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Embedding the prime model of real exponentiation into o-minimal exponential fields

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Motivated by the decidability question for the theory of real exponentiation and by the Transfer Conjecture for o-minimal exponential fields, we show that, under the assumption of Schanuel's Conjecture, the prime model of real exponentiation is embeddable into any o-minimal exponential field. This is deduced from a more general unconditional result on the embeddability of exponential algebraic closures in o-minimal exponential fields.
arXiv:2302.01609v1 [math.LO] 3 Feb 2023
Abstract. Motivated by the decidability question for the theory of
real exponentiation and by the Transfer Conjecture for o-minimal expo-
nential fields, we show that, under the assumption of Schanuel’s Con-
jecture, the prime model of real exponentiation is embeddable into any
o-minimal exponential field. This is deduced from a more general un-
conditional result on the embeddability of exponential algebraic closures
in o-minimal exponential fields.
1. Introduction
In his highly influential work [18], Tarski proved that the complete the-
ory Trcf of the real closed field Rin the language of ordered rings Lor =
{+,,·,0,1, <}is decidable, by presenting an explicit quantifier-elimination
algorithm for Trcf . As a result, he noted that the Lor-structure (R,+,,·,0,
1, <) is in modern terminology o-minimal, i.e. any unary definable sub-
set of this structure is a finite union of points and open intervals. In the
same work, Tarski asked whether decidability can also be obtained for the
complete theory Texp of the real exponential field Rexp = (R,+,,·,0,1,
<, exp), where exp denotes the standard exponential function x7→ exon
R. While this question is open to the date, considerable progress has been
made since the 1990s: In [19], Wilkie proved that Rexp is model complete,
and thus this structure is o-minimal (cf. also van den Dries, Macintyre and
Marker [4]). Bulding on this result, Macintyre and Wilkie [13] showed that
under the assumption of the real version of Schanuel’s Conjecture below,
Texp is decidable.
Schanuel’s Conjecture. Let nNand let α1,...,αnRbe Q-linearly
independent. Then the transcendence degree of Q(α1,...,αn,eα1,...,eαn)
over Qis at least n.
In general, an ordered exponential field K= (K, +,,·,0,1, <, E) is an
expansion of an ordered field (K, +,,·,0,1, <) by an exponential E, i.e. an
order-preserving isomorphism from the ordered additive group (K, +,0, <)
Date: 6 February 2023.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C64 (03C60 12J15 12L12 12J10)
to the ordered multiplicative group (K>0,·,1, <). We denote the corres-
ponding first-order language Lor {E}, where Eis a unary function sym-
bol, by Lexp. Following the terminology of Krapp [10], we call an ordered
exponential field Kan EXP-field if its exponential satisfies the first-order
Lexp-sentence expressing the differential equation E=E. While Rexp
and, more generally, any model of Texp is an o-minimal EXP-field, it is
not known whether every o-minimal EXP-field is already a model of Texp.
In [5, page 153 f.], van den Dries stated a transfer conjecture for o-minimal
structures, which specialises to EXP-fields as follows (cf. Krapp [11, Obser-
vation 4.54] for details):
Transfer Conjecture. Any o-minimal EXP-field is elementarily equivalent
to Rexp.
Berarducci and Servi [1] showed that the Transfer Conjecture would imply
that Texp is decidable. This result motivated the study of o-minimal EXP-
fields in connection to the Transfer Conjecture.
One approach towards proving the Transfer Conjecture is to show that
the (unique) prime model of real exponentiation, i.e. the prime model of
Texp, elementarily embeds into any o-minimal EXP-field, which is also the
motivating question for this line of research.
Question 1.1 (Main question).Does the prime model of Texp elementarily
embed into any o-minimal EXP-field?
Note that Question 1.1 can be answered positively if and only if the Trans-
fer Conjecture holds: given an o-minimal EXP-field K, if Kis a model of
Texp, then the prime model Pof Texp elementarily embeds into K, and if P
elementarily embeds into K, then Kis already a model of Texp . It is thus
natural to attempt answering Question 1.1 affirmatively only under the as-
sumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture, as a positive answer would imply the
decidability of Texp via the Transfer Conjecture.
