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This paper presents the evaluation of the safety measures adopted by Ho Technical University (HTU) students in the use of power extension cords in their halls and hostels, along with their safety considerations for properly selecting these cords to avert fire outbreaks or prevent them from becoming a potential fire hazard. Whenever extension cords are utilized inappropriately it can lead to fire or electric shock perils. The assessment of the awareness level of safety practices is yet to be rigorously pursued as an agenda towards extension cord usage in institutions and agencies perceived to be high energy consumers where fire outbreaks occur frequently. A quantitative research approach was adopted, using a questionnaire for data collection. The findings revealed that about 52% of the respondents did not know the current and power ratings and the effects of overloading the extension cord. It was recommended that consumers purchase extension cords that have been endorsed by an autonomous testing laboratory, whereas the university should immediately organize a seminar to educate the staff and students about the use of the extension cord. Keywords: Electric shock Extension cord Fire outbreak Safety This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control
Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2023, pp. 468~476
ISSN: 1693-6930, DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v21i2.24743 468
Journal homepage:
Safety precautions in the usage of extension cords by students in
halls and hostels
Divine Tuinese Novieto1, Frank Kulor2, Elisha D. Markus3, Michael Wellington Apprey2
1Department of Building Technology, Faculty of Built and Natural Environment, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana
2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana
3Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information
Technology, Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Article Info
Article history:
Received Nov 29, 2021
Revised Sep 01, 2022
Accepted Oct 26, 2022
This paper presents the evaluation of the safety measures adopted by Ho
Technical University (HTU) students in the use of power extension cords in
their halls and hostels, along with their safety considerations for properly
selecting these cords to avert fire outbreaks or prevent them from becoming
a potential fire hazard. Whenever extension cords are utilized
inappropriately it can lead to fire or electric shock perils. The assessment of
the awareness level of safety practices is yet to be rigorously pursued as an
agenda towards extension cord usage in institutions and agencies perceived
to be high energy consumers where fire outbreaks occur frequently.
A quantitative research approach was adopted, using a questionnaire for data
collection. The findings revealed that about 52% of the respondents did not
know the current and power ratings and the effects of overloading the
extension cord. It was recommended that consumers purchase extension
cords that have been endorsed by an autonomous testing laboratory, whereas
the university should immediately organize a seminar to educate the staff
and students about the use of the extension cord.
Electric shock
Extension cord
Fire outbreak
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Elisha D. Markus
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Built Environment and Information Technology, Central University of Technology
Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Electrical extension cords are the same old thing that has been used as comfort since mid-1940.
Extension cords are a simple and practical way to connect power from main socket outlets to appliances in
the built environment [1]. However, its improper application could present serious fire hazards to the
occupants and their properties. According to occupational environmental health and safety (OEHS) in 2004,
misused and damaged extension cords have led to painful injuries, fires, equipment damage, regulatory
violations, and penalties [2].
According to Rabban et al. [3] extension cords caused 4600 residential home fires, resulting in 70
deaths, 230 injuries, and $42 million in damage. Extension cords also caused 2200 non-fatal electrocutions in
patients of all ages in non-fire-related events. There were 28,160 home fire occurrences in British Columbia
between 2004 and 2017, with 2,635 (9.40%) being electrical fires, including extension cord-related fires.
These electrical fires resulted in 150 casualties (deaths and injuries combined) and a little over $150 million
in damages [4].
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Safety precautions in the usage of extension cords by students in halls and hostels (Divine Tuinese Novieto)
The most common causes of fire arising from the misuse of extension cords include overloading, passing
the cords under carpets, rugs and doorways, and lack of proper care and maintenance. Overloading can happen
when a few apparatuses or gadgets are connected to one extension cord or when lines are “daisy-chained” that is
stopping various electrical lines together [2]. In other instances, overloading occurs when an appliance of a higher
wattage is used to draw power from an extension cord with a lower rating [4], [5]. In reality, most household
extension cords are only rated for a maximum of 10 amps or 1200 watts. When cords are passed under
carpets, rugs and doorways with people walking on them the wires inside the cords begin to break down, which
invariably reduces the cords ability to transmit current effectively, causing it to get hot [2], [6]. The resultant
effect is an outbreak of fire.
Almost every day brings word of a fire breaking out in some sections of Ghana, sparking dread and
panic among the populace [7] due to the lack of knowledge and information about the basic use of electricity.
Recently, the fire outbreak statistics from the Ghana national fire service (GNFS) for the year 2009 disclosed
that, total fire outbreaks with some contribution to these fire outbreaks emanating from overloading
appliances, which causes them to become overheated, which then causes an electrical house fire. According
to Adekunle et al. [8], a fire started by a frayed extension cord severely damaged a residence in Ikorodu in
November 2013. Firefighters discovered the fire was started by an extension cord that had become tangled
beneath the edge of a seat. The agents confirmed that the house had become a total disaster.
