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International Journal of Research in Dermatology | March-April 2023 | Vol 9 | Issue 2 Page 81
International Journal of Research in Dermatology
Nayak L et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2023 Mar;9(2):81-84
Case Report
A case of successful yoga prana vidya energy healing treatment of
contact dermatitis caused by Holigarna ferruginea Marchand
Leelavathi Nayak, Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri*
Holigarna ferruginea Marchand
Holigarna is a genus of trees in the family Anacardiaceae
of the cashew, mango or sumac family. They grow
naturally in India (Kerala, Karnataka and Western Ghats),
and are known as Chere in Kannada.1 This is a poisonous
tree; if contacted unknowingly without protection, it would
irritate skin chemically and could result in irreversible skin
damage. Smoke from burning this wood is dangerously
disabling.2 Yet, it has several uses such as timber for
construction and agricultural implements, and its acrid
juice from the stem and fruit-rind is used as a black varnish
by the painters. Flowering and fruiting occur seasonally
from February to July.3 A study by Srinivas et al found that
contact dermatitis due to Holigarna ferruginea of the
family Anacardiaceae, was seen in 4 patients. In three
cases, the diagnosis was confirmed by patch tests. The
presence of pyrocatechol in the acrid juice was detected by
simple laboratory procedures.3
Figure 1: Holigarna ferruginea Marchand.
Source: www.pilikula.com
Contact dermatitis is a rash or a condition that makes skin red or inflamed with rashes and pain after direct contact with
an allergen or an irritant such as soap, cosmetics, fragrances, jewellery and plants. This paper presents a case of
Holigarna ferruginea Marchand induced allergic contact dermatitis successfully healed using yoga prana vidya (YPV)
healing protocols. This paper uses a case study method collecting patient data before and after healing, and details of
YPV intervention applied by trained certified healers for treating this patient. After one day healing, the patient's body
temperature became normal. After 2 days of healing, rashes and itching reduced. After further 5 days of healing, the
blister on the patient's right hand also completely healed. As an integrated holistic system, the YPV system of healing
has been found to be a less expensive modality without the use of any medications and without touching the patient.
The successful treatment of contact dermatitis using YPV techniques opens potential avenues for applying these
techniques for numerous other skin ailments. Further research is recommended.
Keywords: Yoga prana vidya system®, Contact dermatitis, Holigarna ferruginea Marchand
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2455-4529.IntJResDermatol20230456
Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Thally, Tamil Nadu, India
Received: 30 November 2022
Revised: 07 January 2023
Accepted: 10 January 2023
Dr. Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri,
E-mail: vsnanduri@yahoo.com
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nayak L et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2023 Mar;9(2):81-84
International Journal of Research in Dermatology | March-April 2023 | Vol 9 | Issue 2 Page 82
A study by Nayak et al reported the histological features
of both the bark and leaf of the poisonous plant Holigarna
ferruginea Marchand responsible for contact dermatitis.4
This paper presented a case report of contact dermatitis
induced by Holigarna ferruginea Marchand successfully
treated by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing protocols.
Yoga prana vidya system®
Yoga prana vidya system® of healing has been
successfully applied to a wide range of illness conditions
as complementary and as also as an alternative medicine,
as is evident from over 60 published research papers.5
YPV is an integrated and holistic system, which consists
of physical and breathing exercises, meditation techniques,
and bioplasmic (Pranic) energy healing techniques.
Literature shows published successful case reports on
applications of YPV include, treatment of difficult medical
cases, diabetes management and control, removing arterial
block in heart without surgery, vision improvements for
participants of an eye camp, improvements in holistic
wellbeing and immunity of participants in a one-month
YPV intensive programme,
Role of YPV in first aid and emergency, speedy recovery
of COVID patients, treatment of hypothyroidism, lowering
academic anxiety and enhancing academic performance of
high school children, saving life of a snake-bitten human
female, managing the pain and side effects of a Hodgkin
lymphoma patient undergoing chemotherapy, healing
treatment of a female patient suffering from kneecap
dislocation, treatment and cure of PCOS condition, a case
of breast cancer successfully treated, de-addiction cases,
etc.6-20 A review of published literature shows some
experimental studies also conducted with successful
outcomes such as improvements in the wellbeing of
prisoners, significant reduction in anxiety and depression
in corporate employees, and improvements in the
cognitive abilities and social behaviour of mentally
challenged children.21-23
Patient information
The patient is a 14 years old girl, resident of Karnataka
who was visiting her grandparents in their village in Udupi
district of Karnataka when this incident occurred.
