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Experimentally probing the stability of thin-shell structures under pure bending

The Royal Society
Philosophical Transactions A
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This paper studies the stability of space structures consisting of longitudinal, open-section thin-shells transversely connected by thin rods subjected to a pure bending moment. Localization of deformation, which plays a paramount role in the nonlinear post-buckling regime of these structures and is extremely sensitive to imperfections, is investigated through probing experiments. As the structures are bent, a probe locally displaces the edge of the thin shells, creating local dimple imperfections. The range of moments for which the early buckling of the structures can be triggered by this perturbation is determined, as well as the energy barrier separating the pre-buckling and post-buckling states. The stability of the local buckling mode is then illustrated by a stability landscape, and probing is extended to the entire structure to reveal alternate buckling modes disconnected from the structure’s fundamental path. These results can be used to formulate efficient buckling criteria and pave the way to operating these structures close to their buckling limits, and even in their post-buckling regime, therefore significantly reducing their mass. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Probing and dynamics of shock sensitive shells’.
Cite this article: Royer F, Pellegrino S. 2023
Experimentally probing the stability of
thin-shell structures under pure bending. Phil.
Trans. R. S oc. A 381: 20220024.
Received: 5 August 2022
Accepted: 26 October 2022
One contribution of 13 to a theme issue
‘Probing and dynamics of shock sensitive
Subject Areas:
structural engineering
pure bending, buckling, thin shells,
imperfection sensitivity, stability landscape
Author for correspondence:
Sergio Pellegrino
Present address: Sibley School of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
Experimentally probing the
stability of thin-shell
structures under pure bending
Fabien Royer1,and Sergio Pellegrino2
1Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, and 2Graduate Aerospace
Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California
Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
SP, 0000-0001-9373-3278
This paper studies the stability of space structures
consisting of longitudinal, open-section thin-shells
transversely connected by thin rods subjected to a
pure bending moment. Localization of deformation,
which plays a paramount role in the nonlinear
post-buckling regime of these structures and is
extremely sensitive to imperfections, is investigated
through probing experiments. As the structures are
bent, a probe locally displaces the edge of the thin
shells, creating local dimple imperfections. The range
of moments for which the early buckling of the
structures can be triggered by this perturbation is
determined, as well as the energy barrier separating
the pre-buckling and post-buckling states. The
stability of the local buckling mode is then illustrated
by a stability landscape, and probing is extended
to the entire structure to reveal alternate buckling
modes disconnected from the structure’s fundamental
path. These results can be used to formulate efficient
buckling criteria and pave the way to operating these
structures close to their buckling limits, and even
in their post-buckling regime, therefore significantly
reducing their mass.
This article is part of the theme issue ‘Probing and
dynamics of shock sensitive shells’.
1. Introduction
Thin shell structures are widely used in engineering
applications. They enable lightweight structures of high
stiffness and play a paramount role in the development
of aerospace vehicles. As new applications are proposed
2023 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society.All rights reser ved.
... Discovering structural response by probing can be an effective technique whether it is conducted experimentally or computationally, as will be evident in the first six papers. The paper by Royer et al. [6] on the ultra-lightweight structures used for supporting solar cell arrays in space employs both experimental and computational probing to reveal the highly complex buckling behaviour of these structures. The following quote from the abstract of this paper succinctly encapsulates the objectives of the technique: 'These results can be used to formulate efficient buckling criteria and pave the way to operating these structures close to their buckling limits, and even in their post-buckling regime, therefore significantly reducing their mass.' ...
... The authors make use of dimensional reduction methods to reduce the nonlinear partial differential equation governing the buckling to a much simpler ordinary differential equation that accurately captures the localization and the progressive loss in bending stiffness. The authors and their co-workers have applied dimensional reduction to other nonlinear systems with great success, and the contribution in this paper should prove useful in modelling systems comprising the shell strip beams such as those employed as the structural elements in the space frames designed for the solar arrays of Royer et al. [6]. ...
... Chen et al. [9] focused on the buckling of partially supported square plates under uniaxial or biaxial pressures. Royer and Pellegrino [10] examined the static and dynamic mixed mode stress intensity factors of fixed fractures in 2D FGM plates. Czajkowski et al. [11] studied the nonlinear thermal buckling behavior of FGM plates using isogeometric analysis. ...
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This study investigates the thermomechanical buckling properties of sandwich plates containing functionally graded layers, isotropic layers, and foam core layers. The sinusoidal high order shear theory is employed as a modeling tool to accomplish this objective. The energy equation of the sandwich plate is utilized by incorporating the displacement and strain of each layer into the equations of motion. Moreover, the equation accounts for the nonlinearity of temperature escalation. The sandwich plate is created by layering functional grading and/or applying ceramic Si3N4 (silicon nitride) and metal Inconel718 material in an isotropic manner. This approach is used to analyze five distinct plate behaviors. This study examines five symmetrical sandwich plates, which is a departure from previous research. Some models include a foam core layer with a void fraction of 60%. The analysis findings suggest that the foam void ratio, foam distribution within the layer height, and the materials used for different layer types have a significant impact on the buckling behavior of the sandwich plate.