While this note does not provide a complete answer to Question 1.1, we
show in Theorem 3.4 that under the assumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture,
the prime model of Texp embeds into any o-minimal EXP-field (however,
this embedding might not necessarily be elementary). This result is deduced
from the technical heart of this paper, Theorem 2.6, which is a more general
unconditional embeddability result for exponential algebraic closures of Z
within one o-minimal EXP-field into another. Finally, we complete this
note by discussing in Section 4 how Question 1.1 relates to another approach
towards the Transfer Conjecture via elementary embeddability of the residue
exponential field (cf. Krapp [10, Proposition 3.6]).
1.1. Notation and terminology. More background on the model the-
oretic notation and terminology we use can be found in Marker [15]. If
it is clear from the context, then the Lor -structure of an ordered field
(K, +,,·,0,1, <) is simply denoted by Kand the Lexp-structure of an
ordered exponential field (K, +,,·,0,1, <, E) simply by (K, E ). Given an
ordered exponential field (K, E), we say that a subfield FKis exponen-
tially closed in (K, E ) if the restriction E|Fis an exponential on F. In
this case, if no confusion is likely to arise, then we also denote E|Fsimply
by Eand write (F, E)(K, E) for the corresponding embedding of ordered
exponential fields. For any structure M= (M,...), its complete theory is
denoted by Th(M) and its existential theory by Th(M). For instance,
Texp = Th(Rexp) denotes the theory of real exponentiation and Th(Rexp)
denotes the existential theory of real exponentiation. The definable closure
of a set Cin Mis denoted by dcl(C;M). We say that a set is definable if it
is definable with parameters, and we say that it is A-definable if we wish to
specify the set of possible parameters A. Variable tuples are denoted by x,
and we only specify their length if it is of importance. If x= (x1,...,xn),
we write E(x) for the tuple (E(x1),...,E(xn)). We denote by Nthe set
of natural numbers without 0. Throughout the rest of this note, let
(K, E)denote an o-minimal EXP-field.
Remark 1.2. The Transfer Conjecture motivates us to entirely focus on
o-minimal ordered exponential fields (K, E) whose exponential satisfies the
differential equation E=E. For a general o-minimal ordered exponen-
tial field (F, e), it is ensured by o-minimality that eis differentiable in all
but finitely many points in F(cf. van den Dries [6, Chapter 7, Proposi-
tion 2.5]). Due to a general property of exponentials, this implies that esat-
isfies the differential equation e=ae for some positive aF(cf. Krapp [11,
Corollary 2.14]). We can thus change the base of exponentiation, i.e. set
E:FF>0, x 7→ e(a1x), to obtain an exponential Eon Fwith E=E,
that is, (F, E) becomes an o-minimal EXP-field. By this base change ar-
gument, most results in this note, in particular Theorem 2.6, can also be
generalised to any o-minimal ordered exponential field, e.g. o-minimal ex-
ponential fields (F, e) with the property e(1) = 2 (base-2 exponentiation as
done in Carl and Krapp [2, Section 4.2]).
2. Exponential algebraic closures
In the following, we mostly follow the terminology of Macintyre [14] and
Kirby [9] adjusted to our context. For a subring AK, we say that Ais
an E-ring if it is closed under E, i.e. for any aAalso E(a)A. The
smallest E-ring in Kis denoted by ZE. If Ais an E-ring, then we denote by
A[x1,...,xn]Ethe ring of exponential polynomials in nvariables, that
is, the smallest ring containing the polynomial ring A[x1,...,xn] such that
for any yA[x1,...,xn]Ealso E(y)A[x1,...,xn]E. (We refer the reader
to [14, Section 1.7] for an explicit construction of A[x1,...,xn]E.)
