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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
RNTuple performance: Status and Outlook
To cite this article: Javier Lopez-Gomez and Jakob Blomer 2023 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2438 012118
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (2023) 012118
IOP Publishing
RNTuple performance: Status and Outlook
Javier Lopez-Gomez1, Jakob Blomer1
1EP-SFT, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
E-mail: {javier.lopez.gomez,jblomer}@cern.ch
Abstract. Upcoming HEP experiments, e.g. at the HL-LHC, are expected to increase the
volume of generated data by at least one order of magnitude. In order to retain the ability to
analyze the inux of data, full exploitation of modern storage hardware and systems, such as
low-latency high-bandwidth NVMe devices and distributed object stores, becomes critical.
To this end, the ROOT RNTuple I/O subsystem has been designed to address performance
bottlenecks and shortcomings of ROOT’s current state of the art TTree I/O subsystem.
RNTuple provides a backwards-incompatible redesign of the TTree binary format and access
API that evolves the ROOT event data I/O for the challenges of the upcoming decades. It
focuses on a compact data format, on performance engineering for modern storage hardware,
for instance through making parallel and asynchronous I/O calls by default, and on robust
interfaces that are easy to use correctly.
In this contribution, we evaluate the RNTuple performance for typical HEP analysis tasks.
We compare the throughput delivered by RNTuple to popular I/O libraries outside HEP, such
as HDF5 and Apache Parquet. We demonstrate the advantages of RNTuple for HEP analysis
workows and provide an outlook on the road to its use in production.
1. Introduction
HEP storage systems are generally tuned for write-once-read-many columnar access. Since its
inception, the ROOT project[4] supports the columnar storage of arbitrary C++ types and
collections through TTree. However, the expected increase in the amount of experiments data
that needs to be processed and the fact that TTree was not designed to make optimized use of
modern hardware and storage systems, called for a new, modernized re-engineering of TTree.
RNTuple is the new, experimental, backward-incompatible ROOT columnar I/O subsystem
targeting high performance, reliability, and easy-to-use robust interfaces. Despite RNTuple still
being under development, at this point it is feature-complete enough to carry out an evaluation.
In this paper we contribute with the following:
•A performance evaluation of TTree, RNTuple, and other well-known storage alternatives
outside HEP: Apache Parquet and HDF5. Compared to a previous publication[1], we
evaluate RNTuple focusing on dierent storage devices and a dataset with nested collections.
•A feature comparison and perspectives of using RNTuple in production.
2. ROOT’s RNTuple overview
The design of RNTuple[3] comprises four layers: (i) event iteration layer, that oers a convenient
interface for looping over events; (ii) logical layer, that maps complex C++ types onto columns;
(iii) primitives layer, which groups ranges of elements of a fundamental type into pages; and
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (2023) 012118
IOP Publishing
(iv) storage layer, that is responsible for the I/O of pages, clusters, and required metadata. This
design makes it simple to support new data types or storage backends.
A page contains a certain range of values for a given column, whereas a cluster contains
pages for a specic row range. Metadata includes a header that describes the data schema and a
footer that contains the location of clusters and pages, among other information. Header/footer
locations and their sizes are included in an anchor object. Figure 1 shows a simplied example
of the on-disk layout.
Header Page
struct Ev en t {
int fId;
vector<Pa rt ic le >fPtcls;
struct Pa rt ic le {
float fE;
Figure 1. RNTuple on-disk format. Pages store values for a specic data member (note the
color coding).
3. Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate RNTuple w.r.t. TTree and other well-known I/O libraries outside
HENP: HDF5 and Apache Arrow/Parquet. Specically, Section 3.1 compares the support level
of important HENP I/O layer features. A quantitative experimental evaluation is provided in
Section 3.2.
To make a fair comparison, all our test programs were written in C++ and parameters such
as row group size, page size, and compression algorithm and level were set to match in all cases,
where permitted. For Apache Parquet, we leveraged the Parquet-Arrow API permitting the
convenient use of nested data structures and lists. For HDF5, however, the columnar storage of
heterogeneous data types or nested collections thereof is not a trivial problem. Parts of our test
code bridge this gap and allows switching between alternate data layouts simply by changing a
C++ template parameter. Specically, this layer provides the following layouts:
•Row-wise: uses HDF5 compound types and variable-length types to represent nested
structures and collections, respectively. This layout creates a single dataset whose type is
the outer-most data structure and its dataspace dimension is 1×N.
•Column-wise: emulated columnar layout that uses one HDF5 dataset per column of a
fundamental type, as described in [7]. Collections are translated to a HDF5 group and one
additional index column.