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This paper analyzes the buckling and postbuckling behavior of ultralight ladder-type coilable structures, called strips, composed of thin-shell longerons connected by thin rods. Based on recent research on the stability of cylindrical and spherical shells, the stability of strip structures loaded by normal pressure is studied by applying controlled perturbations through localized probing. A plot of these disturbances for increasing pressure is the stability landscape for the structure, which gives insight into the structure’s buckling, postbuckling, and sensitivity to disturbances. The probing technique is generalized to higher-order bifurcations along the postbuckling path, and low-energy escape paths into buckling that cannot be predicted by a classical eigenvalue formulation are identified. It is shown that the stability landscape for a pressure-loaded strip is similar to the landscape for classical shells, such as the axially loaded cylinder and the pressure-loaded sphere. Similarly to classical shells, the stability landscape for the strip shows that an early transition into buckling can be triggered by small disturbances; however, while classical shell structures buckle catastrophically, strip structures feature a large stable postbuckling range.
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Prestressed stayed columns are structural systems where the compressive load-carrying capacity is enhanced through pre-tensioned external cable stays. Recent theoretical studies using analytical and nonlinear finite element models have shown that, under certain configurations , this enhancement leads to a sequence of closely spaced bifurcation points beyond the critical one. This undesirable characteristic can give rise to dangerously unstable interactive post-buckling behaviour including 'mode jumping' and 'snaking' phenomena. Even though these highly nonlinear behaviours can be readily modelled using numerical methods , they cannot be verified robustly using traditional quasi-static testing techniques based on force or displacement control at a single point. The current work explores a novel testing concept for potential experimental implementation, from the theoretical and numerical point of view. The concept allows the stability landscape of prestressed stayed columns to be ascertained by controlling the shape of the structure at multiple points. By controlling the mode shape of the structure, it is possible to traverse limit points, path-follow otherwise unstable equilibria, pinpoint bifurcation points and branch-switch between different 1 post-critical segments of the equilibrium manifold. To explore the feasibility of the new testing method, we have created a virtual instantiation of the experiment in the commercial finite element package Abaqus, coupled to a control algorithm that coordinates the movements of the different control points. A number of different stability phenomena that have previously been identified analytically and numerically are reproduced successfully in the virtual test environment. Moreover, a noise sensitivity study is conducted to assess the robustness of the experimental technique proposed herein. The present work lays the foundation for physically assessing the stability landscape of prestressed stayed columns in a more comprehensive way.
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The axial buckling capacity of a thin cylindrical shell depends on the shape and the size of the imperfections that are present in it. Therefore, the prediction of the shells' buckling capacity is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming, if not impossible, because the prediction requires a priori knowledge about the imperfections. As a result, thin cylindrical shells are designed conservatively using the knockdown factor approach that accommodates the uncertainties associated with the imperfections that are present in the shells; almost all the design codes follow this approach explicitly or implicitly. A novel procedure is proposed for the accurate prediction of the axial buckling capacity of thin cylindrical shells without measuring the imperfections and is based on the probing of the axially loaded shells. Computational and experimental implementation of the procedure yields accurate results when the probing is done in location of highest imperfection amplitude. However, the procedure over-predicts the capacity when the probing is done away from that point. This study demonstrates the crucial role played by the probing location and shows that the prediction of imperfect cylinders is possible if the probing is done at the proper location.
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In Part I of this paper, a quasi-static experimental path-following method was developed that uses tangent quantities in a feedback controller, based on Newton’s method. The ability to compute an experimental tangent stiffness opens the door to more advanced path-following techniques. Here, we extend the experimental path-following method to: (i) pinpointing of critical points (limit and branching points); (ii) branch switching to alternate equilibrium paths; and (iii) tracing of critical points with respect to a secondary parameter. We initially explore these more advanced concepts via the virtual testing environment introduced and validated in Part I. Ultimately, the objective is to demonstrate novel testing procedures and protocols made possible by these advanced experimental path-following procedures. In particular, three pertinent examples are discussed: (i) design sensitivity plots for shape-adaptive morphing structures; (ii) validation of nonlinear FE benchmark models; and (iii) non-destructive testing of subcritical (unstable) buckling of thin-walled shells.
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Modern numerical path-following techniques provide a comprehensive suite of computational tools to study the bifurcation behaviour of engineering structures. In contrast, experimental testing of load-bearing nonlinear structures is still performed using simple force control (dead loading) or displacement control (rigid loading). This means that established experimental methods cannot trace equilibrium manifolds in their entirety because structures snap to alternative equilibria at limit points in the forcing parameter and because branch switching to alternative equilibria cannot be controlled and performed reliably. To extend current testing methods, in Part I of this paper, we implement an experimental path-following method that uses tangent quantities (stiffness and residual forces) and Newton's method to continue along stable and unstable equilibrium paths and traverse limit points. In addition to enforcing the displacement at primary load-introduction points, the overall shape of the structure is controlled via secondary actuators and sensors. Small perturbations of the structure using the secondary actuators allow an experimental tangent stiffness to be computed, which is then used in a control algorithm. As a pertinent test case, the experimental method is applied to a transversely loaded shallow {circular} arch. Due to the complexity of the test setup, the experiment is first designed using a virtual testing environment based on a surrogate finite element model. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed experimental method and the usefulness of virtual testing as a surrogate, but also highlight that experimental efficiency and the effects of noise and sensor uncertainty is of particular concern. In Part II, we present perspectives on future research directions and novel testing capabilities that are enabled by extending the methodology to pinpointing of critical points, tracing of critical boundaries, and branch switching.