Definition 2.1. (i) Let nNand let AKbe an E-ring. Moreover,
let f1,...,fnA[x1,...,xn]Eand let |Jf1,...,fn(x)|denote the de-
terminant of the Jacobian matrix
Jf1,...,fn(x) =
∂x1(x)... f1
∂x1(x)... fn
Then the Khovanskii system S(x) of f1,...,fnover Ais the sys-
tem of equations and inequations
f1(x) = ...=fn(x) = 0 and |Jf1,...,fn(x)| 6= 0.
(ii) Let Bbe a subset of Kand let AKbe the smallest E-ring
containing B. An element a1Kis said to be exponentially
algebraic over Bif for some nNthere exist a Khovanskii system
S(x1,...,xn) over Aand a2,...,anKsuch that (a1,...,an) solves
this system. The set of all elements of Kthat are exponentially
algebraic over Bis called the exponential algebraic closure of B
in (K, E) and is denoted by CLE
Note that the condition on the determinant of the Jacobian to be non-
zero implies that Khovanskii systems only have isolated solutions. This is
a consequence of the Implicit Function Theorem in o-minimal structures
(cf. van den Dries [6, page 113]).
Lemma 2.2. Let Bbe a subset of K. Then CLE
K(B)is a subfield of Kthat
is exponentially closed in (K, E).
Proof. Let F= CLE
K(B) and let AKbe the smallest E-ring containing B.
By Kirby [9, Lemma 3.3] and Macintyre [14, Lemma 21], Fis an E-ring and a
field. Thus, E|Fdefines an order-preserving homomorphism from (F, +,0, <
) to (F>0,·,1, <). Since Eis injective, so is its restriction to F. To verify
that E|Fis also surjective, let a1F>0and fix nN,f1(x),...,fn(x)
A[x1,...,xn]Eand a2,...,anKsuch that a= (a1,...,an) solves the
Khovanskii system S(x) of f1,...,fn. Set f0(y, x1) = E(y)x1. Then there
is some dKwith E(d) = a1, i.e. f0(d, a1) = 0. Note that |Jf0,...,fn(y, x)|=
E(y)|Jf1,...,fn(x)|. Hence, (d, a1,...,an) solves the Khovanskii system e
x) of f0,...,fn. This yields yF, as required.
We now investigate the connection between the definable closure and
the exponential algebraic closure in o-minimal EXP-fields. In particular,
we show that for any model of real exponentiation (K, E) we have that
K(), E) is the prime model of Texp (see Proposition 2.5).
Lemma 2.3. Let AKbe an E-ring and let S(x)be a Khovanskii system
over A. Then Sonly has finitely many solutions in K.
Proof. Since (K, E ) is o-minimal, S(x) = S(x1,...,xn) defines finitely many
connected components in Kn(cf. van den Dries [6, §3.2]). By the condition
that the Jacobian matrix of the system of exponential polynomial equations
in Shas to be non-singular, all solutions of S(x) in Kare isolated. Thus,
S(x) defines a set consisting of finitely many isolated points in Kn. In
particular, S(x) only has finitely many solutions.
Lemma 2.4. Let Bbe a subset of K. Then CLE
K(B)dcl(B; (K, E)).
Proof. Let AKbe the smallest E-ring containing B, let a1CLE
K(A) and
let S(x) be a Khovanskii system over Asuch that for some a2,...,anK
the tuple (a1,...,an) solves S. Let CKnbe the A-definable set of all
cKnwith (K, E)|=S(c). Lemma 2.3 shows that Cis finite.
Let CKbe the projection of Conto the first coordinate. Then C
is A-definable as well as finite and a1C. Suppose that a1is the k-th
element of Cin the ordering on Cinduced by the ordering on K. Then
there exists an Lexp-formula ϕ(x) with parameters in Aexpressing that xis
the k-th element of C, and (K, E)|=ϕ(a1) !x ϕ(x). Hence, a1dcl(A;
(K, E)). It remains to note that any element of Ais B-definable in (K, E)
and thus dcl(A; (K, E)) = dcl(B; (K, E)).
