To manage attendance of each student is much more complex when it’s done manually, and it has to be done for each class. To overcome this, we can use face recognition application where it takes less time comparatively, and it is stored in the database; this avoids confusions, proxies, and error of storing data when done manually. The students need to fill their data along with parent’s details, so when the students are absent, the message will be passed to them. After taking attendance through the application, mails and message of the data entry of attendance will be sent to the respective teachers. In advance, the details need to be entered beforehand, so when the students come in front of the camera, their face is recognized by comparing them from database containing faces. When it is unable to recognize, the faces will be stored in unknown, so when there is a mishap of being absent, it can be checked later on. This method of attendance is much more successful. Compare to other algorithms, haar cascade and local binary pattern histogram is best due to their robustness and less false rate.