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The success of an organization is heavily reliant on the creativity of its employees. Research has shown that transformational leadership is a critical factor in fostering employee creativity in an organization. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate employees to go beyond their job requirements and think outside the box. This study aims to investigate the effect of transformational leadership on employee creativity in an organization. Using a quantitative research approach, data was collected from employees of various organizations through a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire contained items on transformational leadership behavior and employee creativity. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity. The results showed a significant positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity in organizations. Furthermore, the study found that the effect of transformational leadership on employee creativity was mediated by employee empowerment. Transformational leaders empower employees by providing them with autonomy, resources, and support to carry out their work. Employee empowerment was found to significantly mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity. The findings suggest that organizations should focus on developing transformational leaders who can inspire and empower their employees to be more creative and innovative in their work.

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... With a sample of 30,383 students from 62countries, the survey discovered that students were most satisfied with the support provided by teaching staff and their universities' public relations during the worldwide closure and transition to online learning. Arora & Srinivasan (2020), in their study established the rate of virtual class adoption as well as the numerous benefits, obstacles, and causes for virtual class nonadoption [18,19]. The study looked at the replies of 341 teachers from Ghaziabad's higher education institutes and identified the encounters of non-adoption of virtual classes and also suggested the ways to overthrow them. ...
... To minimise longer periods of unemployment, policies should promote the entry of recent graduates into the labour market. [18,19] According to the study [20,21], educational institutions should conduct research to disseminate and document the pandemic's impact on the educational system. In addition, educational institutions must design curricular methodologies that are more sensitive to students' learning demands outside of traditional classrooms. ...
... The effects of Covid-19 on HEIs (Teaching and Learning) in India are discussed in this study paper [19,20]. The study's goals are to determine the links between virus in fection and higher education institutions, as well as to identify curative techniques for educational institutions and to investigate the impact of the Corona virus outbreak on India's higher education system. ...
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Education is the process through which a mature human mind evolves from a child's mind. Education is a means for disseminating information about both known and unfamiliar topics. It will enable the human brain to comprehend known and unfamiliar concepts in greater depth. As days pass, so do educational methods, which shift according to the needs of the hour. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, all educational institutions have moved to virtual courses and an online education system that is separate from the actual surroundings. The present study examines the impact of COVID-19 on teaching effectiveness in higher education in Pathanamthitta District in Keralausing random sample method. Structured questionnaire has been used for data collection with a sample of 90 teachers. For analyzing the impact of COVID 19 on teaching effectiveness, traditional and online teaching has been analysed using paired sample t-test,correlation and descriptive statistics. The study analysed that there is an impact of online education onteachingeffectivenessduringCOVID-19. The study also identified the relationship of class control, network connectivity and awareness in technology with teaching effectiveness in online education.
... That types of a trend is converting to delivery apps.People are become more lazy.In covid time people can't go out side because of the government rules and regulations. This will crate a good floor for delivery app companies [5,12,13]. Many of the shops and company change there business to online. ...
... By offering delivery services for free, apps are able to attract more customers, who in turn are likely to use the app more frequently. This is another strategy that has been adopted by a number of delivery apps in order to attract more customers [8,11,12,14]. By offering delivery services for free, apps are able to attract more customers, who in turn are likely to use the app more frequently. ...
... This helps to increase customer loyalty and encourage them to use the app more often. By adopting these strategies, delivery apps in Bangalore are able to attract more customers and increase their market share [11,12,13]. ...
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This article aim to explore Residence and overcoming strategies of delivery apps in covid time at Bangalore. The study carry out using a some delivery app related articles. The results showed that a positive waves happen in the period of covid 19. It will help to delivery apps because of the conditions and also government regulations. This opportunity is utilized by the delivery apps company's give more advertising and good offers to attract the customer and also they create trust on them. Considering the last-mile delivery service supply chain as a social ecological system Rather than just a firm-based service system, we exploit the COVID-19 pandemic disruption to Investigate how the supply chain develops resilience from a viewpoint that integrates a social-ecological perspective with the traditional engineering one. The results of the study show that the four variables of innovation, namely business strategy innovations, technological innovations, financial innovations and social innovations, exert different effects on behavioral intention and attitude towards using the order & delivery platforms. The results of the study can be key points in the more efficient management of material, financial and human resources, thus improving the commercial performance of restaurants.
