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Mental Boundaries Relationship with Self-Esteem and Social Support: New Findings for Mental Boundaries Research



The current study examines Mental Boundaries and the relationship between self-esteem and social support. Thick and thin boundaries are a crucial part of Mental Boundary research. Currently, there is limited research on Mental Boundaries and their connection to counseling and other constructs. The current research study examines correlations between Mental Boundaries, self-esteem, social support, and understanding if Mental Boundaries and social support can predict self-esteem levels. By examining self-esteem and social support, the current study provides how Mental Boundaries can be adapted for counselors when working with clients. The current study found significant negative correlations between Mental Boundaries, self-esteem, and social support. However, linear regression found that Mental Boundaries and social support independently predicted self-esteem. Finally, the current discusses future research and the current study's limitations.
Mental Boundaries
Relationship with
Self-Esteem and Social
Support: New Findings
for Mental Boundaries
John R. Mathe
and William E. Kelly
The current study examines Mental Boundaries and the relationship between self-
esteem and social support. Thick and thin boundaries are a crucial part of Mental
Boundary research. Currently, there is limited research on Mental Boundaries and
their connection to counseling and other constructs. The current research study
examines correlations between Mental Boundaries, self-esteem, social support, and
understanding if Mental Boundaries and social support can predict self-esteem levels.
By examining self-esteem and social support, the current study provides how Mental
Boundaries can be adapted for counselors when working with clients. The current
study found signicant negative correlations between Mental Boundaries, self-esteem,
and social support. However, linear regression found that Mental Boundaries and
social support independently predicted self-esteem. Finally, the current discusses
future research and the current studys limitations.
mental boundaries, self-esteem, social support, counseling, college students
Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA
Neumann University, Aston, Pennsylvania, USA
Corresponding Author:
John Mathe, Department of Counseling and Development; Slippery Rock University; Slippery Rock,
PA 16057, USA.
Original Research Article
Imagination, Cognition and
Personality: Consciousness in
Theory, Research, and Clinical
© The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/02762366231158274
Boundaries are everywhere in the world around us. Many of these boundaries can be
seen, such as a fence that separates two houses or a river that keeps two towns apart.
Some boundaries are more complex, such as your personal space or a relationship with
a co-worker. Those types of boundaries can be clouded at times. Mental boundaries are
a complex construct that has not been explored in all counseling areas, such as the use
in a counseling session or from a developmental theory perspective. Understanding
mental boundaries and adapting this concept in the clinical world can help the devel-
opment of new interventions with clients, especially in the areas of self-esteem and
social support, which have never been researched before.
Hartmanns research classied boundary thickness into two types: thick and thin.
While most people are classied as having either thicker or thinner boundaries, the
healthiest form of boundaries is a mixture of both (Hartmann, 1984, 1991, 1997;
Hartmann, Rosen, & Rand, 1998; James, 1907). Hartmann (1991) found as James
(1907) surmised, that there are positive and negative characteristics to both thick
and thin boundaries.
Similar constructs to Hartmanns Mental Boundaries do exist. For example, com-
partmentalization of the self (Showers, 1992) has similar characteristics. According
to Showers and Zeigler-Hill (2007), individuals construct contextualized selves that
organize positive and negative beliefs about the self in a way that serves their goals
in life. The compartmentalized structure, hypothetically, helps to activate positive self-
beliefs and lessen negative self-beliefs (Showers & Zeigler-Hill, 2007). Like
Hartmanns thick and thin boundaries, the organization of self-structure can fall into
two types: evaluatively compartmentalized and evaluatively integrated (Zeigler-Hill
& Showers, 2007).
While compartmentalization and boundaries appear similar, they are conceptually
different. Compartmentalization appears more specically to reect aspects of the self-
structure as related to itself, i.e., distinguishing roles and positive and negative self-
denitions (Luo & Watkins, 2008), which would require more sophisticated thinking
and verbal skills and perhaps would develop later. Hartmanns (1991) boundaries
concept, on the other hand, appears to reect not only categorizations within the self
but also separation of inner and outer perceptual experiences and mental categories
more broadly, i.e., differentiating the self from others, which could conceivably
begin prior to development of object constancy (Hartmann, 1991). Boundaries and
similar concepts might involve a similar mechanism that involves splitting aspects
of the inner mind and distinguishing external realityfrom inner experiences with
various degrees of integration between thick and thin (i.e., McWilliams, 2011;
Kernberg, 1975).
