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Hepatitis C prevalence and elimination planning in Pakistan JVH Feb 2023



Predictive modeling on HCV Elimination from Pakistan.
J Viral Hepat. 2023;00:1–10.
1© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Received: 20 October 2022 
Revised: 23 December 2022 
Accepted: 30 December 2022
DOI: 10.1111/jvh.13802
Hepatitis C prevalence and elimination planning in Pakistan, a
bottom- up approach accounting for provincial variation
Ellen Mooneyhan1| Huma Qureshi2| Hassan Mahmood2| Muhammad Tariq3|
Nabeel Ahmed Maqbool3| Masood Anwar3| Mujahid Aslam4| Farooq Azam3,5|
Sarah Blach1| Aamir Ghafoor Khan4| Saeed Hamid6| Tanweer Hussain3|
Mohammad Khalil Akhter7| Ambreen Khan3| Uzma Khan8,9| Saira Khowaja10|
Khalid Mahmood11| Samra Mazhar2| Ahmad Nawaz4| Ayub Rose3,5|
Gul Sabeen Azam Ghorezai12| Sabeen Shah10| Syeda Zahida Sarwar3| Homie Razavi1
Abbreviations: CDAF, Center for D isease Analys is Foundation; DA As, direc t- actin g antivirals; H CC, hepatocel lular carcino ma; HCPs, provi ncial Hepatit is Control Progr ams; HCV,
hepati tis C virus; MoNH SRC, Ministr y of National He alth Servic es, Regulatio ns and Co ordina tion; RN A, ribonucl eic acid; UI, unc ertainty in tervals; WHO, Wo rld Health Org anization.
1Center for Disease A nalysis Foundation
(CDAF), Lafayette, Colorado, USA
2Ministry of National He alth Services,
Regulations and Coordination, Islamabad,
3Chemonics Inte rnational, Lahore,
4Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar,
5United St ates Agency for International
Develop ment (USAID), Karachi, P akist an
6Aga Khan University a nd Hospitals,
Karachi, Pakistan
7Health D epar tment K hyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Pakistan
8Interactive Research and Devel opment
(IRD) Pakistan , Karachi, Pakistan
9IRD Global, Singapore City, Sing apore
10Indus Hospit al and Health Network ,
Karachi, Pakistan
11Punjab Hepatitis Control Progr amme,
Lahore, Pakistan
12Balochistan H epatitis Control
Programme, Quetta, Pakistan
Ellen Mooneyhan, Center for Disease
Analysis Foundation, 1120 W. South
Boulder Rd, Suite 102, Lafayette, CO
80026 , USA.
Funding information
John C. Martin Foundation; ZeShan
In Pakistan, substantial changes to hepatitis C virus (HCV) programming and treat-
ment have occurred since the 2008 nationwide serosurvey estimated a 4.8% anti-
HCV prevalence. In the absence of an updated national study, this analysis uses
provincial data to estimate a national prevalence and the interventions needed to
achieve elimination. Using a Delphi process, epidemiologic HCV data for the four
provinces of Pakistan (accounting for 97% of the population) were reviewed with
21 subject- matter experts in Pakistan. Province- level estimates were inputted into a
mathematical model to estimate the national HCV disease burden in the absence of
intervention (Base), and if the World Health Organization (WHO) elimination targets
are achieved by 2030 (80% reduction in new infections, 90% diagnosis coverage, 80%
treatment coverage, and 65% reduction in mortality: WHO Elimination). An estimated
9,746,000 (7,573,000– 10,006,000) Pakistanis were living with viraemic HCV as of
January 1, 2021; a viraemic prevalence of 4.3% (3.3– 4.4). WHO Elimination would
require an annual average of 18.8 million screens, 1.1 million treatments, and 46,700
new infections prevented anually between 2022 and 2030. Elimination would reduce
total infections by 7,045,000, save 152,000 lives and prevent 104,000 incident cases
of hepatocellular carcinoma from 2015 to 2030. Blood surveys, programmatic data,
and expert panel input uncovered more HCV infections and lower treatment numbers
in the provinces than estim ated using nationa l ext rap olati ons, de monstr ating the ben-
efits of a bottom- up approach. Screening and treatment must increase 20 times and
5 times, respectively, to curb the HCV epidemic in Pakistan and achieve elimination
by 2030.
cascade of care, elimination, hepatitis C, Pakistan, prevalence
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    MOONEYHAN e t al.
Persons with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) are at high risk of de-
veloping advanced- stage liver disease and cancer, however, high
treatment success rates and increased access to direct- acting anti-
virals (DAAs) in recent years have inspired a global movement to-
wards HCV elimination by 2030.1,2 Pakistan has a substantial HCV
disease burden, demonstrated in a 2008 national serosurvey (4.8%
anti- HCV prevalence), and access to care for viral hepatitis has since
been evolving.3 The Prime Minis ter's Programme for Prevention and
Control of Hepatitis was launched in 2005, contributing 13.9 million
PKR (79,089 USD) to support patients unable to afford treatment.4
In 20 09, the first sentinel sur veillance system for viral hepati-
tis in Pakistan was established, and in 2010, provincial Hepatitis
Prevention and Control Programmes (HCPs) in Punjab, Sindh,
Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) became responsible for
program implementation and tracking. By 2011, the Government of
Pakistan began providing free screening, diagnosis and treatment
through the provincial HCPs and introduced a nationwide plan to
reduce the HCV disease burden.4,5 Cure rates in Pakistan have dou-
bled from the early 2000s to 2013, and Pakistan reports one of the
lowest treatment prices globally; generic DAAs are available for $15
USD per month.5
In 2020, the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations
and Coordination (MoNHSRC) developed the Prime Minister's
Programme for Elimination of Hepatitis C: Annexures to Programme PC- I
(PC- I), with a national goal to screen 50% of the Pakistani popula-
tion from 2020 to 2025 and treat all eligible patients.4 The PC- I pro-
vides screening targets for the initial years of the national program,
outlines the resources needed and demonstrates the political will
to improve care for HCV- infected persons. Recent publications6,7
forecast the interventions needed to achieve the 2030 elimination
targets, defined by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global
He alth Se c to r Strat egy on vi r al he p ati tis .2 Thes e publ icat ions use th e
seroprevalence survey conducted over a decade ago,3 despite sub-
stantial changes in access to viral hepatitis care and programming
over the past 15 years, and before the global COVID- 19 pandemic
that altered the landscape of HCV prevention, care and treatment.
