Conference PaperPDF Available

A Comparison of Conventional Face-to-Face, Online and Hybrid Methods of Course Delivery in the 'English as a Foreign Language' Classroom

  • Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia


The advent of online and hybrid learning in the English as a Foreign Language classroom has sparked an extended debate. This paper aims to contribute to this ongoing debate by scrutinizing the effectiveness of the three different instructional methods: online, hybrid, and conventional face-to-face classrooms for the teaching of English grammar in the EFL setting. Students in online sections reported more challenges than those in the hybrid and face-to-face sections. The implications of this study are discussed in this paper.
 
        
          
 
Research Article
A Comparison of Conventional Face-to-Face,
Online and Hybrid Methods of Course
Delivery in the `English as a Foreign
Language' Classroom
Alberth, La Ino
          
         English as a Foreign Language
            
          
         
            
            
     
Keywords:     
1. Introduction
            
            
          
         
          
          
            
              
          
              
          
           
             
              
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      2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural
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    
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   
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   
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          
             
           
           
             
           
          
   
         
           
        
  
2. Literature Review
           
         
            
          
        
           
             
            
              
           
         
     
          
            
           
           
          
             
  
 
          
            
            
  
           
         
              
             
           
              
            
      
            
          
            
              
            
            
     
            
             
         
           
            
           
            
           
           
            
       
             
            
         
           
  
 
           
         
              
          
           
             
           
         
            
          
          
           
           
             
   21−24       
         
           
           
         
            
            
            
           
   
3. Research Questions
      
            
      
            
    
   
 
4. Methods
4.1. The Course
            
            
            
    
4.2. Participants
            
           
            
           
           
            
         
4.3. Procedure
              
          
            
           
            
           
4.4. Data Analysis
         
            
         
         
           
  
 
       
Mode Activities Time
Face-to-face   
 
Online    
   
  
 
  
Hybrid  
  
 
  
  
   
 
 
  
            
 
5. Findings and Discussion
5.1. Findings
             
           
            
         
             
            
          
            
             
       
         
       F  p > 
     M    M     M
            
              
               
  
 
              
 
Pre-test Post-test Gain Scores
Figure         
Pre-test Post-test Gain Scores
Figure         
Pre-test Post-test Gain Scores
Figure         
  
 
             
            
       
        
             
             
           
       
      
        
  
  
  
   
   
   
  
    
   
  
   
  
  
    
  
  
 
  
  
  
   
 
  
 
      
      
   
   
   
   
  
   
     
     
 
  
 
  
 
5.2. Discussion
               
          
           
           
            
          
  
 
            
            
                
            
             
           
            
            
           
           
              
      
        
            
           
           
            
         
           
           
              
            
           
           
            
            
    
           
          
           
           
           
             
            
  
 
             
          
             
            
          
           
            
         
            
          
          
            
          
                
            
     
           
           
            
              
             
            
               
             
  
6. Conclusion
          
          
         
               
           
            
          
   
 
           
         
           
           
               
           
              
           
           
      
         
         
 
               
        
       
           
      
          
         
 
               
          
        
             
     
          
        
  
            
        
   
   
 
             
       
 
           
         
  
           
       
          
         
          
        
       
             
 
            
      
            
        
           
             
       
          
         
         
 
           
         
 
            
 
           
        
   
   
 
           
         
           
       
        
            
         
            
   
          
           
               
         
      
         
   
