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Abstract and Figures

The introduction of carbon fiber plate footwear has led to performance benefits in runners. The mechanism for these changes in running economy includes altered biomechanics of the foot and ankle. The association of this footwear with injuries has been a topic of debate clinically, but not described in the literature. In this Current Opinion article, illustrated by a case series of five navicular bone stress injuries in highly competitive running athletes, we discuss the development of running-related injuries in association with the use of carbon fiber plate footwear. While the performance benefits of this footwear are considerable, sports medicine providers should consider injuries possibly related to altered biomechanical demands affecting athletes who use carbon fiber plate footwear. Given the introduction of carbon fiber plate footwear into athletics and other endurance sports, strategies may be required to reduce risk of injury due to altered foot and ankle mechanics. This article is intended (1) to raise awareness on possible health concerns around the use of carbon fiber plate footwear, (2) to suggest a slow gradual transition from habitual to carbon fiber plate footwear, and (3) to foster medical research related to carbon fiber plate technology and injuries.
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Sports Medicine (2023) 53:1499–1505
Bone Stress Injuries inRunners Using Carbon Fiber Plate Footwear
AdamTenforde1 · TimHoenig2 · AmolSaxena3 · KarstenHollander4
Accepted: 31 January 2023 / Published online: 13 February 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
The introduction of carbon fiber plate footwear has led to performance benefits in runners. The mechanism for these changes
in running economy includes altered biomechanics of the foot and ankle. The association of this footwear with injuries has
been a topic of debate clinically, but not described in the literature. In this Current Opinion article, illustrated by a case series
of five navicular bone stress injuries in highly competitive running athletes, we discuss the development of running-related
injuries in association with the use of carbon fiber plate footwear. While the performance benefits of this footwear are con-
siderable, sports medicine providers should consider injuries possibly related to altered biomechanical demands affecting
athletes who use carbon fiber plate footwear. Given the introduction of carbon fiber plate footwear into athletics and other
endurance sports, strategies may be required to reduce risk of injury due to altered foot and ankle mechanics. This article
is intended (1) to raise awareness on possible health concerns around the use of carbon fiber plate footwear, (2) to suggest
a slow gradual transition from habitual to carbon fiber plate footwear, and (3) to foster medical research related to carbon
fiber plate technology and injuries.
Key Points
The benefits of carbon fiber plate footwear have been
documented in the scientific literature and are well
accepted in the track and field and road racing commu-
Prior reports of injuries using this technology have
been observed clinically; these concerns have not been
documented in the literature and limit knowledge among
medical providers concerning possible association with
development of injuries.
This Current Opinion article including a case series of
navicular bone stress injuries after using carbon fiber
plate footwear is intended to raise awareness that health
concerns around use of carbon fiber plate footwear
should be considered when athletes adopt this new
* Karsten Hollander
Adam Tenforde
1 Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Department ofPhysical
Medicine andRehabilitation, Harvard Medical School,
Charlestown, MA, USA
2 Department ofTrauma andOrthopaedic Surgery, University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
3 Department ofSports Medicine, Sutter-PAMF, PaloAlto,
4 Institute ofInterdisciplinary Exercise Science andSports
Medicine, MSH Medical School Hamburg, Am Kaiserkai 1,
20457Hamburg, Germany
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1500 A.Tenforde et al.
1 Background
The sport of running has seen recent changes in training
and competition with the use of an embedded carbon fiber
plate (CFP) within the midsole of footwear [1]. The CFP
spans and is embedded into the midsole inside a compliant
and resilient foam [1](see example in Fig.1). The early
prototypes were worn by elite marathoner Eliud Kipchoge
who ran a sub-2-h marathon using CFP footwear in arti-
ficial conditions including closed loop circuit and pace-
makers [2]. Concerns about fairness in sport were evalu-
ated by World Athletics and resulted in new rules stating
that the combination of a single CFP and responsive foam
midsoles was permissible for use if not exceeding 25mm
of sole thickness for track (≥ 800m) and 40mm for road
running (“Athletics Shoe Regulations”, effective from 1
January 2022) [3]. The footwear industry has continued
to incorporate this technology into running shoes. Since
the introduction of CFP shoes into competition starting
in 2016, every world record from 5000m to marathon
distance has been eclipsed by competitors using this new
technology [4]. Additionally, sports science has validated
the performance benefits of CFP combined with compres-
sive foam midsole compared to earlier footwear used for
training and competition [58].
2 Biomechanics ofCarbon Fiber Plate
The use of CFP footwear during training and competi-
tion has been shown to introduce novel biomechanical
demands on the foot and lower extremities. The biome-
chanical differences between a novel CFP footwear com-
pared to standard competitive running footwear have been
previously evaluated in competitive male runners [9].
In this investigation, runners using CFP footwear were
observed to have decreased cadence and correspondingly
longer steps as well as a longer flight time [9]. Further-
more, peak vertical ground reaction forces and the verti-
cal impulse per step were higher in runners using CFP
footwear. No changes in knee or hip mechanics but differ-
ences in ankle and metatarsophalangeal joint mechanics
were observed in runners using CFP footwear [9]. The
authors also described thatpeak ankle dorsiflexion dur-
ing stance, and peak ankle moments were reduced and
lower negative and positive ankle work were observed in
CFP over standard competitive footwear during running.
These results suggest that more energy was stored in the
midsole and less in the muscles and tendons of the ankle
[9]. A biomechanical explanation of these findings is that
the CFP increases longitudinal bending stiffness of the
footwear and, thus, is associated with reduced dorsiflexion
of the metatarsophalangeal joints before take-off accom-
panied by an altered energy storage and return [9]. This
suggests CFP footwear may store and return more energy
compared to prior standard footwear. Observed improve-
ments in running economy may result from energy return
from compression of cushioning material and the lever
effects of the ankle mechanics considering the curve of
the CFP and a higher toe spring [9, 10]. The CFP has
been proposed to create a “teeter-totter effect” that moves
forces anteriorly in the foot during thepropulsive phase
[10]. Importantly, this is not supported by experimental
data, which show no difference in the center of pressure
progression [9]. The midsole cushioning may also con-
tribute to improvements in running economy, as shown in
earlier work [11]. However, the compressive foam would
be expected to contribute to a return of energy in the form
of vertical displacement and, thus, may be dependent on
the footstrike pattern [12].