This analysis builds on the PC- I and models the interventions
needed to achieve the 2030 elimination targets. Center for Disease
Analysis Foundation (CDAF) has been conducting analytics on hepa-
titis for over a decade; prevalence estimates are used as the baseline
for the 2017 WHO's Global Hepatitis Report and serve as the basis
for many countries’ hepatitis elimination efforts.8 As a crucial start-
ing point, we obtained estimates of HCV prevalence and cascade of
care from recent serosurveys and programmatic data from an exper t
panel of provincial leaders. Like many nations, access to viral hepati-
tis care in Pakistan in 2020 and 2021 was impacted by the COVID- 19
pandemic; the effects of which were also considered in this analysis.
The primary aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of
HCV in Pakistan using a bottoms- up approach (based on data from
the fou r ma jor provinces) and to ev aluate scen ar ios for HC V elimina-
tion at the national level by 2030.
2.1  | The analytic approach and model features
2.1.1  |  Study design
This anal ys is comb ine s a liter ature review, De lphi pr oce ss, and math -
ematical modelling to estimate the current and future burden of
HCV in Pakistan. We estimated the cascade of care for HCV (viremic
infections, diagnosed, treated) in 2021 and forecasted the HCV
disease burden (new infections, hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC],
decompensated cirrhosis, and liver- related deaths [LRDs]) and inter-
ventions (screens, treatments) by 2030, under both the current care
paradigm and WHO elimination protocol. CDAF has leveraged this
combination of consensus- finding and modelling to develop HCV
disease burden predictions with leaders in 83 countries, publishing
results in over 100 manuscript s.9,10
2.1.2  |  Literature review and Delphi process
To begin, a review of published data on the epidemiology of HCV
was completed for the four provinces of Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh, KP,
and Balochistan). A literature search conducted in PubMed with the
terms (‘hepatitis C’ AND ‘prevalence’ AND ‘province’) identified arti-
cles and grey literature published between 1 January 2000, and 31
September 2021 (all languages). A modified Delphi process was then
utilized to access unpublished data from 21 subject- matter experts
(expert panel) recruited from provinces. The expert panel included
representatives from the provincial HCPs, district health depart-
ments, universities, hospitals, the Pakistan Technical Advisory Group
on hepatitis (TAG), the MoNHSRC, and private industry (Section 1 in
Appendix S1). Ten virtual meetings (between two and four meetings
per province) were held from January– September 2021 to review
epidemiologic data inputs and outputs for the model, identify data
gaps, and gain consensus on results.
2.2  | The HCV disease burden model
Th e Mar ko v dis eas e pro gre ssion mo del used in thi s ana lysis was co n-
structed in Microsoft Excel® (Microsoft Corp.) to quantify the size
of the HCV- infected population using country- specific epidemio-
logic data inputs. It underwent an independent review, with meth-
od olo gic al up d at es pu b li she d in 20 22.10,11 In br ief, th e mod e l tra cke d
HCV progression from acute infection to chronic infection (account-
ing for spontaneous clearance) and through end- stage liver disease
and liver- related mortality or cure. Age and sex- specific progression
rates are reported in Section 2 in Appendix S1. The annual number
of new (incident) infections at each stage of the disease was cal-
culated by multiplying annual progression rates times the prevalent
population (stratified by 1- year age cohort and sex) in the previous
disease stage. The model also accounted for all- cause mortality and
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was inputted with Pakistan- specific population data and mortalit y
data from 1950 to 2050, and Pakistan- specific HCV epidemiologic
data by year of data availability. The model also calculated the an-
nual number of screens associated with diagnosing a given number
of HCV infections. Starting with the undiagnosed, antibody- positive
population, the model used Pakistan- specific epidemiologic data,
number of screens per person and screening eligibility criteria from
Pakistan (i.e. risk category, age, fibrosis stage, and histor y of screen-
ing, diagnosis, sustained virologic response [SVR]) to calculate the
size of th e pop ulati on in Pakista n eligi ble for scre eni ng, and th e num -
ber needed to screen to diagnose one antibody positive infection.
Available data on viraemic proportion were used to adjust anti- HCV
diagnosed cases and estimate HCV RNA- positive diagnosed cases
for Pakistan. The primary epidemiologic inputs used to customize
the mathematical model for Pakistan are described below in detail.
2.3  | Epidemiologic data inputs
Epidemiologic data for the HCV- infected population in Pakistan
were gathered and inputted into the model, including; background
population, total viremic prevalence, incidence, newly diagnosed,
treated, total diagnosed, and prevalence among high- risk popu-
lations. Data were first collected for each of the four provinces,
Punjab (53%), Sindh (23%), KP (15%), and Balochistan (6%), rep-
resenting 97% of the country, and then combined. The remaining
3% of Pakistan's population resides in the autonomous territories
Gilgit- Baltistan (GB) and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and the
federally administered Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT ). Due to in-
sufficient epidemiological data to conduct independent analyses for
these locales, population- weighted estimates were first calculated.
Data were then combined with estimates from the four provinces
to create a national model. In the absence of available data, group
consensus from the expert panel was required to include estimates
in the model.