            
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Research background: E-learning and e-working collaborated on a voluntary basis for long. The global COVID-19 lockdown enforced them to a rapid worldwide transition to work, teach, and learn from home. Purpose of the article: Our main aim is to identify the interrelations between e-learning and e-working during the pandemic period. Considering e-working as the 1st pillar and e-learning as the 2nd pillar, we ask: What structure can we build above them? What are its global features? Methods: Our study uses a comparative analysis. We juxtapose results of a survey among 120 full-time Austrian e-workers on their experience with e-working and e-learning with one of 172 university teachers in Czech and Slovak Republic. Our findings can be applied far beyond their local frontiers. Findings & Value added: Among the employees, 40% are facing some difficulties with face-to-display work. Only 40% of the employees would like to work at cubicles after the pandemic, 30% prefer hybrid (combination of online and on-site) and 30% full e-working. 75% of e-workers participated in online courses. 45% of them wander whether schools and universities are prepared for e-learning. 60% highlight that education system needs to invest in its ICT to be better prepared for online education; 70% recommend hybrid education as the optimal solution. 40% of them believe that online learning is more challenging compared to traditional onsite learning. Some of their suggestions contradict the opinion of university educators. A majority of them considers online education as a temporary replacement.
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p class="16">Online microteaching classes allow the student to practice their teaching ability using the online platform. This case study attempted to find out the perspective of teacher trainees using real-time feedback and peer observation of online microteaching classes. The researcher focused on 3rd year microteaching students in 2020/2021 at one of Indonesia's state universities. In this qualitative case study, the researcher used multiple data collection techniques. The researcher uses a questionnaire from (Eksi, 2020) with some changes to suit the purpose of this study in collecting data. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to 40 teacher trainees who already practiced online microteaching and got real-time feedback from the lecture and their peers. The teacher trainee showed a positive perspective in using real-time feedback. They thought the process helped increased their professional development. Many student-teachers were engaged in giving real-time feedback to other student teacher's performance. They realized that real-time feedback helped them positively. However, the results found that most of the teacher trainees believe that the direct observation from two or three students was enough. Teacher trainees also thought that online classes are increasing the opportunity for misunderstanding.</p
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Through the use of existing grade and student survey data, this study investigated online courses offered at a public four-year university. Specifically, the study explored differences in student success rates between online and face-to-face courses for traditional undergraduate students as well as the climate of student perceptions towards online courses. Our general results suggest that students performed better in, and had higher levels of preference toward, traditional face-to-face formats. However, overall perceptions of online courses were positive, with students viewing instructional technologies as reliable and easy to use, as well as reporting that online technologies facilitated prompt feedback, enhanced their problem-solving skills, and met their learning needs. Alongside this, students exhibited positive views towards their instructors’ skill level and use of technology to support academic success. Logistic regression analyses of differences in student success across instructional formats revealed interaction effects with variables of age (nontraditional/traditional), aid status and whether or not courses were taken to fulfill general education or major requirements, suggesting a more complex effect of instructional format across student subpopulations. The variability in the results observed in the current study warrant further exploration before definitive conclusions on the impact of instructional format on student outcomes and perceptions can be made.
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With the proliferation of online courses nowadays, it is necessary to ask what defines the success of teaching and learning in these new learning environments exactly. This paper identifies and critically discusses a number of factors for successful implementation of online delivery, particularly as far as online language learning is concerned. These include student and teacher characteristics, instructional design, provision of support to instructors and students, technology, and language skills characteristics. I argue that these factors need to be carefully considered when designing online language learning simply because they could potentially impinge on students' learning and learning experience in these new learning environments.
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Despite the growing body of literature on training in the responsible conduct of research (RCR), few studies have examined the effectiveness of delivery formats used in ethics courses (i.e., face-to-face, online, hybrid). The present effort sought to address this gap in the literature through a meta-analytic review of 66 empirical studies, representing 106 ethics courses and 10,069 participants. The frequency and effectiveness of 67 instructional and process-based content areas were also assessed for each delivery format. Process-based content were best delivered face-to-face, whereas content delivered online were most effective when restricted to compliance-based instructional content. Overall, hybrid courses were found to be most effective, suggesting that ethics courses are best delivered using a blend of formats and content areas. Implications and recommendations for future development of ethics education courses in the sciences are discussed.
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Online learning and teaching is pervading higher education (HE) and many Universities are faced with the challenge of incorporating technology in education to meet the needs of students. The objective of this paper is to examine the implications of introducing a hybrid learning approach at the University of Guyana. A rationale has been established as to why this need is so germane. Literature has been reviewed and discussed, concerning face to face (F2F), online and blended instruction and the pertinence of these in current HE pedagogies. Special emphasis is paid to the transformative potential of blended learning to confront HE challenges and produce lasting learning experiences. A mandatory rethinking and restructuring of students’ experiences has also been highlighted. Administrative and leadership issues are dealt with and an action plan outline to introduce and employ a blended learning approach is offered. Conclusions are drawn from the information presented, with a view to establishing that hybrid learning sustains the values of conventional HE establishments and, irrefutably, possesses the power to engender significant educational experiences.