In any case, HDF5 datasets are chunked. Given that chunks are individually accessed and
(un)compressed, their size will be equal to the RNTuple or Parquet page size in all of our tests.
The chunk cache size is set to the default size of a RNTuple cluster.
3.1. Qualitative evaluation
In Table 1, we compare the level of support of dierent must-have features in a HENP I/O layer.
Compression is, in general, supported by all the analyzed storage formats; however, the native
support for dierent algorithms greatly varies, e.g. HDF5 only supports zlib and szip. Vertical
and horizontal data combinations refers to extending the dataset with new entries or columns,
respectively. To the best of our knowledge, Apache Arrow allows reading rows from many les,
but it is unclear whether new columns can be made available. Similarly, columnar access to
multilevel nested structures and collections in HDF5 is unclear. Schema evolution, i.e. handling
changes in the data schema such as adding, removing or changing the type of a column, is only
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (2023) 012118
IOP Publishing
Transparent compression (1) • • •
Columnar access (2) • • •
Merging without uncompressing data ••
Vertical/horizontal data combinations /••
C++ and Python support /• • •
Support for structs/nested collections ?• • •
Architecture-independent encoding • • • •
Schema evolution ••
Support for application-dened metadata ••
Fully checksummed • • •
Multi-threading friendly •• • •
Native object-store support • • •
XRootD support • •
Automatic schema creation from C++ classes • •
On-demand schema extension (backlling) ••
Split encoding / delta encoding ••
Variable-length oats (min, max, bit size) ••
•Supported •Planned / Under development /Partial / Incomplete ?Unclear
(1) Only for chunked datasets (2) Via emulated columnar
Table 1. Comparison of features available in TTree, RNTuple, HDF5, and Apache
supported in TTree; preliminary support for this feature in RNTuple is foreseen for Q2 2022.
Native support for object stores is available in HDF5, RNTuple (DAOS), and Apache Arrow
(S3). Finally, split encoding typically improves the compression ratio by reordering bytes in
integer/oating point numbers, so that the n−th byte of each value is contiguous in memory.
3.2. Experimental evaluation
In this section, we provide experimental measurements of the analysis throughput, total amount
of bytes read, and le size for TTree, RNTuple, HDF5 (both row-wise and column-wise) and
Apache Parquet in a variety of situations. The hardware and software environment, datasets
used, and test cases are described in the following.
Hardware and software environment. Our benchmarks ran on a single node based on 1×AMD
EPYC 7702P 64-Core processor running at 2 GHz, and 128 GB DDR4 RAM. SMT was enabled,
although disabling it yielded similar results for the workload in our tests. This machine is also
equipped with a Samsung PM173X NVMe SSD, and a TOSHIBA MG07ACA1 SATA hard disk
drive. A ext4 lesystem resides on each drive using a 4KB block size and default mount options.
CephFS was used as the network lesystem for tests that operate over a network share.
The software environment is based on CentOS Linux 8.3 (kernel 5.15.1), Apache Arrow 5.0.0,
HDF5 1.10.5, and ROOT git revision 5001281762 built with g++ 8.4.1.
Test cases. The experiments ran in the evaluation have used the following datasets as input:
•LHCb Run 1 Open Data B2HHH (B meson decays to three hadrons). No nested
collections, containing 8.5 M events, 26 branches1. The compressed le size is 1.1 GB.
•CMS Open Data Higgs →4 leptons MC. NanoAOD-like[6] format, 300 k events, 84
branches. This dataset was concatenated 16 times so as to make a larger le of ∼2.1GB.
We carried out two dierent experiments[2]: (i) running a simple analysis program over the
LHCb dataset that generates the B mass spectrum histogram and measures the end-to-end, i.e.
from storage to histogram, analysis throughput in uncompressed MB/s; and (ii) measurement
1In TTree, the term “branch” refers to a column; usually, both terms can be used interchangeably.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (2023) 012118
IOP Publishing
of the read rate in uncompressed MB/s for both the LHCb and the CMS datasets, retrieving all
entries in 10 selected branches.
The original les were in TTree format. In a rst stage, a third program is used to generate the
equivalent les for each of the other formats (HDF5 row-wise, HDF5 column-wise, and Apache
Parquet). All les taken as input by the benchmark programs use zstd with compression level 5,
except for HDF5 that uses zlib with compression level 3 given that HDF5 lacks native support
for zstd. RNTuple and Apache Parquet multi-threaded I/O and (un)compression was enabled
in all cases. RNTuple benchmarks use a cluster prefetch value of 5.