2.3.1  |  Background population
The annual population of Pakistan was available from the United
Nations Database by sex and 5- year age cohort for 1950 to 2030.12
Population estimates by province were available from the Pakistan
census database for 1951, 1961, 1972, 1981, 1998, and 2017, and
da ta wer e trend ed line arly bet ween gap ye ars (i.e . 1952– 196 0 , etc.) .13
Provincial population estimates for the remaining years (20172030)
and the population distribution by 5- year age cohort and sex were
extrapolated from national data.12
2.3.2  |  Viraemic prevalence
Anti- HCV prevalence estimates in Punjab (8.9%), Sindh (6.2%),
Balochistan (5.2%), and KP (6.5%) were adjusted for province- specific
viremia (Table 1), weighted by the population, and combined to cal-
culate a prevalence estimate and case count for 97% of the Pakistan
population.4,14– 16 This prevalence estimate was then applied to the
remaining 3% of the country's population to calculate the remaining
cases. Finally, both case counts were summed to compute a national
prevalence (Section 3 in Appendix S1). Ranges were applied to cap-
ture the uncertainty in this estimate.
Viremic prevalence by age and sex was calculated in 2020
using a population- weighted distribution of HCV- RNA (ribonucleic
acid) cases reported from two studies in Sindh and one study in
Punjab,14,15,17 detailed in Section 4 in Appendix S1. When all three
studies’ results were combined, the viraemic prevalence was margin-
ally higher in females, resulting in a national male- to- female preva-
lence ratio of 0.94, with a peak HCV prevalence in ages 35– 39 years.
No HCV serosur veys have been conducted for Balochistan and KP
provinces or other municipalities.
2.3.3  |  Incidence
For Balochistan and KP provinces, historical incidence (anti- HCV posi-
tive or HCV- RNA positive infections before spontaneous cure) were
back- calculated using known prevalence and historical risk factors. The
nationwide survey in 20083 and the two prevalence studies available
for Punjab14 and Sindh15 (2018 and 2020, respectively) were used to
calculate the average number of incident cases between these two
time points by province (historical incidence). The four province- level
incidence estimates and population- weighted estimates for the re-
maining 3% of the population were combined to estimate national his-
torical incidence, detailed in Section 5 in Appendix S1. Future incident
cases were assumed to increase/decrease at the same annual rate as
prevalent HCV cases, relative to the last year of incidence data.
2.3.4  |  Newly diagnosed and treated
For the public sector, the number of patients diagnosed with viraemic
HCV (adjusted for province- specific viremia) and treated for HCV
was available from the provincial HCPs. Private sector data (N) were
estimated using a proportion diagnosed in the private sector (y%),
given the known number diagnosed in the public sector (x) (treat-
ment data were assumed to follow the same trends) (Equation 1).
The estimated proportion diagnosed (and treated) in the private
sector was supplied by private facilities or clinics involved in HCV
management and from unpublished literature. Punjab was the only
province to report private- sector treatment data (Table 1).
Equation 1: Number of people newly diagnosed (or initiated on
treatment) with viraemic HCV
Based on similarities in access to care, treatment and diagnosis
trends from Punjab were used to calculate population- weighted
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    MOONEYHAN e t al.
estimates for ICT, and treatment and diagnosis from KP were used
to compute population- weighted estimates for A JK and GB. When
combined, national newly diagnosed and treated estimates were
164,000 and 215,000, in 2020, respectively.
2.3.5  |  Total diagnosed
An estimated 20% of the infected population in Pakistan was diag-
nosed with HCV- RNA by the end of 2019 (n = 1,962,000), calcu-
lat ed usi ng provi nce- level tot al dia gn osis rates (Table 1), weighted by
prevalence in each province.
2.3.6  |  High- risk populations
At the end of 2019, 11% of infections in Pakistan were estimated due
to blood transfusion, and 1.2% were estimated to be among people
who injected drugs. This estimate was derived using province- level
estimates (exper ts reported similar risk factors for HCV among all
2.4  | Disease burden scenarios
Two scenarios were developed to forecast the course of the HCV
epidemic and quantify the hepatitis disease burden in Pakistan.
The burden of HCV was described using end- stage outcomes in-
cluding HCV- liver related deaths, incident cases of hepatocellular
carcinoma, and incident cases of decompensated cirrhosis. Both
scenarios assumed no treatment restrictions by fibrosis stage and
a 96% SVR (proportion of patients treated who achieve sustained
SVR, or no detectable HCV- RNA, 12 weeks post- treatment) (Section
6 in Appendix S1).
Standard of Care; the absence of targeted interventions for HCV
care and treatment.
Starting with 2018 baseline treatment levels, treatment was pro-
jected to decline 50% between 2019 and 2023 and remain level
thereafter. This scenario assumed adult patients (aged 18 and
older) were eligible for treatment (Section 6 in Appendix S1).
WHO Elimination; achieve the screening goals of the PC- I and the
WHO Elimination Targets for HCV.
Under the assumptions of the PC- I, 50% of the eligible population
aged 12 years and older were screened for anti- HCV, all anti-
positive cases were tested for RNA, and all HCV- RNA positive
cases were treated (patients aged 12 and older were treatment-
eligible) between 2022 and 2025 (Section 7 in Appendix S1). From
2026 to 2030, the remaining eligible population aged 12 years
and older were screened, tested and treated.4 Interventions were
augmented to also achieve the WHO elimination targets by 2030,
TAB LE 1  Hepatitis C epidemiological data inputs by province, Pakistan.