Recall that due to definable Skolem functions in o-minimal expansions of
ordered groups, for any subset Bof Kwe have that (dcl(B; (K, E)), E)
(K, E), i.e. dcl(B; (K, E )) is the domain of an elementary substructure of
(K, E). Hence, (dcl(; (K, E )), E) is the unique prime model of Th(K, E )
(cf. Krapp [11, Proposition 4.75] for further details).
If (K, E) is not only assumed to be an o-minimal EXP-field but already
a model of real exponentiation, then we can strengthen the conclusion of
Lemma 2.4 to CLE
K(B) = dcl(B; (K, E)). The following result is mentioned
by Macintyre in [14, Theorem 22], who attributes it to Wilkie [19]. For the
convenience of the reader, we give a proof based on Macintyre and Wilkie [13,
Theorem 2.1].
Proposition 2.5. Let (K, E)|=Texp and let Bbe a subset of K. Then
dcl(B; (K, E)) = CLE
In particular, (CLE
K(B), E)(K, E )and (CLE
K(), E)is the prime model
of Texp.
Proof. By Lemma 2.4, we only have to show dcl(B; (K, E)) CLE
K(B). Let
AKbe the smallest E-ring containing B, and let bdcl(A; (K, E )) =
dcl(B; (K, E)). Then there exists a function gthat is -definable in (K, E)
such that g(a) = bfor some aA. Since (K, E) is model complete, there
is some atomic Lexp-formula ϕ(v, w) such that w ϕ(v, w) defines g. After
replacing the variables, this defining formula is equivalent to one of the form
zp(x, y, z) = 0,
where p(x, y, z) = q(x, y, z , E(x), E(y), E (z)) for some qZ[x, y, z , x, y, z]
(cf. e.g. Servi [17, Proposition 4.5.4] for details). Thus,
(K, E)|=xy(g(x) = y z p(x, y, z) = 0).
In particular, we have
(K, E)|=z p(a, b, z ) = 0 !yz p(a, y, z) = 0.(2.1)
Let f(y, z) = p(a, y, z )A[y, z ]E=A[y, z1,...,z]E. We now apply [13,
Theorem 2.1] to the setting n=r=+ 1, k= CLE
K(A) and S=V={α
Kn|f(α) = 0}: There exist f0,...,fk[y, z]Eand c, d Ksuch that
f(c, d) = f0(c, d) = ...=f(c, d) = 0 and |Jf0,...,f(c, d)| 6= 0.
This means that (c, d) solves the Khovanskii system of f0,...,f, whence
K(k). By (2.1) we already have c=b. In conclusion, bCLE
K(k) =
K(A)) = CLE
K(A) = CLE
K(B) (by Kirby [9, Lemma 3.3 (3)]).
The aim of this note is to show that, under the assumption of Schanuel’s
Conjecture, the prime model of Texp is embeddable into any o-minimal EXP-
field (see Theorem 3.4). This result will be deduced from the more general
Theorem 2.6. The proof of Theorem 2.6 relies on onig’s Infinity Lemma,
which we introduce in the following.
Let Vbe a set and let E P(V) such that |e| {1,2}for any eE.
We call the pair C= (V , E) a graph on V. The elements of Vare called
the vertices of Cand the elements of Eare called the edges of C. For any
x, y Vwe say that xand yare neighbours if {x, y} E. Suppose that
Vis infinite and let Cbe a graph on V. Let (vn)nN∪{0}be a sequence of
pairwise distinct elements in V. We say that v0v1... is a ray in Cif for any
nN0we have {vn, vn+1} E. The proof of the following can be found in
Diestel [3, Lemma 8.1.2].
onig’s Infinity Lemma. Let (Vn)nN∪{0}be an infinite family of disjoint
non-empty finite sets and let Cbe a graph on their union. Suppose that for
any nN, any vertex xVnhas a neighbour yVn1. Then Ccontains
a ray v0v1... with vnVnfor any nN {0}.
Theorem 2.6. Let (K1, E1)and (K2, E2)be o-minimal EXP-fields. Sup-
pose that (K2, E2)|= Th(K1, E1). Then there exists an Lexp-embedding of
the ordered exponential field (CLE1
K1(), E1)into (K2, E2).