Fig. 1 Lateral X-ray of a run-
ner's left foot in a carbon-plated
running shoe. Red arrows
outline the embedded plate. The
green arrow shows the fulcrum
point of the plate. Note the
relation of the curvature of the
plate to the metatarsal locations
(metatarsal phalangeal joints)
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Bone Stress Injuries in Runners Using Carbon Fiber Plate Footwear
3 Biomechanical Inuences Associated
withBone Stress Injuries
The change in foot and ankle mechanics introduced by CFP
footwear may contribute to the risk of injury. Bone is an
adaptable tissue that responds to changes in demands includ-
ing those resulting from footwear. For example, a study
demonstrated that the gradual introduction of minimalist
footwear over 10weeks resulted in changes on magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) concerning metatarsal bone stress
injury (BSI) in a population of runners previously habituated
to standard footwear [13]. By extension, the use of CFP foot-
wear could be expected to generate novel stress to bone. BSI
represents an overuse injury that is the result of localized
failure of bone from cumulative loading and can progress to
the development of stress fracture [14]. Navicular BSIs are
classified as a high-risk location for injury as some of these
injuries may not effectively heal with non-surgical meas-
ures [14]. While navicular BSIs are described in older pop-
ulations of collegiate and professional athletes [15], these
injuries have also been observed in youth athletes [1618].
Prior studies on biomechanical risk factors associated with
navicular BSI are retrospective and include reduced ankle
dorsiflexion and subtalar range of motion [18], higher peak
rearfoot eversion and range of motion [19], both cavus and
planus foot types [20], and plantar displacement of navicular
and cuneiforms with narrowing of the medial aspect of the
talonavicular joint [21]. The navicular bone receives une-
qual forces from the first and second metatarsocuneiform
joints [22] that create shear stress over the central third of
the bone, corresponding to a region of reduced blood supply
[23], and a common site for navicularBSI. A grading system
of navicular BSIs developed by Saxena and Fullem is com-
monly used to guide evaluation and management based on
CT findings and inform surgical decision making [20, 24].
4 Case Series ofNavicular Bone Stress
Injuries inRunners Using Carbon Fiber
Plate (CFP) Footwear
This case series reflects clinical observations in five patients
presenting with foot pain and diagnosis of navicular BSI
who were using CFP footwear at the time of injury. Given
the high rate of adoption of CFP footwear in track and field,
understanding potential associated health concerns is impor-
tant for athletes and healthcare providers.
4.1 Case 1
A 17-year-old male junior elite steeplechase runner was
using CFP shoes for interval sessions on the track prior to
a race. The athlete felt severe midfoot pain directly after a
3000m steeplechase race. He had no relevant history of BSIs
and had been using different types of carbon-plated shoes
for 2years (completing approximately 1000km of total run-
ning in this footwear). Plain radiographs were performed
immediately after the race and the athlete was cleared to
continue sports participation. Due to persistent pain over the
following 5weeks, he presented at an outpatient clinic and
was diagnosed with a navicular stress fracture. The injury
was managed by sports restrictions (no cast immobilization,
no weight-bearing restrictions). Six weeks later (at 11weeks
after the inciting race), a follow-up MRI was obtained and
did not demonstrate visible bony consolidation (Fig.2a–c).
However, the athlete was pain free and was allowed a grad-
ual return to sports. However, with persistent non-union of
the fracture, he was transferred to a specialist with advanced
knowledge in foot injuries and sports medicine. A weight-
bearing CT revealed a stable Type III navicular stress frac-
ture [20] with the absence of bony consolidation (Fig.2d–f).
After an interdisciplinary case conference with the patient,
shared decision-making was applied, and he completed a
gradual load buildup on an anti-gravity treadmill at 75% of
body weight, and he ultimately returned to land-based run-
ning. Despite a follow-up CT scan revealing that the fracture
line was still present, the athlete continued to run without
4.2 Case 2
A 17-year-old female junior elite middle-distance runner
was using CFP shoes exclusively for interval sessions on
the track. She had been using carbon-plated shoes for about
6months over 100km. She experienced pain in the midfoot
after a track session wearing CFP shoes. The runner had a
previous history of a navicular BSI in the same foot 2years
earlier that was treated conservatively. On evaluation, she
was noted to have bilateral pes planovalgus. An MRI after
the inciting event revealed a Type 0.5 (“stress reaction”)
of the navicular bone [20]. She was initially treated with
6weeks of non-weightbearing in an AirCast. Repeat MRI
obtained 6weeks after the initial diagnosis showed a reduc-
tion of edema but still a stress reaction leading to 2 more
weeks of non-weightbearing. After a total of 8weeks of
non-weightbearing the athlete started cross-training on an
Alter-G treadmill (initially with 70% of body weight) and
was back to normal and pain-free training 15weeks after
the initial diagnosis.
4.3 Case 3
An 18-year-old female elite 3000m steeplechase runner was
racing a 10km road race in CFP racing shoes. The race was
the first time that she had used the new CFPshoes. The
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1502 A.Tenforde et al.
week after the race she experienced foot pain localized at the
forefoot with associated minimal swelling and was unable to
walk pain-free in the following days. Without medical con-
sultation, she went back to running and experienced trauma
from acute supination in the same foot leading to medical
consultation. Resulting from this consultation at 4weeks
after the race and 1week following trauma, an MRI was
obtained that revealed a navicular BSI, and a subsequent
CT scan confirmed the presence of a Type III navicular
stress fracture (Fig.3). She was subsequently treated with
non-weightbearing for 4weeks in a walker. Afterwards, she
initiated strength exercises and cross training on a cycle
ergometer. Seven weeks from thetime of CT, she attempted
to run but experienced pain at level 4/10 on a numeric rating
scale. Following one additional week off from running, she
was able to return to running pain-free.