An individual with very thick boundaries typically has a solid physical boundary or
sense of space and a clear social connection to others in a group. Individuals with thick
boundaries use black or white thinking and have difculty seeing in-between
2Imagination, Cognition and Personality 0(0)
(Hartmann, 1991, 1997; Hartmann et al., 1998). These individuals also clearly repre-
sent themselves and do not dene themselves by their relationships. Individuals with
thicker boundaries have a strong identity of who they are. These individuals have
clear lines of who they are and their various intersectional identities (Hartmann,
1991). In turn, thicker bounded individuals have a stronger group identity with like-
minded people (Hartmann, 1991). Thick bounded individuals have a clear focus and
can separate feelings from thoughts, and typically their mental state is sound.
Individuals with very thin boundaries tend to be the opposite of individuals with
thick boundaries (Hartmann, 1991). Individuals do not have a strong sense of phys-
ical space and feel they t in many groups and lack a clear connection to others.
Individuals with thinner boundaries have a difcult time identifying who they are.
These individuals can be more uid in their identity and tend to have many different
group identities; however, the ties to the groups are not very strong (Hartmann,
1991). These individuals have a hard time separating their feelings from thoughts,
lose their own identity in relationships, and have fewer psychological defenses
(Hartmann, 1991).
James (1890) suggested that striving to feel good about oneself is an essential aspect of
humans. Self-esteem refers to an individuals subjective evaluation of their worth as a
person (Rosenberg, 1965). Rosenberg (1979) described an individual with high self-
esteem as someone with self-respect, worthiness, fault recognition, and appreciation
of dignity. Therefore, low self-esteemrefers to people who lack self-respect,
seeing themselves as untrustworthy and meager (Rosenberg, 1979). Other researchers
have advanced this denition to include global feelings of self-worth, adequacy, self-
acceptance, and self-respect (Crocker & Major, 1989; Rosenberg, 1965). Individuals
need self-esteem and use various methods to raise self-esteem (Diener & Diener,
1995; Dunning et al., 1995; Epstein, 1973; Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Taylor &
Brown, 1988). The need for self-esteem helps individuals with their general compe-
tence, moral self-approval, power, and love worthiness (Epstein, 1973). In general,
self-esteem can motivate individuals to feel good about themselves (Markus &
Kitayama, 1991).
Self-Esteem and Mental Boundaries
There have been no known empirical studies on how thick and thin boundaries are
related to self-esteem. However, there have been suppositions by Hartmann (1997)
that leave room for further research to determine connections between boundaries
and self-esteem. Specically, Hartmanns ideas about how mental boundaries may
play into therapistsviolation of boundaries in a counseling relationship may be con-
nected to a potential relationship between self-esteem and boundaries.
Mathe and Kelly 3
Hartmann (1997) postulated that therapists prone to breaking ethical conduct were
denitively classied as thick-boundaried or thin-boundaried; they tend not to fall in
the middle of the continuum. According to Hartmann, boundary-violating therapists
with thin boundaries, especially within an interpersonal sphere, struggle to dene
therapy limits, failing to separate their own needs from their clients. These therapists
may fall in love with their clients, and some express guilt over this admission.
Celenza (1991) noted that these therapists might have misconstrued countertransfer-
ence, consistently avoiding clientsnegative feelings. Hartmann (1997) also explored
client violation from thick-boundaried therapists, whom he felt demonstrated a lack of
sensitivity or empathy and an unwillingness to acknowledge any harm done to a client.
Hartmanns (1997) notions are based solely on his observations and descriptions
he did examine the existence of the relationship between self-esteem and boundaries.
However, he did make this link indirectly and compared his ndings to Schoener and
Gonsioreks (1988) research on clinicians who had sexually exploited their clients.