Extension cords, additionally alluded to as portable cords, are utilized for transitory power
associations requiring an adaptable cord. They are not planned to be utilized as a substitute for the fixed
wiring of a structure, but they may, under certain conditions, be utilized as an impermanent wiring
arrangement. The national electric code (NEC) article 400 addresses the extension cord as a different class.
They dont believe it to be a wiring strategy [9]. Extension cords offer expedient methods of bringing
temporary power to a device or equipment, and they have been in use since the mid-1940s. The NEC,
national fire protection association (NFPA) 70E, and occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)
all require the utilization of a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) at whatever point extension cords are
associated with a transitory power source, for example, a brief post-administration, generator, or when
associated with the changeless wiring of a structure [10]. A GFCI can help forestall electric shock. On the off
chance that an individuals body begins to get a stun, the GFCI senses this and cuts off the force before
he/she can be harmed. GFCIs are for the most part introduced where electrical circuits may incidentally come
into contact with water [11], [12]. They are frequently found in kitchens, showers and pantries, even
extension cords where electric force apparatuses may be utilized. As per the National Electrical Code,
a “ground fault” is a directing association (regardless of whether deliberate or coincidental) between any
electric conveyor and any leading material that is grounded or that may become grounded [13].
Extension cords can overheat and cause fires when utilized inappropriately. Overheating is typically
brought about by overburdening or interfacing gadgets that expend more force (watts) than the cord can deal
with. Damaged extension cords can likewise cause fires. Extension cord should just be utilized temporarily
and, if done unsafely, pose a safety threat [14], [15]. However, safety awareness is yet to be assessed as an
agenda for extension cord usage in institutions and residential homes that are high energy consumers and
prone to fires. Thus, this paper evaluates students safety practises and policies when using extension cords in
residence halls and dormitories, as well as their safety considerations for appropriately selecting extension
cords based on the application to prevent fire outbreaks or fire hazards, and suggest recommendations to raise
awareness of the danger when improperly used.
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the safety measures adopted by students in the use of
extension cords in their halls and hostels, along with the safety considerations for properly selecting extension
cords depending on the application to prevent them from becoming a potential fire hazard. The study adopted a
quantitative research approach; using a questionnaire because they offer a considerable and objective view of
issues. The design used allowed the investigators to collect empirical data to answer the research questions or
test the objective of the study.
The target population for the research work was Ho Technical University students in selected halls
and hostels of residence within and around the University environs who have stayed in these halls and hostels
for over six / 6 months as of the period of the survey. Respondents were selected via a random sampling
method in administering the questionnaires. This suitable technique was employed to ensure that students
from single-sexed halls/hostels and mixed-sex halls/hostels were fairly represented and included in the study
to avoid the bias often associated with other sampling techniques. By adopting a purposive sampling method,
three / 3 halls and two / 2 hostels of residence were selected: Vodzi Hall (male only), Acolatse Hall (female
only), Adaklu Hall (mixed hall), Nogora Hostel (mixed hostel), and Cambridge Hostel (mixed hostel).
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2023: 468-476
After obtaining permission from the hostel owners and administrators, the rooms of these students
were visited, and any available and willing students were invited to participate in the study. Four hundred / 400
respondents participated in this research survey. The respondents answered the questions based on a five-point
Likert scale rating, with five / 5 being the highest of the rating and interpreted as 1 = strongly disagree;
extremely low, 2 = disagree; low, 3 = uncertain; average, 4 = agree; high, and 5 = strongly agree; extremely
high. The various responses from the questionnaire were checked for errors, inaccuracies and inconsistencies.
Following this step, questionnaires were given identification numbers and responses were coded to use the
statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16 to process the collected data. Simple frequency,
percentages and descriptive statistics were used as analytical tools.
The questionnaires validity and reliability were further investigated [16]. The degree to which a
question assesses the aspect that it is intended to test is referred to as validity. Only if the questionnaire is
statistically trustworthy and valid will it be relevant for different researchers and studies. The capacity of a
question to consistently give the same response is referred to as reliability. Cronbachs alpha can be used to
measure reliability in SPSS. The alpha value of 0.70 is frequently used as a criterion for determining
dependability [17]. Cronchs alpha was discovered to be 0.853 for this research, which is higher than the and
indicates an excellent assessment of the reliability and consistency of the test items.
The study sought to investigate safety precautions and fire outbreaks in the usage of extension cords
by HTU students in selected halls and hostels at Ho Technical University. In doing so, the questionnaire was
administered to the students to be answered. Sections of the questionnaire, which include bio-data, general
knowledge of extension cords, selection, usage and maintenance of extension cords, fire outbreak risk and
safety knowledge in the use of extension cords, were answered by the students, and their results are presented.
3.1. Biographic data of respondents
At the end of the survey over a three / 3-week period from 10th February to 2nd March 2020, 400
questionnaires distributed to sample students in the selected halls and hostels of residence were retrieved. The total
number of respondents who provided clear answers to the questionnaire was 374 (representing 93.50%) out of the
400 questionnaires administered. The 26 respondents out of the 400 (representing 6.50%) provided errors,
incomplete and inconsistent information, which were excluded from the inputs used for analysis. In all, the males
were 280 (representing 74.90%), while the females were 94 (representing 25.10%). This may be attributed to the
fact that males usually use more extension cords generally than females.