4.4 Case 4
A 38-year-old male elite triathlete competed in a half-
marathon (13.1 miles/21.1km) in CFP shoes. The shoe he
wore had not been used in any significant training or rac-
ing prior. Towards the latter portion of the race, he expe-
rienced midfoot pain, and upon completion, was unable to
walk pain-free. He had minimal swelling, pain localized to
the “N-spot” and experienced throbbing at night. He had a
previous history of a navicular BSI in the same foot, treated
non-operatively 18years prior as a collegiate steeplechaser.
He also had a history of a navicular BSI in the contra-lateral
foot treated operatively 6years prior. He had a stable foot
structure and normally did not wear foot orthoses. Due to his
prior history, a CT scan was obtained, which revealed a Type
II navicular BSI, and the patient underwent open reduction
and internal fixation, and went on to successful healing.
4.5 Case 5
A 36-year-old male elite triathlete ran a 22-mile training
run in preparation for a marathon race 4weeks later. He had
only run in the CFP shoes two to three times prior and for
much shorter distances. He developed midfoot pain imme-
diately after the inciting run, with similar symptoms to the
Fig. 2 Images from Case 1. Sagittal (a), coronal (b), and long axis
(c) on T2 fat-suppressed sequences on magnetic resonance imaging
demonstrate vertically oriented stress fracture. Corresponding views
on CT visualize the fracture orientation (df) and classify as navicu-
lar Type III stress fracture [20]
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Bone Stress Injuries in Runners Using Carbon Fiber Plate Footwear
case above (limping, pain at the “N-spot”, throbbing at night),
but no swelling. He had no prior history of a navicular BSI.
The athlete normally wore custom foot orthoses but did not
use these in his racing shoes. Due to the short time-span of
his upcoming race, a CT scan was ordered and was negative
for a fracture. He was diagnosed with a Type 0.5 navicular
BSI (“stress reaction”) and treated with a below-knee boot,
focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (at 0.40mJ/mm2
for 2000 pulses at the “N-spot”) and electromagnetic transduc-
tion therapy (9000 pulses at power level 8, 8Hz). This treat-
ment was repeated 1week later, and since he was pain-free,
he discontinued the boot. He was allowed cross-training on
a stationary bike and swimming after diagnosis. He started
training on an anti-gravity treadmill 10days after initiating
treatment at 70% body weight. He was able to run on land
approximately 12days prior to his marathon, and he completed
the marathon pain-free.
5 Discussion
The purpose of this Current Opinion article is to describe
both running performance benefits and potential associa-
tions of BSI in runners using CFP footwear. We illustrate
this with a series of navicular BSIs in two discrete cohorts
including a population of junior elite track and field ath-
letes in Europe and two older athletes competing in endur-
ance events in North America. In all cases, athletes devel-
oped acute pain during or after running in CFP footwear.
Differences in time to diagnosis and management reflect
the relative experience of the healthcare providers who
initially evaluated each athlete. A prior study related that
the time to reach an accurate diagnosis for navicular stress
injuries is almost 9months [20]. Recognizing possible
associations of navicular BSI in runners presenting with
vague midfoot or ankle pain who use CFP footwear may
Fig. 3 Images from Case 3. Long axis (a), sagittal (b), and coronal
(c) on T2 fat-suppressed sequences on magnetic resonance imaging
demonstrate vertically oriented stress fracture. Corresponding views
on CT visualize the fracture orientation (df) extending through both
plantar and dorsal cortices and classify as navicular Type III stress
fracture [20]
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1504 A.Tenforde et al.
be important to identify this high-risk injury. A previous
study of 139 elite tennis players reported stress fracture
incidence of 12.9%, of which 27% were located in the
tarsal navicular [25]. A previous article reports navicular
stress fractures to be 35% of all stress fractures [26]. The
true incidence may be hard to estimate since many of these
injuries go undiagnosed for long periods (on average over
8months, as data from a large series and a systematic
review suggest [24, 26]).
Each case presented involved the use of CFP footwear
with a compressible foam midsole designed to improve run-
ning economy. The mechanism for injury in each case cannot
be determined due to limitations of a case report format and
lack of studies to describe the changes in lower extremity
biomechanics between forms of training and racing foot-
wear in both sexes [5].The athletes include a mix of sex,
age, use of CFP footwear and primary competition events.
Use of custom orthotics and prior history of BSI in athletes
could influence injury risk. Two athletes competed in the
steeplechase event and prior work has demonstrated higher
vertical ground reaction forces with hurdling and water jump
landings compared to treadmill running [27].
Based on prior studies describing risk factors for navicu-
lar BSI [18, 19, 22], it is plausible that shoes with a com-
pressive foam midsole may allow for increased plantar
displacement of the navicular and cuneiform bones and
modified forces to the hindfoot. As discussed earlier, multi-
ple biomechanical variables may change using CFP footwear
compared with other types of competition shoes. Behav-
iors of the athlete in their use of these shoes for training
and competition may also explain novel demands on the
foot, including training at faster velocities, which would be
expected to increase skeletal loading [28].
Currently, sports governing bodies permit the use of CFP
footwear, and many runners are using these shoes with the
aim of enhancing performance. Our case series is the first
published cohort to document the potential associated risk
of navicular BSI using this new footwear. Athletes choosing
to wear CFP footwear should recognize the development
of pain, particularly over the navicular bone, anterior ankle
or midfoot region, which may represent a more significant
injury that requires further evaluation to guide correct treat-
ment. Based on prior evidence of maladaptation following
rapid adoption of minimalist footwear use with metatarsal
BSI [13], one potential behavioral strategy for runnersmay
be to incorporate CFP footwear gradually into training and
While this is the first report to describe bone stress inju-
ries in association with novel CFP footwear, there are clearly
limitations to this work. The development of BSI is often
multifactorial [14] and retrospective chart review limits
understanding mechanisms for injury. The cases are from
two separate cohorts of junior and senior elite from different
geographic locations, and it is unclear whether similar inju-
ries have been observed in other populations. The diagnostic
testing is described using the Saxena and Fullem classifica-
tion to provide consistency in descriptors of injury [21].