The stability of lightweight space structures composed of longitudinal thin-shell elements connected transversely by thin rods is investigated, extending recent work on the stability of cylindrical and spherical shells. The role of localization in the buckling of these structures is investigated and early transitions into the post-buckling regime are unveiled using a probe that locally displaces the structure. Multiple probe locations are studied and the probe force versus probe displacement curves are analyzed and plotted to assess the structure’s stability. The probing method enables the computation of the energy input needed to transition early into a post-buckling state, which is central to determining the critical buckling mechanism for the structure. A stability landscape is finally plotted for the critical buckling mechanism. It gives insight into the post-buckling stability of the structure and the existence of localized post-buckling states in the close vicinity of the fundamental equilibrium path.
This paper explores the use of three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning to evaluate deteriorated steel bridge girders due to corrosion. Initially, a naturally corroded beam from a decommissioned bridge in MA was scanned in the laboratory, and thickness contour maps were developed for mapping the remaining material of corroded parts. The contours are compared to thickness measurements obtained by ultrasonic thickness gauge, and the results validate the efficiency of 3D scanning as a potential technology for bridge inspections. Then, in a second phase, experimental testing of a corroded girder is performed to obtain the capacity and the mode of failure. Finally, in the last part of the paper, the 3D scanning data are combined through an automated procedure with finite element analysis and analytical provisions to examine whether 3D scanning can inform these two tools reasonably for accurate capacity predictions. The results provide good agreement between experimental and predicted failure loads, paving the way for a more efficient, safe, and time-saving inspection protocol.
The prediction of the critical buckling conditions of shell structures is plagued by imperfection sensitivity. Non-destructive testing through point-load probing has been recently proposed to map the stability landscape of cylindrical shells. However, the counterpart procedure for spherical shells is still debatable. Here, we focus on the mechanical response of pressurized spherical shells containing a single dimple-like defect to a point probe. Combining experiments, finite element modeling, and existing results from classic shell theory, we characterize the nonlinear force-indentation response of imperfect shells at different pressurization levels. From these curves, we seek to identify the critical buckling pressure of the shell. In particular, the indentation angle is varied systematically to examine its effect on the probing efficacy. We find that the critical buckling point can be inferred non-destructively by tracking the maxima of the indentation force–displacement curves, if the probe is implemented sufficiently close to the defect. When probing further away from the defect, the test fails in predicting the onset of buckling since the deformation due to indentation remains localized in the vicinity of the probe. Using FEM simulations and shallow shell theory, we quantify the characteristic length associated with this localized deformation due to indentation, both in the linear and nonlinear regimes. Our results demonstrate the limiting conditions of applicability for the usage of probing as a non-destructive technique to assess the stability of spherical shells.
From soda cans to space rockets, thin-walled cylindrical shells are abundant, offering exceptional load carrying capacity at relatively low weight. However, the actual load at which any shell buckles and collapses is very sensitive to imperceptible defects and can not be predicted, which challenges the reliable design of such structures. Consequently, probabilistic descriptions in terms of empirical design rules are used and reliable design requires to be very conservative. We introduce a nonlinear description where finite-amplitude perturbations trigger buckling. Drawing from the analogy between imperfect shells which buckle and imperfect pipe flow which becomes turbulent, we experimentally show that lateral probing of cylindrical shells reveals their strength non-destructively. A new ridge-tracking method is applied to commercial cylinders with a hole showing that when the location where buckling is nucleated is known we can accurately predict the buckling load of each individual shell, within ±5%. Our study provides a new promising framework to understand shell buckling, and more generally, imperfection-sensitive instabilities.
This paper presents a study of the elastic buckling behavior of Triangular Rollable And Collapsible (TRAC) booms under pure bending. An autoclave manufacturing process for ultra-thin composite booms is presented and the behavior of three test samples is investigated experimentally. Two regimes are observed, a pre-buckling regime and a stable post-buckling regime that ends when buckling collapse is reached. The buckling collapse moment, marking the end of the stable post-buckling regime, is typically four times higher than the initial buckling moment. A numerical simulation of the boom behavior with the Abaqus finite element package is presented and all of the features observed experimentally are captured accurately by the simulation, except buckling collapse. The numerical model is also used to study the effect of varying the boom length from 0.3 m to 5.0 m. It is shown that the pre-buckling deformation of the flanges under compression leads to a constant wavelength lateral-torsional buckling mode for which the critical moment is mostly constant across the range of lengths.