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Towards Human-Bot Collaborative Soware Architecting with
Aakash Ahmad1∗, Muhammad Waseem2, Peng Liang3, Mahdi Fehmideh4, Mst Shamima Aktar3,
Tommi Mikkonen2
1School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
2Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
3School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
4School of Business, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia, mwaseem@jyu.,,,, tommi.j.mikkonen@jyu.
Architecting software-intensive systems can be a complex process.
It deals with the daunting tasks of unifying stakeholders’ perspec-
tives, designers’ intellect, tool-based automation, pattern-driven
reuse, and so on, to sketch a blueprint that guides software imple-
mentation and evaluation. Despite its benets, architecture-centric
software engineering (ACSE) inherits a multitude of challenges.
ACSE challenges could stem from a lack of standardized processes,
socio-technical limitations, and scarcity of human expertise etc.
that can impede the development of existing and emergent classes
of software (e.g., IoTs, blockchain, quantum systems). Software De-
velopment Bots (DevBots) trained on large language models can
help synergise architects’ knowledge with articially intelligent
decision support to enable rapid architecting in a human-bot col-
laborative ACSE. An emerging solution to enable this collaboration
is ChatGPT, a disruptive technology not primarily introduced for
software engineering, but is capable of articulating and rening
architectural artifacts based on natural language processing. We
detail a case study that involves collaboration between a novice soft-
ware architect and ChatGPT for architectural analysis, synthesis,
and evaluation of a services-driven software application. Prelimi-
nary results indicate that ChatGPT can mimic an architect’s role to
support and often lead ACSE, however; it requires human oversight
and decision support for collaborative architecting. Future research
focuses on harnessing empirical evidence about architects’ produc-
tivity and exploring socio-technical aspects of architecting with
ChatGPT to tackle emerging and futuristic challenges of ACSE.
Software Architecture, ChatGPT, Large Language Models, DevBots
ACM Reference Format:
Aakash Ahmad
, Muhammad Waseem
, Peng Liang
, Mahdi Fehmideh
Mst Shamima Aktar
, Tommi Mikkonen
. 2023. Towards Human-Bot Col-
laborative Software Architecting with ChatGPT. In Proceedings of ACM
Conference (XXXX). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX
©2023 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. . . $15.00
Architecture of software-intensive systems enables architects to
specify structural composition, express behavioural constraints, and
rationalise design decisions - hiding implementation complexities
with architectural components - to sketch a blue-print for software
implementation [
]. Architecture-centric Software Engineering
(ACSE) aims to exploit architectural knowledge (e.g., tactics and
patterns), architectural languages, tools, and architects’ decisions
(human intellect) etc. to create a model that drives the implementa-
tion, validation, and maintenance phases of software systems [
]. In
recent years, ACSE has been applied to investigate the role of archi-
tecture in engineering complex and emergent classes of software
(blockchains, quantum systems etc.) [
] and it has been proven as
useful to systematise software development in an industrial context
]. Despite its potential, ACSE entails a multitude of challenges
including but not limited to mapping stakeholders’ perspectives to
architectural requirements, managing architectural drift, erosion,
and technical debts, or lack of automation and architects’ expertise
in developing complex and emergent classes of software [
]. In
such context, software engineers may enter a phase referred to as
the ‘lonesome architect’ who requires non-intrusive support rooted
in processes and tools to address the challenges of ACSE by reusing
knowledge and exploiting decision support in the process [10].
Context and motivation: The process to architect software ap-
plications and services (a.k.a., ‘architecting process’) unies a num-
ber of architecting activities that support an incremental, process-
centric, and systematic approach to apply ACSE in software de-
velopment endeavours [
]. Empiricism remains fundamental to
deriving and/or utilising architecting processes that can support ac-
tivities, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation etc. of software
architetures [
]. To enrich the architecting process and empower
the role of architects, research and development has focused on
incorporating patterns and styles (knowledge), recommender sys-
tems (intelligence), and distributed architecting (collaboration) in
ACSE process. The role of articial intelligence (AI) in software
engineering (SE) is an active area of research that aims to synergise
solutions of AI and practices of SE to instill intelligence in the pro-
cesses and tools for software development [
]. From an ACSE
perspective, research on AI generally aims to develop decision sup-
port systems or development bots that can assist architects with
recommendations about design decisions, selection of patterns and
styles, or predict points of architectural failure and degradation
]. Currently, there is no research that proposes innovative
XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX Ahmad et al.
solutions that can enrich the architecting process with AI to enable
collaborative architecting. Collaborative architecting can synergise
architects’ knowledge as human intellect and bot’s capability as an
intelligent agent who can lead the architecting process based on
human conversation and supervision. Such collaboration can allow
architects to delegate their architecting tasks to the bot, supervise
the bot via dialog in natural language(s) to achieve automation, and
relieve architects from undertaking tedious tasks in ACSE.