Punjab Sindh Balochistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Value (year of
estimate) Source (s)
Value (year of
estimate) Source (s)
Value (year of
estimate) Source (s)
Value (year of
estimate) Source (s)
Anti- HCV prevalence 8.9% (2018) [14]6.2% (2020) [15]5.2% (2020) [16]6.5% (2018) [4]
Prevalence by age and sex NA [14]NA [15]NA [14,15,17]NA [14,15,17]
Viraemic proportion 59% (2018) [14]62% (2020) [15] 61% (2019) [14,15] 61% (2019) [14,15]
Initiated on treatment 118,700 72,100 660 18,000
Public sector 57,043 (2020) DS, SS 14,432 (2020) SS 230 (2020) SS 11,704 (2020) SS
Private sector 61,658 (2020) DS 80% (2020) EC 65% (2020) EC 35% (2020) EC
Newly viraemic diagnoseda97,9 0 0 4 4,900 1,70 0 14,700
Public sector 39,200 (2020) SS 8,980 (2020) SS 600 (2020) SS 9,560 (2020) SS
Private sector 60% (2020) EC 80% (2020) EC 65% (2020) EC 35% (2020) EC
Total diagnosed 23% (2019) [14] 14% (2019) EC 12% (2020) EC 20% (2019) EC
Abbreviations: DS, drug sales data; EC, expert consensus; NA, not applic able; SS, surveillance system.
aThe estimated proportion of diagnoses occurring in the private sector are drawn from observations in private facilities or clinics involved in HCV management and from unpublished literature.
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defined as an 80% reduction in new infections, 90% diagnosis
coverage, and a 65% reduction in mor tality from 2015 to 2030. 2
3.1  | The HCV disease burden
An estimated 9,746,000 (7,573,000– 10,006,000) Pakistanis were
living with viraemic HCV as of January 1, 2021, corresponding to
a viraemic prevalence of 4.3% (3.3– 4.4) (Figure 1). An estimated
462,000 incident infections occurred in 2021, an incidence rate of
20 5 per 10 0,000. By th e end of 2021, 21% (2 ,010 , 0 0 0) of th e 9.7 mi l-
lion viraemic infections had been diagnosed (Figure 1). An estimated
2% (215,000) of the infected population received treatment in 2021,
of which approximately 96% (207,000) achieved SVR (Figure 1).
An estimated 2,865,000 cumulative patients had been treated in
Pakistan historically (through the end of 2021). Each year, approxi-
mately 27,000 Pakistanis die due to HCV- related complications and
20,80 0 Pakistanis develop incident HCC. Provincial experts inde-
pendently reported a decline in HCV diagnosis and treatment from
2019 to 2020, indicating the reduced capacity in hepatitis program-
ming resulting from the COVID- 19 pandemic.
3.2  | Standard of Care projections
Under the Standard of Care, prevalence was estimated to increase
to 10,390,000 infections by 2030, with new incident infections in-
creasing by about 5% (from 463,0 00 infections in 2015 to 490,000
inf ect io ns in 203 0) . Be twe en 2015 an d 20 30, inc id ent HCC was pro-
jected to increase by about 1% (from 25,500 to 25,700 cases), LRDs
were expected to decline nearly 15% (from 36,000 to 31,000 cases)
and incident decompensated cirrhosis was projected to remain
relatively stable (at 19,900 cases) (Figure 1). An average of 807,000
anti- HCV screens were expected annually from 2022 to 2030,
with 180,000 patients treated and 476,00 0 new HCV infections
occurring annually, on average (Table 2). Elimination targets2 would
not be reached under this scenario.
3.3  | WHO Elimination projections
WHO Elimination could be achieved by screening an average of
18,755,000 people annually, treating 1,064,00 0 annually, and re-
ducing new infections by 10% annually (a mean annual reduction
of 46,700 incident infections) (Table 2). Compared to the Standard
of Care, achieving these interventions would result in the following
outcomes from 2015 to 2030; total infections would decline 70%
(reduced by 7,045,000), with 152,000 lives saved and 104,000 inci-
de nt case s of HC C preve nt ed (Figure 2). Between 2022 and 2030, an
additional 9,576,000 patients would need to be treated to achieve
elimination, a mean average of 1,064,000 treated annually (Figure 3).
Our analysis found a viraemic prevalence of 4.3% (3.3– 4.4) in
Pakistan in 2021. Converting this statistic for comparison, we es-
timate 7.2% (5.5– 7.3) anti- HCV prevalence in 2021, which captures
the 6.5% prevalence estimated by the MoNHSRC4 within its un-
certainty interval.3 The difference between estimates is likely due
to increased data availability at the province level for this analysis.
Recent blood sur veys conduc ted in Punjab and Sindh14,15,17 and pro-
grammatic data from Balochistan16 found that more people are in-
fected with HCV than previousl y estimated.4 The expert panel in KP
also reported a higher prevalence.4 As well, 124,545 samples were
collected in the three seroprevalence studies in this analysis14 – 16 ;
over 2.5 times larger than the original seroprevalence survey in
which 47,043 samples were collected.3 Unlike the 2008 serosurvey,
however, no prevalence data were available from KP for this study.
An estimated 9.7 million Pakistanis are living with HCV and nearly
27,000 die annually from HCV- related causes. Eliminating HCV in
Pakistan by 2030 could save 152,00 0 lives and prevent 104,00 0
FIGURE 1 HCV cascade of care for
2021 in Pakistan. Includes the total
number of viraemic infections, the
number of viraemic diagnosed patients,
and the number of patients treated and
cured for HCV.