In the age distribution sample given, a majority (72.10%) of the respondents were aged
1525 years, followed by those aged 2645 years (24.90%). Those aged 45 and older were in the minority
and constituted (2.90%) of the sample respectively. Students from all faculties in the university were
involved in the research. Students in year 1 were 123 (32.90%), year 2 were 161 (43%), year 3 were 81
(21.70%) and final year 4 students, mostly top-up students were only 9 representing (2.40%).
3.2. General information
Respondents were asked about some general knowledge about ever using an extension cord,
the amperage and the wattage rating of the unit. The majority, representing 99.70% had used an extension cord
before whereas a minority of 0.30% of these respondents had never used the cord before. For the knowledge of
amperage and wattage ratings of the extension cord, a majority of 193 respondents (representing 51.60%) do not
know the amperage and wattage ratings of these cords, while 179 (representing 47.90%) are knowledgeable of
these ratings. Three (3) respondents (0.50%) couldn’t answer this question, and this suggests that the respondent
did not understand the question due to its technicality.
Interestingly, over 50% of the respondents do not know extension cord amperage and wattage ratings.
This represents a great danger to the user. The user might be tempted to plug in as many electrical loads as
possible on this unit, thereby causing overloading of the extension cord, which in turn causes an increase in the
wires’ temperature, which can lead to melting, decomposition, or burns. Sankaranarayanan and Wan [18],
overloaded appliances and misuse of extension cords can cause abnormal electrical conditions and start a fire.
3.3. To what extent do you do the following before the usage of an extension cord (selection)
Questions in Table 1 were used to test the knowledge level of the respondents, and to find out what
they do before using the extension cords after acquiring them. A five point Likert-scale was utilized to
determine the safety options before the selection of an extension cord by the respondents where 1 signified
strongly disagree and 5 represented strongly agree. The results are presented in Table 1.
As can be gleaned from Table 1, the importance of each of the independent variables predicting
respondents’ attitudes towards extension cord usage as they acquire them for the first time is assessed
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Safety precautions in the usage of extension cords by students in halls and hostels (Divine Tuinese Novieto)
through the descriptive statistics method. The means appeared slightly high. Clearly, the most preferred
attitude is I choose cords with three-prong plugs (M = 3.82)” and this might be attributed to the easy entry
of the three-prong plugs into a receptacle. One of the advantages of choosing a three-prong plug is that it helps
guard against electric shock, provided the earthing framework is effective. A slight majority of the respondents
strongly agree with “I consider the length I will need to draw power from before buying the cord” with a mean
of (M = 3.73) followed by “I inspect the extension cord for any damage before buying (M = 3.66)”.
The respondent was thinking that having a long cord is the best, forgetting that the length of the extension
cord is another significant thought. Since voltage is lost across separation, shorter lines are best for running
gadgets with higher current needs. Utilizing a shorter cord is generally fine for most appliances, as subbing a
more extended cord for a gadget with a higher current could harm your appliance or represent a security
danger. If all other fails, go with the shortest cord.
Table 1. Attitudes towards extension cord before use
Before use
I choose cords with three-prong plugs.
I consider the length I will need to draw power from before buying the cord.
I inspect the extension cord for any damage before buying.
I inspect my extension cord for physical damage before use.
I am aware that there are extension cords for indoor use.
I am aware that there are extension cords for outdoor use.
I read the information about the amount of power the extension cords can provide.
I check to see if the extension cord has been approved for use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Mean (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = uncertain; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree)
Source: field data (2021)
Much emphasis was not laid on the awareness of the usage of extension cords both indoors and
outdoors. Both accumulated a mean of (M = 3.25) and (M = 3.14) respectively. This means any extension
cord which can support the respondent in getting their system working, irrespective of the implications on the
type of extension cord and where to be used does not matter, forgetting that using an indoor extension cord
for outdoor or vice versa can be very dangerous due to overheating that may arise and cause a fire. It was
very interesting to note that the respondents scored the very important factors “I read the information about the
amount of power the extension cords can provide” and “I check to see if the extension cord has been approved
for use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory” with the lowest means of (M = 3.05) and (M = 2.94)
respectively. Research conducted by the researchers revealed that most of the extension cords in the country
had no standard label on them from the approved authority that regulates the influx of goods into the country;
therefore, consumers tend to forget these two important points when acquiring the extension cord.
In Ghana, the Ghana standards authority (GSA), formerly the Ghana standards board (GSB), is a
Government of Ghana agency accountable for the maintenance of suitable standards for products and
services and sound management practices in industries and public institutions [19]. One of their key
responsibilities is to promote standards in public health, safety and welfare for consumers of various goods
and services produced in Ghana and imported, whether for local consumption or export are safe, reliable and
are of good quality, and meet the standards of the international standards organization (ISO). Most of these
cords have low standard material, poor cable size and insulation. It should be noted that extension cords
experience heat in their wires when electrical current transmits through them. When more power than the
capacity of the cord passes through the wires, it overheats and melts the insulation, causing short circuits and
fire outbreaks [11].