Objective of the study: Chat Generative Pre-trained Trans-
former (ChatGPT) has emerged as a disruptive technology, rep-
resenting an unprecedented example of a bot, that can engage
with humans in context-preserved conversations to produce well-
articulated responses to complex queries [
]. ChatGPT is not
specically developed to address software engineering challenges,
however; it is well capable of generating versatile textual speci-
cations including architectural requirements, UML scripts, source
code libraries, and test cases [
]. Recently published research
has started to explore the role of ChatGPT in engineering education,
software testing, and source code generation [
]. Considering
ACSE that can benet from intelligent and automated architecting,
driven by architects’ conversational dialogs and feedback, there
is no research to investigate the role that ChatGPT can play as a
DevBot in architecting process. To this end, our study focused on
a preliminary investigation to understand if ChatGPT can process
an architecture story (scenario(s)) conversed to it by an architect and
undertake architecting activities to analyse, synthesise, and evaluate
software architecture in a human-bot collaborative architecting.
Contributions: We followed a process-centric approach [
] and
adopted scenario-based method [
] for ChatGPT-enabled architec-
tural analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of a microservices-driven
software. Preliminary results demonstrate ChatGPT’s capabilities
that include but are not limited to processing an architecture story
(conversed to it by an architect) for articulating architectural re-
quirements, specifying models, recommending and applying archi-
tectural tactics and patterns, and developing scenarios for architec-
ture evaluation. Primary contributions of this study are to:
Investigate the potential for human-bot collaborative ar-
chitecting, synergizing ChatGPT’s outputs and architects’
decisions, to automate ACSE with a preliminary case study.
Identify the potential and perils of ChatGPT assisted ACSE
to pinpoint issues concerning ethics, governance, and socio-
technical constraints of collaborative architecting.
Establish foundations for empirically-grounded evidence
about ChatGPT’s capabilities and architects’ productivity in
collaborative architecting (ongoing and future work).
The results of this study can help academic researchers to for-
mulate new hypotheses about the role of ChatGPT in ACSE and
investigate human-bot collaborative architecting of emergent and
futuristic software. Practitioners can follow the presented guide-
lines to experiment with delegating their tedious tasks of ACSE to
We next contextualize some core concepts (Section 2.1, Figure 1)
and discuss the research method (Section 2.2, Figure 2). Terms and
concepts introduced here will be used throughout the paper.
Register User
Secure Registration
Analyse Synthesise Evaluate
Large Language Model
Training Data
Dialog Classification Translation Text Generation
... ...
... ...
Cohere LaMDA
Recommendations Stories
Software Development
Data and Model
Domain of Application for LLM-based Bots
LLM-based Bots
Operationalisation of LLMs
Software architecture = blueprint for software
Mapping requirements (functionality/quality) to
source code (implementations) etc. as
architectural elements (components).
Architecturally Significant Requirements
Functionality, Quality, Constraints, etc.
Software Architecting Process = enabling
designers and developers to follow a structured
and systematic approach via a number of
architcting activities to enable ACSE.
- Analysis (reqirements, constraints, etc.),
- Synthesis (modeling, specification etc.),
- Evaluation (validation, testing, etc.)
Large Language Models (LLMs)
= deep learning methods and algorithms
to recognise, summarise, and generate
content based on knowledge gained
from massive datasets
Use cases of LLMs = Human-Bot
dialog, content classification,
translation, text generation with big
data analytics and processing. etc.
Bots built on LLMs = agents that can
interact with humans to provide
intelligence and decision support to
human users.
Domain of application = scenarios
such as recommender systems, story-
telling, and automating and enabling
software development.