215,000 207,000
Diagnosed Treate
Start of 2021 Through 2021During 2021
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    MOONEYHAN e t al.
new cases of liver cancer through a scale- up in screening, treatment,
and infection prevention. To begin, Pakistan must screen nearly
18.8 million patients for HCV annually, on average, which is 20 times
the current estimate of 807,000 annual screens. Ensuring provincial
HCPs are coordinated and unified would enable leaders to track and
monitor cases and reduce duplicative screening.18 Integrated test-
ing across multiple disease domains (tuberculosis, HIV, STIs, etc.)
has proven successful to increase outreach, optimize resources and
improve case- finding.19 Routine healthcare evaluations could also
include hepatitis screening. As well, patients previously diagnosed
through hospitals and blood banks could be identified and evalu-
ated retrospectively, and a review of protocols could ensure proper
patient referral.
Access to HCV treatment in Pakistan has increased in recent
years. Treatment expansion is evident in the data; an annual aver-
age of 60,70 0 patients were treated through the Prime Minister's
Programme from 2005 to 2010, and after the launch of the provin-
cial programmes in 2011, annual treatment increased to 230,00 0 in
2015 and again to 35 4,000 in 2018. Dur in g th is time, inte rferon and
combination therapies were replaced with DAA oral drugs which
are short (12 weeks or less), have few side effects, and are effective
in preventing advanced liver disease, cancer, and death. Branded
DAA's were first introduced in Pakistan in 2014, followed by ge-
neric DAAs in 2015, resulting in large- scale local generic production
and a substantial price drop.5 Cure rates improved in- kind; Pakistan
reported a 64% average SVR before 2014 (accounting for the vari-
ation in treatment efficacy by genotype), increasing to a 96% SVR
in 2 0 1 7. 5 Despite making significant strides in treatment access,
additional efforts are needed to eliminate HCV. 215,000 patients
were treated in 2020, suggesting annual treatment must increase
five times to reach the target of >1 million patients treated annu-
ally to achieve elimination. One bottleneck to elimination program-
ming is the availability of specialists to administer treatment. Care
for patients with cirrhosis and decompensation currently must be
managed by gastroenterologists or infectious disease specialists,
however, general practitioners could initiate treatment for most
non- cirrhotic patients since medication dosage and combinations
are fixed. This approach has been successful during several national
program rollouts.2 0,21
To achieve WHO targets, the elimination program must also re-
duce new HC V infections by an average of 46,700 cases each year
(a 10% reduction annually), however, new infections are increasing
(Section 8 in Appendix S1). New infections in Pakistan are mainly
healthcare- associated, spread via improper screening of blood
transfusions (only 50% of blood donations are screened for HCV),22
poor infection control in healthcare settings,23 unsafe community
practices including unnecessary therapeutic injections for common
ailments such as fever and fatigue,24 and sharing shaving razors at
the barber; a major risk factor for males.3 Optimizing a safe and
clean blood supply with the Pakistan Blood Transfusion Authority,
ensuring healthcare providers have access to auto- disable syringes,
and instituting infection control committees in hospitals to track and
reduce new infections, could curb this trend.25
This analysis is subject to limitations, many of which are inherent
to mathematical modelling and forecasting.10,11 The greatest limita-
tion is the availability and quality of data, which affects the accuracy
of forecasts. Uncer tainty intervals address some of these unknowns
but may not capture all sources of bias, including selection bias due
to missing data, sampling bias and measurement bias. In this analysis,
the greatest uncertainty in prevalence was for KP province due to the
lack of data. Applying the lowest estimated prevalence for KP (1.5%
anti- HCV positivity, agreed upon by the expert panel to be the low-
est probable)4 to the model would estimate a 4.1% national viraemic
prevalence, which is within the uncertainty interval. Additionally,
one of the three studies used to estimate HCV prevalence by age
and sex was likely sampled in a high- prevalence district. However,
since the sampling technique of this study was of high quality, and
since age- specific prevalence estimates were combined with two
other sources and weighted for the total population of Pakistan,
the national prevalence was not af fected. Another study limitation
is the lack of private- sector data. In combination with high- quality
programmatic data for the public sector combined with expert panel
discussions with practising healthcare practitioners, we believe the
best possible estimates for the private sector were utilized. Expert
panel discussions also strengthened the analysis results. As practis-
ing healthcare workers in their respective regions, experts helped
to conserve the heterogeneity of epidemiologic data by province
within the national estimate. In the absence of an updated national
serosur vey and with the existence of robust, provincial programmes,
conducting local- level analyses was a crucial step to assess the cur-
rent state of HCV in Pakistan.
CDAF facilitators are trained to identify and challenge assump-
tions and cognitive biases, gather balanced feedback from multiple
sources and engage local representatives through the Delphi pro-
cess. This was particularly evident when discussing the distribu-
tion of HCV care by sector. In previous MoNHSRC analyses, 60%
of national treatments and 60% of diagnoses in Pakistan were es-
timated to occur in the private sector. This analysis found varying
proportions for the private sector by province, ranging from 35% to
80% ( Table 1). While the average of this range remains 60%, apply-
ing 60% of treatments in the private sector to each province would
increase the total number of patients treated in Pakistan in 2020 by
15% (from 215,00 0 to 248,000). Local input ensured that the differ-
ences in health infrastructure and access to care by province were
Provincial expert panels independently reported a decline in
HCV diagnosis and treatment from 2019 to 2020, demonstrating
attrition of hepatitis programming due to the COVID- 19 pandemic.