... The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the field of education, and teachers have been at the forefront of navigating these challenges. The literature on the resilience of teachers during the pandemic is emerging, with researchers exploring various aspects of this topic [17,18,19]. Several studies have highlighted the adaptability and flexibility exhibited by teachers during the pandemic. ...
... The codes were then organized into broader themes, which were reviewed and refined through an iterative process of analysis. The themes were validated through discussions with the research team and by comparing them with the original data [11,12,18,19,20]. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the education sector, particularly for teachers who were suddenly tasked with adjusting to new teaching modalities and managing the emotional needs of their students while navigating their own personal challenges. In this paper, we explore the resilience of teachers during the pandemic and examine whether they have the capacity to cope with future outbreaks. Using a qualitative research approach, we analyzed interviews with teachers to gain insights into their experiences during the pandemic and the coping strategies they employed. Our findings suggest that teachers demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, utilizing a range of coping strategies including seeking social support, maintaining a positive outlook, and adapting to changes. However, the impact of the pandemic has also highlighted the need for better support for teachers, particularly in terms of their mental health and wellbeing [24,25,26]. While the extent to which teachers can cope with another pandemic remains uncertain, our study highlights the importance of providing teachers with the necessary support and resources to enhance their resilience in the face of future challenges.
... The dependent variable for the study is the performance of MSME business units in South Kerala. [13,14,15] [5] "Governance refers to the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of a country's affairs, including citizens' articulation of their interests and exercise of their legal rights and obligations. E-Governance may be understood as the performance of this governance via the electronic medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating information to the public, and other agencies, and for performing government administration activities" (UNESCO-International Organization). ...
The article gives the result for a study on e-governance and its impact on the performance of MSME units registered in South Kerala, India (Trivandrum, Kollam and Pathanamthitta districts). The variables of the study are usage of E-governance (independent), five benefit factors (mediators) and the performance of business units (dependent). District Industry Centre Kollam, Trivandrum and Pathanamthitta in South Kerala, India has supported a lot for this study. For data collection, survey method is adopted and a set of structured close-ended questionnaire is used. There were 4175 registered MSME units as per MSME facilitation Act 2019 till March 2021 in South Kerala, and out of that, 418 samples were selected using stratified random sampling. All the questionnaires got filled completed. The response rate of this study is considered as excellent and the selected sample size is good enough for parametric tests (Hair et al., 2019). Data analysis has been performed using SPSS software. The study shows that the usage of E-governance in the MSME units has a positive impact on the business performance. The framework presented in the study would be useful for various stakeholders or the elements of e-governance like government bodies, business institutions and citizens for decision making and transparency in their relation.
... A study by Rani et al. (2020) identified the formation of support groups and engagement in activism as critical coping mechanisms adopted by the community. Similarly, a study by Saji and Nair (2019) highlighted the role of community-based organizations in raising awareness of the health risks posed by the waste plant[17,18,19].Overall, the literature review highlights the negative impacts of waste treatment facilities on public health and the importance of community resilience in mitigating these impacts. The case of Kochi illustrates the potential of community resilience in addressing environmental health hazards, and the study aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on this topic.JETIR2304851Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) ...
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This study aims to examine the resilience of the people of Kochi towards the health hazard posed by the Brahmapuram waste treatment plant. The plant has been a source of concern for residents due to its harmful emissions, leading to numerous health issues. The research uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through interviews, surveys, and observations. The findings suggest that the people of Kochi have exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of this health hazard. They have developed coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with the negative impacts of the waste plant, such as raising awareness, forming support groups, and engaging in activism. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of community resilience in addressing environmental health hazards. Policymakers and stakeholders can use the findings to develop more effective and sustainable waste management policies and strategies that prioritize the health and wellbeing of the community.