The use of uncertified extension cords is a breach of both OSHA and National Fire Protection
Association codes. The OSHA Code of Federal Regulations (29CFR1910.303 (a)) states that conductors and
hardware are worthy of use just on the off chance that they are endorsed by recognized research centres.
Endorsed electrical extension cords are justifiable in the working environment as impermanent wiring and for
not more than 90 days. Be careful with modest gadgets, they regularly don’t fulfil security guidelines and are
unlawfully marked [20].
3.4. To what extent do you do the following during the usage of an extension cord (usage)
Questions in Table 2 illustrate the attitude towards the extension cord after use. The consideration
required to securely utilize an extension cord includes directing cords away from areas where they are likely
to be harmed and utilizing the shortest cord that will fill each proposed need. A five point Likert-scale was
utilized to determine the safety options during the use of an extension cord by the respondents, where 1
signified strongly disagree and 5 represented strongly agree.
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2023: 468-476
As depicted in Table 2, the majority of low mean values were recorded for the precautionary
measures taken during the use of extension cords. The critically dangerous preference I plug multiple
appliances on my extension cord” scored the highest mean (M = 3.56), meaning most of the respondents
agree or strongly agree with doing so. Because over 51.6% of the respondents do not know the current and
power ratings of extension cords as indicated, they do not know the effect of overloading the extension cord.
Overburdening electrical cords or circuits can cause an electrical fire because of the extra electrical flow
going through the outlet, which is more than what it was intended to deal with. At the point when this occurs,
the wiring or the outlet will overheat and possibly cause an electrical fire. On the other hand, “I continue to
use the extension cord even if it feels hot when I touch it” with a mean of (M = 2.43) was slightly lower even
though it is dangerous. It is very important to inspect the cord intermittently for signs of harm or indications
of over-burdening, melting deformation, obscuring of colour, or a burnt or electrical smell caused by
overheating of these cords.
Table 2. Attitudes towards extension cord during use (usage)
Maintenance Preference
I plug multiple appliances into my extension cord.
I use an extension cord marked for indoor use for indoors and outdoor use for outdoors.
I pass extension cords under carpets and furniture.
I continue to use the extension cord even if it feels hot when I touch it.
I attach extension cords to the walls and floors using nails and straps.
I use the extension cord when it is wet.
Mean (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = uncertain; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree)
Source: field data (2021)
Table 2 reveals that the vast majority of respondents hold opinions that either disagree or strongly
disagree with the rest of the preferences listed in the table due to the low mean values associated with each
preference. According to the low mean scores that were recorded for each preference, the respondents have
only a moderate understanding of the safety precautions that should be observed when making use of
extension cords. It’s not common to use an extension cable to plug in a lot of things at once. Most of the time,
the equivalent load is greater than what the extension cord can handle. As a result, the cable might get too hot
and break from that.
3.5. To what extent do you do the following after the usage of an extension cord (maintenance)
Regarding the assessment as shown in Table 3, the mean values scored by the respondents were
approximately high, indicating that they have a slight idea of the “dos” of extension cord usage. The highest
mean value, “I keep extension cords dry and free from water” (M = 3.93) was much of a preference to the
respondents because exposing the extension cord to water can surely cause electrocution or lead to a fire
outbreak [21]. The rest of the mean values for each factor were rated very high due to the understanding of the
effects and dangers that might occur due to poor adherence to safety measures when using extension cords.
Table 3. Attitudes towards extension cord after use (maintenance)
Std. deviation
I keep extension cords dry and free from water.
I keep extension cords away from children and animals.
I store extension cords indoors after use.
I regularly check and inspect my extension cord to see if it is in good working order.
I throw away any cord which is damaged.
I unplug extension cords when they are not in use.
Mean (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = uncertain; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree)
Source: field data (2021)
3.6. To what extent do you rate the following as the causalities of a possible fire outbreak (fire
outbreak risk)
The descriptive statistics reveal that a majority of the respondents rated this question “I am
convinced that based on my maintenance culture I am exposed to fire outbreak in the use of the extension
cord” extremely low, with the highest frequency of 112 (representing 29.90%), followed by average with a
frequency of 84 (22.50%), whereas a frequency of 74, representing 19.80%, was rated low. Both high and
extremely high had frequencies of 56 and 48 (representing 15% and 12.80%) respectively. From the
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Safety precautions in the usage of extension cords by students in halls and hostels (Divine Tuinese Novieto)
frequencies obtained from this question, most of the respondents think that, based on their maintenance
practices with the use of their extension cords, they are not exposed to the casualties of a possible fire outbreak.