The report was unable to address the duration of recovery from
the COVID- 19 pandemic (after 2020) or the effects of destabiliza-
tion due to conflict in and around the region, as these are global
unknowns. However, the base scenario was designed to be less op-
timistic, by simulating reduced interventions into the future. To ac-
count for programmatic delays, the elimination plan was also offset
by 1 year. One benefit of modelling analytics is that, after a baseline
is established, forecasts can be revised readily as new data become
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TAB LE 2  Screening, treatment and reduction in new infections by scenario, Pakistan, 2022– 2030
2022 2023 2024 2025a2 026 2027 2028 ≥2029
Anti- HCV screens
Standard of Care 807,000 807,000 807,000 821,000 814,000 810,000 804,000 798,000 807,000
WHO Elimination 9,410,000 22,595,000 19,753,000 11,619,000 22,619,000 22,365,000 21,994,000 21,474,000 18,755,000
HCV RNA PCR screens
Standard of Care 188,000 188,000 189,000 193,000 192,000 192,000 192,000 191,000 191,000
WHO Elimination 595,000 1,441,000 1,289,000 776,000 1,517,000 1,528,000 1,543,000 1,569,000 1,292,000
Initiated on HCV treatment
Standard of Care 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000
WHO Elimination 491,000 1,189,000 1,060,000 636,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,064,000
New HCV infections
Standard of Care 463,000 467,000 470,000 472,000 475,000 479,000 483,000 487,000 476,000
WHO Elimination 463,000 431,000 353,000 288,000 245,000 209,000 157,000 123,000 262,000
WHO Elimination – New
infections to prevent
(from previous year)
32,000 78,000 65,000 43,000 36,000 52,000 34,000 46,700
Abbreviations: HCV, hepatitis C virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RNA, ribonucleic acid; WHO, World Health Organization.
aThe decline in screening and treatment projected for 2025 in the WHO Elimination scenario was extracted from the Prime Minister's Programme Annexures (PC- I), Section 7 in Appendix S1.
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    MOONEYHAN e t al.
available. The disease projection and forecasting component s of the
model also allowed us to leverage data from various years and loca-
tions across Pakistan to create a standardized cascade of care and
elimination plan.
Implementing a national hepatitis elimination program requires
engagement from governmental authorities, healthcare provider
associations, patients, and patient representatives at the national
and subnational levels early on in strategic planning. This analysis
FIGURE 2 Hepatitis disease burden outcomes by scenario in Pakistan, 2015– 2030. (A) Total viraemic HCV infections. (B) Incident cases
of HCV- liver related deaths. (C) Incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. (D) Incident cases of decompensated cirrhosis
Standard of Care WHO Elimination
Standard of Care WHO Elimination
Standard of Care WHO Elimination
Standard of Care WHO Elimination
FIGURE 3 Cumulative number of patients treated for hepatitis C by scenario, 20042030. For 2004– 2020, the annual number of
patients treated for HCV was compiled from provincial Hepatitis Control Program data for the public sector and, for the private sector,
estimates were gathered from exper t obser vations in private facilities/clinics involved in HCV management and/or unpublished literature.
For 2021– 2030, treatment estimates were based on the current treatment trends (Standard of Care) and number of treatments needed to
achieve the WHO Targets for HCV elimination (WHO Elimination).
WHO Eliminaon Standard of Care
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allowed key hepatitis stakeholders in Pakistan to examine the
needs of each region, and gain consensus on the current state of
care and steps forward. Results can be leveraged to update the
national elimination plan and inform public health decision- making
as the country recovers from the pandemic and refocuses effor ts
on HCV elimination.
This analysis was funded by a grant from the John C. Martin
Foundation and ZeShan Foundation. The funders had no role in
the study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of
data, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. E.M.,
S.B. and H.R. had access to the raw data. The corresponding author
had full access to all data and the final responsibility to submit for
E.M., S.B. and H.R. are employees of CDAF. CDAF has received re-
search funding from Gilead, AbbVie and Vaccine Impact Modelling
Consortium in past years. CDAF has also received grants from CDC
Foundation, John Martin Foundation, ASTHO, Zeshan Foundation
and private donors.
For a period of 1 year after publication, the authors will share the
data used in the figures in an Excel format after a writ ten request
to the corresponding author. Data sharing will be limited to gov-
ernment agencies, academic institutions and non- profit organiza-
tions, and will not apply to for- profit or consulting organizations.
Additionally, select data from the manuscript will be available pub-
licly on the Polaris Observatory Website https://cdafo
i s - c o u n t r i e s - d a s h b o a r d /
Ethics approval was not required for this study as it does not involve
human participation or personally identifiable data/information.
Patient consent was not required for this study as it does not involve
human participation.
This analysis does not include any previously published material.
Ellen Mooneyhan
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the
Suppor ting Information section at the end of this article.
How to cite this article: Mooneyhan E, Qureshi H, Mahmood
H, et al. Hepatitis C prevalence and elimination planning in
Pakistan, a bottom- up approach accounting for provincial
variation. J Viral Hepat. 2023;00:1-10. doi:10.1111/jvh.13802
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Background Indicator condition guided HIV testing is a proven effective strategy for increasing HIV diagnosis in health care facilities. As part of the INTEGRATE Joint Action, we conducted four pilot studies, aiming to increase integrated testing for HIV/HCV/HBV and sexually transmitted infections, by introducing and expanding existing indicator condition guided HIV testing methods. Methods Pilot interventions included combined HIV/HCV testing in a dermatovenerology clinic and a clinic for addictive disorders in Lithuania; Increasing HIV testing rates in a tuberculosis clinic in Romania by introducing a patient information leaflet and offering testing for HIV/HCV/sexually transmitted infections to chemsex-users in Barcelona. Methods for implementing indicator condition guided HIV testing were adapted to include integrated testing. Testing data were collected retrospectively and prospectively. Staff were trained in all settings, Plan-do-study-act cycles frequently performed and barriers to implementation reported. Results In established indicator conditions, HIV absolute testing rates increased from 10.6 to 71% in the dermatovenerology clinic over an 18 months period. HIV testing rates improved from 67.4% at baseline to 94% in the tuberculosis clinic. HCV testing was added to all individuals in the dermatovenerology clinic, eight patients of 1701 tested positive (0.47%). HBV testing was added to individuals with sexually transmitted infections with a 0.44% positivity rate (2/452 tested positive). The Indicator condition guided HIV testing strategy was expanded to offer HIV/HCV testing to people with alcohol dependency and chemsex-users. 52% of chemsex-users tested positive for ≥ 1 sexually transmitted infection and among people with alcohol dependency 0.3 and 3.7% tested positive for HIV and HCV respectively. Conclusions The four pilot studies successfully increased integrated testing in health care settings, by introducing testing for HBV/HCV and sexually transmitted infections along with HIV testing for established indicator conditions and expanding the strategy to include new indicators; alcohol dependency and chemsex. HCV testing of individuals with alcohol abuse showed high positivity rates and calls for further implementation studies. Methods used for implementing indicator condition guided HIV Testing have proven transferable to implementation of integrated testing.