Bots in ACSE
Process for
Figure 1: Context: LLMs, DevBots, Process, and Architecture
2.1 Human-Bot Collaborative Architecting
Software Architecture as described in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011
standard, aims to abstract complexities rooted in source code-based
implementations with architectural components and connectors
that represent a blueprint of software applications, services, and
systems to be developed [
]. Architecture-centric approaches have
proven to be useful in academic solutions as well as in industrial
projects by lending architectural knowledge, such as patterns, styles,
languages, and frameworks, to design and develop software ef-
fectively and eciently [
]. To enable software designers and
architects with a systematic and incremental design of software
architectures, there is a need for architecting process - also re-
ferred to as the process for architecting software [
]. Architecting
process can have a number of ne-grained architecting activities
that support a separation of architectural concerns in ACSE. For
example, the architecting process reported in [
] and illustrated in
Figure 1 is derived from ve industrial projects and incorporates
three architecting activities namely architectural analysis,archi-
tectural synthesis, and architectural evaluation. For instance, the
architectural evaluation activity in the process focuses on scenar-
ios to evaluate the designed architecture [
]. In the architecting
process, an architect can extract and document the requirements
that express the required functionality and desired quality of the
software, referred to as Architecturally Signicant Requirements
(ASRs). ASRs need to be mapped to source code implementations
Towards Human-Bot Collaborative Soware Architecting with ChatGPT XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX
via an architectural model that can be visualized or textually speci-
ed using architectural languages, such as the Unied Modeling
Language (UML) or Architectural Description Languages (ADLs)
]. Architecture models that reect the ASRs need to be evalu-
ated using an architecture evaluation method, such as Software
Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM) or Architecture Tradeo
Analysis Method (ATAM) [6].
Software Development Bots (DevBots) represent conversa-
tional agents or recommender systems, driven by AI, to assist soft-
ware engineers by oering certain degree of automation and/or
inducing intelligence in software engineering process [
]. From
the software architecting perspective, the role of AI in general and
DevBots to be specic is limited to bots answering questions or
providing recommendations about architectural erosion and main-
tenance [8]. There is no research that investigates or any solution
that demonstrates an architecting process by incorporating De-
vBots to enable human-bot collaborative architecting of software
systems. Such a collaboration can enrich the architecting process
that goes beyond questions & answers and recommendations, and
synergizes architects’ intellect (human rationale) and bot’s intel-
ligence (automated architecting process) in ACSE. Collaborative
architecting can empower novice designers or architects, who lack
experience or professional expertise to specify their requirements
in natural language and DevBots can translate them into ASRs,
architectural models, and evaluation scenarios. As illustrated in
Figure 1, the emergence of ChatGPT as a conversational bot, based
on large language models (LLM), can dialog with the architect to
lead the creation of architectural artifacts with human supervision.
2.2 Research Method
We now present the overall methodology for the research, compris-
ing of three main phases, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Architecture Story
Collaborative Architecting
Existing Scope Future Work
Architect Story
Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
ChatGPT automate
supervise SE teams
Figure 2: Overview of the Research Method
Phase 1 - Developing the Architecture Story: Software archi-
tecture story refers to a textual narration of the envisaged solution,
i.e., software to be developed by expressing the core functionality,
desired quality (i.e., ASRs) and any constraints in a natural language.
The story is developed based on analyzing software domain that
represents an operational context of the system or collection of
scenarios operationalised via a software solution. The architect can
analyze the domain and identify scenarios to write an architecture
story that acts as a foundation for the architecting process. The
architecture story is fed to ChatGPT via a prompt as a pre-process
to collaborative architecting.
Phase 2 - Enabling Collaborative Architecting is based on
three activities adopted from [9], detailed below.
Architectural analysis is driven by architecture story fed to
ChatGPT for articulating the ASRs via (i) automatically gen-
erated and recommended requirements (by ChatGPT), or
(ii) manual specication of the requirements (by the archi-
tect), or (iii) a continuous dialog between ChatGPT and the
architect to rene (add/remove/update) the requirements.
Architectural synthesis consolidates the ASRs to create an
architecture model or representation that can act as a point
of reference, visualizing the structural (de-)composition and
runtime scenarios for the software. We preferred UML for
architectural synthesis due to a number of factors, such as
available documentation, ease of use, diversity of diagrams,
tool support, and wide-scale adoption as a language to rep-
resent software systems [
]. During synthesis we also in-
corporated reuse knowledge and best practices in the form
of tactics and patterns to rene the architecture.