This might be true based on the facts obtained in Table 3 which they rated very high means for maintenance
practices with the use of extension cords, forgetting that the risk of shocks and fire outbreaks from the usage
of extension cords does not depend solely on proper maintenance.
Again, the respondents were asked, “I am convinced that based on how I use the extension cord, I am
exposed to a fire outbreak. Here again, the respondents scored both low and average with frequencies of 101 and
83, (representing 27% and 22.20%) respectively. Extremely low had a frequency of 82 (21.90%) whereas high
and extremely high had the lowest rates of 15.80% and 13.10% respectively. In Table 2, respondents were
asked to answer questions related to safety measures taken during the use of extension cords. It was
concluded from the Table 2 analysis that the respondents barely took precautions when using these cords.
Contrasting the two clearly shows that the respondents do not know that based on their low level of
precautionary measures taken, they are exposed to fire and electric stun, but they are not yet convinced that
they are exposed to these hazards under this research question.
Another question, “I am convinced that based on my initial information on the extension cord before
buying, I am exposed to a fire outbreak” was asked. The respondents scored an extremely low 26.20%
followed by an average of 24.10%. The parameter low scored 23.80% while high and extremely high scored
17.60% and 8.30% respectively. Amazingly, most respondents strongly disagree with this question because,
as can be gleaned from Table 1, the most important information required to know before getting an extension
cord was rated low. The respondents chose convenience over safety when getting an extension cord. This has
been reflected under this question with the scores given. Extension cords pose a serious fire risk when used
without restriction. When multiple appliances, including a TV, home theatre system, computer, and others,
are hooked into a single extension cord, it places an enormous power burden on a single socket that might not
be able to handle it and this may result in overheating and starting a fire [22].
Finally, the question overall, how would you rate your exposure to the risk of a fire outbreak in the
use of the extension cord?” was asked. A five-point Likert- scale was utilized to determine the exposure to
the risk of fire outbreak in the use of the extension cord, where 1 signified extremely low and 5 represented
extremely high. The results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Exposure to the risk of fire outbreak
Extremely low
Extremely high
Mean (1 = extremely low; 2 = low; 3 = average; 4 = high; 5 = extremely high)
Source: field data (2021)
Using the Likert scale analysis as a statistical tool, let;
= the exposure to the risk of fire outbreak in the use of the extension cord is low
= the exposure to the risk of fire outbreak in the use of the extension cord is high
Coding in SPSS; 1 = extremely low; 2 = low; 3 = average; 4 = high; 5 = extremely high
Critical region = 3.0; accept the null hypothesis if the mean response is less than 3.0 and reject if it is greater
than 3.0.
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
 
Since the mean response calculated is greater than the critical region value of 3.0, it implies that the
null hypothesis can be rejected with the conclusion that the respondents are on average exposed to the risk of
a fire outbreak in the use of their extension cord as rated. Sadly, based on the scores provided, the
respondents have very little knowledge about the use of the extension cord. From the information given
throughout this research, it is obvious that most of them lack the technical knowledge to understand these
cords and what makes them potentially hazardous. They mostly rely on convenience rather than safety,
thereby exposing themselves to dangers associated with the use of the wrong extension cords, and upon their
little knowledge, still feel that their exposure to the risk of fire outbreaks in the use of extension cords is
relatively low. Approximately 3,300 home fires start in extension cords every year, killing 50 individuals and
harming 270 more. An electrical cord can overheat and cause fires when utilized inappropriately, so remember
these significant hints to ensure your home and working environment [23].
ISSN: 1693-6930
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2023: 468-476
3.7. To what extent do you agree with the following as the safety measures to prevent fire outbreaks
from extension cords? (safety)
The final question on the questionnaire was, overall, I am convinced that based on how I use the
extension cord, the safety of my household is at risk. The overall analysis was determined by a five-point
Likert-scale, where 1 signified strongly disagree and 5 represented strongly agree. The respondents answered
accordingly, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The final analysis of the questionnaire is displayed in Figure 1. The respondents finally agree to this
question that, based on their way of using these cords domestically, they are at risk, with a 23% score. Also,
22% strongly agree, while 20% strongly disagree. Lastly, 18% disagreed, and 17% were uncertain about this
question. It can, therefore, be concluded that most respondents agree on the risk they are involved in at their
abode with the way they use their extension cord.
It is evident throughout the survey that most respondents do not have very practical knowledge of
the use of the extension cord based on the data given. Mostly, they rely on convenience rather than safety
when getting this unit. The questionnaire administered to them exposed them to the technicalities involved in
the use of extension cords. These technical questions exposed their low-level thinking and understanding in
their submissions. The only high-level skill they had was the maintenance of their extension cord, which
scored high mean values throughout the questionnaire administered because they permanently use these
cords and are looking forward to a lasting use, so good maintenance will do.