Hartmann (1997) believed that the two distinct groups he analyzedthick-boundaried
and thin-boundaried therapistswere compatible with Schoeners and Gonsioreks
(1988) classication of client-exploiting therapists. Shoener and Gonsiorek (1988)
identied four groups of therapists that could be classied within Hartmanns (1997)
descriptions of thick and thin-boundaried therapists. Those in the rst groupwho
were psychologically healthy or only mildly neuroticwere generally aware of their
unethical nature and felt remorseful, extremely anxious, and depressed; these client
exploiting therapists had more characteristics of thin boundaries. Those in the
second group, who were severely neurotic and socially isolated, had longstanding emo-
tional problems, depression, feelings of inadequacy, andmost notably in the context
of this investigationlow self-esteem, had more characteristics of thin boundaries
(Schoener & Gonsiorek, 1988). Those in the third group who are impulsivewere
generally impulsive, prone to insurance fraud, sexual harassment of employees, and
lacked genuine remorse for the effects of their behavior on their victims; these
client-exploiting therapists had more characteristics of thick boundaries. Finally,
those in the fourth group, who were sociopathic or narcissisticalso have impulsive
tendencies, but what is different is these therapists is they are more intentional and
devious in their sexual exploitation of clients and use manipulation in order to avoid
consequences; these client-exploiting therapists also had more characteristics of
thick boundaries (Schoener & Gonsiorek, 1988).
Social Support
Shumaker and Brownell (1984) dened social support as an exchange of resources
between two or more individuals perceived by the provider or the recipient to
enhance the well-being of the recipient. Social support has also been described as
knowing that one is esteemed and part of a group (Pearson, 1986). Recent social
support investigations suggest that those with high levels of social support have
4Imagination, Cognition and Personality 0(0)
better emotional and physical health than those without social support (Bum & Jeon,
2016; Empadpoor et al., 2016; Kong et al., 2015; Shumaker & Brownell, 1984).
Furthermore, those with high levels of social support, on average, have more contact
and friendships with others, higher self-esteem, better skills for coping with stress,
fewer mental health problems, and lower mortality rates than those with poor social
support (Bum & Jeon, 2016; Kong et al., 2015; Pearson, 1986). In addition, researchers
have suggested that receiving social support from multiple sources helps form an indi-
viduals self-esteem (Goodwin & Plaza, 2000; Ikiz & Cakar, 2010).
Social Support and Mental Boundaries
The connection between mental boundaries and social support has never been explic-
itly studied before to our knowledge. The present review will draw theoretical connec-
tions in the absence of previous work investigating relationships between these two
constructs. Hartmann (1997) proposed that individuals with thinner boundaries have
lower self-esteem, so we can hypothesize they would benet from having a strong
social support system. This notion can be justied by acknowledging that individuals
with thinner boundaries have lower self-esteem because they lack a sense of self. A
better support system might enable these individuals to stay in touch with people
who can make them feel good about themselves. For instance, Goodwin and Plaza
(2000) found in their investigation of social support across individualist and collectivist
cultures that the more collectivist culture emphasizes group dynamics had higher social
support levels.
Further, Triandis et al. (1990), along with Goodwin and Plaza (2000), noted that
individuals with strong group identication levels typically have higher levels of self-
esteem. We can thus hypothesize two things about individuals with thicker boundaries:
They have higher levels of social support. Additionally, their strong sense of self and
group identity could reduce the need for social support. Identifying with a group of
people helps students get comfort and conde in others (Goodwin & Plaza, 2000;
Triandis et al., 1990).
Aim of Current Study
The current study aims to understand better the relationship mental boundaries have
with self-esteem and social support. Regarding the relationship between mental bound-
aries and self-esteem, there has been no empirical research to predict if mental bound-
aries can predict self-esteem levels. The researchers hypothesize that thicker
boundaries have higher self-esteem and higher social support for the current study.
Based on previous literature, there is a signicant relationship between thin boundaries
and neuroticism (Sand & Levin, 1996). Further, self-esteem negatively correlates with
neuroticism (Watson et al., 2002). There have been no direct studies on social support
Mathe and Kelly 5
and mental boundaries. However, previous research found that thinner boundaries are
associated with object relations difculties (Zborowski et al., 2003).
The researchers also consider Hartmanns (1997) suppositions on thin boundaries
and low self-esteem. Hartmann (1997) was able to hypothesize this claim through
his breakdown of different types of counselors, according to Schoener and
Gonsiorek (1988). Finally, a linear regression was run to investigate if mental bound-
aries and social support predict levels of self-esteem. This is a more exploratory ques-
tion since these constructs have never been used together.