Architectural evaluation evaluates the synthesized architec-
ture against ASRs based on scenarios from the architectural
story. Architectural evaluation is conducted incrementally
for full or partial validation of the architecture or its parts
based on use cases or scenarios from ASRs. We used the Soft-
ware Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM) to supervise
ChatGPT for evaluating the architecture [6].
Phase 3 - Conducting the Empirical Validations complements
the initial two phases with empirical validations of collaborative
architecting as an extension of this study, outlining future work.
The existing scope aims to explore and present the role of ChatGPT
in human-bot collaborative software architecting (in Section 3).
Future work on empirically grounded guidelines to understand a
multitude of socio-technical issues associated with ChatGPT-driven
collaborative architecting is discussed later (in Section 5).
This section details the process of collaborative architecting demon-
strated with a case study for scenario-based exemplication and
illustrations (see Figure 3). The case study detailed in [
] aims
to develop a software application named CampusBike that can be
used via a browser or as an app, allowing campus visitors to ‘regis-
ter’, ‘view available bikes’, ‘reserve a bike’, ‘make payments’, and
‘view usage reports’ etc. for eco-friendly mobility in and around
the campus. The architect has a working knowledge of software
design (UML, patterns etc.) and implementation (programming and
scripting languages) and is considered a motivated novice engineer
with the responsibility to design and develop CampusBike software.
XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX Ahmad et al.
Architecture Story
[Textual Scenarios]
system must allow user to view bikes available nearby
and enable reservation of bike instantly and securely
"view via location
"under X
token "
Function Quality
Registration: mail or SMS
Instant: <= 60 sec
Secure: encrypted
refine story
Model Pattern
user: U register: R
time (<=90 second)
[Large Language Model]
type story
[write ASRs] evaluate archtecture
[validate ASRs]
specify architeture
[model ASRs]
Scenarios Requirements Model
[Case Study]
Figure 3: Overview of the Human-Bot Collaborative Archi-
tecting Process with ChatGPT
Snippet of Architecture Story
“ . .. as a step towards maintaining a ‘Green Campus’ - minimising the carbon footprint,
congestion, and noise created by vehicles, University’s administration has decided to
introduce a bike service where campus visitors can avail of a pay-per-use bicycle facility
on an hourly or daily basis for enhanced mobility in and around the campus. Potential
bikers can register and view available bikes in their proximity (let us say within 500
meters) and reserve them for a specic time after payment. To facilitate this service,
the administration needs a software application called ‘CampusBike’ that is available
on Web and mobile devices for potential bikers .. .”
Scenario Example: View available bikes (using location proximity), reserve a bike for
a specic time (pay-and-reserve).
3.1 Formulating the Architecture Story
Architecture story refers to a textual narration of the envisaged
solution, i.e., software to be developed by expressing the core func-
tionality and any constraints narrated in a natural language. As
per the methodological details in Figure 2, the story is developed
based on analysing software domain that represents an operational
context of the system or collection of scenarios operationalized
via a software solution. The architect can analyse the domain and
identify any scenarios to write an architecture story, fed to Chat-
GPT, that sets the foundation for architectural analysis activity in
the process. Detailed architecture story is available at [2], with its
sample snippet and two scenarios highlighted below.
Specify functional, non-functional requirements, and any
relevant constraints for the campus bike application
Here are some example functional and non-functional
requirements, as well as constraints, for the Campus Bike
... ...
Functionality Quality Constraints
within X seconds
intervention) reservation token encryption
View Bikes Reserve Bike
location privacy
Response Time Security
Minimisation Consent
Figure 4: Formulating and Rening the Requirements
3.2 Architectural Analysis
Once the architecture story is fed to ChatGPT, during architectural
analysis, the focus is to specify ASRs as required functionality (e.g.,
view available bikes) and desired quality (e.g., response time < N)
along with any constraints (e.g., compliance with relevant data
security policies) of CampusBike software. ChatGPT is capable of
outlining the ASRs or any necessary constraints if queried by the
architect. However, as per the case study, ChatGPT expressed the
ASRs and constraints that were rened (add, remove, and modify
any requirements) by the architect. For example, the ‘Reserve Bike’
requirement articulated by ChatGPT read as: ‘... system must allow
user to view bikes available nearby and enable reservation of the bike
instantly and securely’. The architect rened the requirements:
Architect’s Renements
Functionality: View Bike - via location proximity
Quality: Instantly - within 90 seconds, Securely - encrypt reservation token
Constraint: apply data minimization on registration data (GDPR constraint)
After narrating the architecture story, Figure 4 shows architects’
query and ChatGPT’s response (human-bot collaboration) to specify
the functionality, quality, and constraints, collectively referred to
as the ASRs. ASRs are iteratively rened via a dialog between the
two to produce a nal list presented here [2].