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With political will, modest financial investment and effective technical assistance, public sector hepatitis C virus (HCV) programmes can be established in low- and middle-income countries as a first step towards elimination. Seven countries, with support from the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and partners, have expanded access to HCV treatment by combining programme simplification with market shaping to reduce commodity prices. CHAI has supported a multipronged approach to HCV programme launch in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Rwanda and Vietnam including pricing negotiations with suppliers, policy development, fast-track registrations of quality-assured generics, financing advocacy and strengthened service delivery. Governments are leading programme implementation, leveraging HIV programme infrastructure/financing and focusing on higher-HCV prevalence populations like people living with HIV, people who inject drugs and prisoners. This manuscript aims to describe programme structure and strategies, highlight current commodity costs and outline testing and treatment volumes across these countries. Across countries, commodity costs have fallen from >US100perdiagnostictestandUS100 per diagnostic test and US750–US900per12weekpangenotypicdirectactingantiviralregimentoaslowasUS900 per 12-week pan-genotypic direct-acting antiviral regimen to as low as US80 per-cure commodity package, including WHO-prequalified generic drugs (sofosbuvir + daclatasvir). As of December 2019, 5900+ healthcare workers were trained, 2 209 209 patients were screened, and 120 522 patients initiated treatment. The cure (SVR12) rate was >90%, including at lower-tier facilities. Programmes are successfully implementing simplified, decentralised public health approaches. Combined with political will and affordable pricing, these efforts can translate into commitments to achieve global targets. However, to achieve elimination, additional investment in scale-up is required.
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Background: The WHO elimination strategy for hepatitis C virus advocates scaling up screening and treatment to reduce global hepatitis C incidence by 80% by 2030, but little is known about how this reduction could be achieved and the costs of doing so. We aimed to evaluate the effects and cost of different strategies to scale up screening and treatment of hepatitis C in Pakistan and determine what is required to meet WHO elimination targets for incidence. Methods: We adapted a previous model of hepatitis C virus transmission, treatment, and disease progression for Pakistan, calibrating using available data to incorporate a detailed cascade of care for hepatitis C with cost data on diagnostics and hepatitis C treatment. We modelled the effect on various outcomes and costs of alternative scenarios for scaling up screening and hepatitis C treatment in 2018-30. We calibrated the model to country-level demographic data for 1960-2015 (including population growth) and to hepatitis C seroprevalence data from a national survey in 2007-08, surveys among people who inject drugs (PWID), and hepatitis C seroprevalence trends among blood donors. The cascade of care in our model begins with diagnosis of hepatitis C infection through antibody screening and RNA confirmation. Diagnosed individuals are then referred to care and started on treatment, which can result in a sustained virological response (effective cure). We report the median and 95% uncertainty interval (UI) from 1151 modelled runs. Findings: One-time screening of 90% of the 2018 population by 2030, with 80% referral to treatment, was projected to lead to 13·8 million (95% UI 13·4-14·1) individuals being screened and 350 000 (315 000-385 000) treatments started annually, decreasing hepatitis C incidence by 26·5% (22·5-30·7) over 2018-30. Prioritised screening of high prevalence groups (PWID and adults aged ≥30 years) and rescreening (annually for PWID, otherwise every 10 years) are likely to increase the number screened and treated by 46·8% and decrease incidence by 50·8% (95% UI 46·1-55·0). Decreasing hepatitis C incidence by 80% is estimated to require a doubling of the primary screening rate, increasing referral to 90%, rescreening the general population every 5 years, and re-engaging those lost to follow-up every 5 years. This approach could cost US81billion,reducingto8·1 billion, reducing to 3·9 billion with lowest costs for diagnostic tests and drugs, including health-care savings, and implementing a simplified treatment algorithm. Interpretation: Pakistan will need to invest about 9·0% of its yearly health expenditure to enable sufficient scale up in screening and treatment to achieve the WHO hepatitis C elimination target of an 80% reduction in incidence by 2030. Funding: UNITAID.
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Importance Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health problem. The World Health Assembly recently pledged to eliminate HCV by 2030. However, in Pakistan, a country with one of the highest prevalence rates, the feasibility and cost of HCV elimination are not known. Objectives To investigate whether and under what conditions HCV elimination is feasible in Pakistan and to estimate the cost of such elimination. Design, Setting, and Participants This decision analytical model study used a microsimulation model of the HCV epidemic in Pakistan from 2015 to 2030. Using Pakistan-specific variables, the model simulated the landscape of HCV in Pakistan and evaluated the minimum required screening and treatment rates needed to eliminate HCV in Pakistan. The study used simulated individuals chronically infected with HCV from 2015 to 2030. The analysis was performed in 2018. Interventions The status quo and 7 scenarios that can lead to HCV elimination in Pakistan by 2030, which were defined by different combinations of tests for screening, detection of viremia before treatment, and confirmation of treatment response. Main Outcomes and Measures Temporal trends in HCV infection prevalence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-years and total cost of HCV infection care under the status quo and scenarios that can eliminate HCV by 2030. Results Under the status quo, from 2015 to 2030, 1.44 million people are projected to die of HCV infection; 48% of deaths would be among people younger than 50 years. To achieve HCV elimination in Pakistan, HCV testing would need to be scaled up to at least 25 million people to diagnose 900 000 persons and treatment to 700 000 people per year. Compared with the status quo, the elimination scenario would avert 323 000 liver-related deaths and 13.0 million HCV-associated disability-adjusted life-years from 2015 to 2030. The elimination scenario was associated with cost savings of $2.6 billion from 2018 to 2030 with use of a point-of-care test for population-wide antibody screening and detection of viremia and treatment response. Conclusions and Relevance Substantial scale-up of HCV testing and treatment may be essential to eliminate HCV infection in Pakistan, and such a strategy may be associated with cost savings in the near future. Although HCV elimination in Pakistan may be ambitious, strategic planning and strong support from the government may aid in its elimination.
