unseasonable ageing of
the skin. It provides your skin with a immature gleam [15].
14. Heals Damaged Skin
Not everyone enjoys clear and glowing skin, as stated before, and one of the reasons isn't using the stylish
skincare products for your skin type. Or applying too numerous constituents to the skin. Have you seen the 10- step
or 15- step skincare routine making the rounds on social media? Too important of anything can be bad for your skin.
Incorporating Calendula oil painting makes sense because it performs several functions that replace numerous other
constituents, reducing the need for multiple factors on the skin. It also possesses parcels that help your skin heal
briskly from vexation or injuries. Calendula is relatively hydrating in nature and treats dry and damaged skin. It
incontinently makes the skin rotund and soft while conducting a subtle radiance. However, calendula can help in
healing it briskly and provides humidity to that area while soothing it, If you have oppressively dry skin. Also,
calendula is relatively salutary in treating dry and chapped lips as well. Dispensable to say, when calendula is used
for skin, it brightens up the skin and keeps it doused [11].
15. Functions as Sunscreen
Every dermatologist agrees on one thing sun protection! Sunscreen functions as an redundant sub caste of
protection for the body by reflecting down or absorbing dangerous ultra-violet shafts of the sun. Calendula oil
painting has some sun- guarding parcels. In a study, Calendula oil painting was set up to have an fellow of SPF 14.
You should surely shoot for SPF 30 in your sunscreen and reapply every 2 hours if you're out in the sun [6].
16. Increases Skin Firmness
Calendula oil provides some short-term benefits for your skin, and one of them is keeping the skin firm.
17. Treats Acne
Calendula possesses anti-bacterial attributes that help in treating the acne. Because of the sanctification parcels,
it helps in sanctifying the pores and keeps them unstopped as clogged pores are the main reason for acne flights.
either, it eliminates the acne causing bacteria, therefore precluding your skin from unborn acne breakouts. a oil
painting also makes your skin more doused and supple [11].
18. For Healthy Hair
18.1. Crown Treatment
Conversations about the skin shouldn't count the skin beneath our hair, the crown. Calendula oil painting is an
excellent crown moisturizer. It also has antibacterial and antifungal parcels, making it suitable to treat dandruff and
seborrheic dermatitis. It also helps hydrate the crown and helps reduce itching. But it does one further thing it can
promote hair growth by reducing inflammation of the crown. Despite crown treatment falling under hair care,
calendula oil painting benefits extend to the crown. Calendula condiment is hydrating and moisturising in nature.
Using calendula oil painting or calendula invested hair care products moisturises your crown and eliminates the
dandruff issues [11].
19. Treat Dandruff
Calendula moisturises and hydrates your scalp and keeps itchiness and dryness at bay. Besides, calendula heals
the scalp from all the wear and tear done to it while washing, brushing, detangling or styling.
20. Promotes Hair Growth
Calendula possesses mending parcels, and it can heal your damaged crown which can be one of the reasons for
hair fall. When you use calendula oil painting or calendula invested hair care products, it effectively heals and
conditions the crown and makes your hair grow stronger. Also, using calendula for hair strengthens the hair follicles,
which in turn help in promoting the growth of healthy hair at a faster pace [11].
21. Natural Color for Hair
Irrigating your hair with calendula tea can give your hair a golden tone or red tone, depending on your original
hair colour. It provides a subtle and vibrant colour to your hair without any side goods. Unlike the chemicals used in
hair colouring treatments, calendula tea treats the blankness and frizziness of the hair and makes them soft and
nourished. So, to add a naturally golden or red shade to your hair [11].
Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare
22. Anti-Microbial
As you may know, your body is covered with trillions of microbes including bacteria and fungi
inclusively called the microbiome. When balanced, these all play an important part in keeping skin healthy. It‘s
when a certain strain( or strains) come grown that issues arise" Its antimicrobial benefits make it useful in addressing
issues like dandruff, diaper rash, and indeed acne," says Zeichner. See, dandruff, rashes, and acne are all touched off
by the overgrowth of certain fungi and bacteria, which calendula can help manage [16].
23. Anti-Oxidant
Antioxidants are a cherished skin care component for good reason, as they neutralize free revolutionaries and
help our bodies avoid oxidative stress both of which lead to unseasonable aging, collagen and elastin breakdown,
and a whole host of other issues. Calendula contains carotenoids and flavonoids. And because of these antioxidants,
the factory has been shown to help injuries heal briskly, rotund skin through hydration and rotation, and ( again) help
inflammation. Calendula oil painting contains a high quantum of antioxidants that can help exclude oxidative stress
in the skin. When there's an accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the body, oxidative stress can damage the
cells and beget inflammation. Antioxidants in Calendula oil painting quench the free revolutionaries by replying with
the reactive oxygen species rather of the cells, guarding the cells from damage and inflammation. By applying
Calendula oil painting to the skin or using skincare products containing Calendula oil painting, your skin will be
more healthy and less prone to vexation. Calendula is relatively potent in antioxidants that help in maintaining the
health of your skin. These antioxidants play a major part in neutralising the free revolutionaries that can damage
your skin. Antioxidants promote the growth of healthy skin cells by adding the cell development. Calendula boosts
the collagen product in the body while making your skin radiant and healthy. therefore, using calendula for your skin
improves its texture to a great extent [11].
24. Analgesic
Calendula oil painting can help reduce pain and discomfort. This analgesic property is independent of the opioid
pathway, so this avenue is being explored more in the health community to minimize the tradition of anesthetics. Do
not be surprised if your analgesic cream contains Calendula oil painting. Applying the oil painting to the skin is also
veritably soothing [6].
25. Conclusion
As the plant C. officinalis - possesses wide variety of phyto-chemicals and pharmacological activities, so it can
be considered as an excellent source of new drugs. Many reports are available on the Calendula having highly
effective anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-helminthic, anti-molluscal and anti-inflammatory properties with no
toxicity. It is a promising plant which needs to be investigated thoroughly and can be exploited for extraction of
active ingredients that can be used in the synthesis of different drugs, for theprotection against various maladies and
management of various diseases.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Calendula officinalis, belonging to the family of Asteraceae, commonly known as English marigold or Pot Marigold is an aromatic herb which is used in Traditional system of medicine. It is mainly used because of its various biological activities to treat diseases like analgesic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory. It is also used for ingastro-intestinal, gynaecological, eye disease, skin injuries and in some cases of burn. This plant is rich in many pharmaceutical active ingredients like cartenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids and sterols quinines, volatile oil, and amino acid. The extract of this plant as well as pure compound isolated from it, have been demonstrated to possess multiple pharmacological activities such as anti-HIV, cytotoxic, antiinflammatory, hepatoprotective and spamolytic amongst others. In this review, we have explored the organoleptic, in-vitro and in-vivo pharmacological activities of Calendula officinalis in order to existing information on this plant as well as highlight its multiactivity properties as a medicinal agent.
Biology of calendula officinalis linn
  • K A Khalid
Khalid, K. A. "Biology of calendula officinalis linn.: Focus on pharmacology " Biological Activities and Agronomic Practices, p. 16.
Liquid gold: How to make calendula oil
  • S Musa
Musa, S. "Liquid gold: How to make calendula oil [internet]. Learningherbs. 2019 [cited 2022 jun 13]." Available:
Uses and benefits -kami mcbride
  • Calendula Oil
Calendula Oil. "Uses and benefits -kami mcbride [internet]. [cited 2022 jun 13]." Available:
Skin-soothing oil is a superstar beauty botanical
This Anti-Inflammatory, 2022. "Skin-soothing oil is a superstar beauty botanical [internet].