3.3 Architectural Synthesis
The ASRs are synthesized into an architectural model that can be
expressed with an architectural (modeling) language, like UML or
other architectural languages [
]. We used UML class and compo-
nent diagrams to create the architecture model, specically; com-
ponent diagrams to represent the overall architecture, and class
diagram for ne-grained representation of the architectural design.
During synthesis, we rened the UML class diagram with the appli-
cation of singleton pattern to ‘UserLogin’ class to restrict a single
login session across the devices. We applied the caching tactic on
‘ViewBikes’ and data minimization constraint on ‘User Location’.
Figure 5 shows the architect’s instruction for ChatGPT’s to create
the script for UML class diagram. Additional dialog between the
two enabled application of singleton pattern, caching tactic, and
data minimisation constraint on class diagram, presented in [2].
Towards Human-Bot Collaborative Soware Architecting with ChatGPT XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX
Craete plantuml script for UML class diagram for Campus
Bike system
Refine plantuml script and apply
singelton pattern to User Login
23Refine plantuml script and apply
caching tactic to View Bikes
Apply data minimisation to User
Here's an example PlantUML script for a class diagram
for the Campus Bike System:
PlantUML script for
UML Class Diagram
Script updated with Singleton
pattern applied on User Login
Script updated withCaching
tactic applied to View Bikes
Script updated with Data
Minimisation on User Location
UserLogin { }
Figure 5: Modeling and Rening the Architecture Design
3.4 Architectural Evaluation
Once synthesized (Figure 4), the architecture needs to be evalu-
ated to assess if it satises the ASRs and the constraints (Figure 5).
We have used the SAAM method [
] to evaluate the synthesized
architecture, as illustrated in Figure 6. For example, the architect
species the application of SAAM to evaluate the ‘View Bike’ com-
ponent. ChatGPT presents the scenario for evaluating the ‘View
Bike’ component individually and also scenarios where it inter-
acts with other components. Based on the interaction of individual
and interacting scenarios, an evaluation report is produced that
shows the evaluation of the functionality, quality, and constraints
of CampusBike architecture.
Apply the Software Architecture Evaluation Method (SAAM)
to evaluate the ViewBike component of the CampusBike
To apply SAAM scenario to evaluate the "View Bikes"
feature in the Campus Bike System, you can follow these
Overall Evaluation
View Bike
Classify and Prioritise
Evaluation Scenarios
View Bike
Evaluation Individual
Evaluation Report
Classified and Prioritised
Evaluation Scaenarios
Evaluation of Individual and
Interacting Scaerios
Evaluation Report for ASRs and
2List Individual Scenarios and Interacting
Scenarios for Evaluation
3Share the list of functionality, quality and
constrainst that have been evaluated
2 3
Figure 6: Evaluating the Architecture
We discuss the most relevant existing research that overviews the
application of AI in SE and ACSE (Section 4.1), and the role of
ChatGPT in software development (Section 4.2).
AI in Software Engineering and Architecting
The research on synergizing AI and SE can be classied into two
distinct dimensions namely AI for SE (articial intelligence in soft-
ware engineering) and SE for AI (software engineering for articial
intelligence) [
] [
]. Considering the AI for SE perspective, Xie
] argued that SE research needs to go beyond traditional eorts
of applying AI for tool-based automation and pattern selection
with an exploration of methods that instil intelligence in software
engineering processes and solutions. Specically, SE solutions need
to maintain the so-called ‘intelligence equilibrium’ – i.e., unifying
and balancing machine intelligence and human intellect – in pro-
cesses, patterns, and tools etc. for emergent classes of software,
such as blockchain and quantum applications [
]. Barenkamp et
al. [
] combined the ndings of a systematic review and interviews
with software developers to investigate the role of AI techniques
in SE processes. The results of their study pinpoint three areas
where SE needs intelligence to tackle (i) automation of tedious
and complex SE activities such as code debugging, (ii) big data
analytics to discover patterns, and (iii) evaluation of data in neu-
ral and software-dened networks. Considering the context of AI
in software architecting, Herold et al. [
] investigated existing re-
search and proposed a conceptual framework for the application of
machine learning to mitigate architecture degradation.