Figure 1. Exposure to safety measures to prevent fire outbreaks
More education is required to expose these technicalities to consumers and educate them on how to
use these cords, starting from the standard label, the required authority to be provided on tested ones, and the
required current and wattage ratings to be provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, a seminar would be held
by the engineering faculty of the university to educate students and staff of the institution about the safe
usage of these cords. Ensuring safety and raising awareness among individuals is very important, as
knowledge is wealth. The electrical hazard posed a significant risk of death and injuries to the individual;
therefore, attention to safety is necessary as the first step in any environmental setup [24]. The importance of
product testing and standards is added to the list of lifelong instructions on fire and life safety that we strive
to instil [25].
This study investigated the level of students’ awareness and adherence to extension cord safety
measures to reduce the frequency of extension cord-related fires in their various halls and hostels at HTU.
From the study, it has become clear that most of the selected users of extension cords in the University are
not well informed or aware of the electrical hazards, safety measures and practices associated with the use of
extension cords. No wonder the implications of these have been seen in the number of electricity accidents
witnessed in various halls of residence in academic institutions. The knowledge of safety measures needs to be
passed on to electricity users, as knowledge is the seed of tomorrow’s change. To avoid all forms of electricity
accidents in schools, offices and homes, all hands must be on deck to see that extension cord users have
adequate awareness of electrical hazards and safety education before acquiring one for use. The university
should immediately organize a seminar to educate the staff and students about the use of the extension cord.
Alternatively, students should be thoroughly informed of the safety practices that will aid in safeguarding the
lives and property of other users of electrical extension cords through the use of safety posters, public lectures,
and other forms of communication by specialists from the Engineering Department. Finally, consumers should
only purchase extension cords that have been endorsed by an autonomous testing laboratory.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control
Safety precautions in the usage of extension cords by students in halls and hostels (Divine Tuinese Novieto)
Based on the findings, some recommendations have been made to improve safety awareness of
extension cord use and proper selection based on application to prevent fires in tertiary institutions and
homes. Buy only Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Ghana Standard Authority-approved extension cords
with embossed labels. The extension cord is approved by the testing facility, demonstrating that it meets
pertinent prerequisites. Extension cords must be used within their wattage or ampere ratings. Before buying,
compare appliance and cord ratings. Connecting electrical devices with three-pronged plugs requires three-
conductor extension cords. If the earthing system works, this prevents electric shock. Plug only one appliance
into the extension cord. Overloading electrical cords or circuits can cause an electrical fire because the outlet
cant handle the extra electrical flow. Extension cords should not be routed through doorways, mattresses, or
windows that can close and damage them. Finally, extension cord splicing must be done professionally to
avoid short circuits and fires. Typically, the repair is not cost effective and can only be performed by an
experienced and qualified electrician. Extension cords are only to be used for short-term purposes and only
when necessary. They dont substitute for the requirement for the establishment of outlets and legitimate
wiring where essential. The following guidelines, stated as recommendations above, should be adhered to by
students and other users when purchasing, using, and after using extension cords to guarantee that they do not
infringe on good safety practices or fire codes. Remember, the combination of safe products and safe
practices produces a safe environment.
The authors wish to acknowledge hostel owners and administrators of the halls, and all students of
Ho Technical University, Ghana, who took part in the survey to make this research possible.
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Divine Tuinese Novieto obtained his Ph.D. in Building Technology from the
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, DeMonfort University, Leicester, United
Kingdom. He earned his Master’s in Building Services Engineering from the College of
Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Brunel University, West London, United Kingdom. He obtained his Higher
National Diploma in Building Technology from the Faculty of Engineering at Ho Technical
University. He can be contacted at email: Email:
Frank Kulor is a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering at Ho Technical University (HTU) Ghana. He has rich experience in Electrical
and automation systems for the industry. He has just completed his doctoral studies at the
Central University of Technology Free State. His research interests are control automation,
Power systems, Telecommunications and Nuclear energy. He can be contacted at email:
Elisha D. Markus is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical, Electronic
and Computer Engineering Department at the Central University of Technology, Free State
South Africa. His research interests are nonlinear control, robotics, Power systems,
Differential, Flatness, Telecommunications and artificial intelligence. He can be contacted at
Michael Wellington Apprey received Higher National Diploma (HND) in
Electrical/Electronic Engineering from Ho Technical University in 2013 and completed his First
Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering from Accra Institute of Technology in 2017. He is a
Senior Laboratory Technician at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ho
Technical University (HTU) Ghana. His research interests are Power Systems, Electronics and
Communications, Power Line Communications and Telecommunications. He can be contacted at
... Circuit protection methods are used to prevent potential hazards like electrical fires or shocks caused by overcurrents. These preventive measures are often in the form of circuit breakers or fuses, which automatically halt the flow of electricity when abnormal current levels are detected [7]. ...
... The study concluded that electrical dangers pose a notable risk within hospital settings, necessitating ongoing evaluation and enhancement efforts. 11. [7] 2023 Assessed the safety practices of students in using power extension cords in their accommodations. ...
... This corroborates with the research conducted by Refs. [7,31], where the studies revealed that extension cords were overloaded in over 90 % of homes visited. It's important to remember that every extension cable has a specific wattage capacity, influenced by factors like wire thickness and cable length. ...