6 Conclusion
This Current Opinion discusses a possible association of
BSIs with CFP footwear while recognizing the perfor-
mance benefits that have been described. Advances in the
evaluation and management of BSIs have been extensively
published, and highlight the need to identify multiple risk
factors for BSIs including those that are modifiable. We
recommend further research to better understand whether
the association of BSIs with CFP footwear is unique to the
described runners in this case series or applies to other
running populations. Prior experience with metatarsal BSI
with minimalist footwear led shoe companies to develop
a more gradual program for transitioning to minimalist
shoes; it is plausible that similar advances could be devel-
oped by shoe companies, researchers and clinicians to pro-
mote safety in sports when using CFP footwear. Further
discussions are expected, and both sports industry and
sports federations have a duty to respect the guidance and
advice of medical professionals. The excitement surround-
ing this new technology due to faster running times is pal-
pable for both athletes and the sports medicine community.
We hope this article helps to guide better recognition of
medical issues related to CFP footwear, appropriate use of
this new technology, and safety for our athletes.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the runners who allowed
us to present their cases in this Current Opinion article.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
Funding No funding has been received in relation to this work.
Conflict of interest Adam Tenforde, Tim Hoenig, Amol Saxena, and
Karsten Hollander declare that they have no conflicts of interest rel-
evant to the content of this article.
Ethics approval Not applicable.
Consent to participate and publication All patients consented to the
use of their case for this purpose.
Availability of data and material Not applicable.
Author contributions All authors contributed equally to writing this
Current Opinion article. All authors read and approved the final manu-
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Bone Stress Injuries in Runners Using Carbon Fiber Plate Footwear
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... The use of AFT shoes during training and competition has introduced novel biomechanical demands of the foot and lower extremities [10]. The biomechanical differences between AFT shoes and standard running footwear were investigated by Hoogkamer et al. [11], who found that runners using AFT shoes had a decrease in cadence and correspondingly longer steps, as well as a longer flight time. ...
... However, the same changes impose additional demands on the foot and lower extremities, which may lead to injury risk if runners fail to adapt properly. According to Tenforde et al. [10], the changes in foot and ankle mechanics introduced via AFT shoe footwear may contribute to the risk of injury. Biomechanical analyses suggest that these improvements come with shifts in running dynamics, such as increased forefoot loading and changes in stride mechanics, which could contribute to overuse injuries, particularly in runners who are not accustomed to these demands [12,13]. ...
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Background: Advanced footwear technology (AFT) has gained popularity among non-elite runners due to its potential benefits in training and competition. This study investigated the training practices and reported outcomes in non-elite runners using AFT. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with 61 non-elite runners competing in distances ranging from 5 km to marathons. The survey collected data on demographics, training parameters, footwear usage, perceived changes in running mechanics, and self-reported injuries. Results: The results revealed a significant positive correlation (R = 0.6, p < 0.0001) between years of AFT use and weekly training volume, indicating that more experienced runners are likely to incorporate AFT consistently into their routines. Conversely, a significant negative correlation (R = −0.5, p < 0.0001) was found between training volume and the number of weekly sessions using AFT, suggesting a selective approach to footwear use. Participants reported biomechanical changes, such as increased forefoot support (49%) and higher calf muscle activation (44%), alongside a 16% self-reported injury rate, predominantly affecting the calves. Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of proper guidance and gradual adaptation to maximize the benefits of AFT while minimizing injury risks. Future research should explore the long-term impact of AFT on performance and injury prevention through longitudinal studies.
... 4 Multiple factors may contribute to the development of running injuries including injury history, past sports participation, mental health diagnoses, eating behaviours, sleep habits, footwear, gender, and sex including menstrual function and pregnancy. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] Additionally, the aetiology of an injury is often multifactorial, further highlighting the importance of uniform reporting of common data elements to understand the complex relationship between risk factors contributing to injury and behaviours that may modify injury risk. 19 20 Prior work has identified the need to conduct prospective studies to characterise risk factors for injury in both adult 9 and youth runners. ...
... While typical footwear use has not been conclusively shown to prevent or contribute to running-related injuries, 53 acute changes in footwear have been suggested to influence injury risk, such as changing to minimalist shoes 54 and technologically advanced running shoes with carbon fibre plates. 7 The panel recommends items on types of shoes used for training and racing, changes to a new running shoe and specific inquiry on technologically advanced running shoes using terminology more familiar to the general population: use of shoes with a carbon fibre plate, commonly referred to as 'supershoes.' 55 As foot orthoses are commonly used, the panel recommends inquiring about the use and type of foot orthoses in running shoes. ...
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Endurance events are popular worldwide and have many health benefits. However, runners and Para athletes may sustain musculoskeletal injuries or experience other health consequences from endurance events. The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Runner Health Consortium aimed to generate consensus-based survey items for use in prospective research to identify risk factors for injuries in runners and Para athletes training and competing in endurance events. The study design employed a modified Delphi approach, with a panel comprising 28 experts, including healthcare professionals, coaches, and athletes. Potential survey items were generated by panel members who subsequently engaged in three rounds of voting using Research Electronic Data Capture. Items were graded by clarity, relevance, and importance. Items achieving 80% consensus on all three aspects were retained. The response rate was 100% in R round 1 and 96% in Rrounds 2 and 3. Of 124 initial survey items, consensus was reached on 53, 34 and 22 items during Rrounds 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Two accepted items were removed due to redundancy. Combined with 10 non-voting items, 117 items covered key domains, including training and injury history, dietary behaviours and associated factors (such as menstrual function), footwear, mental health, and specific considerations for Para athletes. The consensus-based survey items should be considered by researchers to better understand the health of runners and Para athletes who train and compete in endurance sports to identify risk factors for injury.