Proof. Let A= CLE1
(). Lemma 2.2 shows that (F, E1) is an ordered ex-
ponential field. Since there are only countably many Khovanskii systems
with coefficients in ZEand by Lemma 2.3 each Khovanskii system only has
finitely many solutions in K1, the set Ais countable. Let A={a1, a2,...}
be an enumeration of A. Let (ck)kNbe new constant symbols and expand
Lexp to L=Lexp {ck|kN}. Now (K1, E1) expands to an L-structure
K1by interpreting cK1
k=akfor any kN. Consider the atomic diagram
Diag(A, E1) of (A, E1) given by the set of all atomic L-formulas and neg-
ations of such satisfied in K1. By the Diagram Lemma (cf. Marker [15,
Lemma 2.3.3 i)]), we need to interpret each ckin (K2, E2) such that the
K2=K2, E2,cK2
satisfies K2|= Diag(A, E1), in order to obtain an Lexp-embedding of (A, E1)
into (K2, E2).
For convenience, we introduce the convention that any quantifier-free
Lexp-formula αis written as α(x), where x= (x1, x2,...) and substitut-
ing for a variable that does not appear in α(x) does not change the for-
mula. Moreover, an expression of the form α(c) stands for the L-sentence
α(c1, c2,...) and xα(x) stands for existential quantification over all free
variables in α(x).
Since Diag(A, E1) is countable, we can enumerate it by
Diag(A, E1) = {ϕ1(c), ϕ2(c),...},
where each ϕi(x) is a quantifier-free Lexp-formula. For each iN, set
i(x) =
ϕ(x) and ψi=ψ
i(c) =
Note that any model of ψisatisfies the first isentences in the enumeration
of Diag(A, E1). Thus, for the L-theory Σ = {ψi|iN}, we have
Σ {ϕ1(c), ϕ2(c),...}.
Hence, it suffices to interpret each ckin K2such that K2|= Σ.
Let kNbe arbitrary. Since akCLE1
(), there is a Khovanskii system
Sk(y1,...,yn) over ZEsuch that
(K1, E1)|=ySk(ak, y2,...,yn).
Since (K2, E2)|= Th(K1, E1), the set
Bk=bK2|(K2, E2)|=y Sk(b, y2,...,yn)
is non-empty. Moreover, Bkis finite by Lemma 2.3.
For any nN, let
(K2, E2)|=xyψ
n(b1,...,bn, xn+1,...)
S(b, y)o.
(K1, E1)|=xyψ
n(a1,...,an, xn+1,...)
Sa, y,
we can argue as above to obtain that Xn6=. Moreover, since Xn
B1×...×Bn, we have that Xnis finite.
Let iN, let πidenote the projection of a tuple onto the i-th coordinate
and let eπidenote the projection of a tuple of length at least ionto the first
icoordinates. Since for any jNwe have that {ψ
j+1} ψ
j, we obtain
Xi=eπi(Xi)eπi(Xi+1). . . .(2.2)
(b1,...,bn)Xnfor any nNo.
We construct an infinite graph Cand then apply onig’s Infinity Lemma to
show that X6=. The set of vertices of Cis given by the disjoint union of
all Xifor iNplus some element v0not contained in any Xi. We construct
the set of edges Eof Cas follows. All vertices in X1are neighbours of v0.
Moreover, for any iN, a vertex wXi+1 is a neighbour of a vertex vXi
if eπi(w) = vor, in other words, if the tuples vand wcoincide in the rst i
components. By (2.2), for any nNwith n2, any vertex wXnhas
a neighbour vXn1. Moreover, any vertex in X1has v0as a neighbour.
Thus, all conditions for onig’s Infinity Lemma are satisfied, yielding that
Ccontains an infinite ray v0v1... with viXifor any iN. In particular,
for any iNwe have
eπi(vi+1) = vi.