In order to determine an appropriate sample size likely to reveal statistically signicant
effects in the current study, a power analysis was conducted using G-Power (Faul et al.,
2009). Effect sizes within the boundary literature range from r=.16 (Costa et al.,
1991; Robins et al., 2001) to r=.19 (Kwan et al., 1997). Using these effect sizes as
guidelines for an anticipated average effect size of r=.17 in the current study,
along with a signicance level of p< .05, the power analysis yields a necessary
sample size of N=266.
The sample consisted of 295 (98 males, 194 females, 3 other) students enrolled in
undergraduate courses at a medium-sized university in the United States. The average
age of the sample was 20.34 (SD =3.18). The sample was predominately of White,
non-Hispanic origin (n=251, 85.1%). The remainder of the participants identied
as Asian/Pacic Islander (n=18, 6.1%), Black/African American (n=14, 4.7%),
Hispanic/Latino (n=9, 3.1%), and Another Race/Ethnicity (n=3, 1%).
After IRB approval participants were recruited via email from a medium sized univer-
sity in the United States and linked to Qualtrics to ll out a survey on Mental
Boundaries. After providing informed consent, participants completed an anonymous
online Qualtrics survey at their own pace. There was no time limit for questionnaire
completion, and no exclusionary criteria were imposed. Data from all participants
was used. SPSS 26 for Windows was used for all statistical analyses.
Hartmanns (1991) Boundary Questionnaire, the Boundary Questionnaire-18 (BQ18),
is a self-report inventory to identify the thickness levels of studentsmental boundaries
(Hartmann, 1991). This is the best-established survey scale measuring boundaries, and
the BQ18 is preferred to the full-length version due to its brevity in a longer
6Imagination, Cognition and Personality 0(0)
questionnaire. The BQ was highly positively correlated with the totals on the BQ18 (r
=.87). The mean correlation and standard deviation for the 18 original BQ items
selected for the BQ18 was r=.36 and SD =.09, respectively.
The BQ18s scoring for clinical purposes is more transparent than the full BQ
(Aumann et al., 2012). Therefore, there are no absolute cutoff points for the BQ18.
However, Kunzendorf et al. (1997) suggested that thick boundaries score less than
or equal to 29, and medium boundaries (a combination of thick and thin boundary char-
acteristics) score between 30 and 42. Thin boundaries score greater than 42 (on a total
scale of 0 to 72). The BQ18 uses a four-point Likert scale (0 indicates not at all true of
me; 4 indicates very true of me). An example of a question is my feelings blend into
one another.
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) is a self-report inventory that identies the
students level of self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965). Using the RSES is based on the
strong Cronbach coefcients, usually above .80 across self-esteem studies
(Heatherton & Wyland, 2003). The RSES is also a simple measure to administer,
and the brevity of the scale leads to participant focus. The RSES uses a four-point
Likert scale (1 indicates strongly disagree;4strongly agree). An example of a
question is I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) is a self-report
inventory to identify studentslevels of social support (Zimet et al., 1988). This study
chose this instrument due to its brief and concise scale design. The MSPSS uses a
seven-point Liker scale (1 very strongly disagree;7very strongly agree). An
example of a question is there is a special person who is around when I am in need.
Statistical Analysis
Coefcient alpha was used to determine the reliability of all multi-item scales. Pearson
correlations were used to determine the relationship between social support and self-
esteem, mental boundaries and self-esteem, and mental boundaries and social
support. Finally, a linear regression was run to understand the interaction effects of var-
iables on each other.
All assumptions for correlations and linear regressions have were met. There were
no extreme outliers in the data set. Q-Q-Plots were examined and were found to be
normal. Multicollinearity was examined by variance ination factors (VIF) which
were all less than 5. Scatter plots were examined and were found to be homoscedastic.
Preliminary Analysis
Pearson correlations were run to understand if there is any relation between age, mental
boundaries, self-esteem, and social support. Age and social support yielded a
Mathe and Kelly 7
signicant negative weak correlation (r=-.121, p< .05). Mental boundaries and self-
esteem had non-signicant correlations with age. The researchers also examined if
there are any gender differences in mental boundaries, self-esteem, and social
support. Mental boundaries and self-esteem yielded non-signicant ndings. Social
support did have a signicant difference (Male M=5.22, SD =1.11; Female M=
5.52, SD =1.15), t(290) =-2.20, p< .05, with gender.