... 10 The relatively soft, lightweight, and highly elastic foams may reduce the metabolic energy demands of impact cushioning and allow for a higher fractional return of mechanical energy, which seems to improve RE. 11 Although the mechanisms of AFTs are still not fully understood, research and practice are now taking a more holistic approach, focusing not only on further analyzing and optimizing the material properties and positioning of plates [12][13][14][15][16] and foams. 10,17 For example, first possible injury patterns 15,18 and interindividual variations in the amount of metabolic energy saved 2,9,19 by these technologies have been reported. Besides this, Heyde et al 8 showed a slightly higher percentage of benefit in AFTs at the second visit in a between-day reproducibility measurement of energy savings and consequently suggested a possible learning effect. ...
... Subjects had a 5-minute break between trials to change AFTs. Perceived exertion was determined using a visual Borg scale (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). 26 After the completion of each 5-minute trial, we obtained lactate samples from the capillary blood of the earlobe (20 μL) for blood [La] determination with the Biosen C-Line Clinic analyzer (EKF-diagnostic GmbH). ...
Purpose: This study aimed to compare running economy across habituated and nonhabituated advanced footwear technology (AFT) in trained long-distance runners. Methods: A total of 16 participants completed up to six 5-minute trials in 1 to 3 pairs of their own habituated shoes and 3 different and standardized AFTs at individual marathon pace. We measured oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production and expressed running economy as oxygen uptake (in milliliters oxygen per kilogram per minute), oxygen cost of transport (oxygen per kilogram per minute), energetic cost (in watts per kilogram), and energetic cost of transport (in joules per kilogram per kilometer). We used linear mixed-effect models to evaluate differences. Relative shoe weight and shoe mileage (distance worn during running) were covariates. Results: Forty-eight standardized and 29 individual AFT conditions were measured (mileage 117.0 [128.8] km, range 0–522 km; 25 habituated 135.7 [129.2] km, range 20–522 km; 4 nonhabituated 0 [0] km, range 0–0 km). Rating of perceived exertion, blood [La], and respiratory exchange ratio ranged from 9 to 15, 1.11 to 4.54 mmol/L, and 0.76 to 1.01. There was no effect for habituation on energetic cost of transport (thabituation = −.232, P = .409, b = −0.006; 95% CI, −0.058 to 0.046) or other running economy metrics. Neither shoe weight nor shoe mileage had an effect. Conclusions: Our results suggest that habituation to AFTs does not result in greater benefits in the use of AFTs. This means that implementation in training may not be needed, even if we cannot rule out any other possible benefits of habituation at this stage, such as adaptation of the musculoskeletal system.
... It is well known that the risk of developing a BSI depends on the type of activity [1,29]. Athletes participating in sports with impact and repetitive skeletal loading (e.g., road and track running, jumping, dancing) experience the highest risk of BSIs resulting from sport [9]. ...
... Consequently, athletes with REDs were shown to be at increased risk for low bone mineral density, impaired bone microarchitecture, and overall risk of developing a BSI [34]. Given that previous reports on BSI risk factors rarely address gender differences [3,29], a more individualized approach could be an important strategy for injury prevention. In addition, it seems to be important that future studies investigate the epidemiological aspects of BSIs in the light of low energy availability and concerns for REDs. ...
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Background Athletics (track and field) athletes are prone to develop bone stress injuries (BSIs) but epidemiological data on BSIs from top-level sports events are scarce. Objective To describe the incidence and characteristics of BSIs during 24 international athletics championships held from 2007 to 2023. Methods BSI-related data were prospectively collected during 24 international athletics championships, including the Olympic Games (n = 3), World Outdoor Championships (n = 4), European Outdoor Championships (n = 6), World Indoor Championships (n = 3) and European Indoor Championships (n = 8). Descriptive and comparative statistics were used to assess the epidemiological characteristics of BSIs. Results BSIs accounted for 1.5% of all reported injuries (n = 36; 1.2 per 1000 registered athletes (95%CI 0.8 to 1.6)). No significant difference of BSI incidence was detected between female (2.0 per 1000 athletes (95%CI: 0.9 to 2.3)) and male athletes (0.9 per 1000 athletes (95%CI: 0.4 to 1.4)) (relative risk (RR) = 1.73, 95%CI: 0.88 to 3.40). BSI incidence was significantly higher during outdoor championships (1.6 per 1000 registered athletes (95%CI: 1.0 to 2.1)) as compared to indoor championships (0.2 per 1000 registered athletes (95%CI: 0.0 to 0.5)) (RR = 10.4, 95%CI: 1.43 to 76.0). Most BSIs were sustained in the foot (n = 50%) or leg (n = 33%). BSIs were reported in athletes participating in endurance disciplines (52.8%) or in explosive disciplines (47.2%). Conclusions BSIs represent a small portion of injuries sustained during international athletics championships. Collective results suggest that injury rates are higher in outdoor competitions as compared to indoor competitions. The most common injury locations comprise the foot and leg. Clinical Trial Number Not applicable.
... Moreover, changes in biomechanics, such as increased contact time, step length, and leg stiffness, have been observed during highintensity running when using this footwear [20]. Despite these findings, there is a lack of research on AFT's impact in specific contexts like mountain running, where terrain and profile variations (e.g., uphill and downhill) may influence these benefits [23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. This gap in the literature underscores the need to explore whether the advantages observed in road running extend to mountain running scenarios. ...