4.2 ChatGPT Assisted Software Engineering
From the SE perspective, ChatGPT is viewed as an unprecedented
example of a chatbot that can produce well-articulated responses
to complex queries. However, it remains an unexplored territory
in terms of its potential and perils in the context of software de-
velopment processes [
]. Most recently, a number of proposals
and experimental ndings indicate that the research on ChatGPT
focuses on supporting engineering education [
], software pro-
gramming [
], and testing [
]. Avila-Chauvet et al. [
] detailed
how conversational dialogs of a programmer with ChatGPT enable
a human-bot assisted development of an online behavioral task
using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript source code. They highlighted
that although ChatGPT requires human oversight and interven-
tion, it can write well-scripted programming solutions and reduces
the time and eort of a developer during programming. A similar
narrative in a blogpost [
] advocated for an incremental process
(human dialog with ChatGPT) to enable genetic programming -
JavaScript code to solve the traveling salesman problem. In addition
to developing the source code, a couple of studies have focused on
testing and debugging with ChatGPT [
]. Sobania et al. [
evaluated the performance of ChatGPT in automated bug xing.
In contrast to the status-quo on automated techniques for bug x-
ing [
], ChatGPT oers a dialogue with a software tester for an
incremental identication and xing of bugs.
Conclusive summary: Based on a review of the existing litera-
ture, there do not exist any research or development that explores
the role of ChatGPT (LLM-driven AI) that can engage software
engineers in conversational dialogs to lead and support ACSE. This
study complements the most recent research eorts on software
test automation and bug xing with ChatGPT [
] but focuses
on architecture-centric development for software systems. In the
broader context of AI for SE [
], this study argues for human-
bot collaborative architecting that can enrich ACSE process with
the architects’ knowledge and supervision synergized with bot’s
capabilities to architect software-intensive systems and services.
We discuss the socio-technical aspects of collaborative architecting
(Section 5.1) and highlight potential threats to validity (Section 5.2).
XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX Ahmad et al.
5.1 Socio-Technical Issues of ChatGPT in ACSE
In addition to highlighting ChatGPT’s potential, we also highlight
some perils as shortcomings of collaborative architecting process
that need to be discussed in the context of socio-technical aspects.
By socio-technical aspects, we refer to a unied perspective on
issues such as what can be ‘social’ concerns and what are the ‘tech-
nical’ limitations of collaborative architecting. Dedicated research
is required to systematically investigate such issues, however, we
only pinpoint several prominent ones, as below.
Response Variation: In the context of human-bot conversa-
tional dialogs, ChatGPT may produce varied responses for exact
same queries. For example, we observed that a query such as ‘...
what architectural style can be best suited to CampusBike system’ may
yield varied responses, such as microservices, layered, client-server
etc. architecture can be best suited for the system. This and alike
variation in recommendations or scripted artifacts (UML script,
ASR specication etc.) can impact the consistency of architecting
process and ultimately varied analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of
the architecture. One of the solutions to minimize response varia-
tions is an iterative dialog with ChatGPT to rene its output and
architects’ oversight to ensure that the architectural artifacts being
produced are consistent and coherent.
Ethics and Intellectual Property: Textual specications, ar-
chitecture specic scripts, and source codes etc. articulated by Chat-
GPT could give rise to ethical issues or in some cases copyright or
intellectual property infringements. For example, ChatGPT gener-
ated script for a component (getLocation) that senses user location
in CampusBike system may lead to leakage of user location privacy
and non-compliant software with regulatory guidelines (GDPR,
CCPA etc.) that must be dealt with vigilance. In such cases, the role
of architect is critical to ensure the generated architecture does not
violate ethics or intellectual property rights (if any).