Finally, we can interpret
for any iN. We can now show that K2|= Σ. Let iNand consider
ψiΣ. Let NNwith Nisuch that for any j > N the constant cj
does not appear in ψi. By construction of v0v1..., we have that
N(c1,...,cN, xN+1,...).
But ψ
N(x) is of the form ψ
i(x)ϕi+1(x)...ϕN(x). Thus, we have
i(c1,...,cN) x(ϕi+1(x)...ϕN(x)) .
Hence, K2|=ψi, as required.
3. Prime model of real exponentiation
For the rest of this note, we denote by (P, exp) the prime model
of Texp.Since (P, exp) |=Texp, any structure containing (P, exp) as a
substructure already satisfies the existential theory Th(Rexp). Thus, by
Proposition 2.5 and Theorem 2.6 we obtain the following.
Corollary 3.1. There is an emebedding of (P, exp) into (K, E )if and only
if (K, E)|= Th(Rexp ).
Corollary 3.1 shows that o-minimal EXP-fields satisfying the existential
theory of real exponentiation contain the prime model of real exponentiation
as a substructure. Under the assumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture, any o-
minimal EXP-field satisfies Th(Rexp). This fact is basically due to Servi [17,
page 104] (cf. also Krapp [11, Proposition 4.57]).
Fact 3.2. Assume Schanuel’s Conjecture. Then any o-minimal EXP-field
satisfies Th(Rexp).
Remark 3.3. In light of the Transfer Conjecture, one would hope that
Schanuel’s Conjecture implies that any o-minimal EXP-fields already satis-
fies the complete theory Texp of real exponentiation. However, already for
the weaker conclusion of Fact 3.2 it is sensible to assume Schanuel’s Conjec-
ture: As discussed in [17, Section 4.5], if the existential theory Th(Rexp)
is decidable, then so is the complete theory Texp. Due to Fornasiero and
Servi [7] as well as Hieronymi [8], there exists a recursive axiomatisation of
the class of all o-minimal EXP-fields (cf. also [11, Theorem 4.30]). Hence,
already the conclusion of Fact 3.2 would imply the decidability of Texp .
As a result of Corollary 3.1 and Fact 3.2, we obtain the desired main
result of this note.
Theorem 3.4. Assume Schanuel’s Conjecture. Then (P, exp) embeds into
any o-minimal EXP-field.
4. Residue exponential field
In this final section, we discuss how our results above relate to another
approach towards the Transfer Conjecture via exponential residue fields.
Following the notation of Krapp [10], we denote by Rvthe valuation ring of
the natural valuation on K, by Ivits valuation ideal and by K=Rv/Ivthe
residue field. In terms of the ordering on K, we have Rv={aK| |a|<
nfor some nN}(the convex hull of Zin K) and Iv={aK| |a|<
nfor all nN}. The ordering on Kis given by a > 0 if and only if a > 0
and a6= 0, where aRvand a=a+Iv. Due to [10, Proposition 3.2], the
residue exponential E:KK>0, a 7→ E(a) is a well-defined exponential
on K. Moreover, [10, Theorem 3.3] shows that the residue exponential field
(K, E) elementarily embeds into Rexp. (Note that this Lexp -embedding is
unique, as any Lor-embedding of an archimedean field into Ris already
unique.) In particular, (K, E ) is a model of Texp. Hence, an affirmative
answer to the following question is equivalent to the Transfer Conjecture
(cf. [10, Proposition 3.6]).
Question 4.1. Let (K, E)be an o-minimal EXP-field. Is (K , E)element-
arily embeddable into (K, E )?
Just as for Question 1.1, the first approach towards Question 4.1 would
be to show that the residue exponential field of (K, E ) is embeddable into
(K, E). Under the assumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture, this is indeed the
case for sufficiently saturated o-minimal EXP-fields.
Proposition 4.2. Suppose that (K, E)is 20-saturated. Then (K, E) =
Rexp. Moreover, under the assumtion of Schanuel’s Conjecture, (K, E)em-
beds into (K, E ).