Full-text available
Understanding electrical hazards and implementing safety measures is paramount to protecting lives and property. Therefore, this research investigates electrical hazards in households and safety measures taken by residents in Sokode–Etoe, Ghana. The primary objective is to identify gaps in knowledge regarding electrical hazards among domestic electricity consumers and offer recommendations to enhance safety and mitigate the risks. The data were systematically collected from 200 participants, including both homeowners and tenants, using a structured questionnaire. The results were presented using Likert scale analysis, sample t-test, binary logistic regression analysis, involving statistical hypothesis testing of predictor variable coefficients, Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) and Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA). Participants showed a high awareness of electrical hazards, yet demonstrated a weaker grasp of safety practices, correct emergency procedures, and infrequent testing of wiring systems by homeowners. The predominant electrical accident that emerged was electrical shock. Most homeowners have not engaged certified electrical inspectors for a decade, reflecting uncertainty about the safety protocols in place. Furthermore, respondents expressed a degree of uncertainty regarding the safety measures implemented in their households concerning electricity usage. This study underscores the pressing need to raise awareness and promote safe electrical practices in residential environments. Such an educational initiative could utilize a variety of communication channels, social media influencers, renowned personalities, customised mobile applications and other platforms. This research stands out as the inaugural investigation offering a comprehensive examination of the hazards related to energy consumption and safety precautions in Ghana. It focuses on an often-overlooked demographic of electricity users in Ghana, shedding light on domestic electrical safety issues and the growing hazards.
... Cords with a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) will, as a result, cut down electricity in the event of a ground fault, providing further security. Cords with light-up stops that indicate when the string is controlled are useful for a variety of purposes, as is a cord with a connector box, a device that wraps around both the extension cord plug and the connection on the connected electrical device to keep them from pulling apart (Novieto et al., 2023). ...
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This paper aims to assess the level of awareness of safety precautions in the use of extension cords in Ho Municipality in Ghana. The relevance of this study is to provide an understanding of the awareness level of safety measures likely to lead to a significant reduction in incidents of domestic fire outbreaks when using an extension cord. A cross-sectional research was carried out in the Ho Municipality between February and April 2022. Six hundred and one (601) individuals were chosen from houses using a random selection method. A standardised questionnaire was used to gather data, and then entered and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) V.16. Descriptive statistics, Binary logistic regression analysis with a 0.05 p-value and the adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI), Relative Importance Index (RII), and the Sample T-test were used to examine the significance of connections. Among the participants, there is a low level of awareness of extension cord ratings and standard labels from autonomous testing facilities. The participants’ knowledge of awareness was significantly related to gender; [0.722 (95% (CI): 1.476 – 2.869), p = 0.001 < (0.05)]. Again, most participants overload the extension cord during usage and practice poor safety measures that could result in a fire outbreak. The study suggests that users should purchase extension cords that have been endorsed by an autonomous testing laboratory and fully be educated on the safety procedures that will aid in safeguarding lives and property by both government and non-governmental agencies.
Technical Report
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The Influence of Electrical Fires in Residential Homes: Geospatial Analysis Pointing to Vulnerable Locations and Equipment Failures By Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research on March 18, 2019 Secondary suites are becoming more common as a way to relieve the burden of rising housing prices in British Columbia and basements are often converted for this purpose. However, home owners often circumvent the permission and inspection requirements for these conversions in order to save on expensive upgrades for compliance. As a result, there are many under the radar secondary suites that go uninspected and often do not meet safety standards. In order to limit the increased risks these secondary suites pose, one plan is to send safety inspectors to visit and inspect homes. The purpose of this study is to aid inspectors by determining whether certain jurisdiction types, living spaces in the home (in particular basements), or equipment in the home carry increased risks for electrical fires and should be inspected with higher priority.
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The fire has often been described as the greatest servant but the worst master difficult to control when it turns into a conflagration, burning and destroying everything in its path. In the rage of its fury, it has no respect for anyone, not even the monarchy. Buildings as infrastructure along with people’s lives need protection against fire outbreaks. Data on fatal fire outbreaks in Lagos metropolis from2009 to 2014 were obtained from various rescue agencies in the state. Interviews were conducted alongside the structured questionnaires administered to a good number of citizens of the state. A statistical tool adopted in this research is the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The analysis made using the information from the agencies consulted shows that most fatal fires in homes often start in a bed, sofa, other loose fittings or clothing. The homes where fatal fires occur are rarely protected by smoke detectors. Fire death rates are higher for males than females and are also higher for the elderly than for younger people. Most home fires attended by the firefighters are quite small. In blocks of flats, the most common cause is a cooking appliance being left on. Arson is also a common cause in blocks of flats, though arson is most often observed in stairwells and cellars and is rarely directed at living accommodation. Arson is the most common cause of fires in public buildings. Several remedies were specified to alleviate fire outbreaks in homes and public buildings.