Biased Outputs: The biases in outputs of such conversational
bots can be attributed to a number of possible aspects including but
not limited to input, training data, and/or algorithmic bias. From
an architectural perspective, recommendation bias about specic
architectural modeling notation, tactic, pattern, or style etc. may
be based on its widespread adoption or bias in training data rather
than optimal use in a specic context. Moreover, architectural rec-
ommendations (specic style), design decisions (pattern selection),
or validation scenarios (evaluation method) may suer such bias to
produce sub-optimal artifacts in ACSE.
5.2 Threats to the Validity
Validity threats represent limitations, constraints, or potential aws
in the study that can aect the generalization, replicability, and
validity of results. Future work can focus on minimizing these
threats to ensure methodological rigor and generalization of results.
Internal validity examines the extent to which any systematic
error (bias) is present in the design, conduct, and analysis etc. of the
study. To design and conduct this study, and considering the internal
validity, we followed a systematic approach and utilized a well-
known architecting process [
] and architecture evaluation method
]. The case study based approach combined with incremental
architecting (Figure 3) helped us to analyze and rene the study,
however, more work is required to understand if the study can be
validated with a dierent architecting process or by adopting other
evaluation methods.
External validity examines whether the ndings of a study can
be generalized to other contexts. We only experimented with a sin-
gle case study of moderate complexity that can compromise study’s
generalization. Specically, scenarios with the increased complexity
of architecting process (cross-organisational development), class of
software to be developed (mission-critical software), and human
expertise (novice/experienced engineers) can aect the external
validity of this research. Future work is planned, highlighted in
the conclusions section, to validate the process of collaborative
architecting by engaging architecting teams and analyzing their
feedback to understand the extent to which the external validity
can be minimized.
Conclusion validity determines the degree to which the con-
clusions reached by the study are credible or believable. In order to
minimize this threat, we followed a three-step process (Figure 2) to
support a ne-grained process to architect the software and validate
the results (future work). Moreover, a case study based approach
was adopted to ensure scenario-based demonstration of the study
results. However, some conclusions (e.g., architect’s productivity,
ChatGPT’s ecacy) can only be validated with more experimenta-
tion involving multiple case studies, diverse teams, and real context
scenarios of collaborative architecting.
ChatGPT has emerged as a disruptive technology, an unprecedented
conversational bot, that mimics human conversations and generates
well-articulated textual artifacts (recommendation, scripts, source
codes etc.) - often referred to as a ‘solution that seeks a problem’.
Among a plethora of its use cases that range from content creation
to digital assistance and acting as a virtual teacher etc., ChatGPT’s
role as a DevBot and its capability to architect software-intensive
systems remain unexplored. This research investigates the potential
and perils of ChatGPT to assist and empower the role of an architect
who leads the process of architecting, and collaborate with a human
to enable ACSE. The research advocates that in the context of AI
for SE, traditional eorts of applying AI for tool-based automation
should focus on a broader perspective, i.e., enriching existing pro-
cesses by instilling intelligence in them via eorts like human-bot
collaborative architecting. The case study reects a practical case of
how a software can be architected with ChatGPT? and what factors
need to be considered in collaborative architecting? Variance in re-
sponses and artifacts, types of ethical implications, level of human
decision support/supervision, along with legal and socio-technical
issues must be considered while integrating ChatGPT in SE or ACSE
processes. The research needs empirical validations, grounded in
evidence and experimentation, to objectively assess factors like
enhancing engineers’ productivity, SE process optimization, and
assisting novice developers and designers to engineer complex and
emergent classes of software eectively with ChatGPT.
Needs for future research: We plan to extend this study as a
stream of research that explores human feedback and validation
(i.e., architects’ perspective) and integrating ChatGPT in a process
to develop software services for quantum computing systems. More
Towards Human-Bot Collaborative Soware Architecting with ChatGPT XXXX, XX-XX Month 2023, XX, XX
specically, quantum computing and quantum software engineer-
ing has emerged as a quantum computing genre of SE that faces
a lack of human expertise to synergize the skills of engineering
software and knowledge of quantum physics. We are currently
working in engaging a number of software development teams
with diverse demography attributes (e.g., geo-distribution, type of
expertise, level of experience, class of software system) in controlled
experiments to architect software systems using ChatGPT and doc-
ument architects’ responses. Specically, with a case study that
involves ChatGPT assisted architecting shall allow us to capture
feedback of architects via interviews or documents to empirically
investigate aspects like usefulness, rigor, acceptance, impact on
human productivity, and potential perils of ChatGPT in ACSE.
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