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In recent years, advanced footwear technology (AFT) has been shown to improve performance in long-distance road running by altering biomechanics and perceived comfort. This type of footwear is now being marketed for mountain running, although its effects in such races remain unevaluated. This study aimed to examine the impact of AFT on performance, biomechanics, and perceived comfort during a simulated mountain running event. Twelve trained mountain runners participated in a 3-day experiment, with a 7-day recovery between sessions. On the first day, a maximal aerobic speed test assessed the runners' performance levels. On the second day, participants familiarized themselves with a 5.19 km mountain circuit and comfort scale. On the third day, they completed two time trials on the same circuit, separated by 30 min of passive recovery, using conventional and AFT shoes in a randomized order. Physiological and biomechanical variables were recorded, including body mass, blood lactate, running biomechanics, vertical stiffness, shoe comfort, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). The findings indicate that AFT does not improve performance or physiological responses during a simulated mountain race, regardless of segment (uphill, downhill, or mixed). However, AFT significantly alters running biomechanics, reducing step frequency and increasing the vertical oscillation of the center of gravity, especially in uphill and downhill sections. While overall comfort remained unchanged, specific differences were observed with AFT. Coaches and practitioners should consider these findings when using AFT in mountain running training or competition.
... También, otro estudio reciente ha observado modificaciones en la biomecánica de la carrera (i.e., aumento del tiempo de contacto, longitud de zancada y leg stiffness) durante entrenamientos de alta intensidad al utilizar este tipo de calzado (Castellanos-Salamanca et al., 2023). Todavía no hay estudios sobre el efecto del uso intensivo del AFT en las lesiones de los corredores (Tenforde et al., 2023). ...
... 3 In recent decades, communal efforts have contributed to an improved understanding of bone stress injuries. [2][3][4][5][6][7] Large epidemiological studies have shown that bone stress injuries, while infrequent in the general population (<1% of all injuries), are common (up to 20% of sports injuries) in athletes and military personnel who participate in activities involving repetitive impact loading, such as marching, running, jumping and dancing. 6 8 The diagnosis of a bone stress injury is typically made by history and physical examination combined with imaging. ...
Bone stress injuries, commonly referred to as stress reactions and stress fractures, represent overuse injuries to bone. These injuries result in physical limitations in activity and can be career-ending for high-level athletes. While bone stress injuries have received increased attention in recent years, international consensus is lacking on definitions, risk factors and strategies for management and prevention. This study aimed to ascertain and improve the level of agreement on bone stress injuries by utilising a three-part modified Delphi approach on (1) pathophysiology, diagnosis, terminology and classification systems; (2) risk factors, screening and prevention; and (3) management and return to sport. A multidisciplinary steering committee initiated the consensus process. A panel of 41 members from six continents was formed to complete three rounds of voting, including experts (scientists and clinicians) and representatives (athletes and coaches). Thirty-three, 28 and 28 panel members completed Delphi rounds 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Consensus was reached on 41 out of 58 statements. Findings from this Delphi study outline a multifactorial approach to identify and manage bone stress injuries and to promote bone health in athletes. This includes recommendations for diagnostic workup and treatment to assist clinicians in caring for patients with bone stress injuries. Finally, this consensus process identifies knowledge gaps and provides a framework for future research to advance the clinical care and prevention of bone stress injuries.
... El uso de las zapatillas con placa de carbono, puede inducir cambios significativos en la biomecánica (Hoogkamer et al., 2019;Kiesewetter et al. 2022), de forma que su uso puede generar incomodidad (Ko et al., 2022). Aunque en determinados trabajos señalan que esta tecnología puede permitir una recuperación más rápida de los entrenamientos (Matties et al., 2023), algunos autores sugieren que estas zapatillas también podrían facilitar lesiones como roturas por estrés (Tenforde et al., 2023). ...
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Purpose: The rise of running shoes with carbon fibre plates (CFP) has caused a disruptive shift in long-distance road running footwear by significantly enhancing athletic performance. However, these shoes are more expensive and less durable than conventional ones. This paper examines how factors associated with a hedonic model of technology acceptance influence the adoption of this equipment among amateur athletes. Design/methodology/approach: We used a sample of 252 amateur athletes to explain the intention to use CFP shoes based on three factors: perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation, and subjective norm. The relationships between variables were modelled using structural equation modelling adjusted with partial least squares (PLS-SEM). Findings: The descriptive analysis of the items related to shoe acceptance suggests a general trend towards accepting CFP shoes. The PLS-SEM analysis results indicate that while the direct impact of perceived usefulness and hedonic motivation is significant on the intention to use CFP shoes, the influence of the subjective norm is not. However, when considering all effects (direct and indirect) on the intention to use CFP shoes, the total effect of the normative variable is the most significant. We have also verified that the model has predictive capacity. Research limitations/implications: This study was conducted after World Athletics had already published new regulations on running shoes. In a context other than long-distance running, it would be interesting to conduct a similar study on a technology that could improve athletic performance before being regulated and then compare the results with those obtained after the regulations have been implemented. Practical implications: The results of this paper suggest that the proposed technology acceptance model can provide a valuable approach for evaluating the acceptance of innovative advancements in sports equipment by amateur athletes when their primary motivation for practicing a particular sport is hedonic.
... The selection of appropriate running shoes is crucial for enhancing exercise performance and reducing the risk of sports-related injuries [6]. The longitudinal bending stiffness (LBS) of running shoes has been recognized as a key consideration in the development of performance footwear as part of the design to improve runner's exercise performance as well as minimize sports injuries [7,8]. ...
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Background: During city running or marathon races, shifts in level ground and up-and-down slopes are regularly encountered, resulting in changes in lower limb biomechanics. The longitudinal bending stiffness of the running shoe affects the running performance. Purpose: This research aimed to investigate the biomechanical changes in the lower limbs when transitioning from level ground to an uphill slope under different longitudinal bending stiffness (LBS) levels in running shoes. Methods: Fifteen male amateur runners were recruited and tested while wearing three different LBS running shoes. The participants were asked to pass the force platform with their right foot at a speed of 3.3 m/s ± 0.2. Kinematics data and GRFs were collected synchronously. Each participant completed and recorded ten successful experiments per pair of shoes. Results: The range of motion in the sagittal of the knee joint was reduced with the increase in the longitudinal bending stiffness. Positive work was increased in the sagittal plane of the ankle joint and reduced in the keen joint. The negative work of the knee joint increased in the sagittal plane. The positive work of the metatarsophalangeal joint in the sagittal plane increased. Conclusion: Transitioning from running on a level surface to running uphill, while wearing running shoes with high LBS, could lead to improved efficiency in lower limb function. However, the higher LBS of running shoes increases the energy absorption of the knee joint, potentially increasing the risk of knee injuries. Thus, amateurs should choose running shoes with optimal stiffness when running.