... The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews, to collect data from a sample of teachers. The study aims to provide insights into the experiences and perspectives of teachers regarding administrative tasks and how they handle the added workload [8,9,10]. ...
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This study examines the impact of imposing administrative tasks on teachers' productivity and resilience. Administrative duties are increasingly becoming a part of a teacher's job, and this has raised concerns about their ability to handle these additional responsibilities without compromising their core teaching duties. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and interviews, to collect data from a sample of teachers. The findings suggest that the imposition of administrative tasks does have a significant impact on teachers' productivity, with many reporting feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, the study also reveals that teachers demonstrate resilience in the face of these challenges, finding ways to manage their workload and maintain their commitment to their students. These findings have implications for policymakers and school administrators, who must balance the need for administrative tasks with the wellbeing of their teaching staff.
... A study of 489 middle school students found that parental support was associated with lower levels of depression and better academic performance. Furthermore, the study found that parental support mediated the relationship between depression and academic performance, suggesting that fostering parental support may be an effective way to promote resilience among students with depression [25,26]. ...
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Depression can have a profound impact on students and their academic performance. While depression may cause a range of negative symptoms such as low motivation, poor concentration, and fatigue, it is important to note that not all students with depression experience the same symptoms. Furthermore, resilience is a critical factor in determining how students cope with depression and overcome its impact. Resilience can be fostered through a variety of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and social support networks. Teachers and school staff play a key role in identifying students who may be struggling with depression and helping them access appropriate resources. By promoting resilience and addressing depression proactively, schools can help students thrive academically and emotionally, setting them up for success in the long term.
... For example, students can learn to set boundaries and manage their phone usage, ensuring that they have time for other activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, socializing with friends, and engaging in hobbies or interests. Resilience can also be developed through building a support network, such as seeking guidance and support from friends, family, or mental health professionals [13,14,15]. Students can also develop resilience by cultivating a growth mindset, which involves adopting a positive attitude towards challenges and setbacks and focusing on learning and growth rather than failure. ...
... The study found that teachers faced significant challenges in adapting to the new assessment framework, including a lack of understanding of the new assessment methodologies and the need to balance the demands of the new framework with existing teaching practices. The study emphasized the importance of ongoing professional development and support for teachers to ensure the successful implementation of educational policies [15,21,22]. ...
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This paper examines the introduction of the new educational policy in Karnataka in 2023 and the resilience of teachers towards its implementation. Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with teachers and educational policymakers, this study sheds light on the challenges faced by teachers in adapting to the new policy and the strategies they employed to overcome these challenges. The findings suggest that while the new policy brought about significant changes in the educational landscape, teachers exhibited remarkable resilience and adaptability in implementing it. This study contributes to the ongoing dialogue around educational policy and highlights the critical role of teachers in the successful implementation of reforms. Furthermore, this paper discusses some of the key features of the new educational policy in Karnataka, including changes in curriculum design, assessment methodologies, and teacher training programs. It explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of these changes, highlighting the areas where further research and evaluation are needed. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of ongoing support and training for teachers to ensure the successful implementation of the new policy and to enhance the quality of education in Karnataka. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of educational policy implementation and underscores the need for a collaborative and responsive approach to reform efforts.
... A sales team is most interested in converting those who have some awareness of the brand into customers to earn a profit. They interact with customers and answer their questions to provide relevant information about the product or service [32,33,34]. ...
