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Proceedings of 24th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means 2020.
Future Stations Solutions within IN2STEMPO Project of Shift2Rail
E. Wawrzyn1, G. Stencel2
1IK Railway Research Institute, Ch opickiego 50, 04-275 Warsaw, Poland, E-mail:
2IK Railway Research Institute, Ch opickiego 50,04-275 Warsaw, Poland, E-mail:
One of an important element of the railway system are stations. They are addressed in the project Innovative Solutions
in Future Stations, Energy Metering and Power Supply called IN2STEMPO within Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking of
Horizon 2020. The IN2STEMPO Future Stations projects actions lead to improve the quality of customer service and
safety at stations, thus providing better experience for passengers using the railway. Research is focused on improved
station concepts and responds to evolving passenger needs in terms of information, technologies, punctuality, crowd
management, accessibility including persons with reduced mobility, to transit busy stations and to switch modes.
KEY WORDS: Future Stations, Shift2Rail, Rail Transport, Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020
1. Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking
The railway of the future must meet the predicted increase in customers demand in relation to provided
services, meet the environmental challenges of the 21st century, and achieve the European Unions policy objectives.
The European research and innovation program for rail is currently the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (Shift2Rail), which
is a separated initiative established under Horizon 2020 dedicated entirely to rail transport [9]. The Shift2Rail is a new
public-private partnership launched for the period 2014-2024 to coordinate research activities and provide innovations
through a comprehensive approach focusing on the needs of the rail sector [3, 6]. Shift2Rail as a platform for
conducting scientific research has an overreaching goal to integrate research and innovation results in relation to
passenger rolling stock, freight transport, traffic management systems and infrastructure from the concept stage to
market launch. The core objectives of setting the Shift2Rail are following [11]:
support the creation of a Single European Railway Area (SERA) leading to achieve seamless rail transport
across the Europe. This should be done by removing technical barriers hindering the railway sector in the field of
interoperability ensuring that technical solutions work properly together;
radical strengthening of the competitiveness and attractiveness of the European railway industry, which is
facing the growing competitiveness of producers from the United States and Asia;
maintaining and strengthening the leading position on the global market in relation to rail products and
services through R&I activities that will provide competitive solutions and by stimulating and accelerating the
introduction of innovative solutions to the market.
The objectives of Shift2Rail are to be achieved by supporting research and innovation (R&I) related activities
with public and private sector funding. The Initiative is partly financed from the budget of the eighth framework
program Horizon 2020 from European Union funds, and partly from funds from private entities.
In addition to the European Union, which is a Founding Member of the Initiative, Shift2Rail has eight other
Founding Members and nineteen Associate Members, selected through a two-stage competition announced in 2014,
who declared a significant financial contribution towards the implementation of Shift2Rail's long-term goals as laid
down in the Master Plan [7, 8]. The Founding Members include key producers: Alstom Transport, Ansaldo STS,
Bombardier Transportation, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF), Siemens AG, Thales as well as
infrastructure managers: Trafikverket and Network Rail. The following entities have obtained the status of an
Associated Member: the AERFITEC consortium, Amadeus IT Group SA, AZD Praha sro, the CFW consortium,
Deutsche Bahn AG, DIGINEXT, the EUROC consortium, Faiveley Transport, HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH,
Indra Sistemas SA, Kapsch CarrierCom, Knorr-Bremer MER MEC SpA, Patentes Talgo SL, consortium Railenium
Swi'TRACK'EN, consortium Smart DeMain, consortium SmartRaCon, SNCF, consortium Virtual Vehicle Austria.
Participation in Shift2Rail is also possible for stakeholders who are not direct members of the initiative, through open
calls for submitting project applications as part of open competitions announced by Shift2Rail.
According to the EC decision, the estimated total budget of Shift2Rail is EUR 920 million [7]. The EC's
contribution to the initiative is EUR 450 million and comes from Horizon 2020. Compared to the previous seventh
framework program (2007-2013), the EC's financial support for research activities in the railway sector has increased
more than tripled. The remaining financial contribution to Shift2Rail is 470 million euros and comes from the Founding
Members (270 million euros) and Associate Members (200 million euros).
The activities of the Shift2Rail are identified in a common, forward-looking strategic Master Plan and are
organised around five key "Innovation Programmes" [5, 8]:
IP 1: cost-efficient and reliable trains, including High-Speed and high-capacity trains;
IP 2: advanced traffic management & control systems;
IP 3: cost-efficient and reliable high capacity infrastructure;
IP 4: IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services;
IP 5: Technologies for Sustainable & Attractive European Freight.
Each of the IP identifies the challenges, objectives and research activities to be implemented through the
research and innovation projects.
2. IN2STEMPO Project
The IN2STEMPO project addresses the topic of Smart system energy management solutions and future station
solutions of the 2017 Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail Call for proposals for the Joint Undertaking Members (S2R-CFM-IP3-
01-2017) [10]. The IN2STEMPO is related to the IP3 (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Relation of the IN2STEMPO project with Shift2Rail Innovation Programmes [2]
The project started on 1st September 2017 and will continue until 31st August 2022 under the coordination of
Network Rail. The consortium consists of nineteen participants and eight Linked Third Parties (LTP) (Fig. 2). IK
Railway Research Institute is a linked third party of Polskie Koleje Pa stwowe (PKP). The total budget of the project
yields of 13.6 M with max. EU contribution of nearly 6 M.