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Abstract Blood transfusions are contributing to a higher rate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Pakistan. Half of all blood transfusions in Pakistan are not screened for hepatitis C, hepatitis B or HIV. Family members donate blood that is likely not tested due to social stigma attached to HCV. Paid donations are also quite common in the country, especially by people who inject drugs (PWID), which increases the population’s exposure to HCV. Most of the population utilizes the private sector for their health needs; this sector has lax regulation due to the lack of oversight by the government or any other regulatory body. In addition, groups who are at most need for blood transfusions, such as hemophiliacs and those with thalassemia, have a higher rate of hepatitis C. This fact reinforces the need for blood transfusion reform in Pakistan, which includes improving oversight, upgrading infrastructure and promoting health literacy through cultural norms, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. The lessons learned in Pakistan can be adapted to countries facing similar issues. Keywords: Pakistan,
Summary Background Since the release of the first global hepatitis elimination targets in 2016, and until the COVID-19 pandemic started in early 2020, many countries and territories were making progress toward hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination. This study aims to evaluate HCV burden in 2020, and forecast HCV burden by 2030 given current trends. Methods This analysis includes a literature review, Delphi process, and mathematical modelling to estimate HCV prevalence (viraemic infection, defined as HCV RNA-positive cases) and the cascade of care among people of all ages (age ≥0 years from birth) for the period between Jan 1, 2015, and Dec 31, 2030. Epidemiological data were collected from published sources and grey literature (including government reports and personal communications) and were validated among country and territory experts. A Markov model was used to forecast disease burden and cascade of care from 1950 to 2050 for countries and territories with data. Model outcomes were extracted from 2015 to 2030 to calculate population-weighted regional averages, which were used for countries or territories without data. Regional and global estimates of HCV prevalence, cascade of care, and disease burden were calculated based on 235 countries and territories. Findings Models were built for 110 countries or territories: 83 were approved by local experts and 27 were based on published data alone. Using data from these models, plus population-weighted regional averages for countries and territories without models (n=125), we estimated a global prevalence of viraemic HCV infection of 0·7% (95% UI 0·7–0·9), corresponding to 56·8 million (95% UI 55·2–67·8) infections, on Jan 1, 2020. This number represents a decrease of 6·8 million viraemic infections from a 2015 (beginning of year) prevalence estimate of 63·6 million (61·8–75·8) infections (0·9% [0·8–1·0] prevalence). By the end of 2020, an estimated 12·9 million (12·5–15·4) people were living with a diagnosed viraemic infection. In 2020, an estimated 641 000 (623 000–765000) patients initiated treatment. Interpretation At the beginning of 2020, there were an estimated 56·8 million viraemic HCV infections globally. Although this number represents a decrease from 2015, our forecasts suggest we are not currently on track to achieve global elimination targets by 2030. As countries recover from COVID-19, these findings can help refocus efforts aimed at HCV elimination.
Auto-disable (AD) syringes are specifically designed to prevent syringe reuse. However, the notion that specific AD syringe designs may be unsafe due to reuse concerns related to the syringe’s activation point has surfaced. We conducted a systematic review for evidence on the association between AD syringe design and syringe reuse, adverse events following immunization (AEFI), or blood borne virus (BBV) transmission. We found no evidence of an association between AD syringe design and unsafe injection practices including syringe reuse, AEFIs, or BBVs. Authors of three records speculated about the possibility of AD syringe reuse through intentionally defeating the disabling mechanism, and one hinted at the possibility of reuse of larger-than-required syringes, but none reported any actual reuse instance. In contrast to AD syringes, standard disposable syringes continue to be reused; therefore, the global health community should expand the use of AD syringes in both immunization and therapeutic context as an essential strategy for curbing BBV transmission.
Viral hepatitis is a major public health threat and a leading cause of death worldwide. Annual mortality from viral hepatitis is similar to that of other major infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis. Highly effective prevention measures and treatments have made the global elimination of viral hepatitis a realistic goal, endorsed by all WHO member states. Ambitious targets call for a global reduction in hepatitis-related mortality of 65% and a 90% reduction in new infections by 2030. This Commission draws together a wide range of expertise to appraise the current global situation and to identify priorities globally, regionally, and nationally needed to accelerate progress. We identify 20 heavily burdened countries that account for over 75% of the global burden of viral hepatitis. Key recommendations include a greater focus on national progress towards elimination with support given, if necessary, through innovative financing measures to ensure elimination programmes are fully funded by 2020. In addition to further measures to improve access to vaccination and treatment, greater attention needs to be paid to access to affordable, high-quality diagnostics if testing is to reach the levels needed to achieve elimination goals. Simplified, decentralised models of care removing requirements for specialised prescribing will be required to reach those in need, together with sustained efforts to tackle stigma and discrimination. We identify key examples of the progress that has already been made in many countries throughout the world, demonstrating that sustained and coordinated efforts can be successful in achieving the WHO elimination goals.