Before YPV healing
There is a tree in that village called Chere tree in Kannada,
(botanical name Holigarna ferruginea Marchand), and the
villagers do not allow children to go near that tree as it
causes allergic dermatitis with symptoms such as rashes,
swelling, blisters and fever.
On 4th May 2022, this girl went near that tree and played
with the branch of the tree as she did not know that it
causes dermatitis. She experienced some itching in her
hand and body and she neglected it. Gradually she found
some rashes but did not inform parents. Next day rashes
increased all over her body with swelling and also got a
As she got a blister in her right hand and swelling with
rashes on face (Figure 2) her mother observed it, and
suspected possible contact with that tree which was
confirmed by the girl. Her mother consulted a doctor over
the phone who prescribed an antihistamine tablet to relieve
the symptoms of allergy. She took one tablet and the same
day she consulted a YPV healer and requested for healing.
Figure 2: (a) Blister in right hand; (b) swelling on
face; and (c) rashes on face.
YPV healing intervention
Healing started on 6th May 2022 for 20 minutes a day, with
the following protocols: (a) rhythmic yogic breathing
exercises every 2 hours for about 5 minutes using guided
track in YPV Sadhana app; (b) follow the light diet with
vegetables and fruits; (c) HDP L1 protocol for healing the
affected part; (d) standard YPV psychotherapy to reduce
the stress; (e) blood cleansing technique used for lungs; (f)
organs like liver, kidney and spleen are cleansed; (g)
affected parts like right hand, face, neck and entire body
are cleansed; (h) basic chakra and all other chakras are
cleansed and balanced; and (i) minor chakras of arms and
legs are cleansed and energised.
Patient progress due to YPV healing
Next day after the healing started, her body temperature
came to normal and swelling in face reduced. Gradually
after 2 days rashes in the face and body reduced and black
skin of blister in right hand disappeared (Figure 3).
Healing continued further. The affected part and body skin
got completely healed and became normal within 7 days
of healing (Figure 3) and healing was discontinued from
13th May 2022.
As the patient felt relieved of all symptoms, she felt happy
and showed interest to continue YPV practices using YPV
sadhana app and to learn YPV healing to become a healer.
Nayak L et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2023 Mar;9(2):81-84
International Journal of Research in Dermatology | March-April 2023 | Vol 9 | Issue 2 Page 83
Figure 3: (a) Blister healing progress; (b) blister fully
healed; (c) face rash cured; and (d) face rash and
swelling cured fully.
Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant skin reaction
caused by an external agent. It is observed that there is
scanty literature on use of bio-plasmic energy healing
techniques such as YPV to treat this condition. However,
there are several home remedies such as applying an anti-
itch cream or ointment, anti-itch drug, or applying cool,
wet compresses etc.
According to a study by Lakshmi et al, herbal and
ayurvedic medications, believed to be ‘mild’ and ‘natural’
are usually sought as the first line of treatment for allergic
dermatitis before resorting to ‘stronger’ allopathic
medication. There are very few reports of adverse
reactions to either topical and/or systemic ayurvedic
medications. Massage aromatherapy with ayurvedic oils
plays an important role in alleviation of pain.24
YPV protocols have been established as Complementary
and alternative medicine (CAM) to treat various types of
physical and psychological diseases and ill-health
conditions. Further research is recommended. YPV system
protocols are integrated and holistic, and a working
knowledge of the application of YPV techniques for
frontline medical workers such as doctors and nurses is
recommended to holistically treat and heal patients
We would like to thank to Sri Ramana Trust for permission
given to use their copyright terms Yoga Prana Vidya
System® and YPV®, and also to the patient and her family
for sharing the case details in confidence without
disclosing patient identity.
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required
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Cite this article as: Nayak L, Nanduri VS. A case
of successful yoga prana vidya energy healing
treatment of contact dermatitis caused by Holigarna
ferruginea Marchand. Int J Res Dermatol 2023;9:81-