The ambitions of Shift2Rail which are inherited by IN2STEMPO project require substantial ground-breaking
improvements in the energy technology area and station area addressed by the project. All of the individual Work
Package task activities have been developed with respect to the technical progress beyond the current State of the Art.
The railway stretches across most of Europe and impacts millions of lives. It contributes to economic and social
development, bringing jobs, transport links and other benefits to local communities. It is also increasingly a relatively
clean form of transport that is a contributor towards reducing global CO2 emissions, improving air quality and
proactively manage biodiversity. These are collectively termed as the three pillars of sustainability:
1. People (Social Impact) the railway has a long history of improving the quality of life for people who are
able to use it. This includes local job creation and increasing incomes, increase in local businesses and recreational
facilities, reduction in social deprivation and provision of local, regional and long-distance transport.
2. Planet (Environmental Impact) the railway provides a means of low-carbon transport for both passengers
and freight and is a key part of reducing carbon emissions and tackling future climate change. It can also significantly
improve air quality in major cities and contribute towards improving biodiversity and the local ecology.
3. Profit (Economic Impact) improving rail infrastructure has a positive impact on local businesses and
national GDP. Improving the connectivity of national cities as well as European countries will also increase tourism and
other commercial activities (retail, leisure etc) [6].
The IN2STEMPO research contributes towards these three pillars of sustainability and will further enhance and
expand on the benefits experienced by local communities and wider European society.
Fig. 2 IN2STEMPO project partners
Fig. 3 Work packages of the IN2STEMPO project
IN2STEMPO fulfills the Shift2Rail objectives and aims to develop criteria for intelligent, economical and user-
friendly high-capacity stations, taking into account functional aspects for all categories of passengers (elderly, blind,
with limited mobility), safety standards, solutions for multimodality and interoperability, reduction of energy
consumption, systems passenger information and small stations and their importance for the European rail network. The
IN2STEMPO is divided into two sub-projects: energy and stations (Fig. 3).
Smart Power Supply means combining energy resources into one network, forming a system of interconnected
vessels. Such a network will enable the integration of smart metering data collection systems, innovative power
electronic devices, energy management systems and energy storage systems. This will improve train operations, reduce
electricity costs and increase the security of energy supp ly for rail infrastructure. The system will be useful not only at
the operation and maintenance stage, but also at the investment stage.
Intelligent metering systems consist in creating a network of intelligent metering sensors in the railway system.
Within the system, it will be possible to aggregate and analyse data. Applications used in the system will allow for
energy analysis, which will be used to improve decision-making on the energy used. Within the system it will be
possible to create preventive maintenance plans, improve the process of asset management, as well as life cycle cost
The IN2STEMPO Future Stations objective is to improve customer experience and security in large and high
capacity stations during standard operations and emergency cases. Research is focused on improving passenger flows
management in high capacity stations, station design and components, accessibility to trains for all user groups and new
ticketing technologies, leading to increase capacity, enhancing interoperability and providing better experience for
passengers using the railway.
3. Future Stations Concept
The IN2STEMPO Future Stations project is a challenge to develop a station design method using cost -effective
solutions and technologies that will have a positive impact on station management. A railway station is a showcase for
rail transport, so customer growth can be achieved by improving passenger service and experience at the stations.
The subproject "Future stations" focuses on four work packages:
Crowd management in high-capacity stations: a tool for crowd management, especially in emergency
situations, will be developed in order to ensure a smooth journey from start to finish as well as to suppo rt operational
strategies (WP6);
Better station designs and elements: typical small station designs will be developed to allow low energy
consumption and the use of modern materials to meet passengers' needs (WP7);
improving train availability - platform-train interface: proven methods will be provided to ensure safe
crossing of the space between platform edge and train floor edge (WP8);
safety management in public areas: improve security within the station and in the public areas immediately
surrounding the station including specification development of resistant materials (including glass) WP9.
The following partners participate in the WP6÷WP9 packages:
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (NR);
Ansaldo STS S.p.A. (ASTS);
CAF Turnkey & Engineering Sociedad Limitada (CAF);
Infraestruturas DE Portugal SA (IP);
Liikennevirasto (FTA);
OBB-Infrastruktur AG (OBB);
Polskie Koleje Pa stwowe Spóka Akcyjna (PKP);
Slovenske Zeleznice DOO (SZ);
Thales Services SAS (THA).