10 L. S. KRAPP
Proof. Since Kis ω-saturated as an Lor -structure, the residue field Kis iso-
morphic to Rvia a unique isomorphism (see e.g. S. Kuhlmann, F.-V. Kuhl-
mann, Marshall and Zekavat [12, Theorem 6.2]). By [10, Theorem 3.3], we
already obtain (K, E ) = Rexp.
Assuming Schanuel’s Conjecture, Fact 3.2 implies that (K, E)|= Th(
Rexp). Equivalently, Rexp satisfies the universal theory of (K, E ). Thus,
Rexp can be embedded into some (K1, E1)|= Th(K, E) (see e.g. Sarbadhi-
kari and Srivastava [16, Proposition 2.4.2]), where K1can be chosen of car-
dinality |K1|= max{|R|,|Lexp|} = 20by the owenheim–Skolem Theorem.
Now (K, E) is 20+
-universal, and thus (K1, E1) elementarily embeds into
(K, E). Hence, Rexp embeds into (K, E).
Let (F, E) be a 20-saturated elementary extension of (K, E). We obtain
the following chain of substructures (where each elementary embedding is
(P, exp) (K , E)Rexp = (F , E )
Assuming Schanuel’s Conjecture, Theorem 3.4 and Proposition 4.2 respect-
ively give us Lexp-embeddings
ϕ: (P, exp) ֒(K, E) and ψ:Rexp ֒(F, E ).
In conclusion, we obtain the following picture:
(K, E) (F, E)
(P, exp) (K , E) (F , E)
Acknowledgements. Several results of this work were part of my doctoral
thesis [11]. In this regard, I wish to thank my supervisor Salma Kuhlmann
for her continuous help and support. I also thank Alessandro Berarducci for
an insightful discussion about [11, Corollaries 4.59 and 4.90], which encour-
aged me to compose this note.
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Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik, Universit¨
at Konstanz, 78457 Kon-
stanz, Germany
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Exploring further the connection between exponentiation on real closed fields and the existence of an integer part modelling strong fragments of arithmetic, we demonstrate that each model of true arithmetic is an integer part of an exponential real closed field that is elementarily equivalent to the real numbers with exponentiation and that each model of Peano arithmetic is an integer part of a real closed field that admits an isomorphism between its ordered additive and its ordered multiplicative group of positive elements. Under the assumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture, we obtain further strengthenings for the last statement.
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Let F be an Archimedean field, G a divisible ordered abelian group and h a group exponential on G. A triple (F, G, h) is realised in a non-Archimedean exponential field (K, exp) if the residue field of K under the natural valuation is F and the induced exponential group of (K, exp) is (G, h). We give a full characterisation of all triples (F, G, h) which can be realised in a model of real exponentiation in the following two cases: i) G is countable. ii) G is of cardinality κ and κ-saturated for an uncountable regular cardinal κ with κ^(<κ) = κ. Moreover, we show that for any o-minimal exponential field (K, exp) satisfying the differential equation exp' = exp, its residue exponential field is a model of real exponentiation.
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An exponential exp on an ordered field (K, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <) is an order-preserving isomorphism from the ordered additive group (K, +, 0, <) to the ordered multiplicative group of positive elements(K^(>0), ·, 1, <). The structure (K, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp) is then called an ordered exponential field. A linearly ordered structure (M, <, ...) is called o-minimal if every parametrically definable subset ofMis a finite union of points and open intervals of M.The main subject of this thesis is the algebraic and model theoretic examinationof o-minimal exponential fields (K, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp) whose exponential satisfiesthe differential equation exp′ = exp with initial condition exp(0) = 1. This study is mainly motivated by the Transfer Conjecture, which states as follows: Any o-minimal exponential field (K, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp) whose exponential satisfies the differential equation exp′ = exp with initial condition exp(0) = 1is elementarily equivalent to R_exp. Here, R_exp denotes the real exponential field (R, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp), where exp denotes the standard exponential on R. Moreover, elementary equivalence means that any first-order sentence in the language L_exp = {+, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp} holds for (K, +, −, ·, 0, 1, <, exp) if and only if it holds for R_exp. The Transfer Conjecture, and thus the study of o-minimal exponentialfields, is of particular interest in the light of the decidability of R_exp. To the date, it is not known if R_exp is decidable, i.e. whether there exists a procedure determining for agiven first-order L_exp-sentence whether it is true or false in R_exp. However, underthe assumption of Schanuel’s Conjecture – a famous open conjecture from Transcendental Number Theory – a decision procedure for R_exp exists. Also a positive answerto the Transfer Conjecture would result in the decidability of R_exp. Thus, we study o-minimal exponential fields with regard to the Transfer Conjecture, Schanuel’s Conjecture and the decidability question of R_exp.Overall, we shed light on the valuation theoretic invariants of o-minimal exponential fields – the residue field and the value group – with additional induced structure. Moreover, we explore elementary substructures and extensions of o-minimal exponential fields to the maximal ends – the smallest elementary substructures being prime models and the maximal elementary extensions being contained in thesurreal numbers. Further, we draw connections to models of Peano Arithmetic, integer parts, density in real closure, definable henselian valuations and strongly NIP ordered fields.