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Background: Compared to conventional racing shoes, Nike Vaporfly 4% running shoes reduce the metabolic cost of level treadmill running by 4%. The reduction is attributed to their lightweight, highly compliant, and resilient midsole foam and a midsole-embedded curved carbon fiber plate. We investigated whether these shoes also reduce the metabolic cost of moderate uphill (+3°) and downhill (-3°) grades. We tested the null hypothesis that compared to conventional racing shoes, highly-cushioned shoes with carbon-fiber plates would impart the same ∼4% metabolic power (W/kg) savings during uphill and downhill running as they do during level running. Methods: After familiarization, 16 competitive male runners performed six 5-min trials (2 shoes × 3 grades) in 2 Nike marathon racing shoe models (Streak 6 and Vaporfly 4%) on a level, uphill (+3°), and downhill (-3°) treadmill at 13 km/h (3.61 m/s). We measured submaximal oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production during Minutes 4-5 and calculated metabolic power (W/kg) for each shoe model and grade combination. Results: Compared to the conventional shoes (Streak 6), metabolic power in the Vaporfly 4% shoes was 3.83% (level), 2.82% (uphill), and 2.70% (downhill) less (all p < 0.001). The percent change in metabolic power for uphill running was less compared to level running (p = 0.04, effect size, ES = 0.561) but was not statistically different between downhill and level running (p = 0.17, ES = 0.356). Conclusion: On a running course with uphill and downhill sections, the metabolic savings and hence performance enhancement provided by Vaporfly 4% shoes would likely be slightly less overall, compared to the savings on a perfectly level race course.
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Every women’s and men’s world records from 5 km to the marathon has been broken since the introduction of carbon fibre plate (CFP) shoes in 2016. This step-wise increase in performance coincides with recent advancements in shoe technology that increase the elastic properties of the shoe thereby reducing the energy cost of running. The latest CFP shoes are acknowledged to increase running economy by more than 4%, corresponding to a greater than 2% improvement in performance/run time. The recently modified rules governing competition shoes for elite athletes, announced by World Athletics, that includes sole thickness must not exceed 40 mm and must not contain more than one rigid embedded plate, appear contrary to the true essence and credibility of sport as access to this performance-defining technology becomes the primary differentiator of sporting performance in elite athletes. This is a particular problem in sports such as athletics where the primary sponsor of the athlete is very often a footwear manufacturing company. The postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics provides a unique opportunity for reflection by the world of sport and time to commission an independent review to evaluate the impact of technology on the integrity of sporting competition. A potential solution to solve this issue can involve the reduction of the stack height of a shoe to 20 mm. This simple and practical solution would prevent shoe technology from having too large an impact on the energy cost of running and, therefore, determining the performance outcome.
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Purpose We compared running economy (RE) and 3-km time-trial (TT) variables of runners wearing Nike Vaporfly 4% (VP4), Saucony Endorphin lightweight racing flats (FLAT), and their habitual running (OWN) footwear. Methods Eighteen male recreational runners (mean +/− SD, age: 33.5 ± 11.9 year (mean ± standard deviation), peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak): 55.8 ± 4.4 mL/kg·min) attended 4 sessions approximately 7 days apart. The first session consisted of a VO2peak test to inform subsequent RE speeds set at 60%, 70%, and 80% of the speed eliciting VO2peak. In subsequent sessions, treadmill RE and 3-km TTs were assessed in the 3 footwear conditions in a randomized, counterbalanced crossover design. Results Oxygen consumption (mL/kg·min) was lesser in VP4 (from 4.3% to 4.4%, p ≤ 0.002) and FLAT (from 2.7% to 3.4%, p ≤ 0.092) vs. OWN across intensities, with a non-significant difference between VP4 and FLAT (1.0%–1.7%, p ≥ 0.292). Findings related to energy cost (W/kg) and energetics cost of transport (J/kg·m) were comparable. VP4 3-km TT performance (11:07.6 ± 0:56.6 mm:ss) was enhanced vs. OWN by 16.6 s (2.4%, p = 0.005) and vs. FLAT by 13.0 s (1.8%, p = 0.032). 3-km times between OWN and FLAT (0.5%, p = 0.747) were similar. Most runners (n = 11, 61%) ran their fastest TT in VP4. Conclusions Overall, VP4 improved laboratory-based RE measures in male recreational runners at relative speeds compared to OWN, but the RE improvements in VP4 were not significant vs. FLAT. More runners exhibited better treadmill TT performances in VP4 (61%) vs. FLAT (22%) and OWN (17%). The variability in RE (–10.3% to 13.3%) and TT (–4.7% to 9.3%) improvements suggests that responses to different types of shoes are individualized and warrant further investigation.
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The footstrike pattern of an athlete is understood as the way the foot touches the ground. Over the years, several definitions and techniques to classify and quantify footstrike patterns have been described. Therefore, this narrative review summarizes the existing classifications of footstrike patterns, gives suggestions for further use of these classifications, and provides a summary of the relationship between footstrike patterns and the occurrence of overuse injuries. Footstrike patterns are classified by using nominal (e.g. forefoot strike, midfoot strike, rearfoot strike) or continuous variables (e.g. footstrike angle). Possible assessments include visual, video-based, 3D-biomechanical, force plate-based or inertial measurement unit-based analysis. Scientists, coaches, and clinicians can choose between different methods to analyze footstrike patterns in runners. All approaches to classify footstrike patterns have advantages and limitations. In certain situations, it might be beneficial to combine these methods. Despite great efforts in analyzing footstrike patterns, relationships between footstrike patterns and running-related injuries are mostly unclear at present. Based on the current literature, causal links to overuse injuries, recommendations to change running technique, and other simplifications solely based on the footstrike pattern must be considered critically.