Scale Reliabilities
Reliability analysis was run for each scale that was used in the study. The full BQ18
scale had an alpha level of .69. The RSES had an alpha level of .91, and the
MSPSS had an alpha level of .92. The range of alpha levels (.69.92) for each of
the scales in this study roughly met the conventional cutoffs for acceptable reliability.
However, the reliability of the BQ18 was at the low end of this range (see Tabachnick
et al., 2019).
A Pearson correlation coefcient was calculated between participantsmental bound-
aries (as measured by the BQ18) and self-esteem. The results showed a statistically sig-
nicant correlation between mental boundaries and self-esteem. Specically, a
signicant, moderated-sized, negative correlation was found (r=-.38, p< .001)
whereby thicker boundaries were related to higher self-esteem.
A Pearson correlation coefcient was calculated between participantsmental
boundaries (as measured by the BQ18) and social support. The results showed a stat-
istically signicant correlation between mental boundaries and social support.
Specically, a signicant, weak, negative correlation was found (r=-.24, p< .001)
whereby thicker boundaries were related to more social support.
Linear regression was calculated with social support, mental boundaries, and the
interaction between mental boundaries and social support to predict self-esteem. The
model account for a signicant 29% (Adj R2) of the variance in self-esteem, (F
(3,291) =40.70, p< .001). Examination of the within group predictors, mental bound-
aries (β=-.28, t=5.58, p< .001) and social support (β=.40, t=7.86, p< .001)
independently predicted self-esteem. The interaction between mental boundaries and
social support had a non-signicant nding (β=-.39, t=-.783, p=.434)
The purpose of the current study was to understand and examine the relationship
mental boundaries, self-esteem, and social support have with each other. Further, the
current study investigated how mental boundaries and social support may predict
levels of self-esteem.
8Imagination, Cognition and Personality 0(0)
Results were consistent with expected results. In addition, correlations were found
to be signicant. The correlation between mental boundaries and self-esteem yielded a
signicant negative correlation, and more specically, thinner boundaries have lower
self-esteem, and thicker boundaries have higher self-esteem. This current nding can
support Hartmanns (1997) suppositions that individuals with thinner boundaries
have lower self-esteem. The current nding also aligns with Hartmanns (1991)
description of individuals with thinner boundaries, such as having trouble nding a
group of individuals to connect with.
The correlation between mental boundaries and social support yielded a signicant
negative correlation, and more specically, thinner boundaries have lower social sup-
ports and thicker boundaries have higher social supports. This nding supports the rst
correlation between mental boundaries and social support. In addition, it has been
found that individuals with more substantial levels of social support typically have
higher self-esteem (Goodwin & Plaza, 2000; Triandis et al., 1990). The current
research has answered a question that has never been asked before; however,
Hartmann (1991) suggested that individuals with thicker boundaries have a strong
sense of group identity.
Based on the current study, there can be more evidence that thicker boundaries typ-
ically have higher self-esteem and social support. These ndings align with
Hartmanns (1991) descriptions of thin and thick boundaries and Hartmanns (1997)
suppositions about self-esteem and thin boundaries. The current study also can add
to previous literature. Zborowski et al. (2003) found that thinner boundaries are asso-
ciated with object relations difculties, and the current study shows that thinner bound-
aries have lower social support. Sand and Levin (1996) found a relationship between
thin boundaries and neuroticism, and self-esteem is negatively correlated with neurot-
icism (Watson et al., 2002).
Further investigating these constructs, the linear regression shows new data on
how mental boundaries and social support may predict self-esteem. The new nd-
ings suggest that independently mental boundaries and social support inuence
self-esteem. With these ndings, it can be suggested that an individualsmental
boundaries or social support can predict an individuals self-esteem. However,
the interaction between mental boundaries and social support did not inuence
the prediction of self-esteem. They may be due to the lower correlation between
social support and mental boundaries and not having the strength to have any sig-
nicance together.