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Marketing is dynamic and impactful. The details differ between industries, but at its most basic marketing is how businesses reach prospective customers and communicate the unique benefits of a product or service. It encompasses all the activities that companies undertake to promote, sell, and distribute that product or service. Your target audience must first be aware that your product or service exists before you can hope to inspire a purchase. An essential function in any business, marketing supports efforts to acquire, keep, and grow customers. But marketing does not end there — ongoing engagement also helps build loyalty and establish a long-term relationship. Effective programs and campaigns reach and engage audiences, differentiate the company from competitors, and support larger business objectives, such as increasing sales or expanding to a new market. Marketing is the process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods and services; potentially including selection of a target audience; selection of certain attributes or themes to emphasize in advertising; operation of advertising campaigns; attendance at trade shows and public events; design of products and packaging attractive to buyers; defining the terms of sale, such as price, discounts, warranty, and return policy; product placement in media or with people believed to influence the buying habits of others; agreements with retailers, wholesale distributors, or resellers; and attempts to create awareness of, loyalty to, and positive feelings about a brand. The term marketing, what is commonly known as attracting customers, incorporates knowledge gained by studying the management of exchange relationships and is the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' needs and wants.
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The increasing trend of Indian youth leaving the country to settle abroad has sparked debates on whether it is alarming or beneficial for the nation. This abstract explores the various implications of this trend, highlighting both positive and negative aspects. While the movement of Indian youth to other countries can lead to cultural exchange and global mobility, it may also lead to a loss of talented individuals, resulting in a "brain drain" effect. This paper seeks to provide a balanced perspective on the issue and to encourage further research and policies to create an environment that encourages young people to contribute to India's growth and development.In addition, it is crucial to acknowledge the underlying factors driving this trend, such as lack of employment opportunities, economic instability, and social constraints. Addressing these issues would not only help retain Indian youth but also enhance the country's potential to compete globally. Furthermore, it is essential to recognize the role of technology and the impact of digitalization, which has created new opportunities for remote work and entrepreneurship. By leveraging technology, India can create an environment that encourages innovation, enables access to global markets, and attracts talent, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and development. Therefore, addressing the issue of Indian youth migration requires a holistic approach that involves addressing the root causes while leveraging new opportunities to enhance the country's competitiveness.
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This study aims to examine the compensation policy of Jindal Aluminium Ltd, one of India's leading players in the aluminium industry, and its impact on employee satisfaction. The study will analyze the compensation policy of Jindal Aluminium Ltd in detail and benchmark it against industry best practices. By conducting surveys among employees and analyzing the company's compensation policy, this study will seek to identify the key drivers of employee satisfaction with the compensation policy at Jindal Aluminium Ltd. The study's findings will not only be relevant for Jindal Aluminium Ltd but also for other organizations in the aluminium industry and beyond, as a well-designed compensation policy is critical to attracting and retaining talented employees and fostering a positive work culture.
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Raising employee satisfaction at work is one of the key options being addressed by business executives as they work hard to raise the competitive potential of their firms. This paper investigates the impact of Psychological Capital on job satisfaction of faculties of selected private professional colleges of South Kerala. Psychology has long been associated with mental disease or instability, but recent research has demonstrated that this is not the case. Employees with a positive psychological outlook might be a valuable addition to the company's growth. Key elements of employee psychological capital are hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism. The study scrutinizes the relationship between psychological capital and job satisfaction of faculties and also its impact. A sample size of 136 respondents was selected for the study. Collected data was analysed using Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The study recognized that there is a significant relationship between psychological capital ad job satisfaction. It is also identified from the study that not all but the components self-efficacy and hope have a positive impact on job satisfaction.
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Over the past few years, digital networking sites have seen a remarkable global evolution. Digital networking sites have currently ingrained themselves into every employee's daily routine and had a beneficial or negative impact on their performance. This study investigates how digital media significantly affects performance of teachers in selected higher secondary schools in rural areas of Alappuzha District, Kerala. Higher education faculty personnel are crucial to the development of students, society, and the country as a whole. This study evaluates the topographies work oriented usage, social oriented usage, availability and permanence of digital media and how they affect work performance when used for social or professional purposes. For the study 82 correctly completed surveys were received out of a total of 100. The items are measured using a five-point Likert scale. Literature by many authors was analysed and thoroughly discussed in order to explore crucial issues.
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