Objective Bone stress injuries (BSIs) are classified in clinical practice as being at low- or high-risk for complication based on the injury location. However, this dichotomous approach has not been sufficiently validated. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the prognostic role of injury location on return-to-sport (RTS) and treatment complications after BSI of the lower extremity and pelvis. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane CENTRAL and Google Scholar databases were searched from database inception to December 2021. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Peer-reviewed studies that reported site-specific RTS of BSIs in athletes. Results Seventy-six studies reporting on 2974 BSIs were included. Sixteen studies compared multiple injury sites, and most of these studies (n=11) described the anatomical site of injury as being prognostic for RTS or the rate of treatment complication. Pooled data revealed the longest time to RTS for BSIs of the tarsal navicular (127 days; 95% CI 102 to 151 days) and femoral neck (107 days; 95% CI 79 to 135 days) and shortest duration of time for BSIs of the posteromedial tibial shaft (44 days, 95% CI 27 to 61 days) and fibula (56 days; 95% CI 13 to 100 days). Overall, more than 90% of athletes successfully returned to sport. Treatment complication rate was highest in BSIs of the femoral neck, tarsal navicular, anterior tibial shaft and fifth metatarsal; and lowest in the fibula, pubic bone and posteromedial tibial shaft. Conclusion This systematic review supports that the anatomical site of BSIs influences RTS timelines and the risk of complication. BSIs of the femoral neck, anterior tibial shaft and tarsal navicular are associated with increased rates of complications and more challenging RTS. PROSPERO registration number CRD42021232351.
Bone stress injuries, including stress fractures, are overuse injuries that lead to substantial morbidity in active individuals. These injuries occur when excessive repetitive loads are introduced to a generally normal skeleton. Although the precise mechanisms for bone stress injuries are not completely understood, the prevailing theory is that an imbalance in bone metabolism favours microdamage accumulation over its removal and replacement with new bone via targeted remodelling. Diagnosis is achieved by a combination of patient history and physical examination, with imaging used for confirmation. Management of bone stress injuries is guided by their location and consequent risk of healing complications. Bone stress injuries at low-risk sites typically heal with activity modification followed by progressive loading and return to activity. Additional treatment approaches include non-weight-bearing immobilization, medications or surgery, but these approaches are usually limited to managing bone stress injuries that occur at high-risk sites. A comprehensive strategy that integrates anatomical, biomechanical and biological risk factors has the potential to improve the understanding of these injuries and aid in their prevention and management. Bone stress injuries, commonly referred to as stress reactions or stress fractures, result from repeated overloading of bone and are thought to involve an imbalance in microdamage formation and repair. This Primer provides an overview of the epidemiology, pathobiology, risk factors, diagnostic approaches, treatments and consequences of bone stress injuries.
Approximately 30% of tarsal navicular stress fractures are missed by physicians because plain radiographs often show no diagnostic clues. If early diagnosis and treatment are not obtained, such fractures will become refractory and the patient will no longer be able to actively participate as an athlete. We herein describe our experience treating a 14-year-old female track sprinter with persistent foot pain. Magnetic resonance imaging 6 months after the onset of pain showed a stress fracture of the tarsal navicular bone. Computed tomography showed the tarsal navicular stress fracture as well as sclerosis at the fracture edges. We diagnosed a refractory tarsal navicular stress fracture. Conservative management in the form of non-weight-bearing cast immobilization is the standard treatment for both partial and complete stress fractures of the tarsal navicular bone. However, surgical treatment is required in refractory cases. We treated the herein-described refractory case with 6 weeks of non-weight-bearing cast immobilization. We instructed the patient to perform quad muscle training at the same time as casting. Six weeks later, follow-up computed tomography showed callus formation and disappearance of the fracture line. The patient thus began full weight bearing with daily use of arch support equipment, and we allowed her to gradually return to sports. We gradually increased her activity intensity from jogging to running. She completely and successfully returned to sports after 3 months of treatment.
Purpose: Foot strike patterns (FSP) influence landing mechanics, with rearfoot strike (RFS) runners exhibiting higher impact loading than forefoot strike (FFS) runners. The few studies that included midfoot strike (MFS) runners have typically grouped them together with FFS. In addition, most running studies have been conducted in laboratories. Advances in wearable technology now allow the measurement of runners' mechanics in their natural environment. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between FSP and impacts across a marathon race. Methods: A total of 222 healthy runners (119 males, 103 females; age, 44.1 ± 10.8 yr) running a marathon race were included. A treadmill assessment was undertaken to determine FSP. An ankle-mounted accelerometer recorded tibial shock (TS) over the course of the marathon. TS was compared between RFS, MFS, and FFS. Correlations between speed and impacts were examined between FSP. TS was also compared at the 10- and 40-km race points. Results: RFS and MFS runners exhibited similar TS (12.24g ± 3.59g vs 11.82g ± 2.68g, P = 0.46) that was significantly higher (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively) than FFS runners (9.88g ± 2.51g). In addition, TS increased with speed for both RFS (r = 0.54, P = 0.01) and MFS (r = 0.42, P = 0.02) runners, but not FFS (r = 0.05, P = 0.83). Finally, both speed (P < 0.001) and TS (P < 0.001) were reduced between the 10- and the 40-km race points. However, when normalized for speed, TS was not different (P = 0.84). Conclusions: RFS and MFS exhibit higher TS than FFS. In addition, RFS and MFS increase TS with speed, whereas FFS do not. These results suggest that the impact loading of MFS is more like RFS than FFS. Finally, TS, when normalized for speed, is similar between the beginning and the end of the race.