The following linked third parties are involved in these packages:
Construcciones y auxiliar de Ferrocarriles Investigación y Desarrollo, S.L. (CAF I+D), affiliated or l inked to
IP Patrimonio - Administracao E Gestao ImobiliariA, SA (IP Patrimonio), affiliated or linked to IP;
Hameen Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (HAMK), affiliated or linked to FTA;
Instytut Kolejnictwa (IK), affiliated or linked to PKP;
Promeni Institut Ljubljana DOO (PI), affiliated or linked to SZ;
Slovenske Zeleznice-Potniski Prometdruzba ZA Opravljanje Prevoza Potnikov V Notranjem In
Mednarodnem Zelezniskem Prometu DOO (SZ-PP), affiliated or linked to SZ.
4. Role of IK in the Project
IK conducts the research in the following work packages of IN2STEMPO:
WP06 - Crowd Management in High Capacity Stations;
WP07 - Improved Station Designs and Components;
WP08 - Improved Accessibility to Trains - Platform Train Interface;
WP10 - Technical Co-ordination and Technology Demonstrators Integration;
WP11 - Dissemination, Communication and Exploitatio.n
Work Package 6 aims to improve the safety of large stations both in normal operation and in emergency
situations, which will have a positive impact on passenger experience. The task uses a 3D simulation system,
implemented on the basis of the existing station, which will allow to provide a solution in the TRL6 phase. IK
participates in behaviour models definition and integration of data sources, models and crowd simul ation.
In work package 7, the work focuses on improving the design of small stations. This will enable reduction of
construction and maintenance costs of such facilities.
Work Package 8, which is coordinated by IK, includes the following tasks:
improving safety in the Platform Train Interface (PTI), thereby increasing the accessibility of trains for all
groups of passengers;
indication of methods to allow safe access to trains with different floor heights while maintaining a short
period of platform occupancy by the train;
analysis of parameters related to PTI (different floor heights in trains, platforms in the curve) in the context
of the impact on accessibility;
Presentation of new PTI solutions to improve train availability conditions at existing stations.
Work Package 10 aims to ensure the coherence of the project with other IN2STEMPO activities. The
coordination will benefit from the integration of the work package leaders' activities and streamline organisational work
in the project.
The tasks in work package 11 are to disseminate the results and outcomes of the project, especially to target
groups (e.g. railway operators). Thanks to the creation of effective communication tools, the conclusions of the project
can be used by a wide audience.
5. Progress of Work in the Project
The first phase of the project consisted mainly of verifying the state of the art on the issues under consideration
and creating assumptions for planned analyzes. A great added value in the project is the presence of representatives of
countries where there is a railway network with different technical parameters - several nominal track widths, as well as
various gauges that are related thereto. Team members include representatives of infrastructure managers of individual
countries, which is helpful in analyses carried out in the project due to the easy availability of valuable data.
Communication between team members takes place through face-to-face joint meetings several times a year, periodic
teleconferences, as well as by phone and e-mail.
The WP6 package has started substantial analytical work on crowd management at large stations. The analyses
are conducted on the basis of the existing station with high passenger traffic.
A technical demonstrator was designed in the WP7 package in the form of a station object with low traffic load.
It plans to use innovative materials and technologies.
The WP8 package analysed the problems associated with the platform-train interface that occur in various
European countries [1]. Work on creating assumptions for the technical demonstrator has begun.
6. Conclusions
Railway stations in large agglomerations have become large centers of commercial, service and social activities.
As a result, there are problems related to congestion, lack of comfort for passengers and the need to ensure safety in
crisis situations.
The objective of the Future Stations is to optimise station management by creating cost effective solutions and
developing technologies. It also aims at improving the customer experience at stations and delivering better services,
ultimately, resulting in an increased number of railway customers.
Improving the offer of rail services requires a focus on customers needs, including passengers with reduced
mobility. This goal can be achieved, among others, through extensive use of universal design, which not only
passengers with reduced mobility, but also other groups of passengers will positively feel [2, 4].
The IN2STEMPO project has received funding from Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union's
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777515.
Research work financed from funds for science in 2018-2022 granted for the implementation of an international
co-financed project.
1. Poli ski, J. 2019. Gap Between the Coach and Platform Solutions for Improving Train Accessibility, Railway
Reports 182: 153-167.
2. Poli ski, J.; Ochoci ski, K. 2019. Methodology for the Development of a Disability Strategy at Passenger Stations,
Railway Reports 184: 99-106.
3. Wawrzyn, E. 2016. Shift2Rail Investments in Innovations. Warszawa: Prace Naukowe Politechniki
Warszawskiej, 585 p. (in Polish).
4. Wróbel, I. 2019. Improving the Accessibility of Rail Transport for People with Disabilities, Railway Reports 182:
5. Adopted Shift2Rail Multi Annual Action Plan [online cit.: 2015-11-27]. Available from:
6. CORDIS website available on:
7. Council Regulation (EU) No 642/2014 of 16 June 2014 establishing the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, OJ L 177.
8. Shift2Rail Master Plan [online cit.:2015-03-31].
9. Shift2Rail website available on: Available from:
10. Smart system energy management solutions and future station solutions, Call for Proposals of Shift2Rail [online cit.:
2016-11-10]. Available from:
11. WHITE PAPER Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Towards a competitive and resource efficient
transport system, COM(2011) 0144 final.