Limitations were considered in the current study. First, the population for the current
study was primarily white women. Having a more diverse population may enrich the
results. Another limitation considered was the limited previous research on mental
boundaries, self-esteem, and social support. This is new territory in mental boundary
Mathe and Kelly 9
literature and self-esteem and social support; however, there is only a limited selection
of literature to build off.
Because there is no available research on mental boundaries, self-esteem, and
social support correlations were used to begin operationalizing mental boundar-
ies more. Correlations, however, does not mean causality. The current study has
signicant ndings, but more research in that area will be done. With the lack of
research on mental boundaries, it can be hard to understand what they are and
are not. In addition, there have been limited studies on mental boundaries and
how they relate to other personality measures and constructs. The current
research, in many ways, is a start to provide empirical data on mental boundaries
and other constructs. However, the authors recognize that there is still more to be
Future Research
Future research considerations for the current research include more investigations on
the relationships between mental boundaries, self-esteem, and social supportthe
current study started by providing signicant results that have never been empirically
found. By having concrete evidence there can be more studies done on what makes
these relationships signicant and how mental boundaries can be used in a helping pro-
fession, especially counseling.
The authors will be conducting more research on mental boundaries and other
personality measures to provide more evidence of mental boundaries. By doing so
there can be more evidence of mental boundaries as a personality measure.
Furthermore, mental boundaries can be incorporated into the counseling eld.
There may also be other constructs that t well with mental boundaries, giving a
more precise and more measurable working personality inventory. Integrating
empirically sound research with mental boundaries will make it a more vital and
valuable tool when working with or characterizing individuals. In many ways, the
authors will work on making mental boundaries a helpful tool for researchers and
The current research study also sheds light on other constructs related to thick
or thin boundaries. The researchers believe that the current ndings can help nd
Boundary Equilibrium.”“Boundary Equilibriumis a new term created by the
authors to nd a balance between thick and thin boundaries. For example, under-
standing that relationships between self-esteem and social support show ways to
move an individual to have thicker boundaries and vice versa. Finding the
balance between thick and thin boundaries can help in counseling and
helping individuals have healthier lives. Further, additional research is
needed to empirically examine the separateness and potentially shared mecha-
nisms between psychological boundaries and similar constructs such as
10 Imagination, Cognition and Personality 0(0)
Declaration of Conicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no nancial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
John R. Mathe
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Mathe and Kelly 13
... Conversely, very thick structures might facilitate rigid overly organized conceptions and can reduce adaptability (Hartmann, 1991). A healthy psychic structure appears to include boundary structures that allow for relatively consistent organization of schemas but enough flexibility for adaptation (Mathe & Kelly, 2023). ...
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Nightmare proneness, a trait-like tendency to experience nightmares frequently, has been found to predict nightmares independent of maladjustment markers and involve vulnerability, psychical dysregulation, and a concretizing defensive style. However, research has not investigated possible etiological factors of nightmare proneness itself. The current study examined some hypothesized etiological factors of nightmare proneness. Measures of nightmare proneness, nightmare frequency, behavioral activating system, behavioral inhibition system, arousability, executive functioning, anxious and avoidant attachment, trauma, and psychic structure were completed by a sample of 110 university students. Findings supported that nightmare proneness might be influenced by activation of the behavioral inhibition system, avoidant attachment, and trauma symptoms after adjusting for age, gender, mental health concerns, and complex trauma sequelae. Psychic structure did not appear essential for development of nightmare proneness but influenced the relationship between nightmare proneness and nightmare frequency. The results and possible adjustments to a previous model of nightmare proneness are discussed.
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Three studies examined whether categorical organization of knowledge about the self explains variance in self-esteem and depression beyond that which is accounted for by sheer amount of positive or negative content. Compartmentalization is the tendency to organize positive and negative knowledge about the self into separate, uniformly valenced categories (self-aspects). As long as positive self-aspects are activated, access to negative information should be minimized. Compartmentalization was associated with high self-esteem and low depression scores for individuals whose positive self-aspects were important; when negative self-aspects were important, compartmentalization was correlated with low self-esteem and high depression scores. An analysis of self-aspect labels showed that individuals with compartmentalized organization define negative self-aspects in especially narrow terms. A possible relationship between compartmentalized organization and cognitive complexity is discussed.