Each experiment and storage format combination is run four times, diering on the location
of the input le: CephFS, SSD, HDD. To ensure that data is forcibly read from the underlying
storage, the Linux page cache is cleared prior to running each test. A fourth iteration uses the
same input le as in the HDD case but does not clear the page cache before the test is executed.
Additionally, we measured the total le size after conversion and the raw bytes read by each
experiment–format pair, as reported by the vmtouch[5] tool. In all the plots shown below, the
data point and error bars (where applicable) refer to the average and minimum/maximum values
measured over 10 executions, respectively.
In a rst stage, we measured the analysis throughput for all combinations of format and
storage device for the LHCb dataset. The analysis program requires reading 18 out of 26
columns. As can be seen in Figure 2, RNTuple speedup over Apache Parquet is between ×1.4
and ×2.2 depending on the scenario. Also note that the performance of HDF5 is severely aected
by the lack of multi-threaded I/O and decompression.
HDD SSD CephFS HDD warm cache
uncomp MB/s
Figure 2. LHCb B2HHH analysis throughput (18/26 branches; compressed).
Whereas the previous plots give an idea of the performance of each candidate, these results do
not represent the behavior in case of accessing collections. In a second experiment, we measured
the read rate in uncompressed MB/s for 10 columns of both the LHCb and CMS dataset.
This test allows us to compare the performance dierences for collections. As can be seen in
Figure 3, for the LHCb dataset, RNTuple’s worst result is comparable to Apache Parquet. In all
the other tests, RNTuple outperforms other alternatives. For the CMS dataset, RNTuple worst
case achieves at least the same result as Parquet. Dierences between both plots is explained
by the use of dierent column types (double w.r.t. float) and the presence of collections.
Finally, we measured the compressed le size and total bytes transferred during the last test
for the CMS dataset (see Figure 4). As can be seen, RNTuple provides the smallest le while
the amount of bytes read is about the same as Parquet. It is worth noting that HDF5 row-wise
does not read the whole le if the compound type denition provided at run-time misses some
members w.r.t. the committed (on-le) type; however, the throughput in this case is extremely
low (<1MB/s; see Figure 3.b).
4. Conclusion and future work
RNTuple is able to deliver the highest throughput among the analyzed alternatives in all of
our tests thanks to its performance-tuned implementation and parallel I/O scheduling and
decompression. The latest developments are available in the ROOT::Experimental namespace.
The feature roadmap aims at complete support for the HENP event data storage use case.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2438 (2023) 012118
IOP Publishing
HDD warm cache
uncomp MB/s
(a): LHCb B2HHH (10/26 branches; compressed)
HDD warm cache
uncomp MB/s
(b): CMS Higgs4Leptons (10/84 branches; compressed)
TTree RNTuple Parquet HDF5/row-wise HDF5/column-wise
Figure 3. Read rate (uncompressed MB/s; 10 selected branches). Note the low (<10 MB/s)
transfer rate for HDF5 in the CMS case.
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25
GB (109bytes)
Read bytes
File size
Figure 4. File size and raw bytes read for the CMS dataset (10/84 branches).
RNTuple is expected to become production grade in 2024. A number of important features
are scheduled for 2022: schema evolution, on-demand addition of new columns to the model,
complete support for vertical/horizontal data combinations, and merging without uncompressing
pages, only to name a few. As a future work, we also plan to compare the performance achieved
by the RNTuple and HDF5 DAOS connectors.
This work beneted from support by the CERN Strategic R&D programme on Technologies for
Future Experiments (CERN-OPEN-2018-06).
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Ser. 1085.3 (2018), p. 032020. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1085/3/032020.
[2] J. Blomer et al. ROOT RNTuple Virtual Probe Station. Accessed: 2022-02-10. url:https:
[3] Blomer, Jakob et al. “Evolution of the ROOT Tree I/O”. In: EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020),
p. 02030. doi:10.1051/epjconf/202024502030.
[4] Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. “ROOT—An object oriented data analysis framework”.
In: Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A: accelerators,
spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 389.1-2 (1997), pp. 81–86.
[5] Hoyte Doug. vmtouch: the Virtual Memory Toucher. 2012. url:https://hoytech.com/
[6] Rizzi, Andrea, Petrucciani, Giovanni, and Peruzzi, Marco. “A further reduction in CMS
event data for analysis: the NANOAOD format”. In: EPJ Web Conf. 214 (2019), p. 06021.
[7] S. Sehrish et al. “Python and HPC for High Energy Physics Data Analyses”. In: 7th
Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientic Computing. 2017.