This self-contained book is an exposition of the fundamental ideas of model theory. It presents the necessary background from logic, set theory and other topics of mathematics. Only some degree of mathematical maturity and willingness to assimilate ideas from diverse areas are required. The book can be used for both teaching and self-study, ideally over two semesters. It is primarily aimed at graduate students in mathematical logic who want to specialise in model theory. However, the first two chapters constitute the first introduction to the subject and can be covered in one-semester course to senior undergraduate students in mathematical logic. The book is also suitable for researchers who wish to use model theory in their work. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017. All rights are reserved.
This standard textbook of modern graph theory, now in its fifth edition, combines the authority of a classic with the engaging freshness of style that is the hallmark of active mathematics. It covers the core material of the subject with concise yet reliably complete proofs, while offering glimpses of more advanced methods in each field by one or two deeper results, again with proofs given in full detail. The book can be used as a reliable text for an introductory course, as a graduate text, and for self-study. From the reviews: “This outstanding book cannot be substituted with any other book on the present textbook market. It has every chance of becoming the standard textbook for graph theory.”Acta Scientiarum Mathematiciarum “Deep, clear, wonderful. This is a serious book about the heart of graph theory. It has depth and integrity. ”Persi Diaconis & Ron Graham, SIAM Review “The book has received a very enthusiastic reception, which it amply deserves. A masterly elucidation of modern graph theory.” Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications “Succeeds dramatically ... a hell of a good book.” MAA Reviews “A highlight of the book is what is by far the best account in print of the Seymour-Robertson theory of graph minors.” Mathematika “ ... like listening to someone explain mathematics.” Bulletin of the AMS
We consider definably complete Baire expansions of ordered fields: every definable subset of the domain of the structure has a supremum and the domain cannot be written as the union of a definable increasing family of nowhere dense sets. Every expansion of the real field is definably complete and Baire, and so is every o-minimal expansion of a field. Moreover, unlike the o-minimal case, the structures considered form an axiomatizable class. In this context we prove a version of the Kuratowski-Ulam Theorem, some restricted version of Sard’s Lemma and a version of Khovanskiĭ’s Finiteness Theorem. We apply these results to prove the o-minimality of every definably complete Baire expansion of an ordered field with any family of definable Pfaffian functions.
1. Some elementary results 2. Semialgebraic sets 3. Cell decomposition 4. Definable invariants: Dimension and Euler characteristic 5. The Vapnik-Chernovenkis property in o-minimal structures 6. Point-set topology in o-minimal structures 7. Smoothness 8. Triangulation 9. Trivialization 10. Definable spaces and quotients.
By a decision method for a class K of sentence (or other expressions) is meant a method by means of which, given any sentence θ, one can always decide in a finite number of steps whether θ is in K; by a decision problem for a class K we mean the problem of finding a decision method for K. A decision method must be like a recipe, which tells one what to do at each steps so that no intelligence is required to follow it; and the method can be applied by anyone so long as he is able to read and follow directions.