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The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between perceived social support and psychological well-being among students based on mediating role of academic motivation. Participants were 371 female high school students from second and third-grade students who were randomly selected by applying a multi-stage cluster sampling technique in Tehran, Iran. To examine the research variables, Psychological Well-being Questionnaire of Ryff (1989). Social Support Appraisals Scale of Vaux et al. (1986). and Academic Motivation Measure of Harter (1981) were used. Data analysis was done by calculating correlation coefficients and path analysis. The findings showed that the perceived social support directly and positively influence significant psychological well-being and academic motivation. The path analysis revealed that perceived social support might indirectly have an effect on psychological well-being through mediating role of academic motivation. The perceived social support explained 13 % of the academic motivation variation, and academic motivation predicted 37 % of variation in psychological well-being.
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The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between dream structure, the concept of boundary structure, and the Big Five personality dimensions. Dream structure was assessed with the recently developed Düsseldorf Dream Inventory, which is based on a factorial assessment of dream structure. Dream structure was correlated with boundary structure (Boundary Questionnaire) and personality dimensions (Big Five Inventory) in 1,958 participants in an online study. The results show that boundary structure, openness to experience and neuroticism were associated with dream structure. Participants with thin boundaries had a higher dream recall frequency (DRF), considered their dreams to be personally more significant, exhibited more bizarre and aversive dreams, and more incorporation of elements from waking life. Openness to experience was positively correlated with DRF and personal significance of dreams. Neuroticism was correlated positively with aversive dreams, more incorporation from waking life, and personal significance of dreams. The present results confirm previous correlations between dream structure and personality and identify dream structures that are relevant for these associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
One of the great American pragmatic philosophers alongside Peirce and Dewey, William James (1842–1910) delivered these eight lectures in Boston and New York in the winter of 1906–7. Though he credits Peirce with coining the term 'pragmatism', James highlights in his subtitle that this 'new name' describes a philosophical temperament as old as Socrates. The pragmatic approach, he says, takes a middle way between rationalism's airy principles and empiricism's hard facts. James' pragmatism is both a method of interpreting ideas by their practical consequences and an epistemology which identifies truths according to their useful outcomes. Furnished with many examples, the lectures illustrate pragmatism's response to classic problems such as the question of free will versus determinism. Published in 1907, this work further develops James's approach to religion and morality, introduced in The Will to Believe (1897) and The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), both reissued in this series.
We examined structural relationships between physical education students’ social support and social self-esteem, depression, and happiness. Participants (N = 311) completed measures of perceived social support from parents, professors, and peers, and of the students’ levels of depression, happiness, and self-esteem. Results showed that parents’, professors’, and peers’ social support were significant antecedent variables that increased the students’ self-esteem, that parents’ and professors’ social support were associated with lower depression, and that high self-esteem was associated with greater happiness and lower depression. The latter association, however, was not significant. Results indicated that social support and high self-esteem are useful resources that help college students live happy lives by promoting positive emotions. © 2016 Scientific Journal Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.
To assess concordance between the Hartmann Boundary Questionnaire and the Eysenck Personality Inventory, 35 subjects, all musicians, completed both measures. A significant correlation of .50 was found. Thus, the construct of boundaries as an aspect of personality is further validated.
Boundaries in the mindâ–”the relative â–˜thinnessâ–™ and â–˜thicknessâ–™ of many kinds of boundariesâ–”has been studied as a measurable dimension of personality. Persons scoring â–˜thinâ–™ overall on the Boundary Questionnaire can be described as open, trusting, vulnerable, and usually having a rich fantasy life; they are people in whom â–˜everything gets throughâ–™. People who score very â–˜thickâ–™ tend to be solid, well-organised, and sometimes rigid. The relationship of boundaries to other measures of personality, to dreams and nightmares, to clients' occupations and interests, and finally to the conduct of psychotherapists and counsellors, including the question of boundary violations, is discussed. Some boundary violators have very thin boundaries and are unable to maintain clear distinctions between the client's needs and their own; others have relatively thick boundaries which make them insensitive to the damage that boundary violations can cause. Awareness of the client's boundaries and one's own can be useful in â–˜matchingâ–™ a client with a therapist and in the conduct of therapy, especially at stressful times. It is also useful at times to discuss boundaries with clients.