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Cronbach’s alpha is a statistic commonly quoted by authors to demonstrate that tests and scales that have been constructed or adopted for research projects are fit for purpose. Cronbach’s alpha is regularly adopted in studies in science education: it was referred to in 69 different papers published in 4 leading science education journals in a single year (2015)—usually as a measure of reliability. This article explores how this statistic is used in reporting science education research and what it represents. Authors often cite alpha values with little commentary to explain why they feel this statistic is relevant and seldom interpret the result for readers beyond citing an arbitrary threshold for an acceptable value. Those authors who do offer readers qualitative descriptors interpreting alpha values adopt a diverse and seemingly arbitrary terminology. More seriously, illustrative examples from the science education literature demonstrate that alpha may be acceptable even when there are recognised problems with the scales concerned. Alpha is also sometimes inappropriately used to claim an instrument is unidimensional. It is argued that a high value of alpha offers limited evidence of the reliability of a research instrument, and that indeed a very high value may actually be undesirable when developing a test of scientific knowledge or understanding. Guidance is offered to authors reporting, and readers evaluating, studies that present Cronbach’s alpha statistic as evidence of instrument quality.
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Background In Ghana, fire incidents have become a regular occurrence, with thousands of lives and millions of dollars lost every year. Hardly a day passes without news of a fire outbreak in some part of Ghana, causing fear and panic among the people. This generates much discussion centering on rumors relating to politics, sabotage, misfortune, religious differences, etc. This article seeks to discuss the trend of fire incidents occurring in Ghana from 2000 to 2013 and the different ways to prevent these incidents. Methods The pattern of fire incidence in Ghana as a whole as well as in each region is discussed. The study took into consideration the causes, mechanisms, as well as preventive measures against the fire menace. Data were obtained from the head office of Ghana's national fire service. Results It was noticed that in general the rate of fire incidence increased each year. This increase was attributed to several factors: rate of population growth and industrialization, unstable electricity, urbanization, negligence, illegal electrical connection, etc. The cause of fire was categorized into domestic, industrial, vehicular, institutional, electrical, commercial, bush, and others. Among these causes, domestic fire accounted for 41% of the total number of fire incidents in the country. Conclusion Finally, this study presents several recommendations to help prevent and mitigate fire incidents in Ghana.
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The importance of measuring the accuracy and consistency of research instruments (especially questionnaires) known as validity and reliability, respectively, have been documented in several studies, but their measure is not commonly carried out among health and social science researchers in developing countries. This has been linked to the dearth of knowledge of these tests. This is a review article which comprehensively explores and describes the validity and reliability of a research instrument (with special reference to questionnaire). It further discusses various forms of validity and reliability tests with concise examples and finally explains various methods of analysing these tests with scientific principles guiding such analysis.
Use extension cords only when necessary. It is best to plug an electrical device directly into the wall outlet if you can. That is not always possible. Outlets often are not in the locations where they are needed. To resolve this problem you will need an extension cord—you will also need the correct type of cord. Using the wrong kind of cord, or using it incorrectly can create safety hazards such as fire, shock, electrocution, trips and falls, and blown fuses. This document is FCS5233-03, one of a series of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date: May 2002. Revised: December 2005.
In electrical power systems, cords and extension cords are exposed to mechanical damage and other insulation stresses. Mechanical damage to the stranded conductors can reduce locally their cross section or break them and cause anomalous local conditions of overheating or arcing. The ordinary protective devices cannot detect the series faults that persist; so the fault point remains energized and subject to electric shock and fire hazards. Effective protection can be accomplished by implementing active and passive measures: installing Arc-fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI) or Detection Devices (AFDD), able to detect arcing faults; or wiring the circuits with a grounding protection conductor to involve the ground in every fault. In this way, residual current protective devices (RCDs or GFPDs) protect quickly the series faults with arc, but also without arc. The Ground-Fault-Forced Cable (GFFC) facilitates by design the conversion of any kind of cable fault to a ground fault. They are particularly recommended for cords and extension cords, internal circuits to grounded equipment, UPS continuity circuits, aircraft circuits, road tunnels, data centers, refrigerated containers parks, residences and hospitals.
Conference Paper
Temporary power is used on construction sites and throughout industry, including petrochemical facilities, for most maintenance, repair, remodeling, janitorial, landscaping, or any other activity that would require the use of extension cords. Extension cords are nothing new, they have been in use as a convenience since about the mid-1940s. They provide a convenient method of bringing temporary AC power to a device, equipment, or a power tool that is not located near a power outlet (receptacle). The great thing about extension cords is that they are available in various lengths, gauges and service duties that fit most temporary power needs. When temporary power is used for maintenance or construction, they are required to be protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI). The NEC, NFPA 70E, and OSHA all require the use of a GFCI whenever extension cords are connected to a temporary power source such as a temporary pole service, generator, or when connected to the permanent wiring of a building. If used improperly extension cords can become a fire and shock or electrocution hazard, as well as cause equipment damage. This paper addresses the hazards associated with using extension cords, along with the safety considerations for properly selecting extension cords based on the application.